In 2024, Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects

In 2024, Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects

Morgan Lv12

Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects

Do you know that many cinema films and big-budget companies use visual effects to create realistic fires? It saves them from potential danger in production and helps them manage the time required to create a project. In this article, you will get pro tips and easy ways to add Fire effects by Wondershare Filmora.

Note: let’s not count Michael Bay and Christopher Nolan productions because their movies have a higher budget, and creating fake fire is easy.

Part 1. What do you need to create fire effects?

Using simple tools such as Filmora and visual effects, you can create a realistic fire effect with an easy setup. For filming the effect, we will need

  1. A good camera
  2. A light source
  3. Video editing software - Wondershare Filmora
  4. Basic editing skills

However, the light source is key to the fire effects. It will be beneficial if you have a warmer color light or a light that can change its temperature. You can use tungsten light bulbs or small circular LEDs that are pretty famous with Vloggers and tick-tock users.

Part 2. How to make a realistic effect fire?

After getting prepared, it’s time to do the real things. Follow the steps below to create a realistic fire effect like a pro.

Step1 Record your footage

While recording the video, you can slightly shake your light source, which will give it the flickering effect of the flame. Here, you can do this in two ways.

Shaking the light manually

Just make sure when you are shaking the light, it is not shaken aggressively, or it will lose its realism to a real fire.

shaking the light source

Shaking the light using a dimmer

You can also use some skills to create the flickering effect of the fire without literally shaking the LED light. Dimmers come to help. A dimmer is a device that enables you to change the temperature of the LED light. If you have a dimmer, your work will be more accessible.

A regulator on the dimmer will help you switch between low and high tones. It will flicker the light on the object like a flame and make it look like it was placed in front of a real fire.

dimmer for shaking

Step2 Record the object

Our next step will be to record the object on which the effect is taking place. Ensure the camera is placed under a good light source so that the picture is not dim and the object is exposed. Make sure the camera is placed at the level of the eye so that it will help you record your video clearly and accurately.

Also, keep in mind to zoom out the camera lens, which will fix the frame of the video so that the object or the person is entirely on the screen. Another tip for creating a realistic fire effect would be the person acting as the object. The more natural the acting is, the more realistic would be the fire effect.

Step3 Edit the footage

We are being safe and saving time by not using actual fire. The goal of creating a fake fire would be the effect and reaction of the object or the actor.

1. Download a professional video editing software - Wondershare Filmora

Visit Wondershare Filmora official site if you haven’t already downloaded it.

Note: download the latest version of filmora. It will give you a pro version and help you to create more realistic fire effects.

2. Create a new project and import the recorded clips

Before adding the fire effects to your video, you must ensure that you are familiar with the editing software. Your first step would be to add your clips to the timeline. Drag the footage from the library and enter it into the timeline.

import footage

3. create the fire effect more realistic by adding smoke

The next step would be to add smoke to the fire. As it is only fair that the fire makes the smoke so. Adding the smoke will create the fire effect more realistic. Follow the below steps to get your cinematic video!

#Step1 Search for smoke effects

To add the smoke effect, click on the element’s icon on the bar above and search for smokescreen 2.

#Step2 Add a smoke effect

Once you have searched and found the smoke screen 2 effects, then import that effect onto your timeline so that you can begin editing.

adding smokescreen2 effect

Once you’ve added the fire effect, you will notice the change on the screen in the top right corner.

#Step3 Add duration

The next step would be to set the duration of the smokescreen effect so that it matches the length of the video. To do so,

  • Click on the edge of the smoke screen effect.
  • Drag it to the right if the effect appears smaller than the video clip.
  • And drag it to the left if it is larger than the video clip.
  • As soon as it matches the length of the video, leave the drag, and it will fit right into place.
#Step4 Make some changes to the smoke effect

Once you have matched the duration of the smoke screen effect to the video clip, our next step would be to make some changes. These changes will make the smokescreen appear more pleasingdouble-click on the smokescreen effect, which will open the transform menu.

We would first focus on the transform panel. Here you would have many options, but our focus would be on rotation, scale, and position.

Note: make sure to rotate the smoke screen effect by simply sliding the slider or dragging the slider right or left to your desire.

  • You would have created an angle of the smokescreen to make it more natural.
  • Now, we would have to adjust the scale of the smokescreen effect.
  • Drag the slider to the right to expand the smoke to spread on the screen. It will help the smoke screen do appear more natural.
  • You can adjust how much the smoke screen is visible on the screen by decreasing the opacity.

Adjust the slider to the left so it blends in with the flickering of the light we created. Now playback the video from the big screen to get an idea of the effect you added. And here are our parameters for reference.

adjust the slider

Cool, isn’t it? Now we have added smoke to our timeline. Combined with the flickering light effect, we are closer to our goal.

Step4 Add flames or sparks

To mimic a real fire, we also have one more element that is missing, And that will be the sparks and the flames. And if you want to bring the fire effect of your video to the pro level, we would have to use the film stock effects. Flames and sparks are also available in the Wondershare Filmora.

#Step1 Search for Fire Tab

search for fire tab

  • To do so, click on the bar above the element’s icon.
  • Once you have opened the elements tab, look to your left window, where further options are available.
  • From these options, click on the fire tab.
  • A new window will pop up in the library panel.
#Step2 Add the flame to the timeline

Click on a large scale 14 and drag it into your timeline above the smoke effect and the clip. Doing so would have created two extra layers after the video tab.

adding flame effect

#Step3 Adjust the flame effect

Now, we have to do steps similar to the ones above the first job. But first, you have to click on the edges of the effect. Then, match it to the length of your video.

Now, remember if the length of the effect is more than that of the video clip. You can adjust it by clicking on the edge and dragging it to the left. And if it appears to be smaller than the video clip, drag the edge to the right to match the length.

#Step4 Blend the video

When you look at the effect as you play the video from the start, you will notice that the effect is a little more intense than we want. To change it to your desires, you can follow the following steps.

  • First of all, double-click and open the transform
  • Experiment with the rotation and the scale and position; make your choice.
  • Then move on to the compositing panel and focus on the blending mode.
  • Here, you will notice a drop-down panel and select the screen option from all the other options.
  • Doing so would help you blend the spark effect video much better.

If you focus on the spark effect that appears on the screen, you will notice that it seems to be much more intense than we require. If you want to blend it further, you can use the opacity adjuster and decrease the transparency. Then, adjust the slider till you feel it to be just right.

And the following are ideal parameters of our adjustment just for you to refer to.

ideal parameters

Final results

Now can easily create a realistic-looking fire effect by Wondershare Filmora.

final preview of fire effect

Best editing views

See how easy it was to create a fire effect without using real fire. A fire effect you can use:

  • To make your car catch on fire.
  • You are screaming at the top of your lungs in a yard where your garden is on fire.
  • Act like your husband forgot to watch the stove on with the dish in the kitchen.

You can create all these scenarios by using camera tricks and lighting effects. And a few skills in video editing, easily! How cool is that?

If you are a beginner or a frequent user of Wondershare Filmora, following the steps explained above will help you quickly get the hang of how to add fire effects to your videos.

Also, if you have a YouTube channel or a content creator, adding these effects will add unique creativity to your videos and ultimately boost your approach.

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Part 1. What do you need to create fire effects?

Using simple tools such as Filmora and visual effects, you can create a realistic fire effect with an easy setup. For filming the effect, we will need

  1. A good camera
  2. A light source
  3. Video editing software - Wondershare Filmora
  4. Basic editing skills

However, the light source is key to the fire effects. It will be beneficial if you have a warmer color light or a light that can change its temperature. You can use tungsten light bulbs or small circular LEDs that are pretty famous with Vloggers and tick-tock users.

Part 2. How to make a realistic effect fire?

After getting prepared, it’s time to do the real things. Follow the steps below to create a realistic fire effect like a pro.

Step1 Record your footage

While recording the video, you can slightly shake your light source, which will give it the flickering effect of the flame. Here, you can do this in two ways.

Shaking the light manually

Just make sure when you are shaking the light, it is not shaken aggressively, or it will lose its realism to a real fire.

shaking the light source

Shaking the light using a dimmer

You can also use some skills to create the flickering effect of the fire without literally shaking the LED light. Dimmers come to help. A dimmer is a device that enables you to change the temperature of the LED light. If you have a dimmer, your work will be more accessible.

A regulator on the dimmer will help you switch between low and high tones. It will flicker the light on the object like a flame and make it look like it was placed in front of a real fire.

dimmer for shaking

Step2 Record the object

Our next step will be to record the object on which the effect is taking place. Ensure the camera is placed under a good light source so that the picture is not dim and the object is exposed. Make sure the camera is placed at the level of the eye so that it will help you record your video clearly and accurately.

Also, keep in mind to zoom out the camera lens, which will fix the frame of the video so that the object or the person is entirely on the screen. Another tip for creating a realistic fire effect would be the person acting as the object. The more natural the acting is, the more realistic would be the fire effect.

Step3 Edit the footage

We are being safe and saving time by not using actual fire. The goal of creating a fake fire would be the effect and reaction of the object or the actor.

1. Download a professional video editing software - Wondershare Filmora

Visit Wondershare Filmora official site if you haven’t already downloaded it.

Note: download the latest version of filmora. It will give you a pro version and help you to create more realistic fire effects.

2. Create a new project and import the recorded clips

Before adding the fire effects to your video, you must ensure that you are familiar with the editing software. Your first step would be to add your clips to the timeline. Drag the footage from the library and enter it into the timeline.

import footage

3. create the fire effect more realistic by adding smoke

The next step would be to add smoke to the fire. As it is only fair that the fire makes the smoke so. Adding the smoke will create the fire effect more realistic. Follow the below steps to get your cinematic video!

#Step1 Search for smoke effects

To add the smoke effect, click on the element’s icon on the bar above and search for smokescreen 2.

#Step2 Add a smoke effect

Once you have searched and found the smoke screen 2 effects, then import that effect onto your timeline so that you can begin editing.

adding smokescreen2 effect

Once you’ve added the fire effect, you will notice the change on the screen in the top right corner.

#Step3 Add duration

The next step would be to set the duration of the smokescreen effect so that it matches the length of the video. To do so,

  • Click on the edge of the smoke screen effect.
  • Drag it to the right if the effect appears smaller than the video clip.
  • And drag it to the left if it is larger than the video clip.
  • As soon as it matches the length of the video, leave the drag, and it will fit right into place.
#Step4 Make some changes to the smoke effect

Once you have matched the duration of the smoke screen effect to the video clip, our next step would be to make some changes. These changes will make the smokescreen appear more pleasingdouble-click on the smokescreen effect, which will open the transform menu.

We would first focus on the transform panel. Here you would have many options, but our focus would be on rotation, scale, and position.

Note: make sure to rotate the smoke screen effect by simply sliding the slider or dragging the slider right or left to your desire.

  • You would have created an angle of the smokescreen to make it more natural.
  • Now, we would have to adjust the scale of the smokescreen effect.
  • Drag the slider to the right to expand the smoke to spread on the screen. It will help the smoke screen do appear more natural.
  • You can adjust how much the smoke screen is visible on the screen by decreasing the opacity.

Adjust the slider to the left so it blends in with the flickering of the light we created. Now playback the video from the big screen to get an idea of the effect you added. And here are our parameters for reference.

adjust the slider

Cool, isn’t it? Now we have added smoke to our timeline. Combined with the flickering light effect, we are closer to our goal.

Step4 Add flames or sparks

To mimic a real fire, we also have one more element that is missing, And that will be the sparks and the flames. And if you want to bring the fire effect of your video to the pro level, we would have to use the film stock effects. Flames and sparks are also available in the Wondershare Filmora.

#Step1 Search for Fire Tab

search for fire tab

  • To do so, click on the bar above the element’s icon.
  • Once you have opened the elements tab, look to your left window, where further options are available.
  • From these options, click on the fire tab.
  • A new window will pop up in the library panel.
#Step2 Add the flame to the timeline

Click on a large scale 14 and drag it into your timeline above the smoke effect and the clip. Doing so would have created two extra layers after the video tab.

adding flame effect

#Step3 Adjust the flame effect

Now, we have to do steps similar to the ones above the first job. But first, you have to click on the edges of the effect. Then, match it to the length of your video.

Now, remember if the length of the effect is more than that of the video clip. You can adjust it by clicking on the edge and dragging it to the left. And if it appears to be smaller than the video clip, drag the edge to the right to match the length.

#Step4 Blend the video

When you look at the effect as you play the video from the start, you will notice that the effect is a little more intense than we want. To change it to your desires, you can follow the following steps.

  • First of all, double-click and open the transform
  • Experiment with the rotation and the scale and position; make your choice.
  • Then move on to the compositing panel and focus on the blending mode.
  • Here, you will notice a drop-down panel and select the screen option from all the other options.
  • Doing so would help you blend the spark effect video much better.

If you focus on the spark effect that appears on the screen, you will notice that it seems to be much more intense than we require. If you want to blend it further, you can use the opacity adjuster and decrease the transparency. Then, adjust the slider till you feel it to be just right.

And the following are ideal parameters of our adjustment just for you to refer to.

ideal parameters

Final results

Now can easily create a realistic-looking fire effect by Wondershare Filmora.

final preview of fire effect

Best editing views

See how easy it was to create a fire effect without using real fire. A fire effect you can use:

  • To make your car catch on fire.
  • You are screaming at the top of your lungs in a yard where your garden is on fire.
  • Act like your husband forgot to watch the stove on with the dish in the kitchen.

You can create all these scenarios by using camera tricks and lighting effects. And a few skills in video editing, easily! How cool is that?

If you are a beginner or a frequent user of Wondershare Filmora, following the steps explained above will help you quickly get the hang of how to add fire effects to your videos.

Also, if you have a YouTube channel or a content creator, adding these effects will add unique creativity to your videos and ultimately boost your approach.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Best Ways to Convert Video Frame Rate to 60FPS [Software and Online Choices]

One of the primary things that differentiate a good video from a low-quality one is its frame rate or burst rate. This refers to the frequency of a series of images or frames consecutively appearing during display. A low frame rate per second or FPS causes issues in most display screens, so you will need a 60 FPS video converter to update it.

You need to convert or make video 60FPS online through tools and software to improve the sharpness of frame speed and make it suitable for streaming sites like YouTube that play 60FPS only or create UHD/4K videos. Plus, most high-definition screens for gaming, computers, tablets, and smartphones require high FPS.

This article will teach you the best solutions to make the conversion possible. Choose your option after a full evaluation.

30 fps vs 60 fps

Part I. What does 60 FPS mean?

Before discussing the best tools available for frame rate conversion, you should know what frame rate is. Also known as update rate, this signifies the frequency of the display of consecutive series of frames or images. The speed of how they appear determines the fluid play of the video with no interruption or lag.

In the context of video and film cameras, motion capture systems, and computer graphics, you should try to convert video to 60FPS. There are multiple types available, like the low 24FPS or 30FPS or the higher 60FPS or 120FPS. 60FPS is the most accepted option for diverse operating systems, screens, and graphics.

Differences between 24FPS, 30FPS, and 60FPS

Here are the differences you will note between the three common frame rates per second in videos. For a simple overview, these differences are expressed in tabular form.

Description This universally acceptable frame rate choice is used for transferring video signals to film. 30FPS is a slightly higher frame rate choice for animations and show videos that are suitable for television viewing and online platforms. Videos at 60FPS have better fluency and smoother definition, with sharp videos that work during gaming, high-definition streaming, and UHD/4K video editing.
Types of videos Older videos and films. Online videos, TV shows, and news. HD-quality movies, online videos, and games.
Users Movie suppliers Entertainment and Media professionals. Movie producers, video editors, gaming software developers, etc.

Why Should You Convert Videos into 60FPS?

In the context of video FPS, the three variations- 30FPS, 60FPS, and 24FPS are the most common. However, there are specific reasons why 60FPS is the best option you should use, and take the time to convert your files with this frame rate.

  • Playing 24FPS or 30FPS videos on LCD screens have more prominent motion blur, the sharpness of transition is low and rough, etc.
  • Well-known streaming sites like YouTube set their standard for videos at 60FPS. If you use a file with a higher FPS, it will compress to 60FPS automatically. Anything lower than that is unacceptable since it creates a laggy video transition.
  • Creating high-quality movies in UHD or 4K resolution requires a high FPS like 60FPS. Movies shot with 24FPS do not assure the best display in the native frame rate and need pulldown conversion. This causes judder, which affects video quality. Converting the video to 60fps ai online is a better choice.
  • Modern devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets have a high refresh rate. So, these, including some gaming monitors and television varieties, accept videos with 60FPS best.
  • In animation, most creators run 3-4 images per drawing, which means 6 or 8 drawings per second. For the best transition between shorts and images, converting the animation videos to 60FPS is useful.

If you want to know more about these FPS options and which one to select for long-term usage, read through the comprehensive review .

Part II. How to convert A Video to 60fps?

If you plan to use a 60fps video converter, luckily, multiple capable choices are available in the market. Here, we present the top options you can use with an accurate conversion that occurs quickly and with limited errors.

1. Best Software Converters

The following are the best software-based platforms that you can try out.

1) Wondershare UniConverter

One notable ai 60fps converter that users find extremely useful all around for optimized video editing is Wondershare UniConverter. The tool comes with varying AI-powered tools you can try to change.

With this software, you can easily make changes to the file during the conversion, like upgrading the FPS and bitrate of various video codecs, adjusting the contrast, contrast, etc., for output. Plus, it is possible to change the speed of the videos you are editing through the Editing timeline, between 0.25X - 3X speed options.

wondershare uniconverter interface

  • User Base: Professional video editors, social media vloggers, businesses, students, beginner-level users, etc.

Watch this video to get a visual representation of how the tool works for FPS conversion and other editing functions.

How to use Wondershare UniConverter for converting FPS?

Step1 Download and launch the Wondershare UniConverter software on your device after completing all installation steps.

Step2 Click or drag and drop the video file of which you will change the frame rate.

drag and drop video file

Step3 To make changes to the video, click the Edit button and do them- like speed change, cutting sections, etc.

Step4 Then press the Settings button. Choose the Video option and then select the format like MP4.

Step5 Tap the setting icon beside the format choice and set the frame rate option as 60FPS. Then, press the Create button.

set the frame rate

Step6 To convert the file further, click the Convert button and choose the destination file format. Press Convert.

press convert


  • Convert between different file formats.
  • Edit or split the files.
  • Change the speed of the video between various speed modes.
  • Download files at high resolution as per customization.


  • Easy to use for non-technical users.
  • The free software includes most of the conversion functions.
  • Zero quality loss or lagging FPS playthrough in the converted file.


  • GPU acceleration and High-Speed Conversion are available for Pro users only.
  • You can resize the file for social media platforms like YouTube once using the Free Trial version.

2) Format Factory

Another FPS video maker and converter tool that you must try is Format Factory. This professional-quality video and audio converter tool are useful for various levels of video editing, including specifications like the frame rate per second.

You can clip and join your video section and do audio mixing steps. Easily adjust your video frame speed to ensure top-grade video playback with limited to no resolution loss. You can easily set the frame rate to 60FPS after downloading YouTube videos and making adjustments.

format factory interface


  • Compress file size with settings changes for frame rate.
  • Supports different video formats.
  • Compatible with HEIC and WEBP formats for conversion.


  • Only suitable for Windows users.
  • Slightly complex to try for beginner-level users.

3) MiniTool Video Converter

One of the best 60fps video editor options available in the market is MiniTool Video Converter. This Windows-based native software can make multiple advanced changes to your video file during conversion. Not to mention, it supports quick batch processing, with zero drop in quality after the process.

You can easily change the frame rate speed to 60FPS or other speed options during the exporting process. Adding effects will maintain a strong frame rate frequency that you can also preview.

minitool video converter interface


  • Supports a variety of video formats for conversion.
  • Batch conversion is supported here.
  • No loss of quality when you change the frame rate or bitrate.


  • The process will lag if there is not at least 1 GB of free storage space in your device.
  • Only works on Windows devices.

2. Best Online Converters

If you want to use a 60fps video converter online, there are tools available for that as well. These converters come with limited advanced mechanisms or features. However, in terms of changing the FPS of videos, web-based tools are easier to operate and do straightforward tasks.

Plus, you will not need to register or download third-party software here- the tools are accessible through any browser or device.

1) AI Video Frame Rate Converter

One of the best tools for online video frame rate conversion is the AI Video Frame Rate Converter. With this online tool, you can easily insert your file into the tool you access on any browser of your choice.

Then, choose the conversion FPS like 60FPS for your video and get high-resolution video quality in the final file. The software does not keep the file on the server, which assures good privacy protection for users with their files and data.

ai video frame rate converter interface


  • No need to install the software.
  • Easily choose the FPS option to convert the file.
  • The quick conversion process.


  • The free version only allows 5 credits for users to try.
  • No tools to enhance video quality with the free tool.

2) Video2Edit

Another top 60fps converter online that users should give a chance is Video2Edit. This tool is accessible through any web browser and allows one to change various aspects of the video they are converting, including the frame rate.

You can choose 60FPS as the target frame rate choice for the video that you add to your device’s tool. It also supports 120FPS and other options lower than 60FPS- the final converter file is still a high definition.

video2edit interface


  • Choose the frame rate per second for your video.
  • Make settings changes for your video audio additionally.
  • The tool is easily accessible and free to use.


  • You have to take more steps for customization instead of directly getting the FPS changing option.
  • Cannot convert multiple files simultaneously.

3) Aconvert

Users can try out this online video to 60fps converter to change elements of videos quickly during conversion. You can insert your file from a cloud account, device, or URL and choose the video format to convert.

Plus, it is much easier to directly set the frame rate you want to change in the video. This tool supports up to 60FPS for the change, and you can choose a custom FPS if necessary.

aconvert interface


  • Can convert video codec settings like bitrate, etc., for different file formats.
  • Easily add a file from the device, URL, or cloud.
  • Quick processing speed for the conversion.


  • No batch conversion for multiple files.
  • Big files can get slow to convert.

Bonus Tip. Use Wondershare Filmora to Create High-Quality Videos with 60FPS Support

If you plan to make further edits to your video clips and directly create a project with 60FPS support, using a capable 60fps maker software is necessary. Wondershare Filmora is suitable software for video editing professionals and regular users to try to make videos easily.

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You can use the different features available for quick and customized video projects. Here, you can try the Instant Mode feature for instantaneous video edits or directly try out the editor timeline with diverse features like Edit icon or Speed Ramping to make changes. As for adjusting the frame rate, you can make those changes during export.

Watch this video to know how to use Filmora for further video editing.

How to Change Frame Rate to 60FPS in Filmora?

Step1 After you have completed all of the edits, click on the Export button in the editor timeline of Filmora.

Step2 Choose the output format you will download the video file, e.g., MP4, from the Local tab.

choose the output format

Step3 Click on the Settings button. Adjust the specification of the video, like frame rate, and change to 60FPS. Make other changes if needed, and press OK.

adjust specifications like frame rate

Step4 Click on Export to download the file or directly upload it via Vimeo or YouTube through those tabs.


Indeed, adjusting the frame rate of your video will help you create high-quality videos with a fluid and lag-less transition. You should convert your file to 60FPS if it is a lower version at the time to improve sharpness and make it compatible with most screen types, 4K movie playing, and streaming.

Use the available online and native software options to make these changes quickly and efficiently. Additionally, if you want to create a file directly at 60FPS, you can do so using Filmora.

Give these tools a try first to get a better experience with the features and process.

Why Should You Convert Videos into 60FPS?

In the context of video FPS, the three variations- 30FPS, 60FPS, and 24FPS are the most common. However, there are specific reasons why 60FPS is the best option you should use, and take the time to convert your files with this frame rate.

  • Playing 24FPS or 30FPS videos on LCD screens have more prominent motion blur, the sharpness of transition is low and rough, etc.
  • Well-known streaming sites like YouTube set their standard for videos at 60FPS. If you use a file with a higher FPS, it will compress to 60FPS automatically. Anything lower than that is unacceptable since it creates a laggy video transition.
  • Creating high-quality movies in UHD or 4K resolution requires a high FPS like 60FPS. Movies shot with 24FPS do not assure the best display in the native frame rate and need pulldown conversion. This causes judder, which affects video quality. Converting the video to 60fps ai online is a better choice.
  • Modern devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets have a high refresh rate. So, these, including some gaming monitors and television varieties, accept videos with 60FPS best.
  • In animation, most creators run 3-4 images per drawing, which means 6 or 8 drawings per second. For the best transition between shorts and images, converting the animation videos to 60FPS is useful.

If you want to know more about these FPS options and which one to select for long-term usage, read through the comprehensive review .

Part II. How to convert A Video to 60fps?

If you plan to use a 60fps video converter, luckily, multiple capable choices are available in the market. Here, we present the top options you can use with an accurate conversion that occurs quickly and with limited errors.

1. Best Software Converters

The following are the best software-based platforms that you can try out.

1) Wondershare UniConverter

One notable ai 60fps converter that users find extremely useful all around for optimized video editing is Wondershare UniConverter. The tool comes with varying AI-powered tools you can try to change.

With this software, you can easily make changes to the file during the conversion, like upgrading the FPS and bitrate of various video codecs, adjusting the contrast, contrast, etc., for output. Plus, it is possible to change the speed of the videos you are editing through the Editing timeline, between 0.25X - 3X speed options.

wondershare uniconverter interface

  • User Base: Professional video editors, social media vloggers, businesses, students, beginner-level users, etc.

Watch this video to get a visual representation of how the tool works for FPS conversion and other editing functions.

How to use Wondershare UniConverter for converting FPS?

Step1 Download and launch the Wondershare UniConverter software on your device after completing all installation steps.

Step2 Click or drag and drop the video file of which you will change the frame rate.

drag and drop video file

Step3 To make changes to the video, click the Edit button and do them- like speed change, cutting sections, etc.

Step4 Then press the Settings button. Choose the Video option and then select the format like MP4.

Step5 Tap the setting icon beside the format choice and set the frame rate option as 60FPS. Then, press the Create button.

set the frame rate

Step6 To convert the file further, click the Convert button and choose the destination file format. Press Convert.

press convert


  • Convert between different file formats.
  • Edit or split the files.
  • Change the speed of the video between various speed modes.
  • Download files at high resolution as per customization.


  • Easy to use for non-technical users.
  • The free software includes most of the conversion functions.
  • Zero quality loss or lagging FPS playthrough in the converted file.


  • GPU acceleration and High-Speed Conversion are available for Pro users only.
  • You can resize the file for social media platforms like YouTube once using the Free Trial version.

2) Format Factory

Another FPS video maker and converter tool that you must try is Format Factory. This professional-quality video and audio converter tool are useful for various levels of video editing, including specifications like the frame rate per second.

You can clip and join your video section and do audio mixing steps. Easily adjust your video frame speed to ensure top-grade video playback with limited to no resolution loss. You can easily set the frame rate to 60FPS after downloading YouTube videos and making adjustments.

format factory interface


  • Compress file size with settings changes for frame rate.
  • Supports different video formats.
  • Compatible with HEIC and WEBP formats for conversion.


  • Only suitable for Windows users.
  • Slightly complex to try for beginner-level users.

3) MiniTool Video Converter

One of the best 60fps video editor options available in the market is MiniTool Video Converter. This Windows-based native software can make multiple advanced changes to your video file during conversion. Not to mention, it supports quick batch processing, with zero drop in quality after the process.

You can easily change the frame rate speed to 60FPS or other speed options during the exporting process. Adding effects will maintain a strong frame rate frequency that you can also preview.

minitool video converter interface


  • Supports a variety of video formats for conversion.
  • Batch conversion is supported here.
  • No loss of quality when you change the frame rate or bitrate.


  • The process will lag if there is not at least 1 GB of free storage space in your device.
  • Only works on Windows devices.

2. Best Online Converters

If you want to use a 60fps video converter online, there are tools available for that as well. These converters come with limited advanced mechanisms or features. However, in terms of changing the FPS of videos, web-based tools are easier to operate and do straightforward tasks.

Plus, you will not need to register or download third-party software here- the tools are accessible through any browser or device.

1) AI Video Frame Rate Converter

One of the best tools for online video frame rate conversion is the AI Video Frame Rate Converter. With this online tool, you can easily insert your file into the tool you access on any browser of your choice.

Then, choose the conversion FPS like 60FPS for your video and get high-resolution video quality in the final file. The software does not keep the file on the server, which assures good privacy protection for users with their files and data.

ai video frame rate converter interface


  • No need to install the software.
  • Easily choose the FPS option to convert the file.
  • The quick conversion process.


  • The free version only allows 5 credits for users to try.
  • No tools to enhance video quality with the free tool.

2) Video2Edit

Another top 60fps converter online that users should give a chance is Video2Edit. This tool is accessible through any web browser and allows one to change various aspects of the video they are converting, including the frame rate.

You can choose 60FPS as the target frame rate choice for the video that you add to your device’s tool. It also supports 120FPS and other options lower than 60FPS- the final converter file is still a high definition.

video2edit interface


  • Choose the frame rate per second for your video.
  • Make settings changes for your video audio additionally.
  • The tool is easily accessible and free to use.


  • You have to take more steps for customization instead of directly getting the FPS changing option.
  • Cannot convert multiple files simultaneously.

3) Aconvert

Users can try out this online video to 60fps converter to change elements of videos quickly during conversion. You can insert your file from a cloud account, device, or URL and choose the video format to convert.

Plus, it is much easier to directly set the frame rate you want to change in the video. This tool supports up to 60FPS for the change, and you can choose a custom FPS if necessary.

aconvert interface


  • Can convert video codec settings like bitrate, etc., for different file formats.
  • Easily add a file from the device, URL, or cloud.
  • Quick processing speed for the conversion.


  • No batch conversion for multiple files.
  • Big files can get slow to convert.

Bonus Tip. Use Wondershare Filmora to Create High-Quality Videos with 60FPS Support

If you plan to make further edits to your video clips and directly create a project with 60FPS support, using a capable 60fps maker software is necessary. Wondershare Filmora is suitable software for video editing professionals and regular users to try to make videos easily.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

You can use the different features available for quick and customized video projects. Here, you can try the Instant Mode feature for instantaneous video edits or directly try out the editor timeline with diverse features like Edit icon or Speed Ramping to make changes. As for adjusting the frame rate, you can make those changes during export.

Watch this video to know how to use Filmora for further video editing.

How to Change Frame Rate to 60FPS in Filmora?

Step1 After you have completed all of the edits, click on the Export button in the editor timeline of Filmora.

Step2 Choose the output format you will download the video file, e.g., MP4, from the Local tab.

choose the output format

Step3 Click on the Settings button. Adjust the specification of the video, like frame rate, and change to 60FPS. Make other changes if needed, and press OK.

adjust specifications like frame rate

Step4 Click on Export to download the file or directly upload it via Vimeo or YouTube through those tabs.


Indeed, adjusting the frame rate of your video will help you create high-quality videos with a fluid and lag-less transition. You should convert your file to 60FPS if it is a lower version at the time to improve sharpness and make it compatible with most screen types, 4K movie playing, and streaming.

Use the available online and native software options to make these changes quickly and efficiently. Additionally, if you want to create a file directly at 60FPS, you can do so using Filmora.

Give these tools a try first to get a better experience with the features and process.

Applying the Effect of Camera Shake in Video Creation

Camera shake effects in videos showcase the instability effect. Capturing real-time camera shake videos is not an easy thing. Even professional photographers need to give more input to get beneficial output. However, you can easily find ready-made camera shake effects in this content to drive the world.

Don’t panic if you don’t know the tools to accomplish this task because Wondershare Filmora got you covered in this scenario. By the end of this article, you will learn how to add camera shake effects in videos with Filmora and another impressive editor named Premiere Pro.

Part 1: Why Should You Involve Effects in Your Videos During Video Creation?

Do you know that you can create more engaging and appealing video content by adding effects to it? Here are some benefits of using effects in your video content which you should know:

1. Quality Visuals

Your content’s visual quality can be increased using different appealing effects. These effects can make your content more eye-catching and engaging. You can use many effects in your visual content. This includes transitions and remarkable filters that can grab the viewer’s attention.

2. Innovative Presentation

If you want to express creativity in your content, using effects is a good option. This is because effects allow you to add uniqueness to your content. You can reflect your style and creativity with the help of these effects. Experimenting with different effects can help you to create unique content.

3. Emotional Resonance

With the help of different effects, you can grab the attention of your viewers. This way, you can easily convey your story or message to them effectively. Effects help you to create an atmosphere that helps to convey emotions beautifully.

4. Showcase of Professionalism

Effects give your videos a very professional look that can engage your audience. Using effects in the right way can help you showcase your production value. This can leave a very positive impact on your audience’s mind. So you can establish a good connection with them as a content creator.

5. Audience Retention

Well-placed effects can help you keep your audience interested in your visual content. They can make your video look more enjoyable and maintain good engagement with your viewers. Eventually, this will also improve your audience retention.

Part 2: Wondershare Filmora: An Epitome of Perfection in Video Editing

Do you wish to make professional-level edits in videos and want to add the smoothest camera shake effects? Nothing to be worried about because you can accomplish this goal with Wondershare Filmora . This video editor helps you make captivating edits and reinforce executive effects.

Camera Shake Effect Editor Add camera shake effects in videos with Wondershare Filmora and Premiere Pro to make cool and unique videos.

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora 12

Camera shake videos are not easy to make, and you must invest maximum time and effort to finish the work. Yet, this can be easy if you intend to utilize the feature-rich tool named Wondershare Filmora. This video editor offers timeline-based editing along with a non-destructive procedure.

You also get the fullest control over the video metrics, such as format, dimension, and length. Other than this, you can also select multiple stock media assets. As it has integrations with Giphy, Unsplash, Pexels, and other third-party media libraries, you will not face any issues.

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

01of 04

Filmora supports integrations with ChatGPT which enhance the usage of the AI Copywriting feature . Through this, you can get inspiring AI-generated content to express better in a limited time.

02of 04

Unrequired silenced intervals in videos impact the video quality in a bad way. To cater to this, Filmora offers you to use its Silence Detection feature to get rid of silenced intervals from videos.

03of 04

You can break the monotony and correct all the colors in the color-disruptive videos. Over 40+ color presets are present in Filmora, which can make videos more outclass.

04of 04

There are more than 70 AI portraits and sticker effects added in Filmora. By this, you can remove the background from videos without affecting humans in videos.

Part 3: Create a Camera Shake Effect Using Premiere Pro

Premiere Pro stands in the top video editing platform in today’s digital market. The video editing intuition helps users develop professional videos that are of the highest quality. It integrates some of the finest functions, making it easy for users to create camera shake effect videos. To know how it is created through Premiere Pro, follow the camera shake effect Premiere Pro steps:

Step 1

In the “Effects” section on the bottom-left of the screen, look for the “Transform” effect and drag it onto the imported video.

pick up transform effect

Step 2

Continue to the effects settings that open on the top-left section of the Premiere Pro screen. Change the “Scale” and set the “Position” keyframes on the left and right side of the video frames. Do this for the frames throughout the video in Premiere Pro.

set scale and position

Step 3

For adding motion blur in your camera shake effect video, uncheck the “Use Composition’s Shutter Angle” and set it to “360” degrees. This completes the camera shake, which can be easily exported to the computer.

set shutter angle

Part 4: A Step-by-Step Understanding of How To Create a Camera Shake Effect with Filmora

Now that you know the outclass capabilities of Filmora, you must be wondering about the procedure of adding a camera shake effect in videos . The instructions to make the camera shake video with Filmora are discussed here for you:

Filmora Tutorial - How to Add CAMERA SHAKE Effects to Your Videos

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Add Video File in Filmora

To make the camera shake video with Filmora, install and open Wondershare Filmora on your device and hit the “New Project” option. Next, tap the “Click here to import media” button and then locate the video in which you want to add the camera shake effect. After importing the video, drag it to the “Timeline” to enable editing.

add video to filmora

Step 2Add Camera Shake Effect

To add a camera shake effect, go to the “Effects” tab and click “Search Bar.” Next, search for an appropriate camera shake effect and hit the “Download” icon on the effect of your choice. Once the effect is downloaded, drag it on the video in the timeline and customize it as needed.

add and adjust effect

Step 3Export Camera Shake Video

Finally, go to “Export” and manage “Format,” “Preset,” “Frame Rate,” and other parameters of the video. Next, hit the “Export” button to save the video on your computer.

execute camera shake effect on video


As discussed in this article, you can add a camera shake effect in videos to make them cinematic standards. Several reasons tell us why adding effects in videos is essential, and you can find some of the most relatable reasons above.

Moreover, Filmora can add exquisite level camera shake effects in videos, and you can also find the procedure for accomplishing this task from the above discussion. You have also worked on a method showing how to make a camera shake effect in Premiere Pro.

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora 12

Camera shake videos are not easy to make, and you must invest maximum time and effort to finish the work. Yet, this can be easy if you intend to utilize the feature-rich tool named Wondershare Filmora. This video editor offers timeline-based editing along with a non-destructive procedure.

You also get the fullest control over the video metrics, such as format, dimension, and length. Other than this, you can also select multiple stock media assets. As it has integrations with Giphy, Unsplash, Pexels, and other third-party media libraries, you will not face any issues.

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

01of 04

Filmora supports integrations with ChatGPT which enhance the usage of the AI Copywriting feature . Through this, you can get inspiring AI-generated content to express better in a limited time.

02of 04

Unrequired silenced intervals in videos impact the video quality in a bad way. To cater to this, Filmora offers you to use its Silence Detection feature to get rid of silenced intervals from videos.

03of 04

You can break the monotony and correct all the colors in the color-disruptive videos. Over 40+ color presets are present in Filmora, which can make videos more outclass.

04of 04

There are more than 70 AI portraits and sticker effects added in Filmora. By this, you can remove the background from videos without affecting humans in videos.

Part 3: Create a Camera Shake Effect Using Premiere Pro

Premiere Pro stands in the top video editing platform in today’s digital market. The video editing intuition helps users develop professional videos that are of the highest quality. It integrates some of the finest functions, making it easy for users to create camera shake effect videos. To know how it is created through Premiere Pro, follow the camera shake effect Premiere Pro steps:

Step 1

In the “Effects” section on the bottom-left of the screen, look for the “Transform” effect and drag it onto the imported video.

pick up transform effect

Step 2

Continue to the effects settings that open on the top-left section of the Premiere Pro screen. Change the “Scale” and set the “Position” keyframes on the left and right side of the video frames. Do this for the frames throughout the video in Premiere Pro.

set scale and position

Step 3

For adding motion blur in your camera shake effect video, uncheck the “Use Composition’s Shutter Angle” and set it to “360” degrees. This completes the camera shake, which can be easily exported to the computer.

set shutter angle

Part 4: A Step-by-Step Understanding of How To Create a Camera Shake Effect with Filmora

Now that you know the outclass capabilities of Filmora, you must be wondering about the procedure of adding a camera shake effect in videos . The instructions to make the camera shake video with Filmora are discussed here for you:

Filmora Tutorial - How to Add CAMERA SHAKE Effects to Your Videos

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Add Video File in Filmora

To make the camera shake video with Filmora, install and open Wondershare Filmora on your device and hit the “New Project” option. Next, tap the “Click here to import media” button and then locate the video in which you want to add the camera shake effect. After importing the video, drag it to the “Timeline” to enable editing.

add video to filmora

Step 2Add Camera Shake Effect

To add a camera shake effect, go to the “Effects” tab and click “Search Bar.” Next, search for an appropriate camera shake effect and hit the “Download” icon on the effect of your choice. Once the effect is downloaded, drag it on the video in the timeline and customize it as needed.

add and adjust effect

Step 3Export Camera Shake Video

Finally, go to “Export” and manage “Format,” “Preset,” “Frame Rate,” and other parameters of the video. Next, hit the “Export” button to save the video on your computer.

execute camera shake effect on video


As discussed in this article, you can add a camera shake effect in videos to make them cinematic standards. Several reasons tell us why adding effects in videos is essential, and you can find some of the most relatable reasons above.

Moreover, Filmora can add exquisite level camera shake effects in videos, and you can also find the procedure for accomplishing this task from the above discussion. You have also worked on a method showing how to make a camera shake effect in Premiere Pro.

Detailed Steps to Rotate Video Using KMPlayer

Are you tired of watching videos upside down and don’t know how to figure it out? Or you have shot a video in Portrait mode which would have looked better in portrait mode but you can’t shoot it again? Well you’re at the right place and we might have a solution and an alternative method for you!

Did you know that KMPlayer has the ability to rotate videos? Learn how to rotate video using KMPlayer in this article, if you do not already know how. In this section, we will discuss how to make KMPlayer rotate videos while playing them, as well as how to fix KMPlayer not working when rotating videos. Continue reading to find out more.

Using KMPlayer to Rotate Video

In this section, we’ll show you how to rotate a video using KMPlayer. The following are the steps to take in order to complete the task:

The following are the steps to rotate a video in KMPlayer:

Step 1: First and foremost, download the software to your computer. Then you should install it there.

Step 2: After that, start the software on your computer.

Step 3: Launch KMPlayer and play the video that you’ll be rotating.


Step 4: After that, press the menu button and then select the “View” tab from the drop-down menu.

Step 5: Hover your mouse cursor over the tab to reveal a list of additional options.


Step 6: you must select the Rotate tab from the list of available options. This will allow you to choose another option.


Step 07: Use Flip Image 180 degree to flip the image.


Step 8: To rotate the video in correct position, use Mirror Image (180) tab. You can also change the angle at which the video is displayed.

Your video is ready to watch peacefully.

Troubleshooting Problems with KMPlayer if Rotate Video Not Working

Despite the fact that you’ve seen that KMPlayer can rotate and edit videos, there are some disadvantages to using this particular video player. The following are some of the most frequently encountered issues when using KMPlayer to rotate video.

  • After rotating a video, the video appears without a black bar, which may be irritating to some of you who are used to seeing black bars. In addition, there is no workaround for this because it is the default setting of the software.
  • You may occasionally receive an error message such as “class not registered,” which will cause your videos to be closed while you are watching them.
  • Additionally, the screen may turn blue.
  • The message “Login required” appears from time to time, which is a source of considerable irritation.
  • It is also not uncommon to see that some portions of a media file are able to run while other portions of the same media file are unable to run.

If we talk about reliable and affordable alternatives to KM Player, Wonder Share Filmora is the best alternative for rotating videos.

Despite the fact that it is one of the most user-friendly pieces of software currently available, this video spinning software achieves its goal without sacrificing image quality in the process. People with little or no experience in video creation, on the other hand, will find the Filmora video editing application to be a simple and straightforward tool that anyone can use.

Users have been experiencing difficulties while editing films on the platform, according to the company, and the most recent update to Filmora includes a new manual rotation option in the video editing interface, which the company claims will alleviate this issue.

As a result, users no longer have to be concerned about films reverting to their original position when exporting videos to other formats because they can rotate videos to any angle they desire.

An Easier Way to Rotate Video with Filmora

After learning about the problems with KMPlayer, it’s very likely that you’re looking for a great alternative that will allow you to rotate your videos flawlessly. Don’t worry, because there’s a fantastic tool called Filmora Video Editor for Windows (or Filmora Video Editor for Mac) that can go the extra mile when it comes to video editing. You’ll be astounded by the extensive selection of video editing tools available in the software.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Beginners will find it easy to use because it has a simple interface to begin with.

  • It allows you to edit videos in any format and from any device.
  • It provides you with simple tools to rotate, trim, combine, split, and crop videos.
  • It includes free effects such as titles, filters, transitions, motion elements, face-off, and more.
  • It is completely free.

Steps to rotate videos in Filmora:

Simply open the wonder share filmora editing app and import your desired video to time line.

Right click on the imported video and select Rotate 90ccw until video is on your desired direction and you can simply export the video and enjoy it!


Now we have to deal with the elephant in the room: is KM Player superior, or is Wonder Share Filmora more user-friendly in terms of operation and video rotation? In general, both softwares are equally effective at rotating videos and completing tasks, but Wonder Share Filmora appears to be a significantly better and more user-friendly option. Wonder Share Filmora is powerful video editing software that allows you to learn more about video editing and take your skills to a higher level of proficiency.

Step 4: After that, press the menu button and then select the “View” tab from the drop-down menu.

Step 5: Hover your mouse cursor over the tab to reveal a list of additional options.


Step 6: you must select the Rotate tab from the list of available options. This will allow you to choose another option.


Step 07: Use Flip Image 180 degree to flip the image.


Step 8: To rotate the video in correct position, use Mirror Image (180) tab. You can also change the angle at which the video is displayed.

Your video is ready to watch peacefully.

Troubleshooting Problems with KMPlayer if Rotate Video Not Working

Despite the fact that you’ve seen that KMPlayer can rotate and edit videos, there are some disadvantages to using this particular video player. The following are some of the most frequently encountered issues when using KMPlayer to rotate video.

  • After rotating a video, the video appears without a black bar, which may be irritating to some of you who are used to seeing black bars. In addition, there is no workaround for this because it is the default setting of the software.
  • You may occasionally receive an error message such as “class not registered,” which will cause your videos to be closed while you are watching them.
  • Additionally, the screen may turn blue.
  • The message “Login required” appears from time to time, which is a source of considerable irritation.
  • It is also not uncommon to see that some portions of a media file are able to run while other portions of the same media file are unable to run.

If we talk about reliable and affordable alternatives to KM Player, Wonder Share Filmora is the best alternative for rotating videos.

Despite the fact that it is one of the most user-friendly pieces of software currently available, this video spinning software achieves its goal without sacrificing image quality in the process. People with little or no experience in video creation, on the other hand, will find the Filmora video editing application to be a simple and straightforward tool that anyone can use.

Users have been experiencing difficulties while editing films on the platform, according to the company, and the most recent update to Filmora includes a new manual rotation option in the video editing interface, which the company claims will alleviate this issue.

As a result, users no longer have to be concerned about films reverting to their original position when exporting videos to other formats because they can rotate videos to any angle they desire.

An Easier Way to Rotate Video with Filmora

After learning about the problems with KMPlayer, it’s very likely that you’re looking for a great alternative that will allow you to rotate your videos flawlessly. Don’t worry, because there’s a fantastic tool called Filmora Video Editor for Windows (or Filmora Video Editor for Mac) that can go the extra mile when it comes to video editing. You’ll be astounded by the extensive selection of video editing tools available in the software.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Beginners will find it easy to use because it has a simple interface to begin with.

  • It allows you to edit videos in any format and from any device.
  • It provides you with simple tools to rotate, trim, combine, split, and crop videos.
  • It includes free effects such as titles, filters, transitions, motion elements, face-off, and more.
  • It is completely free.

Steps to rotate videos in Filmora:

Simply open the wonder share filmora editing app and import your desired video to time line.

Right click on the imported video and select Rotate 90ccw until video is on your desired direction and you can simply export the video and enjoy it!


Now we have to deal with the elephant in the room: is KM Player superior, or is Wonder Share Filmora more user-friendly in terms of operation and video rotation? In general, both softwares are equally effective at rotating videos and completing tasks, but Wonder Share Filmora appears to be a significantly better and more user-friendly option. Wonder Share Filmora is powerful video editing software that allows you to learn more about video editing and take your skills to a higher level of proficiency.

Step 4: After that, press the menu button and then select the “View” tab from the drop-down menu.

Step 5: Hover your mouse cursor over the tab to reveal a list of additional options.


Step 6: you must select the Rotate tab from the list of available options. This will allow you to choose another option.


Step 07: Use Flip Image 180 degree to flip the image.


Step 8: To rotate the video in correct position, use Mirror Image (180) tab. You can also change the angle at which the video is displayed.

Your video is ready to watch peacefully.

Troubleshooting Problems with KMPlayer if Rotate Video Not Working

Despite the fact that you’ve seen that KMPlayer can rotate and edit videos, there are some disadvantages to using this particular video player. The following are some of the most frequently encountered issues when using KMPlayer to rotate video.

  • After rotating a video, the video appears without a black bar, which may be irritating to some of you who are used to seeing black bars. In addition, there is no workaround for this because it is the default setting of the software.
  • You may occasionally receive an error message such as “class not registered,” which will cause your videos to be closed while you are watching them.
  • Additionally, the screen may turn blue.
  • The message “Login required” appears from time to time, which is a source of considerable irritation.
  • It is also not uncommon to see that some portions of a media file are able to run while other portions of the same media file are unable to run.

If we talk about reliable and affordable alternatives to KM Player, Wonder Share Filmora is the best alternative for rotating videos.

Despite the fact that it is one of the most user-friendly pieces of software currently available, this video spinning software achieves its goal without sacrificing image quality in the process. People with little or no experience in video creation, on the other hand, will find the Filmora video editing application to be a simple and straightforward tool that anyone can use.

Users have been experiencing difficulties while editing films on the platform, according to the company, and the most recent update to Filmora includes a new manual rotation option in the video editing interface, which the company claims will alleviate this issue.

As a result, users no longer have to be concerned about films reverting to their original position when exporting videos to other formats because they can rotate videos to any angle they desire.

An Easier Way to Rotate Video with Filmora

After learning about the problems with KMPlayer, it’s very likely that you’re looking for a great alternative that will allow you to rotate your videos flawlessly. Don’t worry, because there’s a fantastic tool called Filmora Video Editor for Windows (or Filmora Video Editor for Mac) that can go the extra mile when it comes to video editing. You’ll be astounded by the extensive selection of video editing tools available in the software.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Beginners will find it easy to use because it has a simple interface to begin with.

  • It allows you to edit videos in any format and from any device.
  • It provides you with simple tools to rotate, trim, combine, split, and crop videos.
  • It includes free effects such as titles, filters, transitions, motion elements, face-off, and more.
  • It is completely free.

Steps to rotate videos in Filmora:

Simply open the wonder share filmora editing app and import your desired video to time line.

Right click on the imported video and select Rotate 90ccw until video is on your desired direction and you can simply export the video and enjoy it!


Now we have to deal with the elephant in the room: is KM Player superior, or is Wonder Share Filmora more user-friendly in terms of operation and video rotation? In general, both softwares are equally effective at rotating videos and completing tasks, but Wonder Share Filmora appears to be a significantly better and more user-friendly option. Wonder Share Filmora is powerful video editing software that allows you to learn more about video editing and take your skills to a higher level of proficiency.

Step 4: After that, press the menu button and then select the “View” tab from the drop-down menu.

Step 5: Hover your mouse cursor over the tab to reveal a list of additional options.


Step 6: you must select the Rotate tab from the list of available options. This will allow you to choose another option.


Step 07: Use Flip Image 180 degree to flip the image.


Step 8: To rotate the video in correct position, use Mirror Image (180) tab. You can also change the angle at which the video is displayed.

Your video is ready to watch peacefully.

Troubleshooting Problems with KMPlayer if Rotate Video Not Working

Despite the fact that you’ve seen that KMPlayer can rotate and edit videos, there are some disadvantages to using this particular video player. The following are some of the most frequently encountered issues when using KMPlayer to rotate video.

  • After rotating a video, the video appears without a black bar, which may be irritating to some of you who are used to seeing black bars. In addition, there is no workaround for this because it is the default setting of the software.
  • You may occasionally receive an error message such as “class not registered,” which will cause your videos to be closed while you are watching them.
  • Additionally, the screen may turn blue.
  • The message “Login required” appears from time to time, which is a source of considerable irritation.
  • It is also not uncommon to see that some portions of a media file are able to run while other portions of the same media file are unable to run.

If we talk about reliable and affordable alternatives to KM Player, Wonder Share Filmora is the best alternative for rotating videos.

Despite the fact that it is one of the most user-friendly pieces of software currently available, this video spinning software achieves its goal without sacrificing image quality in the process. People with little or no experience in video creation, on the other hand, will find the Filmora video editing application to be a simple and straightforward tool that anyone can use.

Users have been experiencing difficulties while editing films on the platform, according to the company, and the most recent update to Filmora includes a new manual rotation option in the video editing interface, which the company claims will alleviate this issue.

As a result, users no longer have to be concerned about films reverting to their original position when exporting videos to other formats because they can rotate videos to any angle they desire.

An Easier Way to Rotate Video with Filmora

After learning about the problems with KMPlayer, it’s very likely that you’re looking for a great alternative that will allow you to rotate your videos flawlessly. Don’t worry, because there’s a fantastic tool called Filmora Video Editor for Windows (or Filmora Video Editor for Mac) that can go the extra mile when it comes to video editing. You’ll be astounded by the extensive selection of video editing tools available in the software.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Beginners will find it easy to use because it has a simple interface to begin with.

  • It allows you to edit videos in any format and from any device.
  • It provides you with simple tools to rotate, trim, combine, split, and crop videos.
  • It includes free effects such as titles, filters, transitions, motion elements, face-off, and more.
  • It is completely free.

Steps to rotate videos in Filmora:

Simply open the wonder share filmora editing app and import your desired video to time line.

Right click on the imported video and select Rotate 90ccw until video is on your desired direction and you can simply export the video and enjoy it!


Now we have to deal with the elephant in the room: is KM Player superior, or is Wonder Share Filmora more user-friendly in terms of operation and video rotation? In general, both softwares are equally effective at rotating videos and completing tasks, but Wonder Share Filmora appears to be a significantly better and more user-friendly option. Wonder Share Filmora is powerful video editing software that allows you to learn more about video editing and take your skills to a higher level of proficiency.

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-06-24 01:30:11
  • Updated at : 2024-06-25 01:30:11
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
In 2024, Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects