In 2024, How to Color Grading in Final Cut Pro

In 2024, How to Color Grading in Final Cut Pro

Morgan Lv12

How to Color Grading in Final Cut Pro

Have you ever questioned the purpose of those odd video scopes or how to build super grades from the start in Final Cut Pro? In contrast to editing talents, color grading is a technical and difficult ability that takes practice.

In order to help, we decided to compile a thorough beginner’s article to color grading in Final Cut Pro.

With that said, let’s begin!

1. Discover how you color grade in Final Cut Pro

Color grading may be a tedious and time-consuming operation, therefore it’s a skill set that calls for a lot of patience. Some editors won’t conduct any color grading or correction beyond the bare minimum. But even mundane-looking film may look remarkable if you know how to give it a dramatic touch.

A more cinematic grade requires a number of procedures, and there is no one method that works for all situations. We’ll therefore walk you through the process of creating a cinematic color grade in Final Cut Pro, but depending on your material, you might need to add or omit some phases.


Since the raw video is essential for producing a cinematic image, an outstanding grade begins with the camera.

Use the greatest quality settings your camera offers while recording your video; the more information in your picture, the more you can manipulate it during grading.

While it may seem preferable to shoot with as much color as you can, using a duller color profile is very necessary. Your camera will have color settings, and although the washed-out, drab appearance may not inspire confidence in you, it will offer you a lot more editing possibility.

Step2Create a color profile

After importing your film, you may be concerned about the general dull look of your recordings. The reason for that is because you have not yet matched the color profile of your sequence to the one of your camera. To start on this process, it goes as follows.

  • Drag your clip onto your timeline and make sure it is selected. Click on the Inspector icon.
  • Then click on the Information tab of the clip.
  • Navigate all the way down through the options to find the Color LUT option.
  • Then choose the Color profile that matches your clip based on the camera it is filmed with.
  • You’re done!
Step3Checking the scopes

The Scopes in Final Cut Pro are panels that display the color information of your shots. They are quite complicated and can be difficult to comprehend if you did not use them ever before. You can activate Video Scopes by clicking View > Show in Viewer > Video Scopes from the View menu. The three components of grading are the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows. Your highlights are shown at the top and your shadows are at the bottom in all grading tools and scopes.

2. Include Color Wheels

Now that your setup is complete, you can begin grading your footage. Grading is done in multiple layers stacked on top of each other. It may take multiple levels to create the desired look. Follow the instructions below to modify your settings to match your clip if you want to give your footage a cinematic look.

You may access a wider range of color manipulation tools with the built-in color wheels, exposure adjustments, including isolation of color selection, RGB modifications across tone ranges, and simple masking.

3. Color board

A vertical color spectrum is shown on the Color Board, and it is intersected by a horizontal line that features four nodes. These are the ranges of the footage that are designated as the Highlights, Midtones, and Shadows, respectively.

Adjusting a node to a new color space has an immediate and noticeable impact on the corresponding section of the image. If you move above the horizontal line, it will increase, and if you go below the line, it will decrease.

You also have control over the Saturation and Exposure settings. These are wonderful to have if you want to increase the contrast in your photographs and make particular colors more vivid or muted.

4. Masks

Using the Shape Masks feature, each of these individual effects can be perfect for particular regions of your footage. In addition, by utilizing a Color Mask, you can alter the appearance of a specific color. It is possible to apply multiple iterations of each color adjustment to a clip and find it listed under the Effect heading.

The order can be changed by dragging and dropping, and either method can be disabled or enabled. Utilizing keyframes allows for the effects of color grading to be specifically timed as well. Last but not least, keep in mind that the quality and color sample depth of the clips determine how much of an overall adjustment you are capable of making to a color.

5. Color Curves

If you are experienced with more advanced picture editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop, you will benefit greatly from using color curves. Adjustments can be made independently to both the Luma (the brightest areas) and the primary composite colors (red, blue, and green).

6. Match Colors

Match Color is an additional choice that may be made from the improvement’s menu. This function will try to replicate the visual style of one video clip in another. First, choose the clip whose color you want to change, click on that clip that has the desired appearance, and last, choose Match Color.

You will still be able to utilize these settings as shortcuts even after you have gained more experience with manual grading and are comfortable making finer adjustments manually. It is important to keep in mind that while using Final Cut Pro X for color grading, effects can be layered on top of one another.

It’s not likely that a single tool or adjustment will solve an issue or produce the desired result; rather, it’s more likely that a number of different impacts will be required. In the same way that different visual effects in Final Cut Pro X may be toggled on and off, any layers that you add to a clip can have their visibility controlled from the Inspector window.


In Final Cut Pro X, you may choose from a wide variety of grading plugins, ranging from more affordable solutions like FCPeffects to more expensive ones like Magic Bullet Looks, which are designed specifically for feature film-style grades.

Additionally, there is a variety of stand-alone applications for color grading, such as DaVinci Resolve and FilmConvert. You might be comfortable with their gear, but you should also know that their professional-grade color package includes some rather complex editing options.

Beginning to experiment with all of Final Cut Pro X’s functions and determining which ones are most useful to you is the best method to gain an understanding of the program’s color grading capabilities. If you don’t currently have a project that requires your attention, you can download stock footage and experiment with it.

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Create the Night-to-Day Effect Videos

Do you wish you could control when it’s nighttime to daytime? It would make getting ready in the morning much faster! This tutorial will show you how to use the keyframe and mask feature in Filmora to make a remarkable night-to-day transition.

How-to Guide

1) Preparation

For this effect, you will need to shoot two footage shots with the same frame. The first is for the daytime clip, and the second is for nighttime.

But before that, you need to prepare some things, such as:

  1. Tripod to ensure your camera stays at the same point, so the frame doesn’t change.
  2. Mark the place where you want to shoot the scene. You can put a marker on the floor to ensure that you perform at the same spot in different shots.

Once done, let’s start shooting to get the footage.

2) Steps

Shooting footages

First, get the daytime shot. For this tutorial, we will pretend that you are walking and transitioning into nighttime at the spot you have marked.

get the daytime shot

Now, let’s film the nighttime clip. You will walk through the living room and do the same movement again at the same spot. You can dim the light and change the camera’s white balance settings to bluer to create a night feeling.

film the nighttime clip

After you have both clips that you need, let’s go to Filmora and start editing.

Night-to-day transition

Step1 Launch Filmora and import the footage into the program. If you haven’t installed it, you can download Filmora on their website here:

Step2 Place the nighttime video clip on the first video track of the timeline and place the daytime clip on the top.

place the daytime clip on the top

Step3 Find the spot where you want to create a transition between the day and nighttime. Then, you can delete the unwanted part.

create a transition

Step4 Since the transition for this tutorial is where the subject started waving, make sure to place the daytime clip at the same time the subject started waving in the nighttime clip. Hence, the timing in both clips syncs.

Masking transition

For the next step, we will make a masking transition with the Filmora mask feature.

Step1 Double-click the daytime clip on the timeline. In the Filmora setting, find the Mask section > Circle. You can see the mask is applied in the preview screen.

double-click the daytime clip

Step2 Scroll down the setting and click add a keyframe at the beginning of the clip.

scroll down the setting

Step3 Change the scale of the mask to the smallest number and adjust the Width and Height down to 0. You can set the blur strength to 15 to make the transition edge smoother.

change the scale of the mask

Step4 Move the play head to find the spot where you want the mask fully opens up, then add another keyframe. Change the scale of the mask to 2 and the Width and Height to 50. Make sure the mask occupies the whole frame.

add another keyframe

Now, if you play back, you can see the nighttime becomes daytime through the mask.

nighttime becomes daytime through the mask

If the movement in the two clips is a bit off, you can fix it by adding more keyframes on the mask.

3) Pro tips

You can add one more effect in Filmora to make it more magical. To do this, open the Effects window on the top left and find “Heartbeat” under the Basic section.

add one more effect in filmora

Drag and drop it onto the third video track and start the effect when the mask opens up. Then, trim the effect length to match the movement. Adjust the speed of this effect if needed.

adjust the speed of this effect

The final result will look like this:

final result


That is how to do this night-to-day transition night-to-day time shift effect in Filmora. By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to use the masking transition technique. You can apply and adjust it based on your needs.

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Getting To Know More About the Video Editing Interface of Wondershare Filmora

The importance of good editing software depends on its features and interface. A video editing interface is important when it comes to choosing editing software. The more user-friendly the interface, the easier it is to use the particular tool for editing. Many video editing software is available, but not every tool is popular. One of the reasons is their interface is not friendly enough for the user.

However, getting to know the software’s interface is as crucial as using the tool. Being familiar with the interface will help you understand the tool even better. An interface is like a map; if you’re familiar with the map, you can edit your videos using the tool. This article will explain the user interface design of Wondershare Filmora in detail.

Part 1: How Has Video Editing Improved Over the Years?

Video editing has significantly improved over the years due to advancements in technology. The development of new software and hardware has improved the editing process. You can read some of the most prominent ways video editing has improved.

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1. Digital Editing

The transition from analog to digital editing revolutionized the field. Digital editing eliminated the need for physical film and allowed for non-linear editing. In this way, video clips could be rearranged, trimmed, and modified on a computer. This digital workflow provided greater flexibility, efficiency, and creative possibilities.

2. Improved Software Capabilities

Video editing software has become more powerful with better features. Modern software offers a wide range of tools for editing for the user. These tools have offered color correction, visual effects, and audio mixing. The interfaces have become more friendly, making editing accessible to more people.

3. Real-Time Playback and Rendering

Advancements in hardware and software have enabled real-time video playback. It further eliminates the need for time-consuming rendering during the editing process. Additionally, it allows editors to see their changes, improving efficiency and productivity.

4. High-Resolution Video

With the availability of high-resolution cameras and displays, the quality has improved. Now, video editing has adapted to handle larger and more detailed video files. Such software can edit and export videos in higher resolutions, even up to 4K and 8K.

5. Special Effects and Visual Enhancements

These editing tools can handle complex visual effects and enhancements. Features such as green screens, motion tracking, and 3D effects have become easier to use. Furthermore, these tools allow editors to achieve sophisticated and professional-looking results.

6. Collaboration and Cloud-Based Editing

The rise of cloud computing has introduced new opportunities for collaboration in video editing. Such editing platforms enable multiple editors to work on the same project. Individuals can share files, get inspiration and collaborate remotely. This feature has facilitated more efficient workflows and improved collaboration among people.

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7. Faster Rendering and Exporting

Video editing software now utilizes multi-threading and GPU acceleration to speed up rendering. These new advancements in technology also help in exporting processes. It reduces the time required to generate the final video output. Additionally, it allows editors to meet tight deadlines and work more quickly.

8. Integration with Other Software and Formats

Editing tools have improved their compatibility with other software and formats. They now integrate with visual effects software, audio editing tools, and other tools. Additionally, these tools support a wide range of video file formats. This compatibility means easier import and export of videos from various sources.

9. Mobile Editing

Smartphones and tablets have brought video editing to mobile devices. Mobile apps now offer robust editing capabilities, allowing users to edit videos on the go. This advancement has increased accessibility and convenience for users as well. Now, people prefer to edit videos using their mobile devices.

10. AI-Assisted Editing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now integrated into photo and video editing tools. AI can automate certain repetitive tasks and suggest edits or effects based on patterns. This technology also makes change and even suggest edits by learning your preferences. This can save you time and assist editors in making creative decisions.

Part 2: What Should A Good Video Editing Software Constitute?

A good editing tool should possess several key features and functionalities. The purpose of these tools is to provide a comprehensive and efficient editing experience. Here are some important aspects that an excellent video editing tool should have. This help develops a narrative involving its user interface design:

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1. Comprehensive Editing Tools

The software should offer editing tools and features to accommodate different editing needs. This includes basic functions like trimming, cutting, and merging clips. Moreover, it should also offer some advanced capabilities and editing options as well. The software should provide flexibility and control over the editing process.

2. Support for Various Video Formats

Such software should support a wide range of video formats and codecs. This ensures compatibility with different cameras, file types, and video sources. It also allows editors to work with diverse content without the need for additional file conversion.

3. User-Friendly Interface

An editing tool should have a friendly interface and be easy to use. It also should allow users to navigate through the editing process smoothly. Such tools should provide easy access to tools, menus, and features. Additionally, a friendly video editing interface makes the tool simple for everyone.

4. High-Quality Output

These tools should be capable of producing high-quality video output. It should support exporting videos in different resolutions. This includes standard definition, high definition, and even 4K or higher resolutions. The ability to export in different formats and compression options is also valuable.

5. Efficient Performance

Video editing can be resource-intensive, so good software means efficient performance. It should utilize system resources and provide smooth playback for previewing. Additionally, it should minimize rendering times for quicker previews and exports.

6. Audio Editing Capabilities

Audio is one of the most important components of the video editing process. So, the software should offer different audio editing features. This includes the ability to adjust volume levels, apply audio effects, and much more. Furthermore, it should synchronize audio with video and support multiple audio tracks for editing as well.

7. Special Effects and Visual Enhancements

Advanced video editing software often includes special effects and other enhancement options. Filters, overlays, motion graphics, and other key functionalities should be offered. These features allow editors to improve their videos and achieve specific creative objectives.

8. Collaboration and Sharing Options

Powerful editing tools should facilitate collaboration among editors or team members. It should offer features like project sharing and version control. Also, it should provide users the option to work on the same project simultaneously. Additionally, seamless integration with cloud storage or online platforms can be beneficial.

9. Regular Updates and Support

Recommended tools should have a development team that regularly releases updates. The constant updates should address bugs, improve performance, and introduce new features. Timely customer support is also valuable for users to seek assistance.

10. Cost and Licensing Options

Consideration of the software’s pricing model and licensing options is important. Some software may offer a one-time purchase with perpetual usage. However, many others may have subscription-based models. It’s important to assess the pricing structure and determine if it aligns with your budget and editing needs.

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: Does It Cover All The Points of a Good Video Editing Software?

Wondershare Filmora is a comprehensive video editing software that is available for everyone. One can download this tool from its official website and start editing. This tool provides a platform for professionals and for those who started editing. This tool allows you to edit your videos with many editing options. Additionally, this tool provides features from basic to more advanced ones.

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We have learned previously about what a good editing tool should offer. So, let’s discuss here what Wondershare Filmora has to offer its users.

filmora website homepage

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

1. Wondershare Filmora is a complete editing software that you can download. It offers some basic editing options to more professional and advanced ones. You can find it to be the best platform to edit YouTube videos and more.

2. This tool has a friendly and easy-to-use interface. It makes navigation and editing easy, which further makes the process seamless.

3. The software interface supports different formats for images and videos. It includes PAL, MP4, JPEG, Cineform, and more. This makes the import and export of the files easier to share and edit.

4. Filmora is an editing platform that has the capability of handling higher resolutions. Using this tool, you can import and export your video files in up to 4K resolution.

5. Another excellent key feature of this tool is that you can add your audio files for edit . You can import your own audio files or can choose from the in-built library for your videos.

6. If you’re looking for a unique feature, then this feature will amaze you. Wondershare Filmora is equipped with the latest technology and is going through frequent updates. These updates help you to cut down the rendering speed.

7. You have so much to explore with this tool. Filmora has an in-built library that includes presets, effects, filters, and more. Users can use these presets for their editing work.

8. Additionally, if you want to share your videos for different platforms, you can with this tool. This software lets you change the aspect ratio of your video so you can easily share it on different platforms.

9. Besides editing options and features, this tool goes through constant updates and improvements. The latest version of Filmora comes with multiple AI features and support.

10. Lastly, Wondershare Filmora is free software but also offers premium plans for users. You can choose from different subscription plans.

Pricing Plans Offered by Wondershare Filmora

Are you satisfied with working on Wondershare Filmora’s interface? Look into the provided pricing table for some more prominent details:

Type Package Pricing
Individual Month Plan $19.99
Cross-Platform Plan $69.99/Year
Perpetual Plan $79.99
Team & Business Annual Plan $155.88/User
Education Monthly Plan $19.99
Annual Plan $40.99
Perpetual Plan $49.99

Part 4: Explaining The Interface - Wondershare Filmora

If you want to learn about the interface of Wondershare Filmora, you’re at the right place. Here you can learn about the video editing interface and the options available in the tool.

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1. The Main Screen

The main interface of the tool has all the essentials available. You will find a “New Project” tab, and beneath that, you will find different options for editing. Moreover, you will find the aspect ratio, from where you can choose preferred video dimensions. On the left side panel, you have the project options and the “Creator Hub” tab. Besides this, you have the search icon to find your previous projects.

main filmora screen

2. Importing Videos

You can import your videos by pressing the designated key. This option allows you to import your media files. Furthermore, you can even import your media by dragging and dropping in the import tab. The import drop-down menu provides multiple import options. This menu also allows you to import your videos from your mobile or external camera.

importing videos on filmora

3. Using the Stock Media

Wondershare Filmora allows you to add free stock media to your videos. The “Stock Media” option has a search option from where you can find your desired media files. Furthermore, this option has multiple free stock media tabs. You can choose the platform from the tabs where you can search and select stock media files.

utilizing stock media in filmora

4. Adding Audios to Videos

This tool allows you to add music or audio to your editing timeline. The tool has a separate “Audio” button, which allows you to select in-built audio files. You can search different sound effects and music files from this tab. Moreover, you can drag and drop your preferred audio file to the timeline. You can even select the audio file in the timeline to make further changes to the file.

include audio in filmora

5. Using Titles For Explanation

By pressing the “Titles” button, you can select the opening of your title template. This tool has many different title templates available that you can use for your video files. Moreover, you can find categorized titles from the list. This option also allows you to search for different title styles. You can even make changes to your title screen.

add title to filmora

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6. Adding Transitions and Effects

Filmora interface is packed with many filters, overlays, and even transition effects. You can choose from different effects and filters by dragging and dropping to your layer. To apply a transition between two clips, simply place the transition effect between those clips. Additionally, you can change the opacity of the applied filters. Also, you can change the duration of your transition effects.

use transitions and effects

7. Inducing Elements for Improvement

In addition to overlays, filters, and effects, you can also use other elements too. For this, Wondershare Filmora allows you to add stickers to your video edit. By pressing the option, you will find stickers in many categories. You can select stickers from the list; otherwise, you can search for stickers using a keyword. Apply your favorite sticker by selecting and dropping it on a particular layer in the timeline.

add elements to videos

8. Getting Aware of the Timeline

The timeline is the section where you add all the layers, effects, and other adjustments to your project. In the timeline section, you will find a particular layer’s hide and unhide option. Moreover, you can mute and unmute the audio of your media file. You can even find an option to manage your tracks in this section. Additionally, there is a Playhead that can also trim your video clip at a specific duration.

observe filmora timeline

9. Things To Know While Exporting

While exporting your project, you will find many options, such as exporting to your device. Furthermore, you can even export your file directly to a specific platform from Filmora. In addition to this, you can even burn your video file to a DVD using this option. Users can also add a thumbnail of their edited video directly from this tool.

export final video on filmora


Understanding your video editing interface gives you greater creative control over your projects. You can explore and experiment with various editing options and more. Investing time in your tool is important if you’re a professional or an enthusiast. Wondershare Filmora is an amazing editing tool, and its interface is created to make things easy for you.

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1. Digital Editing

The transition from analog to digital editing revolutionized the field. Digital editing eliminated the need for physical film and allowed for non-linear editing. In this way, video clips could be rearranged, trimmed, and modified on a computer. This digital workflow provided greater flexibility, efficiency, and creative possibilities.

2. Improved Software Capabilities

Video editing software has become more powerful with better features. Modern software offers a wide range of tools for editing for the user. These tools have offered color correction, visual effects, and audio mixing. The interfaces have become more friendly, making editing accessible to more people.

3. Real-Time Playback and Rendering

Advancements in hardware and software have enabled real-time video playback. It further eliminates the need for time-consuming rendering during the editing process. Additionally, it allows editors to see their changes, improving efficiency and productivity.

4. High-Resolution Video

With the availability of high-resolution cameras and displays, the quality has improved. Now, video editing has adapted to handle larger and more detailed video files. Such software can edit and export videos in higher resolutions, even up to 4K and 8K.

5. Special Effects and Visual Enhancements

These editing tools can handle complex visual effects and enhancements. Features such as green screens, motion tracking, and 3D effects have become easier to use. Furthermore, these tools allow editors to achieve sophisticated and professional-looking results.

6. Collaboration and Cloud-Based Editing

The rise of cloud computing has introduced new opportunities for collaboration in video editing. Such editing platforms enable multiple editors to work on the same project. Individuals can share files, get inspiration and collaborate remotely. This feature has facilitated more efficient workflows and improved collaboration among people.

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7. Faster Rendering and Exporting

Video editing software now utilizes multi-threading and GPU acceleration to speed up rendering. These new advancements in technology also help in exporting processes. It reduces the time required to generate the final video output. Additionally, it allows editors to meet tight deadlines and work more quickly.

8. Integration with Other Software and Formats

Editing tools have improved their compatibility with other software and formats. They now integrate with visual effects software, audio editing tools, and other tools. Additionally, these tools support a wide range of video file formats. This compatibility means easier import and export of videos from various sources.

9. Mobile Editing

Smartphones and tablets have brought video editing to mobile devices. Mobile apps now offer robust editing capabilities, allowing users to edit videos on the go. This advancement has increased accessibility and convenience for users as well. Now, people prefer to edit videos using their mobile devices.

10. AI-Assisted Editing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now integrated into photo and video editing tools. AI can automate certain repetitive tasks and suggest edits or effects based on patterns. This technology also makes change and even suggest edits by learning your preferences. This can save you time and assist editors in making creative decisions.

Part 2: What Should A Good Video Editing Software Constitute?

A good editing tool should possess several key features and functionalities. The purpose of these tools is to provide a comprehensive and efficient editing experience. Here are some important aspects that an excellent video editing tool should have. This help develops a narrative involving its user interface design:

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1. Comprehensive Editing Tools

The software should offer editing tools and features to accommodate different editing needs. This includes basic functions like trimming, cutting, and merging clips. Moreover, it should also offer some advanced capabilities and editing options as well. The software should provide flexibility and control over the editing process.

2. Support for Various Video Formats

Such software should support a wide range of video formats and codecs. This ensures compatibility with different cameras, file types, and video sources. It also allows editors to work with diverse content without the need for additional file conversion.

3. User-Friendly Interface

An editing tool should have a friendly interface and be easy to use. It also should allow users to navigate through the editing process smoothly. Such tools should provide easy access to tools, menus, and features. Additionally, a friendly video editing interface makes the tool simple for everyone.

4. High-Quality Output

These tools should be capable of producing high-quality video output. It should support exporting videos in different resolutions. This includes standard definition, high definition, and even 4K or higher resolutions. The ability to export in different formats and compression options is also valuable.

5. Efficient Performance

Video editing can be resource-intensive, so good software means efficient performance. It should utilize system resources and provide smooth playback for previewing. Additionally, it should minimize rendering times for quicker previews and exports.

6. Audio Editing Capabilities

Audio is one of the most important components of the video editing process. So, the software should offer different audio editing features. This includes the ability to adjust volume levels, apply audio effects, and much more. Furthermore, it should synchronize audio with video and support multiple audio tracks for editing as well.

7. Special Effects and Visual Enhancements

Advanced video editing software often includes special effects and other enhancement options. Filters, overlays, motion graphics, and other key functionalities should be offered. These features allow editors to improve their videos and achieve specific creative objectives.

8. Collaboration and Sharing Options

Powerful editing tools should facilitate collaboration among editors or team members. It should offer features like project sharing and version control. Also, it should provide users the option to work on the same project simultaneously. Additionally, seamless integration with cloud storage or online platforms can be beneficial.

9. Regular Updates and Support

Recommended tools should have a development team that regularly releases updates. The constant updates should address bugs, improve performance, and introduce new features. Timely customer support is also valuable for users to seek assistance.

10. Cost and Licensing Options

Consideration of the software’s pricing model and licensing options is important. Some software may offer a one-time purchase with perpetual usage. However, many others may have subscription-based models. It’s important to assess the pricing structure and determine if it aligns with your budget and editing needs.

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: Does It Cover All The Points of a Good Video Editing Software?

Wondershare Filmora is a comprehensive video editing software that is available for everyone. One can download this tool from its official website and start editing. This tool provides a platform for professionals and for those who started editing. This tool allows you to edit your videos with many editing options. Additionally, this tool provides features from basic to more advanced ones.

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We have learned previously about what a good editing tool should offer. So, let’s discuss here what Wondershare Filmora has to offer its users.

filmora website homepage

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

1. Wondershare Filmora is a complete editing software that you can download. It offers some basic editing options to more professional and advanced ones. You can find it to be the best platform to edit YouTube videos and more.

2. This tool has a friendly and easy-to-use interface. It makes navigation and editing easy, which further makes the process seamless.

3. The software interface supports different formats for images and videos. It includes PAL, MP4, JPEG, Cineform, and more. This makes the import and export of the files easier to share and edit.

4. Filmora is an editing platform that has the capability of handling higher resolutions. Using this tool, you can import and export your video files in up to 4K resolution.

5. Another excellent key feature of this tool is that you can add your audio files for edit . You can import your own audio files or can choose from the in-built library for your videos.

6. If you’re looking for a unique feature, then this feature will amaze you. Wondershare Filmora is equipped with the latest technology and is going through frequent updates. These updates help you to cut down the rendering speed.

7. You have so much to explore with this tool. Filmora has an in-built library that includes presets, effects, filters, and more. Users can use these presets for their editing work.

8. Additionally, if you want to share your videos for different platforms, you can with this tool. This software lets you change the aspect ratio of your video so you can easily share it on different platforms.

9. Besides editing options and features, this tool goes through constant updates and improvements. The latest version of Filmora comes with multiple AI features and support.

10. Lastly, Wondershare Filmora is free software but also offers premium plans for users. You can choose from different subscription plans.

Pricing Plans Offered by Wondershare Filmora

Are you satisfied with working on Wondershare Filmora’s interface? Look into the provided pricing table for some more prominent details:

Type Package Pricing
Individual Month Plan $19.99
Cross-Platform Plan $69.99/Year
Perpetual Plan $79.99
Team & Business Annual Plan $155.88/User
Education Monthly Plan $19.99
Annual Plan $40.99
Perpetual Plan $49.99

Part 4: Explaining The Interface - Wondershare Filmora

If you want to learn about the interface of Wondershare Filmora, you’re at the right place. Here you can learn about the video editing interface and the options available in the tool.

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1. The Main Screen

The main interface of the tool has all the essentials available. You will find a “New Project” tab, and beneath that, you will find different options for editing. Moreover, you will find the aspect ratio, from where you can choose preferred video dimensions. On the left side panel, you have the project options and the “Creator Hub” tab. Besides this, you have the search icon to find your previous projects.

main filmora screen

2. Importing Videos

You can import your videos by pressing the designated key. This option allows you to import your media files. Furthermore, you can even import your media by dragging and dropping in the import tab. The import drop-down menu provides multiple import options. This menu also allows you to import your videos from your mobile or external camera.

importing videos on filmora

3. Using the Stock Media

Wondershare Filmora allows you to add free stock media to your videos. The “Stock Media” option has a search option from where you can find your desired media files. Furthermore, this option has multiple free stock media tabs. You can choose the platform from the tabs where you can search and select stock media files.

utilizing stock media in filmora

4. Adding Audios to Videos

This tool allows you to add music or audio to your editing timeline. The tool has a separate “Audio” button, which allows you to select in-built audio files. You can search different sound effects and music files from this tab. Moreover, you can drag and drop your preferred audio file to the timeline. You can even select the audio file in the timeline to make further changes to the file.

include audio in filmora

5. Using Titles For Explanation

By pressing the “Titles” button, you can select the opening of your title template. This tool has many different title templates available that you can use for your video files. Moreover, you can find categorized titles from the list. This option also allows you to search for different title styles. You can even make changes to your title screen.

add title to filmora

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6. Adding Transitions and Effects

Filmora interface is packed with many filters, overlays, and even transition effects. You can choose from different effects and filters by dragging and dropping to your layer. To apply a transition between two clips, simply place the transition effect between those clips. Additionally, you can change the opacity of the applied filters. Also, you can change the duration of your transition effects.

use transitions and effects

7. Inducing Elements for Improvement

In addition to overlays, filters, and effects, you can also use other elements too. For this, Wondershare Filmora allows you to add stickers to your video edit. By pressing the option, you will find stickers in many categories. You can select stickers from the list; otherwise, you can search for stickers using a keyword. Apply your favorite sticker by selecting and dropping it on a particular layer in the timeline.

add elements to videos

8. Getting Aware of the Timeline

The timeline is the section where you add all the layers, effects, and other adjustments to your project. In the timeline section, you will find a particular layer’s hide and unhide option. Moreover, you can mute and unmute the audio of your media file. You can even find an option to manage your tracks in this section. Additionally, there is a Playhead that can also trim your video clip at a specific duration.

observe filmora timeline

9. Things To Know While Exporting

While exporting your project, you will find many options, such as exporting to your device. Furthermore, you can even export your file directly to a specific platform from Filmora. In addition to this, you can even burn your video file to a DVD using this option. Users can also add a thumbnail of their edited video directly from this tool.

export final video on filmora


Understanding your video editing interface gives you greater creative control over your projects. You can explore and experiment with various editing options and more. Investing time in your tool is important if you’re a professional or an enthusiast. Wondershare Filmora is an amazing editing tool, and its interface is created to make things easy for you.

Beginners Guide to Green Screen Keying

Did they have dinner on Mars? Photographers are becoming more daring with their creations thanks to the advancement in editing software. For example, after effects green screen keying allows you to alter your image’s background during post-production.

green screen key

The following is all you need to know about the green screen key effect and how to apply it using different video editing software. In addition, you will discover why the effect is popular with video editors. Keep reading to find out more.

Part1: What is keying in green screen?

Keying refers to a post-production process of separating and isolating an image’s aspects using color or brightness. Typically, filmmakers use it to remove green screens and make color corrections to add warmth to the subjects’ skin tones.

It involves identifying a color or brightness value that you will make transparent in the photo. In addition, you can use two types of keys during the keying process.

Chroma Keys

These allow you to select a specific color in your image and make everything that features the color transparent. Typically, chrome keys are best for images and videos featuring lots of green or blue backgrounds.

Luma Keys

Alternatively, you can use luma keys to determine which backgrounds will be transparent according to the brightness level. In addition, you can use them to designate the backgrounds you want opaque in your final image.

So, why do filmmakers prefer using a green screen? First, green is not a natural color in human skin tones. As such, it allows you more creative freedom with your shots. In addition, most digital cameras feature more green photosites allowing you to capture more details in your shots and making it the default choice for filmmakers.

However, you can also use a blue screen for your shots if green is your subject’s main color scheme. This is because blue is also rare among human subjects and allows you greater flexibility than any other background alternative.

Using a green screen key is an important skill to learn as a filmmaker. This is because it allows you more creative freedom resulting in more iconic images and photos. Although most video editing software allows you to apply the effect easily, it still requires finesse.

For example, using after effects green screen keying incorrectly can result in spill issues. This is when the green light from your screen bounces back to your subject. As such, you lose some subject detail, and the image appears messy.

Furthermore, not all video editing software includes the green screen key tool. Therefore, always check your software details before purchasing a copy. The next section contains step-by-step guides on performing green screen keying on some of the industry’s most popular software.

Part2: How to do Green Screen Keying in After Effects?

Adobe After Effects green screen keying tool is arguably one of the top favorites for filmmakers. It features a user-friendly interface, and several keying presets you can use to achieve incredible photo finishes. For example, the Keylight effect is an Academy Award-winning preset you can use to apply professional-quality color keying.

Follow these steps to do green screen keying using Adobe After Effects.

1. Upload your footage to Adobe After Effects

upload footage to adobe

Launch the program from your macOS or Windows device, and click on the New Composition From Footage option. A pop-up window with your file locations will appear and click on the footage you want to import. Ensure the footage you use is shot using a green screen background to achieve the best results.

2. Using the green screen key presets

using the green screen key presets

Once the footage is imported, click on the Window menu option on your workspace, and click on Effects & Presets from the sub-menu. Once the panel opens, tap Animation Presets and highlight the Keylight + Key Cleaner + Advanced Spill Suppressor preset from the Image-Utilities menu.

3. Drag and drop the preset to your footage

Then drag and drop the effect to your uploaded footage to begin the keying process. The green screen key preset applies three effects to your image:

  • Keylight effect.

The effect allows you to select the background color you want to make transparent. First, select the green screen background by clicking on Screen Color and selecting Color Picker. Then apply the effect by clicking on the green background closest to your subject.

  • Key cleaner effect.

The key cleaner effect sharpens your subject’s edges for a more detailed finish. In addition, you will rarely adjust its values because it automatically corresponds to the changes you make using the Keylight effect. However, you can adjust the Additional Edge Radius and Reduce Chatter options to decrease the visible noise of your image. Furthermore, you can use the Alpha Contrast adjustment to increase the sharpness of your subject’s edges.

  • Advanced spill suppressor.

Sometimes your green screen background can spill to your subject’s edges resulting in a messy outline. For example, you may find a green outline on your subject’s hair or clothing. The Advanced Spill Suppressor eliminates these outlines automatically. You can enable the effect by clicking the check box next to the effect from the Animation Presets panel.

4. Apply a new background

Once you apply the green screen key effect, you can add any custom background to your footage. You need to Import the file to your After Effects library and then drag & drop it into your footage’s timeline.

Remember, you must have an active Adobe After Effects license to access the green screen keying feature. In addition, you get access to Adobe Creative Cloud, which offers access to creative asset libraries such as Behance and Adobe Fonts. Alternatively, you can check out the free 7-day trial available to all new users.

Part3: How to do Green Screen Keying in Filmora? [Free& Easy]

Filmora is another popular video editing software that features a green screen editor as part of its effects. The tool, officially known as Chroma Key, allows you to swap your image backgrounds using different colors or images from your internal library.

In addition, the tool is available as a free trial for Windows and macOS devices. However, you will only find it on Filmora version 9 and above. Here is a step-by-step guide on green screen keying using Chroma Key on Filmora.

1. Upload your footage to Filmora

upload your footage to filmora

Launch the program on your device and click on the New Project option. A window will open where you can Import your green screen footage and the desired background. Once done, you will Drag and Drop the clips to your project’s first and second tracks in the timeline.

2. Adjust your green screen settings

adjust your green screen settings

Then, double-click your green screen footage to open the Edit Panel. Select the Video Tab and check the Chroma Key box to enable the effect. Once done, you can use the following tools to edit your footage:

  • Alpha Channel

The tool allows you to edit the footage’s borders, transparency, and shadows by displaying your image in black and white. The areas you have successfully keyed out will be in black and the rest in white or grey, depending on the severity.

  • Offset

The offset tool allows you to change the visibility of your background.

  • Edge Feathering.

You use this tool to soften your subject’s edges during green screen keying.

  • Edge Thickness.

The edge thickness tool helps you increase the sharpness of your subject’s edges. As such, they appear more detailed resulting in a clear and well-balanced photo.

3. Merge the new background

Once you complete the green screen keying, merging the new background is next. You do this by seamlessly positioning the background to fit your green screen footage. Then, the Filmora Chroma key tool will merge the images or footage and make it appear as one clip.

4. Export your content

Finally, you can export your content in multiple formats to suit your desired platform. For example, you can export the file in either MP4, WMV, or MOV to share on most social media platforms.

Please note that you need an active Filmora subscription to use Chroma Key. In addition, you can subscribe to individual and business plans depending on your requirements. However, any creations using the Filmora Individual plan require you to mention the software in their description.

Part4: FAQs

1. Is there a difference between chroma keying and green screening?

No. There is no difference between chroma keying and green screening. Both processes involve you replacing a specific color in your image and replacing it with a new background. In addition, some filmmakers use the terms synonymously because green is the best color to use when chroma keying. However, you can also use other colors for your chroma keying, with blue being the next best alternative.

2. Can you create a green screen video without using a green screen background?

Yes. It is possible to create a green screen video without a green background. Several apps, including Zoom and Tik Tok, have in-built digital green screens, which you can use to customize your creations. However, you need to have a capable device to access the function.

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Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, How to Color Grading in Final Cut Pro
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:12:01
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:12:01
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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In 2024, How to Color Grading in Final Cut Pro