New Creating Video Testimonials

New Creating Video Testimonials

Morgan Lv12

Creating Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions. The key is to create videos that showcase your best customers’ most flattering moments, but you need the right elements in place first.

Your script is vital

write your script

You know you need a script, but how do you make sure it’s good?

  • First, make sure it’s clear and concise. Don’t waste time on lengthy descriptions or flowery language. Your video should be easy to understand, so let the script do the heavy lifting for you. Don’t get overly wordy; use short sentences and phrases that keep the viewer engaged throughout your testimonial.
  • Next, research your subject matter thoroughly before writing any script content at all. This will ensure that people watching feel like they’re getting an accurate portrayal of their company/product/service rather than just hearing what they want while they’re busy doing something else (like trying out a new app).
  • Lastly, once researched thoroughly enough to write detailed scripts, start working on writing those scripts into something coherent but still engaging enough for anyone watching regardless of whether they have any prior knowledge about whatever topic is being discussed by way of video testimonials.

Your talent is important

video talent

Talent is the most important element in creating a quality video testimonial, and this may seem like an obvious statement. However, it is important that you recruit someone who represents your brand well. This can be a celebrity, thought leader, or customer. If you are working with celebrities, for example, make sure they represent your products or services well and are not just there for the money (or social media).

If you are working with someone like a celebrity, be sure to interview them beforehand so that their story feels natural when telling it in front of the camera. In addition to finding someone who fits well with your product/service offering and brand image; look at other aspects such as age range and ethnicity when picking an appropriate talent partner.

Use only HD resolution

use only hd resolution

  • HD resolution is the minimum resolution you should use. If you’re shooting a project that doesn’t need to be broadcast at a high quality, then we recommend shooting your testimonial in standard definition (SD). But if it’s possible, or if you have a higher budget, consider investing in HD equipment and filming in 720p or higher.
  • This can make all of the difference when it comes to the clarity and quality of the video. Plus, when using HD cameras and editing software like Wondershare Filmora , Final Cut, or Adobe Premiere, you’ll get more than just better-looking images—you’ll also be able to export files that are larger than those created by SD cameras.

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Filming elements are essential

filming elements

To get the most out of your video testimonial, first, you need to be close to the camera and look directly into it. This will increase the rapport between you and your customers, making them feel like they are right there with you—and in turn creating trust.

Then, you also need to be wearing good quality clothing that fits well. Having an outfit that makes you look attractive (but not overly sexy) can make all the difference when it comes to conveying confidence and professionalism.

Finally, smile while filming! This is important because smiling helps people connect with those around them better than any other facial expression can do alone. If possible, try smiling even before turning on your camera so that people can see who they are dealing with before having any contact at all!

Where to place the videos

share testimonial vdieo

Now that you’ve got your video testimonials in hand, it’s time to put them to work. There are several key places where you should consider placing your videos:

  • On your homepage
  • On landing pages
  • On blog posts or articles that mention the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • In social media posts and ads that promote the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • As part of email newsletters sent out by you and your client(s).

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions.

In the world of digital marketing, there’s no shortage of ways to get your audience’s attention. But one strategy that continues to work well is the use of video testimonials. Video testimonials are a great way to get your customers talking about how much they love your product or service—and how much it has helped them.

Video testimonials can help you:

  • Increase conversion rates by 10-20% or more
  • Generate more leads and sales quickly
  • Demonstrate the value of your products and services

The Bottom Line

When you put in the right effort, video testimonials can be an incredibly powerful tool for generating trust and conversions. Video testimonials are a great way to show off your product or service, but they’re also a way to build relationships with potential customers by demonstrating how much they’ve helped others. If you want to generate more sales, then consider implementing this strategy into your marketing plan today!

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Filming elements are essential

filming elements

To get the most out of your video testimonial, first, you need to be close to the camera and look directly into it. This will increase the rapport between you and your customers, making them feel like they are right there with you—and in turn creating trust.

Then, you also need to be wearing good quality clothing that fits well. Having an outfit that makes you look attractive (but not overly sexy) can make all the difference when it comes to conveying confidence and professionalism.

Finally, smile while filming! This is important because smiling helps people connect with those around them better than any other facial expression can do alone. If possible, try smiling even before turning on your camera so that people can see who they are dealing with before having any contact at all!

Where to place the videos

share testimonial vdieo

Now that you’ve got your video testimonials in hand, it’s time to put them to work. There are several key places where you should consider placing your videos:

  • On your homepage
  • On landing pages
  • On blog posts or articles that mention the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • In social media posts and ads that promote the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • As part of email newsletters sent out by you and your client(s).

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions.

In the world of digital marketing, there’s no shortage of ways to get your audience’s attention. But one strategy that continues to work well is the use of video testimonials. Video testimonials are a great way to get your customers talking about how much they love your product or service—and how much it has helped them.

Video testimonials can help you:

  • Increase conversion rates by 10-20% or more
  • Generate more leads and sales quickly
  • Demonstrate the value of your products and services

The Bottom Line

When you put in the right effort, video testimonials can be an incredibly powerful tool for generating trust and conversions. Video testimonials are a great way to show off your product or service, but they’re also a way to build relationships with potential customers by demonstrating how much they’ve helped others. If you want to generate more sales, then consider implementing this strategy into your marketing plan today!

Backup and Organize Your Footage in Minutes

Backing up your data is deemed significantly necessary among video editing communities. Files get corrupted easily. Having a backup drive can save your day and countless hours. You can back up your data any way you deem fit. However, it will do you right if you follow the advice of professionals.

The article is written explicitly after due consideration and suggestions from the professional video editor. You can follow the steps in it to make backup files. Let us start with very straightforward steps to help you understand the professional way of backing up and organizing your footage.

Part 1. Back Up Your Files

Backing up your files gives you peace of mind. If one file is lost, the whole project becomes vulnerable to failure. Therefore, every effort must be made to ensure the protection of files. The best way to protect the files from any misfortune is to back them up.

Remember, there is no specific way to back up your files. Depending on the project’s requirements, you can do that differently. The following steps will light up how you can back up your files.

Step1Back up your files in two different places

It is crucial to do that. If one backup drive corrupts, you have the second option. It gives you an opportunity to back up files.

  • You can make two different external backup hard drives.

back up your data on two different external drives

  • You can also use your internal and external devices as two backup options.

back up your data on an internal and external hard drive

Step2Make specific folders for each purpose of the video

The next step is how you back up your files properly and safely. Make separate folders for the different formats you are importing in your drive. Always use the primary source to make a copy of your files.

Follow the steps below to understand how to back up your files in two drives.

  • Create a folder in your drive.
  • Name it. You can name it according to the given format. The choice is yours.

format for naming your file

  • Your backup folder is created.
  • Make new folders based on the files that are imported into the file. We are making two folders for the project, 01 Footage, and 02 Audio.
    • 01 Footage is for the original footage.
    • 02 Audio is for audio files provided by the music artist.

make folders for different formats in the video

Step3Repeat the same process in your second backup drive
  • Make the same folders and sub-folders in your secondary backup drive.

secondary storage device with same folder names

Step4Transfer files to your primary and secondary folders
  • Transfer files to folders and sub-folders in your first backup drive.
  • Transfer files to folders and sub-folders in your secondary backup drive.

Note: Most people make the mistake of making a backup drive and then using the same drive to make the second backup. The approach needs to be corrected.

We are done with backing up our files. It is time to organize the files in your drive.

Part 2. Organize Your Files in Filmora

Organizing your files is vital for any operation in video and editing. It makes everything streamlined. The risk of losing your data become negligible. Let us enlighten you on how you can organize your files.

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Step1Create new folders to lay the foundation for your video editing project

You can imitate the format we have chosen. However, you can choose any way you deem fit.

  • Create 02 Project Files and 03 Exports.
  • 02 Project contains the files that we will edit in Filmora .
  • 03 Exports will have files that will be exported out of Filmora.

create more folders for the different formats of data

  • In the 01 Media folder, create a new folder, 03 Graphics. It will contain graphics the artist will provide, such as a logo. You can also add your graphics to the folder if you want.

folder for graphics

The format will help you if you move files from one device to the next case. In that case, you will only have to move one folder with the artist’s name.

use the main file for transferring data if needed

Step2Create a new project

In this step, we will organize our files in Filmora. It will help us to keep discipline and order in file organization. It makes work easy and fun.

  • Create a new project when you open Filmora on your PC or Mac.

creating a new project

  • Save the project in any name you want. We have saved the project in the format explained above.
  • Save the file in 02 Project Files.

save the files in 02 project files

Step3Edit your workspace if you want

Users can edit the workspace in Filmora. You can customize it to your liking. Also, it is entirely optional.

  • Go to layout mode. Change the layout if you want.

change your workspace settings

  • You can manually change the panels by simply dragging them across the screen.

alter workspace settings by dragging the panels

The workspace settings will be saved automatically. The next time you start Filmora, you will not need to readjust the panels.

  • Save the file
Step4Recreate the file structure in your 02 project files

Now, you create folders in your project. For that, you can follow our structure, or you can follow your instincts.

  • Create the folders in Filmora, as you have created them in your drive. The folders will be created in your 02 Project Files.

These new folders are the exact copies of your media files that you have got from the producer and music artist.

make folders in project media

  • Import the files into respective folders. Footage should include all the original videos given to your producers.

import your files in different folders of the project

Step5Save the project

You can save the file using the button on Filmora, as shown below.

save the file using the button in the top bar

  • You can save the files using short keys.

short keys for saving the file


Making a backup file for your project is crucial. For a video editor, it is quite painful to learn that the final product has a missing file. Therefore, one must ensure that all the files are backed up before beginning the editing phase.

Apart from that, one must also keep updating the files in Filmora . You performed some editing. Make sure to save the file then and there. Any minor mistake can cause great worry for the professional editor. Thus, it is better to take proactive actions.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

We are done with backing up our files. It is time to organize the files in your drive.

Part 2. Organize Your Files in Filmora

Organizing your files is vital for any operation in video and editing. It makes everything streamlined. The risk of losing your data become negligible. Let us enlighten you on how you can organize your files.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Create new folders to lay the foundation for your video editing project

You can imitate the format we have chosen. However, you can choose any way you deem fit.

  • Create 02 Project Files and 03 Exports.
  • 02 Project contains the files that we will edit in Filmora .
  • 03 Exports will have files that will be exported out of Filmora.

create more folders for the different formats of data

  • In the 01 Media folder, create a new folder, 03 Graphics. It will contain graphics the artist will provide, such as a logo. You can also add your graphics to the folder if you want.

folder for graphics

The format will help you if you move files from one device to the next case. In that case, you will only have to move one folder with the artist’s name.

use the main file for transferring data if needed

Step2Create a new project

In this step, we will organize our files in Filmora. It will help us to keep discipline and order in file organization. It makes work easy and fun.

  • Create a new project when you open Filmora on your PC or Mac.

creating a new project

  • Save the project in any name you want. We have saved the project in the format explained above.
  • Save the file in 02 Project Files.

save the files in 02 project files

Step3Edit your workspace if you want

Users can edit the workspace in Filmora. You can customize it to your liking. Also, it is entirely optional.

  • Go to layout mode. Change the layout if you want.

change your workspace settings

  • You can manually change the panels by simply dragging them across the screen.

alter workspace settings by dragging the panels

The workspace settings will be saved automatically. The next time you start Filmora, you will not need to readjust the panels.

  • Save the file
Step4Recreate the file structure in your 02 project files

Now, you create folders in your project. For that, you can follow our structure, or you can follow your instincts.

  • Create the folders in Filmora, as you have created them in your drive. The folders will be created in your 02 Project Files.

These new folders are the exact copies of your media files that you have got from the producer and music artist.

make folders in project media

  • Import the files into respective folders. Footage should include all the original videos given to your producers.

import your files in different folders of the project

Step5Save the project

You can save the file using the button on Filmora, as shown below.

save the file using the button in the top bar

  • You can save the files using short keys.

short keys for saving the file


Making a backup file for your project is crucial. For a video editor, it is quite painful to learn that the final product has a missing file. Therefore, one must ensure that all the files are backed up before beginning the editing phase.

Apart from that, one must also keep updating the files in Filmora . You performed some editing. Make sure to save the file then and there. Any minor mistake can cause great worry for the professional editor. Thus, it is better to take proactive actions.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Split Videos in the Lightworks [Step by Step]

Lightworks is among the best programs for editing the videos available for the Windows and Mac operating systems with no watermark. Through the accessible version of Lightworks, it is easy to export the videos into the MP4 format along with the resolution of 720p. There are different tools available in Lightworks so you can make videos for your YouTube channels, Vimeo, film making projects and different social media platforms.

Lightworks has become famous because it has been used for editing the popular movies of Hollywood. Along with the videos, it is straightforward to enhance the images by blending the colours. This article has a detailed description of how you can split the videos in Lightworks including the the discussion of splitting the Wondershare Filmora as an alternative. It is also a suitable choice.

How can you split the video clips in Lightworks?

Lightworks is software based on the cloud that consists of particular functionalities. It only includes editing and trimming, cutting, and splitting your video clips according to your requirements. Following are the easy-to-follow steps for splitting the clips in Lightworks:

Part1 - Splitting of one clip:

Step 1: The first step is importing the video into the timeline. It is simply through dragging the file on which you have to work.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2: When the uploading is complete, you can cut and split the clips depending on your needs. Now, keep moving the play head in the specific direction from where you have to cut the clips—Press “C” on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 3: After getting the split clip, you can delete the remaining part that is not in use. For this, selecting the particular part is necessary and selecting the option of “Delete”. Even, you can press the “delete” key on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 4: When your video is ready, simply export the video by clicking right on the option of “All”. On the left lower side of the timeline, it is now clicked on “Export”.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

Part 2- trimming of the clips in Lightworks

To trim the video clips in Lightworks, you require to hover the mouse towards the last of the video clip. Keep moving until and unless that part of the clip gets highlighted. After this step, start dragging till the previous where you want it.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

An easier way to split the video clip

Even though Lightworks is a wonderful software for editing videos and images, its interface is easy to handle. But it is not supportive of different formats and 4K videos. For a few features, you might need the paid version of Lightworks. The most acquired solution to resolve this issue is Filmora Video Editor . It is freely available, and use all the tools according to your needs. That’s why it is gaining popularity, and users are increasing day by day. The latest versions of the Wondershare Filmora are available to enhance user experiences. You can export the outcome with ease from the tools.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Availability of drag and drag feature
  • Can preview the functionalities you apply
  • Easy to customize the images and videos
  • Involvement of the animation
  • Huge library available for the effects of visual and audio
  • Splitting and merging the clips

Wondershare Filmora always offers to split the clips from the creative techniques. This tool is extremely useful, particularly when creating commentaries, tutorials, or interviews. The exact footage has to be on the timeline. All the options are on the main panel. Add anything you like, such as animation, text, images, or other media, to make an outstanding outcome. These are very easy to understand, so go through the following steps for splitting the video clips. Two ways are trimming and splitting the clips in Wondershare Filmora.

First method: splitting on the timeline

Step 1. Selection of the clip in the timeline that you want to split. Your play head should be precisely at this particular place from where you need the splitting.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. When your play head is on the correct point of the timeline, right-click on the clip for opening the menu. Select the option of “Split” or click on the scissor icon in red colour.

split a clip in lightworks

There is also a possibility of hiding the red icon of the scissor present. You can do it by tapping on the options of Wondershare Filmora. Then go to Preferencesàediting. Now uncheck the button of Split.

split a clip in lightworks

Second method: detection of the scene

If there are different shots in your clips or separation in the scenes, you can use the tool of “scene detection” in the Wondershare Filmora.

Step 1. Select your video clip from the media library that you want to split. After right-clicking on it, select the option of “Scene detection” from the menu.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. The new window of the scene detection appears and then click on “Detect”. Depending on the transitions of the video clips, it is divided into different parts.

split a clip in lightworks

There are hundreds of editing software present in the marketplace, but Wondershare Filmora’s success rate is the highest. It is just because of its simplicity and advanced tools that fulfil the users’ needs. The whole interface is hassle-free and clean no matter which operating system you use. It is also helpful in saving your time in terms of applying the settings of colour correction on more than one clip at all at once.

Exploration of the transition effects with the filters allows motion elements in your images and videos. Even you can split the screens to present your videos in a different style. Must discover the Wondershare Filmora whether you are using it casually or professionally. Keep going with the flow and go through the available guidelines. You will definitely consider Wondershare Filmora the best software for your managing and editing tasks.

Step 2: When the uploading is complete, you can cut and split the clips depending on your needs. Now, keep moving the play head in the specific direction from where you have to cut the clips—Press “C” on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 3: After getting the split clip, you can delete the remaining part that is not in use. For this, selecting the particular part is necessary and selecting the option of “Delete”. Even, you can press the “delete” key on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 4: When your video is ready, simply export the video by clicking right on the option of “All”. On the left lower side of the timeline, it is now clicked on “Export”.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

Part 2- trimming of the clips in Lightworks

To trim the video clips in Lightworks, you require to hover the mouse towards the last of the video clip. Keep moving until and unless that part of the clip gets highlighted. After this step, start dragging till the previous where you want it.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

An easier way to split the video clip

Even though Lightworks is a wonderful software for editing videos and images, its interface is easy to handle. But it is not supportive of different formats and 4K videos. For a few features, you might need the paid version of Lightworks. The most acquired solution to resolve this issue is Filmora Video Editor . It is freely available, and use all the tools according to your needs. That’s why it is gaining popularity, and users are increasing day by day. The latest versions of the Wondershare Filmora are available to enhance user experiences. You can export the outcome with ease from the tools.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Availability of drag and drag feature
  • Can preview the functionalities you apply
  • Easy to customize the images and videos
  • Involvement of the animation
  • Huge library available for the effects of visual and audio
  • Splitting and merging the clips

Wondershare Filmora always offers to split the clips from the creative techniques. This tool is extremely useful, particularly when creating commentaries, tutorials, or interviews. The exact footage has to be on the timeline. All the options are on the main panel. Add anything you like, such as animation, text, images, or other media, to make an outstanding outcome. These are very easy to understand, so go through the following steps for splitting the video clips. Two ways are trimming and splitting the clips in Wondershare Filmora.

First method: splitting on the timeline

Step 1. Selection of the clip in the timeline that you want to split. Your play head should be precisely at this particular place from where you need the splitting.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. When your play head is on the correct point of the timeline, right-click on the clip for opening the menu. Select the option of “Split” or click on the scissor icon in red colour.

split a clip in lightworks

There is also a possibility of hiding the red icon of the scissor present. You can do it by tapping on the options of Wondershare Filmora. Then go to Preferencesàediting. Now uncheck the button of Split.

split a clip in lightworks

Second method: detection of the scene

If there are different shots in your clips or separation in the scenes, you can use the tool of “scene detection” in the Wondershare Filmora.

Step 1. Select your video clip from the media library that you want to split. After right-clicking on it, select the option of “Scene detection” from the menu.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. The new window of the scene detection appears and then click on “Detect”. Depending on the transitions of the video clips, it is divided into different parts.

split a clip in lightworks

There are hundreds of editing software present in the marketplace, but Wondershare Filmora’s success rate is the highest. It is just because of its simplicity and advanced tools that fulfil the users’ needs. The whole interface is hassle-free and clean no matter which operating system you use. It is also helpful in saving your time in terms of applying the settings of colour correction on more than one clip at all at once.

Exploration of the transition effects with the filters allows motion elements in your images and videos. Even you can split the screens to present your videos in a different style. Must discover the Wondershare Filmora whether you are using it casually or professionally. Keep going with the flow and go through the available guidelines. You will definitely consider Wondershare Filmora the best software for your managing and editing tasks.

Step 2: When the uploading is complete, you can cut and split the clips depending on your needs. Now, keep moving the play head in the specific direction from where you have to cut the clips—Press “C” on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 3: After getting the split clip, you can delete the remaining part that is not in use. For this, selecting the particular part is necessary and selecting the option of “Delete”. Even, you can press the “delete” key on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 4: When your video is ready, simply export the video by clicking right on the option of “All”. On the left lower side of the timeline, it is now clicked on “Export”.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

Part 2- trimming of the clips in Lightworks

To trim the video clips in Lightworks, you require to hover the mouse towards the last of the video clip. Keep moving until and unless that part of the clip gets highlighted. After this step, start dragging till the previous where you want it.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

An easier way to split the video clip

Even though Lightworks is a wonderful software for editing videos and images, its interface is easy to handle. But it is not supportive of different formats and 4K videos. For a few features, you might need the paid version of Lightworks. The most acquired solution to resolve this issue is Filmora Video Editor . It is freely available, and use all the tools according to your needs. That’s why it is gaining popularity, and users are increasing day by day. The latest versions of the Wondershare Filmora are available to enhance user experiences. You can export the outcome with ease from the tools.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Availability of drag and drag feature
  • Can preview the functionalities you apply
  • Easy to customize the images and videos
  • Involvement of the animation
  • Huge library available for the effects of visual and audio
  • Splitting and merging the clips

Wondershare Filmora always offers to split the clips from the creative techniques. This tool is extremely useful, particularly when creating commentaries, tutorials, or interviews. The exact footage has to be on the timeline. All the options are on the main panel. Add anything you like, such as animation, text, images, or other media, to make an outstanding outcome. These are very easy to understand, so go through the following steps for splitting the video clips. Two ways are trimming and splitting the clips in Wondershare Filmora.

First method: splitting on the timeline

Step 1. Selection of the clip in the timeline that you want to split. Your play head should be precisely at this particular place from where you need the splitting.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. When your play head is on the correct point of the timeline, right-click on the clip for opening the menu. Select the option of “Split” or click on the scissor icon in red colour.

split a clip in lightworks

There is also a possibility of hiding the red icon of the scissor present. You can do it by tapping on the options of Wondershare Filmora. Then go to Preferencesàediting. Now uncheck the button of Split.

split a clip in lightworks

Second method: detection of the scene

If there are different shots in your clips or separation in the scenes, you can use the tool of “scene detection” in the Wondershare Filmora.

Step 1. Select your video clip from the media library that you want to split. After right-clicking on it, select the option of “Scene detection” from the menu.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. The new window of the scene detection appears and then click on “Detect”. Depending on the transitions of the video clips, it is divided into different parts.

split a clip in lightworks

There are hundreds of editing software present in the marketplace, but Wondershare Filmora’s success rate is the highest. It is just because of its simplicity and advanced tools that fulfil the users’ needs. The whole interface is hassle-free and clean no matter which operating system you use. It is also helpful in saving your time in terms of applying the settings of colour correction on more than one clip at all at once.

Exploration of the transition effects with the filters allows motion elements in your images and videos. Even you can split the screens to present your videos in a different style. Must discover the Wondershare Filmora whether you are using it casually or professionally. Keep going with the flow and go through the available guidelines. You will definitely consider Wondershare Filmora the best software for your managing and editing tasks.

Step 2: When the uploading is complete, you can cut and split the clips depending on your needs. Now, keep moving the play head in the specific direction from where you have to cut the clips—Press “C” on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 3: After getting the split clip, you can delete the remaining part that is not in use. For this, selecting the particular part is necessary and selecting the option of “Delete”. Even, you can press the “delete” key on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 4: When your video is ready, simply export the video by clicking right on the option of “All”. On the left lower side of the timeline, it is now clicked on “Export”.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

Part 2- trimming of the clips in Lightworks

To trim the video clips in Lightworks, you require to hover the mouse towards the last of the video clip. Keep moving until and unless that part of the clip gets highlighted. After this step, start dragging till the previous where you want it.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

An easier way to split the video clip

Even though Lightworks is a wonderful software for editing videos and images, its interface is easy to handle. But it is not supportive of different formats and 4K videos. For a few features, you might need the paid version of Lightworks. The most acquired solution to resolve this issue is Filmora Video Editor . It is freely available, and use all the tools according to your needs. That’s why it is gaining popularity, and users are increasing day by day. The latest versions of the Wondershare Filmora are available to enhance user experiences. You can export the outcome with ease from the tools.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Availability of drag and drag feature
  • Can preview the functionalities you apply
  • Easy to customize the images and videos
  • Involvement of the animation
  • Huge library available for the effects of visual and audio
  • Splitting and merging the clips

Wondershare Filmora always offers to split the clips from the creative techniques. This tool is extremely useful, particularly when creating commentaries, tutorials, or interviews. The exact footage has to be on the timeline. All the options are on the main panel. Add anything you like, such as animation, text, images, or other media, to make an outstanding outcome. These are very easy to understand, so go through the following steps for splitting the video clips. Two ways are trimming and splitting the clips in Wondershare Filmora.

First method: splitting on the timeline

Step 1. Selection of the clip in the timeline that you want to split. Your play head should be precisely at this particular place from where you need the splitting.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. When your play head is on the correct point of the timeline, right-click on the clip for opening the menu. Select the option of “Split” or click on the scissor icon in red colour.

split a clip in lightworks

There is also a possibility of hiding the red icon of the scissor present. You can do it by tapping on the options of Wondershare Filmora. Then go to Preferencesàediting. Now uncheck the button of Split.

split a clip in lightworks

Second method: detection of the scene

If there are different shots in your clips or separation in the scenes, you can use the tool of “scene detection” in the Wondershare Filmora.

Step 1. Select your video clip from the media library that you want to split. After right-clicking on it, select the option of “Scene detection” from the menu.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. The new window of the scene detection appears and then click on “Detect”. Depending on the transitions of the video clips, it is divided into different parts.

split a clip in lightworks

There are hundreds of editing software present in the marketplace, but Wondershare Filmora’s success rate is the highest. It is just because of its simplicity and advanced tools that fulfil the users’ needs. The whole interface is hassle-free and clean no matter which operating system you use. It is also helpful in saving your time in terms of applying the settings of colour correction on more than one clip at all at once.

Exploration of the transition effects with the filters allows motion elements in your images and videos. Even you can split the screens to present your videos in a different style. Must discover the Wondershare Filmora whether you are using it casually or professionally. Keep going with the flow and go through the available guidelines. You will definitely consider Wondershare Filmora the best software for your managing and editing tasks.

MAGIX Vegas Pro Review: A Professional Video Editing Software

MAGIX Vegas Pro is a powerful and flexible solution for editing, creating, and adding a finishing touch to your videos. The software combines cutting-edge technology with a highly intuitive user interface, making it easy to use for newbies in the world of video production.

In this MAGIX Vegas Pro review, we’ll take a look at the software and tell you why it’s a great video editor. We’ll also provide a Sony Vegas vs. Adobe Premiere comparison to see how they stand against each other.

Part 1. What Is MAGIX Vegas Pro

Firstly, let’s have a deeper understanding of MAGIX Vegas Pro before we have a review in Part 2.

MAGIX is a computer software company that produces a variety of audio, video, and graphic design digital products. MAGIX has been in business for over 25 years, and its products are used by millions worldwide.

Vegas software was first released in 1999 by Sonic Foundry. Sony Creator Software purchased the program in 2003 and released its several versions till 2014. The company later sold it to MAGIX.

Sony Vegas History Series

Some of the Vegas software series released by Sony Creative Software are listed below:

  • Vegas 4.0e: Released in November 2003, the first version by Sony.
  • Vegas 5.0: Released in April 2004.
  • Vegas 6.0: Released in April 2005.
  • Vegas 7.0: Released in September 2006.
  • Vegas Pro 8.0: Released in September 2007.
  • Vegas Pro 8.1: First Sony Vegas version to support 64-bit.
  • Vegas Pro 9.0: Released in 2009 with greater support for digital cinema.
  • Vegas Pro 10: Released in 2010.
  • Vegas Pro 11: Released on 17 October 2011.
  • Vegas Pro 12: Released in November 2012.
  • Vegas Pro 13: Released in April 2014 with new collaboration tools, the last version by Sony.

MAGIX Vegas Pro 20

MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 is an industry-leading video editing software program owned by MAGIX. The software can help you manipulate, combine, and edit your video clips with various tools in an easy-to-use interface. Vegas Pro is well known among professionals who need to create high-quality videos.

Some basic functions of the Vegas Pro 20 include Speech to Text functionality, Audio production with VST3, Eight Preset Window Layouts, Track effect, Color grading, Optical Flow mode, Fade In/Out features, Honeycomb, and Color Plane presets for GL transitions, and Add and Arrange Media.

magix vegas pro 20

Part 2. MAGIX Vegas Pro Review

The Vegas Pro 20 is a tailor-made software for content creators with an optimized interface, fast rendering speed, and many features to help them create video projects that stand out.

The Score On G2

MAGIX Vegas Pro - a top-of-the-line video editing software that has received several positive reviews from critics and developers on the G2, a famous software review platform.

  • Ease of Use: 8.6 stars out of 10.
  • Ease of Setup: 9.2 stars.
  • Quality of Support: 7.2 stars.
  • Overall: 4.2 stars out of 5.


VEGAS editing software has three tiers that are each designed to fit your specific workflow requirements and budget:

  • VEGAS Edit: Includes a basic package that costs $12.99/ month or $249 for a perpetual license.
  • VEGAS Pro: Advanced package with SOUND FORGE Audio Studio and advanced video editing tools. The package is priced at $19.99/ month or $399 for a perpetual license.
  • VEGAS Post: Ultimate bundle with Vegas effects for high-end compositing and RAW image support. The package will cost you $29.99/ month or $599 for a perpetual license.

magix vegas pro pricing plan

Note: MAGIX Vegas Pro also offers a 30-day free trial that is only limited to basic features.

Functions Review

We’ll now review some of the most important features of MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 and see how they can be used to improve your video editing workflow.

  • Color Touches: The interface has now got a new look that is a bit darker, sleeker, and more professional that lets the icons pop up and become more visible than before.
  • Color Grading: The color grading panel has also received some improvements and is redesigned into a range-limited color wheel, providing more functionalities.

color grading feature

  • Track Effects: The Vegas Pro 20 offers adjustment tracks that help apply effects to the entire track. You can also alter the intensity of these effects and use keyframes from the timeline.

adjustment tracks

  • Scene Detection: The new “Automatic Scene Detection” feature saves you the hassle of cutting your video clips manually before adding them to the timeline. The software does this in three ways: Analyse, Detect, and Split the scenes to add them to the timeline in a sequence.
  • Supported Formats: VEGAS Pro is compatible with Blackmagic RAW, MP4, Apple ProRes, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, AVI,AVC, Panasonic P2, and RED RAW video formats. The software also supports images and audio formats.

And we have prepared a video for you below, so that you can establish an overview of MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 better.

Video - Full Walkthrough of Vegas Pro 20

Part 3. MAGIX Vegas Pro Pros and Cons

Like any other software, MAGIX Vegas Pro also has pros and cons that you must be aware of before making any purchase.


  • Comes with improved and user-friendly color grading tools.
  • Offers free stock clips for the premium version.
  • Improved rendering performance.
  • Traditional nested timeline.
  • Offers social export options such as YouTube and Facebook.
  • Save your project automatically.
  • Supports chroma key and AI AIDs.
  • Has an advanced HDR color correction tool.


  • Expensive for some users.
  • Only supports Windows 10/11.
  • Lacks convenience found in similar software.
  • Unstable Multicam.
  • The startup does not offer a Welcome panel.
  • Lacks tutorials to help.
  • Some programs lack stability.
  • Do not support timely after-sale services.

Part 4. Sony Vegas VS Adobe Premiere, Which One is Better?

Both Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere are powerful video editing software programs with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. As with any software decision, it ultimately comes down to the specific needs of the user to decide which one is better.

Here is our complete guide to the two software programs to help you decide which is best for your needs: Sony Vegas VS Adobe Premiere. Which One is Better ?

adobe premiere video editor


Vegas Pro 19 is an excellent video editor that offers robust features and a streamlined user experience. In addition, the software’s intuitive interface allows anyone to edit videos quickly and easily without having to know any complicated techniques.

In this article, we’ve provided the MAGIX Vegas Pro review to help you understand the features, pros, and cons and what the software has to offer for content creators. We’ve also explored the series of versions developed and released by Sony Vegas.

Hopefully, you find our Magix Vegas Pro 20 review helpful and can now make a better buying decision.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Functions Review

We’ll now review some of the most important features of MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 and see how they can be used to improve your video editing workflow.

  • Color Touches: The interface has now got a new look that is a bit darker, sleeker, and more professional that lets the icons pop up and become more visible than before.
  • Color Grading: The color grading panel has also received some improvements and is redesigned into a range-limited color wheel, providing more functionalities.

color grading feature

  • Track Effects: The Vegas Pro 20 offers adjustment tracks that help apply effects to the entire track. You can also alter the intensity of these effects and use keyframes from the timeline.

adjustment tracks

  • Scene Detection: The new “Automatic Scene Detection” feature saves you the hassle of cutting your video clips manually before adding them to the timeline. The software does this in three ways: Analyse, Detect, and Split the scenes to add them to the timeline in a sequence.
  • Supported Formats: VEGAS Pro is compatible with Blackmagic RAW, MP4, Apple ProRes, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, AVI,AVC, Panasonic P2, and RED RAW video formats. The software also supports images and audio formats.

And we have prepared a video for you below, so that you can establish an overview of MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 better.

Video - Full Walkthrough of Vegas Pro 20

Part 3. MAGIX Vegas Pro Pros and Cons

Like any other software, MAGIX Vegas Pro also has pros and cons that you must be aware of before making any purchase.


  • Comes with improved and user-friendly color grading tools.
  • Offers free stock clips for the premium version.
  • Improved rendering performance.
  • Traditional nested timeline.
  • Offers social export options such as YouTube and Facebook.
  • Save your project automatically.
  • Supports chroma key and AI AIDs.
  • Has an advanced HDR color correction tool.


  • Expensive for some users.
  • Only supports Windows 10/11.
  • Lacks convenience found in similar software.
  • Unstable Multicam.
  • The startup does not offer a Welcome panel.
  • Lacks tutorials to help.
  • Some programs lack stability.
  • Do not support timely after-sale services.

Part 4. Sony Vegas VS Adobe Premiere, Which One is Better?

Both Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere are powerful video editing software programs with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. As with any software decision, it ultimately comes down to the specific needs of the user to decide which one is better.

Here is our complete guide to the two software programs to help you decide which is best for your needs: Sony Vegas VS Adobe Premiere. Which One is Better ?

adobe premiere video editor


Vegas Pro 19 is an excellent video editor that offers robust features and a streamlined user experience. In addition, the software’s intuitive interface allows anyone to edit videos quickly and easily without having to know any complicated techniques.

In this article, we’ve provided the MAGIX Vegas Pro review to help you understand the features, pros, and cons and what the software has to offer for content creators. We’ve also explored the series of versions developed and released by Sony Vegas.

Hopefully, you find our Magix Vegas Pro 20 review helpful and can now make a better buying decision.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Also read:

  • Title: New Creating Video Testimonials
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:11:57
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:11:57
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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