New 2024 Approved How to Create a Bokeh Effect

New 2024 Approved How to Create a Bokeh Effect

Morgan Lv12

How to Create a Bokeh Effect

There’s a strong chance you’ve heard about bokeh before if you frequently visit photography websites or have friends who are photographers. What exactly is this optical effect that camera aficionados frequently discuss? Bokeh, who is derived from the Japanese word for “blur,” is a term used in photography to describe how a lens presents an out-of-focus background.

  1. Paintshop Pro
  2. Blur n Bokeh
  3. PhotoDirector
  4. Tadaa SLR

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

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Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

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How to Resize FLV Videos Efficiently [Windows, Mac,Android, iPhone & Online]

FLV Videos are Flash Video files with a .flv file extension. FLV video files were once one of the most popular video file types and the standard video format used for embedding videos on the internet and streaming. Even though video files like mp4 and mkv have gained more popularity today, you can still come across many Flv videos on the internet.

In this article, you’ll be learning How to Resize FLV Videos Efficiently on all the platforms. But wait, what exactly does the resizing mean? When you are working with videos, resizing can mean two things: one is changing the aspect ratio or resolution of the video and another is changing the file size of the video. So let’s see how we can resize the flv videos efficiently on different platforms:

Best FLV Editor to Resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac – Filmora Video Editor [with steps]

Among many different video editors available today, Filmora Video Editor is the one that climbs up the rank to the top. It is the best FLV editor on Windows and Mac for resizing and editing flv videos. Different social media platforms require videos of different sizes, resolutions, and aspect ratios. For eg: YouTube requires horizontal video, TikTok requires vertical, Emails have a size limit for every file, etc. That’s when the Filmora Video Editor comes into play for fast and easy resizing of any video for different platforms.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Why choose Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos, you say?

  • Simple UI and easy interface
  • Easily crop or change the aspect ratio of the video
  • Not all video editors support FLV video format, but the Filmora does
  • Advanced export options to compress or change the file size of video
  • Suitable for beginners as well as professionals
  • Regular software updates and improvements

Plus, Filmora Video Editor has a free version, so you can instantly download the program, install it, and get started on resizing FLV Videos. Below is a step-by-step guide to resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, so you can follow along!

Steps to resize FLV videos with Filmora Video Editor:

  1. Launch Filmora and open a new project

Run the Wondershare Filmora application on Windows or Mac after installing it. Then you should automatically be inside a new project. If not, you can manually open a new project by going to File on the top left corner and then clicking on ‘**New Project**’.

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  1. Import the FLV video and add it to timeline

Click on ‘**Import Media Files**’ and import the flv video into project media from your computer’s file explorer. Then add the video to the timeline by dragging it inside the timeline.

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  1. Edit and perform desired modifications (Optional)

If you are just looking to resize the FLV video file, then you can skip this step and move to step no. 4. Otherwise, you can do various editings on the video like cropping, muting, trimming, animating, etc. before resizing the video. Filmora provides a wide range of features for editing and adding effects to the video.

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  1. Resize the video by changing the aspect ratio

Aspect ratio defines the shape of your video like if you want the video to be horizontal, vertical, square, or custom. Generally, the term ‘resizing video’ refers to changing the aspect ratio of the video. For that, go to the File and then to the Project Settings. Then on the Aspect Ratio box, select the one that you prefer or you can try custom scaling. You can choose your preferred resolution of the project too while you’re at it.

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  1. Resize the video by cropping

When you change the aspect ratio of the project, some parts of your flv video might not fit or it might be shrunk small to fit. So you need to resize the flv video by cropping so that you can crop and focus on the part of the video you like. To crop the video, select the flv video clip in the timeline and click on the crop icon in the timeline toolbar. Now choose the ratio you want to crop and select the part you’d like to keep. Then click OK and your flv video will be resized.

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  1. Adjust the file size of the video through export settings

After you’ve cropped and resized the Flv video, you need to export it by clicking the Export button on the top center part. There are different settings available for exporting the video. Click on the Settings button near the resolution and you’ll be shown some detailed preferences for exporting. Every setting here like frame rate, resolution, bitrate, etc. can affect the size of the output video.

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Filmora Video Editor really makes the task of editing and resizing FLV videos easier, simpler, and faster. Since you now know the steps, it’s time you try it and resize your own FLV videos with this best FLV Editor for Windows and Mac.

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Windows

In case you want to try something different than Filmora, here are two alternative software (one paid and another free) that you can use to resize your FLV Videos on Windows:

  1. Movavi Video Editor Plus

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Movavi Video Editor Plus is one of the best easy-to-use video editors that can help you to resize FLV videos as well as edit them on Windows. Its interface and functionalities are somewhat similar to that of the Filmora Video Editor. This is a paid software available for download on both Windows and Mac but you can try it for free with their 7 days trial version.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with Movavi Video Editor:

  • Install Movavi Video Editor and run the software on your PC. Then you should automatically be inside a new project in it.

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  • Import the FLV video file you want to resize through the ‘File Import’ tab on the left and drag it to the timeline.

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  • To resize the aspect ratio, expand the resolution options near the preview screen above the export button and select the preferred ratio.

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  • To crop or resize the video, select the clip in the timeline and use the crop tool to make adjustments as you wish. Then hit Apply to save changes.

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  • After the video is ready, export it with the Export button on the right side of the screen. Then choose your preferred settings for output and click on Start after which your video will be rendered and saved to your PC.

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  1. VSDC Free Video Editor

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VSDC Free Video Editor is another alternative to Filmora for resizing FLV videos on Windows. It is a free video editor that packs a wide range of editing features without any restrictions. However, it does have a paid version with some advanced features and hardware acceleration.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with VSDC Free Video Editor:

  • Install and open VSDC video editor on your PC. Then create a new project with preferred settings through the ‘Projects’ tab on the top left corner.

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  • Import the video file into the project by dragging and dropping it directly into the timeline.

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  • To resize the aspect ratio, click on the Projects Explorer and click on your project name. Then in the Properties windows on the right, manually adjust width, height, resolution, etc. according to your preferences.

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  • To crop and reposition your video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Editor tab on the top. Then use the crop tool and adjust your video accordingly.

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  • Finally export your design through the Export project tab at the top with preferred settings.

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Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Mac

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is also available for Mac operating system which is recommended to resize FLV videos but if you want to try out some other alternatives, then below are the two ways to resize FLV videos on Mac:

  1. VideoProc Converter

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VideoProc is a powerful video editor/ converter that helps you edit, convert, and resize any kind of video. It also supports a wide range of codecs and video formats including flv. It is a paid software but you can also try their free trial version with some limitations.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with VideoProc:

  • Launch VideoProc on a Mac device and go inside the Video

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  • Add files in VideoProc by drag and drop method or directly through the ‘Add Video’ option.

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  • Then click on the Options (codec) on the right side of the video and change the resolutions and aspect ratio of the video as you want. You can also manage export settings like quality, codec, fps, bitrate, etc. from this tab.

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  • Then go to the Crop section inside the Edit Video tab and crop the video as you like with preview and different other options.

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  • Finally click Done to go back and hit the Run This’ll start rendering the video and will save it to your Mac device.

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  1. Shotcut

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Shotcut is another alternative to Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos on Mac. It is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor that has a sleek and intuitive interface with many useful editing features which really makes it suitable for both beginners as well as advanced editors.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with Shotcut:

  • Run the Shotcut program on your Mac after installing it and create a new project.

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  • Import the Flv video file to the project by drag and drop method into the timeline.

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  • To change the resolution and aspect ratio of the video, go to the Settings tab, then Video mode, and choose the format you want.

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  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Filters Now click on the ‘**+**’ icon and select Size, Position & Rotate under the Favorite section. Then adjust crop settings as you like.

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  • Finally, go to the Export section at the top and click on Advanced. Then configure the output settings as you like and click on Export File.

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2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on Android

Wouldn’t it be great if you could resize FLV videos on your android device rather than having to open your computer for every small task? Previously, this was a major issue due to a lack of good video editors for android with flv support but that’s no longer the case. Below are two ways to resize FLV videos on android:

  1. Inshot

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InShot is a powerful all-in-one video editor for android which acts both as a basic video editor as well as an advanced video editor with its simple design yet powerful features. There aren’t many video editors in Android that supports Flv or some older codecs, but InShot is one of the very few editors that support these video formats. It is a paid app but also has a limited free version to try.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with InShot:

  • Open the Inshot app on your android device and click on Video.

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  • Now select the FLV video file and click on the tick icon near the bottom right.

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  • Then tap on the Crop option from the tools at the bottom.

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  • Now select the aspect ratio you like and crop accordingly.

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  • To save the video, tap on the Save button at the top right. Then choose the resolution and finally save the video to your device.

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  1. AndroVid – Video Editor, Video Maker

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AndroVid is an easy-to-use, full-featured video editor especially developed to edit videos for social media like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is not a very popular application with just over 300k+ downloads in Google Play Store, but after testing it out, we thought it deserves to be in this article. It is available for free to download from Google Play Store.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with AndroVid Video Editor:

  • Open AndroVid Video Editor on an android phone and go inside the Videos

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  • Now select the FLV video file that you want to resize.

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  • Inside editor, tap on the Crop tool in the toolbar at the top.

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  • Then select the preferred Aspect ratio from the top right, reposition the video area and tap on the tick icon to save the video.

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  • If you need to change the resolution too, click on the three dots at the top right after the video is saved successfully. Then choose the preferred resolution, quality, and format and click on the tick icon to export.

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2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on iPhone

Like Android, you can also resize FLV videos on your iPhone on the go without needing to use your computer. Doing such editing on mobile phones can really save your time and effort, so here are 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos on iPhone:

  1. Cyberlink Powerdirector

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Cyberlink Powerdirector is one of the most popular as well as powerful video editors for Android and iOS. It is a full-featured mobile video editor with over 130M+ downloads on the App Store which allows you to do an advanced level of editing. It is a paid software but also has a free version available for download.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with PowerDirector:

  • Launch the PowerDirector app on your iPhone and create a new project. Unlike other apps, you cannot change the aspect ratio later, so you need to set the aspect ratio you want while creating a new project.

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  • Now add the FLV video file into the timeline by tapping on the ‘**+**’ icon on the video. Then tap on the play button at the top right to enter the editor.

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  • To resize the video, select the video clip in the timeline and tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left. Then use different crop tools available to resize your video as you want.

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  • After you resize the video, tap on the export button on the top right to export it. Then tap on Produce and Share, and produce resized video with preferred settings.

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  1. Splice – Video Editor & Maker

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Splice – Video Editor & Maker is a simple yet powerful application that makes it easy to create fully customized and professional-looking videos on iPhone. It is another great app for resizing FLV videos on iPhone with over 70M+ downloads on App Store and it is available for free.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with Splice:

  • Open the Splice app on the iPhone and tap on the ‘**+**’ icon to create a new project.

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  • Now select the flv video file to add and start the project.

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  • To resize the video, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner which opens up Project settings from where you can change the aspect ratio.

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  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and tap on the Crop option in the toolbar. You can crop and reposition the video from there.

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  • Then click on the Export icon at the top right corner to export the video with preferred configurations.

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2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos Online

Resizing is not that big of a task and you might just want to quickly resize your Flv video and share it. So why bother installing and running large video editing programs on your computer or even mobile phones when you can easily resize your videos in the web browser? Yes, you read that right, and below are the 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos online:

  1. io

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Veed is a simple online video editing tool that you can access from any device with the help of a web browser. It can help you resize your Flv videos easily within just a few clicks. It has a clean and beautiful interface with a responsive design which provides you with a good editing experience while using it. It is a paid tool but you can also try it for free before purchasing it.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with

  • Go to on your web browser and click on ‘Upload Your Video’ to get started without any account.

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  • Now upload the FLV video or you can directly drag and drop the video there.

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  • After you upload the video, you’ll be taken inside the Veed editor. To change the aspect ratio, go to the Size section inside Project Settings and choose the size you want to resize to.

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  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and directly resize the video from the preview area. And you can also use settings like ‘Fill the canvas’ and ‘Fit the canvas’ at the left side for ease.

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  • Then click on the Export button at the top right corner to open Export settings. Configure the settings as you like and click on ‘Export Video’ to render and download the video.

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  1. Clideo

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When it comes to resizing or editing videos online, Clideo is one of the best tools you can rely on. Like, it has a clean and responsive interface and supports many video formats including flv. Clideo is free to use but also comes with various subscription plans for extra functionalities.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Clideo:

  • Go to and upload your video through ‘Choose file’ button.

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  • To resize the aspect ratio, choose your desired formats in the ‘Resize for’ section. You can also manually set the aspect ratio.

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  • Then just below that, you’ll find various cropping options. Use them to crop or resize the video as you like.

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  • Finally, click on the Export button at the bottom right corner to export the video. You can download the video or can directly save to cloud storage like Drive, Dropbox, etc.

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FAQs about Resizing FLV Video

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to resizing FLV videos that you might be interested in:

  1. How do I make FLV files smaller?

You can make FLV files smaller with the help of any video editor that supports Flv video format by cutting and cropping out unnecessary parts, decreasing the resolution, and bitrate, and converting flv into another lighter file format.

  1. Which video editors support FLV file format?

There are few video editors like Filmora, Movavi, VSDC, etc. that support the FLV file format. But when it comes to editing FLV videos, Filmora Video Editor is the best choice.

  1. How do I view an FLV file?

FLV is one of the oldest video formats due to which most new and modern video players don’t recognize it or can’t play it. However, there are few programs like VLC media players which can help you view an FLV file. Or you can also convert the FLV file into other supported video formats with the help of a video converter.

  1. Can I convert a horizontal FLV video into a vertical one?

Yes, and that’s a piece of cake when you use Filmora Video Editor or other similar video editors. You just need to change the aspect ratio of the video or the project from horizontal (generally 16:9) to vertical (generally 9:16).

  1. Can I resize FLV video files on my mobile?

Though video editors on mobile are not as powerful as those on PC, there are some that are still capable enough to let you easily resize FLV video files on mobile devices. Some examples are InShot, Splice, Powerdirector, etc.

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Why choose Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos, you say?

  • Simple UI and easy interface
  • Easily crop or change the aspect ratio of the video
  • Not all video editors support FLV video format, but the Filmora does
  • Advanced export options to compress or change the file size of video
  • Suitable for beginners as well as professionals
  • Regular software updates and improvements

Plus, Filmora Video Editor has a free version, so you can instantly download the program, install it, and get started on resizing FLV Videos. Below is a step-by-step guide to resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, so you can follow along!

Steps to resize FLV videos with Filmora Video Editor:

  1. Launch Filmora and open a new project

Run the Wondershare Filmora application on Windows or Mac after installing it. Then you should automatically be inside a new project. If not, you can manually open a new project by going to File on the top left corner and then clicking on ‘**New Project**’.

resize flv

  1. Import the FLV video and add it to timeline

Click on ‘**Import Media Files**’ and import the flv video into project media from your computer’s file explorer. Then add the video to the timeline by dragging it inside the timeline.

resize flv

  1. Edit and perform desired modifications (Optional)

If you are just looking to resize the FLV video file, then you can skip this step and move to step no. 4. Otherwise, you can do various editings on the video like cropping, muting, trimming, animating, etc. before resizing the video. Filmora provides a wide range of features for editing and adding effects to the video.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by changing the aspect ratio

Aspect ratio defines the shape of your video like if you want the video to be horizontal, vertical, square, or custom. Generally, the term ‘resizing video’ refers to changing the aspect ratio of the video. For that, go to the File and then to the Project Settings. Then on the Aspect Ratio box, select the one that you prefer or you can try custom scaling. You can choose your preferred resolution of the project too while you’re at it.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by cropping

When you change the aspect ratio of the project, some parts of your flv video might not fit or it might be shrunk small to fit. So you need to resize the flv video by cropping so that you can crop and focus on the part of the video you like. To crop the video, select the flv video clip in the timeline and click on the crop icon in the timeline toolbar. Now choose the ratio you want to crop and select the part you’d like to keep. Then click OK and your flv video will be resized.

resize flv

  1. Adjust the file size of the video through export settings

After you’ve cropped and resized the Flv video, you need to export it by clicking the Export button on the top center part. There are different settings available for exporting the video. Click on the Settings button near the resolution and you’ll be shown some detailed preferences for exporting. Every setting here like frame rate, resolution, bitrate, etc. can affect the size of the output video.

resize flv

Filmora Video Editor really makes the task of editing and resizing FLV videos easier, simpler, and faster. Since you now know the steps, it’s time you try it and resize your own FLV videos with this best FLV Editor for Windows and Mac.

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Windows

In case you want to try something different than Filmora, here are two alternative software (one paid and another free) that you can use to resize your FLV Videos on Windows:

  1. Movavi Video Editor Plus

resize flv

Movavi Video Editor Plus is one of the best easy-to-use video editors that can help you to resize FLV videos as well as edit them on Windows. Its interface and functionalities are somewhat similar to that of the Filmora Video Editor. This is a paid software available for download on both Windows and Mac but you can try it for free with their 7 days trial version.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with Movavi Video Editor:

  • Install Movavi Video Editor and run the software on your PC. Then you should automatically be inside a new project in it.

resize flv

  • Import the FLV video file you want to resize through the ‘File Import’ tab on the left and drag it to the timeline.

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  • To resize the aspect ratio, expand the resolution options near the preview screen above the export button and select the preferred ratio.

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  • To crop or resize the video, select the clip in the timeline and use the crop tool to make adjustments as you wish. Then hit Apply to save changes.

resize flv

  • After the video is ready, export it with the Export button on the right side of the screen. Then choose your preferred settings for output and click on Start after which your video will be rendered and saved to your PC.

resize flv

  1. VSDC Free Video Editor

resize flv

VSDC Free Video Editor is another alternative to Filmora for resizing FLV videos on Windows. It is a free video editor that packs a wide range of editing features without any restrictions. However, it does have a paid version with some advanced features and hardware acceleration.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with VSDC Free Video Editor:

  • Install and open VSDC video editor on your PC. Then create a new project with preferred settings through the ‘Projects’ tab on the top left corner.

resize flv

  • Import the video file into the project by dragging and dropping it directly into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, click on the Projects Explorer and click on your project name. Then in the Properties windows on the right, manually adjust width, height, resolution, etc. according to your preferences.

resize flv

  • To crop and reposition your video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Editor tab on the top. Then use the crop tool and adjust your video accordingly.

resize flv

  • Finally export your design through the Export project tab at the top with preferred settings.

resize flv

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Mac

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is also available for Mac operating system which is recommended to resize FLV videos but if you want to try out some other alternatives, then below are the two ways to resize FLV videos on Mac:

  1. VideoProc Converter

resize flv

VideoProc is a powerful video editor/ converter that helps you edit, convert, and resize any kind of video. It also supports a wide range of codecs and video formats including flv. It is a paid software but you can also try their free trial version with some limitations.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with VideoProc:

  • Launch VideoProc on a Mac device and go inside the Video

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  • Add files in VideoProc by drag and drop method or directly through the ‘Add Video’ option.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Options (codec) on the right side of the video and change the resolutions and aspect ratio of the video as you want. You can also manage export settings like quality, codec, fps, bitrate, etc. from this tab.

resize flv

  • Then go to the Crop section inside the Edit Video tab and crop the video as you like with preview and different other options.

resize flv

  • Finally click Done to go back and hit the Run This’ll start rendering the video and will save it to your Mac device.

resize flv

  1. Shotcut

resize flv

Shotcut is another alternative to Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos on Mac. It is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor that has a sleek and intuitive interface with many useful editing features which really makes it suitable for both beginners as well as advanced editors.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with Shotcut:

  • Run the Shotcut program on your Mac after installing it and create a new project.

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  • Import the Flv video file to the project by drag and drop method into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To change the resolution and aspect ratio of the video, go to the Settings tab, then Video mode, and choose the format you want.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Filters Now click on the ‘**+**’ icon and select Size, Position & Rotate under the Favorite section. Then adjust crop settings as you like.

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  • Finally, go to the Export section at the top and click on Advanced. Then configure the output settings as you like and click on Export File.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on Android

Wouldn’t it be great if you could resize FLV videos on your android device rather than having to open your computer for every small task? Previously, this was a major issue due to a lack of good video editors for android with flv support but that’s no longer the case. Below are two ways to resize FLV videos on android:

  1. Inshot

resize flv

InShot is a powerful all-in-one video editor for android which acts both as a basic video editor as well as an advanced video editor with its simple design yet powerful features. There aren’t many video editors in Android that supports Flv or some older codecs, but InShot is one of the very few editors that support these video formats. It is a paid app but also has a limited free version to try.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with InShot:

  • Open the Inshot app on your android device and click on Video.

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  • Now select the FLV video file and click on the tick icon near the bottom right.

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  • Then tap on the Crop option from the tools at the bottom.

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  • Now select the aspect ratio you like and crop accordingly.

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  • To save the video, tap on the Save button at the top right. Then choose the resolution and finally save the video to your device.

resize flv

  1. AndroVid – Video Editor, Video Maker

resize flv

AndroVid is an easy-to-use, full-featured video editor especially developed to edit videos for social media like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is not a very popular application with just over 300k+ downloads in Google Play Store, but after testing it out, we thought it deserves to be in this article. It is available for free to download from Google Play Store.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with AndroVid Video Editor:

  • Open AndroVid Video Editor on an android phone and go inside the Videos

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  • Now select the FLV video file that you want to resize.

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  • Inside editor, tap on the Crop tool in the toolbar at the top.

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  • Then select the preferred Aspect ratio from the top right, reposition the video area and tap on the tick icon to save the video.

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  • If you need to change the resolution too, click on the three dots at the top right after the video is saved successfully. Then choose the preferred resolution, quality, and format and click on the tick icon to export.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on iPhone

Like Android, you can also resize FLV videos on your iPhone on the go without needing to use your computer. Doing such editing on mobile phones can really save your time and effort, so here are 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos on iPhone:

  1. Cyberlink Powerdirector

resize flv

Cyberlink Powerdirector is one of the most popular as well as powerful video editors for Android and iOS. It is a full-featured mobile video editor with over 130M+ downloads on the App Store which allows you to do an advanced level of editing. It is a paid software but also has a free version available for download.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with PowerDirector:

  • Launch the PowerDirector app on your iPhone and create a new project. Unlike other apps, you cannot change the aspect ratio later, so you need to set the aspect ratio you want while creating a new project.

resize flv

  • Now add the FLV video file into the timeline by tapping on the ‘**+**’ icon on the video. Then tap on the play button at the top right to enter the editor.

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  • To resize the video, select the video clip in the timeline and tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left. Then use different crop tools available to resize your video as you want.

resize flv

  • After you resize the video, tap on the export button on the top right to export it. Then tap on Produce and Share, and produce resized video with preferred settings.

resize flv

  1. Splice – Video Editor & Maker

resize flv

Splice – Video Editor & Maker is a simple yet powerful application that makes it easy to create fully customized and professional-looking videos on iPhone. It is another great app for resizing FLV videos on iPhone with over 70M+ downloads on App Store and it is available for free.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with Splice:

  • Open the Splice app on the iPhone and tap on the ‘**+**’ icon to create a new project.

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  • Now select the flv video file to add and start the project.

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  • To resize the video, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner which opens up Project settings from where you can change the aspect ratio.

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  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and tap on the Crop option in the toolbar. You can crop and reposition the video from there.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export icon at the top right corner to export the video with preferred configurations.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos Online

Resizing is not that big of a task and you might just want to quickly resize your Flv video and share it. So why bother installing and running large video editing programs on your computer or even mobile phones when you can easily resize your videos in the web browser? Yes, you read that right, and below are the 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos online:

  1. io

resize flv

Veed is a simple online video editing tool that you can access from any device with the help of a web browser. It can help you resize your Flv videos easily within just a few clicks. It has a clean and beautiful interface with a responsive design which provides you with a good editing experience while using it. It is a paid tool but you can also try it for free before purchasing it.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with

  • Go to on your web browser and click on ‘Upload Your Video’ to get started without any account.

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  • Now upload the FLV video or you can directly drag and drop the video there.

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  • After you upload the video, you’ll be taken inside the Veed editor. To change the aspect ratio, go to the Size section inside Project Settings and choose the size you want to resize to.

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  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and directly resize the video from the preview area. And you can also use settings like ‘Fill the canvas’ and ‘Fit the canvas’ at the left side for ease.

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  • Then click on the Export button at the top right corner to open Export settings. Configure the settings as you like and click on ‘Export Video’ to render and download the video.

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  1. Clideo

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When it comes to resizing or editing videos online, Clideo is one of the best tools you can rely on. Like, it has a clean and responsive interface and supports many video formats including flv. Clideo is free to use but also comes with various subscription plans for extra functionalities.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Clideo:

  • Go to and upload your video through ‘Choose file’ button.

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  • To resize the aspect ratio, choose your desired formats in the ‘Resize for’ section. You can also manually set the aspect ratio.

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  • Then just below that, you’ll find various cropping options. Use them to crop or resize the video as you like.

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  • Finally, click on the Export button at the bottom right corner to export the video. You can download the video or can directly save to cloud storage like Drive, Dropbox, etc.

resize flv

FAQs about Resizing FLV Video

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to resizing FLV videos that you might be interested in:

  1. How do I make FLV files smaller?

You can make FLV files smaller with the help of any video editor that supports Flv video format by cutting and cropping out unnecessary parts, decreasing the resolution, and bitrate, and converting flv into another lighter file format.

  1. Which video editors support FLV file format?

There are few video editors like Filmora, Movavi, VSDC, etc. that support the FLV file format. But when it comes to editing FLV videos, Filmora Video Editor is the best choice.

  1. How do I view an FLV file?

FLV is one of the oldest video formats due to which most new and modern video players don’t recognize it or can’t play it. However, there are few programs like VLC media players which can help you view an FLV file. Or you can also convert the FLV file into other supported video formats with the help of a video converter.

  1. Can I convert a horizontal FLV video into a vertical one?

Yes, and that’s a piece of cake when you use Filmora Video Editor or other similar video editors. You just need to change the aspect ratio of the video or the project from horizontal (generally 16:9) to vertical (generally 9:16).

  1. Can I resize FLV video files on my mobile?

Though video editors on mobile are not as powerful as those on PC, there are some that are still capable enough to let you easily resize FLV video files on mobile devices. Some examples are InShot, Splice, Powerdirector, etc.

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Why choose Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos, you say?

  • Simple UI and easy interface
  • Easily crop or change the aspect ratio of the video
  • Not all video editors support FLV video format, but the Filmora does
  • Advanced export options to compress or change the file size of video
  • Suitable for beginners as well as professionals
  • Regular software updates and improvements

Plus, Filmora Video Editor has a free version, so you can instantly download the program, install it, and get started on resizing FLV Videos. Below is a step-by-step guide to resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, so you can follow along!

Steps to resize FLV videos with Filmora Video Editor:

  1. Launch Filmora and open a new project

Run the Wondershare Filmora application on Windows or Mac after installing it. Then you should automatically be inside a new project. If not, you can manually open a new project by going to File on the top left corner and then clicking on ‘**New Project**’.

resize flv

  1. Import the FLV video and add it to timeline

Click on ‘**Import Media Files**’ and import the flv video into project media from your computer’s file explorer. Then add the video to the timeline by dragging it inside the timeline.

resize flv

  1. Edit and perform desired modifications (Optional)

If you are just looking to resize the FLV video file, then you can skip this step and move to step no. 4. Otherwise, you can do various editings on the video like cropping, muting, trimming, animating, etc. before resizing the video. Filmora provides a wide range of features for editing and adding effects to the video.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by changing the aspect ratio

Aspect ratio defines the shape of your video like if you want the video to be horizontal, vertical, square, or custom. Generally, the term ‘resizing video’ refers to changing the aspect ratio of the video. For that, go to the File and then to the Project Settings. Then on the Aspect Ratio box, select the one that you prefer or you can try custom scaling. You can choose your preferred resolution of the project too while you’re at it.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by cropping

When you change the aspect ratio of the project, some parts of your flv video might not fit or it might be shrunk small to fit. So you need to resize the flv video by cropping so that you can crop and focus on the part of the video you like. To crop the video, select the flv video clip in the timeline and click on the crop icon in the timeline toolbar. Now choose the ratio you want to crop and select the part you’d like to keep. Then click OK and your flv video will be resized.

resize flv

  1. Adjust the file size of the video through export settings

After you’ve cropped and resized the Flv video, you need to export it by clicking the Export button on the top center part. There are different settings available for exporting the video. Click on the Settings button near the resolution and you’ll be shown some detailed preferences for exporting. Every setting here like frame rate, resolution, bitrate, etc. can affect the size of the output video.

resize flv

Filmora Video Editor really makes the task of editing and resizing FLV videos easier, simpler, and faster. Since you now know the steps, it’s time you try it and resize your own FLV videos with this best FLV Editor for Windows and Mac.

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Windows

In case you want to try something different than Filmora, here are two alternative software (one paid and another free) that you can use to resize your FLV Videos on Windows:

  1. Movavi Video Editor Plus

resize flv

Movavi Video Editor Plus is one of the best easy-to-use video editors that can help you to resize FLV videos as well as edit them on Windows. Its interface and functionalities are somewhat similar to that of the Filmora Video Editor. This is a paid software available for download on both Windows and Mac but you can try it for free with their 7 days trial version.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with Movavi Video Editor:

  • Install Movavi Video Editor and run the software on your PC. Then you should automatically be inside a new project in it.

resize flv

  • Import the FLV video file you want to resize through the ‘File Import’ tab on the left and drag it to the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, expand the resolution options near the preview screen above the export button and select the preferred ratio.

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  • To crop or resize the video, select the clip in the timeline and use the crop tool to make adjustments as you wish. Then hit Apply to save changes.

resize flv

  • After the video is ready, export it with the Export button on the right side of the screen. Then choose your preferred settings for output and click on Start after which your video will be rendered and saved to your PC.

resize flv

  1. VSDC Free Video Editor

resize flv

VSDC Free Video Editor is another alternative to Filmora for resizing FLV videos on Windows. It is a free video editor that packs a wide range of editing features without any restrictions. However, it does have a paid version with some advanced features and hardware acceleration.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with VSDC Free Video Editor:

  • Install and open VSDC video editor on your PC. Then create a new project with preferred settings through the ‘Projects’ tab on the top left corner.

resize flv

  • Import the video file into the project by dragging and dropping it directly into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, click on the Projects Explorer and click on your project name. Then in the Properties windows on the right, manually adjust width, height, resolution, etc. according to your preferences.

resize flv

  • To crop and reposition your video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Editor tab on the top. Then use the crop tool and adjust your video accordingly.

resize flv

  • Finally export your design through the Export project tab at the top with preferred settings.

resize flv

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Mac

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is also available for Mac operating system which is recommended to resize FLV videos but if you want to try out some other alternatives, then below are the two ways to resize FLV videos on Mac:

  1. VideoProc Converter

resize flv

VideoProc is a powerful video editor/ converter that helps you edit, convert, and resize any kind of video. It also supports a wide range of codecs and video formats including flv. It is a paid software but you can also try their free trial version with some limitations.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with VideoProc:

  • Launch VideoProc on a Mac device and go inside the Video

resize flv

  • Add files in VideoProc by drag and drop method or directly through the ‘Add Video’ option.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Options (codec) on the right side of the video and change the resolutions and aspect ratio of the video as you want. You can also manage export settings like quality, codec, fps, bitrate, etc. from this tab.

resize flv

  • Then go to the Crop section inside the Edit Video tab and crop the video as you like with preview and different other options.

resize flv

  • Finally click Done to go back and hit the Run This’ll start rendering the video and will save it to your Mac device.

resize flv

  1. Shotcut

resize flv

Shotcut is another alternative to Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos on Mac. It is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor that has a sleek and intuitive interface with many useful editing features which really makes it suitable for both beginners as well as advanced editors.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with Shotcut:

  • Run the Shotcut program on your Mac after installing it and create a new project.

resize flv

  • Import the Flv video file to the project by drag and drop method into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To change the resolution and aspect ratio of the video, go to the Settings tab, then Video mode, and choose the format you want.

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  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Filters Now click on the ‘**+**’ icon and select Size, Position & Rotate under the Favorite section. Then adjust crop settings as you like.

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  • Finally, go to the Export section at the top and click on Advanced. Then configure the output settings as you like and click on Export File.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on Android

Wouldn’t it be great if you could resize FLV videos on your android device rather than having to open your computer for every small task? Previously, this was a major issue due to a lack of good video editors for android with flv support but that’s no longer the case. Below are two ways to resize FLV videos on android:

  1. Inshot

resize flv

InShot is a powerful all-in-one video editor for android which acts both as a basic video editor as well as an advanced video editor with its simple design yet powerful features. There aren’t many video editors in Android that supports Flv or some older codecs, but InShot is one of the very few editors that support these video formats. It is a paid app but also has a limited free version to try.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with InShot:

  • Open the Inshot app on your android device and click on Video.

resize flv

  • Now select the FLV video file and click on the tick icon near the bottom right.

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  • Then tap on the Crop option from the tools at the bottom.

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  • Now select the aspect ratio you like and crop accordingly.

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  • To save the video, tap on the Save button at the top right. Then choose the resolution and finally save the video to your device.

resize flv

  1. AndroVid – Video Editor, Video Maker

resize flv

AndroVid is an easy-to-use, full-featured video editor especially developed to edit videos for social media like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is not a very popular application with just over 300k+ downloads in Google Play Store, but after testing it out, we thought it deserves to be in this article. It is available for free to download from Google Play Store.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with AndroVid Video Editor:

  • Open AndroVid Video Editor on an android phone and go inside the Videos

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  • Now select the FLV video file that you want to resize.

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  • Inside editor, tap on the Crop tool in the toolbar at the top.

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  • Then select the preferred Aspect ratio from the top right, reposition the video area and tap on the tick icon to save the video.

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  • If you need to change the resolution too, click on the three dots at the top right after the video is saved successfully. Then choose the preferred resolution, quality, and format and click on the tick icon to export.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on iPhone

Like Android, you can also resize FLV videos on your iPhone on the go without needing to use your computer. Doing such editing on mobile phones can really save your time and effort, so here are 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos on iPhone:

  1. Cyberlink Powerdirector

resize flv

Cyberlink Powerdirector is one of the most popular as well as powerful video editors for Android and iOS. It is a full-featured mobile video editor with over 130M+ downloads on the App Store which allows you to do an advanced level of editing. It is a paid software but also has a free version available for download.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with PowerDirector:

  • Launch the PowerDirector app on your iPhone and create a new project. Unlike other apps, you cannot change the aspect ratio later, so you need to set the aspect ratio you want while creating a new project.

resize flv

  • Now add the FLV video file into the timeline by tapping on the ‘**+**’ icon on the video. Then tap on the play button at the top right to enter the editor.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, select the video clip in the timeline and tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left. Then use different crop tools available to resize your video as you want.

resize flv

  • After you resize the video, tap on the export button on the top right to export it. Then tap on Produce and Share, and produce resized video with preferred settings.

resize flv

  1. Splice – Video Editor & Maker

resize flv

Splice – Video Editor & Maker is a simple yet powerful application that makes it easy to create fully customized and professional-looking videos on iPhone. It is another great app for resizing FLV videos on iPhone with over 70M+ downloads on App Store and it is available for free.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with Splice:

  • Open the Splice app on the iPhone and tap on the ‘**+**’ icon to create a new project.

resize flv

  • Now select the flv video file to add and start the project.

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  • To resize the video, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner which opens up Project settings from where you can change the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and tap on the Crop option in the toolbar. You can crop and reposition the video from there.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export icon at the top right corner to export the video with preferred configurations.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos Online

Resizing is not that big of a task and you might just want to quickly resize your Flv video and share it. So why bother installing and running large video editing programs on your computer or even mobile phones when you can easily resize your videos in the web browser? Yes, you read that right, and below are the 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos online:

  1. io

resize flv

Veed is a simple online video editing tool that you can access from any device with the help of a web browser. It can help you resize your Flv videos easily within just a few clicks. It has a clean and beautiful interface with a responsive design which provides you with a good editing experience while using it. It is a paid tool but you can also try it for free before purchasing it.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with

  • Go to on your web browser and click on ‘Upload Your Video’ to get started without any account.

resize flv

  • Now upload the FLV video or you can directly drag and drop the video there.

resize flv

  • After you upload the video, you’ll be taken inside the Veed editor. To change the aspect ratio, go to the Size section inside Project Settings and choose the size you want to resize to.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and directly resize the video from the preview area. And you can also use settings like ‘Fill the canvas’ and ‘Fit the canvas’ at the left side for ease.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export button at the top right corner to open Export settings. Configure the settings as you like and click on ‘Export Video’ to render and download the video.

resize flv

  1. Clideo

resize flv

When it comes to resizing or editing videos online, Clideo is one of the best tools you can rely on. Like, it has a clean and responsive interface and supports many video formats including flv. Clideo is free to use but also comes with various subscription plans for extra functionalities.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Clideo:

  • Go to and upload your video through ‘Choose file’ button.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, choose your desired formats in the ‘Resize for’ section. You can also manually set the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • Then just below that, you’ll find various cropping options. Use them to crop or resize the video as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, click on the Export button at the bottom right corner to export the video. You can download the video or can directly save to cloud storage like Drive, Dropbox, etc.

resize flv

FAQs about Resizing FLV Video

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to resizing FLV videos that you might be interested in:

  1. How do I make FLV files smaller?

You can make FLV files smaller with the help of any video editor that supports Flv video format by cutting and cropping out unnecessary parts, decreasing the resolution, and bitrate, and converting flv into another lighter file format.

  1. Which video editors support FLV file format?

There are few video editors like Filmora, Movavi, VSDC, etc. that support the FLV file format. But when it comes to editing FLV videos, Filmora Video Editor is the best choice.

  1. How do I view an FLV file?

FLV is one of the oldest video formats due to which most new and modern video players don’t recognize it or can’t play it. However, there are few programs like VLC media players which can help you view an FLV file. Or you can also convert the FLV file into other supported video formats with the help of a video converter.

  1. Can I convert a horizontal FLV video into a vertical one?

Yes, and that’s a piece of cake when you use Filmora Video Editor or other similar video editors. You just need to change the aspect ratio of the video or the project from horizontal (generally 16:9) to vertical (generally 9:16).

  1. Can I resize FLV video files on my mobile?

Though video editors on mobile are not as powerful as those on PC, there are some that are still capable enough to let you easily resize FLV video files on mobile devices. Some examples are InShot, Splice, Powerdirector, etc.

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Why choose Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos, you say?

  • Simple UI and easy interface
  • Easily crop or change the aspect ratio of the video
  • Not all video editors support FLV video format, but the Filmora does
  • Advanced export options to compress or change the file size of video
  • Suitable for beginners as well as professionals
  • Regular software updates and improvements

Plus, Filmora Video Editor has a free version, so you can instantly download the program, install it, and get started on resizing FLV Videos. Below is a step-by-step guide to resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, so you can follow along!

Steps to resize FLV videos with Filmora Video Editor:

  1. Launch Filmora and open a new project

Run the Wondershare Filmora application on Windows or Mac after installing it. Then you should automatically be inside a new project. If not, you can manually open a new project by going to File on the top left corner and then clicking on ‘**New Project**’.

resize flv

  1. Import the FLV video and add it to timeline

Click on ‘**Import Media Files**’ and import the flv video into project media from your computer’s file explorer. Then add the video to the timeline by dragging it inside the timeline.

resize flv

  1. Edit and perform desired modifications (Optional)

If you are just looking to resize the FLV video file, then you can skip this step and move to step no. 4. Otherwise, you can do various editings on the video like cropping, muting, trimming, animating, etc. before resizing the video. Filmora provides a wide range of features for editing and adding effects to the video.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by changing the aspect ratio

Aspect ratio defines the shape of your video like if you want the video to be horizontal, vertical, square, or custom. Generally, the term ‘resizing video’ refers to changing the aspect ratio of the video. For that, go to the File and then to the Project Settings. Then on the Aspect Ratio box, select the one that you prefer or you can try custom scaling. You can choose your preferred resolution of the project too while you’re at it.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by cropping

When you change the aspect ratio of the project, some parts of your flv video might not fit or it might be shrunk small to fit. So you need to resize the flv video by cropping so that you can crop and focus on the part of the video you like. To crop the video, select the flv video clip in the timeline and click on the crop icon in the timeline toolbar. Now choose the ratio you want to crop and select the part you’d like to keep. Then click OK and your flv video will be resized.

resize flv

  1. Adjust the file size of the video through export settings

After you’ve cropped and resized the Flv video, you need to export it by clicking the Export button on the top center part. There are different settings available for exporting the video. Click on the Settings button near the resolution and you’ll be shown some detailed preferences for exporting. Every setting here like frame rate, resolution, bitrate, etc. can affect the size of the output video.

resize flv

Filmora Video Editor really makes the task of editing and resizing FLV videos easier, simpler, and faster. Since you now know the steps, it’s time you try it and resize your own FLV videos with this best FLV Editor for Windows and Mac.

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Windows

In case you want to try something different than Filmora, here are two alternative software (one paid and another free) that you can use to resize your FLV Videos on Windows:

  1. Movavi Video Editor Plus

resize flv

Movavi Video Editor Plus is one of the best easy-to-use video editors that can help you to resize FLV videos as well as edit them on Windows. Its interface and functionalities are somewhat similar to that of the Filmora Video Editor. This is a paid software available for download on both Windows and Mac but you can try it for free with their 7 days trial version.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with Movavi Video Editor:

  • Install Movavi Video Editor and run the software on your PC. Then you should automatically be inside a new project in it.

resize flv

  • Import the FLV video file you want to resize through the ‘File Import’ tab on the left and drag it to the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, expand the resolution options near the preview screen above the export button and select the preferred ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop or resize the video, select the clip in the timeline and use the crop tool to make adjustments as you wish. Then hit Apply to save changes.

resize flv

  • After the video is ready, export it with the Export button on the right side of the screen. Then choose your preferred settings for output and click on Start after which your video will be rendered and saved to your PC.

resize flv

  1. VSDC Free Video Editor

resize flv

VSDC Free Video Editor is another alternative to Filmora for resizing FLV videos on Windows. It is a free video editor that packs a wide range of editing features without any restrictions. However, it does have a paid version with some advanced features and hardware acceleration.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with VSDC Free Video Editor:

  • Install and open VSDC video editor on your PC. Then create a new project with preferred settings through the ‘Projects’ tab on the top left corner.

resize flv

  • Import the video file into the project by dragging and dropping it directly into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, click on the Projects Explorer and click on your project name. Then in the Properties windows on the right, manually adjust width, height, resolution, etc. according to your preferences.

resize flv

  • To crop and reposition your video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Editor tab on the top. Then use the crop tool and adjust your video accordingly.

resize flv

  • Finally export your design through the Export project tab at the top with preferred settings.

resize flv

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Mac

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is also available for Mac operating system which is recommended to resize FLV videos but if you want to try out some other alternatives, then below are the two ways to resize FLV videos on Mac:

  1. VideoProc Converter

resize flv

VideoProc is a powerful video editor/ converter that helps you edit, convert, and resize any kind of video. It also supports a wide range of codecs and video formats including flv. It is a paid software but you can also try their free trial version with some limitations.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with VideoProc:

  • Launch VideoProc on a Mac device and go inside the Video

resize flv

  • Add files in VideoProc by drag and drop method or directly through the ‘Add Video’ option.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Options (codec) on the right side of the video and change the resolutions and aspect ratio of the video as you want. You can also manage export settings like quality, codec, fps, bitrate, etc. from this tab.

resize flv

  • Then go to the Crop section inside the Edit Video tab and crop the video as you like with preview and different other options.

resize flv

  • Finally click Done to go back and hit the Run This’ll start rendering the video and will save it to your Mac device.

resize flv

  1. Shotcut

resize flv

Shotcut is another alternative to Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos on Mac. It is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor that has a sleek and intuitive interface with many useful editing features which really makes it suitable for both beginners as well as advanced editors.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with Shotcut:

  • Run the Shotcut program on your Mac after installing it and create a new project.

resize flv

  • Import the Flv video file to the project by drag and drop method into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To change the resolution and aspect ratio of the video, go to the Settings tab, then Video mode, and choose the format you want.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Filters Now click on the ‘**+**’ icon and select Size, Position & Rotate under the Favorite section. Then adjust crop settings as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, go to the Export section at the top and click on Advanced. Then configure the output settings as you like and click on Export File.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on Android

Wouldn’t it be great if you could resize FLV videos on your android device rather than having to open your computer for every small task? Previously, this was a major issue due to a lack of good video editors for android with flv support but that’s no longer the case. Below are two ways to resize FLV videos on android:

  1. Inshot

resize flv

InShot is a powerful all-in-one video editor for android which acts both as a basic video editor as well as an advanced video editor with its simple design yet powerful features. There aren’t many video editors in Android that supports Flv or some older codecs, but InShot is one of the very few editors that support these video formats. It is a paid app but also has a limited free version to try.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with InShot:

  • Open the Inshot app on your android device and click on Video.

resize flv

  • Now select the FLV video file and click on the tick icon near the bottom right.

resize flv

  • Then tap on the Crop option from the tools at the bottom.

resize flv

  • Now select the aspect ratio you like and crop accordingly.

resize flv

  • To save the video, tap on the Save button at the top right. Then choose the resolution and finally save the video to your device.

resize flv

  1. AndroVid – Video Editor, Video Maker

resize flv

AndroVid is an easy-to-use, full-featured video editor especially developed to edit videos for social media like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is not a very popular application with just over 300k+ downloads in Google Play Store, but after testing it out, we thought it deserves to be in this article. It is available for free to download from Google Play Store.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with AndroVid Video Editor:

  • Open AndroVid Video Editor on an android phone and go inside the Videos

resize flv

  • Now select the FLV video file that you want to resize.

resize flv

  • Inside editor, tap on the Crop tool in the toolbar at the top.

resize flv

  • Then select the preferred Aspect ratio from the top right, reposition the video area and tap on the tick icon to save the video.

resize flv

  • If you need to change the resolution too, click on the three dots at the top right after the video is saved successfully. Then choose the preferred resolution, quality, and format and click on the tick icon to export.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on iPhone

Like Android, you can also resize FLV videos on your iPhone on the go without needing to use your computer. Doing such editing on mobile phones can really save your time and effort, so here are 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos on iPhone:

  1. Cyberlink Powerdirector

resize flv

Cyberlink Powerdirector is one of the most popular as well as powerful video editors for Android and iOS. It is a full-featured mobile video editor with over 130M+ downloads on the App Store which allows you to do an advanced level of editing. It is a paid software but also has a free version available for download.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with PowerDirector:

  • Launch the PowerDirector app on your iPhone and create a new project. Unlike other apps, you cannot change the aspect ratio later, so you need to set the aspect ratio you want while creating a new project.

resize flv

  • Now add the FLV video file into the timeline by tapping on the ‘**+**’ icon on the video. Then tap on the play button at the top right to enter the editor.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, select the video clip in the timeline and tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left. Then use different crop tools available to resize your video as you want.

resize flv

  • After you resize the video, tap on the export button on the top right to export it. Then tap on Produce and Share, and produce resized video with preferred settings.

resize flv

  1. Splice – Video Editor & Maker

resize flv

Splice – Video Editor & Maker is a simple yet powerful application that makes it easy to create fully customized and professional-looking videos on iPhone. It is another great app for resizing FLV videos on iPhone with over 70M+ downloads on App Store and it is available for free.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with Splice:

  • Open the Splice app on the iPhone and tap on the ‘**+**’ icon to create a new project.

resize flv

  • Now select the flv video file to add and start the project.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner which opens up Project settings from where you can change the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and tap on the Crop option in the toolbar. You can crop and reposition the video from there.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export icon at the top right corner to export the video with preferred configurations.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos Online

Resizing is not that big of a task and you might just want to quickly resize your Flv video and share it. So why bother installing and running large video editing programs on your computer or even mobile phones when you can easily resize your videos in the web browser? Yes, you read that right, and below are the 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos online:

  1. io

resize flv

Veed is a simple online video editing tool that you can access from any device with the help of a web browser. It can help you resize your Flv videos easily within just a few clicks. It has a clean and beautiful interface with a responsive design which provides you with a good editing experience while using it. It is a paid tool but you can also try it for free before purchasing it.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with

  • Go to on your web browser and click on ‘Upload Your Video’ to get started without any account.

resize flv

  • Now upload the FLV video or you can directly drag and drop the video there.

resize flv

  • After you upload the video, you’ll be taken inside the Veed editor. To change the aspect ratio, go to the Size section inside Project Settings and choose the size you want to resize to.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and directly resize the video from the preview area. And you can also use settings like ‘Fill the canvas’ and ‘Fit the canvas’ at the left side for ease.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export button at the top right corner to open Export settings. Configure the settings as you like and click on ‘Export Video’ to render and download the video.

resize flv

  1. Clideo

resize flv

When it comes to resizing or editing videos online, Clideo is one of the best tools you can rely on. Like, it has a clean and responsive interface and supports many video formats including flv. Clideo is free to use but also comes with various subscription plans for extra functionalities.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Clideo:

  • Go to and upload your video through ‘Choose file’ button.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, choose your desired formats in the ‘Resize for’ section. You can also manually set the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • Then just below that, you’ll find various cropping options. Use them to crop or resize the video as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, click on the Export button at the bottom right corner to export the video. You can download the video or can directly save to cloud storage like Drive, Dropbox, etc.

resize flv

FAQs about Resizing FLV Video

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to resizing FLV videos that you might be interested in:

  1. How do I make FLV files smaller?

You can make FLV files smaller with the help of any video editor that supports Flv video format by cutting and cropping out unnecessary parts, decreasing the resolution, and bitrate, and converting flv into another lighter file format.

  1. Which video editors support FLV file format?

There are few video editors like Filmora, Movavi, VSDC, etc. that support the FLV file format. But when it comes to editing FLV videos, Filmora Video Editor is the best choice.

  1. How do I view an FLV file?

FLV is one of the oldest video formats due to which most new and modern video players don’t recognize it or can’t play it. However, there are few programs like VLC media players which can help you view an FLV file. Or you can also convert the FLV file into other supported video formats with the help of a video converter.

  1. Can I convert a horizontal FLV video into a vertical one?

Yes, and that’s a piece of cake when you use Filmora Video Editor or other similar video editors. You just need to change the aspect ratio of the video or the project from horizontal (generally 16:9) to vertical (generally 9:16).

  1. Can I resize FLV video files on my mobile?

Though video editors on mobile are not as powerful as those on PC, there are some that are still capable enough to let you easily resize FLV video files on mobile devices. Some examples are InShot, Splice, Powerdirector, etc.

Do You Want to Experiment with Various Sky Backgrounds for Your Footage? Learn About Sky Replacement After Effects in This Article with a Step-by-Step Guide

Replacing Sky After Effects can change the essence of your videos with an authentic feel. In sci-fi movies, the colors of the sky add a dramatic, intense, or soft touch to videos. In scenes of war, peace, crime, and love, skies represent the theme. Shooting outdoors cannot always capture the essence of the sky. Replacing skies can help with covering over-exposed or under-exposed skies.

In this article, the focus of the discussion is how to replace Sky After Effects. Users can also learn about the advantages of using background replacers. If you want to learn sky replacement in After Effects, there is an instruction manual. It will give you some tips and tricks for replacing and adjusting the sky. At the end, we will discuss another software for replacing video backgrounds .

Sky Replacement A cross-platform works like magic for background removal or sky replacement photos!

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Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What Are the Benefits of Having Video Background Replacers?

Along with enhancing the creative element in videos, background replacers help with more. Users can integrate them for both personal and professional uses. The following section will give a sneak peek at the advantages of background removers:

1. Privacy and Concealment

Video background removers extract the real surroundings, which addresses privacy concerns. In addition, they conceal any mess or imperfections in your background.

2. Maintains Professional Appearance

They help you set up professional backgrounds for Zoom meetings or Google Classrooms. In this way, they maintain the professional element of your videos.

3. Marketing Consistency

When it comes to marketing, they help choose a reliable background for the brand. The background becomes the identity of the brand and maintains its consistency.

4. Creative Expression in Movies

In the media industry, backgrounds like the sky help express the emotion of an actor or a mass. If there is anger, the sky will turn red; if there is peace, it will have a calm outlook.

5. Audience Engagement and Focus

A well-aligned background increases the audience’s focus on the theme of the video. This is because irrelevant backgrounds can catch the audience’s interest and distract them.

Part 2: Top Guide Explaining How to Replace Sky in Adobe After Effects?

Do you want to elevate the graphics of your videos professionally? Adobe After Effects is an ideal software for it as it helps professionals to edit films. It offers multiple animations for titles and videos like revolve, rotate, and more. In addition, you can overlap videos with precision using its Rotoscope feature.

There are built-in effects and features to ease the editing process for you. In addition, you can do custom settings in it and save them as presets. One of its many specifications is that it is an elite background remover and replacement. It enables a seamless addition of the sky in the background. We have mentioned the step-by-step procedure of After Effects replace Sky below:

Procedure 1: Removing Video Background

Step 1: After bringing your video to the timeline, navigate towards the top search bar at the left. In the Effects Control option, search for the “Extractor” effect and add it. Then, change the “Channel” of this effect to your “Blue” or “Luminance.” Change the position of both sliders there to remove and feather the background.

enable extract effect

Step 2: To avoid removing parts other than the sky, duplicate this video to the timeline. From the bottom video, eliminate the extractor effect. Navigate towards the top toolbar and select the “Mask” option. Create a mask around the ground at the bottom of the video. In the timeline, click the “Mask Path” option to create the mask throughout the video.

enable pen tool to draw mask

Step 3: Now, select the top video in the timeline and search for “Key Cleaner.” Adjust the values of options under the key cleaner for precision.

enable key cleaner

Step 4: If there are still some spaces left, use the “Simple Choker” effect to correct them. You can find it using the search bar and adjust the given values.

enable simple choker effect

Procedure 2: 3D Camera Tracking

Step 1: Now, duplicate the video again on the timeline and remove all its effects. Afterward, add a “3D Camera Tracker” in it. Then click “Analyze” and let the tracker analyze your video.

activate 3d tracking for mask

Step 2: Next, select any three points from the footage and right-click on them. From the drop-down menu, select “Create Null and Camera” or “Create Solid and Camera.”

select a camera option

Procedure 3: Replacing the Sky

Step 1: Import the video of your sky and bring it to the timeline. Bring the sky in the back of your footage and change it to a 3D layer. Afterward, change the “Position” of your sky from the timeline. We recommend you set the values as far away as possible for realistic effect.

adjust the position of sky

Step 2: Once you have set the sky’s position, navigate towards the timeline panel again. From there, change the “Scale” of the background to set according to your footage. Afterward, see if the sky needs any flipping. This is because you must align the bright parts of the sky with the bright parts of the ground.

adjust the scale of sky

Procedure 4: Color Matching

Step 1: Play with the color setting elements like “Saturation” or “Lightness.” Change the position of their sliders to observe the changes in your footage.

do basic color corrections

Step 2: Right-click on the timeline and add “New > Adjustment Layer” for settling colors. Afterward, see the preview of your video and export it.

add an adjustment layer

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: A Breath-taking Alternative to Replacing Backgrounds in Videos

For those who find sky replacement in After Effects difficult, there are alternatives. One of the simplest alternatives to replace sky is Wondershare Filmora . It is a video editor driven by AI technology with multiple effects and presets. Filmora keeps updating its functionalities, and it has recently launched the V13 upgrade. There was the addition of multiple AI tools and enhanced effects for creativity purposes.

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Filmora’s video background remover uses AI to extract the background with precision. Afterward, users can replace it with Filmora’s pre-assembled background collection. There are multiple colors, gradients, and other replacements for the background. The integration of AI has eliminated the human effort of cutting out background.

Step-by-Step Guide on Replacing Backgrounds in Filmora

Unlike replacing Sky After Effects, it keeps the background changing process simpler. In this guide, we will remove the background first and then replace it. Here is the step-by-step procedure to replace the background using this alternative:

Step 1Create a New Project to Import Media

First, install Wondershare Filmora on your device and launch it. Afterward, use the “New Project” button to start a project and enter its editing interface. Use the “Ctrl +I” keys to import your video and drop it on the timeline.

import media after creating a project

Step 2Enable the Smart Cutout Option

In the timeline panel, select the video and navigate towards the right-side settings panel. Afterwards, go to the “AI Tools” section under the “Video” tab. From there, enable the “Smart Cutout” option and click the Start button below.

enable the smart cutout option

Step 3Start Removing Background

In the Smart Cutout Video window, use the brush to mark the object you want in the video. The AI will auto-select the rest of the object. After that, hit the “Click to start Smart Cutout” option, and it will initiate. Then, click the “Save” button to save the background, removing settings.

save the cutout video

Step 4Replace a Background and Export Video

Once the background has been removed, click this video in the timeline. Hover the cursor towards the right settings panel and access the “Video > Basic” tab. Scroll down to find the “Backgrounds” section and enable it. In the “Type” section, select the background type and choose from the options to add. Once you have added the background, click the “Export” button to save this video.

replace the background


The article emphasized the importance of video background removers and their benefits. In addition, we discussed replacing sky After Effects in detail. In the end, we provided a simple alternative for those looking for it. This is because Adobe After Effects might have a technical editing interface.

Wondershare Filmora, on the other hand, can carry on the process with efficiency and simplicity. If you haven’t yet used this software, visit its website to download it. There are other features that help with uplifting the content. You will also find the detailed user guides to use those functions.

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What Are the Benefits of Having Video Background Replacers?

Along with enhancing the creative element in videos, background replacers help with more. Users can integrate them for both personal and professional uses. The following section will give a sneak peek at the advantages of background removers:

1. Privacy and Concealment

Video background removers extract the real surroundings, which addresses privacy concerns. In addition, they conceal any mess or imperfections in your background.

2. Maintains Professional Appearance

They help you set up professional backgrounds for Zoom meetings or Google Classrooms. In this way, they maintain the professional element of your videos.

3. Marketing Consistency

When it comes to marketing, they help choose a reliable background for the brand. The background becomes the identity of the brand and maintains its consistency.

4. Creative Expression in Movies

In the media industry, backgrounds like the sky help express the emotion of an actor or a mass. If there is anger, the sky will turn red; if there is peace, it will have a calm outlook.

5. Audience Engagement and Focus

A well-aligned background increases the audience’s focus on the theme of the video. This is because irrelevant backgrounds can catch the audience’s interest and distract them.

Part 2: Top Guide Explaining How to Replace Sky in Adobe After Effects?

Do you want to elevate the graphics of your videos professionally? Adobe After Effects is an ideal software for it as it helps professionals to edit films. It offers multiple animations for titles and videos like revolve, rotate, and more. In addition, you can overlap videos with precision using its Rotoscope feature.

There are built-in effects and features to ease the editing process for you. In addition, you can do custom settings in it and save them as presets. One of its many specifications is that it is an elite background remover and replacement. It enables a seamless addition of the sky in the background. We have mentioned the step-by-step procedure of After Effects replace Sky below:

Procedure 1: Removing Video Background

Step 1: After bringing your video to the timeline, navigate towards the top search bar at the left. In the Effects Control option, search for the “Extractor” effect and add it. Then, change the “Channel” of this effect to your “Blue” or “Luminance.” Change the position of both sliders there to remove and feather the background.

enable extract effect

Step 2: To avoid removing parts other than the sky, duplicate this video to the timeline. From the bottom video, eliminate the extractor effect. Navigate towards the top toolbar and select the “Mask” option. Create a mask around the ground at the bottom of the video. In the timeline, click the “Mask Path” option to create the mask throughout the video.

enable pen tool to draw mask

Step 3: Now, select the top video in the timeline and search for “Key Cleaner.” Adjust the values of options under the key cleaner for precision.

enable key cleaner

Step 4: If there are still some spaces left, use the “Simple Choker” effect to correct them. You can find it using the search bar and adjust the given values.

enable simple choker effect

Procedure 2: 3D Camera Tracking

Step 1: Now, duplicate the video again on the timeline and remove all its effects. Afterward, add a “3D Camera Tracker” in it. Then click “Analyze” and let the tracker analyze your video.

activate 3d tracking for mask

Step 2: Next, select any three points from the footage and right-click on them. From the drop-down menu, select “Create Null and Camera” or “Create Solid and Camera.”

select a camera option

Procedure 3: Replacing the Sky

Step 1: Import the video of your sky and bring it to the timeline. Bring the sky in the back of your footage and change it to a 3D layer. Afterward, change the “Position” of your sky from the timeline. We recommend you set the values as far away as possible for realistic effect.

adjust the position of sky

Step 2: Once you have set the sky’s position, navigate towards the timeline panel again. From there, change the “Scale” of the background to set according to your footage. Afterward, see if the sky needs any flipping. This is because you must align the bright parts of the sky with the bright parts of the ground.

adjust the scale of sky

Procedure 4: Color Matching

Step 1: Play with the color setting elements like “Saturation” or “Lightness.” Change the position of their sliders to observe the changes in your footage.

do basic color corrections

Step 2: Right-click on the timeline and add “New > Adjustment Layer” for settling colors. Afterward, see the preview of your video and export it.

add an adjustment layer

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: A Breath-taking Alternative to Replacing Backgrounds in Videos

For those who find sky replacement in After Effects difficult, there are alternatives. One of the simplest alternatives to replace sky is Wondershare Filmora . It is a video editor driven by AI technology with multiple effects and presets. Filmora keeps updating its functionalities, and it has recently launched the V13 upgrade. There was the addition of multiple AI tools and enhanced effects for creativity purposes.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

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Filmora’s video background remover uses AI to extract the background with precision. Afterward, users can replace it with Filmora’s pre-assembled background collection. There are multiple colors, gradients, and other replacements for the background. The integration of AI has eliminated the human effort of cutting out background.

Step-by-Step Guide on Replacing Backgrounds in Filmora

Unlike replacing Sky After Effects, it keeps the background changing process simpler. In this guide, we will remove the background first and then replace it. Here is the step-by-step procedure to replace the background using this alternative:

Step 1Create a New Project to Import Media

First, install Wondershare Filmora on your device and launch it. Afterward, use the “New Project” button to start a project and enter its editing interface. Use the “Ctrl +I” keys to import your video and drop it on the timeline.

import media after creating a project

Step 2Enable the Smart Cutout Option

In the timeline panel, select the video and navigate towards the right-side settings panel. Afterwards, go to the “AI Tools” section under the “Video” tab. From there, enable the “Smart Cutout” option and click the Start button below.

enable the smart cutout option

Step 3Start Removing Background

In the Smart Cutout Video window, use the brush to mark the object you want in the video. The AI will auto-select the rest of the object. After that, hit the “Click to start Smart Cutout” option, and it will initiate. Then, click the “Save” button to save the background, removing settings.

save the cutout video

Step 4Replace a Background and Export Video

Once the background has been removed, click this video in the timeline. Hover the cursor towards the right settings panel and access the “Video > Basic” tab. Scroll down to find the “Backgrounds” section and enable it. In the “Type” section, select the background type and choose from the options to add. Once you have added the background, click the “Export” button to save this video.

replace the background


The article emphasized the importance of video background removers and their benefits. In addition, we discussed replacing sky After Effects in detail. In the end, we provided a simple alternative for those looking for it. This is because Adobe After Effects might have a technical editing interface.

Wondershare Filmora, on the other hand, can carry on the process with efficiency and simplicity. If you haven’t yet used this software, visit its website to download it. There are other features that help with uplifting the content. You will also find the detailed user guides to use those functions.

The Best Cinematic LUTs in The Market

With the development of new editing tools and apps, we all want our content to look different and better from others. Moreover, increasing social media usage has also made people more concerned about their photos and videos. However, besides editing tools, you can add layers of adjustments and apply LUTs, filters, and more to your content.

With different LUTs, such as cinematic LUTs, you can give your digital content a professional look. These LUTs also give a dramatic feel and add depth to your photos and videos.

Part 1: What are Cinematic LUTs Used for?

Cinematic LUTs have several uses, including creating a specific mood or look. They can be used to make the footage look vintage or retro or to create a dark, moody atmosphere or a bright, colorful tone. Furthermore, these cinematic LUTs can match the footage’s colors and tones so they all look the same. They can also be used to contrast and color your photos and images.

It can also make your media files look like they were filmed on a real film camera, giving them a more natural, organic feel. These are useful tools for making videos or images look a certain way. They can improve the color quality and make the story more interesting.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

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Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: Top Cinematic LUT Pack to Consider for Your Media

Many LUTs give a cinematic feel when applied to your digital content. These LUTs add depth and emotion to your images and videos. There are many cinematic LUT packs that you can download and use them.

1. Cinematic LUTs Pack 2023

Many free cinematic LUTs are available to download, but this one differs. The Cinematic LUTs Pack 2023 has various Hollywood-style color grading options available. This pack has different color correction layers that give you a modern cinematic feel. Moreover, you can darken the highlights to enhance the subject in your content.

cinematic luts pack

2. Cinematic LUT

Another LUT that gives your content the cinematic feel you want is this exceptional collection. This LUT fades the colors in your photos and videos to give a rusty look. It gives your media files a West Hollywood-style look to give them a cinematic look. Furthermore, it also enhances certain colors to improve the color grading in your video footage or images.

cinematic lut

3. 20 FREE Travel LUTs for Cinematic Looks

It is a great LUT pack if you want multiple options to add cinematic-style LUTs to your digital media content. You get 20 different cinematic LUTs for your travel photos and videos. With the right amount of tan, shadows, highlights, and grains, your videos will look like they are from a movie clip. It improves your travel videos and photos by giving them movie-like color adjustments.

free travel luts for cinematic looks

4. Sandstorm

As the name suggests, it gives your media files the golden cinematic shade. It is a LUT, which highlights golden, orange, and brown colors to add a warm tone to your files. This LUT will give your pictures and videos a warm cinematic feel. You can use your photos and videos to apply this adjustment layer to make them look like Hollywood content.

sandstorm luts

5. Vintage Vibe

Last but not least, Vintage Vibe is a great LUT that adds depth to your photos and videos. It creates an ambiance of an old-style cinematic touch to your digital files. You can improve your story by adding emotion and depth to your content with this LUT. Moreover, you can add this vintage color correction layer to give your content a unique and creative style.

vintage vibe luts

Part 3: 3D LUT Creator: An Effective Cinematic LUTs Software

3D LUT Creator is a powerful tool packed with amazing color correction features for photo and video editing. This tool offers different cinematic LUTs to use and apply to your content. Moreover, users can create their LUTs according to their style and preference. Another impressive feature is its plugin support for different editing software.

Furthermore, the tool also comes with seven color gradients, a color wheel option, and A/B and C/L grids. These options allow you to change and distribute colors to their media files. Additionally, its AI retouching plugin can retouch and beautify your image. With all these features, you can create one of the best cinematic LUTs without hassle.

3d lut creator interface

Part 4: Wondershare Filmora: A Good Platform to Consume Cinematic LUTs

Wondershare Filmora is a great professional editing software. You can easily achieve a cinematic look for your videos with its color grading upgrades and LUT intensity adjustments. Furthermore, the color wheel feature allows you to make professional-looking color grading adjustments. It even offers a cinematic LUTs download option to the users.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

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Additionally, it has a sharpening tool that sharpens your digital media files. With its new update, you can have many editing options, including over 200 LUTs and other color correction features. Besides this, you have so many different color grading options that you can choose from the LUTs library.

wondershare filmora luts

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora To Keep Notice of

  • It has a unique feature that lets you denoise any background sounds or voices in your video file. This useful feature removes background noise distortion from a video file.
  • Furthermore, silent detection is another unique feature that you can use. It analyzes your video content and removes unnecessary pauses. You can automatically remove awkward pauses and silent moments from your video to make it look professional.
  • Additionally, you can access and use its free stock media library. This library has over 10 billion free stock media files you can use in your content.


In conclusion, cinematic LUTs have become essential. With multiple options available in the market, selecting the best cinematic LUT pack can be difficult. However, 3D LUT Creator is a great tool offering plugin options for multiple editing software. In contrast, Wondershare Filmora is an excellent option for creating and consuming cinematic LUTs.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

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Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: Top Cinematic LUT Pack to Consider for Your Media

Many LUTs give a cinematic feel when applied to your digital content. These LUTs add depth and emotion to your images and videos. There are many cinematic LUT packs that you can download and use them.

1. Cinematic LUTs Pack 2023

Many free cinematic LUTs are available to download, but this one differs. The Cinematic LUTs Pack 2023 has various Hollywood-style color grading options available. This pack has different color correction layers that give you a modern cinematic feel. Moreover, you can darken the highlights to enhance the subject in your content.

cinematic luts pack

2. Cinematic LUT

Another LUT that gives your content the cinematic feel you want is this exceptional collection. This LUT fades the colors in your photos and videos to give a rusty look. It gives your media files a West Hollywood-style look to give them a cinematic look. Furthermore, it also enhances certain colors to improve the color grading in your video footage or images.

cinematic lut

3. 20 FREE Travel LUTs for Cinematic Looks

It is a great LUT pack if you want multiple options to add cinematic-style LUTs to your digital media content. You get 20 different cinematic LUTs for your travel photos and videos. With the right amount of tan, shadows, highlights, and grains, your videos will look like they are from a movie clip. It improves your travel videos and photos by giving them movie-like color adjustments.

free travel luts for cinematic looks

4. Sandstorm

As the name suggests, it gives your media files the golden cinematic shade. It is a LUT, which highlights golden, orange, and brown colors to add a warm tone to your files. This LUT will give your pictures and videos a warm cinematic feel. You can use your photos and videos to apply this adjustment layer to make them look like Hollywood content.

sandstorm luts

5. Vintage Vibe

Last but not least, Vintage Vibe is a great LUT that adds depth to your photos and videos. It creates an ambiance of an old-style cinematic touch to your digital files. You can improve your story by adding emotion and depth to your content with this LUT. Moreover, you can add this vintage color correction layer to give your content a unique and creative style.

vintage vibe luts

Part 3: 3D LUT Creator: An Effective Cinematic LUTs Software

3D LUT Creator is a powerful tool packed with amazing color correction features for photo and video editing. This tool offers different cinematic LUTs to use and apply to your content. Moreover, users can create their LUTs according to their style and preference. Another impressive feature is its plugin support for different editing software.

Furthermore, the tool also comes with seven color gradients, a color wheel option, and A/B and C/L grids. These options allow you to change and distribute colors to their media files. Additionally, its AI retouching plugin can retouch and beautify your image. With all these features, you can create one of the best cinematic LUTs without hassle.

3d lut creator interface

Part 4: Wondershare Filmora: A Good Platform to Consume Cinematic LUTs

Wondershare Filmora is a great professional editing software. You can easily achieve a cinematic look for your videos with its color grading upgrades and LUT intensity adjustments. Furthermore, the color wheel feature allows you to make professional-looking color grading adjustments. It even offers a cinematic LUTs download option to the users.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

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Additionally, it has a sharpening tool that sharpens your digital media files. With its new update, you can have many editing options, including over 200 LUTs and other color correction features. Besides this, you have so many different color grading options that you can choose from the LUTs library.

wondershare filmora luts

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora To Keep Notice of

  • It has a unique feature that lets you denoise any background sounds or voices in your video file. This useful feature removes background noise distortion from a video file.
  • Furthermore, silent detection is another unique feature that you can use. It analyzes your video content and removes unnecessary pauses. You can automatically remove awkward pauses and silent moments from your video to make it look professional.
  • Additionally, you can access and use its free stock media library. This library has over 10 billion free stock media files you can use in your content.


In conclusion, cinematic LUTs have become essential. With multiple options available in the market, selecting the best cinematic LUT pack can be difficult. However, 3D LUT Creator is a great tool offering plugin options for multiple editing software. In contrast, Wondershare Filmora is an excellent option for creating and consuming cinematic LUTs.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

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Also read:

  • Title: New 2024 Approved How to Create a Bokeh Effect
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:13:00
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:13:00
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
New 2024 Approved How to Create a Bokeh Effect