New In 2024, For Artists Who Are Making Videos for Show Their Knowledge or Projects, Add some Effects for the Video Can Always Provoke Interests and Attention. This Article Will Show You How to Do that Easily

New In 2024, For Artists Who Are Making Videos for Show Their Knowledge or Projects, Add some Effects for the Video Can Always Provoke Interests and Attention. This Article Will Show You How to Do that Easily

Morgan Lv12

For Artists Who Are Making Videos for Show Their Knowledge or Projects, Add some Effects for the Video Can Always Provoke Interests and Attention. This Article Will Show You How to Do that Easily

Filmora is a powerful tool and with the know-how can make your art be more than just a still image. Whether it is for a music video or a portfolio showreel, there are better ways than just inserting an image and letting it fade to the next still image. We can make use of effects and transitions to put our art to better use.

In this guide I’m going to show a couple of ways to enhance your images within Filmora for your videos.


By inserting a transition to your image, you can add some diversity to how the viewer first see’s your image, You may want to emphasis a certain element of your art and therefore would select a transition that zooms in on that element before zooming out to the whole image or maybe you have a painting of a cyberpunk angel and wish to have the image enter in a grid formation. The point is that by experimenting with transitions and trying to select the best ones based on the element in your work you will achieve a better first impression. This is true for all aspects of video creation.

Having multiple transitions can create a unique look for your videos with minimal understanding of how to create a transition but there needs to be an understanding of how the layers work in Filmora being that a layer on top is in front of the one below, remember this when you start to add transitions as sometime you may need to duplicate your art as to keep it in the shot.

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add transitions art video

As you can see here, I have duplicated my image onto separate channels as to always keep the image in the scene.

duplicated image onto separate channels

In the image above you can see how I used multiple transitions, I did this as my image is off center and I wanted to emphasize that, I picked transitions that had clear symmetry and lines so that the viewer had a reference point of where center was without me having to place that in my art. This is a very useful way of adding information to your art without telling the viewer directly. As for the color theory, I went with oranges and yellows predominantly here as they are neighboring colors on the color wheel and we know they work well together with my main color of yellow. As for the composition I have tried to keep all the eye-catching points along the top third of the image as to create a piece more pleasing to the eye even with all this information going on.


The inclusion of effect onto your art should not be discouraged depending on what the art is used for, in my example i created this as though it was album art and the musician wanted to upload a simple music video using that art, on its own it is static and can loose engagement but by applying relevant effects you can capture the viewer’s eye and make the listening experience more enjoyable. Effects can also be stacked to create unique assets for your art and help tell a story, if your art includes fire why not add a fire effect breaking the stillness of the image or maybe your art has motion, you could include a motion effect to your still image and give the viewer more information.

Even when using effects you can use fundamentals such as color theory or composition to better enhance your imagery.

choose effect art video

In this image you can see I have added an audio visualizer effect as well as a spectral light effect. I did this to reinforce the face of my image having a strong light source, it creates dynamic movement and the audio visualizer was added due to the nature of the video being music oriented but I felt this could have been done better. The composition of the audio visualizer was front and center and seemed boring and uninteresting. This is where the research into art fundamentals comes into play as remembering the rule of thirds and how all the main features of the image are in the top horizontal third, we can make use of the vertical thirds to gain a better composition and hopefully create more engagement.

pewview art video effects

As you can see, we have duplicated the audio visualizer and made better use of the thirds nor having opposing placement within the scene, the same information is being given by the effect but we have managed to use the space more effectively and created a visually pleasing aesthetic to our video. Trick like this can make your still image feel more animated and have more purpose within the video itself.

Adding Titles and Text

Adding text is another way of adding information to your art. It’s said an image can speak a thousand words but sometimes you need words to talk for an image. When words are needed for your video, there should be some thought into how them words are presented as just selecting any text and inserting that to your video may look jarring to the viewer and result in a loss of interest towards your videos. Selecting the right transition for your text or the color or even the font can have different results and can help with affordance depending on what you’re looking to portray.

add text title art video

In my example I wanted to say thank you and felt sharp edges would seem formal and because of the main image it would be too similar so I went with a font that was more rounded. When inserting text onto a scene such as this one you are given a lot of information for your selections, we already have color in there to help us choose our font and background color, I went with yellow and pink due to the fact it was already in the scene and I didn’t want to take the attention away from the focus. The way the text transitions onto the screen secures just enough attention to itself that the viewer knows it’s there and can read it if they wish to. If I wanted to gain full attention i would have picked a transition that overlaps the key element and picked complementary colors on the opposite sides of the color wheel guaranteeing the viewer’s eyes would notice and engage with the motion.


By incorporating all the art fundamentals and skills we have learned we can use the tools provided by Filmora more effectively and create dynamic and engaging videos that are aesthetically pleasing for our audience. Upon learning the many different types and styles of transitions, effects, and titles we can enhance our artwork for use within our video. This includes artwork specifically made for use in video or even to show off your art and gain a wider audience. These are forever evolving and what you find is pleasing now may change in the future but that’s part of the fun with learning a new skill as you will find what you like and progress from there creating an identifiable style that viewers will recognize and associate you with.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

add transitions art video

As you can see here, I have duplicated my image onto separate channels as to always keep the image in the scene.

duplicated image onto separate channels

In the image above you can see how I used multiple transitions, I did this as my image is off center and I wanted to emphasize that, I picked transitions that had clear symmetry and lines so that the viewer had a reference point of where center was without me having to place that in my art. This is a very useful way of adding information to your art without telling the viewer directly. As for the color theory, I went with oranges and yellows predominantly here as they are neighboring colors on the color wheel and we know they work well together with my main color of yellow. As for the composition I have tried to keep all the eye-catching points along the top third of the image as to create a piece more pleasing to the eye even with all this information going on.


The inclusion of effect onto your art should not be discouraged depending on what the art is used for, in my example i created this as though it was album art and the musician wanted to upload a simple music video using that art, on its own it is static and can loose engagement but by applying relevant effects you can capture the viewer’s eye and make the listening experience more enjoyable. Effects can also be stacked to create unique assets for your art and help tell a story, if your art includes fire why not add a fire effect breaking the stillness of the image or maybe your art has motion, you could include a motion effect to your still image and give the viewer more information.

Even when using effects you can use fundamentals such as color theory or composition to better enhance your imagery.

choose effect art video

In this image you can see I have added an audio visualizer effect as well as a spectral light effect. I did this to reinforce the face of my image having a strong light source, it creates dynamic movement and the audio visualizer was added due to the nature of the video being music oriented but I felt this could have been done better. The composition of the audio visualizer was front and center and seemed boring and uninteresting. This is where the research into art fundamentals comes into play as remembering the rule of thirds and how all the main features of the image are in the top horizontal third, we can make use of the vertical thirds to gain a better composition and hopefully create more engagement.

pewview art video effects

As you can see, we have duplicated the audio visualizer and made better use of the thirds nor having opposing placement within the scene, the same information is being given by the effect but we have managed to use the space more effectively and created a visually pleasing aesthetic to our video. Trick like this can make your still image feel more animated and have more purpose within the video itself.

Adding Titles and Text

Adding text is another way of adding information to your art. It’s said an image can speak a thousand words but sometimes you need words to talk for an image. When words are needed for your video, there should be some thought into how them words are presented as just selecting any text and inserting that to your video may look jarring to the viewer and result in a loss of interest towards your videos. Selecting the right transition for your text or the color or even the font can have different results and can help with affordance depending on what you’re looking to portray.

add text title art video

In my example I wanted to say thank you and felt sharp edges would seem formal and because of the main image it would be too similar so I went with a font that was more rounded. When inserting text onto a scene such as this one you are given a lot of information for your selections, we already have color in there to help us choose our font and background color, I went with yellow and pink due to the fact it was already in the scene and I didn’t want to take the attention away from the focus. The way the text transitions onto the screen secures just enough attention to itself that the viewer knows it’s there and can read it if they wish to. If I wanted to gain full attention i would have picked a transition that overlaps the key element and picked complementary colors on the opposite sides of the color wheel guaranteeing the viewer’s eyes would notice and engage with the motion.


By incorporating all the art fundamentals and skills we have learned we can use the tools provided by Filmora more effectively and create dynamic and engaging videos that are aesthetically pleasing for our audience. Upon learning the many different types and styles of transitions, effects, and titles we can enhance our artwork for use within our video. This includes artwork specifically made for use in video or even to show off your art and gain a wider audience. These are forever evolving and what you find is pleasing now may change in the future but that’s part of the fun with learning a new skill as you will find what you like and progress from there creating an identifiable style that viewers will recognize and associate you with.

As a Designer, Color Is the Most Powerful and the Most Diverse Tool at Your Disposal. Here Are Ten Matching Color Combinations to Get You Started on Your Next Project

10 Matching Color Combination That Works Together

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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Color is abundant in our life. Our moods, sensations, and perceptions, as well as our decision-making processes, are all influenced by color. Emotion evokes by color. It affects our perception, eliciting subconscious or conscious responses in the human brain. Color is perhaps the most robust tool at your disposal as a designer because of its influential and communicative nature.

color combinations for designers

Although not everyone is born with a keen sense of color or a natural aptitude for graphic design, there are methods and principles you can employ to select the best color that matches together to make a strong impression and achieve your desired effect. Fortunately, we’ve got you backed up. The ten best colors that match everything are listed below to help you create your next design.

In this article

01 [What is a color combination?](#Part 1)

02 [Types of color combinations](#Part 2)

03 [Two-color combination vs. Three-color logo combinations](#Part 3)

04 [How to apply color combinations to your designs?](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is Color Combination?

Color Theory is an art when it comes to playing with colors. It explains how people perceive color and the visual effects of colors mixing, pairing, and contrasting with one another. Designers use a color wheel and considerable collected knowledge about human psychology, society, and more to pick the perfect colors that match everything. Color is a crucial, if not the most important, feature of design since it may affect the meaning of the text, how people move across a layout, and how they feel. You may be more intentional in generating graphics that affect you if you understand color theory.

Part 2 Types of Color Combinations

Learning how different colors match together is essential for successful color combinations. Studying the color wheel and color harmonies (what works, what doesn’t, and how color communicates) will help you blend colors, establish a stronger brand, and share more effectively with your designers and printers.

The color wheel contains:?

Three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue),?

Three secondary colors (purple, green, and orange), and?

Six tertiary colors (colors generated when you mix primary colors), plus (colors created from primary and secondary colors, such as blue-green or red-violet).

color wheel

Draw a line over the core of the wheel to separate the warm colors (reds, oranges, and yellows) from the cool colors (blues, greens, and purples) (blues, greens, purples).

Warm colors are connected with activity, brightness, and vigor, whereas cold colors are associated with tranquility, peace, and serenity. So when you hold that color has a temperature, you can see how its use might influence your message.

On the color wheel, complementary hues are opposites. They may make artwork jump because of the great contrast between the two hues, but overusing them can get tiring.

Analogous hues are next to each other. Therefore, one color will dominate, one will support, and another will accent when developing a similar color scheme.

Triadic hues are energetic and vibrant, evenly dispersed throughout the color wheel. They provide visual contrast and harmony, allowing everything to shine as the overall image comes to life.

You can build a variety of grand color schemes by using the color wheel. Finding the perfect color combination for the right occasion is vital.

10 Matching Color Combination That Works Together

01Yellow and Blue

colors that match with blue

Yellow is the ultimate attention-getter, and it provides a young backdrop for the commanding navy. The equally electrifying Blue color that matches with Yellow dazzles the senses. It’s one of those color schemes mainly used for parties and casual gatherings. It helps instill a sense of purpose and energy in a design by contributing to enthusiasm.

02Black and Orange

colors that match with black

The vibrant orange contrasts wonderfully with the dark black, providing a sense of mystery and suspense. Black is one of my favorite colors that match with orange.

03Lime Green and Purple

colors that match with green

This high-octane color combination exudes a powerful presence, with purple being a beautiful choice to compliment light green. That?**color matches the lime green?**and presents a strong sense of design.?

04Dark Brown and Yellow

colors that match with brown

This fantastic color combination is ideal for creating a design that shouts spontaneity and dependability. The perfect tag-team, marigold yellow, catches the eye while dark brown keeps it. Yellow is yet another favorite pick of color that matches dark brown.

05Lavender and Indigo

colors that match with purple

Indigo, a dramatic color associated with the arts, is intuitive and forceful. It creates an exciting backdrop for the softer purple shade.

06Turquoise Blue and Purple

colors that match with light blue

The imaginative purple and waterleaf turquoise combination create an overall sensation of limitless possibilities. These colors are ideal for communication-related businesses, such as teachers, trainers, and media communication. Purple is the choice of many designers, and this color matches turquoise blue perfectly.

07Light Pink, Hot Pink & Maroon

colors that match with pink

The pink color family is your best pick if you’re looking for a design that shouts “approachable.” These colors are distinct enough to provide visual interest to the design while remaining similar sufficient to maintain an innocent appearance. When you add maroon to the mix, you reduce the chance of appearing foolish while also exuding just the appropriate amount of professionalism. Hot Pink and Maroon are my top picks for a color that matches light pink.

08Light Gray and Desert Sand Beige

colors that match with charcoal grey

Although desert sand beige is one of the least-used design colors, it will make you stand out if you use it. For fashion or interior design brands, the tones of desert sand and emperor gray work nicely together.

09Dark Sea Green and Deep Forest Green

colors that match with dark green

Forest green is a color that conjures up images of nature just by its name. This adaptable color connects with growth, and it looks cool and fresh when coupled with lighter seafoam green.

10Dark Blue, Turquoise, Beige

colors that match with blue

These colors go well together and reinforce the brand’s reliability. When you combine them with the beige backdrop, you feel secure exploring and pursuing. This color combination functions well for vacation, life consulting, and healthcare businesses.

Part 3 Two Color Combination vs. Three Color Combination

The choice is yours to decide. Colors have a significant role in your brand’s identification. After you’ve decided on the style of logo you want to employ, think about what each color will say about your business. Check for the feelings you want to evoke and how you want your customers to react to your brand. You can assist your brand leave a lasting impression and forming a stronger connection with your audience by selecting the proper color combination.

Part 4 How to Apply Color Combinations to Your Designs?

Specific color combinations have the power to catch our attention, generate emotion, and ultimately make a lasting statement.

In this section, we’ll look at some great colors that match together and can help your brand make a significant impact, along with a step guide on how you can easily color match during video editing.

0110 Beautiful Color Combinations for Your Next Design

You can produce all kinds of grand color schemes with the color wheel. Find the right color pairing for the right occasion.

Yellow, magenta, cyan, and black

best matching color 1

Hex code: #e2d810, #d9138a, #12a4d9 and #322e2f

Almost each print project is dependent upon these four ink colors. They can create any color imaginable after they combine. Individually, they make a color scheme that’s bright, contemporary, and full of life.

Shades of pink and brown

best matching color 2

Hex code: #e75874, #be1558, #fbcbc9 and #322514

Pink is youthful, modern, and luxurious, and using different shades adds even more motion and depth to the design. Combining pink with dark brown adds a basic level of contrast and seriousness.

Gold, charcoal, and grey

best matching color 3

Hex code: #ef9d10f, #3b4d61 and #6b7b8c

It is a perfect merge of seriousness and sunshine. The gold represents nature and cheerfulness, which combines perfectly with two different shades of black and grey that add a layer of maturity.

Tan, deep turquoise, and black

best matching color 4

Hex code: #ecc19c, #1e847f, #000000

Over a natural, masculine tan base, this merge presents turquoise to the forefront to display its utility as a color that displays nature and rebirth.

Raspberry and shades of blue

best matching color 5

Hex code: #8a307f, #79a7d3, #6883bc

Like the palette above, trusted blue forms the foundation of this combination, while the pinkish-purple addition of raspberry adds luxurious femininity.

Sea-foam, salmon, and navy

best matching color 6

Hex code: #aed6dc, #ff9a8d, #4a536b

The ideal beachy palette. This unique pastel combination of salmon, sea-foam, and navy represents everyone’s favorite coastal colors and shows the warmth and peacefulness that comes from a day at the ocean.

Yellow-green, olive, and forest green

best matching color 7

Hex code: #e1dd72, #a8c66c, #1b6535

These three color combinations of green are the perfect palette for this lime and mint beverage. They both combine into a brilliant blend of excitement and youthfulness.

Beige, slate, and khaki

best matching color 8

Hex code: #f6ead4, #a2a595, #b4a284

Two complementary shades of lean brown masculine. An accent of khaki-grey represents a touch of elegance and maturity.

Scarlet, light olive, and light teal

best matching color 9

Hex code: #b85042, #e7e8d1, #a7beae

An extremely subdued take on the primary colors, this combination adds a lot of greys to keep the palette’s personality feeling severe and mysterious.

Turquoise, mustard, and black

best matching color 10

Hex code: #7fc3c0, #cfb845, #141414

This classic pairing of a calm and warm tone evokes calmness and cheerfulness. The black adds a bold, contemporary accent.

02How to Apply Color Combinations to Your Designs

The very famous video editor, Wondershare Filmora 11, is now launched. It is exclusively made with an intuitive interface now offering advanced editing features to even novice editors. The latest updates include audio ducking, motion graphics, keyframing, and color matches.

The color match feature in Wondershare Filmora Video Editor allows you to match one scene’s color in the video with all other different colors. The same video can have different results due to lighting concerns. For example, a car speeding up the road might display varied colors to the hype of the audience. The color match can correct the color combinations of all the clips with one click and introduce a beautiful consistency.

Color Match assists you to color correct clips as a batch instead of having to edit each individually. Here’s how.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import the media

Place the images and video clips you want to use into the timeline. If you wish to do any custom color correction, choose one clip or photo and proceed with making your changes.

import media Filmora

Step 2: Select Color Match

Then, place the playhead to a frame you wish to match your other clips. Choose the rest of the clips and photos and then either right-click and select ‘Color Match’ or hit the color icon on the toolbar and choose ‘Color Match.’

select color match Filmora

Step 3: Start Color Matching

Then, choose a frame as a reference page and ‘Match.’

start color match 1

This is what you will watch after tapping the ‘Match’ option.

start color match 2

Step 4: Preview your Color Match

Lastly, you need to modify the degree to which the color settings of the other clips are synced using the slider and preview the results in the Preview’s ‘comparison view.’

preview color match Filmora

Key Takeaways from This Episode

The connection of matching color combinations with emotion is unforgettable. Color brings that extra oomph to create stunning masterpieces. The lists of colors that match together are here to ensure we look through the perfect color to improve brand visibility or attract an audience.

With these clues, you can get your hands on any and every color imaginable. You can use the matching color combinations by looking them through either the RGB or HEX color picker, whatever goes with your project at hand.

Even Filmora is here to assist you in making beautiful videos by using the latest feature of color match. Now that you know how significant color is go on and find the perfect shade from our devised list of?colors that goes together.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color is abundant in our life. Our moods, sensations, and perceptions, as well as our decision-making processes, are all influenced by color. Emotion evokes by color. It affects our perception, eliciting subconscious or conscious responses in the human brain. Color is perhaps the most robust tool at your disposal as a designer because of its influential and communicative nature.

color combinations for designers

Although not everyone is born with a keen sense of color or a natural aptitude for graphic design, there are methods and principles you can employ to select the best color that matches together to make a strong impression and achieve your desired effect. Fortunately, we’ve got you backed up. The ten best colors that match everything are listed below to help you create your next design.

In this article

01 [What is a color combination?](#Part 1)

02 [Types of color combinations](#Part 2)

03 [Two-color combination vs. Three-color logo combinations](#Part 3)

04 [How to apply color combinations to your designs?](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is Color Combination?

Color Theory is an art when it comes to playing with colors. It explains how people perceive color and the visual effects of colors mixing, pairing, and contrasting with one another. Designers use a color wheel and considerable collected knowledge about human psychology, society, and more to pick the perfect colors that match everything. Color is a crucial, if not the most important, feature of design since it may affect the meaning of the text, how people move across a layout, and how they feel. You may be more intentional in generating graphics that affect you if you understand color theory.

Part 2 Types of Color Combinations

Learning how different colors match together is essential for successful color combinations. Studying the color wheel and color harmonies (what works, what doesn’t, and how color communicates) will help you blend colors, establish a stronger brand, and share more effectively with your designers and printers.

The color wheel contains:?

Three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue),?

Three secondary colors (purple, green, and orange), and?

Six tertiary colors (colors generated when you mix primary colors), plus (colors created from primary and secondary colors, such as blue-green or red-violet).

color wheel

Draw a line over the core of the wheel to separate the warm colors (reds, oranges, and yellows) from the cool colors (blues, greens, and purples) (blues, greens, purples).

Warm colors are connected with activity, brightness, and vigor, whereas cold colors are associated with tranquility, peace, and serenity. So when you hold that color has a temperature, you can see how its use might influence your message.

On the color wheel, complementary hues are opposites. They may make artwork jump because of the great contrast between the two hues, but overusing them can get tiring.

Analogous hues are next to each other. Therefore, one color will dominate, one will support, and another will accent when developing a similar color scheme.

Triadic hues are energetic and vibrant, evenly dispersed throughout the color wheel. They provide visual contrast and harmony, allowing everything to shine as the overall image comes to life.

You can build a variety of grand color schemes by using the color wheel. Finding the perfect color combination for the right occasion is vital.

10 Matching Color Combination That Works Together

01Yellow and Blue

colors that match with blue

Yellow is the ultimate attention-getter, and it provides a young backdrop for the commanding navy. The equally electrifying Blue color that matches with Yellow dazzles the senses. It’s one of those color schemes mainly used for parties and casual gatherings. It helps instill a sense of purpose and energy in a design by contributing to enthusiasm.

02Black and Orange

colors that match with black

The vibrant orange contrasts wonderfully with the dark black, providing a sense of mystery and suspense. Black is one of my favorite colors that match with orange.

03Lime Green and Purple

colors that match with green

This high-octane color combination exudes a powerful presence, with purple being a beautiful choice to compliment light green. That?**color matches the lime green?**and presents a strong sense of design.?

04Dark Brown and Yellow

colors that match with brown

This fantastic color combination is ideal for creating a design that shouts spontaneity and dependability. The perfect tag-team, marigold yellow, catches the eye while dark brown keeps it. Yellow is yet another favorite pick of color that matches dark brown.

05Lavender and Indigo

colors that match with purple

Indigo, a dramatic color associated with the arts, is intuitive and forceful. It creates an exciting backdrop for the softer purple shade.

06Turquoise Blue and Purple

colors that match with light blue

The imaginative purple and waterleaf turquoise combination create an overall sensation of limitless possibilities. These colors are ideal for communication-related businesses, such as teachers, trainers, and media communication. Purple is the choice of many designers, and this color matches turquoise blue perfectly.

07Light Pink, Hot Pink & Maroon

colors that match with pink

The pink color family is your best pick if you’re looking for a design that shouts “approachable.” These colors are distinct enough to provide visual interest to the design while remaining similar sufficient to maintain an innocent appearance. When you add maroon to the mix, you reduce the chance of appearing foolish while also exuding just the appropriate amount of professionalism. Hot Pink and Maroon are my top picks for a color that matches light pink.

08Light Gray and Desert Sand Beige

colors that match with charcoal grey

Although desert sand beige is one of the least-used design colors, it will make you stand out if you use it. For fashion or interior design brands, the tones of desert sand and emperor gray work nicely together.

09Dark Sea Green and Deep Forest Green

colors that match with dark green

Forest green is a color that conjures up images of nature just by its name. This adaptable color connects with growth, and it looks cool and fresh when coupled with lighter seafoam green.

10Dark Blue, Turquoise, Beige

colors that match with blue

These colors go well together and reinforce the brand’s reliability. When you combine them with the beige backdrop, you feel secure exploring and pursuing. This color combination functions well for vacation, life consulting, and healthcare businesses.

Part 3 Two Color Combination vs. Three Color Combination

The choice is yours to decide. Colors have a significant role in your brand’s identification. After you’ve decided on the style of logo you want to employ, think about what each color will say about your business. Check for the feelings you want to evoke and how you want your customers to react to your brand. You can assist your brand leave a lasting impression and forming a stronger connection with your audience by selecting the proper color combination.

Part 4 How to Apply Color Combinations to Your Designs?

Specific color combinations have the power to catch our attention, generate emotion, and ultimately make a lasting statement.

In this section, we’ll look at some great colors that match together and can help your brand make a significant impact, along with a step guide on how you can easily color match during video editing.

0110 Beautiful Color Combinations for Your Next Design

You can produce all kinds of grand color schemes with the color wheel. Find the right color pairing for the right occasion.

Yellow, magenta, cyan, and black

best matching color 1

Hex code: #e2d810, #d9138a, #12a4d9 and #322e2f

Almost each print project is dependent upon these four ink colors. They can create any color imaginable after they combine. Individually, they make a color scheme that’s bright, contemporary, and full of life.

Shades of pink and brown

best matching color 2

Hex code: #e75874, #be1558, #fbcbc9 and #322514

Pink is youthful, modern, and luxurious, and using different shades adds even more motion and depth to the design. Combining pink with dark brown adds a basic level of contrast and seriousness.

Gold, charcoal, and grey

best matching color 3

Hex code: #ef9d10f, #3b4d61 and #6b7b8c

It is a perfect merge of seriousness and sunshine. The gold represents nature and cheerfulness, which combines perfectly with two different shades of black and grey that add a layer of maturity.

Tan, deep turquoise, and black

best matching color 4

Hex code: #ecc19c, #1e847f, #000000

Over a natural, masculine tan base, this merge presents turquoise to the forefront to display its utility as a color that displays nature and rebirth.

Raspberry and shades of blue

best matching color 5

Hex code: #8a307f, #79a7d3, #6883bc

Like the palette above, trusted blue forms the foundation of this combination, while the pinkish-purple addition of raspberry adds luxurious femininity.

Sea-foam, salmon, and navy

best matching color 6

Hex code: #aed6dc, #ff9a8d, #4a536b

The ideal beachy palette. This unique pastel combination of salmon, sea-foam, and navy represents everyone’s favorite coastal colors and shows the warmth and peacefulness that comes from a day at the ocean.

Yellow-green, olive, and forest green

best matching color 7

Hex code: #e1dd72, #a8c66c, #1b6535

These three color combinations of green are the perfect palette for this lime and mint beverage. They both combine into a brilliant blend of excitement and youthfulness.

Beige, slate, and khaki

best matching color 8

Hex code: #f6ead4, #a2a595, #b4a284

Two complementary shades of lean brown masculine. An accent of khaki-grey represents a touch of elegance and maturity.

Scarlet, light olive, and light teal

best matching color 9

Hex code: #b85042, #e7e8d1, #a7beae

An extremely subdued take on the primary colors, this combination adds a lot of greys to keep the palette’s personality feeling severe and mysterious.

Turquoise, mustard, and black

best matching color 10

Hex code: #7fc3c0, #cfb845, #141414

This classic pairing of a calm and warm tone evokes calmness and cheerfulness. The black adds a bold, contemporary accent.

02How to Apply Color Combinations to Your Designs

The very famous video editor, Wondershare Filmora 11, is now launched. It is exclusively made with an intuitive interface now offering advanced editing features to even novice editors. The latest updates include audio ducking, motion graphics, keyframing, and color matches.

The color match feature in Wondershare Filmora Video Editor allows you to match one scene’s color in the video with all other different colors. The same video can have different results due to lighting concerns. For example, a car speeding up the road might display varied colors to the hype of the audience. The color match can correct the color combinations of all the clips with one click and introduce a beautiful consistency.

Color Match assists you to color correct clips as a batch instead of having to edit each individually. Here’s how.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import the media

Place the images and video clips you want to use into the timeline. If you wish to do any custom color correction, choose one clip or photo and proceed with making your changes.

import media Filmora

Step 2: Select Color Match

Then, place the playhead to a frame you wish to match your other clips. Choose the rest of the clips and photos and then either right-click and select ‘Color Match’ or hit the color icon on the toolbar and choose ‘Color Match.’

select color match Filmora

Step 3: Start Color Matching

Then, choose a frame as a reference page and ‘Match.’

start color match 1

This is what you will watch after tapping the ‘Match’ option.

start color match 2

Step 4: Preview your Color Match

Lastly, you need to modify the degree to which the color settings of the other clips are synced using the slider and preview the results in the Preview’s ‘comparison view.’

preview color match Filmora

Key Takeaways from This Episode

The connection of matching color combinations with emotion is unforgettable. Color brings that extra oomph to create stunning masterpieces. The lists of colors that match together are here to ensure we look through the perfect color to improve brand visibility or attract an audience.

With these clues, you can get your hands on any and every color imaginable. You can use the matching color combinations by looking them through either the RGB or HEX color picker, whatever goes with your project at hand.

Even Filmora is here to assist you in making beautiful videos by using the latest feature of color match. Now that you know how significant color is go on and find the perfect shade from our devised list of?colors that goes together.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color is abundant in our life. Our moods, sensations, and perceptions, as well as our decision-making processes, are all influenced by color. Emotion evokes by color. It affects our perception, eliciting subconscious or conscious responses in the human brain. Color is perhaps the most robust tool at your disposal as a designer because of its influential and communicative nature.

color combinations for designers

Although not everyone is born with a keen sense of color or a natural aptitude for graphic design, there are methods and principles you can employ to select the best color that matches together to make a strong impression and achieve your desired effect. Fortunately, we’ve got you backed up. The ten best colors that match everything are listed below to help you create your next design.

In this article

01 [What is a color combination?](#Part 1)

02 [Types of color combinations](#Part 2)

03 [Two-color combination vs. Three-color logo combinations](#Part 3)

04 [How to apply color combinations to your designs?](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is Color Combination?

Color Theory is an art when it comes to playing with colors. It explains how people perceive color and the visual effects of colors mixing, pairing, and contrasting with one another. Designers use a color wheel and considerable collected knowledge about human psychology, society, and more to pick the perfect colors that match everything. Color is a crucial, if not the most important, feature of design since it may affect the meaning of the text, how people move across a layout, and how they feel. You may be more intentional in generating graphics that affect you if you understand color theory.

Part 2 Types of Color Combinations

Learning how different colors match together is essential for successful color combinations. Studying the color wheel and color harmonies (what works, what doesn’t, and how color communicates) will help you blend colors, establish a stronger brand, and share more effectively with your designers and printers.

The color wheel contains:?

Three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue),?

Three secondary colors (purple, green, and orange), and?

Six tertiary colors (colors generated when you mix primary colors), plus (colors created from primary and secondary colors, such as blue-green or red-violet).

color wheel

Draw a line over the core of the wheel to separate the warm colors (reds, oranges, and yellows) from the cool colors (blues, greens, and purples) (blues, greens, purples).

Warm colors are connected with activity, brightness, and vigor, whereas cold colors are associated with tranquility, peace, and serenity. So when you hold that color has a temperature, you can see how its use might influence your message.

On the color wheel, complementary hues are opposites. They may make artwork jump because of the great contrast between the two hues, but overusing them can get tiring.

Analogous hues are next to each other. Therefore, one color will dominate, one will support, and another will accent when developing a similar color scheme.

Triadic hues are energetic and vibrant, evenly dispersed throughout the color wheel. They provide visual contrast and harmony, allowing everything to shine as the overall image comes to life.

You can build a variety of grand color schemes by using the color wheel. Finding the perfect color combination for the right occasion is vital.

10 Matching Color Combination That Works Together

01Yellow and Blue

colors that match with blue

Yellow is the ultimate attention-getter, and it provides a young backdrop for the commanding navy. The equally electrifying Blue color that matches with Yellow dazzles the senses. It’s one of those color schemes mainly used for parties and casual gatherings. It helps instill a sense of purpose and energy in a design by contributing to enthusiasm.

02Black and Orange

colors that match with black

The vibrant orange contrasts wonderfully with the dark black, providing a sense of mystery and suspense. Black is one of my favorite colors that match with orange.

03Lime Green and Purple

colors that match with green

This high-octane color combination exudes a powerful presence, with purple being a beautiful choice to compliment light green. That?**color matches the lime green?**and presents a strong sense of design.?

04Dark Brown and Yellow

colors that match with brown

This fantastic color combination is ideal for creating a design that shouts spontaneity and dependability. The perfect tag-team, marigold yellow, catches the eye while dark brown keeps it. Yellow is yet another favorite pick of color that matches dark brown.

05Lavender and Indigo

colors that match with purple

Indigo, a dramatic color associated with the arts, is intuitive and forceful. It creates an exciting backdrop for the softer purple shade.

06Turquoise Blue and Purple

colors that match with light blue

The imaginative purple and waterleaf turquoise combination create an overall sensation of limitless possibilities. These colors are ideal for communication-related businesses, such as teachers, trainers, and media communication. Purple is the choice of many designers, and this color matches turquoise blue perfectly.

07Light Pink, Hot Pink & Maroon

colors that match with pink

The pink color family is your best pick if you’re looking for a design that shouts “approachable.” These colors are distinct enough to provide visual interest to the design while remaining similar sufficient to maintain an innocent appearance. When you add maroon to the mix, you reduce the chance of appearing foolish while also exuding just the appropriate amount of professionalism. Hot Pink and Maroon are my top picks for a color that matches light pink.

08Light Gray and Desert Sand Beige

colors that match with charcoal grey

Although desert sand beige is one of the least-used design colors, it will make you stand out if you use it. For fashion or interior design brands, the tones of desert sand and emperor gray work nicely together.

09Dark Sea Green and Deep Forest Green

colors that match with dark green

Forest green is a color that conjures up images of nature just by its name. This adaptable color connects with growth, and it looks cool and fresh when coupled with lighter seafoam green.

10Dark Blue, Turquoise, Beige

colors that match with blue

These colors go well together and reinforce the brand’s reliability. When you combine them with the beige backdrop, you feel secure exploring and pursuing. This color combination functions well for vacation, life consulting, and healthcare businesses.

Part 3 Two Color Combination vs. Three Color Combination

The choice is yours to decide. Colors have a significant role in your brand’s identification. After you’ve decided on the style of logo you want to employ, think about what each color will say about your business. Check for the feelings you want to evoke and how you want your customers to react to your brand. You can assist your brand leave a lasting impression and forming a stronger connection with your audience by selecting the proper color combination.

Part 4 How to Apply Color Combinations to Your Designs?

Specific color combinations have the power to catch our attention, generate emotion, and ultimately make a lasting statement.

In this section, we’ll look at some great colors that match together and can help your brand make a significant impact, along with a step guide on how you can easily color match during video editing.

0110 Beautiful Color Combinations for Your Next Design

You can produce all kinds of grand color schemes with the color wheel. Find the right color pairing for the right occasion.

Yellow, magenta, cyan, and black

best matching color 1

Hex code: #e2d810, #d9138a, #12a4d9 and #322e2f

Almost each print project is dependent upon these four ink colors. They can create any color imaginable after they combine. Individually, they make a color scheme that’s bright, contemporary, and full of life.

Shades of pink and brown

best matching color 2

Hex code: #e75874, #be1558, #fbcbc9 and #322514

Pink is youthful, modern, and luxurious, and using different shades adds even more motion and depth to the design. Combining pink with dark brown adds a basic level of contrast and seriousness.

Gold, charcoal, and grey

best matching color 3

Hex code: #ef9d10f, #3b4d61 and #6b7b8c

It is a perfect merge of seriousness and sunshine. The gold represents nature and cheerfulness, which combines perfectly with two different shades of black and grey that add a layer of maturity.

Tan, deep turquoise, and black

best matching color 4

Hex code: #ecc19c, #1e847f, #000000

Over a natural, masculine tan base, this merge presents turquoise to the forefront to display its utility as a color that displays nature and rebirth.

Raspberry and shades of blue

best matching color 5

Hex code: #8a307f, #79a7d3, #6883bc

Like the palette above, trusted blue forms the foundation of this combination, while the pinkish-purple addition of raspberry adds luxurious femininity.

Sea-foam, salmon, and navy

best matching color 6

Hex code: #aed6dc, #ff9a8d, #4a536b

The ideal beachy palette. This unique pastel combination of salmon, sea-foam, and navy represents everyone’s favorite coastal colors and shows the warmth and peacefulness that comes from a day at the ocean.

Yellow-green, olive, and forest green

best matching color 7

Hex code: #e1dd72, #a8c66c, #1b6535

These three color combinations of green are the perfect palette for this lime and mint beverage. They both combine into a brilliant blend of excitement and youthfulness.

Beige, slate, and khaki

best matching color 8

Hex code: #f6ead4, #a2a595, #b4a284

Two complementary shades of lean brown masculine. An accent of khaki-grey represents a touch of elegance and maturity.

Scarlet, light olive, and light teal

best matching color 9

Hex code: #b85042, #e7e8d1, #a7beae

An extremely subdued take on the primary colors, this combination adds a lot of greys to keep the palette’s personality feeling severe and mysterious.

Turquoise, mustard, and black

best matching color 10

Hex code: #7fc3c0, #cfb845, #141414

This classic pairing of a calm and warm tone evokes calmness and cheerfulness. The black adds a bold, contemporary accent.

02How to Apply Color Combinations to Your Designs

The very famous video editor, Wondershare Filmora 11, is now launched. It is exclusively made with an intuitive interface now offering advanced editing features to even novice editors. The latest updates include audio ducking, motion graphics, keyframing, and color matches.

The color match feature in Wondershare Filmora Video Editor allows you to match one scene’s color in the video with all other different colors. The same video can have different results due to lighting concerns. For example, a car speeding up the road might display varied colors to the hype of the audience. The color match can correct the color combinations of all the clips with one click and introduce a beautiful consistency.

Color Match assists you to color correct clips as a batch instead of having to edit each individually. Here’s how.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import the media

Place the images and video clips you want to use into the timeline. If you wish to do any custom color correction, choose one clip or photo and proceed with making your changes.

import media Filmora

Step 2: Select Color Match

Then, place the playhead to a frame you wish to match your other clips. Choose the rest of the clips and photos and then either right-click and select ‘Color Match’ or hit the color icon on the toolbar and choose ‘Color Match.’

select color match Filmora

Step 3: Start Color Matching

Then, choose a frame as a reference page and ‘Match.’

start color match 1

This is what you will watch after tapping the ‘Match’ option.

start color match 2

Step 4: Preview your Color Match

Lastly, you need to modify the degree to which the color settings of the other clips are synced using the slider and preview the results in the Preview’s ‘comparison view.’

preview color match Filmora

Key Takeaways from This Episode

The connection of matching color combinations with emotion is unforgettable. Color brings that extra oomph to create stunning masterpieces. The lists of colors that match together are here to ensure we look through the perfect color to improve brand visibility or attract an audience.

With these clues, you can get your hands on any and every color imaginable. You can use the matching color combinations by looking them through either the RGB or HEX color picker, whatever goes with your project at hand.

Even Filmora is here to assist you in making beautiful videos by using the latest feature of color match. Now that you know how significant color is go on and find the perfect shade from our devised list of?colors that goes together.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color is abundant in our life. Our moods, sensations, and perceptions, as well as our decision-making processes, are all influenced by color. Emotion evokes by color. It affects our perception, eliciting subconscious or conscious responses in the human brain. Color is perhaps the most robust tool at your disposal as a designer because of its influential and communicative nature.

color combinations for designers

Although not everyone is born with a keen sense of color or a natural aptitude for graphic design, there are methods and principles you can employ to select the best color that matches together to make a strong impression and achieve your desired effect. Fortunately, we’ve got you backed up. The ten best colors that match everything are listed below to help you create your next design.

In this article

01 [What is a color combination?](#Part 1)

02 [Types of color combinations](#Part 2)

03 [Two-color combination vs. Three-color logo combinations](#Part 3)

04 [How to apply color combinations to your designs?](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is Color Combination?

Color Theory is an art when it comes to playing with colors. It explains how people perceive color and the visual effects of colors mixing, pairing, and contrasting with one another. Designers use a color wheel and considerable collected knowledge about human psychology, society, and more to pick the perfect colors that match everything. Color is a crucial, if not the most important, feature of design since it may affect the meaning of the text, how people move across a layout, and how they feel. You may be more intentional in generating graphics that affect you if you understand color theory.

Part 2 Types of Color Combinations

Learning how different colors match together is essential for successful color combinations. Studying the color wheel and color harmonies (what works, what doesn’t, and how color communicates) will help you blend colors, establish a stronger brand, and share more effectively with your designers and printers.

The color wheel contains:?

Three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue),?

Three secondary colors (purple, green, and orange), and?

Six tertiary colors (colors generated when you mix primary colors), plus (colors created from primary and secondary colors, such as blue-green or red-violet).

color wheel

Draw a line over the core of the wheel to separate the warm colors (reds, oranges, and yellows) from the cool colors (blues, greens, and purples) (blues, greens, purples).

Warm colors are connected with activity, brightness, and vigor, whereas cold colors are associated with tranquility, peace, and serenity. So when you hold that color has a temperature, you can see how its use might influence your message.

On the color wheel, complementary hues are opposites. They may make artwork jump because of the great contrast between the two hues, but overusing them can get tiring.

Analogous hues are next to each other. Therefore, one color will dominate, one will support, and another will accent when developing a similar color scheme.

Triadic hues are energetic and vibrant, evenly dispersed throughout the color wheel. They provide visual contrast and harmony, allowing everything to shine as the overall image comes to life.

You can build a variety of grand color schemes by using the color wheel. Finding the perfect color combination for the right occasion is vital.

10 Matching Color Combination That Works Together

01Yellow and Blue

colors that match with blue

Yellow is the ultimate attention-getter, and it provides a young backdrop for the commanding navy. The equally electrifying Blue color that matches with Yellow dazzles the senses. It’s one of those color schemes mainly used for parties and casual gatherings. It helps instill a sense of purpose and energy in a design by contributing to enthusiasm.

02Black and Orange

colors that match with black

The vibrant orange contrasts wonderfully with the dark black, providing a sense of mystery and suspense. Black is one of my favorite colors that match with orange.

03Lime Green and Purple

colors that match with green

This high-octane color combination exudes a powerful presence, with purple being a beautiful choice to compliment light green. That?**color matches the lime green?**and presents a strong sense of design.?

04Dark Brown and Yellow

colors that match with brown

This fantastic color combination is ideal for creating a design that shouts spontaneity and dependability. The perfect tag-team, marigold yellow, catches the eye while dark brown keeps it. Yellow is yet another favorite pick of color that matches dark brown.

05Lavender and Indigo

colors that match with purple

Indigo, a dramatic color associated with the arts, is intuitive and forceful. It creates an exciting backdrop for the softer purple shade.

06Turquoise Blue and Purple

colors that match with light blue

The imaginative purple and waterleaf turquoise combination create an overall sensation of limitless possibilities. These colors are ideal for communication-related businesses, such as teachers, trainers, and media communication. Purple is the choice of many designers, and this color matches turquoise blue perfectly.

07Light Pink, Hot Pink & Maroon

colors that match with pink

The pink color family is your best pick if you’re looking for a design that shouts “approachable.” These colors are distinct enough to provide visual interest to the design while remaining similar sufficient to maintain an innocent appearance. When you add maroon to the mix, you reduce the chance of appearing foolish while also exuding just the appropriate amount of professionalism. Hot Pink and Maroon are my top picks for a color that matches light pink.

08Light Gray and Desert Sand Beige

colors that match with charcoal grey

Although desert sand beige is one of the least-used design colors, it will make you stand out if you use it. For fashion or interior design brands, the tones of desert sand and emperor gray work nicely together.

09Dark Sea Green and Deep Forest Green

colors that match with dark green

Forest green is a color that conjures up images of nature just by its name. This adaptable color connects with growth, and it looks cool and fresh when coupled with lighter seafoam green.

10Dark Blue, Turquoise, Beige

colors that match with blue

These colors go well together and reinforce the brand’s reliability. When you combine them with the beige backdrop, you feel secure exploring and pursuing. This color combination functions well for vacation, life consulting, and healthcare businesses.

Part 3 Two Color Combination vs. Three Color Combination

The choice is yours to decide. Colors have a significant role in your brand’s identification. After you’ve decided on the style of logo you want to employ, think about what each color will say about your business. Check for the feelings you want to evoke and how you want your customers to react to your brand. You can assist your brand leave a lasting impression and forming a stronger connection with your audience by selecting the proper color combination.

Part 4 How to Apply Color Combinations to Your Designs?

Specific color combinations have the power to catch our attention, generate emotion, and ultimately make a lasting statement.

In this section, we’ll look at some great colors that match together and can help your brand make a significant impact, along with a step guide on how you can easily color match during video editing.

0110 Beautiful Color Combinations for Your Next Design

You can produce all kinds of grand color schemes with the color wheel. Find the right color pairing for the right occasion.

Yellow, magenta, cyan, and black

best matching color 1

Hex code: #e2d810, #d9138a, #12a4d9 and #322e2f

Almost each print project is dependent upon these four ink colors. They can create any color imaginable after they combine. Individually, they make a color scheme that’s bright, contemporary, and full of life.

Shades of pink and brown

best matching color 2

Hex code: #e75874, #be1558, #fbcbc9 and #322514

Pink is youthful, modern, and luxurious, and using different shades adds even more motion and depth to the design. Combining pink with dark brown adds a basic level of contrast and seriousness.

Gold, charcoal, and grey

best matching color 3

Hex code: #ef9d10f, #3b4d61 and #6b7b8c

It is a perfect merge of seriousness and sunshine. The gold represents nature and cheerfulness, which combines perfectly with two different shades of black and grey that add a layer of maturity.

Tan, deep turquoise, and black

best matching color 4

Hex code: #ecc19c, #1e847f, #000000

Over a natural, masculine tan base, this merge presents turquoise to the forefront to display its utility as a color that displays nature and rebirth.

Raspberry and shades of blue

best matching color 5

Hex code: #8a307f, #79a7d3, #6883bc

Like the palette above, trusted blue forms the foundation of this combination, while the pinkish-purple addition of raspberry adds luxurious femininity.

Sea-foam, salmon, and navy

best matching color 6

Hex code: #aed6dc, #ff9a8d, #4a536b

The ideal beachy palette. This unique pastel combination of salmon, sea-foam, and navy represents everyone’s favorite coastal colors and shows the warmth and peacefulness that comes from a day at the ocean.

Yellow-green, olive, and forest green

best matching color 7

Hex code: #e1dd72, #a8c66c, #1b6535

These three color combinations of green are the perfect palette for this lime and mint beverage. They both combine into a brilliant blend of excitement and youthfulness.

Beige, slate, and khaki

best matching color 8

Hex code: #f6ead4, #a2a595, #b4a284

Two complementary shades of lean brown masculine. An accent of khaki-grey represents a touch of elegance and maturity.

Scarlet, light olive, and light teal

best matching color 9

Hex code: #b85042, #e7e8d1, #a7beae

An extremely subdued take on the primary colors, this combination adds a lot of greys to keep the palette’s personality feeling severe and mysterious.

Turquoise, mustard, and black

best matching color 10

Hex code: #7fc3c0, #cfb845, #141414

This classic pairing of a calm and warm tone evokes calmness and cheerfulness. The black adds a bold, contemporary accent.

02How to Apply Color Combinations to Your Designs

The very famous video editor, Wondershare Filmora 11, is now launched. It is exclusively made with an intuitive interface now offering advanced editing features to even novice editors. The latest updates include audio ducking, motion graphics, keyframing, and color matches.

The color match feature in Wondershare Filmora Video Editor allows you to match one scene’s color in the video with all other different colors. The same video can have different results due to lighting concerns. For example, a car speeding up the road might display varied colors to the hype of the audience. The color match can correct the color combinations of all the clips with one click and introduce a beautiful consistency.

Color Match assists you to color correct clips as a batch instead of having to edit each individually. Here’s how.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import the media

Place the images and video clips you want to use into the timeline. If you wish to do any custom color correction, choose one clip or photo and proceed with making your changes.

import media Filmora

Step 2: Select Color Match

Then, place the playhead to a frame you wish to match your other clips. Choose the rest of the clips and photos and then either right-click and select ‘Color Match’ or hit the color icon on the toolbar and choose ‘Color Match.’

select color match Filmora

Step 3: Start Color Matching

Then, choose a frame as a reference page and ‘Match.’

start color match 1

This is what you will watch after tapping the ‘Match’ option.

start color match 2

Step 4: Preview your Color Match

Lastly, you need to modify the degree to which the color settings of the other clips are synced using the slider and preview the results in the Preview’s ‘comparison view.’

preview color match Filmora

Key Takeaways from This Episode

The connection of matching color combinations with emotion is unforgettable. Color brings that extra oomph to create stunning masterpieces. The lists of colors that match together are here to ensure we look through the perfect color to improve brand visibility or attract an audience.

With these clues, you can get your hands on any and every color imaginable. You can use the matching color combinations by looking them through either the RGB or HEX color picker, whatever goes with your project at hand.

Even Filmora is here to assist you in making beautiful videos by using the latest feature of color match. Now that you know how significant color is go on and find the perfect shade from our devised list of?colors that goes together.

Find a Video Background Change Online that Works for You. This Article Contains Tools that Can Edit Video Backgrounds Online with Little Effort

Popular Trends in the creative space engendered the creation of several tools that have reduced the difficulties involved in content creation. A few years ago, executing simple post-production tricks was a huge task. Simple edits like changing video backgrounds needed an expensive light setup and a proper green/blue screen background. In simpler words, it was expensive.

Today, we can utilize a video background changer online without an expensive setup. It has brought out the hidden creativity in thousands of content creators worldwide. Check out TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms to verify this claim.

This article covers a list of tools that can edit video backgrounds online. Content creators and anyone who wants to explore creativity can use these tools. Before we jump into the substance of this article, you might be wondering;

Video Background Changer Creating realistic video scenes at your will is easy to complete with Filmora green screen removal.

Create Video Backgrounds Create Video Backgroundss Learn Green Screen

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What is a Video Background Changer?

A video background changer is a tool that can swap the background of any video. These tools usually work in three simple steps.

  • Analyze the footage,
  • Separate the subject or “subjects” from the background,
  • Switch backgrounds.

The process starts when a user uploads a video clip. The tool analyzes the footage and separates the subjects from the background. The user can select other available pre-made backgrounds or upload a preferred one to the platform. After this process, users can share the finished video or save it to their devices. Other kinds of background changers only merge a transparent clip with a background.

Part 2: 3 Video Background Changers Online

Quick Nav

top 5 video background changers online 1

Veed is an online feature-packed video editing platform. It comes with an interface that is suitable for newbies and professionals alike. Like many other competitors, it offers a free and premium version that unlocks more tools for you to play around with.

This tool allows you to edit video background online, transcribe audio, add subtitles, etc. Since this tool is web-based, there is no need to download any storage-intensive application. You can quickly edit your content online and share your videos.


  • Recorder feature for recording tutorials and online meetings
  • Edit feature for creating catchy videos
  • Transcriptions and subtitle module
  • Color grading feature
  • Online video hosting and storage

Trial & Pricing

Veed allows you to try out the platform’s basics for free, with most features tagged as “premium.” With the free version, you get 2GB of storage, 30 minutes of subtitles monthly, and an upload limit of 1 GB.

Pricing starts at:

  • $18 monthly (Basic plan)
  • $30 monthly (Pro plan)
  • $70 monthly (Business)
  • Custom Pricing.


top 5 video background changers online - 2

BeeCut is a video editing software specifically created and designed for simplicity. Quick trims and edits for short videos are the primary focus of the BeeCut online application. A compilation of over 60+ reviews quickly exposes BeeCut as a beginner-friendly editing software. You can acquaint yourself with this platform in less than 24 hours.

You can change your background online for free using the BeeCut online editor. It allows you to Import a background and merge it with the clip that contains your subject. BeeCut has a familiar user interface that feels like it came from mobile editors. This simplicity makes it easy to understand.


  • Trim and cut your footage
  • Add custom video intros and overlays
  • Speech recognition for transcription and subtitling
  • Online and offline versions for different functions
  • Large community of over 1 million users

Trial & Pricing

BeeCut allows you to download its software for free with limited access. The online tools, such as speech recognition, crop & merge videos, etc., are free. To get premium access, these are the costs;

Pricing Starts at:

  • Personal Packages
    • Lifetime $59.95
    • Monthly $29.95
    • Annually $39.95
  • Business package
    • Lifetime $159.9
    • Annually $79.95


top 5 video background changers online - 3

If you’re searching for one of the fastest background removers, you’re in luck. Unscreen is the “sit tight and relax” version of background changers. You can change the video background online without clicking any buttons or learning how to use the software. You also don’t need to select pixels or use a color picker from an “ultra key” function. You only upload a video, and the platform does the rest.

In simple steps, you can quickly acquaint yourself with Unscreen. It also promises a risk-free money-back guarantee that lasts for 14 days only.


  • Other platforms can integrate it as a tool
  • No watermarks
  • Full HD video upload and download
  • Affordable and more realistic payment structure
  • Specialized background remover

Trail & Pricing

You can use the “upload clip” button without prior payments. You only get to pay after the tool has successfully removed the background from your video.

Pricing Starts at:

  • Pay as you go - $4.99 per video minute
  • Subscription plan
    • Hobby - 3 mins/month for $9
    • Artist - 15 mins/month for $39
    • Creator - 45 mins/month for $89
    • Maker - 2 hours/month for $189
    • Studio - 5:30 hours/month for $389
    • Custom

Part 3: 3 Video Background Changers on Desktop

Quick Nav

Final Cut Pro

top 3 video background changers on desktop -1

The video editors’ community refers to Final Cut Pro as one of the most professional applications for Mac users. It is a standard editing software that competes with DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, and the rest. It uses the standard ground-to-top layering system to organize a timeline and is easy to learn.

Though it cannot edit background videos online, users can download it and use its chroma key effect. Like Premiere’s ultra-key effect, the chroma key function can select and remove a specific color. This is not the only way to remove backgrounds, but it is the most effective. If done correctly, no bleeding or distorted subject traces will be found.


  • Simple object motion tracking
  • Color grading and cinematic color LUTs
  • Supports 4k - 8k footage editing, rendering, and exporting
  • Text animations
  • Apple’s Neural Engine for speed edits

Trial & Pricing

Apple allows you to try the Final Cut Pro software for 90 days before requiring you to go premium. There are no feature restrictions in the trial version; however, after the 90-day period, you will have no access to the software until payment.

Pricing starts at:

  • $299.99 one-time fee

Adobe Premiere Pro

top 3 video background changers on desktop -2

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best-selling products from the Adobe franchise, apart from Acrobat Reader and Photoshop. Professionals worldwide trust Premiere Pro as their go-to editor. With features like cut & trim, animations (using keyframing), an in-built graphics panel, and a lumetri color grading panel. Most beginners start their creative video editing careers using Premiere Pro.

Online change video background features don’t come with this application. To change a video background, you have to use its “Ultra Key” effect, or mask out your subject frame-by-frame. The easiest way to achieve this is to use the color picker from the ultra key effect in your effects control panel. Premier Pro has a wide range of free tutorials on YouTube from various content creators. This makes the learning process a breeze.


  • AI-assisted transcription and subtitling
  • Customizable workspaces
  • Audio effects and dedicated audio editing interface
  • Work seamlessly between After Effects (for complex motion graphics and effects) and Audition (for dedicated audio effects and editing)
  • Large community support base

Trial & Pricing

Adobe allows you to try out their software in a suite for just 7 days only. Within this trial period, you can try out any of your preferred software with access to all the available features. Upon download, you are assigned an ID. you will need this to go premium.

Pricing starts at:

  • Individual package
    • $32.24 monthly for all Adobe CC apps
    • $22.56 monthly for Premiere Pro
  • Business package
    • $85.99 monthly for all Adobe CC apps
    • $36.54 monthly for single apps

Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

If you’re searching for easy-to-use video editing software for beginners and professionals, Filmora might be your best choice. With AI-assisted creative features, you can easily add effects and style to your video. Its AI Text-based editing feature makes adding effects enjoyable.

As a perfect alternative to getting a video background changer online, Filmora can save you hours in editing time. With AI assistance, you can separate your subject from your background without needing to do the work. You can add creative texts and colors to your background with a few clicks.


  • AI-assisted editing
  • Hundreds of templates
  • Countless effect templates.

Trial & Pricing

You can download the Filmora app and enjoy 7 days free trial across all device platforms.

Pricing starts at:

  • Individuals
    • Cross-Platform Annual Plan - $49.99
    • Cross-Platform Quarterly Plan - $29.99
    • Perpetual Plan - $79.99 one-time payment
  • Teams & Businesses
    • For Team - 1 user $155.88 to 5 users $701.4
    • For Business - Custom
  • Education
    • Filmora Monthly Plan (1 PC) $19.99
    • Filmora Annual Plan (1 PC) $40.99
    • Filmora Perpetual Plan (1 PC) $49.99
  • Bundles
    • Switch between Mac and Windows - $81.58


In finding the right Video background changer online, knowing the description and the features offered is key. We’ve saved you the stress of having to try them all out. With this article, you should be able to pick what works best for you.

Out of these mentioned tools, no one stands out as a better money’s worth like Filmora. With AI assistance, you can save hours in editing time, and get better results. Users worldwide have reviewed this app, and recommend it for easy use, quality exports, and seamless AI-assisted editing. Grab up to 20% off with Filmora’s Easter’s Offer now. There are only a few days left.

Create Video Backgrounds Create Video Backgroundss Learn Green Screen

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What is a Video Background Changer?

A video background changer is a tool that can swap the background of any video. These tools usually work in three simple steps.

  • Analyze the footage,
  • Separate the subject or “subjects” from the background,
  • Switch backgrounds.

The process starts when a user uploads a video clip. The tool analyzes the footage and separates the subjects from the background. The user can select other available pre-made backgrounds or upload a preferred one to the platform. After this process, users can share the finished video or save it to their devices. Other kinds of background changers only merge a transparent clip with a background.

Part 2: 3 Video Background Changers Online

Quick Nav

top 5 video background changers online 1

Veed is an online feature-packed video editing platform. It comes with an interface that is suitable for newbies and professionals alike. Like many other competitors, it offers a free and premium version that unlocks more tools for you to play around with.

This tool allows you to edit video background online, transcribe audio, add subtitles, etc. Since this tool is web-based, there is no need to download any storage-intensive application. You can quickly edit your content online and share your videos.


  • Recorder feature for recording tutorials and online meetings
  • Edit feature for creating catchy videos
  • Transcriptions and subtitle module
  • Color grading feature
  • Online video hosting and storage

Trial & Pricing

Veed allows you to try out the platform’s basics for free, with most features tagged as “premium.” With the free version, you get 2GB of storage, 30 minutes of subtitles monthly, and an upload limit of 1 GB.

Pricing starts at:

  • $18 monthly (Basic plan)
  • $30 monthly (Pro plan)
  • $70 monthly (Business)
  • Custom Pricing.


top 5 video background changers online - 2

BeeCut is a video editing software specifically created and designed for simplicity. Quick trims and edits for short videos are the primary focus of the BeeCut online application. A compilation of over 60+ reviews quickly exposes BeeCut as a beginner-friendly editing software. You can acquaint yourself with this platform in less than 24 hours.

You can change your background online for free using the BeeCut online editor. It allows you to Import a background and merge it with the clip that contains your subject. BeeCut has a familiar user interface that feels like it came from mobile editors. This simplicity makes it easy to understand.


  • Trim and cut your footage
  • Add custom video intros and overlays
  • Speech recognition for transcription and subtitling
  • Online and offline versions for different functions
  • Large community of over 1 million users

Trial & Pricing

BeeCut allows you to download its software for free with limited access. The online tools, such as speech recognition, crop & merge videos, etc., are free. To get premium access, these are the costs;

Pricing Starts at:

  • Personal Packages
    • Lifetime $59.95
    • Monthly $29.95
    • Annually $39.95
  • Business package
    • Lifetime $159.9
    • Annually $79.95


top 5 video background changers online - 3

If you’re searching for one of the fastest background removers, you’re in luck. Unscreen is the “sit tight and relax” version of background changers. You can change the video background online without clicking any buttons or learning how to use the software. You also don’t need to select pixels or use a color picker from an “ultra key” function. You only upload a video, and the platform does the rest.

In simple steps, you can quickly acquaint yourself with Unscreen. It also promises a risk-free money-back guarantee that lasts for 14 days only.


  • Other platforms can integrate it as a tool
  • No watermarks
  • Full HD video upload and download
  • Affordable and more realistic payment structure
  • Specialized background remover

Trail & Pricing

You can use the “upload clip” button without prior payments. You only get to pay after the tool has successfully removed the background from your video.

Pricing Starts at:

  • Pay as you go - $4.99 per video minute
  • Subscription plan
    • Hobby - 3 mins/month for $9
    • Artist - 15 mins/month for $39
    • Creator - 45 mins/month for $89
    • Maker - 2 hours/month for $189
    • Studio - 5:30 hours/month for $389
    • Custom

Part 3: 3 Video Background Changers on Desktop

Quick Nav

Final Cut Pro

top 3 video background changers on desktop -1

The video editors’ community refers to Final Cut Pro as one of the most professional applications for Mac users. It is a standard editing software that competes with DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, and the rest. It uses the standard ground-to-top layering system to organize a timeline and is easy to learn.

Though it cannot edit background videos online, users can download it and use its chroma key effect. Like Premiere’s ultra-key effect, the chroma key function can select and remove a specific color. This is not the only way to remove backgrounds, but it is the most effective. If done correctly, no bleeding or distorted subject traces will be found.


  • Simple object motion tracking
  • Color grading and cinematic color LUTs
  • Supports 4k - 8k footage editing, rendering, and exporting
  • Text animations
  • Apple’s Neural Engine for speed edits

Trial & Pricing

Apple allows you to try the Final Cut Pro software for 90 days before requiring you to go premium. There are no feature restrictions in the trial version; however, after the 90-day period, you will have no access to the software until payment.

Pricing starts at:

  • $299.99 one-time fee

Adobe Premiere Pro

top 3 video background changers on desktop -2

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best-selling products from the Adobe franchise, apart from Acrobat Reader and Photoshop. Professionals worldwide trust Premiere Pro as their go-to editor. With features like cut & trim, animations (using keyframing), an in-built graphics panel, and a lumetri color grading panel. Most beginners start their creative video editing careers using Premiere Pro.

Online change video background features don’t come with this application. To change a video background, you have to use its “Ultra Key” effect, or mask out your subject frame-by-frame. The easiest way to achieve this is to use the color picker from the ultra key effect in your effects control panel. Premier Pro has a wide range of free tutorials on YouTube from various content creators. This makes the learning process a breeze.


  • AI-assisted transcription and subtitling
  • Customizable workspaces
  • Audio effects and dedicated audio editing interface
  • Work seamlessly between After Effects (for complex motion graphics and effects) and Audition (for dedicated audio effects and editing)
  • Large community support base

Trial & Pricing

Adobe allows you to try out their software in a suite for just 7 days only. Within this trial period, you can try out any of your preferred software with access to all the available features. Upon download, you are assigned an ID. you will need this to go premium.

Pricing starts at:

  • Individual package
    • $32.24 monthly for all Adobe CC apps
    • $22.56 monthly for Premiere Pro
  • Business package
    • $85.99 monthly for all Adobe CC apps
    • $36.54 monthly for single apps

Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

If you’re searching for easy-to-use video editing software for beginners and professionals, Filmora might be your best choice. With AI-assisted creative features, you can easily add effects and style to your video. Its AI Text-based editing feature makes adding effects enjoyable.

As a perfect alternative to getting a video background changer online, Filmora can save you hours in editing time. With AI assistance, you can separate your subject from your background without needing to do the work. You can add creative texts and colors to your background with a few clicks.


  • AI-assisted editing
  • Hundreds of templates
  • Countless effect templates.

Trial & Pricing

You can download the Filmora app and enjoy 7 days free trial across all device platforms.

Pricing starts at:

  • Individuals
    • Cross-Platform Annual Plan - $49.99
    • Cross-Platform Quarterly Plan - $29.99
    • Perpetual Plan - $79.99 one-time payment
  • Teams & Businesses
    • For Team - 1 user $155.88 to 5 users $701.4
    • For Business - Custom
  • Education
    • Filmora Monthly Plan (1 PC) $19.99
    • Filmora Annual Plan (1 PC) $40.99
    • Filmora Perpetual Plan (1 PC) $49.99
  • Bundles
    • Switch between Mac and Windows - $81.58


In finding the right Video background changer online, knowing the description and the features offered is key. We’ve saved you the stress of having to try them all out. With this article, you should be able to pick what works best for you.

Out of these mentioned tools, no one stands out as a better money’s worth like Filmora. With AI assistance, you can save hours in editing time, and get better results. Users worldwide have reviewed this app, and recommend it for easy use, quality exports, and seamless AI-assisted editing. Grab up to 20% off with Filmora’s Easter’s Offer now. There are only a few days left.

Simple Tricks Make 3d GIF Production of Inspiration Pop up Constantly

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Making and sharing animated GIFs that practically pop out on your friend’s screen can be just the magic one needs to start their day.

3D animated GIFs are growing in popularity and surprisingly, because of a simple trick that even you can try out.

What separates 3D text GIFs or 3D animation GIFs from your regular GIFs is that they are bit more difficult but far more fun to make.

3D GIFs are where it feels like the picture is coming out of your screen. Of course, this is just a visual illusion which can be recreated over any video GIF that meets specific parameters.

In this article

01 [8 Examples of Inspiration for Fun 3D Gifs?](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Ways to Make 3D GIF](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make 3D Gifs in Videos More Textured](#Part 3)

Part 1 Examples of Inspiration for Fun 3D Gifs?

Remember that simple trick we mentioned earlier? This approach lets you create convincing 3D GIFs in an easy but deceptive way.

The actual magic behind this trick is the use of white lines that act as reference points separating 3 panels in the image.

Now, any animated elements of the GIF image will seem like they are popping out beyond the pre-set white lines and towards the viewer.

These white lines are used as referencing lines on the screen allowing our brains to bewilder at a passive 3D GIFs coming at us from the screen.

You can recreate this same affect with a few popular GIF makers.

Just to give you a taste of what it looks like, we have enlisted few trending pop culture 3D GIFs that are trending;

We have all heard of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and Cap’ throwing his shield is certainly a fan favourite 3D GIF.

gif 1

Heard of Skull Island? Then you better call Skull Pest Control.

gif 2

Who wouldn’t love puppies? Well, here’s two.

gif 3

gif 4

When you’re tangled up in things you don’t understand.

gif 5

You definitely don’t want to see this squirrel in your backyard.

gif 6

Make sure to get a good shot of caffeine when commuting through Elm Street.

gif 7

Ray Advertising is getting more innovative each year.

gif 8

Part 2 Top 5 Ways to Make 3D GIF

The most instantaneous thing you can do to start making GIFs in your own free time is by using a GIF maker online. Online platforms like GIPHY and Imgflip (three more mentioned below) uses pre uploaded image and video content to create GIFs with the help of filters, texts, emoji’s and background effects.

You can simply create creative GIFs and share them directly to your social media pages. Of course if you are running your own business, you can choose to hire your own GIF animator for more personal banners and adverts.

On the other hand, if you are just sparking your creativity using a GIF creator to start out making simple animation GIFs. You can also use a GIF generator to create your GIFs from existing videos.

Now buckle up your imagination and let’s get GIFing.


wave video gif maker

This GIF creator earns its place among the best with sheer convenience. It is by far the easiest GIF maker to use on this list. You can get used to its editing interface in a shorter span of time and make amazing 3D GIFs using versatile features that are bound to impress your friends. Sharing your GIF is quite effortless with Wave.Video. You can take on small portions of your video and make a GIF out of it. It offers an amazing library of stock footage which you can use for a lot of other things too like creating intros for your videos.

02Make a GIF

make a gif

If you have an image or a URL of a video and you wish to make an animated GIF out of it then Make a GIF is the GIF creator you need. Using this online free tool you can make GIFs out of any Facebook image or video URL. The Make a GIF interface also facilitates using your device’s webcam to click pictures and short clips for our GIFs and add them to the interface using drag and drop facility. You can select from pre uploaded stock samples from over a dozen different categories.


imgflip gif maker

When you not only need a GIF creator but an Editor as well, go for Imgflip. You can adjust and make changes in your GIF while creating it. It has tools designed into its interface that enables you to adjust the quality of the pictures you upload, their height and width as well. In terms of editing video GIFs you can tweak with the animation time and make adjustments in terms of placement of images using some of Imgflips amazing free tools.

Yet another animated GIF generator which simplifies your path to unlocking your GIF creativity skills a lot faster using images and videos. is compatible with all operating systems namely Windows, Mac and Linux. Although its arsenal of tools is quite basic and lets you only size/resize and reverse your GIFs. GIF maker has a very basic interface but can fulfil a fair average of your GIF creation needs.



We kept the best for last and even if you type in making GIFs on Google, you might come across this search name quite often as pretty much lot of people are using it. Spark off your GIF creating drive with GIPHY which is an all-rounder in this arena. GIPHY has several awesome features that let you create GIFs by uploading images, videos and even URLs from YouTube or Vimeo or GIPHY itself. Its interface is simple and hassle free to use and lets you add filters, text, stickers and drawings to your GIFs.

Part 3 How to Make 3D Gifs in Videos More Textured

You can use GIF makers to create loops in videos you upload but the trick to making your 3D GIF stand out is about to be explained in the following.

Step 1: Choosing an Image.

The first step in creating a 3D image is to carefully sort out which moment in your video you wish to convert into 3D. Pick an images or video clips that already have an element that pops out in a forward moving motion.

Step 2: It should have a smart composition.

Becoming a creator means you need to know more about composition. This can be applicable to anything from making virtual designs to creating GIFs. 3D GIFs requires you to use a special Tumblr ‘frame’ that adds two breaks to the image which creates three horizontal panels. In exceptional cases, you could also use three break points and divide the image into four panels.

Step 3: Become a content creator.

It’s okay to feel a bit off beat when trying out new skills but the prospects are rewarding. Try taking your own video footage, edit in Photoshop or any similar editing software. You can also opt for instant GIF creator apps that directly converts the footage or image you clicked into a GIF.

Step 4: Making the split.

The next step would be splitting the image or frame into three panels as guideline for the 3D effects. In Photoshop you can import a GIF and choose ‘View’ from the navigation menu and then click on ‘New Guide’ from the drop down menu. Set the guide to 33% at first and 66% in the second.

Step 5: Placingthe magical white lines over the guides.

From the shape menu on the sidebar, select the rectangle tool. Right click on this tool to get the shapes menu. Set ‘Fill Colour’ to white and set the weight to five pixels. Click and drag the lines over the guides.

Step 6: For the final touch.

Merge these line layers and add a layer mask. The objective here is to only mask the panel where the main 3D element of the image which will be moving beyond the guides. How it is done is that you make copies of the frames where the animation goes beyond the guidelines and mask the layers where the element is over the visible layer.

Step 7: Enjoy your GIF.

Once you are done masking every frame that you have copied. Replay your GIF to see if everything is in order.

Bonus Tip: Use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor to easily edit your videos using amazing tools, filters and affects. You can then make cool 3D GIFs from the videos you make.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Animated GIFs are interesting and fun to share with friends. They also make for effective advertising banners and conceptual promotions. So there are lot of applications for learning this skillset and is certainly is fun none the less.

The easiest way to creating GIFs quick and easy would be by using a GIF creator. There are several amazing GIF creators online with fantastic features you can leverage to make amazing 3D GIFs.

The basic trick which you should remember is using horizontal guidelines and an element which is moving towards the viewer. Keeping this in mind you can recreate amazing videos in fun GIF moments.

Try It Free Try It Free

Making and sharing animated GIFs that practically pop out on your friend’s screen can be just the magic one needs to start their day.

3D animated GIFs are growing in popularity and surprisingly, because of a simple trick that even you can try out.

What separates 3D text GIFs or 3D animation GIFs from your regular GIFs is that they are bit more difficult but far more fun to make.

3D GIFs are where it feels like the picture is coming out of your screen. Of course, this is just a visual illusion which can be recreated over any video GIF that meets specific parameters.

In this article

01 [8 Examples of Inspiration for Fun 3D Gifs?](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Ways to Make 3D GIF](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make 3D Gifs in Videos More Textured](#Part 3)

Part 1 Examples of Inspiration for Fun 3D Gifs?

Remember that simple trick we mentioned earlier? This approach lets you create convincing 3D GIFs in an easy but deceptive way.

The actual magic behind this trick is the use of white lines that act as reference points separating 3 panels in the image.

Now, any animated elements of the GIF image will seem like they are popping out beyond the pre-set white lines and towards the viewer.

These white lines are used as referencing lines on the screen allowing our brains to bewilder at a passive 3D GIFs coming at us from the screen.

You can recreate this same affect with a few popular GIF makers.

Just to give you a taste of what it looks like, we have enlisted few trending pop culture 3D GIFs that are trending;

We have all heard of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and Cap’ throwing his shield is certainly a fan favourite 3D GIF.

gif 1

Heard of Skull Island? Then you better call Skull Pest Control.

gif 2

Who wouldn’t love puppies? Well, here’s two.

gif 3

gif 4

When you’re tangled up in things you don’t understand.

gif 5

You definitely don’t want to see this squirrel in your backyard.

gif 6

Make sure to get a good shot of caffeine when commuting through Elm Street.

gif 7

Ray Advertising is getting more innovative each year.

gif 8

Part 2 Top 5 Ways to Make 3D GIF

The most instantaneous thing you can do to start making GIFs in your own free time is by using a GIF maker online. Online platforms like GIPHY and Imgflip (three more mentioned below) uses pre uploaded image and video content to create GIFs with the help of filters, texts, emoji’s and background effects.

You can simply create creative GIFs and share them directly to your social media pages. Of course if you are running your own business, you can choose to hire your own GIF animator for more personal banners and adverts.

On the other hand, if you are just sparking your creativity using a GIF creator to start out making simple animation GIFs. You can also use a GIF generator to create your GIFs from existing videos.

Now buckle up your imagination and let’s get GIFing.


wave video gif maker

This GIF creator earns its place among the best with sheer convenience. It is by far the easiest GIF maker to use on this list. You can get used to its editing interface in a shorter span of time and make amazing 3D GIFs using versatile features that are bound to impress your friends. Sharing your GIF is quite effortless with Wave.Video. You can take on small portions of your video and make a GIF out of it. It offers an amazing library of stock footage which you can use for a lot of other things too like creating intros for your videos.

02Make a GIF

make a gif

If you have an image or a URL of a video and you wish to make an animated GIF out of it then Make a GIF is the GIF creator you need. Using this online free tool you can make GIFs out of any Facebook image or video URL. The Make a GIF interface also facilitates using your device’s webcam to click pictures and short clips for our GIFs and add them to the interface using drag and drop facility. You can select from pre uploaded stock samples from over a dozen different categories.


imgflip gif maker

When you not only need a GIF creator but an Editor as well, go for Imgflip. You can adjust and make changes in your GIF while creating it. It has tools designed into its interface that enables you to adjust the quality of the pictures you upload, their height and width as well. In terms of editing video GIFs you can tweak with the animation time and make adjustments in terms of placement of images using some of Imgflips amazing free tools.

Yet another animated GIF generator which simplifies your path to unlocking your GIF creativity skills a lot faster using images and videos. is compatible with all operating systems namely Windows, Mac and Linux. Although its arsenal of tools is quite basic and lets you only size/resize and reverse your GIFs. GIF maker has a very basic interface but can fulfil a fair average of your GIF creation needs.



We kept the best for last and even if you type in making GIFs on Google, you might come across this search name quite often as pretty much lot of people are using it. Spark off your GIF creating drive with GIPHY which is an all-rounder in this arena. GIPHY has several awesome features that let you create GIFs by uploading images, videos and even URLs from YouTube or Vimeo or GIPHY itself. Its interface is simple and hassle free to use and lets you add filters, text, stickers and drawings to your GIFs.

Part 3 How to Make 3D Gifs in Videos More Textured

You can use GIF makers to create loops in videos you upload but the trick to making your 3D GIF stand out is about to be explained in the following.

Step 1: Choosing an Image.

The first step in creating a 3D image is to carefully sort out which moment in your video you wish to convert into 3D. Pick an images or video clips that already have an element that pops out in a forward moving motion.

Step 2: It should have a smart composition.

Becoming a creator means you need to know more about composition. This can be applicable to anything from making virtual designs to creating GIFs. 3D GIFs requires you to use a special Tumblr ‘frame’ that adds two breaks to the image which creates three horizontal panels. In exceptional cases, you could also use three break points and divide the image into four panels.

Step 3: Become a content creator.

It’s okay to feel a bit off beat when trying out new skills but the prospects are rewarding. Try taking your own video footage, edit in Photoshop or any similar editing software. You can also opt for instant GIF creator apps that directly converts the footage or image you clicked into a GIF.

Step 4: Making the split.

The next step would be splitting the image or frame into three panels as guideline for the 3D effects. In Photoshop you can import a GIF and choose ‘View’ from the navigation menu and then click on ‘New Guide’ from the drop down menu. Set the guide to 33% at first and 66% in the second.

Step 5: Placingthe magical white lines over the guides.

From the shape menu on the sidebar, select the rectangle tool. Right click on this tool to get the shapes menu. Set ‘Fill Colour’ to white and set the weight to five pixels. Click and drag the lines over the guides.

Step 6: For the final touch.

Merge these line layers and add a layer mask. The objective here is to only mask the panel where the main 3D element of the image which will be moving beyond the guides. How it is done is that you make copies of the frames where the animation goes beyond the guidelines and mask the layers where the element is over the visible layer.

Step 7: Enjoy your GIF.

Once you are done masking every frame that you have copied. Replay your GIF to see if everything is in order.

Bonus Tip: Use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor to easily edit your videos using amazing tools, filters and affects. You can then make cool 3D GIFs from the videos you make.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Animated GIFs are interesting and fun to share with friends. They also make for effective advertising banners and conceptual promotions. So there are lot of applications for learning this skillset and is certainly is fun none the less.

The easiest way to creating GIFs quick and easy would be by using a GIF creator. There are several amazing GIF creators online with fantastic features you can leverage to make amazing 3D GIFs.

The basic trick which you should remember is using horizontal guidelines and an element which is moving towards the viewer. Keeping this in mind you can recreate amazing videos in fun GIF moments.

Try It Free Try It Free

Making and sharing animated GIFs that practically pop out on your friend’s screen can be just the magic one needs to start their day.

3D animated GIFs are growing in popularity and surprisingly, because of a simple trick that even you can try out.

What separates 3D text GIFs or 3D animation GIFs from your regular GIFs is that they are bit more difficult but far more fun to make.

3D GIFs are where it feels like the picture is coming out of your screen. Of course, this is just a visual illusion which can be recreated over any video GIF that meets specific parameters.

In this article

01 [8 Examples of Inspiration for Fun 3D Gifs?](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Ways to Make 3D GIF](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make 3D Gifs in Videos More Textured](#Part 3)

Part 1 Examples of Inspiration for Fun 3D Gifs?

Remember that simple trick we mentioned earlier? This approach lets you create convincing 3D GIFs in an easy but deceptive way.

The actual magic behind this trick is the use of white lines that act as reference points separating 3 panels in the image.

Now, any animated elements of the GIF image will seem like they are popping out beyond the pre-set white lines and towards the viewer.

These white lines are used as referencing lines on the screen allowing our brains to bewilder at a passive 3D GIFs coming at us from the screen.

You can recreate this same affect with a few popular GIF makers.

Just to give you a taste of what it looks like, we have enlisted few trending pop culture 3D GIFs that are trending;

We have all heard of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and Cap’ throwing his shield is certainly a fan favourite 3D GIF.

gif 1

Heard of Skull Island? Then you better call Skull Pest Control.

gif 2

Who wouldn’t love puppies? Well, here’s two.

gif 3

gif 4

When you’re tangled up in things you don’t understand.

gif 5

You definitely don’t want to see this squirrel in your backyard.

gif 6

Make sure to get a good shot of caffeine when commuting through Elm Street.

gif 7

Ray Advertising is getting more innovative each year.

gif 8

Part 2 Top 5 Ways to Make 3D GIF

The most instantaneous thing you can do to start making GIFs in your own free time is by using a GIF maker online. Online platforms like GIPHY and Imgflip (three more mentioned below) uses pre uploaded image and video content to create GIFs with the help of filters, texts, emoji’s and background effects.

You can simply create creative GIFs and share them directly to your social media pages. Of course if you are running your own business, you can choose to hire your own GIF animator for more personal banners and adverts.

On the other hand, if you are just sparking your creativity using a GIF creator to start out making simple animation GIFs. You can also use a GIF generator to create your GIFs from existing videos.

Now buckle up your imagination and let’s get GIFing.


wave video gif maker

This GIF creator earns its place among the best with sheer convenience. It is by far the easiest GIF maker to use on this list. You can get used to its editing interface in a shorter span of time and make amazing 3D GIFs using versatile features that are bound to impress your friends. Sharing your GIF is quite effortless with Wave.Video. You can take on small portions of your video and make a GIF out of it. It offers an amazing library of stock footage which you can use for a lot of other things too like creating intros for your videos.

02Make a GIF

make a gif

If you have an image or a URL of a video and you wish to make an animated GIF out of it then Make a GIF is the GIF creator you need. Using this online free tool you can make GIFs out of any Facebook image or video URL. The Make a GIF interface also facilitates using your device’s webcam to click pictures and short clips for our GIFs and add them to the interface using drag and drop facility. You can select from pre uploaded stock samples from over a dozen different categories.


imgflip gif maker

When you not only need a GIF creator but an Editor as well, go for Imgflip. You can adjust and make changes in your GIF while creating it. It has tools designed into its interface that enables you to adjust the quality of the pictures you upload, their height and width as well. In terms of editing video GIFs you can tweak with the animation time and make adjustments in terms of placement of images using some of Imgflips amazing free tools.

Yet another animated GIF generator which simplifies your path to unlocking your GIF creativity skills a lot faster using images and videos. is compatible with all operating systems namely Windows, Mac and Linux. Although its arsenal of tools is quite basic and lets you only size/resize and reverse your GIFs. GIF maker has a very basic interface but can fulfil a fair average of your GIF creation needs.



We kept the best for last and even if you type in making GIFs on Google, you might come across this search name quite often as pretty much lot of people are using it. Spark off your GIF creating drive with GIPHY which is an all-rounder in this arena. GIPHY has several awesome features that let you create GIFs by uploading images, videos and even URLs from YouTube or Vimeo or GIPHY itself. Its interface is simple and hassle free to use and lets you add filters, text, stickers and drawings to your GIFs.

Part 3 How to Make 3D Gifs in Videos More Textured

You can use GIF makers to create loops in videos you upload but the trick to making your 3D GIF stand out is about to be explained in the following.

Step 1: Choosing an Image.

The first step in creating a 3D image is to carefully sort out which moment in your video you wish to convert into 3D. Pick an images or video clips that already have an element that pops out in a forward moving motion.

Step 2: It should have a smart composition.

Becoming a creator means you need to know more about composition. This can be applicable to anything from making virtual designs to creating GIFs. 3D GIFs requires you to use a special Tumblr ‘frame’ that adds two breaks to the image which creates three horizontal panels. In exceptional cases, you could also use three break points and divide the image into four panels.

Step 3: Become a content creator.

It’s okay to feel a bit off beat when trying out new skills but the prospects are rewarding. Try taking your own video footage, edit in Photoshop or any similar editing software. You can also opt for instant GIF creator apps that directly converts the footage or image you clicked into a GIF.

Step 4: Making the split.

The next step would be splitting the image or frame into three panels as guideline for the 3D effects. In Photoshop you can import a GIF and choose ‘View’ from the navigation menu and then click on ‘New Guide’ from the drop down menu. Set the guide to 33% at first and 66% in the second.

Step 5: Placingthe magical white lines over the guides.

From the shape menu on the sidebar, select the rectangle tool. Right click on this tool to get the shapes menu. Set ‘Fill Colour’ to white and set the weight to five pixels. Click and drag the lines over the guides.

Step 6: For the final touch.

Merge these line layers and add a layer mask. The objective here is to only mask the panel where the main 3D element of the image which will be moving beyond the guides. How it is done is that you make copies of the frames where the animation goes beyond the guidelines and mask the layers where the element is over the visible layer.

Step 7: Enjoy your GIF.

Once you are done masking every frame that you have copied. Replay your GIF to see if everything is in order.

Bonus Tip: Use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor to easily edit your videos using amazing tools, filters and affects. You can then make cool 3D GIFs from the videos you make.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Animated GIFs are interesting and fun to share with friends. They also make for effective advertising banners and conceptual promotions. So there are lot of applications for learning this skillset and is certainly is fun none the less.

The easiest way to creating GIFs quick and easy would be by using a GIF creator. There are several amazing GIF creators online with fantastic features you can leverage to make amazing 3D GIFs.

The basic trick which you should remember is using horizontal guidelines and an element which is moving towards the viewer. Keeping this in mind you can recreate amazing videos in fun GIF moments.

Try It Free Try It Free

Making and sharing animated GIFs that practically pop out on your friend’s screen can be just the magic one needs to start their day.

3D animated GIFs are growing in popularity and surprisingly, because of a simple trick that even you can try out.

What separates 3D text GIFs or 3D animation GIFs from your regular GIFs is that they are bit more difficult but far more fun to make.

3D GIFs are where it feels like the picture is coming out of your screen. Of course, this is just a visual illusion which can be recreated over any video GIF that meets specific parameters.

In this article

01 [8 Examples of Inspiration for Fun 3D Gifs?](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Ways to Make 3D GIF](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make 3D Gifs in Videos More Textured](#Part 3)

Part 1 Examples of Inspiration for Fun 3D Gifs?

Remember that simple trick we mentioned earlier? This approach lets you create convincing 3D GIFs in an easy but deceptive way.

The actual magic behind this trick is the use of white lines that act as reference points separating 3 panels in the image.

Now, any animated elements of the GIF image will seem like they are popping out beyond the pre-set white lines and towards the viewer.

These white lines are used as referencing lines on the screen allowing our brains to bewilder at a passive 3D GIFs coming at us from the screen.

You can recreate this same affect with a few popular GIF makers.

Just to give you a taste of what it looks like, we have enlisted few trending pop culture 3D GIFs that are trending;

We have all heard of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and Cap’ throwing his shield is certainly a fan favourite 3D GIF.

gif 1

Heard of Skull Island? Then you better call Skull Pest Control.

gif 2

Who wouldn’t love puppies? Well, here’s two.

gif 3

gif 4

When you’re tangled up in things you don’t understand.

gif 5

You definitely don’t want to see this squirrel in your backyard.

gif 6

Make sure to get a good shot of caffeine when commuting through Elm Street.

gif 7

Ray Advertising is getting more innovative each year.

gif 8

Part 2 Top 5 Ways to Make 3D GIF

The most instantaneous thing you can do to start making GIFs in your own free time is by using a GIF maker online. Online platforms like GIPHY and Imgflip (three more mentioned below) uses pre uploaded image and video content to create GIFs with the help of filters, texts, emoji’s and background effects.

You can simply create creative GIFs and share them directly to your social media pages. Of course if you are running your own business, you can choose to hire your own GIF animator for more personal banners and adverts.

On the other hand, if you are just sparking your creativity using a GIF creator to start out making simple animation GIFs. You can also use a GIF generator to create your GIFs from existing videos.

Now buckle up your imagination and let’s get GIFing.


wave video gif maker

This GIF creator earns its place among the best with sheer convenience. It is by far the easiest GIF maker to use on this list. You can get used to its editing interface in a shorter span of time and make amazing 3D GIFs using versatile features that are bound to impress your friends. Sharing your GIF is quite effortless with Wave.Video. You can take on small portions of your video and make a GIF out of it. It offers an amazing library of stock footage which you can use for a lot of other things too like creating intros for your videos.

02Make a GIF

make a gif

If you have an image or a URL of a video and you wish to make an animated GIF out of it then Make a GIF is the GIF creator you need. Using this online free tool you can make GIFs out of any Facebook image or video URL. The Make a GIF interface also facilitates using your device’s webcam to click pictures and short clips for our GIFs and add them to the interface using drag and drop facility. You can select from pre uploaded stock samples from over a dozen different categories.


imgflip gif maker

When you not only need a GIF creator but an Editor as well, go for Imgflip. You can adjust and make changes in your GIF while creating it. It has tools designed into its interface that enables you to adjust the quality of the pictures you upload, their height and width as well. In terms of editing video GIFs you can tweak with the animation time and make adjustments in terms of placement of images using some of Imgflips amazing free tools.

Yet another animated GIF generator which simplifies your path to unlocking your GIF creativity skills a lot faster using images and videos. is compatible with all operating systems namely Windows, Mac and Linux. Although its arsenal of tools is quite basic and lets you only size/resize and reverse your GIFs. GIF maker has a very basic interface but can fulfil a fair average of your GIF creation needs.



We kept the best for last and even if you type in making GIFs on Google, you might come across this search name quite often as pretty much lot of people are using it. Spark off your GIF creating drive with GIPHY which is an all-rounder in this arena. GIPHY has several awesome features that let you create GIFs by uploading images, videos and even URLs from YouTube or Vimeo or GIPHY itself. Its interface is simple and hassle free to use and lets you add filters, text, stickers and drawings to your GIFs.

Part 3 How to Make 3D Gifs in Videos More Textured

You can use GIF makers to create loops in videos you upload but the trick to making your 3D GIF stand out is about to be explained in the following.

Step 1: Choosing an Image.

The first step in creating a 3D image is to carefully sort out which moment in your video you wish to convert into 3D. Pick an images or video clips that already have an element that pops out in a forward moving motion.

Step 2: It should have a smart composition.

Becoming a creator means you need to know more about composition. This can be applicable to anything from making virtual designs to creating GIFs. 3D GIFs requires you to use a special Tumblr ‘frame’ that adds two breaks to the image which creates three horizontal panels. In exceptional cases, you could also use three break points and divide the image into four panels.

Step 3: Become a content creator.

It’s okay to feel a bit off beat when trying out new skills but the prospects are rewarding. Try taking your own video footage, edit in Photoshop or any similar editing software. You can also opt for instant GIF creator apps that directly converts the footage or image you clicked into a GIF.

Step 4: Making the split.

The next step would be splitting the image or frame into three panels as guideline for the 3D effects. In Photoshop you can import a GIF and choose ‘View’ from the navigation menu and then click on ‘New Guide’ from the drop down menu. Set the guide to 33% at first and 66% in the second.

Step 5: Placingthe magical white lines over the guides.

From the shape menu on the sidebar, select the rectangle tool. Right click on this tool to get the shapes menu. Set ‘Fill Colour’ to white and set the weight to five pixels. Click and drag the lines over the guides.

Step 6: For the final touch.

Merge these line layers and add a layer mask. The objective here is to only mask the panel where the main 3D element of the image which will be moving beyond the guides. How it is done is that you make copies of the frames where the animation goes beyond the guidelines and mask the layers where the element is over the visible layer.

Step 7: Enjoy your GIF.

Once you are done masking every frame that you have copied. Replay your GIF to see if everything is in order.

Bonus Tip: Use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor to easily edit your videos using amazing tools, filters and affects. You can then make cool 3D GIFs from the videos you make.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Animated GIFs are interesting and fun to share with friends. They also make for effective advertising banners and conceptual promotions. So there are lot of applications for learning this skillset and is certainly is fun none the less.

The easiest way to creating GIFs quick and easy would be by using a GIF creator. There are several amazing GIF creators online with fantastic features you can leverage to make amazing 3D GIFs.

The basic trick which you should remember is using horizontal guidelines and an element which is moving towards the viewer. Keeping this in mind you can recreate amazing videos in fun GIF moments.

Also read:

  • Title: New In 2024, For Artists Who Are Making Videos for Show Their Knowledge or Projects, Add some Effects for the Video Can Always Provoke Interests and Attention. This Article Will Show You How to Do that Easily
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 01:09:40
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 01:09:40
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
New In 2024, For Artists Who Are Making Videos for Show Their Knowledge or Projects, Add some Effects for the Video Can Always Provoke Interests and Attention. This Article Will Show You How to Do that Easily