In 2024, What Does It Mean to Color Grade Your Images, and Why Is It so Important? Does It Mean the Same Thing as a Color Correction? Read on to Gather All the Information You Need on Color Grading Photography

In 2024, What Does It Mean to Color Grade Your Images, and Why Is It so Important? Does It Mean the Same Thing as a Color Correction? Read on to Gather All the Information You Need on Color Grading Photography

Morgan Lv12

What Does It Mean to Color Grade Your Images, and Why Is It so Important? Does It Mean the Same Thing as a Color Correction? Read on to Gather All the Information You Need on Color Grading Photography

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Have you recognized how flat your images look when you take them with your camera? While the scenery may be beautiful and your photography skills may be amazing, there’s always something missing. That “thing” is color grading, and that may be why your favorite superstar’s pictures appear better than yours. You can color grade your videos to produce the same effect too.

Color grading photography refers to a post-production process that improves your images by altering their color. The result of an excellent color grading process is an image that looks more appealing and refined. It’s what gives a picture some professional touch.

If you want to learn more about color grading photography, this article will let you in on all you need to know. From essential color grading steps to terms, tools, etc., you can begin your journey to cool and exciting images after reading.

In this article

01 Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

04 Tips For Color Grading Photography

Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

The first way to fully appreciate color grading is by differentiating it from its closest term—color correction. Many people use both of them interchangeably, and that’s wrong. Although color grading and color correction are post-production processes that enhance image colors, they perform different roles.

Here’s how to differentiate color grading from color correction:

Differentiating Factor Color Grading ; Color Correction
Definition Color grading is a process that enhances an image’s color by stylizing or giving it a cinematic appearance. Color correction is a process that adjusts color mistakes in an image by giving it a consistent appearance. This process balances colors by adjusting whites and blacks.
Purpose The primary aim of color grading an image is to evoke specific emotions in the viewers. Color grading leverages the emotional and psychological effects of colors to manipulate the viewers’ moods. You can use color grading to give your images different tones or themes like fear, femininity, youthfulness, passion, anger, sadness, etc. Unlike color grading, the color correction does very little in setting the tone or mood that an image carries. Instead, it corrects specific mistakes in the image to make it look as natural to the human eyes as possible. Generally, camera lenses and the human eyes view pictures differently. Color correction changes a photo’s look to make it more appealing to humans than the camera. It makes black colors appear darker and adds more white to whites to create the desired effect.
Stage in the production process Color grading typically comes after color correction in the post-production process. That’s because the effects of color grading are more appealing on a color-corrected picture. Color correction comes before color grading. This process does the major work of balancing colors and correcting errors. Color grading only fine-tunes what color correction has done, giving it a professional finish.
Example One of the most obvious examples of color grading is in motion pictures. For example, Sci-Fi movies typically have a very saturated blue color. However, you will notice a little redder in romantic movies. Note that filmmakers can use different color grades in movies to draw attention to specific details or represent changes in the storyline. Color grading produces the same effects in pictures. Color correction is most prominent in documentaries to make pictures and videos look more real to the human eye. Other times, color corrections just adjust one color to merge the rest of the image or video.

color grading photography

Terms and Tools Used In Color Grading

These are the most common terminologies photo editors use when color grading an image:

● Hue

Hue is the general name for describing pure color. That means it defines color without alluding to its brightness, vividness, etc. It describes a color’s position in the color wheel.

● Saturation

When a photo editor talks about saturation, they refer to the hue concentration that defines a specific color. Saturation describes color shades and focuses on how colorful they are. Examples of colors with zero saturation are white, black, and grey.

color grading photography - saturation

● Luminance

Luminous describes how bright, well-lighted or dark a color is. Highlights, mids, and shadows can influence luminance.

color grading photography - luminance

● Additive Color

Additive colors are non-primary colors. However, they typically result from mixing primary colors (blue, red, green).

● Color Cast

Color cast means that the image’s coloring doesn’t look as natural as it should be. This usually happens when different light sources get mixed.

● Temperature

Temperature defines how cool or warm a color is. Cool temperatures typically describe blues and purples, while orange and red represent the warmth.

The essential tools for color grading include

● White Balance

White balance helps to make your photos look more natural by correcting color cast issues. After using white balance, the result is that the whites in your pictures would look exactly like the human eye will perceive it. White balance adjusts your image’s color cast to make them look warmer or cooler.

● Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and contrast are essential in color grading and are among the most used photo editing tools. Different sliders control brightness and contrast during editing. It’s important to note that your image’s brightness will affect the contrast and vice-versa. That’s why they usually appear together, even if they refer to different tools.

● The Three-Way Color Corrector

Many photographers refer to the three-way corrector as the color correction’s workhorse. That’s because this tool adjusts hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast in a single interface. The three-way corrector performs the job of three tools in one interface. Using the three-way corrector ensures that you work faster than usual.

● The Fast Color Corrector

The fast color corrector is like the three-way corrector. However, there are many limitations with the number of potential looks you can achieve with this tool. The fast color corrector primarily focuses on adjusting tint and saturation. Its major advantage over the three-way corrector is its user-friendliness and simplicity.

● Curves

While using curves is pretty complicated, the tool offers impressive functionality that you can’t refuse. Curves are very powerful and precise. Their main function is to overhaul or remove your image’s brightness altogether to give it a distinctive look.

● The Unsharp Mask and Sharpening Tools

With the unsharp mask and sharpening tools, you can give your picture’s edges a sharp illusion by modifying the contrast. This is typically useful for images that you shoot in dark conditions.

Sharp pictures are always a lovely sight. However, these tools can’t correct pictures taken out of focus. To get the best results from these tools. Then you can start moving them back till you get your desired sharpness.

● Color Match

As the make implies, color match tools modify a target picture’s colors to fit the reference image. This is an automatic process and helps to save time.

Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

These are the essential stages for color grading your images:

● Step 1:
The first step in color grading is deciding how warm or cool you want your image to look. Then, modify the white balance to suit your desired warmth or coolness.

● Step 2:
After adjusting the white balance, the next step is to adjust saturation or hue.

● Step 3:
The next step is to focus on the histogram. A histogram is a common feature in many photo editing software that informs you of your image’s tonal values. The goal in this stage is to ensure equal color distribution. Keep adjusting your image till the colors are even.

● Step 4:
Work on your highlights and shadows by modifying the green, red, and blue curves. Also, adjust your vibrancy setting for a good effect.

● Step 5:
Explore split toning. Split toning is a process that involves adding colors to highlight and shadows independently. Learning how to split tone can make a difference in your photo editing.

Tips For Color Grading Photography

The following best practices will enhance your color grading:

  • About oversaturation or under-saturation. Your saturation should be just right to produce the perfect result. So, always be sure to pay maximum attention to this process. This tip is particularly useful when working with portraits.
  • Remember that color grading doesn’t fix a bad shot. So, be sure to improve your photography skills and take the best shots for excellent color grading results.
  • Shoot your images in RAW. Doing this guarantees more control over your pictures’ colors.
  • Always experiment with different looks until you get your precise effect. Lightroom is one of the best color grading apps to use.
  • Exercise maximum caution when manipulating backgrounds. Don’t do too much, especially when you’re taking an indoor shot. That’s because manipulating indoor backgrounds too much can mismatch the foreground and background, making your portrait look weird.


● While your photography skills are essential in influencing your image’s outcome; your color grading skills will take it to another level. It’s one of the fastest ways to make a budding photo editor look like a pro.

● After reading this article, you can be sure that you have the basic information you need to achieve your editing goals. However, you mustn’t stop here. Continuous learning, especially through constant practice, is the way to go. You can visit Filmora today for the best color grading packages and tools.

Try It Free Try It Free

Have you recognized how flat your images look when you take them with your camera? While the scenery may be beautiful and your photography skills may be amazing, there’s always something missing. That “thing” is color grading, and that may be why your favorite superstar’s pictures appear better than yours. You can color grade your videos to produce the same effect too.

Color grading photography refers to a post-production process that improves your images by altering their color. The result of an excellent color grading process is an image that looks more appealing and refined. It’s what gives a picture some professional touch.

If you want to learn more about color grading photography, this article will let you in on all you need to know. From essential color grading steps to terms, tools, etc., you can begin your journey to cool and exciting images after reading.

In this article

01 Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

04 Tips For Color Grading Photography

Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

The first way to fully appreciate color grading is by differentiating it from its closest term—color correction. Many people use both of them interchangeably, and that’s wrong. Although color grading and color correction are post-production processes that enhance image colors, they perform different roles.

Here’s how to differentiate color grading from color correction:

Differentiating Factor Color Grading ; Color Correction
Definition Color grading is a process that enhances an image’s color by stylizing or giving it a cinematic appearance. Color correction is a process that adjusts color mistakes in an image by giving it a consistent appearance. This process balances colors by adjusting whites and blacks.
Purpose The primary aim of color grading an image is to evoke specific emotions in the viewers. Color grading leverages the emotional and psychological effects of colors to manipulate the viewers’ moods. You can use color grading to give your images different tones or themes like fear, femininity, youthfulness, passion, anger, sadness, etc. Unlike color grading, the color correction does very little in setting the tone or mood that an image carries. Instead, it corrects specific mistakes in the image to make it look as natural to the human eyes as possible. Generally, camera lenses and the human eyes view pictures differently. Color correction changes a photo’s look to make it more appealing to humans than the camera. It makes black colors appear darker and adds more white to whites to create the desired effect.
Stage in the production process Color grading typically comes after color correction in the post-production process. That’s because the effects of color grading are more appealing on a color-corrected picture. Color correction comes before color grading. This process does the major work of balancing colors and correcting errors. Color grading only fine-tunes what color correction has done, giving it a professional finish.
Example One of the most obvious examples of color grading is in motion pictures. For example, Sci-Fi movies typically have a very saturated blue color. However, you will notice a little redder in romantic movies. Note that filmmakers can use different color grades in movies to draw attention to specific details or represent changes in the storyline. Color grading produces the same effects in pictures. Color correction is most prominent in documentaries to make pictures and videos look more real to the human eye. Other times, color corrections just adjust one color to merge the rest of the image or video.

color grading photography

Terms and Tools Used In Color Grading

These are the most common terminologies photo editors use when color grading an image:

● Hue

Hue is the general name for describing pure color. That means it defines color without alluding to its brightness, vividness, etc. It describes a color’s position in the color wheel.

● Saturation

When a photo editor talks about saturation, they refer to the hue concentration that defines a specific color. Saturation describes color shades and focuses on how colorful they are. Examples of colors with zero saturation are white, black, and grey.

color grading photography - saturation

● Luminance

Luminous describes how bright, well-lighted or dark a color is. Highlights, mids, and shadows can influence luminance.

color grading photography - luminance

● Additive Color

Additive colors are non-primary colors. However, they typically result from mixing primary colors (blue, red, green).

● Color Cast

Color cast means that the image’s coloring doesn’t look as natural as it should be. This usually happens when different light sources get mixed.

● Temperature

Temperature defines how cool or warm a color is. Cool temperatures typically describe blues and purples, while orange and red represent the warmth.

The essential tools for color grading include

● White Balance

White balance helps to make your photos look more natural by correcting color cast issues. After using white balance, the result is that the whites in your pictures would look exactly like the human eye will perceive it. White balance adjusts your image’s color cast to make them look warmer or cooler.

● Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and contrast are essential in color grading and are among the most used photo editing tools. Different sliders control brightness and contrast during editing. It’s important to note that your image’s brightness will affect the contrast and vice-versa. That’s why they usually appear together, even if they refer to different tools.

● The Three-Way Color Corrector

Many photographers refer to the three-way corrector as the color correction’s workhorse. That’s because this tool adjusts hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast in a single interface. The three-way corrector performs the job of three tools in one interface. Using the three-way corrector ensures that you work faster than usual.

● The Fast Color Corrector

The fast color corrector is like the three-way corrector. However, there are many limitations with the number of potential looks you can achieve with this tool. The fast color corrector primarily focuses on adjusting tint and saturation. Its major advantage over the three-way corrector is its user-friendliness and simplicity.

● Curves

While using curves is pretty complicated, the tool offers impressive functionality that you can’t refuse. Curves are very powerful and precise. Their main function is to overhaul or remove your image’s brightness altogether to give it a distinctive look.

● The Unsharp Mask and Sharpening Tools

With the unsharp mask and sharpening tools, you can give your picture’s edges a sharp illusion by modifying the contrast. This is typically useful for images that you shoot in dark conditions.

Sharp pictures are always a lovely sight. However, these tools can’t correct pictures taken out of focus. To get the best results from these tools. Then you can start moving them back till you get your desired sharpness.

● Color Match

As the make implies, color match tools modify a target picture’s colors to fit the reference image. This is an automatic process and helps to save time.

Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

These are the essential stages for color grading your images:

● Step 1:
The first step in color grading is deciding how warm or cool you want your image to look. Then, modify the white balance to suit your desired warmth or coolness.

● Step 2:
After adjusting the white balance, the next step is to adjust saturation or hue.

● Step 3:
The next step is to focus on the histogram. A histogram is a common feature in many photo editing software that informs you of your image’s tonal values. The goal in this stage is to ensure equal color distribution. Keep adjusting your image till the colors are even.

● Step 4:
Work on your highlights and shadows by modifying the green, red, and blue curves. Also, adjust your vibrancy setting for a good effect.

● Step 5:
Explore split toning. Split toning is a process that involves adding colors to highlight and shadows independently. Learning how to split tone can make a difference in your photo editing.

Tips For Color Grading Photography

The following best practices will enhance your color grading:

  • About oversaturation or under-saturation. Your saturation should be just right to produce the perfect result. So, always be sure to pay maximum attention to this process. This tip is particularly useful when working with portraits.
  • Remember that color grading doesn’t fix a bad shot. So, be sure to improve your photography skills and take the best shots for excellent color grading results.
  • Shoot your images in RAW. Doing this guarantees more control over your pictures’ colors.
  • Always experiment with different looks until you get your precise effect. Lightroom is one of the best color grading apps to use.
  • Exercise maximum caution when manipulating backgrounds. Don’t do too much, especially when you’re taking an indoor shot. That’s because manipulating indoor backgrounds too much can mismatch the foreground and background, making your portrait look weird.


● While your photography skills are essential in influencing your image’s outcome; your color grading skills will take it to another level. It’s one of the fastest ways to make a budding photo editor look like a pro.

● After reading this article, you can be sure that you have the basic information you need to achieve your editing goals. However, you mustn’t stop here. Continuous learning, especially through constant practice, is the way to go. You can visit Filmora today for the best color grading packages and tools.

Try It Free Try It Free

Have you recognized how flat your images look when you take them with your camera? While the scenery may be beautiful and your photography skills may be amazing, there’s always something missing. That “thing” is color grading, and that may be why your favorite superstar’s pictures appear better than yours. You can color grade your videos to produce the same effect too.

Color grading photography refers to a post-production process that improves your images by altering their color. The result of an excellent color grading process is an image that looks more appealing and refined. It’s what gives a picture some professional touch.

If you want to learn more about color grading photography, this article will let you in on all you need to know. From essential color grading steps to terms, tools, etc., you can begin your journey to cool and exciting images after reading.

In this article

01 Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

04 Tips For Color Grading Photography

Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

The first way to fully appreciate color grading is by differentiating it from its closest term—color correction. Many people use both of them interchangeably, and that’s wrong. Although color grading and color correction are post-production processes that enhance image colors, they perform different roles.

Here’s how to differentiate color grading from color correction:

Differentiating Factor Color Grading ; Color Correction
Definition Color grading is a process that enhances an image’s color by stylizing or giving it a cinematic appearance. Color correction is a process that adjusts color mistakes in an image by giving it a consistent appearance. This process balances colors by adjusting whites and blacks.
Purpose The primary aim of color grading an image is to evoke specific emotions in the viewers. Color grading leverages the emotional and psychological effects of colors to manipulate the viewers’ moods. You can use color grading to give your images different tones or themes like fear, femininity, youthfulness, passion, anger, sadness, etc. Unlike color grading, the color correction does very little in setting the tone or mood that an image carries. Instead, it corrects specific mistakes in the image to make it look as natural to the human eyes as possible. Generally, camera lenses and the human eyes view pictures differently. Color correction changes a photo’s look to make it more appealing to humans than the camera. It makes black colors appear darker and adds more white to whites to create the desired effect.
Stage in the production process Color grading typically comes after color correction in the post-production process. That’s because the effects of color grading are more appealing on a color-corrected picture. Color correction comes before color grading. This process does the major work of balancing colors and correcting errors. Color grading only fine-tunes what color correction has done, giving it a professional finish.
Example One of the most obvious examples of color grading is in motion pictures. For example, Sci-Fi movies typically have a very saturated blue color. However, you will notice a little redder in romantic movies. Note that filmmakers can use different color grades in movies to draw attention to specific details or represent changes in the storyline. Color grading produces the same effects in pictures. Color correction is most prominent in documentaries to make pictures and videos look more real to the human eye. Other times, color corrections just adjust one color to merge the rest of the image or video.

color grading photography

Terms and Tools Used In Color Grading

These are the most common terminologies photo editors use when color grading an image:

● Hue

Hue is the general name for describing pure color. That means it defines color without alluding to its brightness, vividness, etc. It describes a color’s position in the color wheel.

● Saturation

When a photo editor talks about saturation, they refer to the hue concentration that defines a specific color. Saturation describes color shades and focuses on how colorful they are. Examples of colors with zero saturation are white, black, and grey.

color grading photography - saturation

● Luminance

Luminous describes how bright, well-lighted or dark a color is. Highlights, mids, and shadows can influence luminance.

color grading photography - luminance

● Additive Color

Additive colors are non-primary colors. However, they typically result from mixing primary colors (blue, red, green).

● Color Cast

Color cast means that the image’s coloring doesn’t look as natural as it should be. This usually happens when different light sources get mixed.

● Temperature

Temperature defines how cool or warm a color is. Cool temperatures typically describe blues and purples, while orange and red represent the warmth.

The essential tools for color grading include

● White Balance

White balance helps to make your photos look more natural by correcting color cast issues. After using white balance, the result is that the whites in your pictures would look exactly like the human eye will perceive it. White balance adjusts your image’s color cast to make them look warmer or cooler.

● Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and contrast are essential in color grading and are among the most used photo editing tools. Different sliders control brightness and contrast during editing. It’s important to note that your image’s brightness will affect the contrast and vice-versa. That’s why they usually appear together, even if they refer to different tools.

● The Three-Way Color Corrector

Many photographers refer to the three-way corrector as the color correction’s workhorse. That’s because this tool adjusts hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast in a single interface. The three-way corrector performs the job of three tools in one interface. Using the three-way corrector ensures that you work faster than usual.

● The Fast Color Corrector

The fast color corrector is like the three-way corrector. However, there are many limitations with the number of potential looks you can achieve with this tool. The fast color corrector primarily focuses on adjusting tint and saturation. Its major advantage over the three-way corrector is its user-friendliness and simplicity.

● Curves

While using curves is pretty complicated, the tool offers impressive functionality that you can’t refuse. Curves are very powerful and precise. Their main function is to overhaul or remove your image’s brightness altogether to give it a distinctive look.

● The Unsharp Mask and Sharpening Tools

With the unsharp mask and sharpening tools, you can give your picture’s edges a sharp illusion by modifying the contrast. This is typically useful for images that you shoot in dark conditions.

Sharp pictures are always a lovely sight. However, these tools can’t correct pictures taken out of focus. To get the best results from these tools. Then you can start moving them back till you get your desired sharpness.

● Color Match

As the make implies, color match tools modify a target picture’s colors to fit the reference image. This is an automatic process and helps to save time.

Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

These are the essential stages for color grading your images:

● Step 1:
The first step in color grading is deciding how warm or cool you want your image to look. Then, modify the white balance to suit your desired warmth or coolness.

● Step 2:
After adjusting the white balance, the next step is to adjust saturation or hue.

● Step 3:
The next step is to focus on the histogram. A histogram is a common feature in many photo editing software that informs you of your image’s tonal values. The goal in this stage is to ensure equal color distribution. Keep adjusting your image till the colors are even.

● Step 4:
Work on your highlights and shadows by modifying the green, red, and blue curves. Also, adjust your vibrancy setting for a good effect.

● Step 5:
Explore split toning. Split toning is a process that involves adding colors to highlight and shadows independently. Learning how to split tone can make a difference in your photo editing.

Tips For Color Grading Photography

The following best practices will enhance your color grading:

  • About oversaturation or under-saturation. Your saturation should be just right to produce the perfect result. So, always be sure to pay maximum attention to this process. This tip is particularly useful when working with portraits.
  • Remember that color grading doesn’t fix a bad shot. So, be sure to improve your photography skills and take the best shots for excellent color grading results.
  • Shoot your images in RAW. Doing this guarantees more control over your pictures’ colors.
  • Always experiment with different looks until you get your precise effect. Lightroom is one of the best color grading apps to use.
  • Exercise maximum caution when manipulating backgrounds. Don’t do too much, especially when you’re taking an indoor shot. That’s because manipulating indoor backgrounds too much can mismatch the foreground and background, making your portrait look weird.


● While your photography skills are essential in influencing your image’s outcome; your color grading skills will take it to another level. It’s one of the fastest ways to make a budding photo editor look like a pro.

● After reading this article, you can be sure that you have the basic information you need to achieve your editing goals. However, you mustn’t stop here. Continuous learning, especially through constant practice, is the way to go. You can visit Filmora today for the best color grading packages and tools.

Try It Free Try It Free

Have you recognized how flat your images look when you take them with your camera? While the scenery may be beautiful and your photography skills may be amazing, there’s always something missing. That “thing” is color grading, and that may be why your favorite superstar’s pictures appear better than yours. You can color grade your videos to produce the same effect too.

Color grading photography refers to a post-production process that improves your images by altering their color. The result of an excellent color grading process is an image that looks more appealing and refined. It’s what gives a picture some professional touch.

If you want to learn more about color grading photography, this article will let you in on all you need to know. From essential color grading steps to terms, tools, etc., you can begin your journey to cool and exciting images after reading.

In this article

01 Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

04 Tips For Color Grading Photography

Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

The first way to fully appreciate color grading is by differentiating it from its closest term—color correction. Many people use both of them interchangeably, and that’s wrong. Although color grading and color correction are post-production processes that enhance image colors, they perform different roles.

Here’s how to differentiate color grading from color correction:

Differentiating Factor Color Grading ; Color Correction
Definition Color grading is a process that enhances an image’s color by stylizing or giving it a cinematic appearance. Color correction is a process that adjusts color mistakes in an image by giving it a consistent appearance. This process balances colors by adjusting whites and blacks.
Purpose The primary aim of color grading an image is to evoke specific emotions in the viewers. Color grading leverages the emotional and psychological effects of colors to manipulate the viewers’ moods. You can use color grading to give your images different tones or themes like fear, femininity, youthfulness, passion, anger, sadness, etc. Unlike color grading, the color correction does very little in setting the tone or mood that an image carries. Instead, it corrects specific mistakes in the image to make it look as natural to the human eyes as possible. Generally, camera lenses and the human eyes view pictures differently. Color correction changes a photo’s look to make it more appealing to humans than the camera. It makes black colors appear darker and adds more white to whites to create the desired effect.
Stage in the production process Color grading typically comes after color correction in the post-production process. That’s because the effects of color grading are more appealing on a color-corrected picture. Color correction comes before color grading. This process does the major work of balancing colors and correcting errors. Color grading only fine-tunes what color correction has done, giving it a professional finish.
Example One of the most obvious examples of color grading is in motion pictures. For example, Sci-Fi movies typically have a very saturated blue color. However, you will notice a little redder in romantic movies. Note that filmmakers can use different color grades in movies to draw attention to specific details or represent changes in the storyline. Color grading produces the same effects in pictures. Color correction is most prominent in documentaries to make pictures and videos look more real to the human eye. Other times, color corrections just adjust one color to merge the rest of the image or video.

color grading photography

Terms and Tools Used In Color Grading

These are the most common terminologies photo editors use when color grading an image:

● Hue

Hue is the general name for describing pure color. That means it defines color without alluding to its brightness, vividness, etc. It describes a color’s position in the color wheel.

● Saturation

When a photo editor talks about saturation, they refer to the hue concentration that defines a specific color. Saturation describes color shades and focuses on how colorful they are. Examples of colors with zero saturation are white, black, and grey.

color grading photography - saturation

● Luminance

Luminous describes how bright, well-lighted or dark a color is. Highlights, mids, and shadows can influence luminance.

color grading photography - luminance

● Additive Color

Additive colors are non-primary colors. However, they typically result from mixing primary colors (blue, red, green).

● Color Cast

Color cast means that the image’s coloring doesn’t look as natural as it should be. This usually happens when different light sources get mixed.

● Temperature

Temperature defines how cool or warm a color is. Cool temperatures typically describe blues and purples, while orange and red represent the warmth.

The essential tools for color grading include

● White Balance

White balance helps to make your photos look more natural by correcting color cast issues. After using white balance, the result is that the whites in your pictures would look exactly like the human eye will perceive it. White balance adjusts your image’s color cast to make them look warmer or cooler.

● Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and contrast are essential in color grading and are among the most used photo editing tools. Different sliders control brightness and contrast during editing. It’s important to note that your image’s brightness will affect the contrast and vice-versa. That’s why they usually appear together, even if they refer to different tools.

● The Three-Way Color Corrector

Many photographers refer to the three-way corrector as the color correction’s workhorse. That’s because this tool adjusts hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast in a single interface. The three-way corrector performs the job of three tools in one interface. Using the three-way corrector ensures that you work faster than usual.

● The Fast Color Corrector

The fast color corrector is like the three-way corrector. However, there are many limitations with the number of potential looks you can achieve with this tool. The fast color corrector primarily focuses on adjusting tint and saturation. Its major advantage over the three-way corrector is its user-friendliness and simplicity.

● Curves

While using curves is pretty complicated, the tool offers impressive functionality that you can’t refuse. Curves are very powerful and precise. Their main function is to overhaul or remove your image’s brightness altogether to give it a distinctive look.

● The Unsharp Mask and Sharpening Tools

With the unsharp mask and sharpening tools, you can give your picture’s edges a sharp illusion by modifying the contrast. This is typically useful for images that you shoot in dark conditions.

Sharp pictures are always a lovely sight. However, these tools can’t correct pictures taken out of focus. To get the best results from these tools. Then you can start moving them back till you get your desired sharpness.

● Color Match

As the make implies, color match tools modify a target picture’s colors to fit the reference image. This is an automatic process and helps to save time.

Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

These are the essential stages for color grading your images:

● Step 1:
The first step in color grading is deciding how warm or cool you want your image to look. Then, modify the white balance to suit your desired warmth or coolness.

● Step 2:
After adjusting the white balance, the next step is to adjust saturation or hue.

● Step 3:
The next step is to focus on the histogram. A histogram is a common feature in many photo editing software that informs you of your image’s tonal values. The goal in this stage is to ensure equal color distribution. Keep adjusting your image till the colors are even.

● Step 4:
Work on your highlights and shadows by modifying the green, red, and blue curves. Also, adjust your vibrancy setting for a good effect.

● Step 5:
Explore split toning. Split toning is a process that involves adding colors to highlight and shadows independently. Learning how to split tone can make a difference in your photo editing.

Tips For Color Grading Photography

The following best practices will enhance your color grading:

  • About oversaturation or under-saturation. Your saturation should be just right to produce the perfect result. So, always be sure to pay maximum attention to this process. This tip is particularly useful when working with portraits.
  • Remember that color grading doesn’t fix a bad shot. So, be sure to improve your photography skills and take the best shots for excellent color grading results.
  • Shoot your images in RAW. Doing this guarantees more control over your pictures’ colors.
  • Always experiment with different looks until you get your precise effect. Lightroom is one of the best color grading apps to use.
  • Exercise maximum caution when manipulating backgrounds. Don’t do too much, especially when you’re taking an indoor shot. That’s because manipulating indoor backgrounds too much can mismatch the foreground and background, making your portrait look weird.


● While your photography skills are essential in influencing your image’s outcome; your color grading skills will take it to another level. It’s one of the fastest ways to make a budding photo editor look like a pro.

● After reading this article, you can be sure that you have the basic information you need to achieve your editing goals. However, you mustn’t stop here. Continuous learning, especially through constant practice, is the way to go. You can visit Filmora today for the best color grading packages and tools.

Hitfilm Express Video Editor Review

If you are involved in video editing, you better know the importance of using hitfilm express download. This video editing tool helps the users to perform video editing efficiently. Along with basic features, the program also provides advanced-level functionality that makes edited videos phenomenal. Every casual video editor gets attracted to the hitfilm express download for its extraordinary features. Anyone can download the video editing software from an online platform named FXHome.

The free software is so impressive that it can give tough competition to paid video editing platforms like Studio, Adobe Premiere Pro, and After Effects. For both novice and seasoned youtubers, this platform provides some amusing features like 400+ visual effects, compositing tools presets, and cinematic features to unveil their creativity at its best.

1. How to download and install Hitfilm Express?

People increasingly depend on this software since it is free to download. Available for both Mac and Windows, this software works as exceptional community support. The software comes with documentation and tutorials so that new users don’t face any difficulty getting used to the platform. You can download hitfilm express editing software from any third-party platform, but it is advisable to download the video editor from the official website directly. You only have to ensure that your internet connection is speedy enough for activation.

Here is the step-by-step process for the online installation of HitFilm Express.

hitfilm express

  • First, go to the official website of HItFilm Express and click the download button.
  • You have to fill in the details directly on the registration page. You will get the download URL in your mail address by doing this. Check your inbox to download the installer.
  • Now, allow the installation file to run and then follow the steps.
  • Once the installation is completed, it’s time to activate the software. A dialog box will appear on opening the program with options like login and activation. Click the “Get Free License” to land on the website.
  • After getting into the website, log in to your previously created FXhome account. When you have finally logged in to your account, search the serial code.
  • Revert the software and hit the Activate and Unlock button to enter the serial code and opt for software activation. It is how your entire installation process will be completed.

2. Key Features of Hitfilm Express

If you want to take your video editing to the next level like a professional, hitfilm express editing software is your one-stop solution. Here is a wide array of features that provides amateurs to professionals a seamless experience.

**Professional project quality: The UHD support and RAM preview of HitFilm Express provide the users the supreme quality formats. Whatever footage you collect from documentaries captured by high-end cameras or smartphones, HItFilm will manage everything.

**Commentator recorder: Once you click the button, you will easily adjoin voiceover to the uploaded videos without leaving the HitFilm. The HitFilm Express is designed so that your recording will promptly add to a soundtrack so that you can do the finishing touches with the audio effects.

**Integrated timelines: Keep switching from one tab to another, same as you do on the browser, as per your needs. You can edit in one tab, make a composition in the other, and then get back to the editor without the necessity of loading other software.

**Customized playback: You can personalize playback. It will help you get exposed to non-stop playback in the trimmer, thus preventing lagging and making edits easier. It allows you to control the playback quality and make hasty edits.

**Smart search: With the help of HitFilm Express, you can locate your desired keyword quickly. It will also help you find properties for all the effects, media, and timelines. In case you come from a different software system, the algorithm of hitfilm express editor identifies the keyword links and assists you in finding your search.

**Numerous streams: To allow the gamers to have a rejoicing experience, HitFilm allows importing files with multiple audio streams and provides you with complete flexibility over workflow.

**Adjustable trimmer: With HitFilm Express, you can re-trim clips even after adding to the timeline. The moment you double-click the clip, it will automatically get sent to the trimmer panel to allow you to make necessary adjustments. Once you have completed the changes, the clip will be again updated.

**Cinematic outlook: You can prepare your film with the classic cine-effects of HItFilm Express. Choose your most preferred effects like Day For Night, Three-Strip Color, Film Grain, and other styles to give a cinematic edge.

3. How to edit videos with Hitfilm Express?

Editing is cutting and accumulating the selected clips to tell the story better. Editing consists of adding sound effects, transitions, and other visual elements to help it view excellent results.

hitfilm how to edit

You have to set up the editor timeline and start importing clips to edit your clips. Use the editor tools like roll, slip, drag, selection, ripple, and others to customize your edit.

hitfilm orange section

  • Choose the Set in point button from the point where you want to start the clip. In the timeline, you will notice an orange section representing the part of the clip you want to play.
  • Now, skip through, and decide where you want to end the clip. You have to click the Set-out button. You can alternatively use the I and 0 keys as shortcuts.
  • Once you get your selected start and endpoint, you can drag down the portion of the video into the timeline. This time, you can get a message that shows the editor settings are different from the adding clip. It is your choice how you want to keep your settings.
  • If you find the selected set of a good standard, you can move forward and select “Yes” to ensure that your project gets changed into that setting.
  • In the viewer section, you will get to view the final outlook of the video. Here, on the downside of the timeline, you can click on the Zoom bar to see things in detail. Your previews will depend on the selected settings that you have made beforehand.
  • If you want to change your default setting, you can come to the hamburger icon for tracking and changing the size of the video to different ones.
  • Add a clip to the timeline: Position the play head at the timeline point where you want to start the clip, and then hit the insert clip button.

hitfilm set details

4. Hitfilm Express Alternative to Edit Videos

Anyone who finds video editing fun filling can try out Filmora . It is an ideal alternative to hitfilm express editing tutorial. Whether you shoot in an entry-level camera or a high-end video camera, Filmora will help you create and edit the most suitable videos. During the video editing procedure, you can experience multiple challenges that help you stay patient and work slowly to come out with the project.

filmora edit videos

It is the best video editing platform for beginners since it can provide comprehensive support for creating different video formats. The user-friendly interface and powerful editing features make the video editor one of the most used video editing software.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step-by-step guide for editing videos with Filmora

Step 1: Double click on the Filmora’s icon to start working on your project. Either open the new project or click on the aspect ratio for time-saving editing.

Step 2: Select the “project setting” option to customize the aspect ratio as per your need. Next, you will go to the import media files to choose the import with the instant cutter tool and opt for easy trimming of videos.

You can also use a lens correction tool to improve the quality of videos.

Step 3: Create a new folder and organize the clips alphabetically to increase efficiency.

Step 4: Drag and drop the trimmed videos on the timeline and rearrange them to remove the unnecessary parts. Press the play button to get previews of your added video clips.

Step 5: Now, it’s time to add audio and visual effects to your trimmed footage. You can also add opening titles and subtitles and use text templates to work on the video transition.

Step 6: With the help of a color correction tool, you can make the videos look vivid. It takes enough time and dedication to master color correction for your videos.

Step 7: When you are 100% sure about the final outlook of the project, you have to export the videos on YouTube for fast uploading on social media networks. Otherwise, you can opt for saving the video on the hard drives.

5. FAQs about Hitfilm Express

1.Is Hitfilm Express still free?

Ans: HitFilm Express is still free with alternative paid add-ons. The free video editing software helps make excellent films and video games with the professional-grade VFX. From students, beginners, and gamers to you Tubers – anyone can work on their creativity without spending a penny.

2.Is Hitfilm Express safe to download?

Ans: With more than 5 million active users across 160 countries, HitFilm Express is safe and legit software to download. If you are susceptible to using this platform, it is an excellent option to experience some remarkable features and learn A to Z of video editing.

3.Is Hitfilm Express still worth it?

Ans: IF anyone opts for the paid version, it will be expensive. However, the video editing software has beginner-friendly features like different AI tools for guided editing, 4K support, and others that hardly make any sense compared with other free software.

Looking at its professional features and high-quality editing, it is the most powerful video editing platform.


In a nutshell, HItFilm is an entirely free version of video editing software. Beginners can quickly learn it since the editing features can be easily grasped. To create amateur videos for professional ones, HitFilm Express is your one-stop solution. The customizable effects and compositing layers provide your videos with an excellent cinematic look. Everything you will get without spending any money.

Therefore, if you want to learn the A to Z of video editing for absolutely free, you can blindly rely on the hitfilm express editor.

2. Key Features of Hitfilm Express

If you want to take your video editing to the next level like a professional, hitfilm express editing software is your one-stop solution. Here is a wide array of features that provides amateurs to professionals a seamless experience.

**Professional project quality: The UHD support and RAM preview of HitFilm Express provide the users the supreme quality formats. Whatever footage you collect from documentaries captured by high-end cameras or smartphones, HItFilm will manage everything.

**Commentator recorder: Once you click the button, you will easily adjoin voiceover to the uploaded videos without leaving the HitFilm. The HitFilm Express is designed so that your recording will promptly add to a soundtrack so that you can do the finishing touches with the audio effects.

**Integrated timelines: Keep switching from one tab to another, same as you do on the browser, as per your needs. You can edit in one tab, make a composition in the other, and then get back to the editor without the necessity of loading other software.

**Customized playback: You can personalize playback. It will help you get exposed to non-stop playback in the trimmer, thus preventing lagging and making edits easier. It allows you to control the playback quality and make hasty edits.

**Smart search: With the help of HitFilm Express, you can locate your desired keyword quickly. It will also help you find properties for all the effects, media, and timelines. In case you come from a different software system, the algorithm of hitfilm express editor identifies the keyword links and assists you in finding your search.

**Numerous streams: To allow the gamers to have a rejoicing experience, HitFilm allows importing files with multiple audio streams and provides you with complete flexibility over workflow.

**Adjustable trimmer: With HitFilm Express, you can re-trim clips even after adding to the timeline. The moment you double-click the clip, it will automatically get sent to the trimmer panel to allow you to make necessary adjustments. Once you have completed the changes, the clip will be again updated.

**Cinematic outlook: You can prepare your film with the classic cine-effects of HItFilm Express. Choose your most preferred effects like Day For Night, Three-Strip Color, Film Grain, and other styles to give a cinematic edge.

3. How to edit videos with Hitfilm Express?

Editing is cutting and accumulating the selected clips to tell the story better. Editing consists of adding sound effects, transitions, and other visual elements to help it view excellent results.

hitfilm how to edit

You have to set up the editor timeline and start importing clips to edit your clips. Use the editor tools like roll, slip, drag, selection, ripple, and others to customize your edit.

hitfilm orange section

  • Choose the Set in point button from the point where you want to start the clip. In the timeline, you will notice an orange section representing the part of the clip you want to play.
  • Now, skip through, and decide where you want to end the clip. You have to click the Set-out button. You can alternatively use the I and 0 keys as shortcuts.
  • Once you get your selected start and endpoint, you can drag down the portion of the video into the timeline. This time, you can get a message that shows the editor settings are different from the adding clip. It is your choice how you want to keep your settings.
  • If you find the selected set of a good standard, you can move forward and select “Yes” to ensure that your project gets changed into that setting.
  • In the viewer section, you will get to view the final outlook of the video. Here, on the downside of the timeline, you can click on the Zoom bar to see things in detail. Your previews will depend on the selected settings that you have made beforehand.
  • If you want to change your default setting, you can come to the hamburger icon for tracking and changing the size of the video to different ones.
  • Add a clip to the timeline: Position the play head at the timeline point where you want to start the clip, and then hit the insert clip button.

hitfilm set details

4. Hitfilm Express Alternative to Edit Videos

Anyone who finds video editing fun filling can try out Filmora . It is an ideal alternative to hitfilm express editing tutorial. Whether you shoot in an entry-level camera or a high-end video camera, Filmora will help you create and edit the most suitable videos. During the video editing procedure, you can experience multiple challenges that help you stay patient and work slowly to come out with the project.

filmora edit videos

It is the best video editing platform for beginners since it can provide comprehensive support for creating different video formats. The user-friendly interface and powerful editing features make the video editor one of the most used video editing software.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step-by-step guide for editing videos with Filmora

Step 1: Double click on the Filmora’s icon to start working on your project. Either open the new project or click on the aspect ratio for time-saving editing.

Step 2: Select the “project setting” option to customize the aspect ratio as per your need. Next, you will go to the import media files to choose the import with the instant cutter tool and opt for easy trimming of videos.

You can also use a lens correction tool to improve the quality of videos.

Step 3: Create a new folder and organize the clips alphabetically to increase efficiency.

Step 4: Drag and drop the trimmed videos on the timeline and rearrange them to remove the unnecessary parts. Press the play button to get previews of your added video clips.

Step 5: Now, it’s time to add audio and visual effects to your trimmed footage. You can also add opening titles and subtitles and use text templates to work on the video transition.

Step 6: With the help of a color correction tool, you can make the videos look vivid. It takes enough time and dedication to master color correction for your videos.

Step 7: When you are 100% sure about the final outlook of the project, you have to export the videos on YouTube for fast uploading on social media networks. Otherwise, you can opt for saving the video on the hard drives.

5. FAQs about Hitfilm Express

1.Is Hitfilm Express still free?

Ans: HitFilm Express is still free with alternative paid add-ons. The free video editing software helps make excellent films and video games with the professional-grade VFX. From students, beginners, and gamers to you Tubers – anyone can work on their creativity without spending a penny.

2.Is Hitfilm Express safe to download?

Ans: With more than 5 million active users across 160 countries, HitFilm Express is safe and legit software to download. If you are susceptible to using this platform, it is an excellent option to experience some remarkable features and learn A to Z of video editing.

3.Is Hitfilm Express still worth it?

Ans: IF anyone opts for the paid version, it will be expensive. However, the video editing software has beginner-friendly features like different AI tools for guided editing, 4K support, and others that hardly make any sense compared with other free software.

Looking at its professional features and high-quality editing, it is the most powerful video editing platform.


In a nutshell, HItFilm is an entirely free version of video editing software. Beginners can quickly learn it since the editing features can be easily grasped. To create amateur videos for professional ones, HitFilm Express is your one-stop solution. The customizable effects and compositing layers provide your videos with an excellent cinematic look. Everything you will get without spending any money.

Therefore, if you want to learn the A to Z of video editing for absolutely free, you can blindly rely on the hitfilm express editor.

2. Key Features of Hitfilm Express

If you want to take your video editing to the next level like a professional, hitfilm express editing software is your one-stop solution. Here is a wide array of features that provides amateurs to professionals a seamless experience.

**Professional project quality: The UHD support and RAM preview of HitFilm Express provide the users the supreme quality formats. Whatever footage you collect from documentaries captured by high-end cameras or smartphones, HItFilm will manage everything.

**Commentator recorder: Once you click the button, you will easily adjoin voiceover to the uploaded videos without leaving the HitFilm. The HitFilm Express is designed so that your recording will promptly add to a soundtrack so that you can do the finishing touches with the audio effects.

**Integrated timelines: Keep switching from one tab to another, same as you do on the browser, as per your needs. You can edit in one tab, make a composition in the other, and then get back to the editor without the necessity of loading other software.

**Customized playback: You can personalize playback. It will help you get exposed to non-stop playback in the trimmer, thus preventing lagging and making edits easier. It allows you to control the playback quality and make hasty edits.

**Smart search: With the help of HitFilm Express, you can locate your desired keyword quickly. It will also help you find properties for all the effects, media, and timelines. In case you come from a different software system, the algorithm of hitfilm express editor identifies the keyword links and assists you in finding your search.

**Numerous streams: To allow the gamers to have a rejoicing experience, HitFilm allows importing files with multiple audio streams and provides you with complete flexibility over workflow.

**Adjustable trimmer: With HitFilm Express, you can re-trim clips even after adding to the timeline. The moment you double-click the clip, it will automatically get sent to the trimmer panel to allow you to make necessary adjustments. Once you have completed the changes, the clip will be again updated.

**Cinematic outlook: You can prepare your film with the classic cine-effects of HItFilm Express. Choose your most preferred effects like Day For Night, Three-Strip Color, Film Grain, and other styles to give a cinematic edge.

3. How to edit videos with Hitfilm Express?

Editing is cutting and accumulating the selected clips to tell the story better. Editing consists of adding sound effects, transitions, and other visual elements to help it view excellent results.

hitfilm how to edit

You have to set up the editor timeline and start importing clips to edit your clips. Use the editor tools like roll, slip, drag, selection, ripple, and others to customize your edit.

hitfilm orange section

  • Choose the Set in point button from the point where you want to start the clip. In the timeline, you will notice an orange section representing the part of the clip you want to play.
  • Now, skip through, and decide where you want to end the clip. You have to click the Set-out button. You can alternatively use the I and 0 keys as shortcuts.
  • Once you get your selected start and endpoint, you can drag down the portion of the video into the timeline. This time, you can get a message that shows the editor settings are different from the adding clip. It is your choice how you want to keep your settings.
  • If you find the selected set of a good standard, you can move forward and select “Yes” to ensure that your project gets changed into that setting.
  • In the viewer section, you will get to view the final outlook of the video. Here, on the downside of the timeline, you can click on the Zoom bar to see things in detail. Your previews will depend on the selected settings that you have made beforehand.
  • If you want to change your default setting, you can come to the hamburger icon for tracking and changing the size of the video to different ones.
  • Add a clip to the timeline: Position the play head at the timeline point where you want to start the clip, and then hit the insert clip button.

hitfilm set details

4. Hitfilm Express Alternative to Edit Videos

Anyone who finds video editing fun filling can try out Filmora . It is an ideal alternative to hitfilm express editing tutorial. Whether you shoot in an entry-level camera or a high-end video camera, Filmora will help you create and edit the most suitable videos. During the video editing procedure, you can experience multiple challenges that help you stay patient and work slowly to come out with the project.

filmora edit videos

It is the best video editing platform for beginners since it can provide comprehensive support for creating different video formats. The user-friendly interface and powerful editing features make the video editor one of the most used video editing software.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step-by-step guide for editing videos with Filmora

Step 1: Double click on the Filmora’s icon to start working on your project. Either open the new project or click on the aspect ratio for time-saving editing.

Step 2: Select the “project setting” option to customize the aspect ratio as per your need. Next, you will go to the import media files to choose the import with the instant cutter tool and opt for easy trimming of videos.

You can also use a lens correction tool to improve the quality of videos.

Step 3: Create a new folder and organize the clips alphabetically to increase efficiency.

Step 4: Drag and drop the trimmed videos on the timeline and rearrange them to remove the unnecessary parts. Press the play button to get previews of your added video clips.

Step 5: Now, it’s time to add audio and visual effects to your trimmed footage. You can also add opening titles and subtitles and use text templates to work on the video transition.

Step 6: With the help of a color correction tool, you can make the videos look vivid. It takes enough time and dedication to master color correction for your videos.

Step 7: When you are 100% sure about the final outlook of the project, you have to export the videos on YouTube for fast uploading on social media networks. Otherwise, you can opt for saving the video on the hard drives.

5. FAQs about Hitfilm Express

1.Is Hitfilm Express still free?

Ans: HitFilm Express is still free with alternative paid add-ons. The free video editing software helps make excellent films and video games with the professional-grade VFX. From students, beginners, and gamers to you Tubers – anyone can work on their creativity without spending a penny.

2.Is Hitfilm Express safe to download?

Ans: With more than 5 million active users across 160 countries, HitFilm Express is safe and legit software to download. If you are susceptible to using this platform, it is an excellent option to experience some remarkable features and learn A to Z of video editing.

3.Is Hitfilm Express still worth it?

Ans: IF anyone opts for the paid version, it will be expensive. However, the video editing software has beginner-friendly features like different AI tools for guided editing, 4K support, and others that hardly make any sense compared with other free software.

Looking at its professional features and high-quality editing, it is the most powerful video editing platform.


In a nutshell, HItFilm is an entirely free version of video editing software. Beginners can quickly learn it since the editing features can be easily grasped. To create amateur videos for professional ones, HitFilm Express is your one-stop solution. The customizable effects and compositing layers provide your videos with an excellent cinematic look. Everything you will get without spending any money.

Therefore, if you want to learn the A to Z of video editing for absolutely free, you can blindly rely on the hitfilm express editor.

2. Key Features of Hitfilm Express

If you want to take your video editing to the next level like a professional, hitfilm express editing software is your one-stop solution. Here is a wide array of features that provides amateurs to professionals a seamless experience.

**Professional project quality: The UHD support and RAM preview of HitFilm Express provide the users the supreme quality formats. Whatever footage you collect from documentaries captured by high-end cameras or smartphones, HItFilm will manage everything.

**Commentator recorder: Once you click the button, you will easily adjoin voiceover to the uploaded videos without leaving the HitFilm. The HitFilm Express is designed so that your recording will promptly add to a soundtrack so that you can do the finishing touches with the audio effects.

**Integrated timelines: Keep switching from one tab to another, same as you do on the browser, as per your needs. You can edit in one tab, make a composition in the other, and then get back to the editor without the necessity of loading other software.

**Customized playback: You can personalize playback. It will help you get exposed to non-stop playback in the trimmer, thus preventing lagging and making edits easier. It allows you to control the playback quality and make hasty edits.

**Smart search: With the help of HitFilm Express, you can locate your desired keyword quickly. It will also help you find properties for all the effects, media, and timelines. In case you come from a different software system, the algorithm of hitfilm express editor identifies the keyword links and assists you in finding your search.

**Numerous streams: To allow the gamers to have a rejoicing experience, HitFilm allows importing files with multiple audio streams and provides you with complete flexibility over workflow.

**Adjustable trimmer: With HitFilm Express, you can re-trim clips even after adding to the timeline. The moment you double-click the clip, it will automatically get sent to the trimmer panel to allow you to make necessary adjustments. Once you have completed the changes, the clip will be again updated.

**Cinematic outlook: You can prepare your film with the classic cine-effects of HItFilm Express. Choose your most preferred effects like Day For Night, Three-Strip Color, Film Grain, and other styles to give a cinematic edge.

3. How to edit videos with Hitfilm Express?

Editing is cutting and accumulating the selected clips to tell the story better. Editing consists of adding sound effects, transitions, and other visual elements to help it view excellent results.

hitfilm how to edit

You have to set up the editor timeline and start importing clips to edit your clips. Use the editor tools like roll, slip, drag, selection, ripple, and others to customize your edit.

hitfilm orange section

  • Choose the Set in point button from the point where you want to start the clip. In the timeline, you will notice an orange section representing the part of the clip you want to play.
  • Now, skip through, and decide where you want to end the clip. You have to click the Set-out button. You can alternatively use the I and 0 keys as shortcuts.
  • Once you get your selected start and endpoint, you can drag down the portion of the video into the timeline. This time, you can get a message that shows the editor settings are different from the adding clip. It is your choice how you want to keep your settings.
  • If you find the selected set of a good standard, you can move forward and select “Yes” to ensure that your project gets changed into that setting.
  • In the viewer section, you will get to view the final outlook of the video. Here, on the downside of the timeline, you can click on the Zoom bar to see things in detail. Your previews will depend on the selected settings that you have made beforehand.
  • If you want to change your default setting, you can come to the hamburger icon for tracking and changing the size of the video to different ones.
  • Add a clip to the timeline: Position the play head at the timeline point where you want to start the clip, and then hit the insert clip button.

hitfilm set details

4. Hitfilm Express Alternative to Edit Videos

Anyone who finds video editing fun filling can try out Filmora . It is an ideal alternative to hitfilm express editing tutorial. Whether you shoot in an entry-level camera or a high-end video camera, Filmora will help you create and edit the most suitable videos. During the video editing procedure, you can experience multiple challenges that help you stay patient and work slowly to come out with the project.

filmora edit videos

It is the best video editing platform for beginners since it can provide comprehensive support for creating different video formats. The user-friendly interface and powerful editing features make the video editor one of the most used video editing software.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step-by-step guide for editing videos with Filmora

Step 1: Double click on the Filmora’s icon to start working on your project. Either open the new project or click on the aspect ratio for time-saving editing.

Step 2: Select the “project setting” option to customize the aspect ratio as per your need. Next, you will go to the import media files to choose the import with the instant cutter tool and opt for easy trimming of videos.

You can also use a lens correction tool to improve the quality of videos.

Step 3: Create a new folder and organize the clips alphabetically to increase efficiency.

Step 4: Drag and drop the trimmed videos on the timeline and rearrange them to remove the unnecessary parts. Press the play button to get previews of your added video clips.

Step 5: Now, it’s time to add audio and visual effects to your trimmed footage. You can also add opening titles and subtitles and use text templates to work on the video transition.

Step 6: With the help of a color correction tool, you can make the videos look vivid. It takes enough time and dedication to master color correction for your videos.

Step 7: When you are 100% sure about the final outlook of the project, you have to export the videos on YouTube for fast uploading on social media networks. Otherwise, you can opt for saving the video on the hard drives.

5. FAQs about Hitfilm Express

1.Is Hitfilm Express still free?

Ans: HitFilm Express is still free with alternative paid add-ons. The free video editing software helps make excellent films and video games with the professional-grade VFX. From students, beginners, and gamers to you Tubers – anyone can work on their creativity without spending a penny.

2.Is Hitfilm Express safe to download?

Ans: With more than 5 million active users across 160 countries, HitFilm Express is safe and legit software to download. If you are susceptible to using this platform, it is an excellent option to experience some remarkable features and learn A to Z of video editing.

3.Is Hitfilm Express still worth it?

Ans: IF anyone opts for the paid version, it will be expensive. However, the video editing software has beginner-friendly features like different AI tools for guided editing, 4K support, and others that hardly make any sense compared with other free software.

Looking at its professional features and high-quality editing, it is the most powerful video editing platform.


In a nutshell, HItFilm is an entirely free version of video editing software. Beginners can quickly learn it since the editing features can be easily grasped. To create amateur videos for professional ones, HitFilm Express is your one-stop solution. The customizable effects and compositing layers provide your videos with an excellent cinematic look. Everything you will get without spending any money.

Therefore, if you want to learn the A to Z of video editing for absolutely free, you can blindly rely on the hitfilm express editor.

Popular Trends in the creative space engendered the creation of several tools that have reduced the difficulties involved in content creation. A few years ago, executing simple post-production tricks was a huge task. Simple edits like changing video backgrounds needed an expensive light setup and a proper green/blue screen background. In simpler words, it was expensive.

Today, we can utilize a video background changer online without an expensive setup. It has brought out the hidden creativity in thousands of content creators worldwide. Check out TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms to verify this claim.

This article covers a list of tools that can edit video backgrounds online. Content creators and anyone who wants to explore creativity can use these tools. Before we jump into the substance of this article, you might be wondering;

Video Background Changer Creating realistic video scenes at your will is easy to complete with Filmora green screen removal.

Create Video Backgrounds Create Video Backgroundss Learn Green Screen

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What is a Video Background Changer?

A video background changer is a tool that can swap the background of any video. These tools usually work in three simple steps.

  • Analyze the footage,
  • Separate the subject or “subjects” from the background,
  • Switch backgrounds.

The process starts when a user uploads a video clip. The tool analyzes the footage and separates the subjects from the background. The user can select other available pre-made backgrounds or upload a preferred one to the platform. After this process, users can share the finished video or save it to their devices. Other kinds of background changers only merge a transparent clip with a background.

Part 2: 3 Video Background Changers Online

Quick Nav

top 5 video background changers online 1

Veed is an online feature-packed video editing platform. It comes with an interface that is suitable for newbies and professionals alike. Like many other competitors, it offers a free and premium version that unlocks more tools for you to play around with.

This tool allows you to edit video background online, transcribe audio, add subtitles, etc. Since this tool is web-based, there is no need to download any storage-intensive application. You can quickly edit your content online and share your videos.


  • Recorder feature for recording tutorials and online meetings
  • Edit feature for creating catchy videos
  • Transcriptions and subtitle module
  • Color grading feature
  • Online video hosting and storage

Trial & Pricing

Veed allows you to try out the platform’s basics for free, with most features tagged as “premium.” With the free version, you get 2GB of storage, 30 minutes of subtitles monthly, and an upload limit of 1 GB.

Pricing starts at:

  • $18 monthly (Basic plan)
  • $30 monthly (Pro plan)
  • $70 monthly (Business)
  • Custom Pricing.


top 5 video background changers online - 2

BeeCut is a video editing software specifically created and designed for simplicity. Quick trims and edits for short videos are the primary focus of the BeeCut online application. A compilation of over 60+ reviews quickly exposes BeeCut as a beginner-friendly editing software. You can acquaint yourself with this platform in less than 24 hours.

You can change your background online for free using the BeeCut online editor. It allows you to Import a background and merge it with the clip that contains your subject. BeeCut has a familiar user interface that feels like it came from mobile editors. This simplicity makes it easy to understand.


  • Trim and cut your footage
  • Add custom video intros and overlays
  • Speech recognition for transcription and subtitling
  • Online and offline versions for different functions
  • Large community of over 1 million users

Trial & Pricing

BeeCut allows you to download its software for free with limited access. The online tools, such as speech recognition, crop & merge videos, etc., are free. To get premium access, these are the costs;

Pricing Starts at:

  • Personal Packages
    • Lifetime $59.95
    • Monthly $29.95
    • Annually $39.95
  • Business package
    • Lifetime $159.9
    • Annually $79.95


top 5 video background changers online - 3

If you’re searching for one of the fastest background removers, you’re in luck. Unscreen is the “sit tight and relax” version of background changers. You can change the video background online without clicking any buttons or learning how to use the software. You also don’t need to select pixels or use a color picker from an “ultra key” function. You only upload a video, and the platform does the rest.

In simple steps, you can quickly acquaint yourself with Unscreen. It also promises a risk-free money-back guarantee that lasts for 14 days only.


  • Other platforms can integrate it as a tool
  • No watermarks
  • Full HD video upload and download
  • Affordable and more realistic payment structure
  • Specialized background remover

Trail & Pricing

You can use the “upload clip” button without prior payments. You only get to pay after the tool has successfully removed the background from your video.

Pricing Starts at:

  • Pay as you go - $4.99 per video minute
  • Subscription plan
    • Hobby - 3 mins/month for $9
    • Artist - 15 mins/month for $39
    • Creator - 45 mins/month for $89
    • Maker - 2 hours/month for $189
    • Studio - 5:30 hours/month for $389
    • Custom

Part 3: 3 Video Background Changers on Desktop

Quick Nav

Final Cut Pro

top 3 video background changers on desktop -1

The video editors’ community refers to Final Cut Pro as one of the most professional applications for Mac users. It is a standard editing software that competes with DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, and the rest. It uses the standard ground-to-top layering system to organize a timeline and is easy to learn.

Though it cannot edit background videos online, users can download it and use its chroma key effect. Like Premiere’s ultra-key effect, the chroma key function can select and remove a specific color. This is not the only way to remove backgrounds, but it is the most effective. If done correctly, no bleeding or distorted subject traces will be found.


  • Simple object motion tracking
  • Color grading and cinematic color LUTs
  • Supports 4k - 8k footage editing, rendering, and exporting
  • Text animations
  • Apple’s Neural Engine for speed edits

Trial & Pricing

Apple allows you to try the Final Cut Pro software for 90 days before requiring you to go premium. There are no feature restrictions in the trial version; however, after the 90-day period, you will have no access to the software until payment.

Pricing starts at:

  • $299.99 one-time fee

Adobe Premiere Pro

top 3 video background changers on desktop -2

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best-selling products from the Adobe franchise, apart from Acrobat Reader and Photoshop. Professionals worldwide trust Premiere Pro as their go-to editor. With features like cut & trim, animations (using keyframing), an in-built graphics panel, and a lumetri color grading panel. Most beginners start their creative video editing careers using Premiere Pro.

Online change video background features don’t come with this application. To change a video background, you have to use its “Ultra Key” effect, or mask out your subject frame-by-frame. The easiest way to achieve this is to use the color picker from the ultra key effect in your effects control panel. Premier Pro has a wide range of free tutorials on YouTube from various content creators. This makes the learning process a breeze.


  • AI-assisted transcription and subtitling
  • Customizable workspaces
  • Audio effects and dedicated audio editing interface
  • Work seamlessly between After Effects (for complex motion graphics and effects) and Audition (for dedicated audio effects and editing)
  • Large community support base

Trial & Pricing

Adobe allows you to try out their software in a suite for just 7 days only. Within this trial period, you can try out any of your preferred software with access to all the available features. Upon download, you are assigned an ID. you will need this to go premium.

Pricing starts at:

  • Individual package
    • $32.24 monthly for all Adobe CC apps
    • $22.56 monthly for Premiere Pro
  • Business package
    • $85.99 monthly for all Adobe CC apps
    • $36.54 monthly for single apps

Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

If you’re searching for easy-to-use video editing software for beginners and professionals, Filmora might be your best choice. With AI-assisted creative features, you can easily add effects and style to your video. Its AI Text-based editing feature makes adding effects enjoyable.

As a perfect alternative to getting a video background changer online, Filmora can save you hours in editing time. With AI assistance, you can separate your subject from your background without needing to do the work. You can add creative texts and colors to your background with a few clicks.


  • AI-assisted editing
  • Hundreds of templates
  • Countless effect templates.

Trial & Pricing

You can download the Filmora app and enjoy 7 days free trial across all device platforms.

Pricing starts at:

  • Individuals
    • Cross-Platform Annual Plan - $49.99
    • Cross-Platform Quarterly Plan - $29.99
    • Perpetual Plan - $79.99 one-time payment
  • Teams & Businesses
    • For Team - 1 user $155.88 to 5 users $701.4
    • For Business - Custom
  • Education
    • Filmora Monthly Plan (1 PC) $19.99
    • Filmora Annual Plan (1 PC) $40.99
    • Filmora Perpetual Plan (1 PC) $49.99
  • Bundles
    • Switch between Mac and Windows - $81.58


In finding the right Video background changer online, knowing the description and the features offered is key. We’ve saved you the stress of having to try them all out. With this article, you should be able to pick what works best for you.

Out of these mentioned tools, no one stands out as a better money’s worth like Filmora. With AI assistance, you can save hours in editing time, and get better results. Users worldwide have reviewed this app, and recommend it for easy use, quality exports, and seamless AI-assisted editing. Grab up to 20% off with Filmora’s Easter’s Offer now. There are only a few days left.

Create Video Backgrounds Create Video Backgroundss Learn Green Screen

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What is a Video Background Changer?

A video background changer is a tool that can swap the background of any video. These tools usually work in three simple steps.

  • Analyze the footage,
  • Separate the subject or “subjects” from the background,
  • Switch backgrounds.

The process starts when a user uploads a video clip. The tool analyzes the footage and separates the subjects from the background. The user can select other available pre-made backgrounds or upload a preferred one to the platform. After this process, users can share the finished video or save it to their devices. Other kinds of background changers only merge a transparent clip with a background.

Part 2: 3 Video Background Changers Online

Quick Nav

top 5 video background changers online 1

Veed is an online feature-packed video editing platform. It comes with an interface that is suitable for newbies and professionals alike. Like many other competitors, it offers a free and premium version that unlocks more tools for you to play around with.

This tool allows you to edit video background online, transcribe audio, add subtitles, etc. Since this tool is web-based, there is no need to download any storage-intensive application. You can quickly edit your content online and share your videos.


  • Recorder feature for recording tutorials and online meetings
  • Edit feature for creating catchy videos
  • Transcriptions and subtitle module
  • Color grading feature
  • Online video hosting and storage

Trial & Pricing

Veed allows you to try out the platform’s basics for free, with most features tagged as “premium.” With the free version, you get 2GB of storage, 30 minutes of subtitles monthly, and an upload limit of 1 GB.

Pricing starts at:

  • $18 monthly (Basic plan)
  • $30 monthly (Pro plan)
  • $70 monthly (Business)
  • Custom Pricing.


top 5 video background changers online - 2

BeeCut is a video editing software specifically created and designed for simplicity. Quick trims and edits for short videos are the primary focus of the BeeCut online application. A compilation of over 60+ reviews quickly exposes BeeCut as a beginner-friendly editing software. You can acquaint yourself with this platform in less than 24 hours.

You can change your background online for free using the BeeCut online editor. It allows you to Import a background and merge it with the clip that contains your subject. BeeCut has a familiar user interface that feels like it came from mobile editors. This simplicity makes it easy to understand.


  • Trim and cut your footage
  • Add custom video intros and overlays
  • Speech recognition for transcription and subtitling
  • Online and offline versions for different functions
  • Large community of over 1 million users

Trial & Pricing

BeeCut allows you to download its software for free with limited access. The online tools, such as speech recognition, crop & merge videos, etc., are free. To get premium access, these are the costs;

Pricing Starts at:

  • Personal Packages
    • Lifetime $59.95
    • Monthly $29.95
    • Annually $39.95
  • Business package
    • Lifetime $159.9
    • Annually $79.95


top 5 video background changers online - 3

If you’re searching for one of the fastest background removers, you’re in luck. Unscreen is the “sit tight and relax” version of background changers. You can change the video background online without clicking any buttons or learning how to use the software. You also don’t need to select pixels or use a color picker from an “ultra key” function. You only upload a video, and the platform does the rest.

In simple steps, you can quickly acquaint yourself with Unscreen. It also promises a risk-free money-back guarantee that lasts for 14 days only.


  • Other platforms can integrate it as a tool
  • No watermarks
  • Full HD video upload and download
  • Affordable and more realistic payment structure
  • Specialized background remover

Trail & Pricing

You can use the “upload clip” button without prior payments. You only get to pay after the tool has successfully removed the background from your video.

Pricing Starts at:

  • Pay as you go - $4.99 per video minute
  • Subscription plan
    • Hobby - 3 mins/month for $9
    • Artist - 15 mins/month for $39
    • Creator - 45 mins/month for $89
    • Maker - 2 hours/month for $189
    • Studio - 5:30 hours/month for $389
    • Custom

Part 3: 3 Video Background Changers on Desktop

Quick Nav

Final Cut Pro

top 3 video background changers on desktop -1

The video editors’ community refers to Final Cut Pro as one of the most professional applications for Mac users. It is a standard editing software that competes with DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, and the rest. It uses the standard ground-to-top layering system to organize a timeline and is easy to learn.

Though it cannot edit background videos online, users can download it and use its chroma key effect. Like Premiere’s ultra-key effect, the chroma key function can select and remove a specific color. This is not the only way to remove backgrounds, but it is the most effective. If done correctly, no bleeding or distorted subject traces will be found.


  • Simple object motion tracking
  • Color grading and cinematic color LUTs
  • Supports 4k - 8k footage editing, rendering, and exporting
  • Text animations
  • Apple’s Neural Engine for speed edits

Trial & Pricing

Apple allows you to try the Final Cut Pro software for 90 days before requiring you to go premium. There are no feature restrictions in the trial version; however, after the 90-day period, you will have no access to the software until payment.

Pricing starts at:

  • $299.99 one-time fee

Adobe Premiere Pro

top 3 video background changers on desktop -2

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best-selling products from the Adobe franchise, apart from Acrobat Reader and Photoshop. Professionals worldwide trust Premiere Pro as their go-to editor. With features like cut & trim, animations (using keyframing), an in-built graphics panel, and a lumetri color grading panel. Most beginners start their creative video editing careers using Premiere Pro.

Online change video background features don’t come with this application. To change a video background, you have to use its “Ultra Key” effect, or mask out your subject frame-by-frame. The easiest way to achieve this is to use the color picker from the ultra key effect in your effects control panel. Premier Pro has a wide range of free tutorials on YouTube from various content creators. This makes the learning process a breeze.


  • AI-assisted transcription and subtitling
  • Customizable workspaces
  • Audio effects and dedicated audio editing interface
  • Work seamlessly between After Effects (for complex motion graphics and effects) and Audition (for dedicated audio effects and editing)
  • Large community support base

Trial & Pricing

Adobe allows you to try out their software in a suite for just 7 days only. Within this trial period, you can try out any of your preferred software with access to all the available features. Upon download, you are assigned an ID. you will need this to go premium.

Pricing starts at:

  • Individual package
    • $32.24 monthly for all Adobe CC apps
    • $22.56 monthly for Premiere Pro
  • Business package
    • $85.99 monthly for all Adobe CC apps
    • $36.54 monthly for single apps

Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

If you’re searching for easy-to-use video editing software for beginners and professionals, Filmora might be your best choice. With AI-assisted creative features, you can easily add effects and style to your video. Its AI Text-based editing feature makes adding effects enjoyable.

As a perfect alternative to getting a video background changer online, Filmora can save you hours in editing time. With AI assistance, you can separate your subject from your background without needing to do the work. You can add creative texts and colors to your background with a few clicks.


  • AI-assisted editing
  • Hundreds of templates
  • Countless effect templates.

Trial & Pricing

You can download the Filmora app and enjoy 7 days free trial across all device platforms.

Pricing starts at:

  • Individuals
    • Cross-Platform Annual Plan - $49.99
    • Cross-Platform Quarterly Plan - $29.99
    • Perpetual Plan - $79.99 one-time payment
  • Teams & Businesses
    • For Team - 1 user $155.88 to 5 users $701.4
    • For Business - Custom
  • Education
    • Filmora Monthly Plan (1 PC) $19.99
    • Filmora Annual Plan (1 PC) $40.99
    • Filmora Perpetual Plan (1 PC) $49.99
  • Bundles
    • Switch between Mac and Windows - $81.58


In finding the right Video background changer online, knowing the description and the features offered is key. We’ve saved you the stress of having to try them all out. With this article, you should be able to pick what works best for you.

Out of these mentioned tools, no one stands out as a better money’s worth like Filmora. With AI assistance, you can save hours in editing time, and get better results. Users worldwide have reviewed this app, and recommend it for easy use, quality exports, and seamless AI-assisted editing. Grab up to 20% off with Filmora’s Easter’s Offer now. There are only a few days left.

Are You Aware that You Can Create Your Own Lower Thirds for Video? Read This Article for a Tutorial on How to Customize One

As a video creator, there are times when you need to use Lower Thirds. Although many lower-third presets are available, making unique and personalized ones can ensure your video stands out.

So, to empower your inner video creator, this article will show you how to make your own Lower Thirds in Filmora.

Part 1: What is Lower Third

A Lower Third is a mix of motion graphic design and texts that are placed in the lower area of the screen. It provides additional information, such as a person’s name or other relevant information, without distracting the audience from the main content.

Lower Thirds can be used in various settings, such as news broadcasts or interviews, to help provide viewers with additional context.

Part 2: How to Make Your Own Lower Thirds in Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

(1) A simple line and texts

a simple line and texts

Step1 Create a simple line

Go to the Media library > Sample Media folder > choose a color sample. For this tutorial, we will select the white color. Then, drag and drop this sample color onto the upper video track.

create a simple line

Double-click the white sample clip to open the settings and scale it to 30%. Then, reposition the white bar to your desired place.

double-click the white sample clip

Step2 Mask the white sample

Since we want to create a thin horizontal shape, you need to make some adjustments to the white sample by using an image mask. So, go to the Effect window > Utility > Image Mask. Then, drag and drop the “Image Mask” onto the white color sample.

mask the white sample

After that, double-click the white sample on the timeline and find the Image Mask setting. Choose the shape that works best for your needs. For this tutorial, we are going to use this one. Then, adjust the X and Y-axis scale numbers until it becomes a thin white line. Click OK.

double-click the white sample

Step3 Add a text for your lower thirds

Go to Titles > Plain Text > Basic 6 and drop it onto the second video track above the white line clip. Don’t worry about the exact position yet. We can adjust it later.

add a text for your lower thirds

Double-click on the text clip to open the settings, then type some text there and adjust the size and font.

double-click on the text clip

Step4 Add animation to the text

Click Advanced > Animation > Up Down 1 animation. Adjust the animation length by dragging the two brackets on the timeline on the right side. Click Ok.

add animation to the text

Step5 Add keyframes to the white line clip when entering

Double-click on the white line clip on the timeline to show the animation keyframe setting window. Then, playback the animation of the text, find a position before the text animation starts and move the play head there. Make sure it is close enough to when the texts show up so the white line enters the keyframe right before the text enters.

add keyframes to the white line clip when entering

Click to add a keyframe, double-check to make sure it is the final position you want, and the opacity should be 100 at this point.

After that, move the play head to the left for a few frames and click add again. To make sure the white line is out of the frame before entering, you need to change the Y-axis number. Change the opacity to 0 as the white line starts in transparent color.

move the play head to the left

These two keyframes will create an effect of the line entering the frame while turning from transparent to white. Playback the animation and adjust the keyframes marks by dragging them to the left or right until you feel the timing looks good.

Step6 Add keyframes to the white line clip when exiting

Playback again to find where the texts disappear, then move the play head to a position after it. Also, make sure it’s close enough to where the texts disappear so you can ensure the white line exits right after the texts disappear. Then, add the keyframe.

add keyframes to the white line clip when exiting

You don’t need to change the setting this time because this keyframe is used to keep the position and opacity unchanged.

Instead, move the play head again to the right for a few frames and add another keyframe. Move the texts out of the frame by changing the y-axis number, then change the opacity to 0. This keyframe is used to create the white line animation exiting the frame and turning back to transparent in the meantime.

move the texts out of the frame

Playback the video and see how it looks.

(2) A name card with a solid background

a name card with a solid background

Sometimes you might want to create a name card with a solid background like the sample above. To create it, we can use the same method. Here’s how to do it:

Step1 Make the lower third background

Select the white color sample from the sample color folder and drop it onto the upper video track of the video.

make the lower third background

Change the scale to 30%, then reposition the white sample to your desired place. Click OK.

change the scale to 30%

Step2 Create an image mask for the lower third background

Drag and drop the Image Mask onto the white sample clip on the timeline.

create an image mask

Double-click on the white sample clip to activate the video setting window and find the Image Mask settings. Then, choose the mask shape you need. You can also adjust its size by changing the X or Y-axis.

double-click on the white sample clip

Step3 Add some text

Once the background card is in place, go to Titles > Plain Text > ‘Basic 6’ and drop it onto the third video track.

go to titles

Now, type in the texts as needed. Reposition and scale the texts to make sure they are on top of the background shape.

type in the texts

Step4 Add animation to the text

Click Advanced > Animation > Push. Then, adjust the animation length accordingly. Click Ok.

click advanced

Double-click on the background clip to show the animation tab setting. Then, playback the text animation and find a position earlier than the start and add a keyframe.

double-click on the background clip

Similar to the tutorial before, move the play head again a few frames earlier to the left and add another keyframe. If you want to have the name card flying in from the left while expanding, you can change the X-axis and scale of the background card to 0. Change the opacity to 0 to create a color change from transparent to white.

move the play head again

To let the background card exit the frame, add two more keyframes to the background card. Add a keyframe with no changes to settings. Move the play head to the right for a few frames and add another keyframe.

add two more keyframes

If you want the name card to exit to the bottom, change the Y-axis number until it exits. Change the scale and opacity to 0. Then, playback and adjust the keyframes.

Finally, you can add a Subscribe button from the new default Filmora element pack “Social Media.”

add a subscribe button

Wrapping up

These are two ways you can create your own Lower Thirds in FIlmora. You can also change the keyframe settings to customize your lower thirds even more. Now, it’s time to try it yourself, and let us know what you think!

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

(1) A simple line and texts

a simple line and texts

Step1 Create a simple line

Go to the Media library > Sample Media folder > choose a color sample. For this tutorial, we will select the white color. Then, drag and drop this sample color onto the upper video track.

create a simple line

Double-click the white sample clip to open the settings and scale it to 30%. Then, reposition the white bar to your desired place.

double-click the white sample clip

Step2 Mask the white sample

Since we want to create a thin horizontal shape, you need to make some adjustments to the white sample by using an image mask. So, go to the Effect window > Utility > Image Mask. Then, drag and drop the “Image Mask” onto the white color sample.

mask the white sample

After that, double-click the white sample on the timeline and find the Image Mask setting. Choose the shape that works best for your needs. For this tutorial, we are going to use this one. Then, adjust the X and Y-axis scale numbers until it becomes a thin white line. Click OK.

double-click the white sample

Step3 Add a text for your lower thirds

Go to Titles > Plain Text > Basic 6 and drop it onto the second video track above the white line clip. Don’t worry about the exact position yet. We can adjust it later.

add a text for your lower thirds

Double-click on the text clip to open the settings, then type some text there and adjust the size and font.

double-click on the text clip

Step4 Add animation to the text

Click Advanced > Animation > Up Down 1 animation. Adjust the animation length by dragging the two brackets on the timeline on the right side. Click Ok.

add animation to the text

Step5 Add keyframes to the white line clip when entering

Double-click on the white line clip on the timeline to show the animation keyframe setting window. Then, playback the animation of the text, find a position before the text animation starts and move the play head there. Make sure it is close enough to when the texts show up so the white line enters the keyframe right before the text enters.

add keyframes to the white line clip when entering

Click to add a keyframe, double-check to make sure it is the final position you want, and the opacity should be 100 at this point.

After that, move the play head to the left for a few frames and click add again. To make sure the white line is out of the frame before entering, you need to change the Y-axis number. Change the opacity to 0 as the white line starts in transparent color.

move the play head to the left

These two keyframes will create an effect of the line entering the frame while turning from transparent to white. Playback the animation and adjust the keyframes marks by dragging them to the left or right until you feel the timing looks good.

Step6 Add keyframes to the white line clip when exiting

Playback again to find where the texts disappear, then move the play head to a position after it. Also, make sure it’s close enough to where the texts disappear so you can ensure the white line exits right after the texts disappear. Then, add the keyframe.

add keyframes to the white line clip when exiting

You don’t need to change the setting this time because this keyframe is used to keep the position and opacity unchanged.

Instead, move the play head again to the right for a few frames and add another keyframe. Move the texts out of the frame by changing the y-axis number, then change the opacity to 0. This keyframe is used to create the white line animation exiting the frame and turning back to transparent in the meantime.

move the texts out of the frame

Playback the video and see how it looks.

(2) A name card with a solid background

a name card with a solid background

Sometimes you might want to create a name card with a solid background like the sample above. To create it, we can use the same method. Here’s how to do it:

Step1 Make the lower third background

Select the white color sample from the sample color folder and drop it onto the upper video track of the video.

make the lower third background

Change the scale to 30%, then reposition the white sample to your desired place. Click OK.

change the scale to 30%

Step2 Create an image mask for the lower third background

Drag and drop the Image Mask onto the white sample clip on the timeline.

create an image mask

Double-click on the white sample clip to activate the video setting window and find the Image Mask settings. Then, choose the mask shape you need. You can also adjust its size by changing the X or Y-axis.

double-click on the white sample clip

Step3 Add some text

Once the background card is in place, go to Titles > Plain Text > ‘Basic 6’ and drop it onto the third video track.

go to titles

Now, type in the texts as needed. Reposition and scale the texts to make sure they are on top of the background shape.

type in the texts

Step4 Add animation to the text

Click Advanced > Animation > Push. Then, adjust the animation length accordingly. Click Ok.

click advanced

Double-click on the background clip to show the animation tab setting. Then, playback the text animation and find a position earlier than the start and add a keyframe.

double-click on the background clip

Similar to the tutorial before, move the play head again a few frames earlier to the left and add another keyframe. If you want to have the name card flying in from the left while expanding, you can change the X-axis and scale of the background card to 0. Change the opacity to 0 to create a color change from transparent to white.

move the play head again

To let the background card exit the frame, add two more keyframes to the background card. Add a keyframe with no changes to settings. Move the play head to the right for a few frames and add another keyframe.

add two more keyframes

If you want the name card to exit to the bottom, change the Y-axis number until it exits. Change the scale and opacity to 0. Then, playback and adjust the keyframes.

Finally, you can add a Subscribe button from the new default Filmora element pack “Social Media.”

add a subscribe button

Wrapping up

These are two ways you can create your own Lower Thirds in FIlmora. You can also change the keyframe settings to customize your lower thirds even more. Now, it’s time to try it yourself, and let us know what you think!

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, What Does It Mean to Color Grade Your Images, and Why Is It so Important? Does It Mean the Same Thing as a Color Correction? Read on to Gather All the Information You Need on Color Grading Photography
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:12:45
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:12:45
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
In 2024, What Does It Mean to Color Grade Your Images, and Why Is It so Important? Does It Mean the Same Thing as a Color Correction? Read on to Gather All the Information You Need on Color Grading Photography