Creating Video Testimonials

Creating Video Testimonials

Morgan Lv12

Creating Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions. The key is to create videos that showcase your best customers’ most flattering moments, but you need the right elements in place first.

Your script is vital

write your script

You know you need a script, but how do you make sure it’s good?

  • First, make sure it’s clear and concise. Don’t waste time on lengthy descriptions or flowery language. Your video should be easy to understand, so let the script do the heavy lifting for you. Don’t get overly wordy; use short sentences and phrases that keep the viewer engaged throughout your testimonial.
  • Next, research your subject matter thoroughly before writing any script content at all. This will ensure that people watching feel like they’re getting an accurate portrayal of their company/product/service rather than just hearing what they want while they’re busy doing something else (like trying out a new app).
  • Lastly, once researched thoroughly enough to write detailed scripts, start working on writing those scripts into something coherent but still engaging enough for anyone watching regardless of whether they have any prior knowledge about whatever topic is being discussed by way of video testimonials.

Your talent is important

video talent

Talent is the most important element in creating a quality video testimonial, and this may seem like an obvious statement. However, it is important that you recruit someone who represents your brand well. This can be a celebrity, thought leader, or customer. If you are working with celebrities, for example, make sure they represent your products or services well and are not just there for the money (or social media).

If you are working with someone like a celebrity, be sure to interview them beforehand so that their story feels natural when telling it in front of the camera. In addition to finding someone who fits well with your product/service offering and brand image; look at other aspects such as age range and ethnicity when picking an appropriate talent partner.

Use only HD resolution

use only hd resolution

  • HD resolution is the minimum resolution you should use. If you’re shooting a project that doesn’t need to be broadcast at a high quality, then we recommend shooting your testimonial in standard definition (SD). But if it’s possible, or if you have a higher budget, consider investing in HD equipment and filming in 720p or higher.
  • This can make all of the difference when it comes to the clarity and quality of the video. Plus, when using HD cameras and editing software like Wondershare Filmora , Final Cut, or Adobe Premiere, you’ll get more than just better-looking images—you’ll also be able to export files that are larger than those created by SD cameras.

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Filming elements are essential

filming elements

To get the most out of your video testimonial, first, you need to be close to the camera and look directly into it. This will increase the rapport between you and your customers, making them feel like they are right there with you—and in turn creating trust.

Then, you also need to be wearing good quality clothing that fits well. Having an outfit that makes you look attractive (but not overly sexy) can make all the difference when it comes to conveying confidence and professionalism.

Finally, smile while filming! This is important because smiling helps people connect with those around them better than any other facial expression can do alone. If possible, try smiling even before turning on your camera so that people can see who they are dealing with before having any contact at all!

Where to place the videos

share testimonial vdieo

Now that you’ve got your video testimonials in hand, it’s time to put them to work. There are several key places where you should consider placing your videos:

  • On your homepage
  • On landing pages
  • On blog posts or articles that mention the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • In social media posts and ads that promote the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • As part of email newsletters sent out by you and your client(s).

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions.

In the world of digital marketing, there’s no shortage of ways to get your audience’s attention. But one strategy that continues to work well is the use of video testimonials. Video testimonials are a great way to get your customers talking about how much they love your product or service—and how much it has helped them.

Video testimonials can help you:

  • Increase conversion rates by 10-20% or more
  • Generate more leads and sales quickly
  • Demonstrate the value of your products and services

The Bottom Line

When you put in the right effort, video testimonials can be an incredibly powerful tool for generating trust and conversions. Video testimonials are a great way to show off your product or service, but they’re also a way to build relationships with potential customers by demonstrating how much they’ve helped others. If you want to generate more sales, then consider implementing this strategy into your marketing plan today!

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Filming elements are essential

filming elements

To get the most out of your video testimonial, first, you need to be close to the camera and look directly into it. This will increase the rapport between you and your customers, making them feel like they are right there with you—and in turn creating trust.

Then, you also need to be wearing good quality clothing that fits well. Having an outfit that makes you look attractive (but not overly sexy) can make all the difference when it comes to conveying confidence and professionalism.

Finally, smile while filming! This is important because smiling helps people connect with those around them better than any other facial expression can do alone. If possible, try smiling even before turning on your camera so that people can see who they are dealing with before having any contact at all!

Where to place the videos

share testimonial vdieo

Now that you’ve got your video testimonials in hand, it’s time to put them to work. There are several key places where you should consider placing your videos:

  • On your homepage
  • On landing pages
  • On blog posts or articles that mention the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • In social media posts and ads that promote the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • As part of email newsletters sent out by you and your client(s).

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions.

In the world of digital marketing, there’s no shortage of ways to get your audience’s attention. But one strategy that continues to work well is the use of video testimonials. Video testimonials are a great way to get your customers talking about how much they love your product or service—and how much it has helped them.

Video testimonials can help you:

  • Increase conversion rates by 10-20% or more
  • Generate more leads and sales quickly
  • Demonstrate the value of your products and services

The Bottom Line

When you put in the right effort, video testimonials can be an incredibly powerful tool for generating trust and conversions. Video testimonials are a great way to show off your product or service, but they’re also a way to build relationships with potential customers by demonstrating how much they’ve helped others. If you want to generate more sales, then consider implementing this strategy into your marketing plan today!

Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical Definition, Types and Tips

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

Try It Free Try It Free

If you are a professional video or image creator, you know what aspect ratio is and why aspect ratio is important. Even people passionate about their cameras and visual art enthusiasts know it. If you are a newbie, Let us make it easy for you. This article will talk about the vertical phone aspect ratio ratio, its definition, types, iPhone vertical video dimensions, etc. We’ll also provide you solid tips on mobile vertical video size and how to create phone vertical videos easily. Let’s jump into the topic and see what you can learn.

In this article

01 [What is Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical?](#Part 1)

02 [Types of Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical](#Part 2)

03 [Tips to Create Phone Vertical Videos](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical?

The vertical phone aspect ratio is the “proportional” relationship between the screen’s width and height. For example, if your image or video has an aspect ratio of 4:5, it simply means the width of the screen (photo or video) is four times the height of the image.

The vertical phone aspect ratio is the “proportional” relationship between the screen’s width and height. For example, if your image or video has an aspect ratio of 4:5, it simply means the width of the screen (photo or video) is four times the height of the image.

Back in the television days, you might have seen certain old pictures with black padding on either side of the screen. It was just that they were shot in different aspect ratios and your television screen had different aspect ratios.

Aspect Ratio Vs Resolution

Remember that aspect ratio does not refer to the physical size of an image or its dimensions in pixels (resolution). So aspect ratio 3:1 does not refer to the actual width and height of the image or video; it just describes their relationship.

You are wrong if you think aspect ratio is just another fancy name for resolution. Think again. Check out how it is calculated.

| | Aspect Ratio | Resolution | |
| ————— | ————————————————————– | ———————————————————————————- |
| Definition | The Ratio of the width of an image to the height of the image. | Total number of pixels displayed on your screen (computer, cell phone, television) |
| Commonly Used | ● 1:1 ● 3:1 ● 3:2 ● 4:3 ● 5:4 ● 9:1 ● 16:9 | ● 640x480 ● 800x600 ● 1024x768 |

Aspect Ratio Calculator

To get the resolution, you need to multiply width times the height. To get aspect ratio, the formula is: Divide the width by the height or simply divide the long side by the short side.

There are multiple online aspect ratio calculators available. Check out the value for both the images and the videos generated through the photo ratio calculator for your ease.

Common Aspect Ratio AR Width AR Height Image Width Image Height
1:1(square) 1 1 1920 1920
5:4 (large and medium format cameras) 5 4 1920 1536
4:3 Standard 4 3 1920 1440
3:2 (35mm camera) 3 2 1920 1280
16:9 16 9 1920 1080
3:1 Panoramic 3 1 1920 640
9:16 9 16 1080 1920

For example, the aspect ratio of 3:1 may be an image of 3m wide and 1m high. At the same time it can be 3 feet wide and 1 foot high. For further simplification, consider dimensions in pixels: a 6000×4000 image has 3:2 aspect ratios.

Always remember this small but crucial point. The aspect ratio refers to the image or video you captured or recorded and the display (or screen) in which your video or image would be displayed.

Why is the aspect ratio important?

In the age of web content, asking why aspect ratio is important? Some may consider it naïve. Images need to be uploaded at different aspect ratios for different uses (desktop vs. mobile or blog vs. social media). Incorrect aspect ratio affects your final image and end-user experience.

Choice of the wrong aspect ratio can eliminate the potential for editing (cropping and resizing). In addition, using the correct aspect ratios saves you from facing the trouble of distortion or clipping.

Part 2 Types of Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical

Image Aspect Ratios

The aspect ratio decides and changes the entire composition and how the audience perceives the image. First, let us see some common image aspect ratios.

image aspect ratio

● 1:1 Ratio

1 to 1 ratio

If you have seen a square-shaped image, it had probably a 1:1 aspect ratio. It simply means both sides (width and height of the image) are equal. It was initially the aspect ratio of square television sets. However, this is commonly used for print photos, mobile screens, and social platforms.

● 3:2 Ratio

3 to 2 ratio

Initially used for classic 35 mm film and still photography, aspect ratio 3:5 is still used on some laptops, tablets, and handheld game consoles. The famous example of this aspect ratio Images framed at 1080×720 pixels or 6″x4″.

● 5:4 Ratio

5 to 4 ratio

It was commonly used for photography and art prints. For Images having dimensions, 8″x10″ and 16x20 have the 5:4 aspect ratios.

Video Aspect Ratios

 video aspect ratio

Like the image aspect ratios, video aspect ratios would also profoundly affect its composition and thus how your directed viewers perceive it. Some common mobile vertical video size or video aspect ratios are given below.

● 16:9 Ratio

16 to 9 ratio

If you have seen presentation slides, computer monitors, or widescreee seen this slimmer and more elongated rectangular-shaped 16:9 Ratio. This is the standardized widescreen aspect ratio that you see everywhere on the web. In terms of pixel common dimension for 16:9 is 1920×1080 pixels and 1280×720 pixels.

● 9:16 Ratio (Vertical)

9:16 Ratio

When smartphones started coming with video capabilities, this Ratio became popular. Likewise, today this Ratio is trendy for social media platforms with video story capabilities.

The Instagram story typically consists of 1080x1920 pixels, which in terms of aspect ratio is 9:16. Most phones, such as iPhone, have a feature that allows you to record footage in both (16:9 as well as 9:16).

Phone aspect ratio vertical

Back in the day, taking aspect ratio vertical (portrait mode) footage was considered unprofessional and a sign of an amateur. But the digital revolution has changed that. Now from unforgivable sin, the vewayal mode has practically become a mainstream media sensation. Vertical style has now become the dominant format.

phone aspect ratio

Phone aspect ratio vertical simply means taller screen than wider. The most common type is 9:16 (1080x1920 pixels), a typical vertical videos aspect ratio. Although this phone aspect ratio vertical comes in a few more shapes and sizes such as 4:5, 2:3.

Part 3 Tips to Create Phone Vertical Videos

Creating vertical videos is crucial for getting engagements and growing your brand. It is easy with a phone because most smartphones, by default, record in 9:16, which is the standard vertical aspect ratio. But with a camera, you have to manually edit to the correct aspect ratio before you shoot it.

You can also shoot horizontally and then change it to vertical, but it needs professional videographer expertise.

Who wants to rotate their phones watching videos? Well, as far as the trend, Let us see some tiny but handy tips for creating vertical phone videos.

1. Choose the correct aspect ratio

Video taller than the 1:1 aspect ratio is commonly considered Vertical video. Types of these vertical aspects ratio include 4:5 (social), 2:3 and 9:16. They are all taller than they are wide, thus vertical.

Choosing the correct aspect ratio for your vertical video, always think about why and where you intend to use the video. The second important thing you should consider is your plans for editing that video.

Cropping horizontal can be irritating and sometimes disappointing at the same time. Producing a 9:16 vertical frame at HD resolution from a horizontal HD frame may result in very pixelated and low-quality footage.

If, for some reason, you still want first to shoot it horizontal and then change it back to mobile vertical video size. You may need to shoot in 4K horizontally to get extra pixels to work with. It can later be cropped in the sides to 9:16 (Vertical phone aspect ratio). Plus, you won’t need to scale it anymore.

2. Direct your viewer’s eyes

For hooking social media viewers, you need to put your most interesting visual upfront. These include GIFs, colourful stop-motion or looping animation. Always try to match your first couple of shots with your overall brand personality.

3. Screen splitting into two or more

screen splitting

A tall vertical screen can be styled with multiple horizontal clips on top of each other. These clips must relate to your relevant content and overall look. Natural lines or patterns can help display them in the most creative ways.

4. Be close to your subject

For producing an intimate experience with the vertical frame, you should get closer to the subject. Most of the action will be positioned to the centre as your viewers scroll. Do not let cut off or cover up your main subject by any text and make sure you leave enough room for text, emojis and stickers.

5. Filling the vertical space

First, make sure that your subject is vertical-friendly. Then get closer and fill the space within the vertical frame. The vertical frame can be filled through the following:

● Up-close shot (if the subject is personal).

● Raising the camera high and tilting it down (to film things like a long, empty road).

● Bird’s-eye view from above.

5. Rule of Third

rule of third

This photography rule says not to place the main subject directly in the center of the frame. Create more dynamic composition by creating imaginary (Horizontal & Vertical) lines that divide your frame into thirds.

You have to place your subject either on the lines or where the lines meet up. And guess what? You don’t need to draw imaginary nowadays. Most cameras and smartphones provide you with this option.

6. Avoid Shaking

You do not want to distract your viewers with shaky camera moments. Normal pan and 360-degree rotation are acceptable or maybe even essential. But moving side to side too quickly will make it difficult for the camera to process that information. You better use a selfie stick or gimbal.

Now, check out the best vertical video ratios for various social platforms.

Best video aspect ratios for Facebook

fb aspect ratio

● 1:1 or 4:5 (Feed)

● 9:16 (Stories) Full portrait/Vertical

● 1:1 (Video Carousel)

● 16:9 (In streams, ads) -> Full landscape

● 9:16 (Audience Network)

● 2:3 (Vertical)

Best video aspect ratios for Instagram

● 1:1 (Feed)

● 4:5 (Feed ads)

● 9:16 (Stories)

● 9:16 (Reels)

● 9:16 (ICTV)

Best video aspect ratios for Twitter

twitter aspect ratio

● 1:1 (Promoted Videos)

● 1:1 or 9:16 (Sponsorship)

● 16:9 (Live Videos)

● 1:11 or 16:9 (Video Posts)

Best video aspect ratios for TikTok

● 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9 (For ads)

● 9:16 (For organic videos)

Wondershare Filmora

Being a newbie and producing perfect and professional vertical video content can be challenging, especially for the social platform. And then perfection requires delicate skills. If you want to change the aspect ratio after capturing an image or shooting a video, you need post-processing software.

There are tons of post-processing software available that have aspect ratio tools. As a tech geek, I even want essential tools that can serve all my needs and are also simple to use. Wondershare Filmora (iOS and Android) and Wondershare Filmora (Windows) is just that platform where you simply record, edit and share right away. It is loaded with easy-to-use editing features, special effects, social media integration options, and your desired music.

The best thing about Filmora Go is that it is for every skill level, unlike the other video editing software. Moreover, it lets you build unique custom build animation without breaking a sweat. So if you have a horizontal video, Filmora Go makes it easy to edit it into a Vertical one.


● Allows users to make videos anywhere using your iOS or Android device.

● The powerful editing tools of Filmora and Filmora help you create excellent iPhone vertical video dimensions.

● A dynamic music library helps users to add great background music in the videos.

● Both Filmora and Filmora (Desktop) have a user-friendly and intuitive user interface.

● The new Video Beautification feature helps you modify the shape of your face, lips, or nose in the picture.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >



The vertical phone aspect ratio may seem avoidable, but you need a near-perfect influence on your desired audience to engage and grow. Thus, the Aspect ratio is not something to avoid if you want to compete in the business. Smartphone digital evolution has shifted the balance towards the phone aspect ratio vertical. In this article, we also talked about iPhone video dimensions vertical, hope it will help you. Platforms like Filmora provides comprehensive and easy editing solutions to edit aspect ratio as desired.

Try It Free Try It Free

If you are a professional video or image creator, you know what aspect ratio is and why aspect ratio is important. Even people passionate about their cameras and visual art enthusiasts know it. If you are a newbie, Let us make it easy for you. This article will talk about the vertical phone aspect ratio ratio, its definition, types, iPhone vertical video dimensions, etc. We’ll also provide you solid tips on mobile vertical video size and how to create phone vertical videos easily. Let’s jump into the topic and see what you can learn.

In this article

01 [What is Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical?](#Part 1)

02 [Types of Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical](#Part 2)

03 [Tips to Create Phone Vertical Videos](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical?

The vertical phone aspect ratio is the “proportional” relationship between the screen’s width and height. For example, if your image or video has an aspect ratio of 4:5, it simply means the width of the screen (photo or video) is four times the height of the image.

The vertical phone aspect ratio is the “proportional” relationship between the screen’s width and height. For example, if your image or video has an aspect ratio of 4:5, it simply means the width of the screen (photo or video) is four times the height of the image.

Back in the television days, you might have seen certain old pictures with black padding on either side of the screen. It was just that they were shot in different aspect ratios and your television screen had different aspect ratios.

Aspect Ratio Vs Resolution

Remember that aspect ratio does not refer to the physical size of an image or its dimensions in pixels (resolution). So aspect ratio 3:1 does not refer to the actual width and height of the image or video; it just describes their relationship.

You are wrong if you think aspect ratio is just another fancy name for resolution. Think again. Check out how it is calculated.

| | Aspect Ratio | Resolution | |
| ————— | ————————————————————– | ———————————————————————————- |
| Definition | The Ratio of the width of an image to the height of the image. | Total number of pixels displayed on your screen (computer, cell phone, television) |
| Commonly Used | ● 1:1 ● 3:1 ● 3:2 ● 4:3 ● 5:4 ● 9:1 ● 16:9 | ● 640x480 ● 800x600 ● 1024x768 |

Aspect Ratio Calculator

To get the resolution, you need to multiply width times the height. To get aspect ratio, the formula is: Divide the width by the height or simply divide the long side by the short side.

There are multiple online aspect ratio calculators available. Check out the value for both the images and the videos generated through the photo ratio calculator for your ease.

Common Aspect Ratio AR Width AR Height Image Width Image Height
1:1(square) 1 1 1920 1920
5:4 (large and medium format cameras) 5 4 1920 1536
4:3 Standard 4 3 1920 1440
3:2 (35mm camera) 3 2 1920 1280
16:9 16 9 1920 1080
3:1 Panoramic 3 1 1920 640
9:16 9 16 1080 1920

For example, the aspect ratio of 3:1 may be an image of 3m wide and 1m high. At the same time it can be 3 feet wide and 1 foot high. For further simplification, consider dimensions in pixels: a 6000×4000 image has 3:2 aspect ratios.

Always remember this small but crucial point. The aspect ratio refers to the image or video you captured or recorded and the display (or screen) in which your video or image would be displayed.

Why is the aspect ratio important?

In the age of web content, asking why aspect ratio is important? Some may consider it naïve. Images need to be uploaded at different aspect ratios for different uses (desktop vs. mobile or blog vs. social media). Incorrect aspect ratio affects your final image and end-user experience.

Choice of the wrong aspect ratio can eliminate the potential for editing (cropping and resizing). In addition, using the correct aspect ratios saves you from facing the trouble of distortion or clipping.

Part 2 Types of Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical

Image Aspect Ratios

The aspect ratio decides and changes the entire composition and how the audience perceives the image. First, let us see some common image aspect ratios.

image aspect ratio

● 1:1 Ratio

1 to 1 ratio

If you have seen a square-shaped image, it had probably a 1:1 aspect ratio. It simply means both sides (width and height of the image) are equal. It was initially the aspect ratio of square television sets. However, this is commonly used for print photos, mobile screens, and social platforms.

● 3:2 Ratio

3 to 2 ratio

Initially used for classic 35 mm film and still photography, aspect ratio 3:5 is still used on some laptops, tablets, and handheld game consoles. The famous example of this aspect ratio Images framed at 1080×720 pixels or 6″x4″.

● 5:4 Ratio

5 to 4 ratio

It was commonly used for photography and art prints. For Images having dimensions, 8″x10″ and 16x20 have the 5:4 aspect ratios.

Video Aspect Ratios

 video aspect ratio

Like the image aspect ratios, video aspect ratios would also profoundly affect its composition and thus how your directed viewers perceive it. Some common mobile vertical video size or video aspect ratios are given below.

● 16:9 Ratio

16 to 9 ratio

If you have seen presentation slides, computer monitors, or widescreee seen this slimmer and more elongated rectangular-shaped 16:9 Ratio. This is the standardized widescreen aspect ratio that you see everywhere on the web. In terms of pixel common dimension for 16:9 is 1920×1080 pixels and 1280×720 pixels.

● 9:16 Ratio (Vertical)

9:16 Ratio

When smartphones started coming with video capabilities, this Ratio became popular. Likewise, today this Ratio is trendy for social media platforms with video story capabilities.

The Instagram story typically consists of 1080x1920 pixels, which in terms of aspect ratio is 9:16. Most phones, such as iPhone, have a feature that allows you to record footage in both (16:9 as well as 9:16).

Phone aspect ratio vertical

Back in the day, taking aspect ratio vertical (portrait mode) footage was considered unprofessional and a sign of an amateur. But the digital revolution has changed that. Now from unforgivable sin, the vewayal mode has practically become a mainstream media sensation. Vertical style has now become the dominant format.

phone aspect ratio

Phone aspect ratio vertical simply means taller screen than wider. The most common type is 9:16 (1080x1920 pixels), a typical vertical videos aspect ratio. Although this phone aspect ratio vertical comes in a few more shapes and sizes such as 4:5, 2:3.

Part 3 Tips to Create Phone Vertical Videos

Creating vertical videos is crucial for getting engagements and growing your brand. It is easy with a phone because most smartphones, by default, record in 9:16, which is the standard vertical aspect ratio. But with a camera, you have to manually edit to the correct aspect ratio before you shoot it.

You can also shoot horizontally and then change it to vertical, but it needs professional videographer expertise.

Who wants to rotate their phones watching videos? Well, as far as the trend, Let us see some tiny but handy tips for creating vertical phone videos.

1. Choose the correct aspect ratio

Video taller than the 1:1 aspect ratio is commonly considered Vertical video. Types of these vertical aspects ratio include 4:5 (social), 2:3 and 9:16. They are all taller than they are wide, thus vertical.

Choosing the correct aspect ratio for your vertical video, always think about why and where you intend to use the video. The second important thing you should consider is your plans for editing that video.

Cropping horizontal can be irritating and sometimes disappointing at the same time. Producing a 9:16 vertical frame at HD resolution from a horizontal HD frame may result in very pixelated and low-quality footage.

If, for some reason, you still want first to shoot it horizontal and then change it back to mobile vertical video size. You may need to shoot in 4K horizontally to get extra pixels to work with. It can later be cropped in the sides to 9:16 (Vertical phone aspect ratio). Plus, you won’t need to scale it anymore.

2. Direct your viewer’s eyes

For hooking social media viewers, you need to put your most interesting visual upfront. These include GIFs, colourful stop-motion or looping animation. Always try to match your first couple of shots with your overall brand personality.

3. Screen splitting into two or more

screen splitting

A tall vertical screen can be styled with multiple horizontal clips on top of each other. These clips must relate to your relevant content and overall look. Natural lines or patterns can help display them in the most creative ways.

4. Be close to your subject

For producing an intimate experience with the vertical frame, you should get closer to the subject. Most of the action will be positioned to the centre as your viewers scroll. Do not let cut off or cover up your main subject by any text and make sure you leave enough room for text, emojis and stickers.

5. Filling the vertical space

First, make sure that your subject is vertical-friendly. Then get closer and fill the space within the vertical frame. The vertical frame can be filled through the following:

● Up-close shot (if the subject is personal).

● Raising the camera high and tilting it down (to film things like a long, empty road).

● Bird’s-eye view from above.

5. Rule of Third

rule of third

This photography rule says not to place the main subject directly in the center of the frame. Create more dynamic composition by creating imaginary (Horizontal & Vertical) lines that divide your frame into thirds.

You have to place your subject either on the lines or where the lines meet up. And guess what? You don’t need to draw imaginary nowadays. Most cameras and smartphones provide you with this option.

6. Avoid Shaking

You do not want to distract your viewers with shaky camera moments. Normal pan and 360-degree rotation are acceptable or maybe even essential. But moving side to side too quickly will make it difficult for the camera to process that information. You better use a selfie stick or gimbal.

Now, check out the best vertical video ratios for various social platforms.

Best video aspect ratios for Facebook

fb aspect ratio

● 1:1 or 4:5 (Feed)

● 9:16 (Stories) Full portrait/Vertical

● 1:1 (Video Carousel)

● 16:9 (In streams, ads) -> Full landscape

● 9:16 (Audience Network)

● 2:3 (Vertical)

Best video aspect ratios for Instagram

● 1:1 (Feed)

● 4:5 (Feed ads)

● 9:16 (Stories)

● 9:16 (Reels)

● 9:16 (ICTV)

Best video aspect ratios for Twitter

twitter aspect ratio

● 1:1 (Promoted Videos)

● 1:1 or 9:16 (Sponsorship)

● 16:9 (Live Videos)

● 1:11 or 16:9 (Video Posts)

Best video aspect ratios for TikTok

● 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9 (For ads)

● 9:16 (For organic videos)

Wondershare Filmora

Being a newbie and producing perfect and professional vertical video content can be challenging, especially for the social platform. And then perfection requires delicate skills. If you want to change the aspect ratio after capturing an image or shooting a video, you need post-processing software.

There are tons of post-processing software available that have aspect ratio tools. As a tech geek, I even want essential tools that can serve all my needs and are also simple to use. Wondershare Filmora (iOS and Android) and Wondershare Filmora (Windows) is just that platform where you simply record, edit and share right away. It is loaded with easy-to-use editing features, special effects, social media integration options, and your desired music.

The best thing about Filmora Go is that it is for every skill level, unlike the other video editing software. Moreover, it lets you build unique custom build animation without breaking a sweat. So if you have a horizontal video, Filmora Go makes it easy to edit it into a Vertical one.


● Allows users to make videos anywhere using your iOS or Android device.

● The powerful editing tools of Filmora and Filmora help you create excellent iPhone vertical video dimensions.

● A dynamic music library helps users to add great background music in the videos.

● Both Filmora and Filmora (Desktop) have a user-friendly and intuitive user interface.

● The new Video Beautification feature helps you modify the shape of your face, lips, or nose in the picture.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >



The vertical phone aspect ratio may seem avoidable, but you need a near-perfect influence on your desired audience to engage and grow. Thus, the Aspect ratio is not something to avoid if you want to compete in the business. Smartphone digital evolution has shifted the balance towards the phone aspect ratio vertical. In this article, we also talked about iPhone video dimensions vertical, hope it will help you. Platforms like Filmora provides comprehensive and easy editing solutions to edit aspect ratio as desired.

Try It Free Try It Free

If you are a professional video or image creator, you know what aspect ratio is and why aspect ratio is important. Even people passionate about their cameras and visual art enthusiasts know it. If you are a newbie, Let us make it easy for you. This article will talk about the vertical phone aspect ratio ratio, its definition, types, iPhone vertical video dimensions, etc. We’ll also provide you solid tips on mobile vertical video size and how to create phone vertical videos easily. Let’s jump into the topic and see what you can learn.

In this article

01 [What is Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical?](#Part 1)

02 [Types of Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical](#Part 2)

03 [Tips to Create Phone Vertical Videos](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical?

The vertical phone aspect ratio is the “proportional” relationship between the screen’s width and height. For example, if your image or video has an aspect ratio of 4:5, it simply means the width of the screen (photo or video) is four times the height of the image.

The vertical phone aspect ratio is the “proportional” relationship between the screen’s width and height. For example, if your image or video has an aspect ratio of 4:5, it simply means the width of the screen (photo or video) is four times the height of the image.

Back in the television days, you might have seen certain old pictures with black padding on either side of the screen. It was just that they were shot in different aspect ratios and your television screen had different aspect ratios.

Aspect Ratio Vs Resolution

Remember that aspect ratio does not refer to the physical size of an image or its dimensions in pixels (resolution). So aspect ratio 3:1 does not refer to the actual width and height of the image or video; it just describes their relationship.

You are wrong if you think aspect ratio is just another fancy name for resolution. Think again. Check out how it is calculated.

| | Aspect Ratio | Resolution | |
| ————— | ————————————————————– | ———————————————————————————- |
| Definition | The Ratio of the width of an image to the height of the image. | Total number of pixels displayed on your screen (computer, cell phone, television) |
| Commonly Used | ● 1:1 ● 3:1 ● 3:2 ● 4:3 ● 5:4 ● 9:1 ● 16:9 | ● 640x480 ● 800x600 ● 1024x768 |

Aspect Ratio Calculator

To get the resolution, you need to multiply width times the height. To get aspect ratio, the formula is: Divide the width by the height or simply divide the long side by the short side.

There are multiple online aspect ratio calculators available. Check out the value for both the images and the videos generated through the photo ratio calculator for your ease.

Common Aspect Ratio AR Width AR Height Image Width Image Height
1:1(square) 1 1 1920 1920
5:4 (large and medium format cameras) 5 4 1920 1536
4:3 Standard 4 3 1920 1440
3:2 (35mm camera) 3 2 1920 1280
16:9 16 9 1920 1080
3:1 Panoramic 3 1 1920 640
9:16 9 16 1080 1920

For example, the aspect ratio of 3:1 may be an image of 3m wide and 1m high. At the same time it can be 3 feet wide and 1 foot high. For further simplification, consider dimensions in pixels: a 6000×4000 image has 3:2 aspect ratios.

Always remember this small but crucial point. The aspect ratio refers to the image or video you captured or recorded and the display (or screen) in which your video or image would be displayed.

Why is the aspect ratio important?

In the age of web content, asking why aspect ratio is important? Some may consider it naïve. Images need to be uploaded at different aspect ratios for different uses (desktop vs. mobile or blog vs. social media). Incorrect aspect ratio affects your final image and end-user experience.

Choice of the wrong aspect ratio can eliminate the potential for editing (cropping and resizing). In addition, using the correct aspect ratios saves you from facing the trouble of distortion or clipping.

Part 2 Types of Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical

Image Aspect Ratios

The aspect ratio decides and changes the entire composition and how the audience perceives the image. First, let us see some common image aspect ratios.

image aspect ratio

● 1:1 Ratio

1 to 1 ratio

If you have seen a square-shaped image, it had probably a 1:1 aspect ratio. It simply means both sides (width and height of the image) are equal. It was initially the aspect ratio of square television sets. However, this is commonly used for print photos, mobile screens, and social platforms.

● 3:2 Ratio

3 to 2 ratio

Initially used for classic 35 mm film and still photography, aspect ratio 3:5 is still used on some laptops, tablets, and handheld game consoles. The famous example of this aspect ratio Images framed at 1080×720 pixels or 6″x4″.

● 5:4 Ratio

5 to 4 ratio

It was commonly used for photography and art prints. For Images having dimensions, 8″x10″ and 16x20 have the 5:4 aspect ratios.

Video Aspect Ratios

 video aspect ratio

Like the image aspect ratios, video aspect ratios would also profoundly affect its composition and thus how your directed viewers perceive it. Some common mobile vertical video size or video aspect ratios are given below.

● 16:9 Ratio

16 to 9 ratio

If you have seen presentation slides, computer monitors, or widescreee seen this slimmer and more elongated rectangular-shaped 16:9 Ratio. This is the standardized widescreen aspect ratio that you see everywhere on the web. In terms of pixel common dimension for 16:9 is 1920×1080 pixels and 1280×720 pixels.

● 9:16 Ratio (Vertical)

9:16 Ratio

When smartphones started coming with video capabilities, this Ratio became popular. Likewise, today this Ratio is trendy for social media platforms with video story capabilities.

The Instagram story typically consists of 1080x1920 pixels, which in terms of aspect ratio is 9:16. Most phones, such as iPhone, have a feature that allows you to record footage in both (16:9 as well as 9:16).

Phone aspect ratio vertical

Back in the day, taking aspect ratio vertical (portrait mode) footage was considered unprofessional and a sign of an amateur. But the digital revolution has changed that. Now from unforgivable sin, the vewayal mode has practically become a mainstream media sensation. Vertical style has now become the dominant format.

phone aspect ratio

Phone aspect ratio vertical simply means taller screen than wider. The most common type is 9:16 (1080x1920 pixels), a typical vertical videos aspect ratio. Although this phone aspect ratio vertical comes in a few more shapes and sizes such as 4:5, 2:3.

Part 3 Tips to Create Phone Vertical Videos

Creating vertical videos is crucial for getting engagements and growing your brand. It is easy with a phone because most smartphones, by default, record in 9:16, which is the standard vertical aspect ratio. But with a camera, you have to manually edit to the correct aspect ratio before you shoot it.

You can also shoot horizontally and then change it to vertical, but it needs professional videographer expertise.

Who wants to rotate their phones watching videos? Well, as far as the trend, Let us see some tiny but handy tips for creating vertical phone videos.

1. Choose the correct aspect ratio

Video taller than the 1:1 aspect ratio is commonly considered Vertical video. Types of these vertical aspects ratio include 4:5 (social), 2:3 and 9:16. They are all taller than they are wide, thus vertical.

Choosing the correct aspect ratio for your vertical video, always think about why and where you intend to use the video. The second important thing you should consider is your plans for editing that video.

Cropping horizontal can be irritating and sometimes disappointing at the same time. Producing a 9:16 vertical frame at HD resolution from a horizontal HD frame may result in very pixelated and low-quality footage.

If, for some reason, you still want first to shoot it horizontal and then change it back to mobile vertical video size. You may need to shoot in 4K horizontally to get extra pixels to work with. It can later be cropped in the sides to 9:16 (Vertical phone aspect ratio). Plus, you won’t need to scale it anymore.

2. Direct your viewer’s eyes

For hooking social media viewers, you need to put your most interesting visual upfront. These include GIFs, colourful stop-motion or looping animation. Always try to match your first couple of shots with your overall brand personality.

3. Screen splitting into two or more

screen splitting

A tall vertical screen can be styled with multiple horizontal clips on top of each other. These clips must relate to your relevant content and overall look. Natural lines or patterns can help display them in the most creative ways.

4. Be close to your subject

For producing an intimate experience with the vertical frame, you should get closer to the subject. Most of the action will be positioned to the centre as your viewers scroll. Do not let cut off or cover up your main subject by any text and make sure you leave enough room for text, emojis and stickers.

5. Filling the vertical space

First, make sure that your subject is vertical-friendly. Then get closer and fill the space within the vertical frame. The vertical frame can be filled through the following:

● Up-close shot (if the subject is personal).

● Raising the camera high and tilting it down (to film things like a long, empty road).

● Bird’s-eye view from above.

5. Rule of Third

rule of third

This photography rule says not to place the main subject directly in the center of the frame. Create more dynamic composition by creating imaginary (Horizontal & Vertical) lines that divide your frame into thirds.

You have to place your subject either on the lines or where the lines meet up. And guess what? You don’t need to draw imaginary nowadays. Most cameras and smartphones provide you with this option.

6. Avoid Shaking

You do not want to distract your viewers with shaky camera moments. Normal pan and 360-degree rotation are acceptable or maybe even essential. But moving side to side too quickly will make it difficult for the camera to process that information. You better use a selfie stick or gimbal.

Now, check out the best vertical video ratios for various social platforms.

Best video aspect ratios for Facebook

fb aspect ratio

● 1:1 or 4:5 (Feed)

● 9:16 (Stories) Full portrait/Vertical

● 1:1 (Video Carousel)

● 16:9 (In streams, ads) -> Full landscape

● 9:16 (Audience Network)

● 2:3 (Vertical)

Best video aspect ratios for Instagram

● 1:1 (Feed)

● 4:5 (Feed ads)

● 9:16 (Stories)

● 9:16 (Reels)

● 9:16 (ICTV)

Best video aspect ratios for Twitter

twitter aspect ratio

● 1:1 (Promoted Videos)

● 1:1 or 9:16 (Sponsorship)

● 16:9 (Live Videos)

● 1:11 or 16:9 (Video Posts)

Best video aspect ratios for TikTok

● 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9 (For ads)

● 9:16 (For organic videos)

Wondershare Filmora

Being a newbie and producing perfect and professional vertical video content can be challenging, especially for the social platform. And then perfection requires delicate skills. If you want to change the aspect ratio after capturing an image or shooting a video, you need post-processing software.

There are tons of post-processing software available that have aspect ratio tools. As a tech geek, I even want essential tools that can serve all my needs and are also simple to use. Wondershare Filmora (iOS and Android) and Wondershare Filmora (Windows) is just that platform where you simply record, edit and share right away. It is loaded with easy-to-use editing features, special effects, social media integration options, and your desired music.

The best thing about Filmora Go is that it is for every skill level, unlike the other video editing software. Moreover, it lets you build unique custom build animation without breaking a sweat. So if you have a horizontal video, Filmora Go makes it easy to edit it into a Vertical one.


● Allows users to make videos anywhere using your iOS or Android device.

● The powerful editing tools of Filmora and Filmora help you create excellent iPhone vertical video dimensions.

● A dynamic music library helps users to add great background music in the videos.

● Both Filmora and Filmora (Desktop) have a user-friendly and intuitive user interface.

● The new Video Beautification feature helps you modify the shape of your face, lips, or nose in the picture.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >



The vertical phone aspect ratio may seem avoidable, but you need a near-perfect influence on your desired audience to engage and grow. Thus, the Aspect ratio is not something to avoid if you want to compete in the business. Smartphone digital evolution has shifted the balance towards the phone aspect ratio vertical. In this article, we also talked about iPhone video dimensions vertical, hope it will help you. Platforms like Filmora provides comprehensive and easy editing solutions to edit aspect ratio as desired.

Try It Free Try It Free

If you are a professional video or image creator, you know what aspect ratio is and why aspect ratio is important. Even people passionate about their cameras and visual art enthusiasts know it. If you are a newbie, Let us make it easy for you. This article will talk about the vertical phone aspect ratio ratio, its definition, types, iPhone vertical video dimensions, etc. We’ll also provide you solid tips on mobile vertical video size and how to create phone vertical videos easily. Let’s jump into the topic and see what you can learn.

In this article

01 [What is Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical?](#Part 1)

02 [Types of Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical](#Part 2)

03 [Tips to Create Phone Vertical Videos](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical?

The vertical phone aspect ratio is the “proportional” relationship between the screen’s width and height. For example, if your image or video has an aspect ratio of 4:5, it simply means the width of the screen (photo or video) is four times the height of the image.

The vertical phone aspect ratio is the “proportional” relationship between the screen’s width and height. For example, if your image or video has an aspect ratio of 4:5, it simply means the width of the screen (photo or video) is four times the height of the image.

Back in the television days, you might have seen certain old pictures with black padding on either side of the screen. It was just that they were shot in different aspect ratios and your television screen had different aspect ratios.

Aspect Ratio Vs Resolution

Remember that aspect ratio does not refer to the physical size of an image or its dimensions in pixels (resolution). So aspect ratio 3:1 does not refer to the actual width and height of the image or video; it just describes their relationship.

You are wrong if you think aspect ratio is just another fancy name for resolution. Think again. Check out how it is calculated.

| | Aspect Ratio | Resolution | |
| ————— | ————————————————————– | ———————————————————————————- |
| Definition | The Ratio of the width of an image to the height of the image. | Total number of pixels displayed on your screen (computer, cell phone, television) |
| Commonly Used | ● 1:1 ● 3:1 ● 3:2 ● 4:3 ● 5:4 ● 9:1 ● 16:9 | ● 640x480 ● 800x600 ● 1024x768 |

Aspect Ratio Calculator

To get the resolution, you need to multiply width times the height. To get aspect ratio, the formula is: Divide the width by the height or simply divide the long side by the short side.

There are multiple online aspect ratio calculators available. Check out the value for both the images and the videos generated through the photo ratio calculator for your ease.

Common Aspect Ratio AR Width AR Height Image Width Image Height
1:1(square) 1 1 1920 1920
5:4 (large and medium format cameras) 5 4 1920 1536
4:3 Standard 4 3 1920 1440
3:2 (35mm camera) 3 2 1920 1280
16:9 16 9 1920 1080
3:1 Panoramic 3 1 1920 640
9:16 9 16 1080 1920

For example, the aspect ratio of 3:1 may be an image of 3m wide and 1m high. At the same time it can be 3 feet wide and 1 foot high. For further simplification, consider dimensions in pixels: a 6000×4000 image has 3:2 aspect ratios.

Always remember this small but crucial point. The aspect ratio refers to the image or video you captured or recorded and the display (or screen) in which your video or image would be displayed.

Why is the aspect ratio important?

In the age of web content, asking why aspect ratio is important? Some may consider it naïve. Images need to be uploaded at different aspect ratios for different uses (desktop vs. mobile or blog vs. social media). Incorrect aspect ratio affects your final image and end-user experience.

Choice of the wrong aspect ratio can eliminate the potential for editing (cropping and resizing). In addition, using the correct aspect ratios saves you from facing the trouble of distortion or clipping.

Part 2 Types of Phone Aspect Ratio Vertical

Image Aspect Ratios

The aspect ratio decides and changes the entire composition and how the audience perceives the image. First, let us see some common image aspect ratios.

image aspect ratio

● 1:1 Ratio

1 to 1 ratio

If you have seen a square-shaped image, it had probably a 1:1 aspect ratio. It simply means both sides (width and height of the image) are equal. It was initially the aspect ratio of square television sets. However, this is commonly used for print photos, mobile screens, and social platforms.

● 3:2 Ratio

3 to 2 ratio

Initially used for classic 35 mm film and still photography, aspect ratio 3:5 is still used on some laptops, tablets, and handheld game consoles. The famous example of this aspect ratio Images framed at 1080×720 pixels or 6″x4″.

● 5:4 Ratio

5 to 4 ratio

It was commonly used for photography and art prints. For Images having dimensions, 8″x10″ and 16x20 have the 5:4 aspect ratios.

Video Aspect Ratios

 video aspect ratio

Like the image aspect ratios, video aspect ratios would also profoundly affect its composition and thus how your directed viewers perceive it. Some common mobile vertical video size or video aspect ratios are given below.

● 16:9 Ratio

16 to 9 ratio

If you have seen presentation slides, computer monitors, or widescreee seen this slimmer and more elongated rectangular-shaped 16:9 Ratio. This is the standardized widescreen aspect ratio that you see everywhere on the web. In terms of pixel common dimension for 16:9 is 1920×1080 pixels and 1280×720 pixels.

● 9:16 Ratio (Vertical)

9:16 Ratio

When smartphones started coming with video capabilities, this Ratio became popular. Likewise, today this Ratio is trendy for social media platforms with video story capabilities.

The Instagram story typically consists of 1080x1920 pixels, which in terms of aspect ratio is 9:16. Most phones, such as iPhone, have a feature that allows you to record footage in both (16:9 as well as 9:16).

Phone aspect ratio vertical

Back in the day, taking aspect ratio vertical (portrait mode) footage was considered unprofessional and a sign of an amateur. But the digital revolution has changed that. Now from unforgivable sin, the vewayal mode has practically become a mainstream media sensation. Vertical style has now become the dominant format.

phone aspect ratio

Phone aspect ratio vertical simply means taller screen than wider. The most common type is 9:16 (1080x1920 pixels), a typical vertical videos aspect ratio. Although this phone aspect ratio vertical comes in a few more shapes and sizes such as 4:5, 2:3.

Part 3 Tips to Create Phone Vertical Videos

Creating vertical videos is crucial for getting engagements and growing your brand. It is easy with a phone because most smartphones, by default, record in 9:16, which is the standard vertical aspect ratio. But with a camera, you have to manually edit to the correct aspect ratio before you shoot it.

You can also shoot horizontally and then change it to vertical, but it needs professional videographer expertise.

Who wants to rotate their phones watching videos? Well, as far as the trend, Let us see some tiny but handy tips for creating vertical phone videos.

1. Choose the correct aspect ratio

Video taller than the 1:1 aspect ratio is commonly considered Vertical video. Types of these vertical aspects ratio include 4:5 (social), 2:3 and 9:16. They are all taller than they are wide, thus vertical.

Choosing the correct aspect ratio for your vertical video, always think about why and where you intend to use the video. The second important thing you should consider is your plans for editing that video.

Cropping horizontal can be irritating and sometimes disappointing at the same time. Producing a 9:16 vertical frame at HD resolution from a horizontal HD frame may result in very pixelated and low-quality footage.

If, for some reason, you still want first to shoot it horizontal and then change it back to mobile vertical video size. You may need to shoot in 4K horizontally to get extra pixels to work with. It can later be cropped in the sides to 9:16 (Vertical phone aspect ratio). Plus, you won’t need to scale it anymore.

2. Direct your viewer’s eyes

For hooking social media viewers, you need to put your most interesting visual upfront. These include GIFs, colourful stop-motion or looping animation. Always try to match your first couple of shots with your overall brand personality.

3. Screen splitting into two or more

screen splitting

A tall vertical screen can be styled with multiple horizontal clips on top of each other. These clips must relate to your relevant content and overall look. Natural lines or patterns can help display them in the most creative ways.

4. Be close to your subject

For producing an intimate experience with the vertical frame, you should get closer to the subject. Most of the action will be positioned to the centre as your viewers scroll. Do not let cut off or cover up your main subject by any text and make sure you leave enough room for text, emojis and stickers.

5. Filling the vertical space

First, make sure that your subject is vertical-friendly. Then get closer and fill the space within the vertical frame. The vertical frame can be filled through the following:

● Up-close shot (if the subject is personal).

● Raising the camera high and tilting it down (to film things like a long, empty road).

● Bird’s-eye view from above.

5. Rule of Third

rule of third

This photography rule says not to place the main subject directly in the center of the frame. Create more dynamic composition by creating imaginary (Horizontal & Vertical) lines that divide your frame into thirds.

You have to place your subject either on the lines or where the lines meet up. And guess what? You don’t need to draw imaginary nowadays. Most cameras and smartphones provide you with this option.

6. Avoid Shaking

You do not want to distract your viewers with shaky camera moments. Normal pan and 360-degree rotation are acceptable or maybe even essential. But moving side to side too quickly will make it difficult for the camera to process that information. You better use a selfie stick or gimbal.

Now, check out the best vertical video ratios for various social platforms.

Best video aspect ratios for Facebook

fb aspect ratio

● 1:1 or 4:5 (Feed)

● 9:16 (Stories) Full portrait/Vertical

● 1:1 (Video Carousel)

● 16:9 (In streams, ads) -> Full landscape

● 9:16 (Audience Network)

● 2:3 (Vertical)

Best video aspect ratios for Instagram

● 1:1 (Feed)

● 4:5 (Feed ads)

● 9:16 (Stories)

● 9:16 (Reels)

● 9:16 (ICTV)

Best video aspect ratios for Twitter

twitter aspect ratio

● 1:1 (Promoted Videos)

● 1:1 or 9:16 (Sponsorship)

● 16:9 (Live Videos)

● 1:11 or 16:9 (Video Posts)

Best video aspect ratios for TikTok

● 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9 (For ads)

● 9:16 (For organic videos)

Wondershare Filmora

Being a newbie and producing perfect and professional vertical video content can be challenging, especially for the social platform. And then perfection requires delicate skills. If you want to change the aspect ratio after capturing an image or shooting a video, you need post-processing software.

There are tons of post-processing software available that have aspect ratio tools. As a tech geek, I even want essential tools that can serve all my needs and are also simple to use. Wondershare Filmora (iOS and Android) and Wondershare Filmora (Windows) is just that platform where you simply record, edit and share right away. It is loaded with easy-to-use editing features, special effects, social media integration options, and your desired music.

The best thing about Filmora Go is that it is for every skill level, unlike the other video editing software. Moreover, it lets you build unique custom build animation without breaking a sweat. So if you have a horizontal video, Filmora Go makes it easy to edit it into a Vertical one.


● Allows users to make videos anywhere using your iOS or Android device.

● The powerful editing tools of Filmora and Filmora help you create excellent iPhone vertical video dimensions.

● A dynamic music library helps users to add great background music in the videos.

● Both Filmora and Filmora (Desktop) have a user-friendly and intuitive user interface.

● The new Video Beautification feature helps you modify the shape of your face, lips, or nose in the picture.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >



The vertical phone aspect ratio may seem avoidable, but you need a near-perfect influence on your desired audience to engage and grow. Thus, the Aspect ratio is not something to avoid if you want to compete in the business. Smartphone digital evolution has shifted the balance towards the phone aspect ratio vertical. In this article, we also talked about iPhone video dimensions vertical, hope it will help you. Platforms like Filmora provides comprehensive and easy editing solutions to edit aspect ratio as desired.

How to Add a Green Screen to Zoom

If you are a regular user of Zoom app because you have to attend meetings and video conferences every now and then, you should know how to create a green screen for Zoom calls. There are going to be times when you would not want to show what is in your background because it might look distracting. Besides, changing the background from time to time breaks the monotony of your Zoom calls.

Zoom app allows you to change your background and set any available virtual background. However, the effect of virtual background may not be accurate and smooth unless you have a uniform background color. If you use green screen background for Zoom, you can replace it with any virtual background that will look very realistic to your audiences. We will illustrate how to create a green screen background for Zoom.

Part 1. How to add green screen to Zoom on computer?

Regular Zoom users prefer arranging and attending video conferences from their computers. Zoom desktop app makes it more convenient to attend Zoom conference with a wider screen and better visibility. Make sure you have a uniform green screen in your background before attending Zoom call so that you can replace it with any available virtual background on Zoom. Here are the steps on how to create a green screen for Zoom app on your computer.

Step1Open Zoom app and make sure you are logged into your account. Adjust the webcam so that only you and your green screen should be visible in the frame.

Step2Click on Settings (gear icon) located in the top-right corner.

click zoom settings

Step3Once Settings window opens, click on Virtual background option on the left panel.

Step4Turn on the option “I have a green screen” located at the bottom. Thereafter, choose a virtual background with which you want to replace the green screen in your video.

visual background on zoom

Step5Apart from the present virtual background, you can add photo or video to replace green screen background.

apply green screen video zoom

Step6Close Settings window and you will see that your green screen is replaced by your selected virtual background.

Part 2. How to add green screen to Zoom on mobile?

If you are an occasional Zoom user, you are more likely to use your smartphone to attend Zoom conferences. If you want green screen effect on your Zoom call, make sure you have a sizeable green screen in your background. This is because even if you happen to move your phone during the meeting, green screen background should come in the video frame all the time.

It is recommended to use a tripod to keep your smartphone fixed in one spot for better and consistent green screen effect. Here are the steps to answer your question how do you add a green screen to Zoom app on your mobile phone. The steps are the same for Android and iOS users.

Step1Open Zoom app on your smartphone and make sure you are signed into your account.

Step2Start a Zoom meeting and tap on More option located in the bottom-right corner.

tap more zoom app phone

Step3Tap on Virtual background and you can select any preset virtual background.

zoom visual background phone

Step4If you want to replace green screen with a customized background, tap on “+” icon and select any photo or video from your phone.

change bg photo zoom

Step5Tap on Close option and the selected virtual background will be applied to your Zoom video.

Part 3. Tips to use green screen on Zoom video

Here are some important tips to use green screen on Zoom video for a better outcome.

Buy Large Green Screen - Since you are going to invest in buying green screen, you should buy a large green screen instead of buying two. Firstly, when you have one large green screen, you can set it up without any wrinkles or overlaps.

Secondly, a large green screen means greater surface area, and even when you slightly change the angle of your camera, your background will still have green screen instead of the exterior wall showing up and ruining virtual background effect.

Buy Green Screen Stand - Along with green screen, you should buy a sizeable green screen stand. A regular green screen stand contains two vertical supports at both ends and one horizontal support where you hand the green screen.

You can buy it according to the size of green screen you have bought. And you need to buy stand because you cannot fix the green screen on the wall properly. If you use any other means, there are going to be wrinkles and uneven virtual background effect.

Green Screen Quality - You can purchase any shade of green screen, but we recommend you opt for vibrant green color for a better outcome. Most importantly, the color should be even across the surface, and there should not be light and dark patches to dampen the virtual background effect and make it look unrealistic. That is why you should not compromise with quality.

Avoid Green Objects - You should not wear anything green. If your green screen has a lighter shade, you can wear deep color dresses and vice versa. Most importantly, you should not keep anything that is green while attending Zoom attending as it will disturb the green screen effect and it will look embarrassing. If you need to keep any green objects in your Zoom meetings, you should have blue screen instead of green screen.

Focus On Lighting - Lighting is extremely important when you want to use green screen. You should place the light so that it spreads evenly across the green screen. Otherwise, there are going to be light and dark patches, and the effect can get disturbed. Make sure you do not cast any shadow on the green screen by positioning the green screen accordingly.

Select A Proper Background - Last but not least, when you change your green screen to any virtual background photo or video, make sure you keep your audiences in mind. If you are attending a meeting, you should keep a professional-looking background. The background should not be distracting and match the theme of your meeting.


We have answered your question, “How do you add a green screen to zoom?” You can use green screen on your Zoom desktop app as well as smartphone app. This will help you to make your usual background cover up with green screen and replace green screen with any virtual background. Keep in mind all the tips we have provided you so that the green screen effect is perfect.

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How to Make a Time-Lapse Video Online

If you’re looking for a way to create a time-lapse video online, you have come to the right place. There are different reasons why people use online time-lapse video makers. Let us take an example, if you want to make a time-lapse video of someone holding a phone in their hand then this would be pretty easy to do with the help of an online time-lapse maker.

Why do people use an online time-lapse maker because they want to get some good quality videos without spending much money on them? That’s something that many people who are just starting their business can do easily since it can be done by anyone who knows how to use online time-lapse makers properly! Let’s have a look at some online tools on which you can make time-lapse videos online.

1. Clideo Timelapse Video Tool

A video timelapse video is a type of video that shows the progression of time. It allows you to create an engaging experience for your viewers, and it can also be used to promote your business. Whether you’re a content creator, brand manager, or just a fan of videos, creating a time-lapse video is one of the most popular and effective ways to produce impressive content.

With Clideo Time-lapse Video Tool you can create incredible videos with ease. You can choose from dozens of beautiful templates, music tracks, transitions, and more. You can also add your photos or video clips and make your unique time-lapse video. By using this tool, you can:

  • Capture your events in real-time and save them for later. Once captured, you can use the timeline function to move backward or forwards through the events of your day.
  • Add filters and effects such as blur or freeze frame.
  • Share your videos on social media with ease!

Steps to make a time-lapse video on Clideo:

Step1 Open Clideo and Create an account

You can use this online time-lapse maker from any browser e.g Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. After that you don’t have an account on it then you have to create it first. You can Sign in by using different platforms like Google, Facebook, apple, etc.

create account with clideo

Step2 Create a project and select a tool

When you create an account on Clideo, a page appears where you will get the option of creating a project. A list of several features will be provided by this online time-lapse video maker. You will get to add subtitles, compress videos, resize the video, and many more features in it.

create project select tool clideo

Step3 Create a video on Clideo

If you want to create a video then click on video maker and after that choose a file whether it is an image, video, gif, or music.

create a video with clideo

Step4 Edit the video and export

With Clideo, you can make amazing videos with just one click. You can choose the length of your video, as well as the format, and save it to your computer’s hard drive.

You can also adjust the duration of your video and add music to make it more interesting. This way you can make sure that your video is the right length for the content you’re putting in it.

edit video and export from clideo

2. Flixier Timelapse Video Maker

Flixier Timelapse Video Maker is the easiest way to create beautiful timelapse videos. You can create beautiful, high-quality videos with ease. What’s more, you don’t have to know any programming languages! You’ll be able to export your videos in just one step.

The program’s intuitive user interface makes it easy for beginners to get started while still providing advanced features that professionals will love. The program supports drag-and-drop editing and has an intuitive layout designed for maximum efficiency.

Step1 Create a video without having an account

Flixier Timelapse Video Maker is a powerful video editing tool that allows you to create beautiful, high-quality timelapse videos. The best thing about Flixier is it does not require any account. You can easily click on Get Started and move on to the next step.

make timelapse video with flixier

Step2 Drop and Browse any file

The Flixier Timelapse Video Maker is a new and exciting way to create HD videos from your favorite photos. It makes it easy for you to choose the photo you want to use, and then attach it to your video.

Flixier works with all of your favorite services: Google Drive, Google Photos, Dropbox, Flowplayer, and more! Flixier has a massive library of videos that you can use as inspiration for your project. There are thousands of them, some of which are free.

drop files into flixier

Step3 Edit the video and save it

This online time-lapse maker is easy to use, and it allows you to edit your videos in a few simple steps. You can add text, motion, position, and scale to your videos in just a few clicks. After that, you can export it to your hard drive.

edit video in flixier and save

Flixier has tons of useful features for creating content for social media marketing. You can upload multiple clips at once and easily customize the length and format of each clip. You can also add music to your videos and adjust the volume levels for each clip individually so that they blend seamlessly when viewed as a whole.

3. Kapwing

Are you looking for a way to speed up and down your video without having to rewind and fast-forward? Kapwing is the tool that can help you do just that. With Kapwing, you can change the speed of your video from 1x to 10x faster. And because it’s easy to use and can be used on any device, you can take your videos anywhere!

There’s nothing worse than having your video slowdown in the middle of a high-speed chase. That’s why, this tool can speed up and down your videos as much as you want, whenever you want it. Now move to steps that how can we use it:

Step1 Sign in and export the file

If you’re looking for a way to speed up your video editing process, look no further. Kapwing Video Speed Changer is here to help!

With Kapwing, you have to create an account, add media like pictures and videos, and then easily tweak the speed of your video without ever having to create a new one.

sign in kapwing video editor

Step2 Create video and change speed

Kapwing is a video editing software that lets you create videos as well as control the speed according to your needs. This feature makes it easy for you to create videos with different features. You can create videos with size, transitions, layers, and fonts. You can add text to your video as well as record audio from your computer’s microphone.

The software also includes other tools such as watermarking and adding subtitles to your video.

change video speed kapwing

Step3 Export the video

This online tool provides you with different formats to export your video like mp4, mp3, GIF, and JPEG. You can download or export your video in full HD form. It provides you full resolution video.

export video from kapwing editor

4. Video Speed Controller

Are you looking to speed up or slow down your videos? We’ve got you covered. With, you can easily adjust the speed of your video to your liking. You can also use a slider to control the speed of the video itself, which allows for more flexibility and control.

To use this tool, all you have to do is enter the URL of your video and select how fast you want it to be played back. And if you need even more flexibility, go ahead and add buttons so that you can easily change between faster and slower speeds without having to pause or rewind your video at all!

How can we control the speed on let’s have a look at some steps:

Step1 Open the tool and create an account

Check out Video Speed Controller, a new tool that allows you to control the speed of your videos. It’s super easy to use and can be accessed from any browser. Just create an account and you’ll be able to adjust the speed of your video on the go!

veedio video speed controller

Step2 Create, edit the video and add subtitles is a video speed controller that allows you to create videos, edit your footage, and add voice-over in one simple app.

This is perfect for content creators who want to create more engaging videos and increase their profits by selling subscriptions or advertising within their content. With, you can use the built-in editor to easily add text overlays, adjust the speed of your video, and add voice-over effects to create professional videos that people will love watching!

add subtitles with video speed controller

Step3 Add elements, and emojis in the video

Are you tired of your videos just being boring? Worried that they’re not engaging enough? Don’t worry, has a solution for that.

With this editor, you can add elements to your videos to increase engagement and make them more interesting. You can also select the size and color of each element, so you can customize the look of your video to stand out from the crowd!

add emojis video speed controller

Step4 Export video without the watermark

After all the editing you can export or download the video without watermarks. The resolution of the video will be HD.

export video speed controller

5. Typito Time Lapse Maker

Typito Time Lapse Maker is a tool that allows you to create videos with a timelapse effect. It is easy to use, and the interface is extremely simple. The first step is to select your video source and output format. You can choose from several different video formats, including MP4, MOV, and AVI.

Next, you’ll be prompted to select what you want your video to do. You have the option of creating a looping video or not it’s up to you! Once you’ve made your choices, you will be taken to the final step: entering text into the text editor for your video. This is where you can add captions or text overlays to spice up your video’s storyline.

Move to steps to create a lapse video online:

Step1 Create an account and make a video

Firstly, create an account on Typito and once you are done with the creation of the account click on the “Create Video” button in the middle of the screen. The video creation tool will begin loading, so please be patient!

typito online time lapse maker

Step2 Add media, title, elements, music

Time-lapse is a great way to create visual content. But how do you do it without spending a fortune? Typito Time Lapse Maker can help you make your time-lapse videos with the click of a button!

Just select media, add titles, elements, and anything else you want, and we’ll handle the rest—whether you’re using your music or not. You can add music according to your taste.

add elements into typito

Step3 Export video and re-edit

When you are done with the video export it. And the great thing is video can be re-edited again and again. You can apply changes many times.

export video and reedit typito


We hope that these ideas can motivate you to make timelapse videos. If you want to create a time-lapse video but don’t want to use a big and expensive camera just set up your online time-lapse. Moreover, there are lots of excellent platforms out there to share the finished product. Refer to the above recommendations to choose your favorite one.

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Also read:

  • Title: Creating Video Testimonials
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:11:34
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:11:34
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Creating Video Testimonials