New How To Use Face Tracking In After Effects To Make Your Videos Pop

New How To Use Face Tracking In After Effects To Make Your Videos Pop

Morgan Lv12

How To Use Face Tracking In After Effects To Make Your Videos Pop

Face Tracking is a process of identifying or locating human faces in digital images and videos, and it is used for a variety of applications, such as to re-target tools and effects to specific areas of the face, to track face data for rotoscoping/motion stabilization, or to generate keyframes for facial expressions automatically.

In Adobe After Effects, there are two Face Tracking features, i.e., Outline Only and Detailed Feature. The former will help only to track the face, while the latter provides detailed data on different facial features to help you change the eye color, mouth movements, etc.

In this blog post, we will explore Face Tracking, its applications, how it works, and its challenges and drawbacks. We will also provide an easy-to-follow guide on using the Face Tracking feature in Adobe After Effects.

Part 1. What Is Face Tracking

Face Tracking is a process of identifying or detecting the areas of the face, such as the eyes, nose, and mouth, in a video or image. This effect can be used to track and animate face replacements, retouch footage, or add effects to a user’s face in live footage.

Where It Is Applied

Face Tracking can be used for a variety of applications, such as:

  • Replacing One Face With Another: This is helpful if you need to change the face of a character in video footage.
  • Adding Automatic Effects: With this feature, you can apply effects to a face in live footage.
  • Retouching Footage: Face Tracking can help you retouch a face in a video clip, for instance, you can smooth it or change the skin tone, etc.
  • Robotic Devices: Certain robots use Face Tracking technology to perform human tasks.

Part 2. How Does Face Tracking Work?

Face Tracking algorithms usually begin by detecting facial landmarks, such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Once detected, the AI algorithms use them to track the face as it moves. This information can be used to perform various tasks, such as identifying the person’s emotions or estimating their head pose.

Face Tracking technology is constantly improving and is now being used in various new applications, such as to create 3D models of people’s faces, control robotic devices, and create more realistic avatars for virtual reality systems.

Part 3. The Challenges And Drawbacks Of Face Tracking

Face Tracking is a technology that has been growing in popularity in recent years. This technology allows computers to detect and track human faces in real-time. While Face Tracking has many potential applications, some challenges and drawbacks also need to be considered:

One of the main challenges with Face Tracking is that it can be difficult to track faces in different lighting conditions. Faces can also be obstructed by objects such as hats or glasses. Another challenge is that things like photographs, makeup, or masks can fool face tracking.

Some privacy concerns need to be considered when using Face Tracking. This technology can be used to collect sensitive data about people without their consent.

Despite these challenges and drawbacks, Face Tracking remains a promising technology with many potential applications, and it can help with many tasks such as identifying a perpetrator, finding a missing person, better security measures in banks and airports, and many more.

Part 4. The Face Tracking In After Effects

Adobe After Effects is a useful and powerful tool that can be used for various purposes, including Face Tracking. This feature enables you to track the movement of a person’s face and detect specific parts of a face, including eyes, nose, mouth, etc., to let you work with these facial features individually.

For instance, you can change the mouth movement or pupil color without frame-by-frame adjustments. Moreover, you can measure facial features to see the details, such as how open the eye or mouth is.


Here’s a simple and quick rundown of the features of Face Tracking in Adobe After Effects:

  1. Help you detect faces and provide isolated data points to help you refine the content.
  2. Retouch the face in a video without adjusting it frame by frame.
  3. Let you export the tracking data to Character Animator for creating performance-based animations.


There are two Face Tracking functions in the Tracker panel:

  • Face Tracking (Outline Only): This feature will only help you to outline the face in a video clip.
  • Face Tracking (Detailed Features): This option will help you if you want to detect the different facial features and parts, including the eye, pupil, eyebrow, mouth, and nose. You can also take exact measurements of the features.

Part 5. The Guidance Of Using Face Tracking In After Effects

Follow the guidelines below to use Face Tracking in After Effects:

Face Tracking To Outline A Face

Step1Launch the After Effects software and click “File” in the top Toolbar. Select Import and click “File.” Find the video footage and add it to the Project panel.

adding the footage to the project panel

Step2To add a new layer, drag and drop the video footage from the Project Panel to the Composition.

Step3Drag the blue current-time indicator in the Timeline to a frame showing the face’s upright and front view.

dragging the blue cti to a frame with the face in the upright and front position

Step4Now, you have to draw a closed mask loosely around the face. This helps identify the region for locating the facial features. The top mask is used for Face Tracking if you have selected multiple masks.

creating a closed mask loosely around the face

Step5Click the “Window” option from the top Toolbar and scroll down to “Tracker.” Select “Face Tracking (Outline Only)” as the tracking method in the Tracker Panel.

Step6To make sure the tracking is working correctly, track forward or backward one frame at a time and click the “Start” button to start the analysis process of the frames. Once finished, you can find the Face Tracking data within the Composition.

Tracking Detailed Features And Extracting Facial Measurements

For detailed face features tracking, do the following steps in sequence:

Step1Import your file and add it to the Project in the After Effects. Drop and drag the video clip into a Composition from the Project Panel to add a layer.

Step2Position the CTI to a frame showing the upright and front view of the face, and draw a closed mask loosely around the face to define the search region to find the facial features.

Step3Click the “Window” option, scroll down to Tracker and select it. Choose the **“Face Tracking (Detailed Features)**” option as the tracking method.

selecting the face tracking option

Step4Track forward or backward to check the tracking process, and click the “Start” button to initiate the analysis process.

Step5Once the analysis is done, you can find the tracking data within a new effect, “Face Track Point.” To access the face tracking data, go to “Window” and select “Effects Control” to go to the Effects Panel or check within the Composition.

face tracking data within the composition

Step6Move the CTI to a frame displaying neutral facial expressions or is in the rest pose. The measurements of a face on other frames are dependent on the rest pose frame. Now, click “Set Rest Pose” in the Tracker Panel and select “Extract & Copy Face Measurements” to add the Face Measurement layer.

Step7When the Face Measurements effect layer is added, keyframes are automatically generated based on the Face Track Points keyframe data. You can copy the data from the system clipboard for use in Adobe Character Animator.

Video - How to do Face Tracking, Facial ID, with After Effects (iPhone X features) Tutorial


In this article, we’ve discussed what Face Tracking is, where it is applied, how it works, and its challenges and drawbacks. We further provided a step-by-step guide on using Face Tracking in After Effects and discussed its two functions.

Hopefully, this guide helps you understand the Face Tracking technology, and you can now use the feature in After Effects without hassle.

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In this article, we’ve discussed what Face Tracking is, where it is applied, how it works, and its challenges and drawbacks. We further provided a step-by-step guide on using Face Tracking in After Effects and discussed its two functions.

Hopefully, this guide helps you understand the Face Tracking technology, and you can now use the feature in After Effects without hassle.

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Best Video Title Generators

The ranking of videos in search results depends on the quality of their titles; making video title maker an essentiality. Similar to metadata, titles provide important information about your video, like its genre, subject, etc., to YouTube, Google, and TikTok viewers. The likelihood that the audience will locate and watch your film will rise if you provide the appropriate titles. To assist you in choosing which option will work best for you, we have included video title makers online in this post.

The process of making video titles may be laborious and time-consuming. However, not with the video title maker online free. You can utilize one of the title video makers online for free and your social media videos might rank higher and get more views altogether. But even when you know where to start, there are so many different factors that it may be perplexing. Fortunately, the fantastic video title generator provided in this post will make the process fast and simple.

  1. TubeRanker Title Generator
  2. TunePocket Title Generator

Part 1. Tools to Generate Video Titles

1. TubeRanker Title Generator

A collection of YouTube SEO tools called TubeRanker may be used to optimize videos on Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. Creators may utilize the short bursts of video title suggestions provided by the TubeRanker Title Generator in the names of their YouTube videos. Creators of videos may arrange and produce flawless, SEO-optimized video descriptions with the aid of the TubeRanker Video Description Generator. With the help of its title generator tool, TubeRanker can extract and display the meta tags connected to any public movie.

Steps to Use TubeRanker:

Step1 Visit the Website

In the first step, refer to the TubeRanker official website and you will be shown to the following UI. As a result, it’s a good idea to start with some keyword research instructions; you can read the TubeRanker title generator instructions to do so.

open tuberank website

Step2 Launch the Title Generator

Your video’s ranking on search engine results pages in TubeRanker depends heavily on your keywords, which also assist viewers determine if the post is relevant to them. From the webpage, refer to the title generator as shown here:

launch title generator tool

Step3 Generate Video Title

Simply enter your keyword into the title generator and press the red button to complete this phase. You’ll see many titles as soon as you do that and begin reading the headlines. Write down the ones that make sense as you go down. Make a few minor edits to ensure that they are grammatically sound. Run a search using the niche and after that the automatically created titles are getting in the way as shown here:

generate video title

Step4 Copy the Title (s)

After that, you’ll have a lot of options from which to choose. Some individuals push for names that are SEO-friendly, while others try for titles that are distinctive to stand out from the throng. maintain a careful balance. Both include a powerful keyword and making your title stand out should be your goals.

copy titles from generator tool

2. TunePocket Title Generator

For background music for your video and YouTube video SEO, TunePocket might be a top-notch tool. Additionally, the fact that it is free to use and that no account creation is necessary is beneficial. A stock music library, TunePocket provides a variety of music services. Additionally, we have discovered some incredible YouTube tools, such as YouTube tag generators. The fact that you can use this tag generator on YouTube without creating an account is what made us appreciate it even more.

Steps to Use TunePocket:

Step1 Visit the Website

The title generating procedure for your films may be started by first visiting the official TunePocket website, as illustrated here:
image name: visit-tunepocket.jpg

Step2 Launch the Title Generator

While on the webpage, you can refer to the YouTube title generator section. This will let you enter the topic of your video in the referred box as shown here:

enter video topic to generate

Step3 Generate Video Title

You may save a lot of time by using TunePocket title generator to create creative titles. Simply type in your target term, choose your desired region, and language, then click “Get Titles.” There will be a list of useful keywords returned by TunePocket. You can run again the generator in order to get the desired results. For that, click on the Run again button down the line as shown here:

title ideas suggestions

Step4 Copy the Title to Clipboard

A title generator may be processed in a matter of seconds and a few clicks. You don’t need to spend hours and hours coming up with numerous titles; you can copy more than one in a matter of minutes. Simply hit the Copy to Clipboard and get done with the title:

copy title to clipboard

Part 2. Tips to Create Video Titles

Whether you’ve been video marketing for years or are just starting out, coming up with catchy video titles might be the most difficult aspect of the process. The title of a video has a significant role in whether or not viewers choose to click the play button, making it more than simply a minor feature. Poor titles make it difficult to attract views and expand your following, regardless of how fantastic your videos are. Here are the best scrutinized tips for creating best ranking titles for your videos:

1. Optimize the title using keywords for improved SEO

It might be difficult to come up with a title that is original, concise, and descriptive. However, a strong video title stays something original. Keywords are crucial for more than simply your website. They are important for video titles, too. If you want people to see your videos when they search for certain phrases, those keywords should be in the title because Google and YouTube can’t watch videos and grasp the content (yet).

2. Perfectly Match the Content

A excellent video title explains to viewers what to anticipate from the video. It’s unambiguous, straightforward, and sincere. Additionally, if you are familiar with your target demographic, you will be able to generate a lot more hits to your videos. Using a vague or confusing title is problematic as people are busy and need a reason to watch your movie. Similar to false content, misleading headlines deceive viewers and damage your reputation.

3. Attempt to pique interest

Keep in mind that compelling video titles are an art form that appeals to viewers’ emotions rather than being a precise SEO science. Try answering the questions on your own to get a catchy video title. People are more inclined to watch a video if you make reference to a secret or exceptional knowledge that you will disclose in it. Keep in mind that your goal is not to deceive viewers into viewing your video.

4. Increase the Click Through Rate

The finest titles are those that best expose the vulnerabilities of the reader. Consider it a little preview for your video. If you are creating a how-to or instructive video that answers a question or gives information, you may want to consider include the question in the title. It also makes it simple to think up video concept.

5. Attempt to utilize cue (triggering) words

Your title and description should both include your target keyword. You’ll probably start to generate some ideas for a real video title after you begin your keyword research. To determine how persuasive these concepts are, use a trigger analyzer. You’ll need to do study in order to accomplish this. As for the knowledge gap, consider how your target audience would respond.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best tag generators for videos, including everything from video names and descriptions to titles, thumbnail design elements, and video ideas. You may get some useful tips as well for creating the greatest video titles by using this guide to the video title generator to obtain the ideal title for your social media videos. Find out the best suitable video title maker online free in the post above and tweak your video titles for social platforms rankings.

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1. TubeRanker Title Generator

A collection of YouTube SEO tools called TubeRanker may be used to optimize videos on Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. Creators may utilize the short bursts of video title suggestions provided by the TubeRanker Title Generator in the names of their YouTube videos. Creators of videos may arrange and produce flawless, SEO-optimized video descriptions with the aid of the TubeRanker Video Description Generator. With the help of its title generator tool, TubeRanker can extract and display the meta tags connected to any public movie.

Steps to Use TubeRanker:

Step1 Visit the Website

In the first step, refer to the TubeRanker official website and you will be shown to the following UI. As a result, it’s a good idea to start with some keyword research instructions; you can read the TubeRanker title generator instructions to do so.

open tuberank website

Step2 Launch the Title Generator

Your video’s ranking on search engine results pages in TubeRanker depends heavily on your keywords, which also assist viewers determine if the post is relevant to them. From the webpage, refer to the title generator as shown here:

launch title generator tool

Step3 Generate Video Title

Simply enter your keyword into the title generator and press the red button to complete this phase. You’ll see many titles as soon as you do that and begin reading the headlines. Write down the ones that make sense as you go down. Make a few minor edits to ensure that they are grammatically sound. Run a search using the niche and after that the automatically created titles are getting in the way as shown here:

generate video title

Step4 Copy the Title (s)

After that, you’ll have a lot of options from which to choose. Some individuals push for names that are SEO-friendly, while others try for titles that are distinctive to stand out from the throng. maintain a careful balance. Both include a powerful keyword and making your title stand out should be your goals.

copy titles from generator tool

2. TunePocket Title Generator

For background music for your video and YouTube video SEO, TunePocket might be a top-notch tool. Additionally, the fact that it is free to use and that no account creation is necessary is beneficial. A stock music library, TunePocket provides a variety of music services. Additionally, we have discovered some incredible YouTube tools, such as YouTube tag generators. The fact that you can use this tag generator on YouTube without creating an account is what made us appreciate it even more.

Steps to Use TunePocket:

Step1 Visit the Website

The title generating procedure for your films may be started by first visiting the official TunePocket website, as illustrated here:
image name: visit-tunepocket.jpg

Step2 Launch the Title Generator

While on the webpage, you can refer to the YouTube title generator section. This will let you enter the topic of your video in the referred box as shown here:

enter video topic to generate

Step3 Generate Video Title

You may save a lot of time by using TunePocket title generator to create creative titles. Simply type in your target term, choose your desired region, and language, then click “Get Titles.” There will be a list of useful keywords returned by TunePocket. You can run again the generator in order to get the desired results. For that, click on the Run again button down the line as shown here:

title ideas suggestions

Step4 Copy the Title to Clipboard

A title generator may be processed in a matter of seconds and a few clicks. You don’t need to spend hours and hours coming up with numerous titles; you can copy more than one in a matter of minutes. Simply hit the Copy to Clipboard and get done with the title:

copy title to clipboard

Part 2. Tips to Create Video Titles

Whether you’ve been video marketing for years or are just starting out, coming up with catchy video titles might be the most difficult aspect of the process. The title of a video has a significant role in whether or not viewers choose to click the play button, making it more than simply a minor feature. Poor titles make it difficult to attract views and expand your following, regardless of how fantastic your videos are. Here are the best scrutinized tips for creating best ranking titles for your videos:

1. Optimize the title using keywords for improved SEO

It might be difficult to come up with a title that is original, concise, and descriptive. However, a strong video title stays something original. Keywords are crucial for more than simply your website. They are important for video titles, too. If you want people to see your videos when they search for certain phrases, those keywords should be in the title because Google and YouTube can’t watch videos and grasp the content (yet).

2. Perfectly Match the Content

A excellent video title explains to viewers what to anticipate from the video. It’s unambiguous, straightforward, and sincere. Additionally, if you are familiar with your target demographic, you will be able to generate a lot more hits to your videos. Using a vague or confusing title is problematic as people are busy and need a reason to watch your movie. Similar to false content, misleading headlines deceive viewers and damage your reputation.

3. Attempt to pique interest

Keep in mind that compelling video titles are an art form that appeals to viewers’ emotions rather than being a precise SEO science. Try answering the questions on your own to get a catchy video title. People are more inclined to watch a video if you make reference to a secret or exceptional knowledge that you will disclose in it. Keep in mind that your goal is not to deceive viewers into viewing your video.

4. Increase the Click Through Rate

The finest titles are those that best expose the vulnerabilities of the reader. Consider it a little preview for your video. If you are creating a how-to or instructive video that answers a question or gives information, you may want to consider include the question in the title. It also makes it simple to think up video concept.

5. Attempt to utilize cue (triggering) words

Your title and description should both include your target keyword. You’ll probably start to generate some ideas for a real video title after you begin your keyword research. To determine how persuasive these concepts are, use a trigger analyzer. You’ll need to do study in order to accomplish this. As for the knowledge gap, consider how your target audience would respond.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best tag generators for videos, including everything from video names and descriptions to titles, thumbnail design elements, and video ideas. You may get some useful tips as well for creating the greatest video titles by using this guide to the video title generator to obtain the ideal title for your social media videos. Find out the best suitable video title maker online free in the post above and tweak your video titles for social platforms rankings.

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11 Apps To Speed Up A Video On iPhone

As a content creator or a video editor, you may deal with many different aspects of editing. It may go from basic editing to VFX and so on. Speed ramping is also an important feature of editing. Creators who make cinematics or B-rolls often may have used this feature.

Changing the speed of the whole video doesn’t look good in most situations therefore speed ramping feature was created. Speed Ramping means gradually changing the speed of a clip over time. It isn’t a complex thing but doing it correctly in the right amount at the right time can change the feel of the whole video. It catches the attention of viewers through different scenes of a clip.

So, here we have mentioned some iPhone video editing softwares that can at least do basic speed changes. but most of them can also do advanced speed ramping. These are as follows:

Filmora Go:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

Want to do speed ramping? use Filmora Go. But are you a content creator and want to do more than just video editing? I would still recommend “Filmora Go”. Because it is such a versatile and easy-to-use software made by Wondershare. Like its PC software, it is also packed with many cool features such as chroma key, mask, keyframing, blending, e.t.c. It also supports multiple layers. It has built-in effects, transitions, and presets to speed up the editing process.

It is a paid video editor but you can try it for free, free trial includes most of the features but it leaves a watermark on export.


  • Has speed curves for smooth speed ramping.
  • Supports multiple images and video layers.
  • Have many presets and filters for fast pace editing.
  • Have cool features like chroma key, masking, keyframing, e.t.c.
  • Supports “Pixabay’s” stock library.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.

2 Methods to Crop a Video in VLC

Want to crop your videos but don’t know how to start?

A video editor needs to know how he can crop his videos. There is a way to do this using the VLC that is installed in your computer. This guide will teach you a simple way to get what you want. This might appear as complicated at first sight but it will be shown to you in a digestible way. An alternative way would be to use Wondershare Filmora. You will also be guided on how to use this software to crop your videos. Don’t worry and just take it one step at a time.

Method 1: Cropping a Video using VLC

Have you ever heard of the VLC media player? If not, you can browse through it online and install it on your computer. Aside from watching content, you can also crop videos with it. Cropping is a way to remove spaces that you would not want to be included on your video.

Find the software on your computer and don’t be overwhelmed by the interface.


Then click the Media and select Open File to choose the video that you want to crop. You should prepare the videos that you want to be cropped and rename them to avoid confusion.


Click the Tools on the menu and select the Effects and Filters.


After that, click on the Video Effects and under that select Crop. Doing this, will open the cropping editor.


You need to enter specific pixels on the left, right, top and bottom. This will depend on your preferences. If it is your first time and you don’t know the exact pixels then just input what you think would be enough.


After entering your preferred pixels, you can preview it. If you would like to adjust then just simply repeat entering the specific pixels.


You decided to save the cropped video. Find the Tools menu and select Preferences.


Find the Show settings and click All. In the search bar type Croppadd then save your previous preferred pixel settings. Lastly, click Save.


In the Media menu select the Convert/Save. You can drag and drop the cropped video to the File box.


You can select your file format and codecs by clicking Convert/Save.


Find the Edit Selected Profile and click the Video Codec. Then under the Filters tab, select the Video cropping filter. Finally, click Save.


In the Destination file select where you want it to be saved.


Then click Start.


Congratulations on getting here! You finally cropped your video using the VLC media player.

Although there are disadvantages to using this as your cropping tool. Like for example you want the real-time preview of what you’ve changed in your video. This would be a turn off for some that want their outputs to be shown to them immediately. Aside from this, there is a chance that you will forget one step to make and thus, the whole process would need to start over from scratch. Lastly, is the freedom to batch crop multiple videos. This is especially important for those that need to have many clips in one video. A user might lose the continuity of the story within his video.

While one of its strong suits is the affordability of the software. It is completely free and has no additional charges that may surprise you in the future. Finally, your output won’t have watermarks that could destroy the aesthetics of your video.

What are your experiences with using it as a cropping tool? What would you recommend to improve it? It is up to you the user if you want to continue using this as your partner in removing the excess in your videos.

Method 2: Cropping a Video using Wondershare Filmora

Have you heard of an editing tool called Wondershare Filmora Video Editor ? What are your first impressions of this software? You can download this for free by going to the official site.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora is a useful editor that can help you produce the content that you want. It is packed with beneficial tools that you can learn to apply. If it is already installed on your computer then proceed to opening it.


Prepare your videos that you need to crop. You can drag and drop your video or click the Import.


Select the video clip that you want to crop. Then, click the Crop tool and choose if you want the Crop or Pan & Zoom.


You can also right click the video clip .Under the Video tab you can select the Crop and Zoom or Crop to Fit then adjust to your preferred ratio.


One of the advantages of Filmora is you can preview what you have cropped immediately. This will greatly help you if you’re not sure what kind of crop that you want. If you’ve thought that you made a mistake then a simple Undo button could fix it. In short, you’re not going through the gruesome process of starting all over again. You can also do the batch cropping of multiple videos helping you ensure the smoothness of flow in the final output.

Although the Filmora is not free, there is a trial that you can use to test it to check if this video editor would meet your needs. It has tools that a beginner to expert video editor could use to produce high quality videos that would make the audience think that it was life from the movies.

The Bottom Line

The journey of exploring different options would help you make the decision. Both VLC media player and Wondershare Filmora have their great features which would aid the user to crop his videos in an efficient way. What are your thoughts on each of them? As an individual you have varied needs that a video tool should meet.

After reading this, you’ve had a clearer view of what these video softwares offers. Did this guide help you decide which would fit your needs as a video editor? What are your suggestions for improvement?

You could share with us the tips and tricks you know on cropping videos using these applications.

Then click the Media and select Open File to choose the video that you want to crop. You should prepare the videos that you want to be cropped and rename them to avoid confusion.


Click the Tools on the menu and select the Effects and Filters.


After that, click on the Video Effects and under that select Crop. Doing this, will open the cropping editor.


You need to enter specific pixels on the left, right, top and bottom. This will depend on your preferences. If it is your first time and you don’t know the exact pixels then just input what you think would be enough.


After entering your preferred pixels, you can preview it. If you would like to adjust then just simply repeat entering the specific pixels.


You decided to save the cropped video. Find the Tools menu and select Preferences.


Find the Show settings and click All. In the search bar type Croppadd then save your previous preferred pixel settings. Lastly, click Save.


In the Media menu select the Convert/Save. You can drag and drop the cropped video to the File box.


You can select your file format and codecs by clicking Convert/Save.


Find the Edit Selected Profile and click the Video Codec. Then under the Filters tab, select the Video cropping filter. Finally, click Save.


In the Destination file select where you want it to be saved.


Then click Start.


Congratulations on getting here! You finally cropped your video using the VLC media player.

Although there are disadvantages to using this as your cropping tool. Like for example you want the real-time preview of what you’ve changed in your video. This would be a turn off for some that want their outputs to be shown to them immediately. Aside from this, there is a chance that you will forget one step to make and thus, the whole process would need to start over from scratch. Lastly, is the freedom to batch crop multiple videos. This is especially important for those that need to have many clips in one video. A user might lose the continuity of the story within his video.

While one of its strong suits is the affordability of the software. It is completely free and has no additional charges that may surprise you in the future. Finally, your output won’t have watermarks that could destroy the aesthetics of your video.

What are your experiences with using it as a cropping tool? What would you recommend to improve it? It is up to you the user if you want to continue using this as your partner in removing the excess in your videos.

Method 2: Cropping a Video using Wondershare Filmora

Have you heard of an editing tool called Wondershare Filmora Video Editor ? What are your first impressions of this software? You can download this for free by going to the official site.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora is a useful editor that can help you produce the content that you want. It is packed with beneficial tools that you can learn to apply. If it is already installed on your computer then proceed to opening it.


Prepare your videos that you need to crop. You can drag and drop your video or click the Import.


Select the video clip that you want to crop. Then, click the Crop tool and choose if you want the Crop or Pan & Zoom.


You can also right click the video clip .Under the Video tab you can select the Crop and Zoom or Crop to Fit then adjust to your preferred ratio.


One of the advantages of Filmora is you can preview what you have cropped immediately. This will greatly help you if you’re not sure what kind of crop that you want. If you’ve thought that you made a mistake then a simple Undo button could fix it. In short, you’re not going through the gruesome process of starting all over again. You can also do the batch cropping of multiple videos helping you ensure the smoothness of flow in the final output.

Although the Filmora is not free, there is a trial that you can use to test it to check if this video editor would meet your needs. It has tools that a beginner to expert video editor could use to produce high quality videos that would make the audience think that it was life from the movies.

The Bottom Line

The journey of exploring different options would help you make the decision. Both VLC media player and Wondershare Filmora have their great features which would aid the user to crop his videos in an efficient way. What are your thoughts on each of them? As an individual you have varied needs that a video tool should meet.

After reading this, you’ve had a clearer view of what these video softwares offers. Did this guide help you decide which would fit your needs as a video editor? What are your suggestions for improvement?

You could share with us the tips and tricks you know on cropping videos using these applications.

Then click the Media and select Open File to choose the video that you want to crop. You should prepare the videos that you want to be cropped and rename them to avoid confusion.


Click the Tools on the menu and select the Effects and Filters.


After that, click on the Video Effects and under that select Crop. Doing this, will open the cropping editor.


You need to enter specific pixels on the left, right, top and bottom. This will depend on your preferences. If it is your first time and you don’t know the exact pixels then just input what you think would be enough.


After entering your preferred pixels, you can preview it. If you would like to adjust then just simply repeat entering the specific pixels.


You decided to save the cropped video. Find the Tools menu and select Preferences.


Find the Show settings and click All. In the search bar type Croppadd then save your previous preferred pixel settings. Lastly, click Save.


In the Media menu select the Convert/Save. You can drag and drop the cropped video to the File box.


You can select your file format and codecs by clicking Convert/Save.


Find the Edit Selected Profile and click the Video Codec. Then under the Filters tab, select the Video cropping filter. Finally, click Save.


In the Destination file select where you want it to be saved.


Then click Start.


Congratulations on getting here! You finally cropped your video using the VLC media player.

Although there are disadvantages to using this as your cropping tool. Like for example you want the real-time preview of what you’ve changed in your video. This would be a turn off for some that want their outputs to be shown to them immediately. Aside from this, there is a chance that you will forget one step to make and thus, the whole process would need to start over from scratch. Lastly, is the freedom to batch crop multiple videos. This is especially important for those that need to have many clips in one video. A user might lose the continuity of the story within his video.

While one of its strong suits is the affordability of the software. It is completely free and has no additional charges that may surprise you in the future. Finally, your output won’t have watermarks that could destroy the aesthetics of your video.

What are your experiences with using it as a cropping tool? What would you recommend to improve it? It is up to you the user if you want to continue using this as your partner in removing the excess in your videos.

Method 2: Cropping a Video using Wondershare Filmora

Have you heard of an editing tool called Wondershare Filmora Video Editor ? What are your first impressions of this software? You can download this for free by going to the official site.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora is a useful editor that can help you produce the content that you want. It is packed with beneficial tools that you can learn to apply. If it is already installed on your computer then proceed to opening it.


Prepare your videos that you need to crop. You can drag and drop your video or click the Import.


Select the video clip that you want to crop. Then, click the Crop tool and choose if you want the Crop or Pan & Zoom.


You can also right click the video clip .Under the Video tab you can select the Crop and Zoom or Crop to Fit then adjust to your preferred ratio.


One of the advantages of Filmora is you can preview what you have cropped immediately. This will greatly help you if you’re not sure what kind of crop that you want. If you’ve thought that you made a mistake then a simple Undo button could fix it. In short, you’re not going through the gruesome process of starting all over again. You can also do the batch cropping of multiple videos helping you ensure the smoothness of flow in the final output.

Although the Filmora is not free, there is a trial that you can use to test it to check if this video editor would meet your needs. It has tools that a beginner to expert video editor could use to produce high quality videos that would make the audience think that it was life from the movies.

The Bottom Line

The journey of exploring different options would help you make the decision. Both VLC media player and Wondershare Filmora have their great features which would aid the user to crop his videos in an efficient way. What are your thoughts on each of them? As an individual you have varied needs that a video tool should meet.

After reading this, you’ve had a clearer view of what these video softwares offers. Did this guide help you decide which would fit your needs as a video editor? What are your suggestions for improvement?

You could share with us the tips and tricks you know on cropping videos using these applications.

Then click the Media and select Open File to choose the video that you want to crop. You should prepare the videos that you want to be cropped and rename them to avoid confusion.


Click the Tools on the menu and select the Effects and Filters.


After that, click on the Video Effects and under that select Crop. Doing this, will open the cropping editor.


You need to enter specific pixels on the left, right, top and bottom. This will depend on your preferences. If it is your first time and you don’t know the exact pixels then just input what you think would be enough.


After entering your preferred pixels, you can preview it. If you would like to adjust then just simply repeat entering the specific pixels.


You decided to save the cropped video. Find the Tools menu and select Preferences.


Find the Show settings and click All. In the search bar type Croppadd then save your previous preferred pixel settings. Lastly, click Save.


In the Media menu select the Convert/Save. You can drag and drop the cropped video to the File box.


You can select your file format and codecs by clicking Convert/Save.


Find the Edit Selected Profile and click the Video Codec. Then under the Filters tab, select the Video cropping filter. Finally, click Save.


In the Destination file select where you want it to be saved.


Then click Start.


Congratulations on getting here! You finally cropped your video using the VLC media player.

Although there are disadvantages to using this as your cropping tool. Like for example you want the real-time preview of what you’ve changed in your video. This would be a turn off for some that want their outputs to be shown to them immediately. Aside from this, there is a chance that you will forget one step to make and thus, the whole process would need to start over from scratch. Lastly, is the freedom to batch crop multiple videos. This is especially important for those that need to have many clips in one video. A user might lose the continuity of the story within his video.

While one of its strong suits is the affordability of the software. It is completely free and has no additional charges that may surprise you in the future. Finally, your output won’t have watermarks that could destroy the aesthetics of your video.

What are your experiences with using it as a cropping tool? What would you recommend to improve it? It is up to you the user if you want to continue using this as your partner in removing the excess in your videos.

Method 2: Cropping a Video using Wondershare Filmora

Have you heard of an editing tool called Wondershare Filmora Video Editor ? What are your first impressions of this software? You can download this for free by going to the official site.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora is a useful editor that can help you produce the content that you want. It is packed with beneficial tools that you can learn to apply. If it is already installed on your computer then proceed to opening it.


Prepare your videos that you need to crop. You can drag and drop your video or click the Import.


Select the video clip that you want to crop. Then, click the Crop tool and choose if you want the Crop or Pan & Zoom.


You can also right click the video clip .Under the Video tab you can select the Crop and Zoom or Crop to Fit then adjust to your preferred ratio.


One of the advantages of Filmora is you can preview what you have cropped immediately. This will greatly help you if you’re not sure what kind of crop that you want. If you’ve thought that you made a mistake then a simple Undo button could fix it. In short, you’re not going through the gruesome process of starting all over again. You can also do the batch cropping of multiple videos helping you ensure the smoothness of flow in the final output.

Although the Filmora is not free, there is a trial that you can use to test it to check if this video editor would meet your needs. It has tools that a beginner to expert video editor could use to produce high quality videos that would make the audience think that it was life from the movies.

The Bottom Line

The journey of exploring different options would help you make the decision. Both VLC media player and Wondershare Filmora have their great features which would aid the user to crop his videos in an efficient way. What are your thoughts on each of them? As an individual you have varied needs that a video tool should meet.

After reading this, you’ve had a clearer view of what these video softwares offers. Did this guide help you decide which would fit your needs as a video editor? What are your suggestions for improvement?

You could share with us the tips and tricks you know on cropping videos using these applications.

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  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:12:21
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:12:21
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.