New In 2024, Keyframes Interval Everything You Need To Know | Filmora

New In 2024, Keyframes Interval Everything You Need To Know | Filmora

Morgan Lv12

Keyframes Interval: Everything You Need To Know | Filmora

Many people may not understand what the Keyframe Interval stands for. However, it is a simple concept for video editors where the encoding settings determine the frequency at which the whole picture is transmitted.

The Keyframe Interval is responsible for how often a keyframe is generated within the video. A keyframe, also known as an i-frame, is a single frame that contains all of the necessary information for displaying a video. If the Keyframe Interval is set too high, it could lead to visible compression without compromising the quality of a video.

Keyframe Interval is essential in video streaming and recording, but it can be confusing. In this guide, we’ll help you understand this concept to enable you to create better animations.

Part 1. What Is Keyframe Interval

Keyframe Intervals, also known as “Keyframe Frequency” in Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder (FMLE) and vMix or “GOP size” by some encoders, is the frequency at which keyframes are generated in an animated sequence. This is an important parameter to consider when creating animations, as it can impact the animation’s file size, quality, and smoothness.

Keyframe Intervals are the distance in time between two keyframes. For example, if an animation is set to every 2 seconds interval and the frame rate is 30 per second, it means that every 60 frames, a keyframe is created.

keyframe interval in a video

Part 2. How Does Keyframe Interval Work?

Keyframes are important in video and animation because they mark specific points in time that can be used to create a smooth and consistent transition between different states or images. The Keyframe Interval is the amount of time that passes between two keyframes.

In order to create a smooth and consistent transition, the Keyframe Interval must be carefully calculated. In a 60-frame-per-second video, a keyframe is recorded every 5 or 300 frames. Delta frames are “difference” frames that provide an incremental change from the previous frame.

Keyframes are different from delta frames in that a higher keyframe value results in a clearer video with fewer transmission artifacts and vice versa.

The Keyframe Interval can be adjusted to create a faster or slower transition between two keyframes. A shorter Keyframe Interval will create a faster transition, while a longer one will create a slower transition.

For example, if you want your transition to look smoother, use a longer interval, like two seconds. Conversely, a zoom effect over a 0.2-second interval will be quicker.

Part 3. A concept closely connected to Keyframe Interval - Bitrates

The relationship between keyframes and bitrates is important to understand when creating video content. Keyframes are the frames in a video that are used to define the start and end points of an encoding process. The bitrate measures how much information is being transferred in a given time from one place to another.

When encoding video, keyframes are used to establish a consistent quality throughout the video. The bitrate is then used to determine how much information can be transferred without affecting the quality of the video. Thus, the higher the video’s bitrate, the better the quality.

Your mileage may vary regarding this explanation, as different encoders manage bitrates and keyframes in different ways.

For example, if you’re using an encoder like Wirecast, you might notice that broadcasting in a still background with someone talking results in a higher quality video as compared to a moving background. This can be reproduced using the same average bitrate and Keyframe Interval between them.

This happens because the delta frames have to share a lot more information to share in each frame in the video with a moving background. When you have an encoder like Wirecast, it’s working to keep your stream at an average bitrate. This can result in reduced quality if there is a lot of extra information in the delta frames.

Part 4. What You Need To Know To Set A Right Keyframe Interval

After understanding the important concepts in video editing, let’s see how to set the keyframe level in our videos appropriately.

Most streaming services will automatically set it for you based on your stream’s frame rate and bitrate. However, if you want to set the keyframe gap manually, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

  • Set the frame interval at 2 seconds. Do not increase it from 4 seconds.
  • Disable the “auto” keyframe feature.
  • To allow for b-frames, use an encoding profile higher than baseline and use IDR-based keyframes.

Part 5. How To Change The Keyframe Interval On OBS Studio

Above is the basic knowledge of the keyframe interval. Then, how to apply it to your real video-editing work? In this part, we will choose OBS to show you the application process.

OBS Studio is a powerful yet free and open-source screen recorder and live streaming tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux. One of the most useful features of OBS Studio is its ability to change the keyframe interval on the fly without having to restart your recording or stream.

The process for changing the it in OBS Studio has been made more efficient since the classic version. However, some users may have trouble locating the new setting.

Here’s how to change the it on OBS Studio:

Step1 Launch the OBS Studio on your PC or laptop.

launching the obs studio

Step2 From the bottom right of the screen, open the “Settings” menu.

obs studio settings menu

Step3 On the Settings Window, click “Output” and configure the output mode to “Advanced.”

setting the output mode to advance in obs studio

Step4 Finally, edit the Keyframe Interval, set it to 2 seconds, and click “OK” to save your changes.

changing the keyframe interval value on obs studio

Part 6. Will Keyframe Interval Affect Your Video’s Quality?

When you try to set the keyframe gap by yourself, you may feel confused about the difference a higher or lower interval make to your video. Then, wil-l or how it affects your video’s performance?

In a stream, it determines the balance between smoothness and picture quality. A keyframe is a point that determines how often the entire frame is sent, as opposed to just the differences from the previous frame.

Therefore, if you set the Keyframe Interval higher, your video will be more stable with fewer artifacts but requires more bandwidth and processing power. Conversely, a lower Keyframe Interval value causes more artifacts but is less resource intensive.

A lower Keyframe Interval value will result in lower video quality, while a higher keyframe value will result in higher video quality. However, the optimal Keyframe Interval value can vary depending on the specific case.

For instance, you don’t need a higher Keyframe Interval for streaming a live video, but you have to use a higher Key Interval value for recording.

Video- What is the Maximum Bitrate & Keyframe Interval for OBS

The Bottom Line

In this article, we’ve explored Keyframe Interval, how it works, and the relationship between keyframes and bitrates. We also provided guidance on setting the Keyframe Interval correctly and changing it on OBS Studio.

Hopefully, the information provided in this guide was helpful, and you now have a better understanding of Keyframe Intervals.

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The Bottom Line

In this article, we’ve explored Keyframe Interval, how it works, and the relationship between keyframes and bitrates. We also provided guidance on setting the Keyframe Interval correctly and changing it on OBS Studio.

Hopefully, the information provided in this guide was helpful, and you now have a better understanding of Keyframe Intervals.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Learn How to Create Quiz Videos for YouTube that Are Interactive and Can Get Your Audience Engaged with Your Content

Quiz videos are becoming popular on YouTube but creating good content takes work. You’ll have to spend time on it, find the right questions and spend resources on powerful video editing software. In this guide, we’ll show you what a quiz video is, its advantages, and how you can use Filmora to make interactive video quizzes.

So, what are you waiting for? Read on to learn how to create quiz videos for Youtube!

Part 1. What Is A Quiz Video?

A quiz video is a type of content that provides viewers with a series of questions that are typically about a particular topic or subject matter and may also provide additional information about the topic. You can use the video for various purposes, including educational, entertainment, and marketing.

what is a quiz video

To make an appealing video quiz, you have to look at it from various angles, such as its purpose, type, and relevancy.

Moreover, a well-made quiz video will demand the viewer’s attention and encourage them to take action without being intrusive or annoying. One of the best ways is to provide visual captions that can explain the point being made in an engaging, fast-paced, and entertaining way.

Part 2. What Are The Advantages Of A Quiz And How To Use It?

Quizzing is a great way to engage your audience and encourage them to interact with your content. They can be used to create thought-provoking content, impart knowledge, and improve learning outcomes.

When used correctly, a quiz can be a powerful learning tool. But how do you use it effectively? And what are some of the advantages?

To answer these questions, we’ve provided some advantages of creating video quizzes and some scenarios where you can use them.


Here are some advantages of video quizzes:

Draw Attention

A quiz can draw the viewer’s attention to the topic under discussion. Specifically, if you are a teacher, you can use GK question videos in your classroom to emphasize the content you are teaching and can better assess your students’ knowledge.

Increase Interactivity

Quizzes are a great way to increase engagement and interaction with your audience. By incorporating video into your questions, you can add an element of excitement and increase the likelihood that people will want to participate.

interactive quiz

A Good Way To Introduce A Topic

Quizzes are an excellent way to introduce a new topic or subject matter. They can help you provide context and background information to help people understand the concepts you’re trying to teach or introduce.

Increase One’s Impressions Of Your Content

By adding a quiz, you can increase the time that someone spends on your page or channel as they work to answer the questions. This is valuable because it allows you to introduce a new topic in a fun and interactive way, along with getting more impressions on your content.


Here are some scenes where you can use the quizzes:


You can use quizzes in any educational setting, such as a classroom, online course, or YouTube video, to provide knowledge to others and assess their understanding.


Quizzes can also be used in speeches to add interest and engagement. For instance, a motivational speaker can play a quiz during their talks to the audience to help them understand his point better and get their response.


Adding a fun quiz to your presentation can help to break the monotony and keep your audience engaged throughout the session.

Social media

Quizzes can aid in generating engagement on your social media page. For example, you can use them to drive traffic to your website or blog or simply to get people talking about your brand.

Part 3. How To Make An Interactive Quiz Video In Filmora?

Suppose the above advantages have compelled you to create an interactive quiz video to engage your audience and get them involved in your content. In that case, you can use Filmora software which makes it easy to make quiz videos with its built-in interactive video editing tools.

Here’s how you can make an interactive quiz video using Filmora :

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Step1 Upload Your Materials

In the first step, it is essential that you complete in-depth research and find reliable information for your quiz video. Afterward, go to the Filmora website and download the software that is compatible with your system. Install the program on your PC/laptop and launch it.

On the homepage, select the “Create New Project” option, and choose “Click here to upload a media file” to upload your video. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the background video from your system to the Filmora interface.

Finally, drag and drop the background video into the timeline.

creating quiz video in filmora

Step2 Make An Intro

Now, start by creating an introduction. You can do this by opening the “Media” tab, selecting a template, and dropping it in the timeline once it is downloaded.

Then, go to the “Titles” tab, choose a text style you like, and drop it in the timeline. Finally, align both the template and your video file.

To add text to your intro, click on the text track in the timeline. Enter the intro text, ideally the quiz topic, then customize the text color and style as desired. The Advanced option also lets you animate your text. Save the changes by clicking “OK.”

Step3 Add A Quiz To The Timeline

Next, add the GK questions and answers to your video using the “Titles” tab. You should adjust the display time and text on the timeline as needed.

adding quiz media to the timeline

Step4 Increase Interactivity In Your Quiz Video

To make your video more engaging, go to the “Transition” tab and add an interesting transition effect. You can also add effects or countdown elements between questions or reveal the answer.

Step5 Repeat The Process And Export Your Final Video

After completing the previous steps, you can now create the entire quiz video by repeating the above steps.

Once you are done, click the “Play” icon to preview your work, and select the “Export” icon to either save the clip to your device or upload it directly to your YouTube channel.


In this detailed guide, we’ve explored what a video quiz is, its advantages, and scenes where you can use them. We’ve also walked you through the step-by-step process of making an interactive video quiz using the Wondershare Filmora software.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading this article and can now create quiz videos for your presentation, classroom, or YouTube videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Upload Your Materials

In the first step, it is essential that you complete in-depth research and find reliable information for your quiz video. Afterward, go to the Filmora website and download the software that is compatible with your system. Install the program on your PC/laptop and launch it.

On the homepage, select the “Create New Project” option, and choose “Click here to upload a media file” to upload your video. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the background video from your system to the Filmora interface.

Finally, drag and drop the background video into the timeline.

creating quiz video in filmora

Step2 Make An Intro

Now, start by creating an introduction. You can do this by opening the “Media” tab, selecting a template, and dropping it in the timeline once it is downloaded.

Then, go to the “Titles” tab, choose a text style you like, and drop it in the timeline. Finally, align both the template and your video file.

To add text to your intro, click on the text track in the timeline. Enter the intro text, ideally the quiz topic, then customize the text color and style as desired. The Advanced option also lets you animate your text. Save the changes by clicking “OK.”

Step3 Add A Quiz To The Timeline

Next, add the GK questions and answers to your video using the “Titles” tab. You should adjust the display time and text on the timeline as needed.

adding quiz media to the timeline

Step4 Increase Interactivity In Your Quiz Video

To make your video more engaging, go to the “Transition” tab and add an interesting transition effect. You can also add effects or countdown elements between questions or reveal the answer.

Step5 Repeat The Process And Export Your Final Video

After completing the previous steps, you can now create the entire quiz video by repeating the above steps.

Once you are done, click the “Play” icon to preview your work, and select the “Export” icon to either save the clip to your device or upload it directly to your YouTube channel.


In this detailed guide, we’ve explored what a video quiz is, its advantages, and scenes where you can use them. We’ve also walked you through the step-by-step process of making an interactive video quiz using the Wondershare Filmora software.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading this article and can now create quiz videos for your presentation, classroom, or YouTube videos.

10 Best Text to Robot Voice Generators [Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone & Online]

Best Text To Voice Converter and Video Editor

Filmora’s Text to Speech (TTS) function allows you to convert your text files to voiceover and bring more elements to enrich your video.

Free Download Free Download Free Download Learn More >


Text-to-speech software is not new. The vocals and audio avatars, on the other hand, have undergone significant changes to replace synthetic speech with more human representations. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in the voice synthesizing process have proven game-changer.

Many computer voice generators have become accessible on the market due to the advancement of advanced AI and voice synthesis technology. These rapid developments have also rendered the usage of large amounts of speech samples or high-end equipment obsolete.

Getting Started

You can replicate every voice style possible in today’s AI environment, and it’s a straightforward procedure. There are various commercial uses for AI voice generators, and any size firm may start leveraging the technology with these ten best AI voice generators:

#1: Murf

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Murf, which allows anybody to convert text to speech, voice-overs, and transcription, is one of the most famous and remarkable AI voice generators on the market. It is particularly beneficial to product creators, podcasters, educators, and business professionals.

Murf makes authentic voices in a short time with minimal effort. Then, you can apply them to almost any industry. Murf has a wide range of applications thanks to its collection of over 110 voices in 15 languages.



  • Murf allows you to create voice-overs from the text. It also allows you to transform your speech into editable text, which you can subsequently edit or convert into AI voice.
  • Murf Studio provides the ability to synchronize your speech with visuals.
  • Murf provides over 100 authentic voices in 19 languages.
  • It also gives options for inserting pauses, altering narration tempo, and emphasizing specific points.
  • It also includes features such as script checking with grammar assistance, free background music, video and music cutting, and more.
  • Murf offers comprehensive communication and collaboration tools, access control, a pronunciation library, and a service level agreement (SLA) for enterprises wishing to develop voice-overs in bulk.


Free Basic Pro Enterprise
$0 / Month $13 / Month $26 / Month $166 / Month
· Try all 120+ voices · 10 mins of voice generation · 10 mins of transcription · Share link for audio/video output · No downloads · Single User · No credit card required · Unlimited Downloads · 24 hours of voice generation/year · Access to 60 voices (10 languages) · Commercial Usage rights · Chat and Email support · Single User · Unlimited Downloads · 96 hours of voice generation/year · 48 hours of transcription/year · Access 120+ voices (20 languages) · Commercial Usage rights · Recorded voice editing · Voice changer · Up to 3 users · Priority Support · 5+ Users · Unlimited Voice Generation Time · Unlimited Transcription time · Custom Voices · Single-sign on (SSO) · Collaboration and Access Control · Dedicated Account Representative · Centralized invoicing · Service Agreement · Deletion recovery · Unlimited Storage


  • You may experience frequent technical glitches.

#2: Lovo

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Lovo, a sophisticated text-to-speech creator, is another one of the best AI voice generators. Because it targets people who don’t want to record their own voices, the technology is especially valuable for those working in videogames, audio advertisements, e-learning, and audiobooks.

Lovo creates natural voices from input text using artificial intelligence to convert the content. Some of the world’s most prestigious corporations, including Nvidia, use the AI voice generator.



  • In 33 languages, there are over 180 voice collections.
  • Text-to-voice adaptation
  • Voice skins with personalization
  • Every voice carries human emotions.
  • Cloning of voices


Free Personal Freelancer
$0 / Monthly $17.49 / Monthly $49.99 / Monthly
· Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · 3 Downloads per month · 3-day Access to Premium Voices · Personal use only · Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · Unlimited access to all voices · Convert up to 15,000 characters per download · Commercial Rights · Up to 30 downloads per month · Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · Unlimited access to all voices · Convert up to 15,000 characters per download · Commercial Rights · Up to 100 downloads per month


  • The choice of voices for each language is a little limited.
  • While UI/UX is straightforward, it still feels a bit too plain and boring.

#3: Speechelo

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Speechelo is an AI voice maker that can create a human-sounding narrative from any content. The text-to-speech engine also adds intonation to the voice, covers 24 languages, and lets you choose the tone with which the text is spoken.

Speechelo lets users turn any text into voice-over in three simple clicks. Training videos, sales videos, educational videos, and more are all common uses for the tool.



  • The text-to-speech engine in Speechelo can add intonation to the voice.
  • It contains over 30 voices that sound natural.
  • It has both male and female voices.
  • It works with various video editing tools, including Camatasia, Adobe, Premier, and iMovie.
  • Ordinary tone, cheerful tone, and serious tone are the three tones you may use to read your text.


$47 (Discount price)
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  • The output of Speechelo will be 48kbps. If you’re familiar with sound production, you’ll see that this is a very low output.
  • It might produce inaccurate output if you input long voice-overs.


It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online. is a sophisticated AI text-to-speech converter that uses IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google to produce sound and voices. Of course, you may download the voice-over as MP3 or WAV formats.

You can choose a voice style and either load or input words, which will turn into a natural human voice in seconds. You can add SSML tags, speech styles, and pronunciations to the audio. Major companies, including Verizon and Comcast, implement



  • Audio-enable blog entries
  • Integrate Real-time voice composition.
  • Over 570 different voices and dialects
  • Voice-oversVoice-overs that are realistic for podcasts, videos, e-learning, and much more


Personal Professional Growth Business
$14.25 / Monthly $29.25 / Monthly $74.25 / Monthly $149.25 / Monthly
· 240,000 Words · Standard Voices · Unlimited Previews · Unlimited Downloads · 600,000 Words · Premium Voices · Commercial Rights · Customizable Audio Players · Podcast Hosting · Unlimited Previews · Unlimited Downloads · 2,400,000 Words · Everything in Professional · Team Access Coming soon · Automated Audio Creation · Pronunciations Library · White-labelled Audio Players · 6,000,000 Words · Everything in Growth · Bulk Audio Creation · Multiple Teams / Websites · Multiple Podcast Hosting · Re-brand and Re-sell · Priority Technical Support


  • The process takes a long time.
  • Troubleshooting may be delayed.
  • They will present a variety of languages, but not all.
  • It comes with a credit-based system.

#5: Capti Voice

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Capti is a specialist education and productivity tool for adults and children that allows them to listen to documents, online pages, and e-books. It’s ideal for people who want to learn English and other dialects while also studying long reading assignments.

Furthermore, the application has features that help persons with dyslexia, vision impairments, and other print difficulties. With the program, users can also play various digital files, including PDF, Word, Epub, Daisy, and HTML.



  • Word-by-word transcription
  • Syncing across devices
  • Accessibility for screenreaders
  • Text navigation enhanced
  • Offline use


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  • The default tone is gloomy.
  • It does not export audio.

#6: Streams Speak

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Streams Speak is a helpful platform for voice production based on machine learning. The web-based voice generator converts natural-sounding text to speech and has a user-friendly layout. One of the better instances of machine learning technology is Streams Speak, which allows you to create files with up to 1000 characters of words.



  • Registration and use are both free.
  • You can generate speech in three phases.
  • SSML is supported (Speech Synthesis Markup Language)
  • Three diverse ways of speaking English.


Free Premium
$0 / Monthly $19 / Monthly
· 10,000 characters per month for Speech Generation. · 30 minutes per month of Voice Transcription. · 10,000 characters per month for Speech Generation. · 30 minutes per month of Voice Transcription. · Advanced email support.


  • It only provides generated speech in English.

#7: Sonantic

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

The Sonantic AI voice synthesis is used for movies and games to create human-like voice-overs. The application uses artificial intelligence to convert texts into speech, and it’s great for customers who want to cut down on work time.

Sonantic analyzes an uploaded text using machine learning before producing organic voice-overs and dictations that you may retrieve as MP3 and WAV formats. Amazon Studios, Embark, and Obsidian are among the companies that use the AI voice generator to create human-like audio.



  • Complete control over voice parameters
  • Incorporates emotions into stories
  • Improves user engagement by providing high-quality voice content.
  • Shortens production times


The price is still unclear.


  • The cost is unclear.
  • No free plan is available.


It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online is a versatile AI voice generator that allows users to make a speech out of text and generate text for adverts. Aside from these features, the technology also assists in creating unique voices for use as voice assistants and clones the voices of call center agents.

Resemble provides four different synthetic voice options and the ability to create voices using API. You can also upload raw audio without a screenplay and choose from various voice performers.



  • Text generation for advertising in one click
  • Language dubbing
  • There are four main options to make synthetic voices.
  • An extensive voice actor library is available.


Entry Professional Enterprise
$30 / Monthly $499 / Monthly Custom
· 100,000 character per month · 1 Custom Voice · 1 User · API Access · Stock Voices · 500,000 characters per month · 3 Custom Voices · Unlimited Users · API Access · Unlimited Projects · One-click upload custom data · Team collaboration · Unlimited voices · Discounted bulk usage · Foreign languages · On-premise deployment · Faster-than-real-time generation · Premium support


  • UI needs improvements.
  • It has limited voice options.

#9: Clipchamp

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Clipchamp is a strong text-to-speech engine that uses artificial intelligence to convert text into voice-overs, from corporate videos to advertising. In a couple of seconds, the tool can convert an uploaded document into speech.

Because of its simplicity, Clipchamp is another excellent choice for beginners. Simply select your voice, language, and speed before inputting a script to create a preview. The AI technology in the tool examines the script to identify sections that need to be updated.



  • More than 170 distinct voices
  • Styles of emotional communication
  • Pitch, fine-tune, and emphasize the tone of your voice.
  • Simple to operate


Basic Creator Business Business Platinum
Free $9 / Monthly $19 / Monthly $39 / Monthly
· Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Brand kit · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Unlimited video stock · Unlimited image stock · Brand kit


  • The editing process can be slow at times.
  • All stock videos have a watermark.
  • It might take a long time to export content.

#10: Replica

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Game designers and animators frequently use Replica. This text-to-speech software rounds off our 10 Best AI Voice Generators list. Replica has an extensive library of AI voices produced by real professional actors and several demo samples to try for free.

The application instantly translates given text into a natural-sounding voice depending on the speech style, taking into account range and emotions. Replica allows you to change your voice’s pitch, volume, and emotion.



  • Huge selection of voices
  • Audio effects
  • Quick voice synthesis
  • Speech rate, tone, pitch, and loudness adjustments


Creatives Business Enterprise
$24 / 4 hours of credit $300 / 100 hours of credit Custom
· 4 hours of speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Basic support · Unlimited exports · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · No subscription required · 100 hours of speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Basic support · Unlimited exports · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · No subscription required · Unlimited speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Unlimited exports · Premium voice cloning · Enterprise API access · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · Priority support


  • The price is a bit costly.


The market is flooded with AI-powered speech generation software. Many alternatives are available, so selecting the ideal voice generator might be difficult. Here are a few pieces of stuff to consider when deciding what software to look for:

  • The Voice Generator should be simple to use and understand.
  • Without seeming robotic, the synthesized voice must sound as realistic as feasible.
  • It should provide you access to a large number of high-quality AI voices.
  • Text-to-speech conversion should be smooth, with all words correctly spoken.
  • It should allow for easy modification.
  • Grammar assistance is quite beneficial.
  • Finally, the product should be inexpensive, particularly for small businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does AI manufacture voices?

Yes, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can produce a wide range of varied voices that seem pretty natural. Today, several advanced tools employ genuine voice actors whose voices are collected and retained using artificial intelligence.

These voices have permission to say whatever you want them to. All you have to do is enter some text into the tool. The AI will read the text and provide a natural-sounding voice with clear audio.

What Does a Voice Overlay Imply?

Voice overlay, or Voice-Over, is a form of a production technique that is often employed in films and animation material.

In tv news, radios, movies, and other mediums, it is a method in which a pre-recorded voice-over that is not part of the story is used. It’s a method usually reserved for the entertainment industry, especially when it comes to giving animated figures a voice.

How Can You Improve the Quality of Your Voice When Recording?

You can improve the sound of your voice by implementing one or more of the following methods:

  • Use the proper microphone and position it near your mouth as feasible.
  • Make use of a high-quality voice recorder.
  • Record your audio in a sound-proofed environment.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your speech clear.

Is Lovo for free?

Lovo Studio’s AI-powered voice cloning technology will amaze you if you seek a free AI Voice Generator. Although Lovo is a premium voice generator, it still has a free version that is quite useful. The unpaid version, on the other hand, has some limits.

For example, the free version allows for three monthly downloads and three days of premium voice access and is restricted to personal use. Lovo’s free version will suffice if you don’t mind the limitations.

What Are The Best Text to Robot Voice Generators?

In conclusion, the amount of fantastic voice-over generators at our availability today is endless. Furthermore, the following are among the best tools for providing this experience to users:

  • Murf
  • Lovo
  • Speechelo
  • Capti Voice
  • Streams Speak
  • Sonantic
  • Clipchamp
  • Replica


Text-to-speech software is not new. The vocals and audio avatars, on the other hand, have undergone significant changes to replace synthetic speech with more human representations. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in the voice synthesizing process have proven game-changer.

Many computer voice generators have become accessible on the market due to the advancement of advanced AI and voice synthesis technology. These rapid developments have also rendered the usage of large amounts of speech samples or high-end equipment obsolete.

Getting Started

You can replicate every voice style possible in today’s AI environment, and it’s a straightforward procedure. There are various commercial uses for AI voice generators, and any size firm may start leveraging the technology with these ten best AI voice generators:

#1: Murf

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Murf, which allows anybody to convert text to speech, voice-overs, and transcription, is one of the most famous and remarkable AI voice generators on the market. It is particularly beneficial to product creators, podcasters, educators, and business professionals.

Murf makes authentic voices in a short time with minimal effort. Then, you can apply them to almost any industry. Murf has a wide range of applications thanks to its collection of over 110 voices in 15 languages.



  • Murf allows you to create voice-overs from the text. It also allows you to transform your speech into editable text, which you can subsequently edit or convert into AI voice.
  • Murf Studio provides the ability to synchronize your speech with visuals.
  • Murf provides over 100 authentic voices in 19 languages.
  • It also gives options for inserting pauses, altering narration tempo, and emphasizing specific points.
  • It also includes features such as script checking with grammar assistance, free background music, video and music cutting, and more.
  • Murf offers comprehensive communication and collaboration tools, access control, a pronunciation library, and a service level agreement (SLA) for enterprises wishing to develop voice-overs in bulk.


Free Basic Pro Enterprise
$0 / Month $13 / Month $26 / Month $166 / Month
· Try all 120+ voices · 10 mins of voice generation · 10 mins of transcription · Share link for audio/video output · No downloads · Single User · No credit card required · Unlimited Downloads · 24 hours of voice generation/year · Access to 60 voices (10 languages) · Commercial Usage rights · Chat and Email support · Single User · Unlimited Downloads · 96 hours of voice generation/year · 48 hours of transcription/year · Access 120+ voices (20 languages) · Commercial Usage rights · Recorded voice editing · Voice changer · Up to 3 users · Priority Support · 5+ Users · Unlimited Voice Generation Time · Unlimited Transcription time · Custom Voices · Single-sign on (SSO) · Collaboration and Access Control · Dedicated Account Representative · Centralized invoicing · Service Agreement · Deletion recovery · Unlimited Storage


  • You may experience frequent technical glitches.

#2: Lovo

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Lovo, a sophisticated text-to-speech creator, is another one of the best AI voice generators. Because it targets people who don’t want to record their own voices, the technology is especially valuable for those working in videogames, audio advertisements, e-learning, and audiobooks.

Lovo creates natural voices from input text using artificial intelligence to convert the content. Some of the world’s most prestigious corporations, including Nvidia, use the AI voice generator.



  • In 33 languages, there are over 180 voice collections.
  • Text-to-voice adaptation
  • Voice skins with personalization
  • Every voice carries human emotions.
  • Cloning of voices


Free Personal Freelancer
$0 / Monthly $17.49 / Monthly $49.99 / Monthly
· Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · 3 Downloads per month · 3-day Access to Premium Voices · Personal use only · Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · Unlimited access to all voices · Convert up to 15,000 characters per download · Commercial Rights · Up to 30 downloads per month · Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · Unlimited access to all voices · Convert up to 15,000 characters per download · Commercial Rights · Up to 100 downloads per month


  • The choice of voices for each language is a little limited.
  • While UI/UX is straightforward, it still feels a bit too plain and boring.

#3: Speechelo

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Speechelo is an AI voice maker that can create a human-sounding narrative from any content. The text-to-speech engine also adds intonation to the voice, covers 24 languages, and lets you choose the tone with which the text is spoken.

Speechelo lets users turn any text into voice-over in three simple clicks. Training videos, sales videos, educational videos, and more are all common uses for the tool.



  • The text-to-speech engine in Speechelo can add intonation to the voice.
  • It contains over 30 voices that sound natural.
  • It has both male and female voices.
  • It works with various video editing tools, including Camatasia, Adobe, Premier, and iMovie.
  • Ordinary tone, cheerful tone, and serious tone are the three tones you may use to read your text.


$47 (Discount price)
· One-time payment · With 60-day money-back guarantee


  • The output of Speechelo will be 48kbps. If you’re familiar with sound production, you’ll see that this is a very low output.
  • It might produce inaccurate output if you input long voice-overs.


It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online. is a sophisticated AI text-to-speech converter that uses IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google to produce sound and voices. Of course, you may download the voice-over as MP3 or WAV formats.

You can choose a voice style and either load or input words, which will turn into a natural human voice in seconds. You can add SSML tags, speech styles, and pronunciations to the audio. Major companies, including Verizon and Comcast, implement



  • Audio-enable blog entries
  • Integrate Real-time voice composition.
  • Over 570 different voices and dialects
  • Voice-oversVoice-overs that are realistic for podcasts, videos, e-learning, and much more


Personal Professional Growth Business
$14.25 / Monthly $29.25 / Monthly $74.25 / Monthly $149.25 / Monthly
· 240,000 Words · Standard Voices · Unlimited Previews · Unlimited Downloads · 600,000 Words · Premium Voices · Commercial Rights · Customizable Audio Players · Podcast Hosting · Unlimited Previews · Unlimited Downloads · 2,400,000 Words · Everything in Professional · Team Access Coming soon · Automated Audio Creation · Pronunciations Library · White-labelled Audio Players · 6,000,000 Words · Everything in Growth · Bulk Audio Creation · Multiple Teams / Websites · Multiple Podcast Hosting · Re-brand and Re-sell · Priority Technical Support


  • The process takes a long time.
  • Troubleshooting may be delayed.
  • They will present a variety of languages, but not all.
  • It comes with a credit-based system.

#5: Capti Voice

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Capti is a specialist education and productivity tool for adults and children that allows them to listen to documents, online pages, and e-books. It’s ideal for people who want to learn English and other dialects while also studying long reading assignments.

Furthermore, the application has features that help persons with dyslexia, vision impairments, and other print difficulties. With the program, users can also play various digital files, including PDF, Word, Epub, Daisy, and HTML.



  • Word-by-word transcription
  • Syncing across devices
  • Accessibility for screenreaders
  • Text navigation enhanced
  • Offline use


One Week Trial One month Six Months Twelve Months
Free $1.99 $9.99 $19.99


  • The default tone is gloomy.
  • It does not export audio.

#6: Streams Speak

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Streams Speak is a helpful platform for voice production based on machine learning. The web-based voice generator converts natural-sounding text to speech and has a user-friendly layout. One of the better instances of machine learning technology is Streams Speak, which allows you to create files with up to 1000 characters of words.



  • Registration and use are both free.
  • You can generate speech in three phases.
  • SSML is supported (Speech Synthesis Markup Language)
  • Three diverse ways of speaking English.


Free Premium
$0 / Monthly $19 / Monthly
· 10,000 characters per month for Speech Generation. · 30 minutes per month of Voice Transcription. · 10,000 characters per month for Speech Generation. · 30 minutes per month of Voice Transcription. · Advanced email support.


  • It only provides generated speech in English.

#7: Sonantic

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

The Sonantic AI voice synthesis is used for movies and games to create human-like voice-overs. The application uses artificial intelligence to convert texts into speech, and it’s great for customers who want to cut down on work time.

Sonantic analyzes an uploaded text using machine learning before producing organic voice-overs and dictations that you may retrieve as MP3 and WAV formats. Amazon Studios, Embark, and Obsidian are among the companies that use the AI voice generator to create human-like audio.



  • Complete control over voice parameters
  • Incorporates emotions into stories
  • Improves user engagement by providing high-quality voice content.
  • Shortens production times


The price is still unclear.


  • The cost is unclear.
  • No free plan is available.


It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online is a versatile AI voice generator that allows users to make a speech out of text and generate text for adverts. Aside from these features, the technology also assists in creating unique voices for use as voice assistants and clones the voices of call center agents.

Resemble provides four different synthetic voice options and the ability to create voices using API. You can also upload raw audio without a screenplay and choose from various voice performers.



  • Text generation for advertising in one click
  • Language dubbing
  • There are four main options to make synthetic voices.
  • An extensive voice actor library is available.


Entry Professional Enterprise
$30 / Monthly $499 / Monthly Custom
· 100,000 character per month · 1 Custom Voice · 1 User · API Access · Stock Voices · 500,000 characters per month · 3 Custom Voices · Unlimited Users · API Access · Unlimited Projects · One-click upload custom data · Team collaboration · Unlimited voices · Discounted bulk usage · Foreign languages · On-premise deployment · Faster-than-real-time generation · Premium support


  • UI needs improvements.
  • It has limited voice options.

#9: Clipchamp

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Clipchamp is a strong text-to-speech engine that uses artificial intelligence to convert text into voice-overs, from corporate videos to advertising. In a couple of seconds, the tool can convert an uploaded document into speech.

Because of its simplicity, Clipchamp is another excellent choice for beginners. Simply select your voice, language, and speed before inputting a script to create a preview. The AI technology in the tool examines the script to identify sections that need to be updated.



  • More than 170 distinct voices
  • Styles of emotional communication
  • Pitch, fine-tune, and emphasize the tone of your voice.
  • Simple to operate


Basic Creator Business Business Platinum
Free $9 / Monthly $19 / Monthly $39 / Monthly
· Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Brand kit · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Unlimited video stock · Unlimited image stock · Brand kit


  • The editing process can be slow at times.
  • All stock videos have a watermark.
  • It might take a long time to export content.

#10: Replica

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Game designers and animators frequently use Replica. This text-to-speech software rounds off our 10 Best AI Voice Generators list. Replica has an extensive library of AI voices produced by real professional actors and several demo samples to try for free.

The application instantly translates given text into a natural-sounding voice depending on the speech style, taking into account range and emotions. Replica allows you to change your voice’s pitch, volume, and emotion.



  • Huge selection of voices
  • Audio effects
  • Quick voice synthesis
  • Speech rate, tone, pitch, and loudness adjustments


Creatives Business Enterprise
$24 / 4 hours of credit $300 / 100 hours of credit Custom
· 4 hours of speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Basic support · Unlimited exports · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · No subscription required · 100 hours of speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Basic support · Unlimited exports · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · No subscription required · Unlimited speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Unlimited exports · Premium voice cloning · Enterprise API access · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · Priority support


  • The price is a bit costly.


The market is flooded with AI-powered speech generation software. Many alternatives are available, so selecting the ideal voice generator might be difficult. Here are a few pieces of stuff to consider when deciding what software to look for:

  • The Voice Generator should be simple to use and understand.
  • Without seeming robotic, the synthesized voice must sound as realistic as feasible.
  • It should provide you access to a large number of high-quality AI voices.
  • Text-to-speech conversion should be smooth, with all words correctly spoken.
  • It should allow for easy modification.
  • Grammar assistance is quite beneficial.
  • Finally, the product should be inexpensive, particularly for small businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does AI manufacture voices?

Yes, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can produce a wide range of varied voices that seem pretty natural. Today, several advanced tools employ genuine voice actors whose voices are collected and retained using artificial intelligence.

These voices have permission to say whatever you want them to. All you have to do is enter some text into the tool. The AI will read the text and provide a natural-sounding voice with clear audio.

What Does a Voice Overlay Imply?

Voice overlay, or Voice-Over, is a form of a production technique that is often employed in films and animation material.

In tv news, radios, movies, and other mediums, it is a method in which a pre-recorded voice-over that is not part of the story is used. It’s a method usually reserved for the entertainment industry, especially when it comes to giving animated figures a voice.

How Can You Improve the Quality of Your Voice When Recording?

You can improve the sound of your voice by implementing one or more of the following methods:

  • Use the proper microphone and position it near your mouth as feasible.
  • Make use of a high-quality voice recorder.
  • Record your audio in a sound-proofed environment.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your speech clear.

Is Lovo for free?

Lovo Studio’s AI-powered voice cloning technology will amaze you if you seek a free AI Voice Generator. Although Lovo is a premium voice generator, it still has a free version that is quite useful. The unpaid version, on the other hand, has some limits.

For example, the free version allows for three monthly downloads and three days of premium voice access and is restricted to personal use. Lovo’s free version will suffice if you don’t mind the limitations.

What Are The Best Text to Robot Voice Generators?

In conclusion, the amount of fantastic voice-over generators at our availability today is endless. Furthermore, the following are among the best tools for providing this experience to users:

  • Murf
  • Lovo
  • Speechelo
  • Capti Voice
  • Streams Speak
  • Sonantic
  • Clipchamp
  • Replica


Text-to-speech software is not new. The vocals and audio avatars, on the other hand, have undergone significant changes to replace synthetic speech with more human representations. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in the voice synthesizing process have proven game-changer.

Many computer voice generators have become accessible on the market due to the advancement of advanced AI and voice synthesis technology. These rapid developments have also rendered the usage of large amounts of speech samples or high-end equipment obsolete.

Getting Started

You can replicate every voice style possible in today’s AI environment, and it’s a straightforward procedure. There are various commercial uses for AI voice generators, and any size firm may start leveraging the technology with these ten best AI voice generators:

#1: Murf

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Murf, which allows anybody to convert text to speech, voice-overs, and transcription, is one of the most famous and remarkable AI voice generators on the market. It is particularly beneficial to product creators, podcasters, educators, and business professionals.

Murf makes authentic voices in a short time with minimal effort. Then, you can apply them to almost any industry. Murf has a wide range of applications thanks to its collection of over 110 voices in 15 languages.



  • Murf allows you to create voice-overs from the text. It also allows you to transform your speech into editable text, which you can subsequently edit or convert into AI voice.
  • Murf Studio provides the ability to synchronize your speech with visuals.
  • Murf provides over 100 authentic voices in 19 languages.
  • It also gives options for inserting pauses, altering narration tempo, and emphasizing specific points.
  • It also includes features such as script checking with grammar assistance, free background music, video and music cutting, and more.
  • Murf offers comprehensive communication and collaboration tools, access control, a pronunciation library, and a service level agreement (SLA) for enterprises wishing to develop voice-overs in bulk.


Free Basic Pro Enterprise
$0 / Month $13 / Month $26 / Month $166 / Month
· Try all 120+ voices · 10 mins of voice generation · 10 mins of transcription · Share link for audio/video output · No downloads · Single User · No credit card required · Unlimited Downloads · 24 hours of voice generation/year · Access to 60 voices (10 languages) · Commercial Usage rights · Chat and Email support · Single User · Unlimited Downloads · 96 hours of voice generation/year · 48 hours of transcription/year · Access 120+ voices (20 languages) · Commercial Usage rights · Recorded voice editing · Voice changer · Up to 3 users · Priority Support · 5+ Users · Unlimited Voice Generation Time · Unlimited Transcription time · Custom Voices · Single-sign on (SSO) · Collaboration and Access Control · Dedicated Account Representative · Centralized invoicing · Service Agreement · Deletion recovery · Unlimited Storage


  • You may experience frequent technical glitches.

#2: Lovo

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Lovo, a sophisticated text-to-speech creator, is another one of the best AI voice generators. Because it targets people who don’t want to record their own voices, the technology is especially valuable for those working in videogames, audio advertisements, e-learning, and audiobooks.

Lovo creates natural voices from input text using artificial intelligence to convert the content. Some of the world’s most prestigious corporations, including Nvidia, use the AI voice generator.



  • In 33 languages, there are over 180 voice collections.
  • Text-to-voice adaptation
  • Voice skins with personalization
  • Every voice carries human emotions.
  • Cloning of voices


Free Personal Freelancer
$0 / Monthly $17.49 / Monthly $49.99 / Monthly
· Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · 3 Downloads per month · 3-day Access to Premium Voices · Personal use only · Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · Unlimited access to all voices · Convert up to 15,000 characters per download · Commercial Rights · Up to 30 downloads per month · Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · Unlimited access to all voices · Convert up to 15,000 characters per download · Commercial Rights · Up to 100 downloads per month


  • The choice of voices for each language is a little limited.
  • While UI/UX is straightforward, it still feels a bit too plain and boring.

#3: Speechelo

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Speechelo is an AI voice maker that can create a human-sounding narrative from any content. The text-to-speech engine also adds intonation to the voice, covers 24 languages, and lets you choose the tone with which the text is spoken.

Speechelo lets users turn any text into voice-over in three simple clicks. Training videos, sales videos, educational videos, and more are all common uses for the tool.



  • The text-to-speech engine in Speechelo can add intonation to the voice.
  • It contains over 30 voices that sound natural.
  • It has both male and female voices.
  • It works with various video editing tools, including Camatasia, Adobe, Premier, and iMovie.
  • Ordinary tone, cheerful tone, and serious tone are the three tones you may use to read your text.


$47 (Discount price)
· One-time payment · With 60-day money-back guarantee


  • The output of Speechelo will be 48kbps. If you’re familiar with sound production, you’ll see that this is a very low output.
  • It might produce inaccurate output if you input long voice-overs.


It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online. is a sophisticated AI text-to-speech converter that uses IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google to produce sound and voices. Of course, you may download the voice-over as MP3 or WAV formats.

You can choose a voice style and either load or input words, which will turn into a natural human voice in seconds. You can add SSML tags, speech styles, and pronunciations to the audio. Major companies, including Verizon and Comcast, implement



  • Audio-enable blog entries
  • Integrate Real-time voice composition.
  • Over 570 different voices and dialects
  • Voice-oversVoice-overs that are realistic for podcasts, videos, e-learning, and much more


Personal Professional Growth Business
$14.25 / Monthly $29.25 / Monthly $74.25 / Monthly $149.25 / Monthly
· 240,000 Words · Standard Voices · Unlimited Previews · Unlimited Downloads · 600,000 Words · Premium Voices · Commercial Rights · Customizable Audio Players · Podcast Hosting · Unlimited Previews · Unlimited Downloads · 2,400,000 Words · Everything in Professional · Team Access Coming soon · Automated Audio Creation · Pronunciations Library · White-labelled Audio Players · 6,000,000 Words · Everything in Growth · Bulk Audio Creation · Multiple Teams / Websites · Multiple Podcast Hosting · Re-brand and Re-sell · Priority Technical Support


  • The process takes a long time.
  • Troubleshooting may be delayed.
  • They will present a variety of languages, but not all.
  • It comes with a credit-based system.

#5: Capti Voice

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Capti is a specialist education and productivity tool for adults and children that allows them to listen to documents, online pages, and e-books. It’s ideal for people who want to learn English and other dialects while also studying long reading assignments.

Furthermore, the application has features that help persons with dyslexia, vision impairments, and other print difficulties. With the program, users can also play various digital files, including PDF, Word, Epub, Daisy, and HTML.



  • Word-by-word transcription
  • Syncing across devices
  • Accessibility for screenreaders
  • Text navigation enhanced
  • Offline use


One Week Trial One month Six Months Twelve Months
Free $1.99 $9.99 $19.99


  • The default tone is gloomy.
  • It does not export audio.

#6: Streams Speak

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Streams Speak is a helpful platform for voice production based on machine learning. The web-based voice generator converts natural-sounding text to speech and has a user-friendly layout. One of the better instances of machine learning technology is Streams Speak, which allows you to create files with up to 1000 characters of words.



  • Registration and use are both free.
  • You can generate speech in three phases.
  • SSML is supported (Speech Synthesis Markup Language)
  • Three diverse ways of speaking English.


Free Premium
$0 / Monthly $19 / Monthly
· 10,000 characters per month for Speech Generation. · 30 minutes per month of Voice Transcription. · 10,000 characters per month for Speech Generation. · 30 minutes per month of Voice Transcription. · Advanced email support.


  • It only provides generated speech in English.

#7: Sonantic

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

The Sonantic AI voice synthesis is used for movies and games to create human-like voice-overs. The application uses artificial intelligence to convert texts into speech, and it’s great for customers who want to cut down on work time.

Sonantic analyzes an uploaded text using machine learning before producing organic voice-overs and dictations that you may retrieve as MP3 and WAV formats. Amazon Studios, Embark, and Obsidian are among the companies that use the AI voice generator to create human-like audio.



  • Complete control over voice parameters
  • Incorporates emotions into stories
  • Improves user engagement by providing high-quality voice content.
  • Shortens production times


The price is still unclear.


  • The cost is unclear.
  • No free plan is available.


It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online is a versatile AI voice generator that allows users to make a speech out of text and generate text for adverts. Aside from these features, the technology also assists in creating unique voices for use as voice assistants and clones the voices of call center agents.

Resemble provides four different synthetic voice options and the ability to create voices using API. You can also upload raw audio without a screenplay and choose from various voice performers.



  • Text generation for advertising in one click
  • Language dubbing
  • There are four main options to make synthetic voices.
  • An extensive voice actor library is available.


Entry Professional Enterprise
$30 / Monthly $499 / Monthly Custom
· 100,000 character per month · 1 Custom Voice · 1 User · API Access · Stock Voices · 500,000 characters per month · 3 Custom Voices · Unlimited Users · API Access · Unlimited Projects · One-click upload custom data · Team collaboration · Unlimited voices · Discounted bulk usage · Foreign languages · On-premise deployment · Faster-than-real-time generation · Premium support


  • UI needs improvements.
  • It has limited voice options.

#9: Clipchamp

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Clipchamp is a strong text-to-speech engine that uses artificial intelligence to convert text into voice-overs, from corporate videos to advertising. In a couple of seconds, the tool can convert an uploaded document into speech.

Because of its simplicity, Clipchamp is another excellent choice for beginners. Simply select your voice, language, and speed before inputting a script to create a preview. The AI technology in the tool examines the script to identify sections that need to be updated.



  • More than 170 distinct voices
  • Styles of emotional communication
  • Pitch, fine-tune, and emphasize the tone of your voice.
  • Simple to operate


Basic Creator Business Business Platinum
Free $9 / Monthly $19 / Monthly $39 / Monthly
· Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Brand kit · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Unlimited video stock · Unlimited image stock · Brand kit


  • The editing process can be slow at times.
  • All stock videos have a watermark.
  • It might take a long time to export content.

#10: Replica

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Game designers and animators frequently use Replica. This text-to-speech software rounds off our 10 Best AI Voice Generators list. Replica has an extensive library of AI voices produced by real professional actors and several demo samples to try for free.

The application instantly translates given text into a natural-sounding voice depending on the speech style, taking into account range and emotions. Replica allows you to change your voice’s pitch, volume, and emotion.



  • Huge selection of voices
  • Audio effects
  • Quick voice synthesis
  • Speech rate, tone, pitch, and loudness adjustments


Creatives Business Enterprise
$24 / 4 hours of credit $300 / 100 hours of credit Custom
· 4 hours of speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Basic support · Unlimited exports · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · No subscription required · 100 hours of speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Basic support · Unlimited exports · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · No subscription required · Unlimited speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Unlimited exports · Premium voice cloning · Enterprise API access · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · Priority support


  • The price is a bit costly.


The market is flooded with AI-powered speech generation software. Many alternatives are available, so selecting the ideal voice generator might be difficult. Here are a few pieces of stuff to consider when deciding what software to look for:

  • The Voice Generator should be simple to use and understand.
  • Without seeming robotic, the synthesized voice must sound as realistic as feasible.
  • It should provide you access to a large number of high-quality AI voices.
  • Text-to-speech conversion should be smooth, with all words correctly spoken.
  • It should allow for easy modification.
  • Grammar assistance is quite beneficial.
  • Finally, the product should be inexpensive, particularly for small businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does AI manufacture voices?

Yes, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can produce a wide range of varied voices that seem pretty natural. Today, several advanced tools employ genuine voice actors whose voices are collected and retained using artificial intelligence.

These voices have permission to say whatever you want them to. All you have to do is enter some text into the tool. The AI will read the text and provide a natural-sounding voice with clear audio.

What Does a Voice Overlay Imply?

Voice overlay, or Voice-Over, is a form of a production technique that is often employed in films and animation material.

In tv news, radios, movies, and other mediums, it is a method in which a pre-recorded voice-over that is not part of the story is used. It’s a method usually reserved for the entertainment industry, especially when it comes to giving animated figures a voice.

How Can You Improve the Quality of Your Voice When Recording?

You can improve the sound of your voice by implementing one or more of the following methods:

  • Use the proper microphone and position it near your mouth as feasible.
  • Make use of a high-quality voice recorder.
  • Record your audio in a sound-proofed environment.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your speech clear.

Is Lovo for free?

Lovo Studio’s AI-powered voice cloning technology will amaze you if you seek a free AI Voice Generator. Although Lovo is a premium voice generator, it still has a free version that is quite useful. The unpaid version, on the other hand, has some limits.

For example, the free version allows for three monthly downloads and three days of premium voice access and is restricted to personal use. Lovo’s free version will suffice if you don’t mind the limitations.

What Are The Best Text to Robot Voice Generators?

In conclusion, the amount of fantastic voice-over generators at our availability today is endless. Furthermore, the following are among the best tools for providing this experience to users:

  • Murf
  • Lovo
  • Speechelo
  • Capti Voice
  • Streams Speak
  • Sonantic
  • Clipchamp
  • Replica


Text-to-speech software is not new. The vocals and audio avatars, on the other hand, have undergone significant changes to replace synthetic speech with more human representations. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in the voice synthesizing process have proven game-changer.

Many computer voice generators have become accessible on the market due to the advancement of advanced AI and voice synthesis technology. These rapid developments have also rendered the usage of large amounts of speech samples or high-end equipment obsolete.

Getting Started

You can replicate every voice style possible in today’s AI environment, and it’s a straightforward procedure. There are various commercial uses for AI voice generators, and any size firm may start leveraging the technology with these ten best AI voice generators:

#1: Murf

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Murf, which allows anybody to convert text to speech, voice-overs, and transcription, is one of the most famous and remarkable AI voice generators on the market. It is particularly beneficial to product creators, podcasters, educators, and business professionals.

Murf makes authentic voices in a short time with minimal effort. Then, you can apply them to almost any industry. Murf has a wide range of applications thanks to its collection of over 110 voices in 15 languages.



  • Murf allows you to create voice-overs from the text. It also allows you to transform your speech into editable text, which you can subsequently edit or convert into AI voice.
  • Murf Studio provides the ability to synchronize your speech with visuals.
  • Murf provides over 100 authentic voices in 19 languages.
  • It also gives options for inserting pauses, altering narration tempo, and emphasizing specific points.
  • It also includes features such as script checking with grammar assistance, free background music, video and music cutting, and more.
  • Murf offers comprehensive communication and collaboration tools, access control, a pronunciation library, and a service level agreement (SLA) for enterprises wishing to develop voice-overs in bulk.


Free Basic Pro Enterprise
$0 / Month $13 / Month $26 / Month $166 / Month
· Try all 120+ voices · 10 mins of voice generation · 10 mins of transcription · Share link for audio/video output · No downloads · Single User · No credit card required · Unlimited Downloads · 24 hours of voice generation/year · Access to 60 voices (10 languages) · Commercial Usage rights · Chat and Email support · Single User · Unlimited Downloads · 96 hours of voice generation/year · 48 hours of transcription/year · Access 120+ voices (20 languages) · Commercial Usage rights · Recorded voice editing · Voice changer · Up to 3 users · Priority Support · 5+ Users · Unlimited Voice Generation Time · Unlimited Transcription time · Custom Voices · Single-sign on (SSO) · Collaboration and Access Control · Dedicated Account Representative · Centralized invoicing · Service Agreement · Deletion recovery · Unlimited Storage


  • You may experience frequent technical glitches.

#2: Lovo

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Lovo, a sophisticated text-to-speech creator, is another one of the best AI voice generators. Because it targets people who don’t want to record their own voices, the technology is especially valuable for those working in videogames, audio advertisements, e-learning, and audiobooks.

Lovo creates natural voices from input text using artificial intelligence to convert the content. Some of the world’s most prestigious corporations, including Nvidia, use the AI voice generator.



  • In 33 languages, there are over 180 voice collections.
  • Text-to-voice adaptation
  • Voice skins with personalization
  • Every voice carries human emotions.
  • Cloning of voices


Free Personal Freelancer
$0 / Monthly $17.49 / Monthly $49.99 / Monthly
· Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · 3 Downloads per month · 3-day Access to Premium Voices · Personal use only · Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · Unlimited access to all voices · Convert up to 15,000 characters per download · Commercial Rights · Up to 30 downloads per month · Unlimited Conversion, Listening & Sharing · Unlimited access to all voices · Convert up to 15,000 characters per download · Commercial Rights · Up to 100 downloads per month


  • The choice of voices for each language is a little limited.
  • While UI/UX is straightforward, it still feels a bit too plain and boring.

#3: Speechelo

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Speechelo is an AI voice maker that can create a human-sounding narrative from any content. The text-to-speech engine also adds intonation to the voice, covers 24 languages, and lets you choose the tone with which the text is spoken.

Speechelo lets users turn any text into voice-over in three simple clicks. Training videos, sales videos, educational videos, and more are all common uses for the tool.



  • The text-to-speech engine in Speechelo can add intonation to the voice.
  • It contains over 30 voices that sound natural.
  • It has both male and female voices.
  • It works with various video editing tools, including Camatasia, Adobe, Premier, and iMovie.
  • Ordinary tone, cheerful tone, and serious tone are the three tones you may use to read your text.


$47 (Discount price)
· One-time payment · With 60-day money-back guarantee


  • The output of Speechelo will be 48kbps. If you’re familiar with sound production, you’ll see that this is a very low output.
  • It might produce inaccurate output if you input long voice-overs.


It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online. is a sophisticated AI text-to-speech converter that uses IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google to produce sound and voices. Of course, you may download the voice-over as MP3 or WAV formats.

You can choose a voice style and either load or input words, which will turn into a natural human voice in seconds. You can add SSML tags, speech styles, and pronunciations to the audio. Major companies, including Verizon and Comcast, implement



  • Audio-enable blog entries
  • Integrate Real-time voice composition.
  • Over 570 different voices and dialects
  • Voice-oversVoice-overs that are realistic for podcasts, videos, e-learning, and much more


Personal Professional Growth Business
$14.25 / Monthly $29.25 / Monthly $74.25 / Monthly $149.25 / Monthly
· 240,000 Words · Standard Voices · Unlimited Previews · Unlimited Downloads · 600,000 Words · Premium Voices · Commercial Rights · Customizable Audio Players · Podcast Hosting · Unlimited Previews · Unlimited Downloads · 2,400,000 Words · Everything in Professional · Team Access Coming soon · Automated Audio Creation · Pronunciations Library · White-labelled Audio Players · 6,000,000 Words · Everything in Growth · Bulk Audio Creation · Multiple Teams / Websites · Multiple Podcast Hosting · Re-brand and Re-sell · Priority Technical Support


  • The process takes a long time.
  • Troubleshooting may be delayed.
  • They will present a variety of languages, but not all.
  • It comes with a credit-based system.

#5: Capti Voice

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Capti is a specialist education and productivity tool for adults and children that allows them to listen to documents, online pages, and e-books. It’s ideal for people who want to learn English and other dialects while also studying long reading assignments.

Furthermore, the application has features that help persons with dyslexia, vision impairments, and other print difficulties. With the program, users can also play various digital files, including PDF, Word, Epub, Daisy, and HTML.



  • Word-by-word transcription
  • Syncing across devices
  • Accessibility for screenreaders
  • Text navigation enhanced
  • Offline use


One Week Trial One month Six Months Twelve Months
Free $1.99 $9.99 $19.99


  • The default tone is gloomy.
  • It does not export audio.

#6: Streams Speak

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online.

Streams Speak is a helpful platform for voice production based on machine learning. The web-based voice generator converts natural-sounding text to speech and has a user-friendly layout. One of the better instances of machine learning technology is Streams Speak, which allows you to create files with up to 1000 characters of words.



  • Registration and use are both free.
  • You can generate speech in three phases.
  • SSML is supported (Speech Synthesis Markup Language)
  • Three diverse ways of speaking English.


Free Premium
$0 / Monthly $19 / Monthly
· 10,000 characters per month for Speech Generation. · 30 minutes per month of Voice Transcription. · 10,000 characters per month for Speech Generation. · 30 minutes per month of Voice Transcription. · Advanced email support.


  • It only provides generated speech in English.

#7: Sonantic

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

The Sonantic AI voice synthesis is used for movies and games to create human-like voice-overs. The application uses artificial intelligence to convert texts into speech, and it’s great for customers who want to cut down on work time.

Sonantic analyzes an uploaded text using machine learning before producing organic voice-overs and dictations that you may retrieve as MP3 and WAV formats. Amazon Studios, Embark, and Obsidian are among the companies that use the AI voice generator to create human-like audio.



  • Complete control over voice parameters
  • Incorporates emotions into stories
  • Improves user engagement by providing high-quality voice content.
  • Shortens production times


The price is still unclear.


  • The cost is unclear.
  • No free plan is available.


It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online is a versatile AI voice generator that allows users to make a speech out of text and generate text for adverts. Aside from these features, the technology also assists in creating unique voices for use as voice assistants and clones the voices of call center agents.

Resemble provides four different synthetic voice options and the ability to create voices using API. You can also upload raw audio without a screenplay and choose from various voice performers.



  • Text generation for advertising in one click
  • Language dubbing
  • There are four main options to make synthetic voices.
  • An extensive voice actor library is available.


Entry Professional Enterprise
$30 / Monthly $499 / Monthly Custom
· 100,000 character per month · 1 Custom Voice · 1 User · API Access · Stock Voices · 500,000 characters per month · 3 Custom Voices · Unlimited Users · API Access · Unlimited Projects · One-click upload custom data · Team collaboration · Unlimited voices · Discounted bulk usage · Foreign languages · On-premise deployment · Faster-than-real-time generation · Premium support


  • UI needs improvements.
  • It has limited voice options.

#9: Clipchamp

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Clipchamp is a strong text-to-speech engine that uses artificial intelligence to convert text into voice-overs, from corporate videos to advertising. In a couple of seconds, the tool can convert an uploaded document into speech.

Because of its simplicity, Clipchamp is another excellent choice for beginners. Simply select your voice, language, and speed before inputting a script to create a preview. The AI technology in the tool examines the script to identify sections that need to be updated.



  • More than 170 distinct voices
  • Styles of emotional communication
  • Pitch, fine-tune, and emphasize the tone of your voice.
  • Simple to operate


Basic Creator Business Business Platinum
Free $9 / Monthly $19 / Monthly $39 / Monthly
· Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Brand kit · Unlimited video exports · 1080p exports (full HD) · Unlimited cloud storage · Unlimited audio stock · Unlimited video stock · Unlimited image stock · Brand kit


  • The editing process can be slow at times.
  • All stock videos have a watermark.
  • It might take a long time to export content.

#10: Replica

It is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, and Online

Game designers and animators frequently use Replica. This text-to-speech software rounds off our 10 Best AI Voice Generators list. Replica has an extensive library of AI voices produced by real professional actors and several demo samples to try for free.

The application instantly translates given text into a natural-sounding voice depending on the speech style, taking into account range and emotions. Replica allows you to change your voice’s pitch, volume, and emotion.



  • Huge selection of voices
  • Audio effects
  • Quick voice synthesis
  • Speech rate, tone, pitch, and loudness adjustments


Creatives Business Enterprise
$24 / 4 hours of credit $300 / 100 hours of credit Custom
· 4 hours of speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Basic support · Unlimited exports · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · No subscription required · 100 hours of speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Basic support · Unlimited exports · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · No subscription required · Unlimited speech generation · Entire Replica Voice Library · Replica Studios Tools · Unlimited projects · Unlimited exports · Premium voice cloning · Enterprise API access · Commercial use · Unreal Engine Plugin · Priority support


  • The price is a bit costly.


The market is flooded with AI-powered speech generation software. Many alternatives are available, so selecting the ideal voice generator might be difficult. Here are a few pieces of stuff to consider when deciding what software to look for:

  • The Voice Generator should be simple to use and understand.
  • Without seeming robotic, the synthesized voice must sound as realistic as feasible.
  • It should provide you access to a large number of high-quality AI voices.
  • Text-to-speech conversion should be smooth, with all words correctly spoken.
  • It should allow for easy modification.
  • Grammar assistance is quite beneficial.
  • Finally, the product should be inexpensive, particularly for small businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does AI manufacture voices?

Yes, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can produce a wide range of varied voices that seem pretty natural. Today, several advanced tools employ genuine voice actors whose voices are collected and retained using artificial intelligence.

These voices have permission to say whatever you want them to. All you have to do is enter some text into the tool. The AI will read the text and provide a natural-sounding voice with clear audio.

What Does a Voice Overlay Imply?

Voice overlay, or Voice-Over, is a form of a production technique that is often employed in films and animation material.

In tv news, radios, movies, and other mediums, it is a method in which a pre-recorded voice-over that is not part of the story is used. It’s a method usually reserved for the entertainment industry, especially when it comes to giving animated figures a voice.

How Can You Improve the Quality of Your Voice When Recording?

You can improve the sound of your voice by implementing one or more of the following methods:

  • Use the proper microphone and position it near your mouth as feasible.
  • Make use of a high-quality voice recorder.
  • Record your audio in a sound-proofed environment.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your speech clear.

Is Lovo for free?

Lovo Studio’s AI-powered voice cloning technology will amaze you if you seek a free AI Voice Generator. Although Lovo is a premium voice generator, it still has a free version that is quite useful. The unpaid version, on the other hand, has some limits.

For example, the free version allows for three monthly downloads and three days of premium voice access and is restricted to personal use. Lovo’s free version will suffice if you don’t mind the limitations.

What Are The Best Text to Robot Voice Generators?

In conclusion, the amount of fantastic voice-over generators at our availability today is endless. Furthermore, the following are among the best tools for providing this experience to users:

  • Murf
  • Lovo
  • Speechelo
  • Capti Voice
  • Streams Speak
  • Sonantic
  • Clipchamp
  • Replica

How to Blur a Still or Moving Part of Video

Create High-Quality Video - Wondershare Filmora

An easy and powerful YouTube video editor

Numerous video and audio effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Adding a blur effect to your video is vital, especially if you have added unwanted things that could ruin its quality. It often looks awkward when there’s something wrong in the background of your video. Various video editing programs allow you to blur a moving or still part of your video if you don’t want viewers to see it. With that in mind, we’ll look at how to blur part of a video using Filmora.

In this article

01 How to Blur a Part of a Video Using Filmora

02 How to Blur a Moving Part of a Video Using Filmora

03 How to Blur Part of a Video Using OpenShot

There are several ways you can blur part of a video. Filmora allows you to blur a still and moving part of a video. The software is user-friendly and comes with an aesthetically pleasing interface. You don’t have to be tech-savvy to learn how to blur out part of a video with Filmora. You can also use OpenShot to blur part of a video.

How to Blur a Part of a Video Using Filmora

Both Mac and PC owners can use this video editing software to blur part of a video. Here is how to blur a part of video using Filmora.

  1. Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your device. If you had already installed Filmora on your computer, double-click the program to launch it.
  2. Next, you need to drag and drop the video file you wish to blur into the Media Library. Alternatively, you could also navigate to the File tab and click it, then choose Import Media and select the Import Media Files option. Find the video you want to edit and select it. You can now hit the Open button to import the video file to Media Library
  3. After your video file is on Filmora’s Media Library, drag and drop it into the Timeline; this is where the program allows you to assemble effects and media files for your video project.

blur a part in a video using filmora

  1. Click on the Effects tab; this will allow you to browse through Filmora’s collection of visual effects. Select Utility on the drop-down menu located on the left side of your screen.

blur a part in a video - filmora

  1. The program will display a range of effects; select the Mosaic option. You can also type in Mosaic in the search bar to find the effect swiftly.
  2. Drag the Mosaic effect to above the video clip on your Timeline. Dragging the border of your Mosaic clip allows you to adjust its length.
  3. A small blurred area will appear in the preview window.

blur a part using Filmora - choose mosaic

  1. Lock the main tracks.
  2. Now, click the Mosaic layer to modify the Mosaic size and area. Move it to the part of the video that you would like to blur.
  3. Double-clicking on the Mosaic clip will allow you to change the mosaic type and adjust the opacity and blur amount. You can choose from six different Mosaic types. Adjusting the opacity allows you to set the degree to which you can see through the blurred area. The blur amount lets you control the intensity of the blur.

blur a part using Filmora - adjust blur area

  1. You can now save your blurred video. Click on the File tab and select ‘Save Project.’ Doing this will save your project to the default file. Choose ‘Save Project As’ to save your video to another destination of your choice.

How to Blur a Moving Part of a Video Using Filmora

You can also blur a moving part of your video with Filmora; this program allows you to add the motion-tracking mosaic to any moving object in your video that you do not want your viewers to see. You can use stickers, mosaic, or anything you download on the internet to hide any unwanted moving object.

With that in mind, here is how to blur a moving part of a video using Filmora:

  1. Run Filmora on your device.
  2. Import your video into Filmora’s Media Library.
  3. Drag your video to the Timeline.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora

  1. Now, double-click the video in the Timeline. Doing this will open the editing menu.
  2. Check the box that’s right next to Motion Tracking; this tool allows you to track movement in a video and then have objects like text, images, videos, or elements follow this movement.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - motion checking

  1. A tracker box will appear on your preview window; move it over the moving object you would like to track. You can increase or reduce the size of the tracker box. Hit the Start Tracking button to render the effect.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - tracker box

  1. Wait until the tracking process is complete. The duration of this process will depend on the length of your video. You’ll have to do some trimming if other objects block the moving part you’re tracking from time to time.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - complete checking

  1. WNow, select the Add Mosaic option.
  2. Choose the Mosaic type you prefer and adjust the opacity and blur amount to ensure the object is unrecognizable.
  3. Now, select the moving part of the video you want to blur and click OK.
  4. The object is now blurred, and the mosaic layer will follow its movement everywhere it goes.
  5. Playback your video to check the result. Filmora allows you to fine-tune the position and size of the object that’s following the track in your Preview Window without restarting tracking. Additionally, you can switch the follower anytime you want.
  6. When you have finished blurring the moving part on your video, click File > Save Project or Save Project As to save your video.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

How to Blur Part of a Video Using OpenShot

Designed for Windows, Mac, and Linux, OpenShot is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor. While there’s no predefined function or filter in this tool to help you blur part of a video, OpenShot has another way of blurring static parts of your video: it uses an image.

OpenShot blur part of video is free, and you’ll use its open-source programs as a base program for the edition of the video and GIMP Image Manipulation software to edit photos. Follow the guide below to learn how to blur out something in a video using OpenShot.

Step 1: Download OpenShot and install it on your device.

blur part of a video using openshot

Step 2: Take a screenshot from your video, where the part you want to blur is easily visible. You can do this by going to a relevant frame and utilizing Save Current Frame with a camera icon, located on the right side of the video preview window in a standard program configuration.

blur part of a video using openshot

Step 3: Be sure to save your video screenshot on your computer.

Step 4: Since you have exported a relevant frame from your video as a screenshot, you need to open it in a photo editor that can handle PNG pics and transparency, like the GIMP Image Manipulation program. Use any selection tool to select the area of the picture you want to blur on the video. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the free select tool, the ellipse select tool, or the rectangle select tool.

blur part of a video using openshot - select blur area

Step 5: In the blur filters submenu, open the Pixelize tool and adjust the options that suit your preferences. You can use CTRL-Z to cancel the operation, and repeat it until you find the best combination of blurring settings.

Step 6: When you are satisfied with blurring, right-click on the blurred area and select Invert in the Select submenu; this will allow you to select the entire part of the frame that has not been blurred, which is the part you would like to get rid of because you will only have to use the blurred part of your video overlay where necessary.

Step 7: Now, cut the section of the picture you do not want to keep. You can do this by using CTRL-X. The blurred filter for your video is now ready.

blur part of a video using openshot - cut unwanted section

Step 8: If after cutting you notice a plain color rather than a checkerboard canvas representing transparency, use CTRL-Z to cancel the cut. Then, use CTRL-I to invert the selection again to get control of the blurred selection again, and copy or cut it using CTRL-X or CTRL-C.

Step 9: Create another image using CTRL-N, and ensure you have navigated to the advanced options and selected transparency as the fill-in color, and paste your selection there.

Step 10: You now have a perfect photo with full transparency, which is represented by a checkerboard canvas, except for the section of the video frames you would like to blur that should be pixelized.

Step 11: Use the Export option under the File menu to export the photo to your PC as a . PNG file. To save a picture with a transparency channel, you need to use the . PNG extension.

Step 12: Now return to OpenShot video editor and import the generated picture with a pixelized portion in the OpenShot video project. Next, add the picture as an overlay track. Make sure it’s above the video track.

Step 13: If the program asks you to import the photo as an image sequence, select the NO option because you need to import a still photo, and not a video sequence.

Step 14: The picture will be displayed before the video, blurring only the portion of the video where you modified the frame. The other parts of the video won’t be touched. You can make adjustments to ensure the picture track is only displayed at required moments. And that’s how to blur part of a video using OpenShot.


● Now that you know how to blur out part of a video, you can have fun and censor anything you want in your clips. Use Filmora to blur moving and still parts on your video.

Try It Free Try It Free

Adding a blur effect to your video is vital, especially if you have added unwanted things that could ruin its quality. It often looks awkward when there’s something wrong in the background of your video. Various video editing programs allow you to blur a moving or still part of your video if you don’t want viewers to see it. With that in mind, we’ll look at how to blur part of a video using Filmora.

In this article

01 How to Blur a Part of a Video Using Filmora

02 How to Blur a Moving Part of a Video Using Filmora

03 How to Blur Part of a Video Using OpenShot

There are several ways you can blur part of a video. Filmora allows you to blur a still and moving part of a video. The software is user-friendly and comes with an aesthetically pleasing interface. You don’t have to be tech-savvy to learn how to blur out part of a video with Filmora. You can also use OpenShot to blur part of a video.

How to Blur a Part of a Video Using Filmora

Both Mac and PC owners can use this video editing software to blur part of a video. Here is how to blur a part of video using Filmora.

  1. Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your device. If you had already installed Filmora on your computer, double-click the program to launch it.
  2. Next, you need to drag and drop the video file you wish to blur into the Media Library. Alternatively, you could also navigate to the File tab and click it, then choose Import Media and select the Import Media Files option. Find the video you want to edit and select it. You can now hit the Open button to import the video file to Media Library
  3. After your video file is on Filmora’s Media Library, drag and drop it into the Timeline; this is where the program allows you to assemble effects and media files for your video project.

blur a part in a video using filmora

  1. Click on the Effects tab; this will allow you to browse through Filmora’s collection of visual effects. Select Utility on the drop-down menu located on the left side of your screen.

blur a part in a video - filmora

  1. The program will display a range of effects; select the Mosaic option. You can also type in Mosaic in the search bar to find the effect swiftly.
  2. Drag the Mosaic effect to above the video clip on your Timeline. Dragging the border of your Mosaic clip allows you to adjust its length.
  3. A small blurred area will appear in the preview window.

blur a part using Filmora - choose mosaic

  1. Lock the main tracks.
  2. Now, click the Mosaic layer to modify the Mosaic size and area. Move it to the part of the video that you would like to blur.
  3. Double-clicking on the Mosaic clip will allow you to change the mosaic type and adjust the opacity and blur amount. You can choose from six different Mosaic types. Adjusting the opacity allows you to set the degree to which you can see through the blurred area. The blur amount lets you control the intensity of the blur.

blur a part using Filmora - adjust blur area

  1. You can now save your blurred video. Click on the File tab and select ‘Save Project.’ Doing this will save your project to the default file. Choose ‘Save Project As’ to save your video to another destination of your choice.

How to Blur a Moving Part of a Video Using Filmora

You can also blur a moving part of your video with Filmora; this program allows you to add the motion-tracking mosaic to any moving object in your video that you do not want your viewers to see. You can use stickers, mosaic, or anything you download on the internet to hide any unwanted moving object.

With that in mind, here is how to blur a moving part of a video using Filmora:

  1. Run Filmora on your device.
  2. Import your video into Filmora’s Media Library.
  3. Drag your video to the Timeline.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora

  1. Now, double-click the video in the Timeline. Doing this will open the editing menu.
  2. Check the box that’s right next to Motion Tracking; this tool allows you to track movement in a video and then have objects like text, images, videos, or elements follow this movement.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - motion checking

  1. A tracker box will appear on your preview window; move it over the moving object you would like to track. You can increase or reduce the size of the tracker box. Hit the Start Tracking button to render the effect.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - tracker box

  1. Wait until the tracking process is complete. The duration of this process will depend on the length of your video. You’ll have to do some trimming if other objects block the moving part you’re tracking from time to time.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - complete checking

  1. WNow, select the Add Mosaic option.
  2. Choose the Mosaic type you prefer and adjust the opacity and blur amount to ensure the object is unrecognizable.
  3. Now, select the moving part of the video you want to blur and click OK.
  4. The object is now blurred, and the mosaic layer will follow its movement everywhere it goes.
  5. Playback your video to check the result. Filmora allows you to fine-tune the position and size of the object that’s following the track in your Preview Window without restarting tracking. Additionally, you can switch the follower anytime you want.
  6. When you have finished blurring the moving part on your video, click File > Save Project or Save Project As to save your video.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

How to Blur Part of a Video Using OpenShot

Designed for Windows, Mac, and Linux, OpenShot is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor. While there’s no predefined function or filter in this tool to help you blur part of a video, OpenShot has another way of blurring static parts of your video: it uses an image.

OpenShot blur part of video is free, and you’ll use its open-source programs as a base program for the edition of the video and GIMP Image Manipulation software to edit photos. Follow the guide below to learn how to blur out something in a video using OpenShot.

Step 1: Download OpenShot and install it on your device.

blur part of a video using openshot

Step 2: Take a screenshot from your video, where the part you want to blur is easily visible. You can do this by going to a relevant frame and utilizing Save Current Frame with a camera icon, located on the right side of the video preview window in a standard program configuration.

blur part of a video using openshot

Step 3: Be sure to save your video screenshot on your computer.

Step 4: Since you have exported a relevant frame from your video as a screenshot, you need to open it in a photo editor that can handle PNG pics and transparency, like the GIMP Image Manipulation program. Use any selection tool to select the area of the picture you want to blur on the video. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the free select tool, the ellipse select tool, or the rectangle select tool.

blur part of a video using openshot - select blur area

Step 5: In the blur filters submenu, open the Pixelize tool and adjust the options that suit your preferences. You can use CTRL-Z to cancel the operation, and repeat it until you find the best combination of blurring settings.

Step 6: When you are satisfied with blurring, right-click on the blurred area and select Invert in the Select submenu; this will allow you to select the entire part of the frame that has not been blurred, which is the part you would like to get rid of because you will only have to use the blurred part of your video overlay where necessary.

Step 7: Now, cut the section of the picture you do not want to keep. You can do this by using CTRL-X. The blurred filter for your video is now ready.

blur part of a video using openshot - cut unwanted section

Step 8: If after cutting you notice a plain color rather than a checkerboard canvas representing transparency, use CTRL-Z to cancel the cut. Then, use CTRL-I to invert the selection again to get control of the blurred selection again, and copy or cut it using CTRL-X or CTRL-C.

Step 9: Create another image using CTRL-N, and ensure you have navigated to the advanced options and selected transparency as the fill-in color, and paste your selection there.

Step 10: You now have a perfect photo with full transparency, which is represented by a checkerboard canvas, except for the section of the video frames you would like to blur that should be pixelized.

Step 11: Use the Export option under the File menu to export the photo to your PC as a . PNG file. To save a picture with a transparency channel, you need to use the . PNG extension.

Step 12: Now return to OpenShot video editor and import the generated picture with a pixelized portion in the OpenShot video project. Next, add the picture as an overlay track. Make sure it’s above the video track.

Step 13: If the program asks you to import the photo as an image sequence, select the NO option because you need to import a still photo, and not a video sequence.

Step 14: The picture will be displayed before the video, blurring only the portion of the video where you modified the frame. The other parts of the video won’t be touched. You can make adjustments to ensure the picture track is only displayed at required moments. And that’s how to blur part of a video using OpenShot.


● Now that you know how to blur out part of a video, you can have fun and censor anything you want in your clips. Use Filmora to blur moving and still parts on your video.

Try It Free Try It Free

Adding a blur effect to your video is vital, especially if you have added unwanted things that could ruin its quality. It often looks awkward when there’s something wrong in the background of your video. Various video editing programs allow you to blur a moving or still part of your video if you don’t want viewers to see it. With that in mind, we’ll look at how to blur part of a video using Filmora.

In this article

01 How to Blur a Part of a Video Using Filmora

02 How to Blur a Moving Part of a Video Using Filmora

03 How to Blur Part of a Video Using OpenShot

There are several ways you can blur part of a video. Filmora allows you to blur a still and moving part of a video. The software is user-friendly and comes with an aesthetically pleasing interface. You don’t have to be tech-savvy to learn how to blur out part of a video with Filmora. You can also use OpenShot to blur part of a video.

How to Blur a Part of a Video Using Filmora

Both Mac and PC owners can use this video editing software to blur part of a video. Here is how to blur a part of video using Filmora.

  1. Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your device. If you had already installed Filmora on your computer, double-click the program to launch it.
  2. Next, you need to drag and drop the video file you wish to blur into the Media Library. Alternatively, you could also navigate to the File tab and click it, then choose Import Media and select the Import Media Files option. Find the video you want to edit and select it. You can now hit the Open button to import the video file to Media Library
  3. After your video file is on Filmora’s Media Library, drag and drop it into the Timeline; this is where the program allows you to assemble effects and media files for your video project.

blur a part in a video using filmora

  1. Click on the Effects tab; this will allow you to browse through Filmora’s collection of visual effects. Select Utility on the drop-down menu located on the left side of your screen.

blur a part in a video - filmora

  1. The program will display a range of effects; select the Mosaic option. You can also type in Mosaic in the search bar to find the effect swiftly.
  2. Drag the Mosaic effect to above the video clip on your Timeline. Dragging the border of your Mosaic clip allows you to adjust its length.
  3. A small blurred area will appear in the preview window.

blur a part using Filmora - choose mosaic

  1. Lock the main tracks.
  2. Now, click the Mosaic layer to modify the Mosaic size and area. Move it to the part of the video that you would like to blur.
  3. Double-clicking on the Mosaic clip will allow you to change the mosaic type and adjust the opacity and blur amount. You can choose from six different Mosaic types. Adjusting the opacity allows you to set the degree to which you can see through the blurred area. The blur amount lets you control the intensity of the blur.

blur a part using Filmora - adjust blur area

  1. You can now save your blurred video. Click on the File tab and select ‘Save Project.’ Doing this will save your project to the default file. Choose ‘Save Project As’ to save your video to another destination of your choice.

How to Blur a Moving Part of a Video Using Filmora

You can also blur a moving part of your video with Filmora; this program allows you to add the motion-tracking mosaic to any moving object in your video that you do not want your viewers to see. You can use stickers, mosaic, or anything you download on the internet to hide any unwanted moving object.

With that in mind, here is how to blur a moving part of a video using Filmora:

  1. Run Filmora on your device.
  2. Import your video into Filmora’s Media Library.
  3. Drag your video to the Timeline.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora

  1. Now, double-click the video in the Timeline. Doing this will open the editing menu.
  2. Check the box that’s right next to Motion Tracking; this tool allows you to track movement in a video and then have objects like text, images, videos, or elements follow this movement.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - motion checking

  1. A tracker box will appear on your preview window; move it over the moving object you would like to track. You can increase or reduce the size of the tracker box. Hit the Start Tracking button to render the effect.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - tracker box

  1. Wait until the tracking process is complete. The duration of this process will depend on the length of your video. You’ll have to do some trimming if other objects block the moving part you’re tracking from time to time.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - complete checking

  1. WNow, select the Add Mosaic option.
  2. Choose the Mosaic type you prefer and adjust the opacity and blur amount to ensure the object is unrecognizable.
  3. Now, select the moving part of the video you want to blur and click OK.
  4. The object is now blurred, and the mosaic layer will follow its movement everywhere it goes.
  5. Playback your video to check the result. Filmora allows you to fine-tune the position and size of the object that’s following the track in your Preview Window without restarting tracking. Additionally, you can switch the follower anytime you want.
  6. When you have finished blurring the moving part on your video, click File > Save Project or Save Project As to save your video.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

How to Blur Part of a Video Using OpenShot

Designed for Windows, Mac, and Linux, OpenShot is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor. While there’s no predefined function or filter in this tool to help you blur part of a video, OpenShot has another way of blurring static parts of your video: it uses an image.

OpenShot blur part of video is free, and you’ll use its open-source programs as a base program for the edition of the video and GIMP Image Manipulation software to edit photos. Follow the guide below to learn how to blur out something in a video using OpenShot.

Step 1: Download OpenShot and install it on your device.

blur part of a video using openshot

Step 2: Take a screenshot from your video, where the part you want to blur is easily visible. You can do this by going to a relevant frame and utilizing Save Current Frame with a camera icon, located on the right side of the video preview window in a standard program configuration.

blur part of a video using openshot

Step 3: Be sure to save your video screenshot on your computer.

Step 4: Since you have exported a relevant frame from your video as a screenshot, you need to open it in a photo editor that can handle PNG pics and transparency, like the GIMP Image Manipulation program. Use any selection tool to select the area of the picture you want to blur on the video. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the free select tool, the ellipse select tool, or the rectangle select tool.

blur part of a video using openshot - select blur area

Step 5: In the blur filters submenu, open the Pixelize tool and adjust the options that suit your preferences. You can use CTRL-Z to cancel the operation, and repeat it until you find the best combination of blurring settings.

Step 6: When you are satisfied with blurring, right-click on the blurred area and select Invert in the Select submenu; this will allow you to select the entire part of the frame that has not been blurred, which is the part you would like to get rid of because you will only have to use the blurred part of your video overlay where necessary.

Step 7: Now, cut the section of the picture you do not want to keep. You can do this by using CTRL-X. The blurred filter for your video is now ready.

blur part of a video using openshot - cut unwanted section

Step 8: If after cutting you notice a plain color rather than a checkerboard canvas representing transparency, use CTRL-Z to cancel the cut. Then, use CTRL-I to invert the selection again to get control of the blurred selection again, and copy or cut it using CTRL-X or CTRL-C.

Step 9: Create another image using CTRL-N, and ensure you have navigated to the advanced options and selected transparency as the fill-in color, and paste your selection there.

Step 10: You now have a perfect photo with full transparency, which is represented by a checkerboard canvas, except for the section of the video frames you would like to blur that should be pixelized.

Step 11: Use the Export option under the File menu to export the photo to your PC as a . PNG file. To save a picture with a transparency channel, you need to use the . PNG extension.

Step 12: Now return to OpenShot video editor and import the generated picture with a pixelized portion in the OpenShot video project. Next, add the picture as an overlay track. Make sure it’s above the video track.

Step 13: If the program asks you to import the photo as an image sequence, select the NO option because you need to import a still photo, and not a video sequence.

Step 14: The picture will be displayed before the video, blurring only the portion of the video where you modified the frame. The other parts of the video won’t be touched. You can make adjustments to ensure the picture track is only displayed at required moments. And that’s how to blur part of a video using OpenShot.


● Now that you know how to blur out part of a video, you can have fun and censor anything you want in your clips. Use Filmora to blur moving and still parts on your video.

Try It Free Try It Free

Adding a blur effect to your video is vital, especially if you have added unwanted things that could ruin its quality. It often looks awkward when there’s something wrong in the background of your video. Various video editing programs allow you to blur a moving or still part of your video if you don’t want viewers to see it. With that in mind, we’ll look at how to blur part of a video using Filmora.

In this article

01 How to Blur a Part of a Video Using Filmora

02 How to Blur a Moving Part of a Video Using Filmora

03 How to Blur Part of a Video Using OpenShot

There are several ways you can blur part of a video. Filmora allows you to blur a still and moving part of a video. The software is user-friendly and comes with an aesthetically pleasing interface. You don’t have to be tech-savvy to learn how to blur out part of a video with Filmora. You can also use OpenShot to blur part of a video.

How to Blur a Part of a Video Using Filmora

Both Mac and PC owners can use this video editing software to blur part of a video. Here is how to blur a part of video using Filmora.

  1. Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your device. If you had already installed Filmora on your computer, double-click the program to launch it.
  2. Next, you need to drag and drop the video file you wish to blur into the Media Library. Alternatively, you could also navigate to the File tab and click it, then choose Import Media and select the Import Media Files option. Find the video you want to edit and select it. You can now hit the Open button to import the video file to Media Library
  3. After your video file is on Filmora’s Media Library, drag and drop it into the Timeline; this is where the program allows you to assemble effects and media files for your video project.

blur a part in a video using filmora

  1. Click on the Effects tab; this will allow you to browse through Filmora’s collection of visual effects. Select Utility on the drop-down menu located on the left side of your screen.

blur a part in a video - filmora

  1. The program will display a range of effects; select the Mosaic option. You can also type in Mosaic in the search bar to find the effect swiftly.
  2. Drag the Mosaic effect to above the video clip on your Timeline. Dragging the border of your Mosaic clip allows you to adjust its length.
  3. A small blurred area will appear in the preview window.

blur a part using Filmora - choose mosaic

  1. Lock the main tracks.
  2. Now, click the Mosaic layer to modify the Mosaic size and area. Move it to the part of the video that you would like to blur.
  3. Double-clicking on the Mosaic clip will allow you to change the mosaic type and adjust the opacity and blur amount. You can choose from six different Mosaic types. Adjusting the opacity allows you to set the degree to which you can see through the blurred area. The blur amount lets you control the intensity of the blur.

blur a part using Filmora - adjust blur area

  1. You can now save your blurred video. Click on the File tab and select ‘Save Project.’ Doing this will save your project to the default file. Choose ‘Save Project As’ to save your video to another destination of your choice.

How to Blur a Moving Part of a Video Using Filmora

You can also blur a moving part of your video with Filmora; this program allows you to add the motion-tracking mosaic to any moving object in your video that you do not want your viewers to see. You can use stickers, mosaic, or anything you download on the internet to hide any unwanted moving object.

With that in mind, here is how to blur a moving part of a video using Filmora:

  1. Run Filmora on your device.
  2. Import your video into Filmora’s Media Library.
  3. Drag your video to the Timeline.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora

  1. Now, double-click the video in the Timeline. Doing this will open the editing menu.
  2. Check the box that’s right next to Motion Tracking; this tool allows you to track movement in a video and then have objects like text, images, videos, or elements follow this movement.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - motion checking

  1. A tracker box will appear on your preview window; move it over the moving object you would like to track. You can increase or reduce the size of the tracker box. Hit the Start Tracking button to render the effect.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - tracker box

  1. Wait until the tracking process is complete. The duration of this process will depend on the length of your video. You’ll have to do some trimming if other objects block the moving part you’re tracking from time to time.

how to blur a moving part in video with filmora - complete checking

  1. WNow, select the Add Mosaic option.
  2. Choose the Mosaic type you prefer and adjust the opacity and blur amount to ensure the object is unrecognizable.
  3. Now, select the moving part of the video you want to blur and click OK.
  4. The object is now blurred, and the mosaic layer will follow its movement everywhere it goes.
  5. Playback your video to check the result. Filmora allows you to fine-tune the position and size of the object that’s following the track in your Preview Window without restarting tracking. Additionally, you can switch the follower anytime you want.
  6. When you have finished blurring the moving part on your video, click File > Save Project or Save Project As to save your video.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

How to Blur Part of a Video Using OpenShot

Designed for Windows, Mac, and Linux, OpenShot is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor. While there’s no predefined function or filter in this tool to help you blur part of a video, OpenShot has another way of blurring static parts of your video: it uses an image.

OpenShot blur part of video is free, and you’ll use its open-source programs as a base program for the edition of the video and GIMP Image Manipulation software to edit photos. Follow the guide below to learn how to blur out something in a video using OpenShot.

Step 1: Download OpenShot and install it on your device.

blur part of a video using openshot

Step 2: Take a screenshot from your video, where the part you want to blur is easily visible. You can do this by going to a relevant frame and utilizing Save Current Frame with a camera icon, located on the right side of the video preview window in a standard program configuration.

blur part of a video using openshot

Step 3: Be sure to save your video screenshot on your computer.

Step 4: Since you have exported a relevant frame from your video as a screenshot, you need to open it in a photo editor that can handle PNG pics and transparency, like the GIMP Image Manipulation program. Use any selection tool to select the area of the picture you want to blur on the video. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the free select tool, the ellipse select tool, or the rectangle select tool.

blur part of a video using openshot - select blur area

Step 5: In the blur filters submenu, open the Pixelize tool and adjust the options that suit your preferences. You can use CTRL-Z to cancel the operation, and repeat it until you find the best combination of blurring settings.

Step 6: When you are satisfied with blurring, right-click on the blurred area and select Invert in the Select submenu; this will allow you to select the entire part of the frame that has not been blurred, which is the part you would like to get rid of because you will only have to use the blurred part of your video overlay where necessary.

Step 7: Now, cut the section of the picture you do not want to keep. You can do this by using CTRL-X. The blurred filter for your video is now ready.

blur part of a video using openshot - cut unwanted section

Step 8: If after cutting you notice a plain color rather than a checkerboard canvas representing transparency, use CTRL-Z to cancel the cut. Then, use CTRL-I to invert the selection again to get control of the blurred selection again, and copy or cut it using CTRL-X or CTRL-C.

Step 9: Create another image using CTRL-N, and ensure you have navigated to the advanced options and selected transparency as the fill-in color, and paste your selection there.

Step 10: You now have a perfect photo with full transparency, which is represented by a checkerboard canvas, except for the section of the video frames you would like to blur that should be pixelized.

Step 11: Use the Export option under the File menu to export the photo to your PC as a . PNG file. To save a picture with a transparency channel, you need to use the . PNG extension.

Step 12: Now return to OpenShot video editor and import the generated picture with a pixelized portion in the OpenShot video project. Next, add the picture as an overlay track. Make sure it’s above the video track.

Step 13: If the program asks you to import the photo as an image sequence, select the NO option because you need to import a still photo, and not a video sequence.

Step 14: The picture will be displayed before the video, blurring only the portion of the video where you modified the frame. The other parts of the video won’t be touched. You can make adjustments to ensure the picture track is only displayed at required moments. And that’s how to blur part of a video using OpenShot.


● Now that you know how to blur out part of a video, you can have fun and censor anything you want in your clips. Use Filmora to blur moving and still parts on your video.

Also read:

  • Title: New In 2024, Keyframes Interval Everything You Need To Know | Filmora
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 01:06:48
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 01:06:48
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New In 2024, Keyframes Interval Everything You Need To Know | Filmora