In 2024, How to Be a YouTube Vlogger

How to Be a YouTube Vlogger
Being a vlogger is a lot of fun specially making videos but is not also very easy, there are times you feel giving up specially when no one in the family supports you, there are also times when you get tired because you think no one is interested in your videos, but very fulfilling at the same time being able to do what you love. As you all know making video on YouTube is making also money that is through google AdSense, but if you are into money without the passion of being a vlogger, you will definitely get tired immediately, because being a vlogger requires more effort, patience, love of work, creativity and most specially passion.
Note: You don’t need to study a career to become a vlogger, but it’s not easy as simply pressing the publishing button. You’ll need a purpose, a message, a platform, an audience and more.
In this article I will share to you my tips and experiences on How to become a YouTube Vlogger and things you need to consider being a Vlogger.
1. What is Vlog?
A Vlog is a piece of video that document a person’s life or expertise, with an average length of around five minutes. The word vlog is “video” and “blog”. Vlog are created to connect with an audience through shared ideas and experiences in the form of video.
2. Tips on How to Become a YouTube Vlogger
- Create a Channel
- Content
- Equipment
- Skills
- Collaborate
3. Create a YouTube Channel
Your channel name is the official name for your channel on YouTube. Your channel name is a big part of how people will define and understand what your channel is about. So, it’s important that your name accurately represents your brand. It’s important that your name stands out from another channel on YouTube or should be unique.
Note: So before deciding on a name, pop your potential name into YouTube and see what comes up, if you can’t find any similar sounding channels, you’re good to go.
For example, my channel name is Mayang Dyosa, Mayang is what my family and friend called me and Dyosa means Goddess. I find it unique and cute because that’s my dream to be a Goddess.
❶ Content
One of the challenging parts being a YouTuber is finding a right content for your channel.
You can use YouTube’s trending page this is the easiest way to find trending topic for you to have an idea of what topic or content you like. You can always use or share experiences to be your topic content whether it is beauty, make-up tutorial, DIY’s, Skin care ideas, etc. As long as you can share honestly and correctly.
Do whatever you love, do something that you like, expertise, make a relatable videos or timely videos and searchable videos. Create a content that people need or are often searched for online, content that can provide information to people. I suggest you go with “how to” videos, because people always searched for this kind of content.
Vlog Content
❷ Equipment
Gear is essential for making a YouTube video obviously a camera is the most important piece of equipment, you can use anything that can record at least 1080p resolution of video. You can use your mobile phone or a digital camera. Whatever your equipment you have now, you can start your first vlog as long as you can record a video at you have a clear audio you are good to go.
Many of the successful YouTube creators started with very simple equipment so don’t let equipment get in your way. Start your vlog now!
Vlog Equipment
❸ Skills
Vlog Editing Skills
Speaking with confident in the front of camera is always a skill of being a vlogger, you must be talkative in order for you to share more information to you viewers but make sure that your ideas are related to your chosen content.
You should be entertaining in front of the camera so that the viewers don’t get bored, because sometimes it’s not just the information that excite them to watch a vlogger, but also on how you entertain the viewers.
Entertain in Front of the Camera
❹ Editing Skils
In Editing skills, there are two ways you can edit your vlog, first on your phones, second on your pc or laptops.
You don’t have to be good at editing but this is one of the things you need to study to make your videos better.
Entertain in Front of the Camera2
Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is one of my personally used editing software, this is considered to be the best option for YouTubers because there is how-to video guide that allows anyone to quickly pick up the pace and start producing or creating an eye-catching video.
Wondershare Filmora 11 The Best video editor that makes your editing experience efficient and playful.
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I am using this software for almost 5 years and always satisfied by its performance. It is easy to use software with a lot of tools needed to edit a video in a fast way and it even has animation/affects you can add to your video to look more creative and catchier.
Filmora allows you to export your videos in multiple video formats with lot of customization settings.
Wondershare Filmora
It also allows you to export your videos directly to your social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo. The speed of exporting videos is also quite fast so not time consuming.
❺ Collaborate
It really helps your channel to grow if you collaborate with someone that is same passion as you, you can share ideas of content and help one another channel grow. Also, this will help others to know that you also have a YouTube channel and this is another way to promote your channel by the help of other content creator. In this way you can gain a friend and someone that you can seek for advice as you are starting for your career.
Wondershare Filmora
Wrap Up
- You must also remember when starting to be a vlogger you should be emotionally and mentally ready because this is not easy as you expected.
- You can earn money by doing a vlog but don’t make the money to be your motivation to be a Vlogger, ask yourself first if this is really you like or is this really your passion? because being a Vlogger comes with great responsibility and it comes with great effort.
- If you are ready to become a vlogger because of the tips I gave, you can start now but you should not expect more subscriber and views immediately because you still need a lot effort and a lot of work to get people get to know your channel. So just keep working and work hard on the content, one day you will be famous and recognized by many.
In this article I will share to you my tips and experiences on How to become a YouTube Vlogger and things you need to consider being a Vlogger.
1. What is Vlog?
A Vlog is a piece of video that document a person’s life or expertise, with an average length of around five minutes. The word vlog is “video” and “blog”. Vlog are created to connect with an audience through shared ideas and experiences in the form of video.
2. Tips on How to Become a YouTube Vlogger
- Create a Channel
- Content
- Equipment
- Skills
- Collaborate
3. Create a YouTube Channel
Your channel name is the official name for your channel on YouTube. Your channel name is a big part of how people will define and understand what your channel is about. So, it’s important that your name accurately represents your brand. It’s important that your name stands out from another channel on YouTube or should be unique.
Note: So before deciding on a name, pop your potential name into YouTube and see what comes up, if you can’t find any similar sounding channels, you’re good to go.
For example, my channel name is Mayang Dyosa, Mayang is what my family and friend called me and Dyosa means Goddess. I find it unique and cute because that’s my dream to be a Goddess.
❶ Content
One of the challenging parts being a YouTuber is finding a right content for your channel.
You can use YouTube’s trending page this is the easiest way to find trending topic for you to have an idea of what topic or content you like. You can always use or share experiences to be your topic content whether it is beauty, make-up tutorial, DIY’s, Skin care ideas, etc. As long as you can share honestly and correctly.
Do whatever you love, do something that you like, expertise, make a relatable videos or timely videos and searchable videos. Create a content that people need or are often searched for online, content that can provide information to people. I suggest you go with “how to” videos, because people always searched for this kind of content.
Vlog Content
❷ Equipment
Gear is essential for making a YouTube video obviously a camera is the most important piece of equipment, you can use anything that can record at least 1080p resolution of video. You can use your mobile phone or a digital camera. Whatever your equipment you have now, you can start your first vlog as long as you can record a video at you have a clear audio you are good to go.
Many of the successful YouTube creators started with very simple equipment so don’t let equipment get in your way. Start your vlog now!
Vlog Equipment
❸ Skills
Vlog Editing Skills
Speaking with confident in the front of camera is always a skill of being a vlogger, you must be talkative in order for you to share more information to you viewers but make sure that your ideas are related to your chosen content.
You should be entertaining in front of the camera so that the viewers don’t get bored, because sometimes it’s not just the information that excite them to watch a vlogger, but also on how you entertain the viewers.
Entertain in Front of the Camera
❹ Editing Skils
In Editing skills, there are two ways you can edit your vlog, first on your phones, second on your pc or laptops.
You don’t have to be good at editing but this is one of the things you need to study to make your videos better.
Entertain in Front of the Camera2
Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is one of my personally used editing software, this is considered to be the best option for YouTubers because there is how-to video guide that allows anyone to quickly pick up the pace and start producing or creating an eye-catching video.
Wondershare Filmora 11 The Best video editor that makes your editing experience efficient and playful.
Try It Free Try It Free Learn More
I am using this software for almost 5 years and always satisfied by its performance. It is easy to use software with a lot of tools needed to edit a video in a fast way and it even has animation/affects you can add to your video to look more creative and catchier.
Filmora allows you to export your videos in multiple video formats with lot of customization settings.
Wondershare Filmora
It also allows you to export your videos directly to your social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo. The speed of exporting videos is also quite fast so not time consuming.
❺ Collaborate
It really helps your channel to grow if you collaborate with someone that is same passion as you, you can share ideas of content and help one another channel grow. Also, this will help others to know that you also have a YouTube channel and this is another way to promote your channel by the help of other content creator. In this way you can gain a friend and someone that you can seek for advice as you are starting for your career.
Wondershare Filmora
Wrap Up
- You must also remember when starting to be a vlogger you should be emotionally and mentally ready because this is not easy as you expected.
- You can earn money by doing a vlog but don’t make the money to be your motivation to be a Vlogger, ask yourself first if this is really you like or is this really your passion? because being a Vlogger comes with great responsibility and it comes with great effort.
- If you are ready to become a vlogger because of the tips I gave, you can start now but you should not expect more subscriber and views immediately because you still need a lot effort and a lot of work to get people get to know your channel. So just keep working and work hard on the content, one day you will be famous and recognized by many.
How to Make Subtitle Videos
Subtitles are very common for people who watch videos very often. It is simply the text or dialogue usually displayed at the base of the screen of a video. We often use subtitles to watch movies or television programs, play video games, etc. The subtitle makes all the difference when you are watching a video in a language different from the one you know and understand.
A lot of videos will be really difficult to watch when there is no knowledge of the language which the producers used in creating the video. That is where the need for subtitles is seen. It breaks language barriers to publicity of a video i.e it tries to bridge that gap of understanding that exists when you watch a video. It also assists in as little as helping you understand a video that is recorded in a language you speak but in a different accent. An American might find it a bit difficult to understand the accent used in a British movie. So basically, what subtitles do is make understanding better and easier.
1. Types of Subtitle Videos
There are two (2) broad types of subtitling
- Open Subtitles
- Closed subtitles
Open Subtitles
Open subtitles are subtitles that are included and incorporated as part of the original video and cannot be removed from the screen. No additional program or tool is required before they are activated and ready for use. Also, no additional tool is needed to edit or remove it. This is because they are part and parcel of the original video and cannot be edited. They are rooted in the original video as part of it and not just as an extension. An example of where it is used is karaoke. These subtitles cannot be switched on and off by the user.
Close Subtitles
Closed subtitles are more malleable than open subtitles. It is relatively easier to add or remove when compared to the open subtitles. They are substantially separate from the original video. They are usually encoded in the transmission signal of the cable or satellite technology and sent separately from the original broadcast, in this case, video. This makes it possible to remove it from the video. They are mostly found on DVDs.
Other classifications sometimes include a third known as soft subtitles. They usually need player support to work effectively. They are the easiest to use because of the flexibility in adding and editing.
2. Subtitle Formats
Subtitle formats are often represented funnily. You see extensions like .srt, .sub, .stl, .mtv, etc. They are the extensions of different subtitle formats. Let’s talk about some of them.
SubRip: This is one of the most common formats for subtitles. Its extension is ‘.srt’ and they are also the most widely used by modern video subtitling technology. It is stored sequentially along a line with its basic timing and in a human-readable format.
SubViewer: The sub viewer format is another popular subtitle format. It stores information about periods with tag information. Its extension is ‘.sub’.
Micro DVD: This subtitle format is compatible with digital videos. They equally carry the ‘. sub’ extension.
Spruce subtitle format: They usually operate in sequential periods and frames. They have the ‘.stl’ format.
3. What Are Subtitles Used For?
Now that we’ve known what subtitles are and the various formats they exist in, let’s take a deeper dive into what they’re used for.
You’re probably wondering what marketing is doing at the top of this list. If you work in a multi-national company which branches in different countries and continents, you will find subtitles very helpful in promotional videos for your company. On the other hand, you may not work in a multi-national company but have your business in a multi-ethnic country like Nigeria, New Guinea, Chad, etc. instead of creating videos in all the languages which apply to the people you hope to reach, you can produce one video, add subtitles for the various languages and save cost.
Educational videos can be produced alongside subtitles in various languages to aid learning, especially for campuses that attract foreign students who might have little to no knowledge of how to speak the language of the school.
Understanding better deaf people:
Subtitle for Deaf or hard-of-hearing (SDH) was introduced by the movie industry specifically made for people with hearing deficiencies. This allows them access to information they would normally be unable to hear or listen to.
As already mentioned earlier, some videos are produced in languages other than the ones we understand. Subtitles help to understand what is being said in the video irrespective of the language in which it was originally produced.
Low-quality speakers:
Watching a video with low quality or faulty speakers can be a bit frustrating without subtitles.
Watching videos in a noisy environment:
We have all been in places that are noisy and we have had the need to watch a video or listen to an audio file. Subtitles come in handy at this point. They are also useful when we do not want to distract others while watching a video.
Learn foreign languages:
Subtitles are a very good way to learn new languages, sometimes consciously, other times it happens with any conscious effort. While watching a movie discovered ‘Lo Siento’ means I’m sorry in Spanish while ‘_Arigatou_’ means ‘thank you in Japanese.
Reading speed:
If you want to improve your reading speed, subtitles equally help you do that.
4. Subtitle Tips and Tricks
Subtitle software applications let you add captions to videos, edit them, translate them to languages of your choice, etc. Let us look at a few of them below:
Subtitle Edit:
Subtitle Edit is largely free software that allows users to create timecoded subtitles. Users can also import and convert subtitles from one format to another format. If you’re new to subtitling, this is a good place to start before moving up to other advanced software applications.
Annotation Edit:
Annotation Edit is another application but it is specific to mac users. It has a very good user-friendly interface which makes it easy software to use.
Other software applications are equally very useful in subtitling.
When creating subtitles, ensure they are automated so as not to make it difficult to read when certain colors are displayed on the screen. Timing is very important. Make sure the subtitle is properly synchronized with the actual sound being produced.
Use a user-friendly font style. Each font style is unique for each viewing and it speaks volumes of what the video has to say or the message it wants to pass. So, it is expedient to learn more about font style, font color, font size etc. for a better-subtitled video.
The Bottom Line
Subtitled videos are more likely to be used than videos without subtitles. So as a content creator, entrepreneur or in any field where you work with videos, adding a subtitle to your videos could be the turning point even for your organization for a wider audience.
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How To Create A Green Screen Video In After Effects
You’ll probably get the finest results in After Effects out of all the editing programs. Working with green screen footage in After Effects can be done in a variety of ways. Utilizing a built-in preset that combines three effects is advised by Adobe. Due to its ability to deliver speedy (and typically excellent) outcomes, this strategy is great for both beginners and specialists. We’ll demonstrate how to do easily for you.
Let’s start off!
1. Importing your footage
After you have imported your material into the After Effects project, you should next create a new composition using the footage. In the following stage, you have the option of either adding each plugin one at a time or doing it all at once. You may find them grouped together as Keylight, Key Cleaner, and Advanced Spill Suppressor in the Animation Presets box, which is located under the “Image Utilities” heading.
2. Remove the green color
After Effects users can get rid of a green screen by going to the “Animation Presets” window, searching for the “Keylight” preset, dragging, and dropping it over the clip, and then shifting their focus to the “Effects Controls” window. Make sure the Screen Colour is set to the color of your screen’s background (which, in this case, is green). You may do this with the color selector.
3. Clean up the shot
You have no doubt observed that some of the remaining parts do not have the correct keying installed in them. In order to get rid of them, you need to put the view into the Combined Matte mode and turn the Screen Gain up a notch.
Because everything that is not transparent is turned white by Combined Matte, any remaining debris can be seen very clearly after it has been applied. After you have finished cleaning the frame, you should change the view to Intermediate Result. Your footage may become contaminated with artifacts if the Final Result view is inadvertently switched on.
You can go to the “Screen Matte” area if you feel like the frame still needs more tweaking after you’ve applied the previous ones. You can accomplish that with the assistance of Clip Black and Clip White. Feel free to turn the Clip Black dial all the way to the right and turn the Clip White dial to the left. You can also adjust the other settings, if necessary, but based on my observations, everything should be working properly at this point.
The Bottom Line
After completing this lesson, you should have a better understanding of what a chroma key is, how to get rid of a green screen in After Effects, and how to adjust some settings if something goes wrong. Keep in mind that if the footage is not captured properly, you will not be able to successfully key out the green screen in the final video. Extra caution should be taken with the lights, and spills should be avoided at all costs!
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- Title: In 2024, How to Be a YouTube Vlogger
- Author: Morgan
- Created at : 2024-09-30 20:26:21
- Updated at : 2024-10-05 19:44:25
- Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/in-2024-how-to-be-a-youtube-vlogger/
- License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.