New In 2024, Create Promotional Video

New In 2024, Create Promotional Video

Morgan Lv12

Create Promotional Video

When it comes to executing video marketing campaigns, there’s an unspoken rule that holds true no matter what your goals are. Ready for it? A great video is only as good as the brand behind it. Branding is a crucial aspect of any successful video marketing campaign because your audience needs to believe in your product or service before they will invest their time and money in you. If you want to make a real impact with your promotional videos, branding should be at the top of your mind.

brand guidelines intro

What is Branding

When you think of branding, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s your favorite pair of shoes or a piece of clothing with a logo on it. Or maybe you think about big companies with catchy slogans and memorable commercials that have been around for years. But branding isn’t just about logos and slogans—it’s so much more than that.

Branding is the process of creating an identity for your product or service that differentiates itself from others in its category. This can be as simple as coming up with a name for your company, or it could mean developing an entire brand strategy that encompasses every aspect of how you present yourself to the world (and potential customers). Branding is all about finding ways to stand out from other businesses in your industry by establishing trust with consumers through consistency across all channels, including social media, websites, advertising campaigns, and more.

Why Branding is Important

Branding is vital for any business. It’s the foundation of your brand and it sets up a strong structure for your business to grow on.

Branding helps to build trust and loyalty with customers, which is crucial to gaining new customers and retaining old ones.

If you want people to remember you, then branding is important because it makes sure people will never forget about you!

With great branding comes great responsibility in terms of communicating clearly who you are as a company, what kind of products/services that you provide or sell, how those products/services will benefit consumers (or clients), etc., so make sure these things are always clear when designing promotional videos meant specifically for marketing purposes.

Branding in Video Marketing

Branding is an important part of video marketing because it helps to create a memorable video.

You should make sure you have a clear understanding of your brand before you start creating promotional videos. Your brand is the personality that people associate with your business or company, and this will help them to remember you.

For example, if you’re selling food products related to health and fitness, then having a healthy lifestyle theme throughout all aspects of the production process will be essential to getting people excited about what they see in their minds when they think about your product or service.

It can be challenging to keep track of all the aspects of your brand, but you can use Brand Guidelines to make sure that everything is aligned with your goals and values.

About Video Brand Guidelines

Video brand guidelines are a set of rules and regulations that govern how your videos should look, feel and sound. By having these in place, you can maintain a consistent style and tone across all your video content, whether that be explainer videos or social media posts.

Why do you need Video Brand Guidelines

1. Keeps your videos on-brand

The most important reason for creating video brand guidelines is to keep all your videos feeling like they come from the same place. This way, no matter what type of video it is, viewers will always know it’s from your brand.

2. Make sure everyone’s on the same page.

With so many people involved in the production of a single video, it can be hard to keep everyone on the same page. By having guidelines in place, you can make sure that everyone knows exactly what your brand’s video style is, and how to stay true to it.

3. Saves time and money.

In the long run, having video brand guidelines will save you both time and money. With a clear understanding of your brand’s video style, you can avoid costly mistakes and re-dos, and produce content faster and more efficiently.

4. Helps with planning

It can be difficult to plan video content without knowing what kind of videos you want to make. By having guidelines in place, you can map out a clear strategy for your video content, helping you to stay on track and hit your goals.

5. Improves creativity

Having video brand guidelines doesn’t mean that your videos have to be boring or formulaic. In fact, it can actually help to improve creativity, as it gives you a clear framework to work within. This way, you can experiment and try new things, safe in the knowledge that you’re still staying true to your brand.

Strong Pillars of Video Brand Guidelines

There are three strong pillars that make up a set of video brand guidelines: aesthetic (how it looks), technical (how it’s made), and messaging (what it says).


The Aesthetic Pillar is all about how your videos look, from the overall style to the specific details like color schemes and fonts. This is usually determined by your company’s branding guidelines.


The Technical Pillar covers the more practical elements of your video, such as file formats and resolution. This ensures that your videos are compatible with all kinds of devices and platforms.


The Messaging Pillar deals with the actual content of your video, such as the script and narration. This is where you decide what message you want to communicate, and how you’re going to do it.

When writing your video brand standards, it’s important to keep all three pillars in mind. Each one plays a vital role in the overall impact of your video, so they should all be given equal attention.

Different Elements of Video Brand

There are several elements that make up a video that reflecting your brand. These include:

When and how should your logo be used? Should it appear at the beginning, end or throughout the video? These are just a few examples of what you might want to include in your guidelines. The important thing is to be as clear and concise as possible so that there’s no confusion about what does and doesn’t represent your brand.

Apple, for example, is a fantastic brand that uses its logo in video advertising. It may always be observed at the end of every video.

add logo to video

Color palette

What fonts best represent your brand and should be used in your videos?

Color has a huge impact on how people perceive your brand, so you want to choose colors that match your message and tone.

color palette

Typography choices

Typography is a key element of branding. It’s more than just picking the right typeface, though that’s important, too. Typography includes the font, size and style of your title, body copy and web copy, as well as how it’s used in your logo and all other graphics.

typograpgy choices


If you want to use images or photos in your videos, what style should they be? And are there any specific colours that need to be used?

imagery specific color


The way you speak to your customers is referred to as brand voice. Your brand’s communication style is what determines your brand voice. Your target audience will hear your brand voice, which can be informal or formal depending on the situation and needs of the client. It may have any tone as long as it feels genuine to your company’s principles and personality—

In terms of brand voice consistency, Apple conveys confidence, quality, and closeness. In terms of distinguishing oneself from the competition, Apple has always been the company to look up to. Many people feel welcomed and overindulged by having their own gadgets.


If you want to use animation in your videos, you must first select a design that best represents your business. Is it going to be more cartoonish or more corporate?

It’s also crucial to provide rules for the use of certain visual components. If you want to include the speaker’s name and job title in the lower thirds, for example, you must state how that should appear.

add title to prompt video


Transitions between shots may boost brand recognition. Consider American sports networks that frequently use a rapid logo reveal! You should decide what your branding standard for transitions will be. Will it be a basic and traditional transition, or will you utilize it to emphasize your brand?


Music and Sounds

Music can play a significant role in how your video is received. It should be used to create the right atmosphere and reinforce the tone of voice. Your brand guidelines should include examples of the types of music that would and wouldn’t be appropriate, as well as any sound effects that could be used.



This section should detail what type of videos you want to produce. For example, do you want interview-style videos, or more dynamic explainer videos? It’s also worth including some general information about length, aspect ratio and file format.

prompt video format

Shooting Style

Do you want your videos to be shot in a particular way? If so, you should include information on that in your guidelines. For example, do you want close-ups or wide shots? Do you want lots of movement or static shots?

Your video brand guidelines should also consider where your videos will be shot. If you have a preferred location or style of location, such as an office or warehouse, make sure that is included.

Lighting is another important aspect of shooting style and can really affect the look and feel of a video. Consider what sort of lighting would work best with your brand - natural light, bright light, low light etc. - and include details in your guidelines.

prompt video shoot style


A tagline is a short phrase or sentence that identifies your brand. It’s often used in conjunction with a logo and other branding elements to create an overall marketing message

Nike recognized the need to appeal to a much wider audience, and transform their brand into more than simply fitness apparel. As a result of this, “Just Do It.” was created. The slogan is easy to understand and conveys the idea effectively. More significantly, it applies to everyone, not just world-class athletes

How to create Video Brand Guidelines?

Now that we’ve gone over why you need video brand guidelines, let’s take a look at how you can create them.

1. Define your brand voice

This is perhaps the most important step in creating your guidelines, as it will determine the tone and style of all your future videos. To do this, you need to think about what makes your brand unique, and how you want it to be perceived by others. Once you have a good understanding of your brand voice, you can start to put together the rest of your guidelines.

2. Choose a video style

Depending on the kind of videos you want to make, you’ll need to choose an appropriate style. This could be anything from animation to live action, so it’s important to pick something that will work well with your brand voice.

3. Decide on a look and feel

Just like with your choice of style, the look and feel of your videos should be in line with your brand identity. This means taking into account things like colour palette, typography and overall aesthetic.

4. Write a script

Once you have all the above elements in place, you can start to write a script for your video. This will act as a blueprint for the rest of the production process, so it’s important to get it right. When writing your script, be sure to keep your brand voice in mind, and make sure that the finished product stays true to your guidelines.

5. Find the right talent

To bring your script to life, you’ll need to find the right talent. This means finding voiceover artists, actors or presenters who fit with your brand identity and can help to sell your message.

6. Record and edit your video

With all the pieces in place, you’re finally ready to record and edit your video. During this process, it’s important to stick to your guidelines, so that the finished product is on-brand and consistent with your other content.

7. Publish and promote your video

Once your video is complete, it’s time to hit publish and start promoting it to your audience. Remember to use all the channels at your disposal, from social media to email marketing, to make sure that as many people as possible see your brand-new video.

Brand Guidelines Consistency

It’s important to be consistent with your brand. One of the biggest mistakes a company can make is trying to brand itself as something it isn’t. If you’re perceived as one thing and then suddenly change, it may do more harm than good for your business or organization.

The most well-known example of a company with a consistent brand is Coca Cola. It is one of the company brands with consistent brand image and a very strong reputation. This can be attributed to the company’s efforts in marketing and advertising to create a distinct brand image. The Coca Cola Company has spent millions of dollars on advertising campaigns that focus on creating a positive image for the product and reinforcing its original taste.

You need to have consistency in all aspects of your brand: logo, voice and tone (including social media), visuals (such as color scheme), and more. Your audience will immediately identify any inconsistencies between these elements - so make sure they match up well!


Creating video brand guidelines may seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the long run. By taking the time to put together a comprehensive guide, you can ensure that all your future videos are on-brand, efficient and effective. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! Do you have any tips for creating video brand guidelines? Let us know in the comments below!

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How to Use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects

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When going forth with film post-production, video game creation, and television production, almost every video editor’s goal is to produce outstanding results. Usually, this cannot be achieved by using mediocre tools. One of the top-notch software video editors need to use is Adobe After Effect. Adobe After Effect is a motion graphics, digital visual effect, and compositing application developed by the Adobe system.

Adobe After Effects has tons of tools, and an exceptional one is a Lumetri color. With this functionality, you can easily carry out your color correction and color grading. Read this article and get to the bottom line on how to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects.

Let’s dig in!

In this article

01 Does After Effects have Lumetri Color?

02 How to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects

03 Is there a simple way to Unionise the Color of my Video?

Does After Effects have Lumetri Color?

Yes, there is lumetri color in After Effects. Lumetri Color allows you to adjust contrast, light, and color to your video based on your preference. With After Effects, you can carry out various color customizations in the Lumerti panel without exiting your current project.

Furthermore, the Lumetri color panel in Adobe After Effects allows you to export your settings to another different premiere pro project wholly. Usually, the file is exported as a .cube file – This relieves you from the wearisomeness of creating new grading features.

How to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects

You don’t need to be a pro for you to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects. The color workspace in Adobe After Effect is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly.

The Lumetri Color panel in Adobe contains the histogram, vectorscope, parade scope, and waveform monitor. The histogram, parade scope, and waveform monitor display image intensity, whereas the vectorscope display hue and color saturation.

Lumetri Color is considered an ultimate choice by most editors due to its wide range of functionalities. Some of the functionalities in the Lumetri panel include:

1. Vignettes

Vignette is an outstanding feature that effortlessly allows Lumetri users to adjust lightness and darkness using sliders.

Vignettes allow you to darken the borders and highlight certain parts. You will therefore create more emphasis on highlighted parts in your clip.

2. HSL Secondary

When you want to get exceptional footage controls, HSL Secondary (Hue, Saturation, and Luminance) is often the best functionality. HSL Secondary easily separates your footage and works on a selected piece.

With the functionality, you can easily manipulate the skin tones in your footage and refocus images.

how to use lumetri color in after effect

3. Curves

The Lumetri panel in Adobe After Effects renders its users the curves functionality. There are two curves in the Lumetri Panel, i.e., Hue Saturation curves and luminesce curves.

The Hue/Saturation curve uses the red, green, and blue (RBG) flagship, whereas the luminance curve helps manage the frame curve’s tone.

lumetri color in after effect - curves

4. Fx Bypass

Fx Bypass is a new functionality feature in the Lumetri panel. It allows you to bypass and reset effects without switching to the controls panel.

How to use Lumetri Color

With your Adobe After Effects, you can make quick and advanced color changes to your clips. Here are the simple steps on how to use Lumetri Color.

Step 1. Add your footage to the timeline

First, open your Adobe After Effect and add your video file to the software. Drag and drop to add it to the timeline.

how to use lumetri color in after effects- add footage

Step 2. Open Lumetri Color

Here, you highlight your video in the timeline, then head over to the “Window” menu. From the drop-down menu, select “Effects & presets” > “Lumetri Color.”

Alternatively, you can go to the “Effects” menu, which is at the left-hand side of your interface, then select “Color Correction”> “Lumetri Color.”

how to use lumetri color in after effects- open lumetri color

Step 3. Carry out your Color Grading and Saturation

With the “Lumetri Color” functionality, you can carry out various adjustable settings such as tone, hue, saturation and color grading.

To carry out saturation:

Click on the “ Hue/Saturation “ from the drop-down menu in “Lumetri Color.” You can change the color of the entire footage by adjusting the “Master Hue” from the Effects Control Panel.

Alternatively, you can opt to fine-tune the freshly selected color by using the “Master Saturation” and Master Lightness.”

To carry out color grading:

  • After opening the “Lumetri Color” panel as in step 2 above, click on the eyedropper to select the curve you want to use.
  • Click the color in your footage that you wish to adjust. Usually, when you use the eyedropper, three points will be added to the graph. The two bottom points restrict color selection to a minimum range, whereas the first represents your selected color.

How to Use Lumetri Scope

Besides the Lumetric Color, Lumetric Scope is another essential tool for post-film production in Adobe After Effects. The color correcting tool, Lumetric scope guarantees its users’ accurate results when used correctly.

When carrying out color corrections in films, it is advisable to use quality monitor calibrators and paint your workspace walls neutral grey. Usually, it reduces lighting distraction and the external color effect, respectively.

However, not every editor can meet all the required basics, and that is where Lumetri scope comes in. Lumetri Scope allows one to get the best color results in their videos. Here are the steps on how to use Lumetri Scope:

how to use lumetri scope in after effects

Step 1. Open Lumetric Scope

First, open your Adobe After Effect application and add your footage to the timeline. Go to the “ Window “ menu at the top-left-hand side of your interface.

In the drop-down menu, select “Lumetri Scopes” or “Workspaces,” then click on the “Color” option.

The Lumetri Scope tab will be displayed adjacent to the timeline footage.

Step 2. Evaluate Hue and Saturation using Vectorscope

In the Lumetri Scope tab, click on the wrench icon, and a drop-down menu will be displayed. From the menu, select “Vectorscope YUV” and read the saturation. When reading saturation, begin from the center going outwards.

Hue, on the other hand, is read in a circular direction.

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate hue and Saturation

Step 3. Evaluate the tonal values and Brightness using Histogram

The histogram in Lumetri Scope displays an image’s tonal values and brightness levels.

To measure the brightness and tonal values, go back to the Lumetri Scope panel and click on the wrench icon. Click on “Presets” from the drop-down menu and select “Histogram.”

The scale in the histogram starts from 0 (pure black) to 225 (pure white). You, therefore, need to view the number of pixels for every color horizontally when reading.

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate tonal and brightness

Step 4. Evaluate Color and Brightness Intensities using Waveform Monitor

The color and brightness are read from the bottom to the top in the waveform monitor.

Click on the wrench icon to view the intensities, then pick the “Presets” option > “Waveform RBG.” A drop-down menu (RGB, YC, Luma, and YC no Chroma) will be displayed that allows you to do the readings.

Reading the IRE scale is usually done in ascension (0 to 100).

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate color and brigntess intensities

Step 5. Evaluate the Individual color channels using Parade Scope

Here, click on the wrench icon in the Lumetri Scopes panel, then select the “Presets”> “Parade RGB.” Select from the alternate Lumetri scope combinations of RGB, RGB-White, YUV, YUV white.

Is there a simple way to Unionise the Color of my Video?

Have you tried color grading and color correction in Lumetri using Adobe After Effects, but your efforts are bearing no fruits? It would be best not to worry since there is a simple way out. So, Yes! There is a simple way to unionize the color of your video – it is by using Wondershare Filmora .

Wondershare Filmora is a professional application to edit videos with a wide range of tools that allows its users to create stunning videos with ease. From its simple and intuitive design to its wide range of functionalities and affordability, Filmora users have every reason to stick to the software.

Some of the functionality features that make Wondershare Filmora easy to use include:

Curve Section

Filmora has way simpler curves than Adobe After Effects. Filmora has two presets, i.e., One that creates an S-curve over the graph, and the other resets graph to a straight linear line. Usually, the S-curve represents soft contrasts.

YUV color correction

The YUV color correction feature in Filmora functions straightforwardly when compared to Adobe After Effects. The Y and V channels in Filmora stores color data, whereas the U channel carries the brightness data. Editors find it effortlessly using the YUV color correction in Filmora.

Hue and Saturation

Hue, saturation, and lightness levels in Wondershare Filmora are undeniably very easy to understand unline other premiere software applications.

In Filmora, the Hue shift plays an essential role in shuffling the colors, whereas the Saturation defines the overall intensity of colors in an image.

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With the above illustrations, you need not find it challenging to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effect. But if you are getting your head stuck when using Adobe After Effects, you need not stress out. There is an ultimate solution, and that is Wondershare Filmora. Incorporate this easy-to-use and pocket-friendly software in your edits. Besides, you will not have to go through the user guide to get started.

Try It Free Try It Free

When going forth with film post-production, video game creation, and television production, almost every video editor’s goal is to produce outstanding results. Usually, this cannot be achieved by using mediocre tools. One of the top-notch software video editors need to use is Adobe After Effect. Adobe After Effect is a motion graphics, digital visual effect, and compositing application developed by the Adobe system.

Adobe After Effects has tons of tools, and an exceptional one is a Lumetri color. With this functionality, you can easily carry out your color correction and color grading. Read this article and get to the bottom line on how to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects.

Let’s dig in!

In this article

01 Does After Effects have Lumetri Color?

02 How to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects

03 Is there a simple way to Unionise the Color of my Video?

Does After Effects have Lumetri Color?

Yes, there is lumetri color in After Effects. Lumetri Color allows you to adjust contrast, light, and color to your video based on your preference. With After Effects, you can carry out various color customizations in the Lumerti panel without exiting your current project.

Furthermore, the Lumetri color panel in Adobe After Effects allows you to export your settings to another different premiere pro project wholly. Usually, the file is exported as a .cube file – This relieves you from the wearisomeness of creating new grading features.

How to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects

You don’t need to be a pro for you to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects. The color workspace in Adobe After Effect is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly.

The Lumetri Color panel in Adobe contains the histogram, vectorscope, parade scope, and waveform monitor. The histogram, parade scope, and waveform monitor display image intensity, whereas the vectorscope display hue and color saturation.

Lumetri Color is considered an ultimate choice by most editors due to its wide range of functionalities. Some of the functionalities in the Lumetri panel include:

1. Vignettes

Vignette is an outstanding feature that effortlessly allows Lumetri users to adjust lightness and darkness using sliders.

Vignettes allow you to darken the borders and highlight certain parts. You will therefore create more emphasis on highlighted parts in your clip.

2. HSL Secondary

When you want to get exceptional footage controls, HSL Secondary (Hue, Saturation, and Luminance) is often the best functionality. HSL Secondary easily separates your footage and works on a selected piece.

With the functionality, you can easily manipulate the skin tones in your footage and refocus images.

how to use lumetri color in after effect

3. Curves

The Lumetri panel in Adobe After Effects renders its users the curves functionality. There are two curves in the Lumetri Panel, i.e., Hue Saturation curves and luminesce curves.

The Hue/Saturation curve uses the red, green, and blue (RBG) flagship, whereas the luminance curve helps manage the frame curve’s tone.

lumetri color in after effect - curves

4. Fx Bypass

Fx Bypass is a new functionality feature in the Lumetri panel. It allows you to bypass and reset effects without switching to the controls panel.

How to use Lumetri Color

With your Adobe After Effects, you can make quick and advanced color changes to your clips. Here are the simple steps on how to use Lumetri Color.

Step 1. Add your footage to the timeline

First, open your Adobe After Effect and add your video file to the software. Drag and drop to add it to the timeline.

how to use lumetri color in after effects- add footage

Step 2. Open Lumetri Color

Here, you highlight your video in the timeline, then head over to the “Window” menu. From the drop-down menu, select “Effects & presets” > “Lumetri Color.”

Alternatively, you can go to the “Effects” menu, which is at the left-hand side of your interface, then select “Color Correction”> “Lumetri Color.”

how to use lumetri color in after effects- open lumetri color

Step 3. Carry out your Color Grading and Saturation

With the “Lumetri Color” functionality, you can carry out various adjustable settings such as tone, hue, saturation and color grading.

To carry out saturation:

Click on the “ Hue/Saturation “ from the drop-down menu in “Lumetri Color.” You can change the color of the entire footage by adjusting the “Master Hue” from the Effects Control Panel.

Alternatively, you can opt to fine-tune the freshly selected color by using the “Master Saturation” and Master Lightness.”

To carry out color grading:

  • After opening the “Lumetri Color” panel as in step 2 above, click on the eyedropper to select the curve you want to use.
  • Click the color in your footage that you wish to adjust. Usually, when you use the eyedropper, three points will be added to the graph. The two bottom points restrict color selection to a minimum range, whereas the first represents your selected color.

How to Use Lumetri Scope

Besides the Lumetric Color, Lumetric Scope is another essential tool for post-film production in Adobe After Effects. The color correcting tool, Lumetric scope guarantees its users’ accurate results when used correctly.

When carrying out color corrections in films, it is advisable to use quality monitor calibrators and paint your workspace walls neutral grey. Usually, it reduces lighting distraction and the external color effect, respectively.

However, not every editor can meet all the required basics, and that is where Lumetri scope comes in. Lumetri Scope allows one to get the best color results in their videos. Here are the steps on how to use Lumetri Scope:

how to use lumetri scope in after effects

Step 1. Open Lumetric Scope

First, open your Adobe After Effect application and add your footage to the timeline. Go to the “ Window “ menu at the top-left-hand side of your interface.

In the drop-down menu, select “Lumetri Scopes” or “Workspaces,” then click on the “Color” option.

The Lumetri Scope tab will be displayed adjacent to the timeline footage.

Step 2. Evaluate Hue and Saturation using Vectorscope

In the Lumetri Scope tab, click on the wrench icon, and a drop-down menu will be displayed. From the menu, select “Vectorscope YUV” and read the saturation. When reading saturation, begin from the center going outwards.

Hue, on the other hand, is read in a circular direction.

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate hue and Saturation

Step 3. Evaluate the tonal values and Brightness using Histogram

The histogram in Lumetri Scope displays an image’s tonal values and brightness levels.

To measure the brightness and tonal values, go back to the Lumetri Scope panel and click on the wrench icon. Click on “Presets” from the drop-down menu and select “Histogram.”

The scale in the histogram starts from 0 (pure black) to 225 (pure white). You, therefore, need to view the number of pixels for every color horizontally when reading.

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate tonal and brightness

Step 4. Evaluate Color and Brightness Intensities using Waveform Monitor

The color and brightness are read from the bottom to the top in the waveform monitor.

Click on the wrench icon to view the intensities, then pick the “Presets” option > “Waveform RBG.” A drop-down menu (RGB, YC, Luma, and YC no Chroma) will be displayed that allows you to do the readings.

Reading the IRE scale is usually done in ascension (0 to 100).

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate color and brigntess intensities

Step 5. Evaluate the Individual color channels using Parade Scope

Here, click on the wrench icon in the Lumetri Scopes panel, then select the “Presets”> “Parade RGB.” Select from the alternate Lumetri scope combinations of RGB, RGB-White, YUV, YUV white.

Is there a simple way to Unionise the Color of my Video?

Have you tried color grading and color correction in Lumetri using Adobe After Effects, but your efforts are bearing no fruits? It would be best not to worry since there is a simple way out. So, Yes! There is a simple way to unionize the color of your video – it is by using Wondershare Filmora .

Wondershare Filmora is a professional application to edit videos with a wide range of tools that allows its users to create stunning videos with ease. From its simple and intuitive design to its wide range of functionalities and affordability, Filmora users have every reason to stick to the software.

Some of the functionality features that make Wondershare Filmora easy to use include:

Curve Section

Filmora has way simpler curves than Adobe After Effects. Filmora has two presets, i.e., One that creates an S-curve over the graph, and the other resets graph to a straight linear line. Usually, the S-curve represents soft contrasts.

YUV color correction

The YUV color correction feature in Filmora functions straightforwardly when compared to Adobe After Effects. The Y and V channels in Filmora stores color data, whereas the U channel carries the brightness data. Editors find it effortlessly using the YUV color correction in Filmora.

Hue and Saturation

Hue, saturation, and lightness levels in Wondershare Filmora are undeniably very easy to understand unline other premiere software applications.

In Filmora, the Hue shift plays an essential role in shuffling the colors, whereas the Saturation defines the overall intensity of colors in an image.

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For macOS 10.12 or later


With the above illustrations, you need not find it challenging to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effect. But if you are getting your head stuck when using Adobe After Effects, you need not stress out. There is an ultimate solution, and that is Wondershare Filmora. Incorporate this easy-to-use and pocket-friendly software in your edits. Besides, you will not have to go through the user guide to get started.

Try It Free Try It Free

When going forth with film post-production, video game creation, and television production, almost every video editor’s goal is to produce outstanding results. Usually, this cannot be achieved by using mediocre tools. One of the top-notch software video editors need to use is Adobe After Effect. Adobe After Effect is a motion graphics, digital visual effect, and compositing application developed by the Adobe system.

Adobe After Effects has tons of tools, and an exceptional one is a Lumetri color. With this functionality, you can easily carry out your color correction and color grading. Read this article and get to the bottom line on how to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects.

Let’s dig in!

In this article

01 Does After Effects have Lumetri Color?

02 How to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects

03 Is there a simple way to Unionise the Color of my Video?

Does After Effects have Lumetri Color?

Yes, there is lumetri color in After Effects. Lumetri Color allows you to adjust contrast, light, and color to your video based on your preference. With After Effects, you can carry out various color customizations in the Lumerti panel without exiting your current project.

Furthermore, the Lumetri color panel in Adobe After Effects allows you to export your settings to another different premiere pro project wholly. Usually, the file is exported as a .cube file – This relieves you from the wearisomeness of creating new grading features.

How to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects

You don’t need to be a pro for you to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects. The color workspace in Adobe After Effect is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly.

The Lumetri Color panel in Adobe contains the histogram, vectorscope, parade scope, and waveform monitor. The histogram, parade scope, and waveform monitor display image intensity, whereas the vectorscope display hue and color saturation.

Lumetri Color is considered an ultimate choice by most editors due to its wide range of functionalities. Some of the functionalities in the Lumetri panel include:

1. Vignettes

Vignette is an outstanding feature that effortlessly allows Lumetri users to adjust lightness and darkness using sliders.

Vignettes allow you to darken the borders and highlight certain parts. You will therefore create more emphasis on highlighted parts in your clip.

2. HSL Secondary

When you want to get exceptional footage controls, HSL Secondary (Hue, Saturation, and Luminance) is often the best functionality. HSL Secondary easily separates your footage and works on a selected piece.

With the functionality, you can easily manipulate the skin tones in your footage and refocus images.

how to use lumetri color in after effect

3. Curves

The Lumetri panel in Adobe After Effects renders its users the curves functionality. There are two curves in the Lumetri Panel, i.e., Hue Saturation curves and luminesce curves.

The Hue/Saturation curve uses the red, green, and blue (RBG) flagship, whereas the luminance curve helps manage the frame curve’s tone.

lumetri color in after effect - curves

4. Fx Bypass

Fx Bypass is a new functionality feature in the Lumetri panel. It allows you to bypass and reset effects without switching to the controls panel.

How to use Lumetri Color

With your Adobe After Effects, you can make quick and advanced color changes to your clips. Here are the simple steps on how to use Lumetri Color.

Step 1. Add your footage to the timeline

First, open your Adobe After Effect and add your video file to the software. Drag and drop to add it to the timeline.

how to use lumetri color in after effects- add footage

Step 2. Open Lumetri Color

Here, you highlight your video in the timeline, then head over to the “Window” menu. From the drop-down menu, select “Effects & presets” > “Lumetri Color.”

Alternatively, you can go to the “Effects” menu, which is at the left-hand side of your interface, then select “Color Correction”> “Lumetri Color.”

how to use lumetri color in after effects- open lumetri color

Step 3. Carry out your Color Grading and Saturation

With the “Lumetri Color” functionality, you can carry out various adjustable settings such as tone, hue, saturation and color grading.

To carry out saturation:

Click on the “ Hue/Saturation “ from the drop-down menu in “Lumetri Color.” You can change the color of the entire footage by adjusting the “Master Hue” from the Effects Control Panel.

Alternatively, you can opt to fine-tune the freshly selected color by using the “Master Saturation” and Master Lightness.”

To carry out color grading:

  • After opening the “Lumetri Color” panel as in step 2 above, click on the eyedropper to select the curve you want to use.
  • Click the color in your footage that you wish to adjust. Usually, when you use the eyedropper, three points will be added to the graph. The two bottom points restrict color selection to a minimum range, whereas the first represents your selected color.

How to Use Lumetri Scope

Besides the Lumetric Color, Lumetric Scope is another essential tool for post-film production in Adobe After Effects. The color correcting tool, Lumetric scope guarantees its users’ accurate results when used correctly.

When carrying out color corrections in films, it is advisable to use quality monitor calibrators and paint your workspace walls neutral grey. Usually, it reduces lighting distraction and the external color effect, respectively.

However, not every editor can meet all the required basics, and that is where Lumetri scope comes in. Lumetri Scope allows one to get the best color results in their videos. Here are the steps on how to use Lumetri Scope:

how to use lumetri scope in after effects

Step 1. Open Lumetric Scope

First, open your Adobe After Effect application and add your footage to the timeline. Go to the “ Window “ menu at the top-left-hand side of your interface.

In the drop-down menu, select “Lumetri Scopes” or “Workspaces,” then click on the “Color” option.

The Lumetri Scope tab will be displayed adjacent to the timeline footage.

Step 2. Evaluate Hue and Saturation using Vectorscope

In the Lumetri Scope tab, click on the wrench icon, and a drop-down menu will be displayed. From the menu, select “Vectorscope YUV” and read the saturation. When reading saturation, begin from the center going outwards.

Hue, on the other hand, is read in a circular direction.

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate hue and Saturation

Step 3. Evaluate the tonal values and Brightness using Histogram

The histogram in Lumetri Scope displays an image’s tonal values and brightness levels.

To measure the brightness and tonal values, go back to the Lumetri Scope panel and click on the wrench icon. Click on “Presets” from the drop-down menu and select “Histogram.”

The scale in the histogram starts from 0 (pure black) to 225 (pure white). You, therefore, need to view the number of pixels for every color horizontally when reading.

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate tonal and brightness

Step 4. Evaluate Color and Brightness Intensities using Waveform Monitor

The color and brightness are read from the bottom to the top in the waveform monitor.

Click on the wrench icon to view the intensities, then pick the “Presets” option > “Waveform RBG.” A drop-down menu (RGB, YC, Luma, and YC no Chroma) will be displayed that allows you to do the readings.

Reading the IRE scale is usually done in ascension (0 to 100).

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate color and brigntess intensities

Step 5. Evaluate the Individual color channels using Parade Scope

Here, click on the wrench icon in the Lumetri Scopes panel, then select the “Presets”> “Parade RGB.” Select from the alternate Lumetri scope combinations of RGB, RGB-White, YUV, YUV white.

Is there a simple way to Unionise the Color of my Video?

Have you tried color grading and color correction in Lumetri using Adobe After Effects, but your efforts are bearing no fruits? It would be best not to worry since there is a simple way out. So, Yes! There is a simple way to unionize the color of your video – it is by using Wondershare Filmora .

Wondershare Filmora is a professional application to edit videos with a wide range of tools that allows its users to create stunning videos with ease. From its simple and intuitive design to its wide range of functionalities and affordability, Filmora users have every reason to stick to the software.

Some of the functionality features that make Wondershare Filmora easy to use include:

Curve Section

Filmora has way simpler curves than Adobe After Effects. Filmora has two presets, i.e., One that creates an S-curve over the graph, and the other resets graph to a straight linear line. Usually, the S-curve represents soft contrasts.

YUV color correction

The YUV color correction feature in Filmora functions straightforwardly when compared to Adobe After Effects. The Y and V channels in Filmora stores color data, whereas the U channel carries the brightness data. Editors find it effortlessly using the YUV color correction in Filmora.

Hue and Saturation

Hue, saturation, and lightness levels in Wondershare Filmora are undeniably very easy to understand unline other premiere software applications.

In Filmora, the Hue shift plays an essential role in shuffling the colors, whereas the Saturation defines the overall intensity of colors in an image.

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With the above illustrations, you need not find it challenging to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effect. But if you are getting your head stuck when using Adobe After Effects, you need not stress out. There is an ultimate solution, and that is Wondershare Filmora. Incorporate this easy-to-use and pocket-friendly software in your edits. Besides, you will not have to go through the user guide to get started.

Try It Free Try It Free

When going forth with film post-production, video game creation, and television production, almost every video editor’s goal is to produce outstanding results. Usually, this cannot be achieved by using mediocre tools. One of the top-notch software video editors need to use is Adobe After Effect. Adobe After Effect is a motion graphics, digital visual effect, and compositing application developed by the Adobe system.

Adobe After Effects has tons of tools, and an exceptional one is a Lumetri color. With this functionality, you can easily carry out your color correction and color grading. Read this article and get to the bottom line on how to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects.

Let’s dig in!

In this article

01 Does After Effects have Lumetri Color?

02 How to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects

03 Is there a simple way to Unionise the Color of my Video?

Does After Effects have Lumetri Color?

Yes, there is lumetri color in After Effects. Lumetri Color allows you to adjust contrast, light, and color to your video based on your preference. With After Effects, you can carry out various color customizations in the Lumerti panel without exiting your current project.

Furthermore, the Lumetri color panel in Adobe After Effects allows you to export your settings to another different premiere pro project wholly. Usually, the file is exported as a .cube file – This relieves you from the wearisomeness of creating new grading features.

How to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects

You don’t need to be a pro for you to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effects. The color workspace in Adobe After Effect is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly.

The Lumetri Color panel in Adobe contains the histogram, vectorscope, parade scope, and waveform monitor. The histogram, parade scope, and waveform monitor display image intensity, whereas the vectorscope display hue and color saturation.

Lumetri Color is considered an ultimate choice by most editors due to its wide range of functionalities. Some of the functionalities in the Lumetri panel include:

1. Vignettes

Vignette is an outstanding feature that effortlessly allows Lumetri users to adjust lightness and darkness using sliders.

Vignettes allow you to darken the borders and highlight certain parts. You will therefore create more emphasis on highlighted parts in your clip.

2. HSL Secondary

When you want to get exceptional footage controls, HSL Secondary (Hue, Saturation, and Luminance) is often the best functionality. HSL Secondary easily separates your footage and works on a selected piece.

With the functionality, you can easily manipulate the skin tones in your footage and refocus images.

how to use lumetri color in after effect

3. Curves

The Lumetri panel in Adobe After Effects renders its users the curves functionality. There are two curves in the Lumetri Panel, i.e., Hue Saturation curves and luminesce curves.

The Hue/Saturation curve uses the red, green, and blue (RBG) flagship, whereas the luminance curve helps manage the frame curve’s tone.

lumetri color in after effect - curves

4. Fx Bypass

Fx Bypass is a new functionality feature in the Lumetri panel. It allows you to bypass and reset effects without switching to the controls panel.

How to use Lumetri Color

With your Adobe After Effects, you can make quick and advanced color changes to your clips. Here are the simple steps on how to use Lumetri Color.

Step 1. Add your footage to the timeline

First, open your Adobe After Effect and add your video file to the software. Drag and drop to add it to the timeline.

how to use lumetri color in after effects- add footage

Step 2. Open Lumetri Color

Here, you highlight your video in the timeline, then head over to the “Window” menu. From the drop-down menu, select “Effects & presets” > “Lumetri Color.”

Alternatively, you can go to the “Effects” menu, which is at the left-hand side of your interface, then select “Color Correction”> “Lumetri Color.”

how to use lumetri color in after effects- open lumetri color

Step 3. Carry out your Color Grading and Saturation

With the “Lumetri Color” functionality, you can carry out various adjustable settings such as tone, hue, saturation and color grading.

To carry out saturation:

Click on the “ Hue/Saturation “ from the drop-down menu in “Lumetri Color.” You can change the color of the entire footage by adjusting the “Master Hue” from the Effects Control Panel.

Alternatively, you can opt to fine-tune the freshly selected color by using the “Master Saturation” and Master Lightness.”

To carry out color grading:

  • After opening the “Lumetri Color” panel as in step 2 above, click on the eyedropper to select the curve you want to use.
  • Click the color in your footage that you wish to adjust. Usually, when you use the eyedropper, three points will be added to the graph. The two bottom points restrict color selection to a minimum range, whereas the first represents your selected color.

How to Use Lumetri Scope

Besides the Lumetric Color, Lumetric Scope is another essential tool for post-film production in Adobe After Effects. The color correcting tool, Lumetric scope guarantees its users’ accurate results when used correctly.

When carrying out color corrections in films, it is advisable to use quality monitor calibrators and paint your workspace walls neutral grey. Usually, it reduces lighting distraction and the external color effect, respectively.

However, not every editor can meet all the required basics, and that is where Lumetri scope comes in. Lumetri Scope allows one to get the best color results in their videos. Here are the steps on how to use Lumetri Scope:

how to use lumetri scope in after effects

Step 1. Open Lumetric Scope

First, open your Adobe After Effect application and add your footage to the timeline. Go to the “ Window “ menu at the top-left-hand side of your interface.

In the drop-down menu, select “Lumetri Scopes” or “Workspaces,” then click on the “Color” option.

The Lumetri Scope tab will be displayed adjacent to the timeline footage.

Step 2. Evaluate Hue and Saturation using Vectorscope

In the Lumetri Scope tab, click on the wrench icon, and a drop-down menu will be displayed. From the menu, select “Vectorscope YUV” and read the saturation. When reading saturation, begin from the center going outwards.

Hue, on the other hand, is read in a circular direction.

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate hue and Saturation

Step 3. Evaluate the tonal values and Brightness using Histogram

The histogram in Lumetri Scope displays an image’s tonal values and brightness levels.

To measure the brightness and tonal values, go back to the Lumetri Scope panel and click on the wrench icon. Click on “Presets” from the drop-down menu and select “Histogram.”

The scale in the histogram starts from 0 (pure black) to 225 (pure white). You, therefore, need to view the number of pixels for every color horizontally when reading.

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate tonal and brightness

Step 4. Evaluate Color and Brightness Intensities using Waveform Monitor

The color and brightness are read from the bottom to the top in the waveform monitor.

Click on the wrench icon to view the intensities, then pick the “Presets” option > “Waveform RBG.” A drop-down menu (RGB, YC, Luma, and YC no Chroma) will be displayed that allows you to do the readings.

Reading the IRE scale is usually done in ascension (0 to 100).

how to use lumetri scope in after effects - evaluate color and brigntess intensities

Step 5. Evaluate the Individual color channels using Parade Scope

Here, click on the wrench icon in the Lumetri Scopes panel, then select the “Presets”> “Parade RGB.” Select from the alternate Lumetri scope combinations of RGB, RGB-White, YUV, YUV white.

Is there a simple way to Unionise the Color of my Video?

Have you tried color grading and color correction in Lumetri using Adobe After Effects, but your efforts are bearing no fruits? It would be best not to worry since there is a simple way out. So, Yes! There is a simple way to unionize the color of your video – it is by using Wondershare Filmora .

Wondershare Filmora is a professional application to edit videos with a wide range of tools that allows its users to create stunning videos with ease. From its simple and intuitive design to its wide range of functionalities and affordability, Filmora users have every reason to stick to the software.

Some of the functionality features that make Wondershare Filmora easy to use include:

Curve Section

Filmora has way simpler curves than Adobe After Effects. Filmora has two presets, i.e., One that creates an S-curve over the graph, and the other resets graph to a straight linear line. Usually, the S-curve represents soft contrasts.

YUV color correction

The YUV color correction feature in Filmora functions straightforwardly when compared to Adobe After Effects. The Y and V channels in Filmora stores color data, whereas the U channel carries the brightness data. Editors find it effortlessly using the YUV color correction in Filmora.

Hue and Saturation

Hue, saturation, and lightness levels in Wondershare Filmora are undeniably very easy to understand unline other premiere software applications.

In Filmora, the Hue shift plays an essential role in shuffling the colors, whereas the Saturation defines the overall intensity of colors in an image.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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With the above illustrations, you need not find it challenging to use Lumetri Color in Adobe After Effect. But if you are getting your head stuck when using Adobe After Effects, you need not stress out. There is an ultimate solution, and that is Wondershare Filmora. Incorporate this easy-to-use and pocket-friendly software in your edits. Besides, you will not have to go through the user guide to get started.

Best Free LUTs to Use

Photo and video editing has always been an important aspect of creative work. However, the availability of new tools and software has transformed how editing is done. Today, you can choose different editing software from personal to professional usage. These tools support multiple add-ons and plugins to make editing easier and more creative.

One of the most recent additions to the editing toolbox is LUTs (Lookup Tables). LUTs are pre-made color grading presets that allow you to adjust the colors and tones. The integration of LUTs has made editing easy and gives you so much to explore with different presets. This overview of the best free LUTs can help you to choose the best ones.

Part 1: What Are LUTs?

LUTs, or Lookup Tables, are a preset used in digital image and video editing software. These are used to adjust the color and tone of your images and videos. They work by using a pre-defined table of color values to map the colors in your content to new colors. It is like having a set of filters that you can apply to your content to achieve a specific look or feel.

Moreover, you can download free LUTs to get different effects in your content. There are various LUTs available, each with its own unique characteristics and effects. It provides you with consistent results with different styles.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Part 2: Best Cinematic LUTs to Use in 2024

If you want to give your media content a cinematic look, use cinematic LUTs. There are many cinematic-looking paid and free LUTs that you can choose from, out of which some are discussed below:

1. Teal and Orange

The Teal and Orange LUT is a popular choice among content creators. It can enhance the colors in your images and videos to give them a cinematic look. This LUT works by highlighting teal and orange colors, often found in cinematic productions. Moreover, this LUT can also help to enhance skin tones and make them look more vibrant and natural.

teal and orange lut

2. Cinematic LUTs Pack 2023

If you want to add a cinematic look to photos, consider using the Cinematic LUTs Pack 2023. This pack contains many different LUTs, each designed to create a unique cinematic look. It offers different options like Dark Noir, Light Cinematic, Red Pop, and more. Cinematic LUTs highlight certain colors to give your content a cinematic feel.

cinematic luts pack

3. Custom Stylized LUTs

In addition to the standard LUTs, there are also custom-stylized LUTs for cinematic-looking media. These custom LUTs come in packs with many different options. For instance, the OrangeAndBlue LUT highlights the orange and blue color, making it look more professional. These photo and video LUTs allow you to achieve a specific cinematic mood or tone in your content.

custom stylized luts

4. Vintage Vibe

Vintage Vibe is a popular LUT that can give your digital content a cinematic look with a vintage twist. This LUT adds a colorful film look to your photos and videos to make them look great. Using Vintage Vibe can help you achieve a professional-looking final product. The Vintage Vibe of this LUT can make digital files feel like they were taken with an older camera.

vintage vibe luts

5. Sandstorm

If you want to add a cinematic look to your photos and videos, consider using the Sandstorm LUT. This preset is designed to enhance the gold or sand colors in your content. It creates a warm and inviting atmosphere by highlighting specific details in your content. By adding this LUT to your digital media files, you can give them a professional cinematic look.

sandstorm luts

6. Cinematic

Cinematic LUT is perfect for digital media files to have a cinematic look. It gives your content a bit of a rusty look by fading and highlighting certain colors. This LUT is known for providing one of the best cinematic-looking color grading options. It is also available in both CUBE and 3DL versions, making it easy to integrate into editing software.

cinematic luts

7. Free Cinematic LUTs Pack

The Free Cinematic LUTs Pack can add a cinematic look to your digital media files. You can transform the color and shading of your images and videos to give them a movie-like feel. Moreover, this free LUT pack gives your content a dramatic effect. With this LUT pack, you can take your digital media files to the next level and create professional-looking content.

free cinematic luts pack

8. 15 Cinematic LUTs for free

This pack is a great option if you want to download free LUTs. This pack contains a range of LUTs that can give your content a dramatic, professional-looking color grading. With 15 different options, this pack offers a variety of cinematic looks. This pack will enhance the colors and tones in your photos and videos, giving them a more cinematic feel.

15 cinematic luts for free

9. Cinematic LUTs PRO LEVEL

Cinematic LUTs PRO LEVEL is a pack of LUTs designed to add a cinematic look to your edits. You can choose the desired look from the pack and apply it to your media files. This pack provides one of the best cinematic and professional looks with its shading and color effects. By using this pack, you can add a professional-looking cinematic feel to your digital content.

cinematic luts pro level

10. 20 FREE Travel LUTs for Cinematic Looks

Add a cinematic touch to your travel videos and photos by using this 20 FREE Travel LUTs pack. This pack includes 20 different LUTs, and each LUT in the pack is designed to add a different type of cinematic look. The LUTs in the pack darken the shadows and add golden warmth to your content. Similarly, this pack will enhance your travel footage and create a more cinematic look.

free travel luts for cinematic looks

Part 3: Best Vintage LUTs to Use in 2024

With so many options to make your photos and videos more unique, vintage LUTs are a good option too. One of the best LUTs packs is discussed here for an informed selection.

1. Color Grading Central

With this pack, you can add a vintage look to your photos and videos. The Color Grading Central LUT pack contains 7 free LUTs that you can use to give your content a unique look. These LUTs are designed to add a grainy and faded effect, giving your files a vintage vibe. Additionally, they can add a muddy or burned effect to your media files, giving them an artistic look.

color grading central

2. SmallHD

SmallHD is a LUT pack that provides a set of seven free LUTs to give your images and videos a vintage look. These LUTs can add grains, faded colors, and warm tones to your content, giving them an old and retro feel. The pack also adds an intense contrast and desaturated effect to your media files. With the SmallHD LUT pack, you can effortlessly add a vintage touch to your files.

smallhd luts


Check out the Free Vintage LUT pack by Frank Glencairn to give your media files a vintage feel. It highlights red, blue, and yellow tones to give a vintage look. Moreover, it even adds warmth and contrast to your digital files making it a classic version of Hollywood movies. Additionally, this LUT pack will give your content a nostalgic feel by highlighting the greens of the summer.

kodachrome ktone lut

4. Cineplus Perfekta LUT

Cineplus Perfekta LUT is a LUT pack that is designed to give your images and videos a vintage look. It uses an infrared foliage effect to create a look that resembles classic Hollywood movies. By enhancing green and brown colors, this LUTs video and photo pack gives your content a retro feel to your files. Besides this, you can give your files a unique vintage look that will make them look different.

cineplus perfekta lut

5. Vintage LUTs

Vintage LUTs is a pack of 86 retro-looking LUTs that can give your files a classic look. These LUTs highlight the brown color and sharpen the contrast to produce a vintage look. You can create a unique and distinctive style by applying these LUTs to your photos and videos. In addition to the classic vintage look, the faded color and warm LUTs can also add a nostalgic touch to your files.

vintage luts

6. Vintage

Vintage is a popular LUT that can be used to give your digital media a classic and nostalgic feel. It highlights your content’s orange and green colors, giving it an old film look. With Vintage LUT, you can give your photos and videos a timeless look that is perfect for a variety of projects. This LUT is a great choice for those who want to create a vintage aesthetic in their content.

vintage luts pack

7. Dark Brown

Dark Brown is a popular LUT that can give your digital media a classic Hollywood movie feel. This LUT highlights the dark brown color and fades into the other colors. This color grading creates a burned and faded effect that looks more vintage and classic. This free LUT pack can transform your digital files into something that looks like it was shot on film decades ago.

dark brown luts

8. B&W

B&W, which is a classic LUT, has the ability to transform your photos and videos into a black-and-white version. This effect creates a timeless, vintage look that can add a touch of nostalgia to your content. The LUT works by changing every color in your image or video into an old, classic black-and-white shade. Overall, B&W is a good classic LUT that can add an old touch to your content.

b&w luts

9. Vintage LUTs by Shmelevideo

Vintage LUTs by Shmelevideo is a popular classic LUT that creates a faded and burned effect in your photos and videos. This LUT is perfect for those looking to achieve a vintage look in their content. The color correction LUTs highlight the muddiness and increase the contrast to your files. Furthermore, this pack also adds warmth to your photos and videos to give a retro look.

vintage luts by shmelevideo

10. Vintage LUTs by Creators Studio

Vintage LUTs by Creators Studio is a pack of over 20 LUTs that can help you achieve a vintage look to your content. These LUTs offer different color correction options that give your content the feel of being taken with an old Kodak camera. Besides this, they add grains to your photos and videos, giving them a more classical look. Vintage LUTs are a great option for retro-style color correction.

vintage luts by creators studio

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Part 4: Best Moody LUTs to Use in 2024

Do you want LUTs that go with your mood? Here are some of the most popular moody LUTs color grading packs you can download and use.

1. 20 Dark Moody LUTs Pack

The 20 Dark Moody LUTs Pack is a collection of over 20 Moody LUTs that improve the colors of your files. These LUTs offer a variety of color corrections that can sync with your mood. With these LUTs, you can create a dark and moody atmosphere for your photos and videos. This pack can help you achieve the perfect look for your content, from soft dark shades to sharper dark colors.

dark moody luts pack

2. Dark Moody Elite LUTs Pack

You can add a dramatic and moody look to your photos and videos with the Dark Moody Elite LUTs Pack. This pack includes over 16 LUTs, each with a different dark and moody style. When applied to your content, these LUTs can help highlight dark colors. Additionally, it adds a professional-looking touch and cinematic feel to your photos and videos.

dark moody elite luts pack

3. 15 Dark Moody LUTs

Dark Moody LUTs is a pack of over 15 LUTs designed for color correction in photo and video editing. This pack includes a variety of dark and moody LUTs that can give your media a dramatic look. It highlights the orange and blue tones to create a moody look. Moreover, these LUTs can also darken the highlights and shadows to add depth and emotion to your files.

dark moody luts

4. Dark and Moody LUT

Dark and Moody LUT is a pack of 3 professional LUTs that can give your photos and videos a moodier and more dramatic feel. These LUTs work by underexposing and fading the colors, which can create a sense of nostalgia for your content. By using these LUTs, you can give your content the look and feel of expired and old film stocks. Moreover, it highlights teal and orange to add depth to your content.

dark and moody lut

5. Dark and Moody Cinematic 3D LUTs

Dark and Moody Cinematic 3D LUTs is a pack of over 8 LUTs that add a dark and dramatic feel to your media files. This LUT pack fades the dark colors, underexposes the shadows, and darkens the highlights. Using this LUTs pack can help you achieve an intense and cinematic look for your content. You can add emotion and mood to your videos and photos using this pack.

dark and moody cinematic 3d luts

Part 5: Try Wondershare Filmora for Accessing the Best Free LUTs

If you want to access high-quality LUTs for your photo and video editing projects, you might want to try Wondershare Filmora . This software offers over 200 free LUTs that you can use for your digital content. Additionally, you’ll have access to the best free LUTs you can use to achieve different effects and styles. Whether you’re going for a vintage look or a cinematic feel, you’re sure to find the right LUT to suit your needs.

Furthermore, with more updates, you can look forward to even more professional-looking free LUTs to download. Furthermore, another amazing feature offered by Filmora is silence detection. This feature analyzes your video and automatically removes awkward silences and pauses in the video. It is evident that Wondershare Filmora makes your video editing experience worth a while.

wondershare filmora cinematic luts


In conclusion, LUTs are a powerful tool for adding a creative touch to your photo and video editing projects. When it comes to finding the best LUT packs, Wondershare Filmora is a great option. With its growing library of free LUTs and presets, you can create amazing digital content. With these professional LUTs for color correction, you can make unique and fantastic media files.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

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Part 2: Best Cinematic LUTs to Use in 2024

If you want to give your media content a cinematic look, use cinematic LUTs. There are many cinematic-looking paid and free LUTs that you can choose from, out of which some are discussed below:

1. Teal and Orange

The Teal and Orange LUT is a popular choice among content creators. It can enhance the colors in your images and videos to give them a cinematic look. This LUT works by highlighting teal and orange colors, often found in cinematic productions. Moreover, this LUT can also help to enhance skin tones and make them look more vibrant and natural.

teal and orange lut

2. Cinematic LUTs Pack 2023

If you want to add a cinematic look to photos, consider using the Cinematic LUTs Pack 2023. This pack contains many different LUTs, each designed to create a unique cinematic look. It offers different options like Dark Noir, Light Cinematic, Red Pop, and more. Cinematic LUTs highlight certain colors to give your content a cinematic feel.

cinematic luts pack

3. Custom Stylized LUTs

In addition to the standard LUTs, there are also custom-stylized LUTs for cinematic-looking media. These custom LUTs come in packs with many different options. For instance, the OrangeAndBlue LUT highlights the orange and blue color, making it look more professional. These photo and video LUTs allow you to achieve a specific cinematic mood or tone in your content.

custom stylized luts

4. Vintage Vibe

Vintage Vibe is a popular LUT that can give your digital content a cinematic look with a vintage twist. This LUT adds a colorful film look to your photos and videos to make them look great. Using Vintage Vibe can help you achieve a professional-looking final product. The Vintage Vibe of this LUT can make digital files feel like they were taken with an older camera.

vintage vibe luts

5. Sandstorm

If you want to add a cinematic look to your photos and videos, consider using the Sandstorm LUT. This preset is designed to enhance the gold or sand colors in your content. It creates a warm and inviting atmosphere by highlighting specific details in your content. By adding this LUT to your digital media files, you can give them a professional cinematic look.

sandstorm luts

6. Cinematic

Cinematic LUT is perfect for digital media files to have a cinematic look. It gives your content a bit of a rusty look by fading and highlighting certain colors. This LUT is known for providing one of the best cinematic-looking color grading options. It is also available in both CUBE and 3DL versions, making it easy to integrate into editing software.

cinematic luts

7. Free Cinematic LUTs Pack

The Free Cinematic LUTs Pack can add a cinematic look to your digital media files. You can transform the color and shading of your images and videos to give them a movie-like feel. Moreover, this free LUT pack gives your content a dramatic effect. With this LUT pack, you can take your digital media files to the next level and create professional-looking content.

free cinematic luts pack

8. 15 Cinematic LUTs for free

This pack is a great option if you want to download free LUTs. This pack contains a range of LUTs that can give your content a dramatic, professional-looking color grading. With 15 different options, this pack offers a variety of cinematic looks. This pack will enhance the colors and tones in your photos and videos, giving them a more cinematic feel.

15 cinematic luts for free

9. Cinematic LUTs PRO LEVEL

Cinematic LUTs PRO LEVEL is a pack of LUTs designed to add a cinematic look to your edits. You can choose the desired look from the pack and apply it to your media files. This pack provides one of the best cinematic and professional looks with its shading and color effects. By using this pack, you can add a professional-looking cinematic feel to your digital content.

cinematic luts pro level

10. 20 FREE Travel LUTs for Cinematic Looks

Add a cinematic touch to your travel videos and photos by using this 20 FREE Travel LUTs pack. This pack includes 20 different LUTs, and each LUT in the pack is designed to add a different type of cinematic look. The LUTs in the pack darken the shadows and add golden warmth to your content. Similarly, this pack will enhance your travel footage and create a more cinematic look.

free travel luts for cinematic looks

Part 3: Best Vintage LUTs to Use in 2024

With so many options to make your photos and videos more unique, vintage LUTs are a good option too. One of the best LUTs packs is discussed here for an informed selection.

1. Color Grading Central

With this pack, you can add a vintage look to your photos and videos. The Color Grading Central LUT pack contains 7 free LUTs that you can use to give your content a unique look. These LUTs are designed to add a grainy and faded effect, giving your files a vintage vibe. Additionally, they can add a muddy or burned effect to your media files, giving them an artistic look.

color grading central

2. SmallHD

SmallHD is a LUT pack that provides a set of seven free LUTs to give your images and videos a vintage look. These LUTs can add grains, faded colors, and warm tones to your content, giving them an old and retro feel. The pack also adds an intense contrast and desaturated effect to your media files. With the SmallHD LUT pack, you can effortlessly add a vintage touch to your files.

smallhd luts


Check out the Free Vintage LUT pack by Frank Glencairn to give your media files a vintage feel. It highlights red, blue, and yellow tones to give a vintage look. Moreover, it even adds warmth and contrast to your digital files making it a classic version of Hollywood movies. Additionally, this LUT pack will give your content a nostalgic feel by highlighting the greens of the summer.

kodachrome ktone lut

4. Cineplus Perfekta LUT

Cineplus Perfekta LUT is a LUT pack that is designed to give your images and videos a vintage look. It uses an infrared foliage effect to create a look that resembles classic Hollywood movies. By enhancing green and brown colors, this LUTs video and photo pack gives your content a retro feel to your files. Besides this, you can give your files a unique vintage look that will make them look different.

cineplus perfekta lut

5. Vintage LUTs

Vintage LUTs is a pack of 86 retro-looking LUTs that can give your files a classic look. These LUTs highlight the brown color and sharpen the contrast to produce a vintage look. You can create a unique and distinctive style by applying these LUTs to your photos and videos. In addition to the classic vintage look, the faded color and warm LUTs can also add a nostalgic touch to your files.

vintage luts

6. Vintage

Vintage is a popular LUT that can be used to give your digital media a classic and nostalgic feel. It highlights your content’s orange and green colors, giving it an old film look. With Vintage LUT, you can give your photos and videos a timeless look that is perfect for a variety of projects. This LUT is a great choice for those who want to create a vintage aesthetic in their content.

vintage luts pack

7. Dark Brown

Dark Brown is a popular LUT that can give your digital media a classic Hollywood movie feel. This LUT highlights the dark brown color and fades into the other colors. This color grading creates a burned and faded effect that looks more vintage and classic. This free LUT pack can transform your digital files into something that looks like it was shot on film decades ago.

dark brown luts

8. B&W

B&W, which is a classic LUT, has the ability to transform your photos and videos into a black-and-white version. This effect creates a timeless, vintage look that can add a touch of nostalgia to your content. The LUT works by changing every color in your image or video into an old, classic black-and-white shade. Overall, B&W is a good classic LUT that can add an old touch to your content.

b&w luts

9. Vintage LUTs by Shmelevideo

Vintage LUTs by Shmelevideo is a popular classic LUT that creates a faded and burned effect in your photos and videos. This LUT is perfect for those looking to achieve a vintage look in their content. The color correction LUTs highlight the muddiness and increase the contrast to your files. Furthermore, this pack also adds warmth to your photos and videos to give a retro look.

vintage luts by shmelevideo

10. Vintage LUTs by Creators Studio

Vintage LUTs by Creators Studio is a pack of over 20 LUTs that can help you achieve a vintage look to your content. These LUTs offer different color correction options that give your content the feel of being taken with an old Kodak camera. Besides this, they add grains to your photos and videos, giving them a more classical look. Vintage LUTs are a great option for retro-style color correction.

vintage luts by creators studio

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

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Part 4: Best Moody LUTs to Use in 2024

Do you want LUTs that go with your mood? Here are some of the most popular moody LUTs color grading packs you can download and use.

1. 20 Dark Moody LUTs Pack

The 20 Dark Moody LUTs Pack is a collection of over 20 Moody LUTs that improve the colors of your files. These LUTs offer a variety of color corrections that can sync with your mood. With these LUTs, you can create a dark and moody atmosphere for your photos and videos. This pack can help you achieve the perfect look for your content, from soft dark shades to sharper dark colors.

dark moody luts pack

2. Dark Moody Elite LUTs Pack

You can add a dramatic and moody look to your photos and videos with the Dark Moody Elite LUTs Pack. This pack includes over 16 LUTs, each with a different dark and moody style. When applied to your content, these LUTs can help highlight dark colors. Additionally, it adds a professional-looking touch and cinematic feel to your photos and videos.

dark moody elite luts pack

3. 15 Dark Moody LUTs

Dark Moody LUTs is a pack of over 15 LUTs designed for color correction in photo and video editing. This pack includes a variety of dark and moody LUTs that can give your media a dramatic look. It highlights the orange and blue tones to create a moody look. Moreover, these LUTs can also darken the highlights and shadows to add depth and emotion to your files.

dark moody luts

4. Dark and Moody LUT

Dark and Moody LUT is a pack of 3 professional LUTs that can give your photos and videos a moodier and more dramatic feel. These LUTs work by underexposing and fading the colors, which can create a sense of nostalgia for your content. By using these LUTs, you can give your content the look and feel of expired and old film stocks. Moreover, it highlights teal and orange to add depth to your content.

dark and moody lut

5. Dark and Moody Cinematic 3D LUTs

Dark and Moody Cinematic 3D LUTs is a pack of over 8 LUTs that add a dark and dramatic feel to your media files. This LUT pack fades the dark colors, underexposes the shadows, and darkens the highlights. Using this LUTs pack can help you achieve an intense and cinematic look for your content. You can add emotion and mood to your videos and photos using this pack.

dark and moody cinematic 3d luts

Part 5: Try Wondershare Filmora for Accessing the Best Free LUTs

If you want to access high-quality LUTs for your photo and video editing projects, you might want to try Wondershare Filmora . This software offers over 200 free LUTs that you can use for your digital content. Additionally, you’ll have access to the best free LUTs you can use to achieve different effects and styles. Whether you’re going for a vintage look or a cinematic feel, you’re sure to find the right LUT to suit your needs.

Furthermore, with more updates, you can look forward to even more professional-looking free LUTs to download. Furthermore, another amazing feature offered by Filmora is silence detection. This feature analyzes your video and automatically removes awkward silences and pauses in the video. It is evident that Wondershare Filmora makes your video editing experience worth a while.

wondershare filmora cinematic luts


In conclusion, LUTs are a powerful tool for adding a creative touch to your photo and video editing projects. When it comes to finding the best LUT packs, Wondershare Filmora is a great option. With its growing library of free LUTs and presets, you can create amazing digital content. With these professional LUTs for color correction, you can make unique and fantastic media files.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

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FLV Editors for Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7: Easily Edit FLV Videos on PC

If you are a streamer or a content creator then you undoubtedly may have come across files having .flv format. FLV stands for “Flash Video”. It is a container file format like .mp4 and .mov. But it isn’t used quite frequently nowadays. They are mainly used for streaming videos. Because it provides compressed video while maintaining the quality and takes less space. It supports codec which is compatible with most of the devices but you may need a flash player to play these files. If you have recently started working with .flv files or need more info about it then read till the end. We have gathered all the necessary information for you in this article.

Being a content creator, you can’t just record videos and publish them directly. Sometimes it requires finishing touches or an entirely new look, for this purpose you need a good editor. And if you are working with .flv files then selecting a good editing software that supports .flv files is important. So, here we have mentioned a list of FLV video editors. You can select one depending on your needs and budget.

Best FLV Editor to Edit FlV Video on Windows and Mac:

  • Wondershare – Filmora:

It is available for both Windows and Mac.

Filmora Video Editor is the most common and versatile editing software in this list that almost every content creator may have used or heard about. It has a lot of professional features used by content creators. It is one of the best video editors for .flv format, if u work with .flv files then you must get your hands on filmora.

Its UI is quite similar to premiere pro which makes it quite easy for people who are looking for premiere pro alternatives. It has hundreds of classy transitions/effects and dozens of unique and useful features but many of them are available on paid version only.

The free version also packs a punch but it is almost useless for most users as it leaves a watermark on the final product. It is good for learning video editing and once you master enough to move forward then you can purchase the pro version or you can start directly on the paid version.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Support a wide range of formats including .flv.
  • Have advanced color grading options.
  • Have standard Motion Tracking feature.
  • Masking and Chroma key.
  • Keyframing and Smooth animation. (Paid version)
  • Speed ramping and Auto Synchronization. (Paid Version)
  • Support industry-standard plugins (like Boris fx).
  • Have a vast stock library.


  • Leaves a watermark on export. (free version)
  • Have playback issues while using 4k videos.
  • Lacks some standard editing features.

*Almost every software has some pros and cons. Remember these are inspected from my point of view. And it can differ from your experience.


Import: Open filmora, a popup will appear, Select desired aspect ratio then click “New Project” to start editing or click “Open Project” to continue your old project.

On the center of the screen, you will see the import window, click it to import .flv file or any other video you want to edit.

edit flv

Edit: Drag the clips on the timeline to start editing. Drag the clips from the corner to trim them. Click the top left icon of the timeline (not the whole screen) to add layers. In the toolbar above the timeline, you will find a bunch of tools, like split, crop, speed ramping, animation e.t.c. Click the red scissors icon on the pointer to split the clip at the desired timestamp.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “edit” icon, then you will see a bunch of icons appear on the top left corner of the screen, These are as follow.

Select the “Video” icon to transform the clip or to do motion tracking, stabilization, chroma-key, Masking, e.t.c. To do Motion tracking, on the playback screen, lock the box on the item you want to track then click “Start Tracking”.

Select the “Audio” icon to apply effects and enhance your audio.

Select the “Color” icon to do fine-tuning and color grading, Select the “3D LUT” option to import a new customized lut. You can find a number of cool luts online.

Select the “Animation” icon to add preset animations or make custom animations by using keyframes.

Select the “Speed” icon to adjust the speed of the clip or to do speed ramping.

Click the “OK” button below to go back to previous tabs.

From there you can add Audio, Titles, Transitions, Effects, Elements, and Stock Media. Simply drag and drop the effects and transition on the clip to apply it. And to use titles and stock media, click and drag them on the timeline to use them.

Export: Click the blue “Export” button. Then choose Desired format and Resolution to export your final product.

More Free FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a .flv video editor to perform some editing tasks without spending any money then read till the end because here we have mentioned some free FLV editors for you.

  • VSDC video editors :

It is available only on Windows.

Despite being free software, it is packed with lots of features. It is a good choice for non-professionals and it can even run on low-end PCs. It supports a wide range of video/audio formats including .flv file. It has dozens of cool effects and tools that can give your videos a new look. It is a non-linear program that makes using layers much easier means you can add layers at any specific time frame and can add layers into layers for complex editing. It also supports 360 and 3D video which can easily be converted into 2D. It has a number of video and audio effects. It is an old yet powerful software which can even run in 19s Pc. Its features are mentioned below.


  • Free Software with no watermark.
  • Can support 4K footages on the latest versions.
  • Can import/export a wide range of formats.
  • Have built-in video and screen capture feature.
  • Has a Non-linear interface that supports multi-layer editing.
  • Have professional features like chroma key and masking.
  • Can convert layers into a sprite (Grouped Sequence) for handling multiple layers easily.


  • Being a free software it has some limitations too.
  • It’s hard to learn for beginners.
  • It still lacks features for a professional creator.
  • Doesn’t support Hardware acceleration.


Import: Open VSDC video editor, from the “Start Project Now” tab click “Blank Project” to start a new project or click “Import Content” to browse video or image files. Then select “Project settings”.

edit flv

Edit: You can add more files by clicking the “Add Object” button on the top left corner. Then drag the file from Object explorer to anywhere on the timeline even on layers. On top of the “Editor Tab”, you can find the necessary tools to split, crop, and rotate the video. Click “Spacebar” to play/pause the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: Click a video on the timeline then select the Effect buttons on top of the “Editor” tab to apply effects to your clip. Then Click the effect on “Object Explorer” to open its properties menu. On the left side of the player, you will find buttons to add text, shapes, e.t.c to the project. On the right side of the screen, you will find the “Basic effects window” where you can do color correction and grading.

Select Multiple Clips then right-click the mouse button and then the “Convert to sprite” button to make a grouped clip (clips within a clip).

Export: Click the “Export Project” button on the top of the screen. Then choose “Media device”, “output video format” and select output destination and quality setup then click “Export Project” to export the video. If you are using the free version of the software, a popup will appear saying “export without premium features”, just click Continue. Now your file is ready to be viewed.

edit flv

  • Shotcut:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It is a free and open-source video editor which is simple and easy to use, which makes it ideal for beginners. It doesn’t have any pro version. It is an ideal software to deal with .flv files as it supports a large number of import/export formats. However, it takes some time to understand its UI. After that, it is quite easy to use. It has cool effects and transitions. It has a clean and simple timeline which is not versatile for professionals although it has some complex options to customize your timeline. It has some refined color grading options. Being a free software it has some 360 effects and 3D text which makes it comparatively good as compared to some other free softwares. It can support 4K videos also but lags or crashes sometimes when using 4K clips. All the effects and tools are combined in one tab “Filter” which is a plus point for some users. It also has some good quality audio effects. Some of its features are mentioned below.


  • It is completely free software with no watermark.
  • It has one of the largest file format compatibility.
  • It can support 4K video resolution.
  • It has 3 wheel grading tool and some other color filters.
  • It has standard animation and keyframing features.
  • It has some effects to support 360 videos.


  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as it lacks some useful features.
  • Have issues with playback of 4K videos and sometimes crashes.
  • Doesn’t have a separate text column and lacks some basic text and title effects.
  • Its UI is different from other common video editors and is a bit hard to understand.


Import: Click the “Open file” icon on the top left corner of the window to import files.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop clips on an empty timeline panel to add tracks. Right-click on the left side of the timeline to add a video or an audio track. To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the Scissors icon on the top timeline to split the clip in between.

Click the “Properties” tab above the timeline panel to change the aspect ratio and playback speed of the clip.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Filters” tab above the timeline panel to open the filter menu, Click “+” above it to add filters. Double click a filter to add it to the selected clip, then click the filter to change its properties.

Click the “Keyframes” icon on top of the window to open the Keyframes window. Then click the “Timeline” icon to go back to the previous window.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top of the screen. Select a preset or click the “Advanced” button to change export settings then click “Export File”.

edit flv

  • OpenShot:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

OpenShot is another choice for you if you are looking for a free FLV editor. It is simple and easy to use. Its User Interface is clean and beginner-friendly. It has hundreds of transitions and effects. It has an animated titles option also, which is powered by Blender.


  • Is simple and easy to use.
  • Its UI is Beginner friendly.
  • Can support 4K videos.
  • Support a wide range of formats.
  • Have smooth keyframe animation.
  • Is free and has no watermark.


  • Video Playback is a bit laggy.
  • Animated titles are only supported when you have Blender (3d software) installed on your PC.
  • Doesn’t have enough tools for professionals.


Import: Start “OpenShot” then drag and drop files in the project files tab from your file system (or press CTRL + F). Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. There are some basic tools above the tracks in the timeline window. Click “+” to add a new track. Click the scissors icon to split the clip at the desired length. Click the magnet icon to on snapping mode. Click the green marker icon to add markers at desired points during editing.

edit flv

Effects: Above the timeline window you will see a bar containing 4 buttons: Project Files, Transitions, Effects, and Emojis. Drag these elements to add them to the timeline. Effects appear as a small icon on the clip. Right-click the icon then select “Remove Effect” to remove it.

edit flv

Right-click the clip to access more features like keyframe animation, playback speed, e.t.c.

Export: Click the red dot button on the top of the screen to export your video (or press CTRL + E). Select the desired Profile, Format, Quality, and Destination folder then click “Export Video” to export your file.

edit flv

More Paid FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a good flv editor and you are ready to spend some cash on it then we have selected some paid softwares worthy of your investment.

  • Power director 365 (import only):

It is available on both, Windows and Mac.

If you are looking for software to do more than just trimming and cropping the video then Cyberlink Power Director can be the right choice for you. It is packed with dozens of features that professional content creators look for. It has some professional-level plugins also. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

It allows users to import .flv file and edit it like usual but you can’t export it in the same format as it exports videos in few formats only. FLV file is then converted into any of the other supported formats.


Its annual subscription is 69$ which is available at 30% off at 48.99$/year. This offer is valid till 4th May 2022.


  • Can support 4K videos and can import a wide range of file formats.
  • Have Auto Chapter and Subtitle settings.
  • Multi-cam editing.
  • Have hundreds of transitions, effects, and access to thousands of stock footage.
  • Can Group clips for easy editing.
  • Can import presets and color LUTS.


  • It lags sometimes, this issue can be resolved to an extent if you have a powerful PC.
  • Some features are complicated to use.
  • Export settings have fewer file formats as compared to the import file range.


Import: Open Power Director then select the aspect ratio and click “Full Mode” to start the program. Import media files to the media room. Click the “Import Media” icon below the files tab to add more clips.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline. Drop files above or below to add them in layers. Click the icon on the top left corner of the timeline to add a new layer. You can find basic editing tools above the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects and overlay elements are situated at the top left corner of the screen in a vertical bar. Here you will find the Project library, titles, effects, transitions, overlays, e.t.c. Simply just drag and drop on the timeline to use them. Here you can also do audio mixing and add subtitles and chapters.

Double click a clip or an overlay element to open the designer window. Here you can customize the clips and overlays to enhance your project.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the screen then select the desired mode and file format and add a destination then click “Start”.

  • AVS video editor:

If you are looking for a good .flv video editor and are ready to spend some bucks then the AVS video editor is a good choice for you. It is a low-budget software that is simple and easy to use and has some great features. It was my first video editor which I used about 5-6 years ago when I started making videos. It is simple and easy to use. It has some fine features that can fulfill your basic video editing tasks. Has a unique animation trajectory feature, where you can create paths for overlays.


It has two different plans, the first is an annual one which is at 69$ per year and the second one is a lifetime offer for 199$. In a lifetime plan, you can own the software forever. Right now, the software is at a 70% discount(till 30th April 2022) which decreases the price of the annual subscription to 39$ and the purchase price is 59$ this offer makes the software valuable enough to invest in.


  • Its UI is beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Can Support 4K videos.
  • Has cool features like video stabilization and a chroma key.
  • Has 300+ effects, transitions, and overlays.
  • Has a storyboard-type editing style also, which is a great feature for some users.
  • Has keyframing and animation trajectory option for overlays.


  • Lacks some commonly used features.
  • It is a decade-old software and needs some new updates to compete with other editing softwares.
  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as you can’t do many customizations.
  • It has only one layer for every element like text, effects, overlays, e.t.c.
  • If hard disk crashes you have to purchase the license again.


Import: Click “Import Media Files” to import clips or click “Open Existing Project” to load previously saved projects. Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. On top of the timeline, you will find a few basic tools like change speed, apply transitions, do color correction, or do video stabilization.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Transition” button above the timeline to apply transitions. Drag and drop transitions between two clips to apply it. Right-click on the transition to change its duration.

Click the “Video Effects” button on top of the timeline, then drag and drop the desired effect on the effects layer and trim it according to your need.

Similarly from the “Text” tab Drag and drop the desired text to the text layer in the timeline. Then select “Edit text” to change the text.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the timeline to open the export window. Select the desired file format and quality then click “next” and then click the “Create” button to export your file.

edit flv (Online):

If you want to edit FLV videos quickly and don’t want to install any software then can be a good choice for you. It is an online FLV video editor that can run on any browser and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and even mobile phones. It is a quick and simple method to fulfill your basic video editing needs. It has some amazing and uniques features as compared to other basic video editors. It is a great platform to edit videos anywhere. You can start editing video on your PC and can continue it on your phone if you have to leave your workplace. But these features come at a price as its basic plan has the majority of the features but it leaves a watermark on the final video.


It has 3 different plans depending on your needs. The first one is the “Free Plan” which is almost useless for most users as it creates a watermark. The second one is the “Basic Plan” at 18$/month. While third is the “Pro Plan” at 30$/month which has some more features than the basic plan. You can purchase an annual plan to save up to 33%.

edit flv


  • It is an online platform that makes it easily accessible from any device.
  • It is multi user friendly and is a good choice for team projects.
  • It has a simple and clean interface which is ideal for beginners.
  • It has an Auto subtitle generator + subtitle translator and editor.
  • It has audio to text and video to text features that aren’t found in many other editors.
  • It is compatible with many video and audio formats.


  • It is quite slow as compared to other video editing software.
  • Downloading 4K videos is only available in Pro Plan.
  • It is an online platform, so its data can be breached or leaked, so avoid editing your personal videos on this platform. It can rarely happen but precaution is better than cure.


Import: Click choose FLV File on the home screen then a popup will appear, click “Browse” to upload a file or use a template.

edit flv

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the “Split” button above the timeline to split the clip in between.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects tabs like Text, Elements, Transitions lie on the left side of the screen (on windows). Click an element and it will be added to the timeline, then adjust the settings according to your will.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top right side of the screen. Select a preset or change export settings then click “Export Video”. Soon you will get your final product.

Which Should I choose Free or Paid FLV Editor :

Are you confused to choose the FLV editor for you? Then look for the one that suits your other needs. Like if you want an editor only to crop or trim videos then save your money and go for a free video editor. But if you want some extra features to enhance your workflow or have some cash then go for paid software. For professionals, Power Director 365 or Filmora pro can be a good choice to invest your money in.

~ Some FAQs about FLV Videos:

why is .flv format used?

FLV is basically used to publish or distribute videos on the Internet. Many social platforms and web pages (such as youtube, Hulu, e.t.c.) use .flv files as it provide high-quality synchronized audio and video in compact file size. It was mostly used for embedded videos on these platforms. It is compatible with most browsers and devices even with older phones and computers.

How to play .FLV files?

To play .flv files a flash player is required. Which is pre-installed in almost most of the computers and browsers, if that’s not the case. Then you need a good video player which supports .flv format. Therefore VLC media prayer is a good choice. It is quite easy to use and has some useful features like Speed, Adding subtitles, Audio sync, e.t.c.

Is .flv file easy to edit?

FLV is just a format, It can be edited like any other format. Steps may differ from software to software. But don’t worry as I have mentioned the steps of some popular FLV video editors above.

Can the .flv file be converted?

If you don’t want to stick with the .flv format for long enough and want to switch over to a more convenient format then you can try these converters.

VLC Media Player: Yes, apart from being a video player it can convert video formats. It’s quite easy to use.

Simply Open VLC Media Player >> Click Media tab >> Click “Convert/Save” >> On pop up menu Select “Add” to add file (can add multiple files also) >> Click “Convert/Save” >> Add Destination folder and File Format (to convert in) then click “Start”.

Hand Brake: It is another popular video converter that can convert a .flv file into almost any file format.

Open HandBrake-“Drop a file” screen will appear >> Select the specific file you one to convert >> Select Destination filder >> Click “Start encoding”.

Flv vs Mp4 which is better?

FLV format was quite popular back in 2010 as it provides high-quality compressed video for the internet. It takes less space which makes it easy to download and transfer quickly. Nowadays MP4 format is used more as it is versatile and is compatible with almost all devices like Mobile, PC, TV, e.t.c. FLV uses H.263 codec while MP4 uses codec which provides better quality after compression. Still .flv file is a better choice for streaming platforms as one of the most common software used for streaming is OBS studio and it produces .flv files.

It is available for both Windows and Mac.

Filmora Video Editor is the most common and versatile editing software in this list that almost every content creator may have used or heard about. It has a lot of professional features used by content creators. It is one of the best video editors for .flv format, if u work with .flv files then you must get your hands on filmora.

Its UI is quite similar to premiere pro which makes it quite easy for people who are looking for premiere pro alternatives. It has hundreds of classy transitions/effects and dozens of unique and useful features but many of them are available on paid version only.

The free version also packs a punch but it is almost useless for most users as it leaves a watermark on the final product. It is good for learning video editing and once you master enough to move forward then you can purchase the pro version or you can start directly on the paid version.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Support a wide range of formats including .flv.
  • Have advanced color grading options.
  • Have standard Motion Tracking feature.
  • Masking and Chroma key.
  • Keyframing and Smooth animation. (Paid version)
  • Speed ramping and Auto Synchronization. (Paid Version)
  • Support industry-standard plugins (like Boris fx).
  • Have a vast stock library.


  • Leaves a watermark on export. (free version)
  • Have playback issues while using 4k videos.
  • Lacks some standard editing features.

*Almost every software has some pros and cons. Remember these are inspected from my point of view. And it can differ from your experience.


Import: Open filmora, a popup will appear, Select desired aspect ratio then click “New Project” to start editing or click “Open Project” to continue your old project.

On the center of the screen, you will see the import window, click it to import .flv file or any other video you want to edit.

edit flv

Edit: Drag the clips on the timeline to start editing. Drag the clips from the corner to trim them. Click the top left icon of the timeline (not the whole screen) to add layers. In the toolbar above the timeline, you will find a bunch of tools, like split, crop, speed ramping, animation e.t.c. Click the red scissors icon on the pointer to split the clip at the desired timestamp.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “edit” icon, then you will see a bunch of icons appear on the top left corner of the screen, These are as follow.

Select the “Video” icon to transform the clip or to do motion tracking, stabilization, chroma-key, Masking, e.t.c. To do Motion tracking, on the playback screen, lock the box on the item you want to track then click “Start Tracking”.

Select the “Audio” icon to apply effects and enhance your audio.

Select the “Color” icon to do fine-tuning and color grading, Select the “3D LUT” option to import a new customized lut. You can find a number of cool luts online.

Select the “Animation” icon to add preset animations or make custom animations by using keyframes.

Select the “Speed” icon to adjust the speed of the clip or to do speed ramping.

Click the “OK” button below to go back to previous tabs.

From there you can add Audio, Titles, Transitions, Effects, Elements, and Stock Media. Simply drag and drop the effects and transition on the clip to apply it. And to use titles and stock media, click and drag them on the timeline to use them.

Export: Click the blue “Export” button. Then choose Desired format and Resolution to export your final product.

More Free FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a .flv video editor to perform some editing tasks without spending any money then read till the end because here we have mentioned some free FLV editors for you.

  • VSDC video editors :

It is available only on Windows.

Despite being free software, it is packed with lots of features. It is a good choice for non-professionals and it can even run on low-end PCs. It supports a wide range of video/audio formats including .flv file. It has dozens of cool effects and tools that can give your videos a new look. It is a non-linear program that makes using layers much easier means you can add layers at any specific time frame and can add layers into layers for complex editing. It also supports 360 and 3D video which can easily be converted into 2D. It has a number of video and audio effects. It is an old yet powerful software which can even run in 19s Pc. Its features are mentioned below.


  • Free Software with no watermark.
  • Can support 4K footages on the latest versions.
  • Can import/export a wide range of formats.
  • Have built-in video and screen capture feature.
  • Has a Non-linear interface that supports multi-layer editing.
  • Have professional features like chroma key and masking.
  • Can convert layers into a sprite (Grouped Sequence) for handling multiple layers easily.


  • Being a free software it has some limitations too.
  • It’s hard to learn for beginners.
  • It still lacks features for a professional creator.
  • Doesn’t support Hardware acceleration.


Import: Open VSDC video editor, from the “Start Project Now” tab click “Blank Project” to start a new project or click “Import Content” to browse video or image files. Then select “Project settings”.

edit flv

Edit: You can add more files by clicking the “Add Object” button on the top left corner. Then drag the file from Object explorer to anywhere on the timeline even on layers. On top of the “Editor Tab”, you can find the necessary tools to split, crop, and rotate the video. Click “Spacebar” to play/pause the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: Click a video on the timeline then select the Effect buttons on top of the “Editor” tab to apply effects to your clip. Then Click the effect on “Object Explorer” to open its properties menu. On the left side of the player, you will find buttons to add text, shapes, e.t.c to the project. On the right side of the screen, you will find the “Basic effects window” where you can do color correction and grading.

Select Multiple Clips then right-click the mouse button and then the “Convert to sprite” button to make a grouped clip (clips within a clip).

Export: Click the “Export Project” button on the top of the screen. Then choose “Media device”, “output video format” and select output destination and quality setup then click “Export Project” to export the video. If you are using the free version of the software, a popup will appear saying “export without premium features”, just click Continue. Now your file is ready to be viewed.

edit flv

  • Shotcut:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It is a free and open-source video editor which is simple and easy to use, which makes it ideal for beginners. It doesn’t have any pro version. It is an ideal software to deal with .flv files as it supports a large number of import/export formats. However, it takes some time to understand its UI. After that, it is quite easy to use. It has cool effects and transitions. It has a clean and simple timeline which is not versatile for professionals although it has some complex options to customize your timeline. It has some refined color grading options. Being a free software it has some 360 effects and 3D text which makes it comparatively good as compared to some other free softwares. It can support 4K videos also but lags or crashes sometimes when using 4K clips. All the effects and tools are combined in one tab “Filter” which is a plus point for some users. It also has some good quality audio effects. Some of its features are mentioned below.


  • It is completely free software with no watermark.
  • It has one of the largest file format compatibility.
  • It can support 4K video resolution.
  • It has 3 wheel grading tool and some other color filters.
  • It has standard animation and keyframing features.
  • It has some effects to support 360 videos.


  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as it lacks some useful features.
  • Have issues with playback of 4K videos and sometimes crashes.
  • Doesn’t have a separate text column and lacks some basic text and title effects.
  • Its UI is different from other common video editors and is a bit hard to understand.


Import: Click the “Open file” icon on the top left corner of the window to import files.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop clips on an empty timeline panel to add tracks. Right-click on the left side of the timeline to add a video or an audio track. To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the Scissors icon on the top timeline to split the clip in between.

Click the “Properties” tab above the timeline panel to change the aspect ratio and playback speed of the clip.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Filters” tab above the timeline panel to open the filter menu, Click “+” above it to add filters. Double click a filter to add it to the selected clip, then click the filter to change its properties.

Click the “Keyframes” icon on top of the window to open the Keyframes window. Then click the “Timeline” icon to go back to the previous window.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top of the screen. Select a preset or click the “Advanced” button to change export settings then click “Export File”.

edit flv

  • OpenShot:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

OpenShot is another choice for you if you are looking for a free FLV editor. It is simple and easy to use. Its User Interface is clean and beginner-friendly. It has hundreds of transitions and effects. It has an animated titles option also, which is powered by Blender.


  • Is simple and easy to use.
  • Its UI is Beginner friendly.
  • Can support 4K videos.
  • Support a wide range of formats.
  • Have smooth keyframe animation.
  • Is free and has no watermark.


  • Video Playback is a bit laggy.
  • Animated titles are only supported when you have Blender (3d software) installed on your PC.
  • Doesn’t have enough tools for professionals.


Import: Start “OpenShot” then drag and drop files in the project files tab from your file system (or press CTRL + F). Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. There are some basic tools above the tracks in the timeline window. Click “+” to add a new track. Click the scissors icon to split the clip at the desired length. Click the magnet icon to on snapping mode. Click the green marker icon to add markers at desired points during editing.

edit flv

Effects: Above the timeline window you will see a bar containing 4 buttons: Project Files, Transitions, Effects, and Emojis. Drag these elements to add them to the timeline. Effects appear as a small icon on the clip. Right-click the icon then select “Remove Effect” to remove it.

edit flv

Right-click the clip to access more features like keyframe animation, playback speed, e.t.c.

Export: Click the red dot button on the top of the screen to export your video (or press CTRL + E). Select the desired Profile, Format, Quality, and Destination folder then click “Export Video” to export your file.

edit flv

More Paid FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a good flv editor and you are ready to spend some cash on it then we have selected some paid softwares worthy of your investment.

  • Power director 365 (import only):

It is available on both, Windows and Mac.

If you are looking for software to do more than just trimming and cropping the video then Cyberlink Power Director can be the right choice for you. It is packed with dozens of features that professional content creators look for. It has some professional-level plugins also. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

It allows users to import .flv file and edit it like usual but you can’t export it in the same format as it exports videos in few formats only. FLV file is then converted into any of the other supported formats.


Its annual subscription is 69$ which is available at 30% off at 48.99$/year. This offer is valid till 4th May 2022.


  • Can support 4K videos and can import a wide range of file formats.
  • Have Auto Chapter and Subtitle settings.
  • Multi-cam editing.
  • Have hundreds of transitions, effects, and access to thousands of stock footage.
  • Can Group clips for easy editing.
  • Can import presets and color LUTS.


  • It lags sometimes, this issue can be resolved to an extent if you have a powerful PC.
  • Some features are complicated to use.
  • Export settings have fewer file formats as compared to the import file range.


Import: Open Power Director then select the aspect ratio and click “Full Mode” to start the program. Import media files to the media room. Click the “Import Media” icon below the files tab to add more clips.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline. Drop files above or below to add them in layers. Click the icon on the top left corner of the timeline to add a new layer. You can find basic editing tools above the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects and overlay elements are situated at the top left corner of the screen in a vertical bar. Here you will find the Project library, titles, effects, transitions, overlays, e.t.c. Simply just drag and drop on the timeline to use them. Here you can also do audio mixing and add subtitles and chapters.

Double click a clip or an overlay element to open the designer window. Here you can customize the clips and overlays to enhance your project.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the screen then select the desired mode and file format and add a destination then click “Start”.

  • AVS video editor:

If you are looking for a good .flv video editor and are ready to spend some bucks then the AVS video editor is a good choice for you. It is a low-budget software that is simple and easy to use and has some great features. It was my first video editor which I used about 5-6 years ago when I started making videos. It is simple and easy to use. It has some fine features that can fulfill your basic video editing tasks. Has a unique animation trajectory feature, where you can create paths for overlays.


It has two different plans, the first is an annual one which is at 69$ per year and the second one is a lifetime offer for 199$. In a lifetime plan, you can own the software forever. Right now, the software is at a 70% discount(till 30th April 2022) which decreases the price of the annual subscription to 39$ and the purchase price is 59$ this offer makes the software valuable enough to invest in.


  • Its UI is beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Can Support 4K videos.
  • Has cool features like video stabilization and a chroma key.
  • Has 300+ effects, transitions, and overlays.
  • Has a storyboard-type editing style also, which is a great feature for some users.
  • Has keyframing and animation trajectory option for overlays.


  • Lacks some commonly used features.
  • It is a decade-old software and needs some new updates to compete with other editing softwares.
  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as you can’t do many customizations.
  • It has only one layer for every element like text, effects, overlays, e.t.c.
  • If hard disk crashes you have to purchase the license again.


Import: Click “Import Media Files” to import clips or click “Open Existing Project” to load previously saved projects. Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. On top of the timeline, you will find a few basic tools like change speed, apply transitions, do color correction, or do video stabilization.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Transition” button above the timeline to apply transitions. Drag and drop transitions between two clips to apply it. Right-click on the transition to change its duration.

Click the “Video Effects” button on top of the timeline, then drag and drop the desired effect on the effects layer and trim it according to your need.

Similarly from the “Text” tab Drag and drop the desired text to the text layer in the timeline. Then select “Edit text” to change the text.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the timeline to open the export window. Select the desired file format and quality then click “next” and then click the “Create” button to export your file.

edit flv (Online):

If you want to edit FLV videos quickly and don’t want to install any software then can be a good choice for you. It is an online FLV video editor that can run on any browser and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and even mobile phones. It is a quick and simple method to fulfill your basic video editing needs. It has some amazing and uniques features as compared to other basic video editors. It is a great platform to edit videos anywhere. You can start editing video on your PC and can continue it on your phone if you have to leave your workplace. But these features come at a price as its basic plan has the majority of the features but it leaves a watermark on the final video.


It has 3 different plans depending on your needs. The first one is the “Free Plan” which is almost useless for most users as it creates a watermark. The second one is the “Basic Plan” at 18$/month. While third is the “Pro Plan” at 30$/month which has some more features than the basic plan. You can purchase an annual plan to save up to 33%.

edit flv


  • It is an online platform that makes it easily accessible from any device.
  • It is multi user friendly and is a good choice for team projects.
  • It has a simple and clean interface which is ideal for beginners.
  • It has an Auto subtitle generator + subtitle translator and editor.
  • It has audio to text and video to text features that aren’t found in many other editors.
  • It is compatible with many video and audio formats.


  • It is quite slow as compared to other video editing software.
  • Downloading 4K videos is only available in Pro Plan.
  • It is an online platform, so its data can be breached or leaked, so avoid editing your personal videos on this platform. It can rarely happen but precaution is better than cure.


Import: Click choose FLV File on the home screen then a popup will appear, click “Browse” to upload a file or use a template.

edit flv

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the “Split” button above the timeline to split the clip in between.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects tabs like Text, Elements, Transitions lie on the left side of the screen (on windows). Click an element and it will be added to the timeline, then adjust the settings according to your will.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top right side of the screen. Select a preset or change export settings then click “Export Video”. Soon you will get your final product.

Which Should I choose Free or Paid FLV Editor :

Are you confused to choose the FLV editor for you? Then look for the one that suits your other needs. Like if you want an editor only to crop or trim videos then save your money and go for a free video editor. But if you want some extra features to enhance your workflow or have some cash then go for paid software. For professionals, Power Director 365 or Filmora pro can be a good choice to invest your money in.

~ Some FAQs about FLV Videos:

why is .flv format used?

FLV is basically used to publish or distribute videos on the Internet. Many social platforms and web pages (such as youtube, Hulu, e.t.c.) use .flv files as it provide high-quality synchronized audio and video in compact file size. It was mostly used for embedded videos on these platforms. It is compatible with most browsers and devices even with older phones and computers.

How to play .FLV files?

To play .flv files a flash player is required. Which is pre-installed in almost most of the computers and browsers, if that’s not the case. Then you need a good video player which supports .flv format. Therefore VLC media prayer is a good choice. It is quite easy to use and has some useful features like Speed, Adding subtitles, Audio sync, e.t.c.

Is .flv file easy to edit?

FLV is just a format, It can be edited like any other format. Steps may differ from software to software. But don’t worry as I have mentioned the steps of some popular FLV video editors above.

Can the .flv file be converted?

If you don’t want to stick with the .flv format for long enough and want to switch over to a more convenient format then you can try these converters.

VLC Media Player: Yes, apart from being a video player it can convert video formats. It’s quite easy to use.

Simply Open VLC Media Player >> Click Media tab >> Click “Convert/Save” >> On pop up menu Select “Add” to add file (can add multiple files also) >> Click “Convert/Save” >> Add Destination folder and File Format (to convert in) then click “Start”.

Hand Brake: It is another popular video converter that can convert a .flv file into almost any file format.

Open HandBrake-“Drop a file” screen will appear >> Select the specific file you one to convert >> Select Destination filder >> Click “Start encoding”.

Flv vs Mp4 which is better?

FLV format was quite popular back in 2010 as it provides high-quality compressed video for the internet. It takes less space which makes it easy to download and transfer quickly. Nowadays MP4 format is used more as it is versatile and is compatible with almost all devices like Mobile, PC, TV, e.t.c. FLV uses H.263 codec while MP4 uses codec which provides better quality after compression. Still .flv file is a better choice for streaming platforms as one of the most common software used for streaming is OBS studio and it produces .flv files.

It is available for both Windows and Mac.

Filmora Video Editor is the most common and versatile editing software in this list that almost every content creator may have used or heard about. It has a lot of professional features used by content creators. It is one of the best video editors for .flv format, if u work with .flv files then you must get your hands on filmora.

Its UI is quite similar to premiere pro which makes it quite easy for people who are looking for premiere pro alternatives. It has hundreds of classy transitions/effects and dozens of unique and useful features but many of them are available on paid version only.

The free version also packs a punch but it is almost useless for most users as it leaves a watermark on the final product. It is good for learning video editing and once you master enough to move forward then you can purchase the pro version or you can start directly on the paid version.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Support a wide range of formats including .flv.
  • Have advanced color grading options.
  • Have standard Motion Tracking feature.
  • Masking and Chroma key.
  • Keyframing and Smooth animation. (Paid version)
  • Speed ramping and Auto Synchronization. (Paid Version)
  • Support industry-standard plugins (like Boris fx).
  • Have a vast stock library.


  • Leaves a watermark on export. (free version)
  • Have playback issues while using 4k videos.
  • Lacks some standard editing features.

*Almost every software has some pros and cons. Remember these are inspected from my point of view. And it can differ from your experience.


Import: Open filmora, a popup will appear, Select desired aspect ratio then click “New Project” to start editing or click “Open Project” to continue your old project.

On the center of the screen, you will see the import window, click it to import .flv file or any other video you want to edit.

edit flv

Edit: Drag the clips on the timeline to start editing. Drag the clips from the corner to trim them. Click the top left icon of the timeline (not the whole screen) to add layers. In the toolbar above the timeline, you will find a bunch of tools, like split, crop, speed ramping, animation e.t.c. Click the red scissors icon on the pointer to split the clip at the desired timestamp.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “edit” icon, then you will see a bunch of icons appear on the top left corner of the screen, These are as follow.

Select the “Video” icon to transform the clip or to do motion tracking, stabilization, chroma-key, Masking, e.t.c. To do Motion tracking, on the playback screen, lock the box on the item you want to track then click “Start Tracking”.

Select the “Audio” icon to apply effects and enhance your audio.

Select the “Color” icon to do fine-tuning and color grading, Select the “3D LUT” option to import a new customized lut. You can find a number of cool luts online.

Select the “Animation” icon to add preset animations or make custom animations by using keyframes.

Select the “Speed” icon to adjust the speed of the clip or to do speed ramping.

Click the “OK” button below to go back to previous tabs.

From there you can add Audio, Titles, Transitions, Effects, Elements, and Stock Media. Simply drag and drop the effects and transition on the clip to apply it. And to use titles and stock media, click and drag them on the timeline to use them.

Export: Click the blue “Export” button. Then choose Desired format and Resolution to export your final product.

More Free FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a .flv video editor to perform some editing tasks without spending any money then read till the end because here we have mentioned some free FLV editors for you.

  • VSDC video editors :

It is available only on Windows.

Despite being free software, it is packed with lots of features. It is a good choice for non-professionals and it can even run on low-end PCs. It supports a wide range of video/audio formats including .flv file. It has dozens of cool effects and tools that can give your videos a new look. It is a non-linear program that makes using layers much easier means you can add layers at any specific time frame and can add layers into layers for complex editing. It also supports 360 and 3D video which can easily be converted into 2D. It has a number of video and audio effects. It is an old yet powerful software which can even run in 19s Pc. Its features are mentioned below.


  • Free Software with no watermark.
  • Can support 4K footages on the latest versions.
  • Can import/export a wide range of formats.
  • Have built-in video and screen capture feature.
  • Has a Non-linear interface that supports multi-layer editing.
  • Have professional features like chroma key and masking.
  • Can convert layers into a sprite (Grouped Sequence) for handling multiple layers easily.


  • Being a free software it has some limitations too.
  • It’s hard to learn for beginners.
  • It still lacks features for a professional creator.
  • Doesn’t support Hardware acceleration.


Import: Open VSDC video editor, from the “Start Project Now” tab click “Blank Project” to start a new project or click “Import Content” to browse video or image files. Then select “Project settings”.

edit flv

Edit: You can add more files by clicking the “Add Object” button on the top left corner. Then drag the file from Object explorer to anywhere on the timeline even on layers. On top of the “Editor Tab”, you can find the necessary tools to split, crop, and rotate the video. Click “Spacebar” to play/pause the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: Click a video on the timeline then select the Effect buttons on top of the “Editor” tab to apply effects to your clip. Then Click the effect on “Object Explorer” to open its properties menu. On the left side of the player, you will find buttons to add text, shapes, e.t.c to the project. On the right side of the screen, you will find the “Basic effects window” where you can do color correction and grading.

Select Multiple Clips then right-click the mouse button and then the “Convert to sprite” button to make a grouped clip (clips within a clip).

Export: Click the “Export Project” button on the top of the screen. Then choose “Media device”, “output video format” and select output destination and quality setup then click “Export Project” to export the video. If you are using the free version of the software, a popup will appear saying “export without premium features”, just click Continue. Now your file is ready to be viewed.

edit flv

  • Shotcut:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It is a free and open-source video editor which is simple and easy to use, which makes it ideal for beginners. It doesn’t have any pro version. It is an ideal software to deal with .flv files as it supports a large number of import/export formats. However, it takes some time to understand its UI. After that, it is quite easy to use. It has cool effects and transitions. It has a clean and simple timeline which is not versatile for professionals although it has some complex options to customize your timeline. It has some refined color grading options. Being a free software it has some 360 effects and 3D text which makes it comparatively good as compared to some other free softwares. It can support 4K videos also but lags or crashes sometimes when using 4K clips. All the effects and tools are combined in one tab “Filter” which is a plus point for some users. It also has some good quality audio effects. Some of its features are mentioned below.


  • It is completely free software with no watermark.
  • It has one of the largest file format compatibility.
  • It can support 4K video resolution.
  • It has 3 wheel grading tool and some other color filters.
  • It has standard animation and keyframing features.
  • It has some effects to support 360 videos.


  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as it lacks some useful features.
  • Have issues with playback of 4K videos and sometimes crashes.
  • Doesn’t have a separate text column and lacks some basic text and title effects.
  • Its UI is different from other common video editors and is a bit hard to understand.


Import: Click the “Open file” icon on the top left corner of the window to import files.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop clips on an empty timeline panel to add tracks. Right-click on the left side of the timeline to add a video or an audio track. To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the Scissors icon on the top timeline to split the clip in between.

Click the “Properties” tab above the timeline panel to change the aspect ratio and playback speed of the clip.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Filters” tab above the timeline panel to open the filter menu, Click “+” above it to add filters. Double click a filter to add it to the selected clip, then click the filter to change its properties.

Click the “Keyframes” icon on top of the window to open the Keyframes window. Then click the “Timeline” icon to go back to the previous window.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top of the screen. Select a preset or click the “Advanced” button to change export settings then click “Export File”.

edit flv

  • OpenShot:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

OpenShot is another choice for you if you are looking for a free FLV editor. It is simple and easy to use. Its User Interface is clean and beginner-friendly. It has hundreds of transitions and effects. It has an animated titles option also, which is powered by Blender.


  • Is simple and easy to use.
  • Its UI is Beginner friendly.
  • Can support 4K videos.
  • Support a wide range of formats.
  • Have smooth keyframe animation.
  • Is free and has no watermark.


  • Video Playback is a bit laggy.
  • Animated titles are only supported when you have Blender (3d software) installed on your PC.
  • Doesn’t have enough tools for professionals.


Import: Start “OpenShot” then drag and drop files in the project files tab from your file system (or press CTRL + F). Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. There are some basic tools above the tracks in the timeline window. Click “+” to add a new track. Click the scissors icon to split the clip at the desired length. Click the magnet icon to on snapping mode. Click the green marker icon to add markers at desired points during editing.

edit flv

Effects: Above the timeline window you will see a bar containing 4 buttons: Project Files, Transitions, Effects, and Emojis. Drag these elements to add them to the timeline. Effects appear as a small icon on the clip. Right-click the icon then select “Remove Effect” to remove it.

edit flv

Right-click the clip to access more features like keyframe animation, playback speed, e.t.c.

Export: Click the red dot button on the top of the screen to export your video (or press CTRL + E). Select the desired Profile, Format, Quality, and Destination folder then click “Export Video” to export your file.

edit flv

More Paid FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a good flv editor and you are ready to spend some cash on it then we have selected some paid softwares worthy of your investment.

  • Power director 365 (import only):

It is available on both, Windows and Mac.

If you are looking for software to do more than just trimming and cropping the video then Cyberlink Power Director can be the right choice for you. It is packed with dozens of features that professional content creators look for. It has some professional-level plugins also. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

It allows users to import .flv file and edit it like usual but you can’t export it in the same format as it exports videos in few formats only. FLV file is then converted into any of the other supported formats.


Its annual subscription is 69$ which is available at 30% off at 48.99$/year. This offer is valid till 4th May 2022.


  • Can support 4K videos and can import a wide range of file formats.
  • Have Auto Chapter and Subtitle settings.
  • Multi-cam editing.
  • Have hundreds of transitions, effects, and access to thousands of stock footage.
  • Can Group clips for easy editing.
  • Can import presets and color LUTS.


  • It lags sometimes, this issue can be resolved to an extent if you have a powerful PC.
  • Some features are complicated to use.
  • Export settings have fewer file formats as compared to the import file range.


Import: Open Power Director then select the aspect ratio and click “Full Mode” to start the program. Import media files to the media room. Click the “Import Media” icon below the files tab to add more clips.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline. Drop files above or below to add them in layers. Click the icon on the top left corner of the timeline to add a new layer. You can find basic editing tools above the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects and overlay elements are situated at the top left corner of the screen in a vertical bar. Here you will find the Project library, titles, effects, transitions, overlays, e.t.c. Simply just drag and drop on the timeline to use them. Here you can also do audio mixing and add subtitles and chapters.

Double click a clip or an overlay element to open the designer window. Here you can customize the clips and overlays to enhance your project.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the screen then select the desired mode and file format and add a destination then click “Start”.

  • AVS video editor:

If you are looking for a good .flv video editor and are ready to spend some bucks then the AVS video editor is a good choice for you. It is a low-budget software that is simple and easy to use and has some great features. It was my first video editor which I used about 5-6 years ago when I started making videos. It is simple and easy to use. It has some fine features that can fulfill your basic video editing tasks. Has a unique animation trajectory feature, where you can create paths for overlays.


It has two different plans, the first is an annual one which is at 69$ per year and the second one is a lifetime offer for 199$. In a lifetime plan, you can own the software forever. Right now, the software is at a 70% discount(till 30th April 2022) which decreases the price of the annual subscription to 39$ and the purchase price is 59$ this offer makes the software valuable enough to invest in.


  • Its UI is beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Can Support 4K videos.
  • Has cool features like video stabilization and a chroma key.
  • Has 300+ effects, transitions, and overlays.
  • Has a storyboard-type editing style also, which is a great feature for some users.
  • Has keyframing and animation trajectory option for overlays.


  • Lacks some commonly used features.
  • It is a decade-old software and needs some new updates to compete with other editing softwares.
  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as you can’t do many customizations.
  • It has only one layer for every element like text, effects, overlays, e.t.c.
  • If hard disk crashes you have to purchase the license again.


Import: Click “Import Media Files” to import clips or click “Open Existing Project” to load previously saved projects. Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. On top of the timeline, you will find a few basic tools like change speed, apply transitions, do color correction, or do video stabilization.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Transition” button above the timeline to apply transitions. Drag and drop transitions between two clips to apply it. Right-click on the transition to change its duration.

Click the “Video Effects” button on top of the timeline, then drag and drop the desired effect on the effects layer and trim it according to your need.

Similarly from the “Text” tab Drag and drop the desired text to the text layer in the timeline. Then select “Edit text” to change the text.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the timeline to open the export window. Select the desired file format and quality then click “next” and then click the “Create” button to export your file.

edit flv (Online):

If you want to edit FLV videos quickly and don’t want to install any software then can be a good choice for you. It is an online FLV video editor that can run on any browser and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and even mobile phones. It is a quick and simple method to fulfill your basic video editing needs. It has some amazing and uniques features as compared to other basic video editors. It is a great platform to edit videos anywhere. You can start editing video on your PC and can continue it on your phone if you have to leave your workplace. But these features come at a price as its basic plan has the majority of the features but it leaves a watermark on the final video.


It has 3 different plans depending on your needs. The first one is the “Free Plan” which is almost useless for most users as it creates a watermark. The second one is the “Basic Plan” at 18$/month. While third is the “Pro Plan” at 30$/month which has some more features than the basic plan. You can purchase an annual plan to save up to 33%.

edit flv


  • It is an online platform that makes it easily accessible from any device.
  • It is multi user friendly and is a good choice for team projects.
  • It has a simple and clean interface which is ideal for beginners.
  • It has an Auto subtitle generator + subtitle translator and editor.
  • It has audio to text and video to text features that aren’t found in many other editors.
  • It is compatible with many video and audio formats.


  • It is quite slow as compared to other video editing software.
  • Downloading 4K videos is only available in Pro Plan.
  • It is an online platform, so its data can be breached or leaked, so avoid editing your personal videos on this platform. It can rarely happen but precaution is better than cure.


Import: Click choose FLV File on the home screen then a popup will appear, click “Browse” to upload a file or use a template.

edit flv

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the “Split” button above the timeline to split the clip in between.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects tabs like Text, Elements, Transitions lie on the left side of the screen (on windows). Click an element and it will be added to the timeline, then adjust the settings according to your will.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top right side of the screen. Select a preset or change export settings then click “Export Video”. Soon you will get your final product.

Which Should I choose Free or Paid FLV Editor :

Are you confused to choose the FLV editor for you? Then look for the one that suits your other needs. Like if you want an editor only to crop or trim videos then save your money and go for a free video editor. But if you want some extra features to enhance your workflow or have some cash then go for paid software. For professionals, Power Director 365 or Filmora pro can be a good choice to invest your money in.

~ Some FAQs about FLV Videos:

why is .flv format used?

FLV is basically used to publish or distribute videos on the Internet. Many social platforms and web pages (such as youtube, Hulu, e.t.c.) use .flv files as it provide high-quality synchronized audio and video in compact file size. It was mostly used for embedded videos on these platforms. It is compatible with most browsers and devices even with older phones and computers.

How to play .FLV files?

To play .flv files a flash player is required. Which is pre-installed in almost most of the computers and browsers, if that’s not the case. Then you need a good video player which supports .flv format. Therefore VLC media prayer is a good choice. It is quite easy to use and has some useful features like Speed, Adding subtitles, Audio sync, e.t.c.

Is .flv file easy to edit?

FLV is just a format, It can be edited like any other format. Steps may differ from software to software. But don’t worry as I have mentioned the steps of some popular FLV video editors above.

Can the .flv file be converted?

If you don’t want to stick with the .flv format for long enough and want to switch over to a more convenient format then you can try these converters.

VLC Media Player: Yes, apart from being a video player it can convert video formats. It’s quite easy to use.

Simply Open VLC Media Player >> Click Media tab >> Click “Convert/Save” >> On pop up menu Select “Add” to add file (can add multiple files also) >> Click “Convert/Save” >> Add Destination folder and File Format (to convert in) then click “Start”.

Hand Brake: It is another popular video converter that can convert a .flv file into almost any file format.

Open HandBrake-“Drop a file” screen will appear >> Select the specific file you one to convert >> Select Destination filder >> Click “Start encoding”.

Flv vs Mp4 which is better?

FLV format was quite popular back in 2010 as it provides high-quality compressed video for the internet. It takes less space which makes it easy to download and transfer quickly. Nowadays MP4 format is used more as it is versatile and is compatible with almost all devices like Mobile, PC, TV, e.t.c. FLV uses H.263 codec while MP4 uses codec which provides better quality after compression. Still .flv file is a better choice for streaming platforms as one of the most common software used for streaming is OBS studio and it produces .flv files.

It is available for both Windows and Mac.

Filmora Video Editor is the most common and versatile editing software in this list that almost every content creator may have used or heard about. It has a lot of professional features used by content creators. It is one of the best video editors for .flv format, if u work with .flv files then you must get your hands on filmora.

Its UI is quite similar to premiere pro which makes it quite easy for people who are looking for premiere pro alternatives. It has hundreds of classy transitions/effects and dozens of unique and useful features but many of them are available on paid version only.

The free version also packs a punch but it is almost useless for most users as it leaves a watermark on the final product. It is good for learning video editing and once you master enough to move forward then you can purchase the pro version or you can start directly on the paid version.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Support a wide range of formats including .flv.
  • Have advanced color grading options.
  • Have standard Motion Tracking feature.
  • Masking and Chroma key.
  • Keyframing and Smooth animation. (Paid version)
  • Speed ramping and Auto Synchronization. (Paid Version)
  • Support industry-standard plugins (like Boris fx).
  • Have a vast stock library.


  • Leaves a watermark on export. (free version)
  • Have playback issues while using 4k videos.
  • Lacks some standard editing features.

*Almost every software has some pros and cons. Remember these are inspected from my point of view. And it can differ from your experience.


Import: Open filmora, a popup will appear, Select desired aspect ratio then click “New Project” to start editing or click “Open Project” to continue your old project.

On the center of the screen, you will see the import window, click it to import .flv file or any other video you want to edit.

edit flv

Edit: Drag the clips on the timeline to start editing. Drag the clips from the corner to trim them. Click the top left icon of the timeline (not the whole screen) to add layers. In the toolbar above the timeline, you will find a bunch of tools, like split, crop, speed ramping, animation e.t.c. Click the red scissors icon on the pointer to split the clip at the desired timestamp.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “edit” icon, then you will see a bunch of icons appear on the top left corner of the screen, These are as follow.

Select the “Video” icon to transform the clip or to do motion tracking, stabilization, chroma-key, Masking, e.t.c. To do Motion tracking, on the playback screen, lock the box on the item you want to track then click “Start Tracking”.

Select the “Audio” icon to apply effects and enhance your audio.

Select the “Color” icon to do fine-tuning and color grading, Select the “3D LUT” option to import a new customized lut. You can find a number of cool luts online.

Select the “Animation” icon to add preset animations or make custom animations by using keyframes.

Select the “Speed” icon to adjust the speed of the clip or to do speed ramping.

Click the “OK” button below to go back to previous tabs.

From there you can add Audio, Titles, Transitions, Effects, Elements, and Stock Media. Simply drag and drop the effects and transition on the clip to apply it. And to use titles and stock media, click and drag them on the timeline to use them.

Export: Click the blue “Export” button. Then choose Desired format and Resolution to export your final product.

More Free FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a .flv video editor to perform some editing tasks without spending any money then read till the end because here we have mentioned some free FLV editors for you.

  • VSDC video editors :

It is available only on Windows.

Despite being free software, it is packed with lots of features. It is a good choice for non-professionals and it can even run on low-end PCs. It supports a wide range of video/audio formats including .flv file. It has dozens of cool effects and tools that can give your videos a new look. It is a non-linear program that makes using layers much easier means you can add layers at any specific time frame and can add layers into layers for complex editing. It also supports 360 and 3D video which can easily be converted into 2D. It has a number of video and audio effects. It is an old yet powerful software which can even run in 19s Pc. Its features are mentioned below.


  • Free Software with no watermark.
  • Can support 4K footages on the latest versions.
  • Can import/export a wide range of formats.
  • Have built-in video and screen capture feature.
  • Has a Non-linear interface that supports multi-layer editing.
  • Have professional features like chroma key and masking.
  • Can convert layers into a sprite (Grouped Sequence) for handling multiple layers easily.


  • Being a free software it has some limitations too.
  • It’s hard to learn for beginners.
  • It still lacks features for a professional creator.
  • Doesn’t support Hardware acceleration.


Import: Open VSDC video editor, from the “Start Project Now” tab click “Blank Project” to start a new project or click “Import Content” to browse video or image files. Then select “Project settings”.

edit flv

Edit: You can add more files by clicking the “Add Object” button on the top left corner. Then drag the file from Object explorer to anywhere on the timeline even on layers. On top of the “Editor Tab”, you can find the necessary tools to split, crop, and rotate the video. Click “Spacebar” to play/pause the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: Click a video on the timeline then select the Effect buttons on top of the “Editor” tab to apply effects to your clip. Then Click the effect on “Object Explorer” to open its properties menu. On the left side of the player, you will find buttons to add text, shapes, e.t.c to the project. On the right side of the screen, you will find the “Basic effects window” where you can do color correction and grading.

Select Multiple Clips then right-click the mouse button and then the “Convert to sprite” button to make a grouped clip (clips within a clip).

Export: Click the “Export Project” button on the top of the screen. Then choose “Media device”, “output video format” and select output destination and quality setup then click “Export Project” to export the video. If you are using the free version of the software, a popup will appear saying “export without premium features”, just click Continue. Now your file is ready to be viewed.

edit flv

  • Shotcut:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It is a free and open-source video editor which is simple and easy to use, which makes it ideal for beginners. It doesn’t have any pro version. It is an ideal software to deal with .flv files as it supports a large number of import/export formats. However, it takes some time to understand its UI. After that, it is quite easy to use. It has cool effects and transitions. It has a clean and simple timeline which is not versatile for professionals although it has some complex options to customize your timeline. It has some refined color grading options. Being a free software it has some 360 effects and 3D text which makes it comparatively good as compared to some other free softwares. It can support 4K videos also but lags or crashes sometimes when using 4K clips. All the effects and tools are combined in one tab “Filter” which is a plus point for some users. It also has some good quality audio effects. Some of its features are mentioned below.


  • It is completely free software with no watermark.
  • It has one of the largest file format compatibility.
  • It can support 4K video resolution.
  • It has 3 wheel grading tool and some other color filters.
  • It has standard animation and keyframing features.
  • It has some effects to support 360 videos.


  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as it lacks some useful features.
  • Have issues with playback of 4K videos and sometimes crashes.
  • Doesn’t have a separate text column and lacks some basic text and title effects.
  • Its UI is different from other common video editors and is a bit hard to understand.


Import: Click the “Open file” icon on the top left corner of the window to import files.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop clips on an empty timeline panel to add tracks. Right-click on the left side of the timeline to add a video or an audio track. To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the Scissors icon on the top timeline to split the clip in between.

Click the “Properties” tab above the timeline panel to change the aspect ratio and playback speed of the clip.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Filters” tab above the timeline panel to open the filter menu, Click “+” above it to add filters. Double click a filter to add it to the selected clip, then click the filter to change its properties.

Click the “Keyframes” icon on top of the window to open the Keyframes window. Then click the “Timeline” icon to go back to the previous window.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top of the screen. Select a preset or click the “Advanced” button to change export settings then click “Export File”.

edit flv

  • OpenShot:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

OpenShot is another choice for you if you are looking for a free FLV editor. It is simple and easy to use. Its User Interface is clean and beginner-friendly. It has hundreds of transitions and effects. It has an animated titles option also, which is powered by Blender.


  • Is simple and easy to use.
  • Its UI is Beginner friendly.
  • Can support 4K videos.
  • Support a wide range of formats.
  • Have smooth keyframe animation.
  • Is free and has no watermark.


  • Video Playback is a bit laggy.
  • Animated titles are only supported when you have Blender (3d software) installed on your PC.
  • Doesn’t have enough tools for professionals.


Import: Start “OpenShot” then drag and drop files in the project files tab from your file system (or press CTRL + F). Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. There are some basic tools above the tracks in the timeline window. Click “+” to add a new track. Click the scissors icon to split the clip at the desired length. Click the magnet icon to on snapping mode. Click the green marker icon to add markers at desired points during editing.

edit flv

Effects: Above the timeline window you will see a bar containing 4 buttons: Project Files, Transitions, Effects, and Emojis. Drag these elements to add them to the timeline. Effects appear as a small icon on the clip. Right-click the icon then select “Remove Effect” to remove it.

edit flv

Right-click the clip to access more features like keyframe animation, playback speed, e.t.c.

Export: Click the red dot button on the top of the screen to export your video (or press CTRL + E). Select the desired Profile, Format, Quality, and Destination folder then click “Export Video” to export your file.

edit flv

More Paid FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a good flv editor and you are ready to spend some cash on it then we have selected some paid softwares worthy of your investment.

  • Power director 365 (import only):

It is available on both, Windows and Mac.

If you are looking for software to do more than just trimming and cropping the video then Cyberlink Power Director can be the right choice for you. It is packed with dozens of features that professional content creators look for. It has some professional-level plugins also. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

It allows users to import .flv file and edit it like usual but you can’t export it in the same format as it exports videos in few formats only. FLV file is then converted into any of the other supported formats.


Its annual subscription is 69$ which is available at 30% off at 48.99$/year. This offer is valid till 4th May 2022.


  • Can support 4K videos and can import a wide range of file formats.
  • Have Auto Chapter and Subtitle settings.
  • Multi-cam editing.
  • Have hundreds of transitions, effects, and access to thousands of stock footage.
  • Can Group clips for easy editing.
  • Can import presets and color LUTS.


  • It lags sometimes, this issue can be resolved to an extent if you have a powerful PC.
  • Some features are complicated to use.
  • Export settings have fewer file formats as compared to the import file range.


Import: Open Power Director then select the aspect ratio and click “Full Mode” to start the program. Import media files to the media room. Click the “Import Media” icon below the files tab to add more clips.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline. Drop files above or below to add them in layers. Click the icon on the top left corner of the timeline to add a new layer. You can find basic editing tools above the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects and overlay elements are situated at the top left corner of the screen in a vertical bar. Here you will find the Project library, titles, effects, transitions, overlays, e.t.c. Simply just drag and drop on the timeline to use them. Here you can also do audio mixing and add subtitles and chapters.

Double click a clip or an overlay element to open the designer window. Here you can customize the clips and overlays to enhance your project.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the screen then select the desired mode and file format and add a destination then click “Start”.

  • AVS video editor:

If you are looking for a good .flv video editor and are ready to spend some bucks then the AVS video editor is a good choice for you. It is a low-budget software that is simple and easy to use and has some great features. It was my first video editor which I used about 5-6 years ago when I started making videos. It is simple and easy to use. It has some fine features that can fulfill your basic video editing tasks. Has a unique animation trajectory feature, where you can create paths for overlays.


It has two different plans, the first is an annual one which is at 69$ per year and the second one is a lifetime offer for 199$. In a lifetime plan, you can own the software forever. Right now, the software is at a 70% discount(till 30th April 2022) which decreases the price of the annual subscription to 39$ and the purchase price is 59$ this offer makes the software valuable enough to invest in.


  • Its UI is beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Can Support 4K videos.
  • Has cool features like video stabilization and a chroma key.
  • Has 300+ effects, transitions, and overlays.
  • Has a storyboard-type editing style also, which is a great feature for some users.
  • Has keyframing and animation trajectory option for overlays.


  • Lacks some commonly used features.
  • It is a decade-old software and needs some new updates to compete with other editing softwares.
  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as you can’t do many customizations.
  • It has only one layer for every element like text, effects, overlays, e.t.c.
  • If hard disk crashes you have to purchase the license again.


Import: Click “Import Media Files” to import clips or click “Open Existing Project” to load previously saved projects. Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. On top of the timeline, you will find a few basic tools like change speed, apply transitions, do color correction, or do video stabilization.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Transition” button above the timeline to apply transitions. Drag and drop transitions between two clips to apply it. Right-click on the transition to change its duration.

Click the “Video Effects” button on top of the timeline, then drag and drop the desired effect on the effects layer and trim it according to your need.

Similarly from the “Text” tab Drag and drop the desired text to the text layer in the timeline. Then select “Edit text” to change the text.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the timeline to open the export window. Select the desired file format and quality then click “next” and then click the “Create” button to export your file.

edit flv (Online):

If you want to edit FLV videos quickly and don’t want to install any software then can be a good choice for you. It is an online FLV video editor that can run on any browser and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and even mobile phones. It is a quick and simple method to fulfill your basic video editing needs. It has some amazing and uniques features as compared to other basic video editors. It is a great platform to edit videos anywhere. You can start editing video on your PC and can continue it on your phone if you have to leave your workplace. But these features come at a price as its basic plan has the majority of the features but it leaves a watermark on the final video.


It has 3 different plans depending on your needs. The first one is the “Free Plan” which is almost useless for most users as it creates a watermark. The second one is the “Basic Plan” at 18$/month. While third is the “Pro Plan” at 30$/month which has some more features than the basic plan. You can purchase an annual plan to save up to 33%.

edit flv


  • It is an online platform that makes it easily accessible from any device.
  • It is multi user friendly and is a good choice for team projects.
  • It has a simple and clean interface which is ideal for beginners.
  • It has an Auto subtitle generator + subtitle translator and editor.
  • It has audio to text and video to text features that aren’t found in many other editors.
  • It is compatible with many video and audio formats.


  • It is quite slow as compared to other video editing software.
  • Downloading 4K videos is only available in Pro Plan.
  • It is an online platform, so its data can be breached or leaked, so avoid editing your personal videos on this platform. It can rarely happen but precaution is better than cure.


Import: Click choose FLV File on the home screen then a popup will appear, click “Browse” to upload a file or use a template.

edit flv

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the “Split” button above the timeline to split the clip in between.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects tabs like Text, Elements, Transitions lie on the left side of the screen (on windows). Click an element and it will be added to the timeline, then adjust the settings according to your will.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top right side of the screen. Select a preset or change export settings then click “Export Video”. Soon you will get your final product.

Which Should I choose Free or Paid FLV Editor :

Are you confused to choose the FLV editor for you? Then look for the one that suits your other needs. Like if you want an editor only to crop or trim videos then save your money and go for a free video editor. But if you want some extra features to enhance your workflow or have some cash then go for paid software. For professionals, Power Director 365 or Filmora pro can be a good choice to invest your money in.

~ Some FAQs about FLV Videos:

why is .flv format used?

FLV is basically used to publish or distribute videos on the Internet. Many social platforms and web pages (such as youtube, Hulu, e.t.c.) use .flv files as it provide high-quality synchronized audio and video in compact file size. It was mostly used for embedded videos on these platforms. It is compatible with most browsers and devices even with older phones and computers.

How to play .FLV files?

To play .flv files a flash player is required. Which is pre-installed in almost most of the computers and browsers, if that’s not the case. Then you need a good video player which supports .flv format. Therefore VLC media prayer is a good choice. It is quite easy to use and has some useful features like Speed, Adding subtitles, Audio sync, e.t.c.

Is .flv file easy to edit?

FLV is just a format, It can be edited like any other format. Steps may differ from software to software. But don’t worry as I have mentioned the steps of some popular FLV video editors above.

Can the .flv file be converted?

If you don’t want to stick with the .flv format for long enough and want to switch over to a more convenient format then you can try these converters.

VLC Media Player: Yes, apart from being a video player it can convert video formats. It’s quite easy to use.

Simply Open VLC Media Player >> Click Media tab >> Click “Convert/Save” >> On pop up menu Select “Add” to add file (can add multiple files also) >> Click “Convert/Save” >> Add Destination folder and File Format (to convert in) then click “Start”.

Hand Brake: It is another popular video converter that can convert a .flv file into almost any file format.

Open HandBrake-“Drop a file” screen will appear >> Select the specific file you one to convert >> Select Destination filder >> Click “Start encoding”.

Flv vs Mp4 which is better?

FLV format was quite popular back in 2010 as it provides high-quality compressed video for the internet. It takes less space which makes it easy to download and transfer quickly. Nowadays MP4 format is used more as it is versatile and is compatible with almost all devices like Mobile, PC, TV, e.t.c. FLV uses H.263 codec while MP4 uses codec which provides better quality after compression. Still .flv file is a better choice for streaming platforms as one of the most common software used for streaming is OBS studio and it produces .flv files.

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  • Title: New In 2024, Create Promotional Video
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:13:02
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:13:02
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New In 2024, Create Promotional Video