2024 Approved Mastering FFmpeg How to Merge Audio and Video with Ease

2024 Approved Mastering FFmpeg How to Merge Audio and Video with Ease

Morgan Lv12

Mastering FFmpeg: How to Merge Audio and Video with Ease

Welcome to the world of video production! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced video creator, one of the most important skills to master is merging audio and video seamlessly. In this article, we’ll focus on FFmpeg, a powerful command-line tool that can help you easily merge audio and video.

FFmpeg is open-source software that allows you to convert, edit, and stream multimedia files. It’s widely used by professionals and enthusiasts and has many capabilities, including merging audio and video files. This guide will walk you through merging audio and video using FFmpeg. So, whether you’re creating a YouTube video, a podcast, or a movie, you’ll have the skills to make it sound and look great.

merge audio and video with ffmpeg


Are you ready to master the art of merging audio and video? Then let’s dive into the world of FFmpeg, a powerful and versatile tool that can help you achieve professional results.

With FFmpeg, you can record, convert, and stream audio and video files in any format, making it a complete and cross-platform solution. It’s also a great tool for decoding, encoding, transcoding, muxing, demuxing, streaming, filtering, and playing any media type.

But before we start merging video files using FFmpeg, it’s important to understand the basics of container formats and video codecs. These are the building blocks of your videos, and the specific types you’re working with will determine the method you’ll use to merge them. So, buckle up, and let’s get started!

How To Combine Video With Two Audio Using FFmpeg

Are you looking to add multiple audio tracks to your video? With FFmpeg, you can easily combine video with two audio streams. Whether creating a foreign-language version of your video or adding an alternate audio track, this method will help you achieve professional results. This section will guide you through combining video with two audio streams using FFmpeg’s command-line interface. So, let’s get started!

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video

Combining multiple audio tracks into one video can be done easily with FFmpeg’s command-line interface. In this example, we will combine two audio tracks into one video so that the voiceover will play over the background music. Here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Open your command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory where your video and audio files are located.

Step2 Replacevideo1.mp4“ and “audio1.mp3“ with the names of your actual video and audio files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step3 The -c:v copy flag tells FFmpeg to copy the video stream from the source file without re-encoding it. This helps to speed up the process and avoid quality loss.

-c:v copy \

-filter_complex “ \

Step4 The command “amix=inputs=2:duration=longest“ tells amix to accept 2 inputs (0:a and 1:a) and combine them into an output stream called audio_out, with the duration of the longest input.

[0:a][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

Step5 Map the video stream (0:v) and the mixed audio stream (audio_out) into the final output video.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step6 The -y flag tells FFmpeg to overwrite the output file if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Once complete, you’ll find the newly created video file with the mixed audio in the specified output location.

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video Adjusting Volume

We will be taking a step further and show you how to merge two audio tracks into a video while adjusting the volume of one of the audio tracks. This can be useful when you want to emphasize one audio track over the other, for example, to make the voiceover more prominent in a video.

And here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Start the command by specifying the input files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step2 Use the filter_complex option to specify a filter graph.

-filter_complex “ \

[0:a] volume=0.5 [music];

Step3 Use the amix filter to take the “music“ stream and audio1.mp3 and mix them.

[music][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

Step4 Use the map option to specify which streams from the input files should be included in the output file.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step5 Specify the output file name as “output.mp4“ and the -y flag to overwrite the output file without asking for confirmation if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video With Delay

When creating videos, sometimes the audio needs to be synced with the video, or you want to add a delay to the audio track. Here’s how to add delay to an audio track using FFmpeg.

Step1 Use the adelay filter to add delay to the audio track.

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice];

Step2 Mix the delayed audio track with the original audio track

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out]

Step3 Map the video and audio tracks to the output file

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“

Step4 Use the -y flag to overwrite the output file

-y output.mp4

The final command would look like this:

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

-filter_complex “ \

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice]; \

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

-y output.mp4

This command will delay the audio track by 2100 milliseconds and then mix it with the original audio track, resulting in a new video file with the delayed audio.

It May Interest You - Merge Audio and Video Files With Filmora

While FFmpeg is a powerful tool for merging audio and video files, its learning curve can be steep for some users. If you’re looking for an easier option, you may consider using video editing software like Filmora.

What Is Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing software that allows users to create professional-looking videos easily. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it an excellent option for those needing a more extensive video editing experience.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

This software offers an intuitive interface and a wide range of features that make it easy to merge audio and video files, even for beginners. In addition, Filmora provides various options for editing and enhancing the audio and video files, giving you more control over the final output. Filmora is a great alternative to FFmpeg for those who want to merge audio and video files quickly and easily.

How To Combine Audio and Video Files Using Filmora

Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to easily combine audio and video files to create a polished and professional final product. So here’s the step-by-step process of combining audio and video files using Filmora.

Step1 Import audio and video files into Filmora using drag-and-drop or the “Import Media“ button.

filmora import media

Step2 Place the media files in the timeline and align the video with the audio.

filmora align media

Step3 Replace the original audio by right-clicking the video, selectingDetach Audio,” deleting the original audio, and replacing it with new audio.

filmora detach audio

Step4 Export the final video by selecting a format and clickingExport,” or publish directly to YouTube or burn to DVD.

filmora export video

People Also Ask

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the merging function of FFmpeg and other related topics:

Q1. How To Merge Image and Video in FFmpeg?

To merge an image and a video using FFmpeg, first, use the -loop option on the image to loop it for the duration of the video, then use the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video. The command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i image.jpg -filter_complex “[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0” -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output.mp4

This command takes the input video and image, applies the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video starting at the top left corner (0:0), and outputs the result to output.mp4. The -pix_fmt yuv420p and -c:a copy options ensure compatibility with most devices.

Q2. Can I Merge 2 MP4 Files Into 1?

Yes, you can merge two MP4 files into one using Filmora. To do this, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import the video files

Step2 Drag the videos to the timeline

Step3 Align the second video with the first without leaving any gaps

Step4 ClickExport“ and select desired settings

Step5 ClickExport“ again to save the combined video on your computer.

Q3. How Can I Merge the Video and Subtitle?

To merge video and subtitle in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import your SRT subtitle file.

Step2 Place the SRT file on the timeline and right-click on it. Select “Advanced Edit“ from the options.

Step3 Adjust the subtitle’s time code, text, color, font, and other settings. When finished, chooseExport Subtitle file“ to save the changes.

Still want to learn more tricks about adding subtitles to your video? Check out the video below:


Using FFmpeg and Filmora, you can easily combine video with audio, merge multiple video files, and add subtitles to your videos. Both tools offer different features and learning curves, so it’s important to understand what you need before choosing one. Filmora is a great option for beginners and those who want a user-friendly interface, while FFmpeg is a powerful command-line tool for advanced users.

  • -i INPUT_FILE.mp4“ flag specifies INPUT_FILE.mp4 as the input source.
  • -i AUDIO.wav,” tells FFmpeg to take AUDIO.wav as an input source.
  • The “-c:v copy“ flag is a short form of “-codec:v copy,” which means to copy the video stream from the source files to the destination file.
  • The “-c:a aac“ flag means selecting all the audio streams from the source files and then encoding them with the AAC encoder.
  • mp4“ specifies the name of the output file.

Step3 In case you don’t want any audio conversion, drop the aac part in the command and replace it with copy; the command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i INPUT_FILE.mp4 -i AUDIO.aac -c:v copy -c:a copy OUTPUT_FILE.mp4


How To Combine Video With Two Audio Using FFmpeg

Are you looking to add multiple audio tracks to your video? With FFmpeg, you can easily combine video with two audio streams. Whether creating a foreign-language version of your video or adding an alternate audio track, this method will help you achieve professional results. This section will guide you through combining video with two audio streams using FFmpeg’s command-line interface. So, let’s get started!

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video

Combining multiple audio tracks into one video can be done easily with FFmpeg’s command-line interface. In this example, we will combine two audio tracks into one video so that the voiceover will play over the background music. Here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Open your command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory where your video and audio files are located.

Step2 Replacevideo1.mp4“ and “audio1.mp3“ with the names of your actual video and audio files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step3 The -c:v copy flag tells FFmpeg to copy the video stream from the source file without re-encoding it. This helps to speed up the process and avoid quality loss.

-c:v copy \

-filter_complex “ \

Step4 The command “amix=inputs=2:duration=longest“ tells amix to accept 2 inputs (0:a and 1:a) and combine them into an output stream called audio_out, with the duration of the longest input.

[0:a][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

Step5 Map the video stream (0:v) and the mixed audio stream (audio_out) into the final output video.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step6 The -y flag tells FFmpeg to overwrite the output file if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Once complete, you’ll find the newly created video file with the mixed audio in the specified output location.

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video Adjusting Volume

We will be taking a step further and show you how to merge two audio tracks into a video while adjusting the volume of one of the audio tracks. This can be useful when you want to emphasize one audio track over the other, for example, to make the voiceover more prominent in a video.

And here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Start the command by specifying the input files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step2 Use the filter_complex option to specify a filter graph.

-filter_complex “ \

[0:a] volume=0.5 [music];

Step3 Use the amix filter to take the “music“ stream and audio1.mp3 and mix them.

[music][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

Step4 Use the map option to specify which streams from the input files should be included in the output file.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step5 Specify the output file name as “output.mp4“ and the -y flag to overwrite the output file without asking for confirmation if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video With Delay

When creating videos, sometimes the audio needs to be synced with the video, or you want to add a delay to the audio track. Here’s how to add delay to an audio track using FFmpeg.

Step1 Use the adelay filter to add delay to the audio track.

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice];

Step2 Mix the delayed audio track with the original audio track

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out]

Step3 Map the video and audio tracks to the output file

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“

Step4 Use the -y flag to overwrite the output file

-y output.mp4

The final command would look like this:

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

-filter_complex “ \

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice]; \

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

-y output.mp4

This command will delay the audio track by 2100 milliseconds and then mix it with the original audio track, resulting in a new video file with the delayed audio.

It May Interest You - Merge Audio and Video Files With Filmora

While FFmpeg is a powerful tool for merging audio and video files, its learning curve can be steep for some users. If you’re looking for an easier option, you may consider using video editing software like Filmora.

What Is Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing software that allows users to create professional-looking videos easily. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it an excellent option for those needing a more extensive video editing experience.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

This software offers an intuitive interface and a wide range of features that make it easy to merge audio and video files, even for beginners. In addition, Filmora provides various options for editing and enhancing the audio and video files, giving you more control over the final output. Filmora is a great alternative to FFmpeg for those who want to merge audio and video files quickly and easily.

How To Combine Audio and Video Files Using Filmora

Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to easily combine audio and video files to create a polished and professional final product. So here’s the step-by-step process of combining audio and video files using Filmora.

Step1 Import audio and video files into Filmora using drag-and-drop or the “Import Media“ button.

filmora import media

Step2 Place the media files in the timeline and align the video with the audio.

filmora align media

Step3 Replace the original audio by right-clicking the video, selectingDetach Audio,” deleting the original audio, and replacing it with new audio.

filmora detach audio

Step4 Export the final video by selecting a format and clickingExport,” or publish directly to YouTube or burn to DVD.

filmora export video

People Also Ask

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the merging function of FFmpeg and other related topics:

Q1. How To Merge Image and Video in FFmpeg?

To merge an image and a video using FFmpeg, first, use the -loop option on the image to loop it for the duration of the video, then use the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video. The command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i image.jpg -filter_complex “[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0” -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output.mp4

This command takes the input video and image, applies the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video starting at the top left corner (0:0), and outputs the result to output.mp4. The -pix_fmt yuv420p and -c:a copy options ensure compatibility with most devices.

Q2. Can I Merge 2 MP4 Files Into 1?

Yes, you can merge two MP4 files into one using Filmora. To do this, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import the video files

Step2 Drag the videos to the timeline

Step3 Align the second video with the first without leaving any gaps

Step4 ClickExport“ and select desired settings

Step5 ClickExport“ again to save the combined video on your computer.

Q3. How Can I Merge the Video and Subtitle?

To merge video and subtitle in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import your SRT subtitle file.

Step2 Place the SRT file on the timeline and right-click on it. Select “Advanced Edit“ from the options.

Step3 Adjust the subtitle’s time code, text, color, font, and other settings. When finished, chooseExport Subtitle file“ to save the changes.

Still want to learn more tricks about adding subtitles to your video? Check out the video below:


Using FFmpeg and Filmora, you can easily combine video with audio, merge multiple video files, and add subtitles to your videos. Both tools offer different features and learning curves, so it’s important to understand what you need before choosing one. Filmora is a great option for beginners and those who want a user-friendly interface, while FFmpeg is a powerful command-line tool for advanced users.

Unlock the Power of Shotcut: The Ultimate Guide to Rotating Videos

Video editing has come a long way in recent years, and with the advancement of technology, it’s now easier than ever to produce high-quality videos. However, one common issue that many video editors encounter is uneven footage. Various reasons can cause this, but the solution is simple - rotating your videos. Shotcut is a powerful video editing software that provides various tools to help you rotate your videos easily.

This guide will explore the ins and outs of using Shotcut to rotate your videos. Whether you’re a seasoned editor or just starting, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know to get the perfect shot every time. This guide has everything from rotating your footage to more advanced tips and tricks. So, if you’re ready to take your video editing skills to the next level, keep reading!

rotate video with shotcut

Overview of Shotcut Video Editor

Shotcut is a free, open-source video editing software that offers a range of features for basic video editing. Before downloading Shotcut, it is important to know its features to determine if it suits your video editing needs. Here are the key features of Shotcut that stand out:

shotcut video editor

  • Video Capture. Shotcut allows for screen and webcam capture and audio capture from the system or external microphone. It supports 4K resolution.
  • Standard Editing. Shotcut allows for trimming, cutting/copying/pasting of clips and keyframes for video filters and markers. It also uses proxy editing for high-resolution video files.
  • Audio Features. Shotcut includes several audio filters for enhancing audio clips and volume control, audio mixing, tone generator, and pitch adjustment options.
  • Video Effects. Shotcut offers a range of effects and filters, including blending modes, track compositing, and transitions. It also supports 360-degree filters, reverse video clips, and video scopes.
  • Wide Support. Shotcut supports a variety of video and audio formats, as well as photo file formats. The multi-format timeline allows for the mixing of different parameters, and the software supports network streaming and alpha-channel videos.

Shotcut is a versatile video editor that offers a range of features for basic video editing and is a great choice for those looking for a free and open-source video editor.

How To Rotate Videos in Shotcut?

Rotating videos in Shotcut is a simple process. With its user-friendly interface, you can quickly and easily adjust the orientation of your videos to get the perfect shot every time. Whether you need to rotate your footage 90 degrees or make more subtle adjustments, Shotcut has all the tools you need to get the job done.

In this section, we’ll walk you through the steps to rotate your videos in Shotcut and provide you with tips and tricks to ensure that your footage is perfectly aligned every time. So, if you’re ready to rotate your videos, let’s get started!

Step1 Start a new Shotcut project and import the video

shotcut import video

Step2 Drag the video to the Timeline

shotcut add video to timeline

Step3 Go toFilters“ and press the “+” icon

shotcut filter category

Step4 Search for “Rotate“ and selectSize, Position & Rotate.”

shotcut rotate video filter

Step5 Use the bar or enter degrees in numbers to rotate the video.

shotcut adjust rotation degree

How To Mirror or Flip Videos in Shotcut?

Do you want to flip or mirror your videos in Shotcut? This feature can add a creative twist to your footage and make your videos stand out. Luckily, Shotcut makes it easy to mirror or flip your videos with just a few simple steps.

Whether you want to add a reflection effect or change the direction of your footage, Shotcut has the tools you need to get the job done. So, get ready to take your videos to the next level with Shotcut’s mirroring and flipping capabilities!

For Steps 1-3, follow the steps from the “How To Rotate Videos in Shotcut?“ section.

Step4 Search for the “Mirror“ effect.

shotcut mirror filter

Step5 Select the “Mirror“ effect, and your video will be automatically flipped or mirrored.

shotcut flipped video

How To Make a Vertical Video Horizontal in Shotcut

Are you tired of having a vertical video that doesn’t fit the standard aspect ratio? Don’t worry; Shotcut makes it easy to convert your vertical video into a horizontal format. By converting your vertical video into a horizontal format, you’ll be able to showcase your footage in a more professional and visually appealing manner.

In this section, we’ll walk you through making your vertical video horizontal in Shotcut. With these simple steps, you’ll be able to turn your vertical footage into a horizontal masterpiece in no time!

Step1 Drag the video to the timeline

shotcut drag video to timeline

Step2 Go toFilters“ and press the “+” icon. Search for the “Crop Source“ effect.

shotcut crop source filter

Step3 ToggleCenter“ and notice that it removed the black padding of the horizontal video.

shotcut toggle center

Step4 Adjust the part you want your video to focus on.

shotcut adjust video

Wondershare Filmora – Shotcut’s Alternative To Rotate Videos

If you’re looking for an alternative to Shotcut for rotating your videos, consider Wondershare Filmora . This powerful video editing software is packed with features and is ideal for both beginners and professionals. While Shotcut is a great option for rotating videos, Filmora offers additional capabilities that make it an excellent choice for those who need a more advanced video editing solution.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

filmora software

With Wondershare Filmora, you’ll be able to rotate your videos with ease, as well as perform a variety of other editing tasks. From adding music, filters, and text to splitting, trimming, and merging videos, Filmora has you covered.

Additionally, you’ll enjoy the user-friendly interface of Filmora that makes it easy to navigate and find the features you need. Whether you’re just starting with video editing or are a seasoned professional, Wondershare Filmora is the perfect solution for rotating videos and more.

How To Rotate or Flip a Video With Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a great alternative to Shotcut for those looking to rotate or flip their video clips. It offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making rotating or flipping a video simple.

To mirror your video in Filmora, you follow a few easy steps. Whether you want to flip your video horizontally or vertically, Filmora’s rotating tool will help you achieve the perfect reflection with just a few clicks.

In addition to its rotating capabilities, Wondershare Filmora also offers a wide range of features for video editing. From basic video editing tools like trimming and cutting to advanced features like color correction and audio editing, Filmora has everything you need to take your video projects to the next level.

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, Wondershare Filmora is a great option for anyone looking for an alternative to Shotcut for their video editing needs.

Step1 Choose between “Flip Horizontal“ or “Flip Vertical“ in the “Flip“ section to mirror the clip left to right or turn it upside down.

filmora flip horizontal or vertical

Step2 Select either the “Clockwise“ or “Counterclockwise“ icon under the “Rotate“ section to rotate the clip.

filmora rotate clockwise or counterclockwise

Step3 Enter a specific angle value in the “Rotate“ tab or adjust the dot in the circle to reach the desired rotation angle.

filmora edit rotation angle

How To Make a Vertical Video Horizontal With Filmora?

Are you looking for a solution to convert a vertical video into a horizontal one? Filmora is a great video editing software that can help you do that!

Step1 Launch Filmora and import the video.

filmora import video

Step2 Drag the video to the timeline.

filmora drag video to timeline

Step3 Right-click on the video and then click on “Crop and Zoom.”

filmora crop and zoom

Step4 Click on the “Aspect Ratio“ option and change it to “16:9.”

filmora change aspect ratio

Step5 Keep the video part that you want to focus on, then clickOK.”

Step6 Your vertical video is now horizontal.


Rotating a video in Shotcut or Wondershare Filmora is a simple process. Both video editing software provides a user-friendly interface and various options to achieve the desired result. Shotcut and Filmora can help you achieve the perfect reflection with a few clicks, whether you want to rotate, flip, or make a horizontal or vertical video. So, choose the one that fits your needs and start creating stunning videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

filmora software

With Wondershare Filmora, you’ll be able to rotate your videos with ease, as well as perform a variety of other editing tasks. From adding music, filters, and text to splitting, trimming, and merging videos, Filmora has you covered.

Additionally, you’ll enjoy the user-friendly interface of Filmora that makes it easy to navigate and find the features you need. Whether you’re just starting with video editing or are a seasoned professional, Wondershare Filmora is the perfect solution for rotating videos and more.

How To Rotate or Flip a Video With Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a great alternative to Shotcut for those looking to rotate or flip their video clips. It offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making rotating or flipping a video simple.

To mirror your video in Filmora, you follow a few easy steps. Whether you want to flip your video horizontally or vertically, Filmora’s rotating tool will help you achieve the perfect reflection with just a few clicks.

In addition to its rotating capabilities, Wondershare Filmora also offers a wide range of features for video editing. From basic video editing tools like trimming and cutting to advanced features like color correction and audio editing, Filmora has everything you need to take your video projects to the next level.

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, Wondershare Filmora is a great option for anyone looking for an alternative to Shotcut for their video editing needs.

Step1 Choose between “Flip Horizontal“ or “Flip Vertical“ in the “Flip“ section to mirror the clip left to right or turn it upside down.

filmora flip horizontal or vertical

Step2 Select either the “Clockwise“ or “Counterclockwise“ icon under the “Rotate“ section to rotate the clip.

filmora rotate clockwise or counterclockwise

Step3 Enter a specific angle value in the “Rotate“ tab or adjust the dot in the circle to reach the desired rotation angle.

filmora edit rotation angle

How To Make a Vertical Video Horizontal With Filmora?

Are you looking for a solution to convert a vertical video into a horizontal one? Filmora is a great video editing software that can help you do that!

Step1 Launch Filmora and import the video.

filmora import video

Step2 Drag the video to the timeline.

filmora drag video to timeline

Step3 Right-click on the video and then click on “Crop and Zoom.”

filmora crop and zoom

Step4 Click on the “Aspect Ratio“ option and change it to “16:9.”

filmora change aspect ratio

Step5 Keep the video part that you want to focus on, then clickOK.”

Step6 Your vertical video is now horizontal.


Rotating a video in Shotcut or Wondershare Filmora is a simple process. Both video editing software provides a user-friendly interface and various options to achieve the desired result. Shotcut and Filmora can help you achieve the perfect reflection with a few clicks, whether you want to rotate, flip, or make a horizontal or vertical video. So, choose the one that fits your needs and start creating stunning videos.

8 Best Video Editor with Useful Masking

Create High-Quality Video - Wondershare Filmora

An easy and powerful YouTube video editor

Numerous video and audio effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials are provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Masking video editing is the process of hiding or obscuring certain elements in a video clip. This can be done for aesthetic purposes and is often used to remove unwanted objects or blemishes from the footage. Masking can be accomplished using a variety of methods, including rotoscoping, chroma-keying, and motion tracking.

In this article

01 What is Masking?

02 Top 8 Video Editor with Useful Masking

What is Masking?

Masks are a feature of editing software that allows you to choose a particular portion of the video or utilize video overlays to hide, duplicate, reveal, or change your footage. The mask is the portion of the video you’ve chosen to pick, either with a template or a custom frame. The mask then becomes isolated, and you may modify it as desired to produce your intended effect.

Masks may be used to do some fantastic things with your videos. You can clone people or objects, overlay several pictures, create glitch effects, blur faces out, etc. Masks add a lot of excitement and color to videos, making them more dynamic, enjoyable to watch, and professional. It can draw attention - and keep it!

Different types of masking

There are three primary types of masking: rotoscoping, chroma-keying, and motion tracking.

Rotoscoping: Rotoscoping is the process of manually tracing an object in a video frame by frame to create a mask. This can be a time-consuming process, but it allows for very precise control over the masked area.

Chroma-keying: Chroma-keying is a type of masking that makes use of color to isolate a particular area of the frame. For example, this is often used to remove a green or blue screen from the footage, but can also be used to isolate other colors.

Motion tracking: Motion tracking is a masking technique that allows you to track the movement of an object in a video clip. This is often used to add special effects, such as explosions, to a video.

masking type

Top 8 Video Editor with Useful Masking

top video editor with useful masking

Here is the list of Top 8 Video Editors with useful masking Features

1. Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional video editing software with a wide range of features and precise masking controls. It allows you to create custom masks or use the built-in rotoscope tool to isolate objects in your footage quickly.

top video editor with useful masking - adobe premiere pro

How to Create a Mask in Premiere Pro

Do you understand how to construct a mask in Adobe Premiere? Shape tools and pen tools may be used to make the Adobe premiere mask.

By Using Shape Tools:
Select the shape tool you’d like to utilize from the Tools panel.
Then, create a mask by drawing a shape on the video clip in the Timeline.

By Using Pen Tools:
Click the pen tool icon in the Tools panel.
Click and drag to draw a path around the object you wish to isolate.
After drawing your path, click the “Mask” button in the Tools panel.

2. Final Cut Pro X

Final Cut Pro X is a proficient video editing software with powerful masking tools. It allows you to create custom masks or isolate objects in your footage.

top video editor with useful masking - Final Cut Pro X

How to Create a Mask in Final Cut Pro X

With little effort, the Shape Mask tool allows you to make a mask in any shape on the continuum, ranging from an ellipse to a rectangle.

The Shape Mask is a simple mask that may be changed to editable control points in order to create complex bespoke masks (converting it into a Draw Mask).

  • Open the Final Cut Pro project and select the clip you wish to mask.
    Note: You can’t composite a clip over another one while using isolated clips. Final Cut Pro has this option, which you may find in the Comping window.
  • To make a clip transparent, select it in the timeline and place the play head at a point within the video clip that shows the portion you wish to make transparent.
  • Click the Effects button in the top-right corner of the timeline (or press Command-5) to display the Effects browser.
  • Select the Shape Mask effect in the Effects Browser.

Tip: Type “shape” in the Effects browser search bar to quickly locate the Shape Mask effect.

To apply the masking effect to the clip in the timeline, choose one of the following options:

  1. Drag the effect to the timeline clip.
  2. Double-click the effect thumbnail in the Effects browser to apply it.
  3. Use the on-screen controls to modify the shape mask if necessary.

The controls for the Shape Mask appear in the viewer, overlaid on top of the video image. In addition, the Effects area of the Video inspector displays the Shape Mask options. By default, the Shape Mask is set to a partially feathered ellipse shape in the center of the frame.

3. Wondershare Filmora

Filmora 11 is an easy to use video editor with useful masking features. It provides various of masking presets to make masking easy for you. If you are looking for Green Screen, Filmora also covers you. Its Chroma Key allows you to remove the background of almost any color.

Masking in Filmora 11

Filmora 11 has been modified to allow for the masking of keyframes. First, double-click the clip on your timeline to open a settings window in the library. Then, in the videos area, select the “Mask” option. Multiple forms may be selected here.

We picked the ‘Star’ form for this project. After selecting it, you may drag the shape to your clip in the preview area.

Scrolling down in the Windows category will take you to more options where you can change the scale, position, width, height, and radius of your chosen shape. You may also lessen the strength of the form and rotate it to make it blend in better with the other elements you’re trying to hide in your window.

To add the keyframe, simply hit the “Add” button after completing it. You may then modify the mask’s form to match the added frame.

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For macOS 10.12 or later

4. Avid Media Composer

Avid Media Composer has a comprehensive masking feature for video editors of different levels. You can either use the built-in masking tools or make your own one.

top video editor with useful masking - avid

Masking in Avid Media Composer

In the Masking Effect window, you can choose to either create a new mask or use an existing one. First, select the “Create Mask” option and then click on the “Draw Mask” button to create a new mask.

This will open up the Draw Mask window, where you can draw your mask using the various tools provided. To apply the mask, simply click the “Apply” button.

If you want to use an existing mask, select the “Use Mask” option and then choose the mask you want to use from the drop-down menu.

5. Sony Vegas Pro

Sony Vegas Pro is a professional video editing software with robust masking tools. The interface of the editor may looks complicated for beginners, yet once you get familiar with it, you will be amazed by what you can achieve with the Vegas Pro.

top video editor with useful masking - sony vegas pro

Masking in Sony Vegas Pro

Step 1: Drag the clip from the Explorer or Project Media windows and drop it on the timeline. Then, look for another video that is quite distinct from the first.

Step 2: Drag it to the timeline below the first video event. A new track will be created. Place the original event directly beneath the video occurrence.

The Video Preview window does not display the second video because it is covered by the first video, which resembles one photo sitting on top of another in a stack. So to view the lower clip, we’ll need to add a mask.

6. Magix Movie Edit Pro

Magix Movie Edit Pro is another video editor that is great for adding masks to your video. It is famous for its ease-of-learn and stable rendering. When it comes to masking, it is also quite powerful.

top video editor with useful masking - Magix Movie Edit Pro

Masking in Magix Movie Edit Pro

They let you apply special effects to only certain parts of a video. You may dramatically improve the aspect of your movies with this Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus feature.

When you apply color effects to the software’s template, it appears that you can only use color effects.

To add additional effects to specific portions of the shot, simply import an image and apply the Alpha Mask property from the Chroma Key menu. Then you must duplicate the video section and place it on a lower track, while keeping the alpha mask picture in between the two videos (click the graphic above for a visual guide).

7. Studio

Studio is a pro-level video editing software. It is preloaded with pro-caliber tool and premium effects to help you create the videos you want. We will show you how to apply masking in Studio in the following paragraphs.

top video editor with useful masking - <!-- Pinnacle --> Studio

Masking in Studio

Select the clip you want to overlay your media on, then click the ‘Mask’ button on the editing toolbar. After that, open the mask creation window by clicking ‘Create Mask.

First, click “Create Panel” to create a video mask panel.

To make a panel, use the panel of tools on the left side of the preview window. They’ll only be shown in your video when you add assets later if they’re inside this panel. Keep in mind that you may modify the size and placement of your asset within the panel and the panel itself; therefore, you might need to.

To access the media selection possibilities, click on the ‘Asset’ tab of the mask creation window. To discover the picture or video you want to include in your panel, go through your imported files by selecting ‘Select media.’ After that, select the media to be included in your panel video mask and hit ‘Apply.’

Use the left-hand slider or the resizing box in the preview window on the right to change the size and placement of your media in your panel video mask.

To adjust the 3D position of your panel video mask, go to the ‘3D’ tab of the mask creation window.

CyberLink PowerDirector has recently enhanced its mask & blend feature to help you create artistic scenes. If you are interested in the feature, you can try it out.

top video editor with useful masking - cyberlink powerdirector

Drag and drop a photo from the media room into track 2 of your timeline, then drag the background image into track 1.

Then, go to the Quick Settings menu (press the Menu button at the bottom of your screen), select Cloud Print from the drop-down menu, and then select your photo. Then open up the design interface by selecting Mask Designer from the drop-down menu.

You may select from a variety of templates in the Mask Designer. If you want to make your own mask shape, the Mask Designer has three alternatives for you to create new mask types.

Create an image mask: You may use any picture or video, and it will be resized to fit the shape.

Create a text mask: Enter the text you’d like to appear in your photo. Then, go to the left side of the panel under Font/Paragraph on the left side for font style, size, and other options. To alter the text mask itself, go to the preview window and resize it on the left panel.


Maybe you want to add a picture-in-picture effect, or maybe you want to replace the background with a new image. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to do with most video editing software. We’ve shown you how to mask videos in eight different editors in this article. So now you can get started creating your own custom videos!

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Masking video editing is the process of hiding or obscuring certain elements in a video clip. This can be done for aesthetic purposes and is often used to remove unwanted objects or blemishes from the footage. Masking can be accomplished using a variety of methods, including rotoscoping, chroma-keying, and motion tracking.

In this article

01 What is Masking?

02 Top 8 Video Editor with Useful Masking

What is Masking?

Masks are a feature of editing software that allows you to choose a particular portion of the video or utilize video overlays to hide, duplicate, reveal, or change your footage. The mask is the portion of the video you’ve chosen to pick, either with a template or a custom frame. The mask then becomes isolated, and you may modify it as desired to produce your intended effect.

Masks may be used to do some fantastic things with your videos. You can clone people or objects, overlay several pictures, create glitch effects, blur faces out, etc. Masks add a lot of excitement and color to videos, making them more dynamic, enjoyable to watch, and professional. It can draw attention - and keep it!

Different types of masking

There are three primary types of masking: rotoscoping, chroma-keying, and motion tracking.

Rotoscoping: Rotoscoping is the process of manually tracing an object in a video frame by frame to create a mask. This can be a time-consuming process, but it allows for very precise control over the masked area.

Chroma-keying: Chroma-keying is a type of masking that makes use of color to isolate a particular area of the frame. For example, this is often used to remove a green or blue screen from the footage, but can also be used to isolate other colors.

Motion tracking: Motion tracking is a masking technique that allows you to track the movement of an object in a video clip. This is often used to add special effects, such as explosions, to a video.

masking type

Top 8 Video Editor with Useful Masking

top video editor with useful masking

Here is the list of Top 8 Video Editors with useful masking Features

1. Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional video editing software with a wide range of features and precise masking controls. It allows you to create custom masks or use the built-in rotoscope tool to isolate objects in your footage quickly.

top video editor with useful masking - adobe premiere pro

How to Create a Mask in Premiere Pro

Do you understand how to construct a mask in Adobe Premiere? Shape tools and pen tools may be used to make the Adobe premiere mask.

By Using Shape Tools:
Select the shape tool you’d like to utilize from the Tools panel.
Then, create a mask by drawing a shape on the video clip in the Timeline.

By Using Pen Tools:
Click the pen tool icon in the Tools panel.
Click and drag to draw a path around the object you wish to isolate.
After drawing your path, click the “Mask” button in the Tools panel.

2. Final Cut Pro X

Final Cut Pro X is a proficient video editing software with powerful masking tools. It allows you to create custom masks or isolate objects in your footage.

top video editor with useful masking - Final Cut Pro X

How to Create a Mask in Final Cut Pro X

With little effort, the Shape Mask tool allows you to make a mask in any shape on the continuum, ranging from an ellipse to a rectangle.

The Shape Mask is a simple mask that may be changed to editable control points in order to create complex bespoke masks (converting it into a Draw Mask).

  • Open the Final Cut Pro project and select the clip you wish to mask.
    Note: You can’t composite a clip over another one while using isolated clips. Final Cut Pro has this option, which you may find in the Comping window.
  • To make a clip transparent, select it in the timeline and place the play head at a point within the video clip that shows the portion you wish to make transparent.
  • Click the Effects button in the top-right corner of the timeline (or press Command-5) to display the Effects browser.
  • Select the Shape Mask effect in the Effects Browser.

Tip: Type “shape” in the Effects browser search bar to quickly locate the Shape Mask effect.

To apply the masking effect to the clip in the timeline, choose one of the following options:

  1. Drag the effect to the timeline clip.
  2. Double-click the effect thumbnail in the Effects browser to apply it.
  3. Use the on-screen controls to modify the shape mask if necessary.

The controls for the Shape Mask appear in the viewer, overlaid on top of the video image. In addition, the Effects area of the Video inspector displays the Shape Mask options. By default, the Shape Mask is set to a partially feathered ellipse shape in the center of the frame.

3. Wondershare Filmora

Filmora 11 is an easy to use video editor with useful masking features. It provides various of masking presets to make masking easy for you. If you are looking for Green Screen, Filmora also covers you. Its Chroma Key allows you to remove the background of almost any color.

Masking in Filmora 11

Filmora 11 has been modified to allow for the masking of keyframes. First, double-click the clip on your timeline to open a settings window in the library. Then, in the videos area, select the “Mask” option. Multiple forms may be selected here.

We picked the ‘Star’ form for this project. After selecting it, you may drag the shape to your clip in the preview area.

Scrolling down in the Windows category will take you to more options where you can change the scale, position, width, height, and radius of your chosen shape. You may also lessen the strength of the form and rotate it to make it blend in better with the other elements you’re trying to hide in your window.

To add the keyframe, simply hit the “Add” button after completing it. You may then modify the mask’s form to match the added frame.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

4. Avid Media Composer

Avid Media Composer has a comprehensive masking feature for video editors of different levels. You can either use the built-in masking tools or make your own one.

top video editor with useful masking - avid

Masking in Avid Media Composer

In the Masking Effect window, you can choose to either create a new mask or use an existing one. First, select the “Create Mask” option and then click on the “Draw Mask” button to create a new mask.

This will open up the Draw Mask window, where you can draw your mask using the various tools provided. To apply the mask, simply click the “Apply” button.

If you want to use an existing mask, select the “Use Mask” option and then choose the mask you want to use from the drop-down menu.

5. Sony Vegas Pro

Sony Vegas Pro is a professional video editing software with robust masking tools. The interface of the editor may looks complicated for beginners, yet once you get familiar with it, you will be amazed by what you can achieve with the Vegas Pro.

top video editor with useful masking - sony vegas pro

Masking in Sony Vegas Pro

Step 1: Drag the clip from the Explorer or Project Media windows and drop it on the timeline. Then, look for another video that is quite distinct from the first.

Step 2: Drag it to the timeline below the first video event. A new track will be created. Place the original event directly beneath the video occurrence.

The Video Preview window does not display the second video because it is covered by the first video, which resembles one photo sitting on top of another in a stack. So to view the lower clip, we’ll need to add a mask.

6. Magix Movie Edit Pro

Magix Movie Edit Pro is another video editor that is great for adding masks to your video. It is famous for its ease-of-learn and stable rendering. When it comes to masking, it is also quite powerful.

top video editor with useful masking - Magix Movie Edit Pro

Masking in Magix Movie Edit Pro

They let you apply special effects to only certain parts of a video. You may dramatically improve the aspect of your movies with this Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus feature.

When you apply color effects to the software’s template, it appears that you can only use color effects.

To add additional effects to specific portions of the shot, simply import an image and apply the Alpha Mask property from the Chroma Key menu. Then you must duplicate the video section and place it on a lower track, while keeping the alpha mask picture in between the two videos (click the graphic above for a visual guide).

7. Studio

Studio is a pro-level video editing software. It is preloaded with pro-caliber tool and premium effects to help you create the videos you want. We will show you how to apply masking in Studio in the following paragraphs.

top video editor with useful masking - <!-- Pinnacle --> Studio

Masking in Studio

Select the clip you want to overlay your media on, then click the ‘Mask’ button on the editing toolbar. After that, open the mask creation window by clicking ‘Create Mask.

First, click “Create Panel” to create a video mask panel.

To make a panel, use the panel of tools on the left side of the preview window. They’ll only be shown in your video when you add assets later if they’re inside this panel. Keep in mind that you may modify the size and placement of your asset within the panel and the panel itself; therefore, you might need to.

To access the media selection possibilities, click on the ‘Asset’ tab of the mask creation window. To discover the picture or video you want to include in your panel, go through your imported files by selecting ‘Select media.’ After that, select the media to be included in your panel video mask and hit ‘Apply.’

Use the left-hand slider or the resizing box in the preview window on the right to change the size and placement of your media in your panel video mask.

To adjust the 3D position of your panel video mask, go to the ‘3D’ tab of the mask creation window.

CyberLink PowerDirector has recently enhanced its mask & blend feature to help you create artistic scenes. If you are interested in the feature, you can try it out.

top video editor with useful masking - cyberlink powerdirector

Drag and drop a photo from the media room into track 2 of your timeline, then drag the background image into track 1.

Then, go to the Quick Settings menu (press the Menu button at the bottom of your screen), select Cloud Print from the drop-down menu, and then select your photo. Then open up the design interface by selecting Mask Designer from the drop-down menu.

You may select from a variety of templates in the Mask Designer. If you want to make your own mask shape, the Mask Designer has three alternatives for you to create new mask types.

Create an image mask: You may use any picture or video, and it will be resized to fit the shape.

Create a text mask: Enter the text you’d like to appear in your photo. Then, go to the left side of the panel under Font/Paragraph on the left side for font style, size, and other options. To alter the text mask itself, go to the preview window and resize it on the left panel.


Maybe you want to add a picture-in-picture effect, or maybe you want to replace the background with a new image. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to do with most video editing software. We’ve shown you how to mask videos in eight different editors in this article. So now you can get started creating your own custom videos!

Try It Free Try It Free

Masking video editing is the process of hiding or obscuring certain elements in a video clip. This can be done for aesthetic purposes and is often used to remove unwanted objects or blemishes from the footage. Masking can be accomplished using a variety of methods, including rotoscoping, chroma-keying, and motion tracking.

In this article

01 What is Masking?

02 Top 8 Video Editor with Useful Masking

What is Masking?

Masks are a feature of editing software that allows you to choose a particular portion of the video or utilize video overlays to hide, duplicate, reveal, or change your footage. The mask is the portion of the video you’ve chosen to pick, either with a template or a custom frame. The mask then becomes isolated, and you may modify it as desired to produce your intended effect.

Masks may be used to do some fantastic things with your videos. You can clone people or objects, overlay several pictures, create glitch effects, blur faces out, etc. Masks add a lot of excitement and color to videos, making them more dynamic, enjoyable to watch, and professional. It can draw attention - and keep it!

Different types of masking

There are three primary types of masking: rotoscoping, chroma-keying, and motion tracking.

Rotoscoping: Rotoscoping is the process of manually tracing an object in a video frame by frame to create a mask. This can be a time-consuming process, but it allows for very precise control over the masked area.

Chroma-keying: Chroma-keying is a type of masking that makes use of color to isolate a particular area of the frame. For example, this is often used to remove a green or blue screen from the footage, but can also be used to isolate other colors.

Motion tracking: Motion tracking is a masking technique that allows you to track the movement of an object in a video clip. This is often used to add special effects, such as explosions, to a video.

masking type

Top 8 Video Editor with Useful Masking

top video editor with useful masking

Here is the list of Top 8 Video Editors with useful masking Features

1. Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional video editing software with a wide range of features and precise masking controls. It allows you to create custom masks or use the built-in rotoscope tool to isolate objects in your footage quickly.

top video editor with useful masking - adobe premiere pro

How to Create a Mask in Premiere Pro

Do you understand how to construct a mask in Adobe Premiere? Shape tools and pen tools may be used to make the Adobe premiere mask.

By Using Shape Tools:
Select the shape tool you’d like to utilize from the Tools panel.
Then, create a mask by drawing a shape on the video clip in the Timeline.

By Using Pen Tools:
Click the pen tool icon in the Tools panel.
Click and drag to draw a path around the object you wish to isolate.
After drawing your path, click the “Mask” button in the Tools panel.

2. Final Cut Pro X

Final Cut Pro X is a proficient video editing software with powerful masking tools. It allows you to create custom masks or isolate objects in your footage.

top video editor with useful masking - Final Cut Pro X

How to Create a Mask in Final Cut Pro X

With little effort, the Shape Mask tool allows you to make a mask in any shape on the continuum, ranging from an ellipse to a rectangle.

The Shape Mask is a simple mask that may be changed to editable control points in order to create complex bespoke masks (converting it into a Draw Mask).

  • Open the Final Cut Pro project and select the clip you wish to mask.
    Note: You can’t composite a clip over another one while using isolated clips. Final Cut Pro has this option, which you may find in the Comping window.
  • To make a clip transparent, select it in the timeline and place the play head at a point within the video clip that shows the portion you wish to make transparent.
  • Click the Effects button in the top-right corner of the timeline (or press Command-5) to display the Effects browser.
  • Select the Shape Mask effect in the Effects Browser.

Tip: Type “shape” in the Effects browser search bar to quickly locate the Shape Mask effect.

To apply the masking effect to the clip in the timeline, choose one of the following options:

  1. Drag the effect to the timeline clip.
  2. Double-click the effect thumbnail in the Effects browser to apply it.
  3. Use the on-screen controls to modify the shape mask if necessary.

The controls for the Shape Mask appear in the viewer, overlaid on top of the video image. In addition, the Effects area of the Video inspector displays the Shape Mask options. By default, the Shape Mask is set to a partially feathered ellipse shape in the center of the frame.

3. Wondershare Filmora

Filmora 11 is an easy to use video editor with useful masking features. It provides various of masking presets to make masking easy for you. If you are looking for Green Screen, Filmora also covers you. Its Chroma Key allows you to remove the background of almost any color.

Masking in Filmora 11

Filmora 11 has been modified to allow for the masking of keyframes. First, double-click the clip on your timeline to open a settings window in the library. Then, in the videos area, select the “Mask” option. Multiple forms may be selected here.

We picked the ‘Star’ form for this project. After selecting it, you may drag the shape to your clip in the preview area.

Scrolling down in the Windows category will take you to more options where you can change the scale, position, width, height, and radius of your chosen shape. You may also lessen the strength of the form and rotate it to make it blend in better with the other elements you’re trying to hide in your window.

To add the keyframe, simply hit the “Add” button after completing it. You may then modify the mask’s form to match the added frame.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

4. Avid Media Composer

Avid Media Composer has a comprehensive masking feature for video editors of different levels. You can either use the built-in masking tools or make your own one.

top video editor with useful masking - avid

Masking in Avid Media Composer

In the Masking Effect window, you can choose to either create a new mask or use an existing one. First, select the “Create Mask” option and then click on the “Draw Mask” button to create a new mask.

This will open up the Draw Mask window, where you can draw your mask using the various tools provided. To apply the mask, simply click the “Apply” button.

If you want to use an existing mask, select the “Use Mask” option and then choose the mask you want to use from the drop-down menu.

5. Sony Vegas Pro

Sony Vegas Pro is a professional video editing software with robust masking tools. The interface of the editor may looks complicated for beginners, yet once you get familiar with it, you will be amazed by what you can achieve with the Vegas Pro.

top video editor with useful masking - sony vegas pro

Masking in Sony Vegas Pro

Step 1: Drag the clip from the Explorer or Project Media windows and drop it on the timeline. Then, look for another video that is quite distinct from the first.

Step 2: Drag it to the timeline below the first video event. A new track will be created. Place the original event directly beneath the video occurrence.

The Video Preview window does not display the second video because it is covered by the first video, which resembles one photo sitting on top of another in a stack. So to view the lower clip, we’ll need to add a mask.

6. Magix Movie Edit Pro

Magix Movie Edit Pro is another video editor that is great for adding masks to your video. It is famous for its ease-of-learn and stable rendering. When it comes to masking, it is also quite powerful.

top video editor with useful masking - Magix Movie Edit Pro

Masking in Magix Movie Edit Pro

They let you apply special effects to only certain parts of a video. You may dramatically improve the aspect of your movies with this Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus feature.

When you apply color effects to the software’s template, it appears that you can only use color effects.

To add additional effects to specific portions of the shot, simply import an image and apply the Alpha Mask property from the Chroma Key menu. Then you must duplicate the video section and place it on a lower track, while keeping the alpha mask picture in between the two videos (click the graphic above for a visual guide).

7. Studio

Studio is a pro-level video editing software. It is preloaded with pro-caliber tool and premium effects to help you create the videos you want. We will show you how to apply masking in Studio in the following paragraphs.

top video editor with useful masking - <!-- Pinnacle --> Studio

Masking in Studio

Select the clip you want to overlay your media on, then click the ‘Mask’ button on the editing toolbar. After that, open the mask creation window by clicking ‘Create Mask.

First, click “Create Panel” to create a video mask panel.

To make a panel, use the panel of tools on the left side of the preview window. They’ll only be shown in your video when you add assets later if they’re inside this panel. Keep in mind that you may modify the size and placement of your asset within the panel and the panel itself; therefore, you might need to.

To access the media selection possibilities, click on the ‘Asset’ tab of the mask creation window. To discover the picture or video you want to include in your panel, go through your imported files by selecting ‘Select media.’ After that, select the media to be included in your panel video mask and hit ‘Apply.’

Use the left-hand slider or the resizing box in the preview window on the right to change the size and placement of your media in your panel video mask.

To adjust the 3D position of your panel video mask, go to the ‘3D’ tab of the mask creation window.

CyberLink PowerDirector has recently enhanced its mask & blend feature to help you create artistic scenes. If you are interested in the feature, you can try it out.

top video editor with useful masking - cyberlink powerdirector

Drag and drop a photo from the media room into track 2 of your timeline, then drag the background image into track 1.

Then, go to the Quick Settings menu (press the Menu button at the bottom of your screen), select Cloud Print from the drop-down menu, and then select your photo. Then open up the design interface by selecting Mask Designer from the drop-down menu.

You may select from a variety of templates in the Mask Designer. If you want to make your own mask shape, the Mask Designer has three alternatives for you to create new mask types.

Create an image mask: You may use any picture or video, and it will be resized to fit the shape.

Create a text mask: Enter the text you’d like to appear in your photo. Then, go to the left side of the panel under Font/Paragraph on the left side for font style, size, and other options. To alter the text mask itself, go to the preview window and resize it on the left panel.


Maybe you want to add a picture-in-picture effect, or maybe you want to replace the background with a new image. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to do with most video editing software. We’ve shown you how to mask videos in eight different editors in this article. So now you can get started creating your own custom videos!

Try It Free Try It Free

Masking video editing is the process of hiding or obscuring certain elements in a video clip. This can be done for aesthetic purposes and is often used to remove unwanted objects or blemishes from the footage. Masking can be accomplished using a variety of methods, including rotoscoping, chroma-keying, and motion tracking.

In this article

01 What is Masking?

02 Top 8 Video Editor with Useful Masking

What is Masking?

Masks are a feature of editing software that allows you to choose a particular portion of the video or utilize video overlays to hide, duplicate, reveal, or change your footage. The mask is the portion of the video you’ve chosen to pick, either with a template or a custom frame. The mask then becomes isolated, and you may modify it as desired to produce your intended effect.

Masks may be used to do some fantastic things with your videos. You can clone people or objects, overlay several pictures, create glitch effects, blur faces out, etc. Masks add a lot of excitement and color to videos, making them more dynamic, enjoyable to watch, and professional. It can draw attention - and keep it!

Different types of masking

There are three primary types of masking: rotoscoping, chroma-keying, and motion tracking.

Rotoscoping: Rotoscoping is the process of manually tracing an object in a video frame by frame to create a mask. This can be a time-consuming process, but it allows for very precise control over the masked area.

Chroma-keying: Chroma-keying is a type of masking that makes use of color to isolate a particular area of the frame. For example, this is often used to remove a green or blue screen from the footage, but can also be used to isolate other colors.

Motion tracking: Motion tracking is a masking technique that allows you to track the movement of an object in a video clip. This is often used to add special effects, such as explosions, to a video.

masking type

Top 8 Video Editor with Useful Masking

top video editor with useful masking

Here is the list of Top 8 Video Editors with useful masking Features

1. Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional video editing software with a wide range of features and precise masking controls. It allows you to create custom masks or use the built-in rotoscope tool to isolate objects in your footage quickly.

top video editor with useful masking - adobe premiere pro

How to Create a Mask in Premiere Pro

Do you understand how to construct a mask in Adobe Premiere? Shape tools and pen tools may be used to make the Adobe premiere mask.

By Using Shape Tools:
Select the shape tool you’d like to utilize from the Tools panel.
Then, create a mask by drawing a shape on the video clip in the Timeline.

By Using Pen Tools:
Click the pen tool icon in the Tools panel.
Click and drag to draw a path around the object you wish to isolate.
After drawing your path, click the “Mask” button in the Tools panel.

2. Final Cut Pro X

Final Cut Pro X is a proficient video editing software with powerful masking tools. It allows you to create custom masks or isolate objects in your footage.

top video editor with useful masking - Final Cut Pro X

How to Create a Mask in Final Cut Pro X

With little effort, the Shape Mask tool allows you to make a mask in any shape on the continuum, ranging from an ellipse to a rectangle.

The Shape Mask is a simple mask that may be changed to editable control points in order to create complex bespoke masks (converting it into a Draw Mask).

  • Open the Final Cut Pro project and select the clip you wish to mask.
    Note: You can’t composite a clip over another one while using isolated clips. Final Cut Pro has this option, which you may find in the Comping window.
  • To make a clip transparent, select it in the timeline and place the play head at a point within the video clip that shows the portion you wish to make transparent.
  • Click the Effects button in the top-right corner of the timeline (or press Command-5) to display the Effects browser.
  • Select the Shape Mask effect in the Effects Browser.

Tip: Type “shape” in the Effects browser search bar to quickly locate the Shape Mask effect.

To apply the masking effect to the clip in the timeline, choose one of the following options:

  1. Drag the effect to the timeline clip.
  2. Double-click the effect thumbnail in the Effects browser to apply it.
  3. Use the on-screen controls to modify the shape mask if necessary.

The controls for the Shape Mask appear in the viewer, overlaid on top of the video image. In addition, the Effects area of the Video inspector displays the Shape Mask options. By default, the Shape Mask is set to a partially feathered ellipse shape in the center of the frame.

3. Wondershare Filmora

Filmora 11 is an easy to use video editor with useful masking features. It provides various of masking presets to make masking easy for you. If you are looking for Green Screen, Filmora also covers you. Its Chroma Key allows you to remove the background of almost any color.

Masking in Filmora 11

Filmora 11 has been modified to allow for the masking of keyframes. First, double-click the clip on your timeline to open a settings window in the library. Then, in the videos area, select the “Mask” option. Multiple forms may be selected here.

We picked the ‘Star’ form for this project. After selecting it, you may drag the shape to your clip in the preview area.

Scrolling down in the Windows category will take you to more options where you can change the scale, position, width, height, and radius of your chosen shape. You may also lessen the strength of the form and rotate it to make it blend in better with the other elements you’re trying to hide in your window.

To add the keyframe, simply hit the “Add” button after completing it. You may then modify the mask’s form to match the added frame.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

4. Avid Media Composer

Avid Media Composer has a comprehensive masking feature for video editors of different levels. You can either use the built-in masking tools or make your own one.

top video editor with useful masking - avid

Masking in Avid Media Composer

In the Masking Effect window, you can choose to either create a new mask or use an existing one. First, select the “Create Mask” option and then click on the “Draw Mask” button to create a new mask.

This will open up the Draw Mask window, where you can draw your mask using the various tools provided. To apply the mask, simply click the “Apply” button.

If you want to use an existing mask, select the “Use Mask” option and then choose the mask you want to use from the drop-down menu.

5. Sony Vegas Pro

Sony Vegas Pro is a professional video editing software with robust masking tools. The interface of the editor may looks complicated for beginners, yet once you get familiar with it, you will be amazed by what you can achieve with the Vegas Pro.

top video editor with useful masking - sony vegas pro

Masking in Sony Vegas Pro

Step 1: Drag the clip from the Explorer or Project Media windows and drop it on the timeline. Then, look for another video that is quite distinct from the first.

Step 2: Drag it to the timeline below the first video event. A new track will be created. Place the original event directly beneath the video occurrence.

The Video Preview window does not display the second video because it is covered by the first video, which resembles one photo sitting on top of another in a stack. So to view the lower clip, we’ll need to add a mask.

6. Magix Movie Edit Pro

Magix Movie Edit Pro is another video editor that is great for adding masks to your video. It is famous for its ease-of-learn and stable rendering. When it comes to masking, it is also quite powerful.

top video editor with useful masking - Magix Movie Edit Pro

Masking in Magix Movie Edit Pro

They let you apply special effects to only certain parts of a video. You may dramatically improve the aspect of your movies with this Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus feature.

When you apply color effects to the software’s template, it appears that you can only use color effects.

To add additional effects to specific portions of the shot, simply import an image and apply the Alpha Mask property from the Chroma Key menu. Then you must duplicate the video section and place it on a lower track, while keeping the alpha mask picture in between the two videos (click the graphic above for a visual guide).

7. Studio

Studio is a pro-level video editing software. It is preloaded with pro-caliber tool and premium effects to help you create the videos you want. We will show you how to apply masking in Studio in the following paragraphs.

top video editor with useful masking - <!-- Pinnacle --> Studio

Masking in Studio

Select the clip you want to overlay your media on, then click the ‘Mask’ button on the editing toolbar. After that, open the mask creation window by clicking ‘Create Mask.

First, click “Create Panel” to create a video mask panel.

To make a panel, use the panel of tools on the left side of the preview window. They’ll only be shown in your video when you add assets later if they’re inside this panel. Keep in mind that you may modify the size and placement of your asset within the panel and the panel itself; therefore, you might need to.

To access the media selection possibilities, click on the ‘Asset’ tab of the mask creation window. To discover the picture or video you want to include in your panel, go through your imported files by selecting ‘Select media.’ After that, select the media to be included in your panel video mask and hit ‘Apply.’

Use the left-hand slider or the resizing box in the preview window on the right to change the size and placement of your media in your panel video mask.

To adjust the 3D position of your panel video mask, go to the ‘3D’ tab of the mask creation window.

CyberLink PowerDirector has recently enhanced its mask & blend feature to help you create artistic scenes. If you are interested in the feature, you can try it out.

top video editor with useful masking - cyberlink powerdirector

Drag and drop a photo from the media room into track 2 of your timeline, then drag the background image into track 1.

Then, go to the Quick Settings menu (press the Menu button at the bottom of your screen), select Cloud Print from the drop-down menu, and then select your photo. Then open up the design interface by selecting Mask Designer from the drop-down menu.

You may select from a variety of templates in the Mask Designer. If you want to make your own mask shape, the Mask Designer has three alternatives for you to create new mask types.

Create an image mask: You may use any picture or video, and it will be resized to fit the shape.

Create a text mask: Enter the text you’d like to appear in your photo. Then, go to the left side of the panel under Font/Paragraph on the left side for font style, size, and other options. To alter the text mask itself, go to the preview window and resize it on the left panel.


Maybe you want to add a picture-in-picture effect, or maybe you want to replace the background with a new image. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to do with most video editing software. We’ve shown you how to mask videos in eight different editors in this article. So now you can get started creating your own custom videos!

Methods to Make Sure Your Recording Slideshow in Powerpoint Is Not Wro

Ways to Make Sure Your Recording Slideshow in Powerpoint is Not Wrong

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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Creating a presentation is a daunting task, and not everybody has enough expertise to create it. But those who know they can create the presentation are well aware of the steps they need to follow to record a slide show PowerPoint.

If you are new to it or feel confused about how you will be able to do it, keep reading till the last. Here in this read, we will help you to know whether the way you have adapted to record the presentation is favorable or not. Additionally, in the end you will have an idea about the right steps that you need to follow in order to get it done. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [How to Record Slide Show Powerpoint](#Part 1)

02 [The 6 Best Slide Show PowerPoint Recording Tools](#Part 2)

03 [Recording Slide Show Powerpoint Q&A](#Part 3)

Part 1 How to Record Slide Show Powerpoint

Before understanding the use of tools to record slide show, one must be aware of how will they be able to do it. For the same, there are simple steps that you need to follow, these are:

Step 1: Firstly, open the slide from which you wish to start the recording.

Step 2: “Record” button is right there at the upper right corner of the PowerPoint window. Click on it.

Step 3: When you are done with making the changes or say customizations, select “Record button”. This one is round and red in appearance.

Step 4: Wait until the countdown.

Step 5: Start speaking as per the slides you have created.

Step 6: when you are done with it, you can save it and share it with others too.

Note: this one turns out to be the simplest method for recording slide shows in PowerPoint. But some users are not happy with the same because they are not in the state to make the additional editing if they need to do any. Thus, at that point, they look out for other tools available.

Part 2 The 6 Best Slide Show PowerPoint Recording Tools

In this section, you will come to know about the best slide show PowerPoint recording tools that you can consider and get the best results in return: -


Vmaker is a tool that allows you to create and share your PowerPoint presentations. It records your presentation in high-quality video, audio, and text. It has many features that help you to make a great presentation. For instance, it can record your screen in real-time and automatically saves the recorded file as a video file. You can also use it to record the audio from your microphone or an external source like YouTube or SoundCloud. It also has features for editing videos and adding subtitles, watermarks, etc. It is one of the best slide show PowerPoint recording tools available on the market today.


Additionally, the tool also has an inbuilt screen recorder that lets you record your presentation in full HD resolution. It records your screen with sound as well, so you can share it on social media or embed it on websites.


Panapto lets users create professional-looking presentations with just a few clicks. It also supports animations, transitions, and other features for creating engaging slideshows. It is a professional tool that allows you to create a slide show of your PowerPoint presentation in just one click and share it with other people. Furthermore, It also allows you to record your presentation as a video file and publish it online for others to view. If you are looking for the best Slide Show Powerpoint Recording Tools, Panapto is the right choice for you. It works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.



Camtasia is software that can be used as a video recording tool for presentations. It allows you to record, edit, and share videos with ease. In general, it is an easy-to-use screen recording tool that lets you create high-quality recordings of presentations, webinars, and meetings in seconds. It also includes a number of features like color correction tools and motion tracking that make it easy to create professional-looking videos without any extra effort.


With it, you can easily create a presentation from your computer or tablet. You can also use it to record training sessions or meetings so that you can review them later.


Ispring is presentation software that records your presentations in real-time and allows you to review them later on. You can also share your recordings with others or embed them into websites or blogs. It saves you time, effort, and money. It allows the option of recording your screen using your webcam or microphone (with or without sound).


Furthermore, it is helpful in capturing the screen from any device on the desktop, including computers, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones. Along with that, if you are looking to edit audio files in real-time then no more waiting for hours to edit the sound.

Lastly, after creating the content, if you wish to publish it over any social media portal, the direct option is there to help you with it.


Bandicam is a powerful software that allows users to record their screens in high quality with ease. It is not limited by frames per second but rather the number of frames per second it can record at different resolutions. It has the ability to take screenshots that are saved as PNG files or even take screencasts that are saved as MP4 files.n Furthermore, it is the best slide show PowerPoint recording tool. It can be used for recording gameplay, tutorials, presentations, or anything else you would like to show on a screen.


The Bandicam website also offers an online tutorial for those who are new to using the software, as well as a help center with video tutorials for those who have never used it before.


Screenflow is a free and open-source screen recording tool that works on Mac. It allows you to record your computer screen, audio, and webcam. It is a really useful tool for those who want to create videos for presentations but don’t have the time or budget to hire an expensive video producer. It can be used as a screen recorder or a presentation tool. You can easily edit recorded videos with Screenflow’s inbuilt video editor.


In general, Screenflow is a tool that records your screen and lets you share it with others. It’s a great tool for both beginners and professionals to record their work, presentations, or tutorials.

Part 3 Recording Slide Show Powerpoint Q&A

01What are the advantages of recording a slide show PowerPoint?

Recording a slide show PowerPoint is an easy way to capture the information from your slides into an editable video that you can share with your audience. It’s also easy for people who missed the presentation or need to review it later, as well as for those who want to use it for other purposes like marketing collateral or educational content. By recording a slide show PowerPoint, you’re able to retain the benefits of giving a live presentation without all the hassle of actually delivering it in person.

02How can I record a slide show PowerPoint?

There are a few ways to record a slide show PowerPoint, including using the PowerPoint recording option. If you are using PowerPoint, you should be able to find the option in your presentation settings. But if you are not fond of trying it out, you can use Filmora. This is one of the best video editing tools available, with some exclusive features. This has the simplest interface, and users can get their presentation recorded needs catered for sure.

03How can I use my recorded slideshows in different presentations?

There are many ways to do this. You could export the slideshow as a .mp4 file and then import it into another presentation for reuse. You could also just load the slideshow on your laptop’s screen and use it that way instead of having a projector or screen. If you wish to integrate some effects into it, you can try out Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , the ultimate video editing tool available for people around.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

04How long does it take to create a single recording slide show PowerPoint?

It takes a lot of time and effort to create a single recording slide show PowerPoint. This is because of the time it takes to go through all the slides and find the right images.

It is best if you start by finding out what you want to say with your presentation. Then, select images that support your message, and finally, create slides that tell your story.

This process will save a lot of time and effort when it comes to creating slide shows for presentations.

05How long can a recording slide show PowerPoint be recorded?

The length of a PowerPoint recording is determined by the length of the slide show. The default setting for the length of the slide show is 60 minutes, but it can be changed to any duration.

Ending Thoughts

Recorded slide show presentations are best to consider when one wishes to save the efforts of creating the same presentation again and again.

Filmora is one of the best video editing tools available to users for doing the editing in the recorded slideshow presentation if needed.

Recording a slideshow is relatively an easy task if one is aware of the right steps. But if there is a lack of knowledge, they will not be able to do it.

Try It Free Try It Free

Creating a presentation is a daunting task, and not everybody has enough expertise to create it. But those who know they can create the presentation are well aware of the steps they need to follow to record a slide show PowerPoint.

If you are new to it or feel confused about how you will be able to do it, keep reading till the last. Here in this read, we will help you to know whether the way you have adapted to record the presentation is favorable or not. Additionally, in the end you will have an idea about the right steps that you need to follow in order to get it done. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [How to Record Slide Show Powerpoint](#Part 1)

02 [The 6 Best Slide Show PowerPoint Recording Tools](#Part 2)

03 [Recording Slide Show Powerpoint Q&A](#Part 3)

Part 1 How to Record Slide Show Powerpoint

Before understanding the use of tools to record slide show, one must be aware of how will they be able to do it. For the same, there are simple steps that you need to follow, these are:

Step 1: Firstly, open the slide from which you wish to start the recording.

Step 2: “Record” button is right there at the upper right corner of the PowerPoint window. Click on it.

Step 3: When you are done with making the changes or say customizations, select “Record button”. This one is round and red in appearance.

Step 4: Wait until the countdown.

Step 5: Start speaking as per the slides you have created.

Step 6: when you are done with it, you can save it and share it with others too.

Note: this one turns out to be the simplest method for recording slide shows in PowerPoint. But some users are not happy with the same because they are not in the state to make the additional editing if they need to do any. Thus, at that point, they look out for other tools available.

Part 2 The 6 Best Slide Show PowerPoint Recording Tools

In this section, you will come to know about the best slide show PowerPoint recording tools that you can consider and get the best results in return: -


Vmaker is a tool that allows you to create and share your PowerPoint presentations. It records your presentation in high-quality video, audio, and text. It has many features that help you to make a great presentation. For instance, it can record your screen in real-time and automatically saves the recorded file as a video file. You can also use it to record the audio from your microphone or an external source like YouTube or SoundCloud. It also has features for editing videos and adding subtitles, watermarks, etc. It is one of the best slide show PowerPoint recording tools available on the market today.


Additionally, the tool also has an inbuilt screen recorder that lets you record your presentation in full HD resolution. It records your screen with sound as well, so you can share it on social media or embed it on websites.


Panapto lets users create professional-looking presentations with just a few clicks. It also supports animations, transitions, and other features for creating engaging slideshows. It is a professional tool that allows you to create a slide show of your PowerPoint presentation in just one click and share it with other people. Furthermore, It also allows you to record your presentation as a video file and publish it online for others to view. If you are looking for the best Slide Show Powerpoint Recording Tools, Panapto is the right choice for you. It works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.



Camtasia is software that can be used as a video recording tool for presentations. It allows you to record, edit, and share videos with ease. In general, it is an easy-to-use screen recording tool that lets you create high-quality recordings of presentations, webinars, and meetings in seconds. It also includes a number of features like color correction tools and motion tracking that make it easy to create professional-looking videos without any extra effort.


With it, you can easily create a presentation from your computer or tablet. You can also use it to record training sessions or meetings so that you can review them later.


Ispring is presentation software that records your presentations in real-time and allows you to review them later on. You can also share your recordings with others or embed them into websites or blogs. It saves you time, effort, and money. It allows the option of recording your screen using your webcam or microphone (with or without sound).


Furthermore, it is helpful in capturing the screen from any device on the desktop, including computers, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones. Along with that, if you are looking to edit audio files in real-time then no more waiting for hours to edit the sound.

Lastly, after creating the content, if you wish to publish it over any social media portal, the direct option is there to help you with it.


Bandicam is a powerful software that allows users to record their screens in high quality with ease. It is not limited by frames per second but rather the number of frames per second it can record at different resolutions. It has the ability to take screenshots that are saved as PNG files or even take screencasts that are saved as MP4 files.n Furthermore, it is the best slide show PowerPoint recording tool. It can be used for recording gameplay, tutorials, presentations, or anything else you would like to show on a screen.


The Bandicam website also offers an online tutorial for those who are new to using the software, as well as a help center with video tutorials for those who have never used it before.


Screenflow is a free and open-source screen recording tool that works on Mac. It allows you to record your computer screen, audio, and webcam. It is a really useful tool for those who want to create videos for presentations but don’t have the time or budget to hire an expensive video producer. It can be used as a screen recorder or a presentation tool. You can easily edit recorded videos with Screenflow’s inbuilt video editor.


In general, Screenflow is a tool that records your screen and lets you share it with others. It’s a great tool for both beginners and professionals to record their work, presentations, or tutorials.

Part 3 Recording Slide Show Powerpoint Q&A

01What are the advantages of recording a slide show PowerPoint?

Recording a slide show PowerPoint is an easy way to capture the information from your slides into an editable video that you can share with your audience. It’s also easy for people who missed the presentation or need to review it later, as well as for those who want to use it for other purposes like marketing collateral or educational content. By recording a slide show PowerPoint, you’re able to retain the benefits of giving a live presentation without all the hassle of actually delivering it in person.

02How can I record a slide show PowerPoint?

There are a few ways to record a slide show PowerPoint, including using the PowerPoint recording option. If you are using PowerPoint, you should be able to find the option in your presentation settings. But if you are not fond of trying it out, you can use Filmora. This is one of the best video editing tools available, with some exclusive features. This has the simplest interface, and users can get their presentation recorded needs catered for sure.

03How can I use my recorded slideshows in different presentations?

There are many ways to do this. You could export the slideshow as a .mp4 file and then import it into another presentation for reuse. You could also just load the slideshow on your laptop’s screen and use it that way instead of having a projector or screen. If you wish to integrate some effects into it, you can try out Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , the ultimate video editing tool available for people around.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

04How long does it take to create a single recording slide show PowerPoint?

It takes a lot of time and effort to create a single recording slide show PowerPoint. This is because of the time it takes to go through all the slides and find the right images.

It is best if you start by finding out what you want to say with your presentation. Then, select images that support your message, and finally, create slides that tell your story.

This process will save a lot of time and effort when it comes to creating slide shows for presentations.

05How long can a recording slide show PowerPoint be recorded?

The length of a PowerPoint recording is determined by the length of the slide show. The default setting for the length of the slide show is 60 minutes, but it can be changed to any duration.

Ending Thoughts

Recorded slide show presentations are best to consider when one wishes to save the efforts of creating the same presentation again and again.

Filmora is one of the best video editing tools available to users for doing the editing in the recorded slideshow presentation if needed.

Recording a slideshow is relatively an easy task if one is aware of the right steps. But if there is a lack of knowledge, they will not be able to do it.

Try It Free Try It Free

Creating a presentation is a daunting task, and not everybody has enough expertise to create it. But those who know they can create the presentation are well aware of the steps they need to follow to record a slide show PowerPoint.

If you are new to it or feel confused about how you will be able to do it, keep reading till the last. Here in this read, we will help you to know whether the way you have adapted to record the presentation is favorable or not. Additionally, in the end you will have an idea about the right steps that you need to follow in order to get it done. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [How to Record Slide Show Powerpoint](#Part 1)

02 [The 6 Best Slide Show PowerPoint Recording Tools](#Part 2)

03 [Recording Slide Show Powerpoint Q&A](#Part 3)

Part 1 How to Record Slide Show Powerpoint

Before understanding the use of tools to record slide show, one must be aware of how will they be able to do it. For the same, there are simple steps that you need to follow, these are:

Step 1: Firstly, open the slide from which you wish to start the recording.

Step 2: “Record” button is right there at the upper right corner of the PowerPoint window. Click on it.

Step 3: When you are done with making the changes or say customizations, select “Record button”. This one is round and red in appearance.

Step 4: Wait until the countdown.

Step 5: Start speaking as per the slides you have created.

Step 6: when you are done with it, you can save it and share it with others too.

Note: this one turns out to be the simplest method for recording slide shows in PowerPoint. But some users are not happy with the same because they are not in the state to make the additional editing if they need to do any. Thus, at that point, they look out for other tools available.

Part 2 The 6 Best Slide Show PowerPoint Recording Tools

In this section, you will come to know about the best slide show PowerPoint recording tools that you can consider and get the best results in return: -


Vmaker is a tool that allows you to create and share your PowerPoint presentations. It records your presentation in high-quality video, audio, and text. It has many features that help you to make a great presentation. For instance, it can record your screen in real-time and automatically saves the recorded file as a video file. You can also use it to record the audio from your microphone or an external source like YouTube or SoundCloud. It also has features for editing videos and adding subtitles, watermarks, etc. It is one of the best slide show PowerPoint recording tools available on the market today.


Additionally, the tool also has an inbuilt screen recorder that lets you record your presentation in full HD resolution. It records your screen with sound as well, so you can share it on social media or embed it on websites.


Panapto lets users create professional-looking presentations with just a few clicks. It also supports animations, transitions, and other features for creating engaging slideshows. It is a professional tool that allows you to create a slide show of your PowerPoint presentation in just one click and share it with other people. Furthermore, It also allows you to record your presentation as a video file and publish it online for others to view. If you are looking for the best Slide Show Powerpoint Recording Tools, Panapto is the right choice for you. It works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.



Camtasia is software that can be used as a video recording tool for presentations. It allows you to record, edit, and share videos with ease. In general, it is an easy-to-use screen recording tool that lets you create high-quality recordings of presentations, webinars, and meetings in seconds. It also includes a number of features like color correction tools and motion tracking that make it easy to create professional-looking videos without any extra effort.


With it, you can easily create a presentation from your computer or tablet. You can also use it to record training sessions or meetings so that you can review them later.


Ispring is presentation software that records your presentations in real-time and allows you to review them later on. You can also share your recordings with others or embed them into websites or blogs. It saves you time, effort, and money. It allows the option of recording your screen using your webcam or microphone (with or without sound).


Furthermore, it is helpful in capturing the screen from any device on the desktop, including computers, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones. Along with that, if you are looking to edit audio files in real-time then no more waiting for hours to edit the sound.

Lastly, after creating the content, if you wish to publish it over any social media portal, the direct option is there to help you with it.


Bandicam is a powerful software that allows users to record their screens in high quality with ease. It is not limited by frames per second but rather the number of frames per second it can record at different resolutions. It has the ability to take screenshots that are saved as PNG files or even take screencasts that are saved as MP4 files.n Furthermore, it is the best slide show PowerPoint recording tool. It can be used for recording gameplay, tutorials, presentations, or anything else you would like to show on a screen.


The Bandicam website also offers an online tutorial for those who are new to using the software, as well as a help center with video tutorials for those who have never used it before.


Screenflow is a free and open-source screen recording tool that works on Mac. It allows you to record your computer screen, audio, and webcam. It is a really useful tool for those who want to create videos for presentations but don’t have the time or budget to hire an expensive video producer. It can be used as a screen recorder or a presentation tool. You can easily edit recorded videos with Screenflow’s inbuilt video editor.


In general, Screenflow is a tool that records your screen and lets you share it with others. It’s a great tool for both beginners and professionals to record their work, presentations, or tutorials.

Part 3 Recording Slide Show Powerpoint Q&A

01What are the advantages of recording a slide show PowerPoint?

Recording a slide show PowerPoint is an easy way to capture the information from your slides into an editable video that you can share with your audience. It’s also easy for people who missed the presentation or need to review it later, as well as for those who want to use it for other purposes like marketing collateral or educational content. By recording a slide show PowerPoint, you’re able to retain the benefits of giving a live presentation without all the hassle of actually delivering it in person.

02How can I record a slide show PowerPoint?

There are a few ways to record a slide show PowerPoint, including using the PowerPoint recording option. If you are using PowerPoint, you should be able to find the option in your presentation settings. But if you are not fond of trying it out, you can use Filmora. This is one of the best video editing tools available, with some exclusive features. This has the simplest interface, and users can get their presentation recorded needs catered for sure.

03How can I use my recorded slideshows in different presentations?

There are many ways to do this. You could export the slideshow as a .mp4 file and then import it into another presentation for reuse. You could also just load the slideshow on your laptop’s screen and use it that way instead of having a projector or screen. If you wish to integrate some effects into it, you can try out Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , the ultimate video editing tool available for people around.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

04How long does it take to create a single recording slide show PowerPoint?

It takes a lot of time and effort to create a single recording slide show PowerPoint. This is because of the time it takes to go through all the slides and find the right images.

It is best if you start by finding out what you want to say with your presentation. Then, select images that support your message, and finally, create slides that tell your story.

This process will save a lot of time and effort when it comes to creating slide shows for presentations.

05How long can a recording slide show PowerPoint be recorded?

The length of a PowerPoint recording is determined by the length of the slide show. The default setting for the length of the slide show is 60 minutes, but it can be changed to any duration.

Ending Thoughts

Recorded slide show presentations are best to consider when one wishes to save the efforts of creating the same presentation again and again.

Filmora is one of the best video editing tools available to users for doing the editing in the recorded slideshow presentation if needed.

Recording a slideshow is relatively an easy task if one is aware of the right steps. But if there is a lack of knowledge, they will not be able to do it.

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Creating a presentation is a daunting task, and not everybody has enough expertise to create it. But those who know they can create the presentation are well aware of the steps they need to follow to record a slide show PowerPoint.

If you are new to it or feel confused about how you will be able to do it, keep reading till the last. Here in this read, we will help you to know whether the way you have adapted to record the presentation is favorable or not. Additionally, in the end you will have an idea about the right steps that you need to follow in order to get it done. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [How to Record Slide Show Powerpoint](#Part 1)

02 [The 6 Best Slide Show PowerPoint Recording Tools](#Part 2)

03 [Recording Slide Show Powerpoint Q&A](#Part 3)

Part 1 How to Record Slide Show Powerpoint

Before understanding the use of tools to record slide show, one must be aware of how will they be able to do it. For the same, there are simple steps that you need to follow, these are:

Step 1: Firstly, open the slide from which you wish to start the recording.

Step 2: “Record” button is right there at the upper right corner of the PowerPoint window. Click on it.

Step 3: When you are done with making the changes or say customizations, select “Record button”. This one is round and red in appearance.

Step 4: Wait until the countdown.

Step 5: Start speaking as per the slides you have created.

Step 6: when you are done with it, you can save it and share it with others too.

Note: this one turns out to be the simplest method for recording slide shows in PowerPoint. But some users are not happy with the same because they are not in the state to make the additional editing if they need to do any. Thus, at that point, they look out for other tools available.

Part 2 The 6 Best Slide Show PowerPoint Recording Tools

In this section, you will come to know about the best slide show PowerPoint recording tools that you can consider and get the best results in return: -


Vmaker is a tool that allows you to create and share your PowerPoint presentations. It records your presentation in high-quality video, audio, and text. It has many features that help you to make a great presentation. For instance, it can record your screen in real-time and automatically saves the recorded file as a video file. You can also use it to record the audio from your microphone or an external source like YouTube or SoundCloud. It also has features for editing videos and adding subtitles, watermarks, etc. It is one of the best slide show PowerPoint recording tools available on the market today.


Additionally, the tool also has an inbuilt screen recorder that lets you record your presentation in full HD resolution. It records your screen with sound as well, so you can share it on social media or embed it on websites.


Panapto lets users create professional-looking presentations with just a few clicks. It also supports animations, transitions, and other features for creating engaging slideshows. It is a professional tool that allows you to create a slide show of your PowerPoint presentation in just one click and share it with other people. Furthermore, It also allows you to record your presentation as a video file and publish it online for others to view. If you are looking for the best Slide Show Powerpoint Recording Tools, Panapto is the right choice for you. It works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.



Camtasia is software that can be used as a video recording tool for presentations. It allows you to record, edit, and share videos with ease. In general, it is an easy-to-use screen recording tool that lets you create high-quality recordings of presentations, webinars, and meetings in seconds. It also includes a number of features like color correction tools and motion tracking that make it easy to create professional-looking videos without any extra effort.


With it, you can easily create a presentation from your computer or tablet. You can also use it to record training sessions or meetings so that you can review them later.


Ispring is presentation software that records your presentations in real-time and allows you to review them later on. You can also share your recordings with others or embed them into websites or blogs. It saves you time, effort, and money. It allows the option of recording your screen using your webcam or microphone (with or without sound).


Furthermore, it is helpful in capturing the screen from any device on the desktop, including computers, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones. Along with that, if you are looking to edit audio files in real-time then no more waiting for hours to edit the sound.

Lastly, after creating the content, if you wish to publish it over any social media portal, the direct option is there to help you with it.


Bandicam is a powerful software that allows users to record their screens in high quality with ease. It is not limited by frames per second but rather the number of frames per second it can record at different resolutions. It has the ability to take screenshots that are saved as PNG files or even take screencasts that are saved as MP4 files.n Furthermore, it is the best slide show PowerPoint recording tool. It can be used for recording gameplay, tutorials, presentations, or anything else you would like to show on a screen.


The Bandicam website also offers an online tutorial for those who are new to using the software, as well as a help center with video tutorials for those who have never used it before.


Screenflow is a free and open-source screen recording tool that works on Mac. It allows you to record your computer screen, audio, and webcam. It is a really useful tool for those who want to create videos for presentations but don’t have the time or budget to hire an expensive video producer. It can be used as a screen recorder or a presentation tool. You can easily edit recorded videos with Screenflow’s inbuilt video editor.


In general, Screenflow is a tool that records your screen and lets you share it with others. It’s a great tool for both beginners and professionals to record their work, presentations, or tutorials.

Part 3 Recording Slide Show Powerpoint Q&A

01What are the advantages of recording a slide show PowerPoint?

Recording a slide show PowerPoint is an easy way to capture the information from your slides into an editable video that you can share with your audience. It’s also easy for people who missed the presentation or need to review it later, as well as for those who want to use it for other purposes like marketing collateral or educational content. By recording a slide show PowerPoint, you’re able to retain the benefits of giving a live presentation without all the hassle of actually delivering it in person.

02How can I record a slide show PowerPoint?

There are a few ways to record a slide show PowerPoint, including using the PowerPoint recording option. If you are using PowerPoint, you should be able to find the option in your presentation settings. But if you are not fond of trying it out, you can use Filmora. This is one of the best video editing tools available, with some exclusive features. This has the simplest interface, and users can get their presentation recorded needs catered for sure.

03How can I use my recorded slideshows in different presentations?

There are many ways to do this. You could export the slideshow as a .mp4 file and then import it into another presentation for reuse. You could also just load the slideshow on your laptop’s screen and use it that way instead of having a projector or screen. If you wish to integrate some effects into it, you can try out Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , the ultimate video editing tool available for people around.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

04How long does it take to create a single recording slide show PowerPoint?

It takes a lot of time and effort to create a single recording slide show PowerPoint. This is because of the time it takes to go through all the slides and find the right images.

It is best if you start by finding out what you want to say with your presentation. Then, select images that support your message, and finally, create slides that tell your story.

This process will save a lot of time and effort when it comes to creating slide shows for presentations.

05How long can a recording slide show PowerPoint be recorded?

The length of a PowerPoint recording is determined by the length of the slide show. The default setting for the length of the slide show is 60 minutes, but it can be changed to any duration.

Ending Thoughts

Recorded slide show presentations are best to consider when one wishes to save the efforts of creating the same presentation again and again.

Filmora is one of the best video editing tools available to users for doing the editing in the recorded slideshow presentation if needed.

Recording a slideshow is relatively an easy task if one is aware of the right steps. But if there is a lack of knowledge, they will not be able to do it.

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  • Title: 2024 Approved Mastering FFmpeg How to Merge Audio and Video with Ease
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:12:22
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:12:22
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/2024-approved-mastering-ffmpeg-how-to-merge-audio-and-video-with-ease/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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2024 Approved Mastering FFmpeg How to Merge Audio and Video with Ease