2024 Approved An Intro Video Describing You and Your Content Is the First and the Foremost Thing Which a Viewer Sees. Thinking of How to Make an Interesting Intro Video, This Blog Is Surely a Supportive Guide for You. Learn More Here

2024 Approved An Intro Video Describing You and Your Content Is the First and the Foremost Thing Which a Viewer Sees. Thinking of How to Make an Interesting Intro Video, This Blog Is Surely a Supportive Guide for You. Learn More Here

Morgan Lv12

An Intro Video Describing You and Your Content Is the First and the Foremost Thing Which a Viewer Sees. Thinking of How to Make an Interesting Intro Video, This Blog Is Surely a Supportive Guide for You. Learn More Here

You scroll through different social media platforms which lead you to different bloggers and content creators who introduce themselves through the precise intro videos. It the point where a viewer either turns towards or turns away from a person presenting a brand or a business. Intro videos are a must, particularly when you are new in business and promotions. Bringing your story to life in your intro video requires a propaganda to ensure that it evokes feelings of trust, confidence, and curiosity among your target viewers.

The pillar on which a striking intro videos stands is not just a monotonous visualization with poor graphics and music. It requires expertise and moreover, it requires a ‘point’. Your boring intro video would be purposeless for the people who’re watching it. Each second, you express something new, yet filled with intricate details about your work and brand. Let’s dig in a little deeper to know how exactly your introduction video will generate leads and connects you with your target audience.

Part 1: Why Intro Video is Important

An intro video, just like it sounds, is an introduction of your brand, your content or anything that you’re promoting. It appears as soon as the viewers are all set to explore your content and brand. To make the viewer’s first glimpse of your work worthwhile, it is crucial that you explain your value preposition through a precise and appealing intro video. It is through the intro videos that your work is noticed and promoted. It is important to create a story highlight for your viewers while you’re setting the decorum of your business, brand or other content.

Additionally, your video must fulfill components of a striking intro video. Whatever you are trying to say should be clear in your video. Besides being clear enough, your intro video must be short, precise and goal-oriented. You are attracting viewers so make their view purposeful with your intro video which should tell your story. The intro video, if presented flawlessly, can captivate the visitors to interact with you and can even inspire them to add into the growth of your business/content. In a nutshell, an intro video brings your business to life, increase your boost and grabs your visitors’ attention.

Part 2: When to Use Intro Video

Apart from a variety of benefits it offers, the intro video basically forms the balusters of your brand or content. Intro videos are commonly used in the following domains:

Boost Sales : Incorporating a precise piece of work in the form of an intro video can help you boost sales magically. It is far the most effective strategy you company or brand can adopt. Your brief intro video can tell your story and convey your message in an emotional and dramatic way, which consequently attracts more viewers and ultimately, results in the boost of your sales. It is just as similar to you playing with the minds of your audience. A higher audience engagement due to your intro video can definitely prove that intro video is an asset which you can offer in addition to your marketing strategies.

boost sales intro video

More Social Shares: Social media is undoubtedly far the most highly competitive space for your brands and businesses to work like magic. It is insane how brands and businesses are promoted on the tip of your fingers by sharing the gist of your work. That gist, is of course what we are talking about here in this article. Intro videos are brief and appealing which can easily by shared over multiple platforms. The more the social shares of your intro video, the more you receive the nectar of your input.

more social shares intro video

Build Personality: If you’re socially awkward or on the contrary, a social freak; the intro video covers you all. Whoever you are and whatever you do, is most creatively presented through a precise intro video. The intricately woven description of your work in an intro video definitely does wonders. People see you through your work and they see your work and you simultaneously through an intro video, then why risk creating it conventionally?

build personality intro video

Increase Brand Awareness: Creating a brand awareness video which narrates your story in a presentable manner is like wining the internet’s mode of lottery. A thoroughly considered and precise piece of your intro video can go viral at an unbelievable pace and before you even know, your marketing has done wonders all over the digital media. What is your brand, what it offers, how it benefits you and who is the target audience; all these queries are explained through a short intro video which would ultimately result in your brand recognition and thus the growth.

increase brand awareness intro video

Part 3: Best Intro Video Maker

Out there, the market is jam-packed with people witnessing millions of videos on different media platforms every day. This only leads to crowded digital market but only your intro video can stand out and flaunt your work charmingly. Filmora is one best choice to professionally craft your intro video which can give your brand a head start in no time.

Wondershare Filmora is a time effective and easy to use video editing software that enable the users to create variety of videos by choosing among some great presets and powerful editing tools. Maintaining and improving the quality of videos, Filmora enables the users to choose across a variety of different video editing features. This video editing software is developed by Wondershare and it includes features for a range of users from beginner to intermediate levels.

add titles win 2

For a composition of your intro video, Filmora is the best go-to software so why wait another minute? Currently, Filmora is compatible with Windows and macOS computers. Some of the features offered by Filmora include the following:

Rich Intro Templates

A wide variety of professionally crafted templates are available on your fingertips so instead of conventionally editing your videos, get your hands on the stunning templates offered by Filmora. Filmora is equipped with multiple templates which provide the users a plethora of options when it comes to customizing videos. These templates are easy to use and your intro videos can turn into a magic movie with presets offered by Filmora so grab your setup today and enjoy the affordable software now.

rich intro templates

Numerous Video Effects

Importing media and editing it on the timeline to create a compelling tale is the first step in a video editor’s post-production process. Following those foundational steps, an editor applies various effects to the video in order to fix issues, improve mood, intensify suspense, and add magic to the video. Filmora offers a great variety of customizable filters, effects, transitions and the best part? You don’t even have to be a pro to use these effects.

effects 1

Title Editing

Filmora enables the intro video makers to adorn the titles of their videos by selecting among multiple text editing options. Both short videos and full-length movies must have opening titles and closing credits. You may catch the audience’s attention from the first frame of your video by coming up with inventive methods to employ text which precisely conveys the tale of your film. You may utilize more than a hundred text settings in Filmora’s Titles tab to add text to the video.

types of titles win1

Text to Speech/STT

Speaking in your videos may increase engagement and make it simpler for viewers to grasp what you’re saying. But how can you add audio without first recording it? Are you considering hiring a voice actor? Don’t worry! Filmora got your back by offering Text to Speech (TTS) function, which enables the users to add voice to your video. Filmora automatically transcripts your text files into speech on the click of a button.

text to speech stt

Audio Editing

Filmora additionally offers an audio panel where the software helps to manipulate audio added to your intro videos. The audio editing feature of Filmora enables users to improve the quality of the audio, to remove unwanted noises, balance pitch or change the length of a particular audio file.

add audio fade in fade out

Part 4: How to Create Intro Videos

To maintain consistency and to provide your brand with a unique identity, it is essential to carefully craft an intro video. Following is a step-by-step guide through which you can get your hands on this effective video editing software:

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to https://filmora.wondershare.com/ and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to https://filmora.wondershare.com/ and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to https://filmora.wondershare.com/ and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to https://filmora.wondershare.com/ and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Top 5 AI Music Video Examples and Makers to Make Them

Best 5 AI Music Video Examples and Makers to Make Them

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Music videos are an excellent combination of interesting videos and music files and with double entertainment, the efforts to make these videos are also double. Creating and editing these tools manually is not only a tedious but also time-consuming task and to help with this there are an array of music video maker tools and software available. With the advancement in technology these days, a lot of tools, companies, and setups are also creating versatile AI-generated videos which are a treat to eyes as well as ears. To learn more about these AI music video and creation tools, this article will be a great read.

AI Music Videos

In this article

01 [Some Interesting Examples Of AI Music Videos](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Music Video Makers](#Part 2)

Part 1 Some Interesting Examples Of AI Music Videos

The AI generated music video are getting the attention of a lot of users these days and if you too are keen to check out some of these files, check out the list below of YouTube music ai files.

Part 2 Top 5 Music Video Makers

To help you create music videos in a hassle-free manner and like a pro, several music video makers are available. We have shortlisted the list of popular 5 as below.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This is one of the best tools for creating a music video on your Windows and Mac systems. Quick to download, the program comes with several features that can be further customized for creating your desired footage. The drag and drop function further make the task quick and easy. To ensure that along with customized videos, the audio quality is also great, the software support functions like automatic audio sync, audio compression, audio equalizer, and more. For video editing, you can add transitions, filters, effects, and many other elements. By the way, now, you can generate music for commercial use and seamlessly select sound effects with Filmora’s filtering features. The interface is simple and user-friendly which makes the software apt for beginners as well as pros.

Wondershare Filmora

02Rotor Videos

This is an online music video-making service that can help you create your desired music videos within your budget. The process of creating the footage is simple where you just need to add and upload your music file, select the video clips that go with the theme of the audio, add the lyrics, and then finally process. The video will be ready and can be downloaded for further use. The tool is capable of analyzing the tempo, beat, and other elements of the music file and if needed you can also pay for accessing the video stock collection.

Rotor Videos

04VideoFX Music Video Maker

This is an Android-based app developed by FuzeBits Inc that allows the creation of interesting music videos. Using the app, you can also record the lip-sync music and then customize it using over 50 filters like neon, mirror, thermal, and more. Preset shooting modes – fast motion, auto-pause, and stop motion is also sorted. Other editing functions include stickers, text, filters, and more.

VideoFX Music Video Maker


This is an interesting tool for creating professional-looking music videos using its advanced features. With the drag and drop function, using the tool becomes very easy and it supports the function where the places on the track can be marked using the Hot Keys. The tempo of the song can also be changed by controlling the pitch and its complete music mixer will let you create awesome DJ-type tracks.


Ending Thoughts

Music videos are everywhere on digital media platforms and used for entertainment, promotion, and all other tasks.

The latest technology has taken these videos to another level by creating AI-generated music videos.

Several music video maker tools, apps, and software are available, and depending on what are your requirements, a selection can be done.

Try It Free Try It Free

Music videos are an excellent combination of interesting videos and music files and with double entertainment, the efforts to make these videos are also double. Creating and editing these tools manually is not only a tedious but also time-consuming task and to help with this there are an array of music video maker tools and software available. With the advancement in technology these days, a lot of tools, companies, and setups are also creating versatile AI-generated videos which are a treat to eyes as well as ears. To learn more about these AI music video and creation tools, this article will be a great read.

AI Music Videos

In this article

01 [Some Interesting Examples Of AI Music Videos](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Music Video Makers](#Part 2)

Part 1 Some Interesting Examples Of AI Music Videos

The AI generated music video are getting the attention of a lot of users these days and if you too are keen to check out some of these files, check out the list below of YouTube music ai files.

Part 2 Top 5 Music Video Makers

To help you create music videos in a hassle-free manner and like a pro, several music video makers are available. We have shortlisted the list of popular 5 as below.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This is one of the best tools for creating a music video on your Windows and Mac systems. Quick to download, the program comes with several features that can be further customized for creating your desired footage. The drag and drop function further make the task quick and easy. To ensure that along with customized videos, the audio quality is also great, the software support functions like automatic audio sync, audio compression, audio equalizer, and more. For video editing, you can add transitions, filters, effects, and many other elements. By the way, now, you can generate music for commercial use and seamlessly select sound effects with Filmora’s filtering features. The interface is simple and user-friendly which makes the software apt for beginners as well as pros.

Wondershare Filmora

02Rotor Videos

This is an online music video-making service that can help you create your desired music videos within your budget. The process of creating the footage is simple where you just need to add and upload your music file, select the video clips that go with the theme of the audio, add the lyrics, and then finally process. The video will be ready and can be downloaded for further use. The tool is capable of analyzing the tempo, beat, and other elements of the music file and if needed you can also pay for accessing the video stock collection.

Rotor Videos

04VideoFX Music Video Maker

This is an Android-based app developed by FuzeBits Inc that allows the creation of interesting music videos. Using the app, you can also record the lip-sync music and then customize it using over 50 filters like neon, mirror, thermal, and more. Preset shooting modes – fast motion, auto-pause, and stop motion is also sorted. Other editing functions include stickers, text, filters, and more.

VideoFX Music Video Maker


This is an interesting tool for creating professional-looking music videos using its advanced features. With the drag and drop function, using the tool becomes very easy and it supports the function where the places on the track can be marked using the Hot Keys. The tempo of the song can also be changed by controlling the pitch and its complete music mixer will let you create awesome DJ-type tracks.


Ending Thoughts

Music videos are everywhere on digital media platforms and used for entertainment, promotion, and all other tasks.

The latest technology has taken these videos to another level by creating AI-generated music videos.

Several music video maker tools, apps, and software are available, and depending on what are your requirements, a selection can be done.

Try It Free Try It Free

Music videos are an excellent combination of interesting videos and music files and with double entertainment, the efforts to make these videos are also double. Creating and editing these tools manually is not only a tedious but also time-consuming task and to help with this there are an array of music video maker tools and software available. With the advancement in technology these days, a lot of tools, companies, and setups are also creating versatile AI-generated videos which are a treat to eyes as well as ears. To learn more about these AI music video and creation tools, this article will be a great read.

AI Music Videos

In this article

01 [Some Interesting Examples Of AI Music Videos](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Music Video Makers](#Part 2)

Part 1 Some Interesting Examples Of AI Music Videos

The AI generated music video are getting the attention of a lot of users these days and if you too are keen to check out some of these files, check out the list below of YouTube music ai files.

Part 2 Top 5 Music Video Makers

To help you create music videos in a hassle-free manner and like a pro, several music video makers are available. We have shortlisted the list of popular 5 as below.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This is one of the best tools for creating a music video on your Windows and Mac systems. Quick to download, the program comes with several features that can be further customized for creating your desired footage. The drag and drop function further make the task quick and easy. To ensure that along with customized videos, the audio quality is also great, the software support functions like automatic audio sync, audio compression, audio equalizer, and more. For video editing, you can add transitions, filters, effects, and many other elements. By the way, now, you can generate music for commercial use and seamlessly select sound effects with Filmora’s filtering features. The interface is simple and user-friendly which makes the software apt for beginners as well as pros.

Wondershare Filmora

02Rotor Videos

This is an online music video-making service that can help you create your desired music videos within your budget. The process of creating the footage is simple where you just need to add and upload your music file, select the video clips that go with the theme of the audio, add the lyrics, and then finally process. The video will be ready and can be downloaded for further use. The tool is capable of analyzing the tempo, beat, and other elements of the music file and if needed you can also pay for accessing the video stock collection.

Rotor Videos

04VideoFX Music Video Maker

This is an Android-based app developed by FuzeBits Inc that allows the creation of interesting music videos. Using the app, you can also record the lip-sync music and then customize it using over 50 filters like neon, mirror, thermal, and more. Preset shooting modes – fast motion, auto-pause, and stop motion is also sorted. Other editing functions include stickers, text, filters, and more.

VideoFX Music Video Maker


This is an interesting tool for creating professional-looking music videos using its advanced features. With the drag and drop function, using the tool becomes very easy and it supports the function where the places on the track can be marked using the Hot Keys. The tempo of the song can also be changed by controlling the pitch and its complete music mixer will let you create awesome DJ-type tracks.


Ending Thoughts

Music videos are everywhere on digital media platforms and used for entertainment, promotion, and all other tasks.

The latest technology has taken these videos to another level by creating AI-generated music videos.

Several music video maker tools, apps, and software are available, and depending on what are your requirements, a selection can be done.

Try It Free Try It Free

Music videos are an excellent combination of interesting videos and music files and with double entertainment, the efforts to make these videos are also double. Creating and editing these tools manually is not only a tedious but also time-consuming task and to help with this there are an array of music video maker tools and software available. With the advancement in technology these days, a lot of tools, companies, and setups are also creating versatile AI-generated videos which are a treat to eyes as well as ears. To learn more about these AI music video and creation tools, this article will be a great read.

AI Music Videos

In this article

01 [Some Interesting Examples Of AI Music Videos](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Music Video Makers](#Part 2)

Part 1 Some Interesting Examples Of AI Music Videos

The AI generated music video are getting the attention of a lot of users these days and if you too are keen to check out some of these files, check out the list below of YouTube music ai files.

Part 2 Top 5 Music Video Makers

To help you create music videos in a hassle-free manner and like a pro, several music video makers are available. We have shortlisted the list of popular 5 as below.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This is one of the best tools for creating a music video on your Windows and Mac systems. Quick to download, the program comes with several features that can be further customized for creating your desired footage. The drag and drop function further make the task quick and easy. To ensure that along with customized videos, the audio quality is also great, the software support functions like automatic audio sync, audio compression, audio equalizer, and more. For video editing, you can add transitions, filters, effects, and many other elements. By the way, now, you can generate music for commercial use and seamlessly select sound effects with Filmora’s filtering features. The interface is simple and user-friendly which makes the software apt for beginners as well as pros.

Wondershare Filmora

02Rotor Videos

This is an online music video-making service that can help you create your desired music videos within your budget. The process of creating the footage is simple where you just need to add and upload your music file, select the video clips that go with the theme of the audio, add the lyrics, and then finally process. The video will be ready and can be downloaded for further use. The tool is capable of analyzing the tempo, beat, and other elements of the music file and if needed you can also pay for accessing the video stock collection.

Rotor Videos

04VideoFX Music Video Maker

This is an Android-based app developed by FuzeBits Inc that allows the creation of interesting music videos. Using the app, you can also record the lip-sync music and then customize it using over 50 filters like neon, mirror, thermal, and more. Preset shooting modes – fast motion, auto-pause, and stop motion is also sorted. Other editing functions include stickers, text, filters, and more.

VideoFX Music Video Maker


This is an interesting tool for creating professional-looking music videos using its advanced features. With the drag and drop function, using the tool becomes very easy and it supports the function where the places on the track can be marked using the Hot Keys. The tempo of the song can also be changed by controlling the pitch and its complete music mixer will let you create awesome DJ-type tracks.


Ending Thoughts

Music videos are everywhere on digital media platforms and used for entertainment, promotion, and all other tasks.

The latest technology has taken these videos to another level by creating AI-generated music videos.

Several music video maker tools, apps, and software are available, and depending on what are your requirements, a selection can be done.

Easy Steps to Create Intro Video with After Effects

create intro video after effects

It’s difficult to make an intro in After Effects. To start, you must have a natural beginning that will catch the

viewer’s attention in the film you’ve made right away. Then, you can improve the caliber of your intros by using built-in filters, transition effects, overlays, animation, and more! Therefore, we’re confident that this article will be helpful to you if you’ve been trying to learn how to create After Effects intros of the highest level. Continue reading to learn more.

Let’s start off!

1. Create a new composition for your intro

You must build up your video’s composition based on the output. You can upload the previously recorded video after choosing the composition and the runtime. Right-click again and select “Pre-compose” from the menu that appears. To make it simpler to find later, you can also rename your movie here.

The composition can then include a solid layer. Follow *Layer > New > Solid* to get to this option. Additionally,

you can choose a hue based on the type of video you want to make. Additionally, you may use the Text option to build text layers, which will allow you to split the words at different points in the document. You can edit each word separately when you break it into layers. Finally, you can move the text around and change the color of the reader to make it more appropriate for your films.

After Effects makes it incredibly simple to edit the text composition and import it into the timeline of the film.

A panel appears on the right after importing a text composition. Here, you can alter the text’s color, position,

and size.

2. Add the first transition layer

By include the transition layer, you may use After Effects’ effects templates to apply a variety of effects to your

videos. You can experiment with a variety of transition layers in After Effects before selecting the ideal one (CC Light Wipe is a popular choice).

You can modify the transition after applying it to the layer. For instance, you may decide to apply the second

key transition at a later period in the timeline and configure the first key transition to occur immediately at the start of the timeline. Setting the completion value is crucial since it will influence how long the word will remain displayed in the video.

3. Add the second transition layer

The transition effect you introduced in the first stage can either be maintained here, or you can select an

entirely different one. According to how long you want the text to be displayed, add the layer and adjust

completion. The reader is invisible when the completion value is set to 100%, or the word is said when it is set

to 0%.

A memory sketch

If you want to make a black-and-white video that is more interesting, the memory sketch is a great template to use. You can make a visually beautiful video with its outstanding text captions, fluid transitions, and excellent animations.

Toolkit for Instagram

These days, Instagram is a very popular social media site. Instagram is a platform where reels and videos

flourish, therefore you must make every effort to differentiate your video from the millions of others available.

The Instagram Toolkit template meets the standards of the social media network by being brief, clear, and


Lighting sweep

A final transition effect, which can be found in the *Effects > Generate *section, must be added to the video in order to complete the effect. The final flourish can be added in the same way as the other keyframes. In this step, you can use the edge intensity, sweep intensity, and direction. This allows you to seamlessly combine the transition of words with lighting effects.

These are some quick and easy techniques to adding some intros to your videos that look professional. Let’s

also take a look at some well-known templates you may utilize to make perfect video intros. Because the initial few seconds of any video are so important, After Effects has put together some incredible templates that have a variety of video clips, images, text, sound effects, and music tracks. To produce the video you want, you must obtain the ideal template.

The Bottom Line

Utilizing templates will hasten your workflow even though it takes some time to become familiar with After

Effects’ various tools. To gain a feel for how After Effects functions, we advise playing around by adding some

clips and titles. When you do that, you will be well on your way to creating a fantastic intro for your upcoming

video project.

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Video Editors Use Transitions to Tie Their Shots and Clips Together Into a Cohesive, Polished Program. Learn the Best Method to Create a Smooth Cut Transition Effect

Transition effects are necessary for making amazing videos, slideshows, and presentations. These are the dedicated effects appearing when one slide or clip replaces the other. Hence, any video editing software is incomplete without impressive transition effects.

Going by the same, Wondershare Filmora offers different video and audio transitions to help users. Wondershare Filmora users can bring the best transitions at the beginning or end of the video or between two video clips. These can be used while changing the mood of videos, changing the subject, passing the time, showing the change of direction, etc.

The dedicated transitions tab allows Wondershare Filmora users to apply different transitions quickly and easily. Let us go into detail about creating a smooth-cut transition effect in Wondershare Filmora in this step-by-step guide.

Steps to create a smooth cut transition effect in Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is a popular video editing tool used by content creators, including social media influencers, marketers, content creators, etc. The following are the quick and detailed steps to create a smooth cut transition effect in Wondershare Filmora:

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and launch Wondershare Filmora

Before even jumping to the smooth-cut transition effect in Wondershare Filmora, the first step is to download and launch it on your system. It is easy to download this software on Windows and Mac devices. The quick steps for downloading and launching Wondershare Filmora are as follows:

  1. Go to the official website of Wondershare Filmora .
  2. Go to the Download button located in the top right corner of the official website.

download button in wondershare filmora

  1. The Filmora Installer will download quickly for your Windows or Mac system.
  2. Double-click on the setup and start the installation process. Agree on the terms and conditions menu thus prompted.
  3. Once Wondershare Filmora is installed, it will start and run automatically on your system.
Step2Import the footage

The first step in creating a smooth cut transition effect is to import the footage. All you need to do is use the drag-and-drop functionality of the Wondershare Filmora. You can import 2 footage to the video editor interface with the quick steps mentioned below.

  • Start by dragging the two footage to the timeline using the drag and drop functionality.
  • Now, select the footage in the video editor.
  • The next step is to copy the layer of the footage and lock the current layer.
  • Then, paste the current layer over the other layer of the footage.
  • Move towards the end of this step by unlocking the layer. Then you need to hide the below layer.

importing the footage in wondershare filmora

Step3Go to the effects tab and apply preset settings

After importing the footage and applying different layers. The next step is to go to the Effects tab in the Wondershare Filmora. Then, the preset settings are applied to the footage. The quick steps for the same are:

  • Start by applying the crop presets to the above-layer footage.
  • Select the first footage in the video editor.
  • Right-click on properties and open the effects menu.
  • Search the settings and change the top and bottom settings to 30
  • You can select to blur the edges of the footage by ticking on the option.
  • Repeat the same steps for the second footage.

effects in wondershare filmora

Step4Go to the Transitions tab

It is time to go to the transitions tab and start putting it in your video clip. The quick steps for the same are:

  • Select the speed blur category located on the left side of the interface.
  • Go to the search box and type “flip.”
  • Start placing the transitions on the footage layers.
  • Select the first transition, flip all three, and place it on the second layer of the footage.
  • Select the second transition, flip all two, and place it on the first layer of the footage.
  • Render this video part by unhiding the first layer and moving to the preview step.

transitions in wondershare filmora

Step5Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet eam quas malorum

It is time to preview the created video. The render preview option in the Wondershare Filmora ensures that there is no lag in the preview file on any system. It generates the rendered versions of the files placed on the timeline for a quick preview. In addition to it, it is easy to add a top to bottom transition in the video editing in this step only. The quick steps for the same are:

  • Preview the created video file and check if there is a need to change the transition.
  • If required to add the top to bottom transition, remove the existing transitions.
  • Select the first footage and go to its properties menu.
  • Go to the crop settings and reset these settings.
  • Change the right and left parameters in the settings to 30.
  • Repeat the same steps for the second footage.
  • Select the second layer, and apply and flip all four effects.
  • Select the first layer, and apply to flip all one effect.
  • Render the video footage and go for a quick preview.

previewing in wondershare filmora


Hence, Wondershare Filmora users can quickly create a smooth cut transition effect in their videos. It is easy to download Wondershare Filmora on your Mac or Windows system. All you need to do is import the footage to the interface and go to the effects tab.

The next step is to go to the transitions tab. It is easy to apply these effects to the first and the second layer. It is easy to check the preview of the created video, and if required, users can go for adding top bottom transition here.

Reset the crop settings of the first footage and select the right and left parameters to 30. The same is done to the second footage. After adding the different effects to created video, it is easy to save and preview the final footage. Beginners and professionals can go for these steps to incorporate a smooth-cut transition effect into their next video.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and launch Wondershare Filmora

Before even jumping to the smooth-cut transition effect in Wondershare Filmora, the first step is to download and launch it on your system. It is easy to download this software on Windows and Mac devices. The quick steps for downloading and launching Wondershare Filmora are as follows:

  1. Go to the official website of Wondershare Filmora .
  2. Go to the Download button located in the top right corner of the official website.

download button in wondershare filmora

  1. The Filmora Installer will download quickly for your Windows or Mac system.
  2. Double-click on the setup and start the installation process. Agree on the terms and conditions menu thus prompted.
  3. Once Wondershare Filmora is installed, it will start and run automatically on your system.
Step2Import the footage

The first step in creating a smooth cut transition effect is to import the footage. All you need to do is use the drag-and-drop functionality of the Wondershare Filmora. You can import 2 footage to the video editor interface with the quick steps mentioned below.

  • Start by dragging the two footage to the timeline using the drag and drop functionality.
  • Now, select the footage in the video editor.
  • The next step is to copy the layer of the footage and lock the current layer.
  • Then, paste the current layer over the other layer of the footage.
  • Move towards the end of this step by unlocking the layer. Then you need to hide the below layer.

importing the footage in wondershare filmora

Step3Go to the effects tab and apply preset settings

After importing the footage and applying different layers. The next step is to go to the Effects tab in the Wondershare Filmora. Then, the preset settings are applied to the footage. The quick steps for the same are:

  • Start by applying the crop presets to the above-layer footage.
  • Select the first footage in the video editor.
  • Right-click on properties and open the effects menu.
  • Search the settings and change the top and bottom settings to 30
  • You can select to blur the edges of the footage by ticking on the option.
  • Repeat the same steps for the second footage.

effects in wondershare filmora

Step4Go to the Transitions tab

It is time to go to the transitions tab and start putting it in your video clip. The quick steps for the same are:

  • Select the speed blur category located on the left side of the interface.
  • Go to the search box and type “flip.”
  • Start placing the transitions on the footage layers.
  • Select the first transition, flip all three, and place it on the second layer of the footage.
  • Select the second transition, flip all two, and place it on the first layer of the footage.
  • Render this video part by unhiding the first layer and moving to the preview step.

transitions in wondershare filmora

Step5Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet eam quas malorum

It is time to preview the created video. The render preview option in the Wondershare Filmora ensures that there is no lag in the preview file on any system. It generates the rendered versions of the files placed on the timeline for a quick preview. In addition to it, it is easy to add a top to bottom transition in the video editing in this step only. The quick steps for the same are:

  • Preview the created video file and check if there is a need to change the transition.
  • If required to add the top to bottom transition, remove the existing transitions.
  • Select the first footage and go to its properties menu.
  • Go to the crop settings and reset these settings.
  • Change the right and left parameters in the settings to 30.
  • Repeat the same steps for the second footage.
  • Select the second layer, and apply and flip all four effects.
  • Select the first layer, and apply to flip all one effect.
  • Render the video footage and go for a quick preview.

previewing in wondershare filmora


Hence, Wondershare Filmora users can quickly create a smooth cut transition effect in their videos. It is easy to download Wondershare Filmora on your Mac or Windows system. All you need to do is import the footage to the interface and go to the effects tab.

The next step is to go to the transitions tab. It is easy to apply these effects to the first and the second layer. It is easy to check the preview of the created video, and if required, users can go for adding top bottom transition here.

Reset the crop settings of the first footage and select the right and left parameters to 30. The same is done to the second footage. After adding the different effects to created video, it is easy to save and preview the final footage. Beginners and professionals can go for these steps to incorporate a smooth-cut transition effect into their next video.

Also read:

  • Title: 2024 Approved An Intro Video Describing You and Your Content Is the First and the Foremost Thing Which a Viewer Sees. Thinking of How to Make an Interesting Intro Video, This Blog Is Surely a Supportive Guide for You. Learn More Here
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:12:28
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:12:28
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/2024-approved-an-intro-video-describing-you-and-your-content-is-the-first-and-the-foremost-thing-which-a-viewer-sees-thinking-of-how-to-make-an-interesting-/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
2024 Approved An Intro Video Describing You and Your Content Is the First and the Foremost Thing Which a Viewer Sees. Thinking of How to Make an Interesting Intro Video, This Blog Is Surely a Supportive Guide for You. Learn More Here