New Top 5 Video Filter Software Improve Your Videos with Filters

New Top 5 Video Filter Software Improve Your Videos with Filters

Morgan Lv12

Top 5 Video Filter Software: Improve Your Videos with Filters

In today’s tech-savvy world, whether you’re a budding content creator or a seasoned pro, creating eye-catching videos is a must.

And what’s the secret sauce to make your videos stand out? You guessed it – video filters! These nifty tools can transform your raw footage into a visual masterpiece.

So, if you’re ready to take your video editing game up a notch, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll dig into the top 5 video filter software of 2024 that are worth your attention.

Before we jump into the juicy details, let’s get down to basics.

Part 1: Introduction

What exactly are video filters, you ask?

Well, video filters are like Instagram filters for your videos but with much more finesse.

They allow you to tweak various aspects of your video’s appearance, such as color, contrast, saturation, and more, to achieve the desired visual style.

The beauty of video filter software lies in its ability to enhance your video’s overall look and feel. Let’s explore the top contenders in the video filter software arena.

Part 2: Top 5 Video Filter Software

01 Filmora


Our first contender in the world of video filter software is Filmora. Designed with a user-friendly interface, Filmora is the ideal choice for those who want to enhance their videos effortlessly. Let’s take a closer look at what makes it stand out.


  1. Filmora’s intuitive interface makes it a breeze for beginners to get started. You don’t need to be a tech whiz to dive into video editing; Filmora guides you through the process seamlessly.
  2. Filmora boasts an extensive library of video presets and color grading presets. This treasure trove of pre-made styles allows you to give your videos that extra flair without the need for in-depth editing skills.
  3. Time is precious, and Filmora respects that. It offers quick rendering speeds, so you can see the results of your editing efforts in no time.
  4. Filmora’s simplicity is its strength, but it doesn’t mean it lacks creative potential. You can still go into more advanced features when you’re ready to level up your video editing game. This software gracefully balances accessibility and functionality.


So, you might be wondering, what about the downsides? Well, Filmora is so user-friendly that it can make you addicted to editing!

You might find yourself spending hours perfecting your videos, which, to be honest, is more of an advantage disguised as a disadvantage. Who wouldn’t want to get lost in the world of video editing, creating stunning content effortlessly?

02 DaVinci Resolve


When it comes to professional video editing and color correction, DaVinci Resolve stands as a true powerhouse in the world of video filter software.

Renowned for its robust feature set and precision, it’s the go-to choice for filmmakers, colorists, and anyone who demands the highest level of control over their video projects.


  1. DaVinci Resolve is unrivaled in its color correction and grading capabilities. Whether you’re aiming for a cinematic look or a specific color scheme, the software provides an extensive suite of tools to fine-tune every detail. Its color wheels, curves, and advanced grading panels allow you to achieve the exact visual style you envision.
  2. It provides a lot of cool stuff for editing sound and video, like fancy tools for fixing audio, working with multiple cameras, and working together with others on the same project. This makes it an all-in-one solution for every aspect of video post-production.
  3. In a world where teamwork is essential, DaVinci Resolve shines with its collaboration features. Many people can work on a project together at the same time, making it easier for teams working on big video projects to edit smoothly.


DaVinci Resolve can be resource-intensive, demanding a powerful computer setup for smooth operation. This could be a great advantage for people with really good computers, but it might be a bit tough for folks with older or less powerful ones.

03 HitFilm Express


If you’re an aspiring filmmaker or content creator looking to dive into the world of video editing and visual effects, HitFilm Express is your ticket to boundless creativity.

This versatile software combines video editing and visual effects seamlessly, allowing you to create stunning, professional-quality videos without breaking the bank.


  1. HitFilm Express excels in merging video editing and visual effects into one unified platform. This means you can effortlessly incorporate jaw-dropping visual effects into your videos without the need for additional software. Whether you’re adding explosions, futuristic CGI, or enchanting motion graphics, HitFilm Express has you covered.
  2. It offers a free version that provides access to its fundamental video filter features and VFX capabilities. This is a fantastic opportunity for budding content creators to dip their toes into the world of video editing without any financial commitment.
  3. HitFilm Express comes with an extensive library of tutorials, making it incredibly user-friendly for those who are new to video editing or visual effects. These tutorials guide you through the software’s features and help you create eye-catching effects like a pro.


As for potential downsides, the free version of HitFilm Express may have some limitations compared to the paid version.

While it provides access to essential features, you may find certain advanced options restricted.

However, this can be seen as an advantage because it allows you to explore the software without any upfront costs.

04 Adobe Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere Pro is a name that resonates deeply within the video editing community. It’s renowned for its versatility and rich feature set, making it a go-to choice for professional video editors and content creators alike.


  1. When it comes to customization, Adobe Premiere Pro truly shines. The software offers an extensive library of plugins and extensions, allowing you to tailor your video filter effects to your precise liking. Whether you’re into color grading, visual effects, or audio enhancement, you’ll find the tools you need within Adobe’s vast ecosystem.
  2. If you’re already a part of the Adobe Creative family, you’ll appreciate Premiere Pro’s seamless integration with other Adobe software. Easily import and export assets from Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects, enhancing your workflow and saving you time.
  3. Adobe is committed to keeping Premiere Pro at the forefront of video editing technology. With regular updates, you can expect a constant influx of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This ensures that your editing experience remains cutting-edge.


There are a few considerations to keep in mind. Adobe Premiere Pro operates on a subscription-based model, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly or annual fee to access the software. While this provides you with ongoing updates and support, it might not be the best fit for those on a strict budget.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s extensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners. If you’re new to video editing, you may find the learning curve a bit steep. However, with dedication and a wealth of online tutorials available, mastering the software is within reach.

05 Final Cut Pro


If you’re a proud owner of a Mac, Final Cut Pro should be on your radar as the ultimate video filter software. This Apple-exclusive gem is tailored to take your video editing experience to the next level, offering seamless integration with the macOS ecosystem.


  1. A standout feature of Final Cut Pro is how well it works together with other Apple devices and software, making everything run smoothly. Whether you’re working on your Macbook, iPad, or iPhone, Final Cut Pro keeps your workflow smooth and consistent. This synergy allows you to transfer projects effortlessly between devices, making it a go-to choice for Apple enthusiasts.
  2. Final Cut Pro is a powerhouse when it comes to handling high-resolution videos. Whether you’re working with 4K or 8K footage, this software handles it with grace and precision. Expect smooth playback and rapid rendering, even with the most demanding video projects.
  3. Mac users will feel right at home with Final Cut Pro’s sleek and user-friendly interface. The software’s design prioritizes ease of use without compromising on functionality. You can focus on your creative vision rather than wrestling with a complex interface.


It’s important to mention that Final Cut Pro is quite expensive, which might not be affordable for people on a tight budget.

Final Cut Pro is exclusive to macOS, which means Windows users will have to explore alternative software options. If you’re committed to the Apple ecosystem and prioritize top-notch video editing, Final Cut Pro is a wise investment.

Part 3: Summary

In a world where visual content rules supreme, having the right video filter software can make all the difference.

Your choice depends on your skill level, preferences, and budget. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s a video filter software out there that’s perfect for you. Feel free to dive in, experiment, and let your creativity sparkle in your videos!

Part 1: Introduction

What exactly are video filters, you ask?

Well, video filters are like Instagram filters for your videos but with much more finesse.

They allow you to tweak various aspects of your video’s appearance, such as color, contrast, saturation, and more, to achieve the desired visual style.

The beauty of video filter software lies in its ability to enhance your video’s overall look and feel. Let’s explore the top contenders in the video filter software arena.

Part 2: Top 5 Video Filter Software

01 Filmora


Our first contender in the world of video filter software is Filmora. Designed with a user-friendly interface, Filmora is the ideal choice for those who want to enhance their videos effortlessly. Let’s take a closer look at what makes it stand out.


  1. Filmora’s intuitive interface makes it a breeze for beginners to get started. You don’t need to be a tech whiz to dive into video editing; Filmora guides you through the process seamlessly.
  2. Filmora boasts an extensive library of video presets and color grading presets. This treasure trove of pre-made styles allows you to give your videos that extra flair without the need for in-depth editing skills.
  3. Time is precious, and Filmora respects that. It offers quick rendering speeds, so you can see the results of your editing efforts in no time.
  4. Filmora’s simplicity is its strength, but it doesn’t mean it lacks creative potential. You can still go into more advanced features when you’re ready to level up your video editing game. This software gracefully balances accessibility and functionality.


So, you might be wondering, what about the downsides? Well, Filmora is so user-friendly that it can make you addicted to editing!

You might find yourself spending hours perfecting your videos, which, to be honest, is more of an advantage disguised as a disadvantage. Who wouldn’t want to get lost in the world of video editing, creating stunning content effortlessly?

02 DaVinci Resolve


When it comes to professional video editing and color correction, DaVinci Resolve stands as a true powerhouse in the world of video filter software.

Renowned for its robust feature set and precision, it’s the go-to choice for filmmakers, colorists, and anyone who demands the highest level of control over their video projects.


  1. DaVinci Resolve is unrivaled in its color correction and grading capabilities. Whether you’re aiming for a cinematic look or a specific color scheme, the software provides an extensive suite of tools to fine-tune every detail. Its color wheels, curves, and advanced grading panels allow you to achieve the exact visual style you envision.
  2. It provides a lot of cool stuff for editing sound and video, like fancy tools for fixing audio, working with multiple cameras, and working together with others on the same project. This makes it an all-in-one solution for every aspect of video post-production.
  3. In a world where teamwork is essential, DaVinci Resolve shines with its collaboration features. Many people can work on a project together at the same time, making it easier for teams working on big video projects to edit smoothly.


DaVinci Resolve can be resource-intensive, demanding a powerful computer setup for smooth operation. This could be a great advantage for people with really good computers, but it might be a bit tough for folks with older or less powerful ones.

03 HitFilm Express


If you’re an aspiring filmmaker or content creator looking to dive into the world of video editing and visual effects, HitFilm Express is your ticket to boundless creativity.

This versatile software combines video editing and visual effects seamlessly, allowing you to create stunning, professional-quality videos without breaking the bank.


  1. HitFilm Express excels in merging video editing and visual effects into one unified platform. This means you can effortlessly incorporate jaw-dropping visual effects into your videos without the need for additional software. Whether you’re adding explosions, futuristic CGI, or enchanting motion graphics, HitFilm Express has you covered.
  2. It offers a free version that provides access to its fundamental video filter features and VFX capabilities. This is a fantastic opportunity for budding content creators to dip their toes into the world of video editing without any financial commitment.
  3. HitFilm Express comes with an extensive library of tutorials, making it incredibly user-friendly for those who are new to video editing or visual effects. These tutorials guide you through the software’s features and help you create eye-catching effects like a pro.


As for potential downsides, the free version of HitFilm Express may have some limitations compared to the paid version.

While it provides access to essential features, you may find certain advanced options restricted.

However, this can be seen as an advantage because it allows you to explore the software without any upfront costs.

04 Adobe Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere Pro is a name that resonates deeply within the video editing community. It’s renowned for its versatility and rich feature set, making it a go-to choice for professional video editors and content creators alike.


  1. When it comes to customization, Adobe Premiere Pro truly shines. The software offers an extensive library of plugins and extensions, allowing you to tailor your video filter effects to your precise liking. Whether you’re into color grading, visual effects, or audio enhancement, you’ll find the tools you need within Adobe’s vast ecosystem.
  2. If you’re already a part of the Adobe Creative family, you’ll appreciate Premiere Pro’s seamless integration with other Adobe software. Easily import and export assets from Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects, enhancing your workflow and saving you time.
  3. Adobe is committed to keeping Premiere Pro at the forefront of video editing technology. With regular updates, you can expect a constant influx of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This ensures that your editing experience remains cutting-edge.


There are a few considerations to keep in mind. Adobe Premiere Pro operates on a subscription-based model, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly or annual fee to access the software. While this provides you with ongoing updates and support, it might not be the best fit for those on a strict budget.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s extensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners. If you’re new to video editing, you may find the learning curve a bit steep. However, with dedication and a wealth of online tutorials available, mastering the software is within reach.

05 Final Cut Pro


If you’re a proud owner of a Mac, Final Cut Pro should be on your radar as the ultimate video filter software. This Apple-exclusive gem is tailored to take your video editing experience to the next level, offering seamless integration with the macOS ecosystem.


  1. A standout feature of Final Cut Pro is how well it works together with other Apple devices and software, making everything run smoothly. Whether you’re working on your Macbook, iPad, or iPhone, Final Cut Pro keeps your workflow smooth and consistent. This synergy allows you to transfer projects effortlessly between devices, making it a go-to choice for Apple enthusiasts.
  2. Final Cut Pro is a powerhouse when it comes to handling high-resolution videos. Whether you’re working with 4K or 8K footage, this software handles it with grace and precision. Expect smooth playback and rapid rendering, even with the most demanding video projects.
  3. Mac users will feel right at home with Final Cut Pro’s sleek and user-friendly interface. The software’s design prioritizes ease of use without compromising on functionality. You can focus on your creative vision rather than wrestling with a complex interface.


It’s important to mention that Final Cut Pro is quite expensive, which might not be affordable for people on a tight budget.

Final Cut Pro is exclusive to macOS, which means Windows users will have to explore alternative software options. If you’re committed to the Apple ecosystem and prioritize top-notch video editing, Final Cut Pro is a wise investment.

Part 3: Summary

In a world where visual content rules supreme, having the right video filter software can make all the difference.

Your choice depends on your skill level, preferences, and budget. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s a video filter software out there that’s perfect for you. Feel free to dive in, experiment, and let your creativity sparkle in your videos!

Part 1: Introduction

What exactly are video filters, you ask?

Well, video filters are like Instagram filters for your videos but with much more finesse.

They allow you to tweak various aspects of your video’s appearance, such as color, contrast, saturation, and more, to achieve the desired visual style.

The beauty of video filter software lies in its ability to enhance your video’s overall look and feel. Let’s explore the top contenders in the video filter software arena.

Part 2: Top 5 Video Filter Software

01 Filmora


Our first contender in the world of video filter software is Filmora. Designed with a user-friendly interface, Filmora is the ideal choice for those who want to enhance their videos effortlessly. Let’s take a closer look at what makes it stand out.


  1. Filmora’s intuitive interface makes it a breeze for beginners to get started. You don’t need to be a tech whiz to dive into video editing; Filmora guides you through the process seamlessly.
  2. Filmora boasts an extensive library of video presets and color grading presets. This treasure trove of pre-made styles allows you to give your videos that extra flair without the need for in-depth editing skills.
  3. Time is precious, and Filmora respects that. It offers quick rendering speeds, so you can see the results of your editing efforts in no time.
  4. Filmora’s simplicity is its strength, but it doesn’t mean it lacks creative potential. You can still go into more advanced features when you’re ready to level up your video editing game. This software gracefully balances accessibility and functionality.


So, you might be wondering, what about the downsides? Well, Filmora is so user-friendly that it can make you addicted to editing!

You might find yourself spending hours perfecting your videos, which, to be honest, is more of an advantage disguised as a disadvantage. Who wouldn’t want to get lost in the world of video editing, creating stunning content effortlessly?

02 DaVinci Resolve


When it comes to professional video editing and color correction, DaVinci Resolve stands as a true powerhouse in the world of video filter software.

Renowned for its robust feature set and precision, it’s the go-to choice for filmmakers, colorists, and anyone who demands the highest level of control over their video projects.


  1. DaVinci Resolve is unrivaled in its color correction and grading capabilities. Whether you’re aiming for a cinematic look or a specific color scheme, the software provides an extensive suite of tools to fine-tune every detail. Its color wheels, curves, and advanced grading panels allow you to achieve the exact visual style you envision.
  2. It provides a lot of cool stuff for editing sound and video, like fancy tools for fixing audio, working with multiple cameras, and working together with others on the same project. This makes it an all-in-one solution for every aspect of video post-production.
  3. In a world where teamwork is essential, DaVinci Resolve shines with its collaboration features. Many people can work on a project together at the same time, making it easier for teams working on big video projects to edit smoothly.


DaVinci Resolve can be resource-intensive, demanding a powerful computer setup for smooth operation. This could be a great advantage for people with really good computers, but it might be a bit tough for folks with older or less powerful ones.

03 HitFilm Express


If you’re an aspiring filmmaker or content creator looking to dive into the world of video editing and visual effects, HitFilm Express is your ticket to boundless creativity.

This versatile software combines video editing and visual effects seamlessly, allowing you to create stunning, professional-quality videos without breaking the bank.


  1. HitFilm Express excels in merging video editing and visual effects into one unified platform. This means you can effortlessly incorporate jaw-dropping visual effects into your videos without the need for additional software. Whether you’re adding explosions, futuristic CGI, or enchanting motion graphics, HitFilm Express has you covered.
  2. It offers a free version that provides access to its fundamental video filter features and VFX capabilities. This is a fantastic opportunity for budding content creators to dip their toes into the world of video editing without any financial commitment.
  3. HitFilm Express comes with an extensive library of tutorials, making it incredibly user-friendly for those who are new to video editing or visual effects. These tutorials guide you through the software’s features and help you create eye-catching effects like a pro.


As for potential downsides, the free version of HitFilm Express may have some limitations compared to the paid version.

While it provides access to essential features, you may find certain advanced options restricted.

However, this can be seen as an advantage because it allows you to explore the software without any upfront costs.

04 Adobe Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere Pro is a name that resonates deeply within the video editing community. It’s renowned for its versatility and rich feature set, making it a go-to choice for professional video editors and content creators alike.


  1. When it comes to customization, Adobe Premiere Pro truly shines. The software offers an extensive library of plugins and extensions, allowing you to tailor your video filter effects to your precise liking. Whether you’re into color grading, visual effects, or audio enhancement, you’ll find the tools you need within Adobe’s vast ecosystem.
  2. If you’re already a part of the Adobe Creative family, you’ll appreciate Premiere Pro’s seamless integration with other Adobe software. Easily import and export assets from Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects, enhancing your workflow and saving you time.
  3. Adobe is committed to keeping Premiere Pro at the forefront of video editing technology. With regular updates, you can expect a constant influx of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This ensures that your editing experience remains cutting-edge.


There are a few considerations to keep in mind. Adobe Premiere Pro operates on a subscription-based model, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly or annual fee to access the software. While this provides you with ongoing updates and support, it might not be the best fit for those on a strict budget.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s extensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners. If you’re new to video editing, you may find the learning curve a bit steep. However, with dedication and a wealth of online tutorials available, mastering the software is within reach.

05 Final Cut Pro


If you’re a proud owner of a Mac, Final Cut Pro should be on your radar as the ultimate video filter software. This Apple-exclusive gem is tailored to take your video editing experience to the next level, offering seamless integration with the macOS ecosystem.


  1. A standout feature of Final Cut Pro is how well it works together with other Apple devices and software, making everything run smoothly. Whether you’re working on your Macbook, iPad, or iPhone, Final Cut Pro keeps your workflow smooth and consistent. This synergy allows you to transfer projects effortlessly between devices, making it a go-to choice for Apple enthusiasts.
  2. Final Cut Pro is a powerhouse when it comes to handling high-resolution videos. Whether you’re working with 4K or 8K footage, this software handles it with grace and precision. Expect smooth playback and rapid rendering, even with the most demanding video projects.
  3. Mac users will feel right at home with Final Cut Pro’s sleek and user-friendly interface. The software’s design prioritizes ease of use without compromising on functionality. You can focus on your creative vision rather than wrestling with a complex interface.


It’s important to mention that Final Cut Pro is quite expensive, which might not be affordable for people on a tight budget.

Final Cut Pro is exclusive to macOS, which means Windows users will have to explore alternative software options. If you’re committed to the Apple ecosystem and prioritize top-notch video editing, Final Cut Pro is a wise investment.

Part 3: Summary

In a world where visual content rules supreme, having the right video filter software can make all the difference.

Your choice depends on your skill level, preferences, and budget. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s a video filter software out there that’s perfect for you. Feel free to dive in, experiment, and let your creativity sparkle in your videos!

Part 1: Introduction

What exactly are video filters, you ask?

Well, video filters are like Instagram filters for your videos but with much more finesse.

They allow you to tweak various aspects of your video’s appearance, such as color, contrast, saturation, and more, to achieve the desired visual style.

The beauty of video filter software lies in its ability to enhance your video’s overall look and feel. Let’s explore the top contenders in the video filter software arena.

Part 2: Top 5 Video Filter Software

01 Filmora


Our first contender in the world of video filter software is Filmora. Designed with a user-friendly interface, Filmora is the ideal choice for those who want to enhance their videos effortlessly. Let’s take a closer look at what makes it stand out.


  1. Filmora’s intuitive interface makes it a breeze for beginners to get started. You don’t need to be a tech whiz to dive into video editing; Filmora guides you through the process seamlessly.
  2. Filmora boasts an extensive library of video presets and color grading presets. This treasure trove of pre-made styles allows you to give your videos that extra flair without the need for in-depth editing skills.
  3. Time is precious, and Filmora respects that. It offers quick rendering speeds, so you can see the results of your editing efforts in no time.
  4. Filmora’s simplicity is its strength, but it doesn’t mean it lacks creative potential. You can still go into more advanced features when you’re ready to level up your video editing game. This software gracefully balances accessibility and functionality.


So, you might be wondering, what about the downsides? Well, Filmora is so user-friendly that it can make you addicted to editing!

You might find yourself spending hours perfecting your videos, which, to be honest, is more of an advantage disguised as a disadvantage. Who wouldn’t want to get lost in the world of video editing, creating stunning content effortlessly?

02 DaVinci Resolve


When it comes to professional video editing and color correction, DaVinci Resolve stands as a true powerhouse in the world of video filter software.

Renowned for its robust feature set and precision, it’s the go-to choice for filmmakers, colorists, and anyone who demands the highest level of control over their video projects.


  1. DaVinci Resolve is unrivaled in its color correction and grading capabilities. Whether you’re aiming for a cinematic look or a specific color scheme, the software provides an extensive suite of tools to fine-tune every detail. Its color wheels, curves, and advanced grading panels allow you to achieve the exact visual style you envision.
  2. It provides a lot of cool stuff for editing sound and video, like fancy tools for fixing audio, working with multiple cameras, and working together with others on the same project. This makes it an all-in-one solution for every aspect of video post-production.
  3. In a world where teamwork is essential, DaVinci Resolve shines with its collaboration features. Many people can work on a project together at the same time, making it easier for teams working on big video projects to edit smoothly.


DaVinci Resolve can be resource-intensive, demanding a powerful computer setup for smooth operation. This could be a great advantage for people with really good computers, but it might be a bit tough for folks with older or less powerful ones.

03 HitFilm Express


If you’re an aspiring filmmaker or content creator looking to dive into the world of video editing and visual effects, HitFilm Express is your ticket to boundless creativity.

This versatile software combines video editing and visual effects seamlessly, allowing you to create stunning, professional-quality videos without breaking the bank.


  1. HitFilm Express excels in merging video editing and visual effects into one unified platform. This means you can effortlessly incorporate jaw-dropping visual effects into your videos without the need for additional software. Whether you’re adding explosions, futuristic CGI, or enchanting motion graphics, HitFilm Express has you covered.
  2. It offers a free version that provides access to its fundamental video filter features and VFX capabilities. This is a fantastic opportunity for budding content creators to dip their toes into the world of video editing without any financial commitment.
  3. HitFilm Express comes with an extensive library of tutorials, making it incredibly user-friendly for those who are new to video editing or visual effects. These tutorials guide you through the software’s features and help you create eye-catching effects like a pro.


As for potential downsides, the free version of HitFilm Express may have some limitations compared to the paid version.

While it provides access to essential features, you may find certain advanced options restricted.

However, this can be seen as an advantage because it allows you to explore the software without any upfront costs.

04 Adobe Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere Pro is a name that resonates deeply within the video editing community. It’s renowned for its versatility and rich feature set, making it a go-to choice for professional video editors and content creators alike.


  1. When it comes to customization, Adobe Premiere Pro truly shines. The software offers an extensive library of plugins and extensions, allowing you to tailor your video filter effects to your precise liking. Whether you’re into color grading, visual effects, or audio enhancement, you’ll find the tools you need within Adobe’s vast ecosystem.
  2. If you’re already a part of the Adobe Creative family, you’ll appreciate Premiere Pro’s seamless integration with other Adobe software. Easily import and export assets from Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects, enhancing your workflow and saving you time.
  3. Adobe is committed to keeping Premiere Pro at the forefront of video editing technology. With regular updates, you can expect a constant influx of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This ensures that your editing experience remains cutting-edge.


There are a few considerations to keep in mind. Adobe Premiere Pro operates on a subscription-based model, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly or annual fee to access the software. While this provides you with ongoing updates and support, it might not be the best fit for those on a strict budget.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s extensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners. If you’re new to video editing, you may find the learning curve a bit steep. However, with dedication and a wealth of online tutorials available, mastering the software is within reach.

05 Final Cut Pro


If you’re a proud owner of a Mac, Final Cut Pro should be on your radar as the ultimate video filter software. This Apple-exclusive gem is tailored to take your video editing experience to the next level, offering seamless integration with the macOS ecosystem.


  1. A standout feature of Final Cut Pro is how well it works together with other Apple devices and software, making everything run smoothly. Whether you’re working on your Macbook, iPad, or iPhone, Final Cut Pro keeps your workflow smooth and consistent. This synergy allows you to transfer projects effortlessly between devices, making it a go-to choice for Apple enthusiasts.
  2. Final Cut Pro is a powerhouse when it comes to handling high-resolution videos. Whether you’re working with 4K or 8K footage, this software handles it with grace and precision. Expect smooth playback and rapid rendering, even with the most demanding video projects.
  3. Mac users will feel right at home with Final Cut Pro’s sleek and user-friendly interface. The software’s design prioritizes ease of use without compromising on functionality. You can focus on your creative vision rather than wrestling with a complex interface.


It’s important to mention that Final Cut Pro is quite expensive, which might not be affordable for people on a tight budget.

Final Cut Pro is exclusive to macOS, which means Windows users will have to explore alternative software options. If you’re committed to the Apple ecosystem and prioritize top-notch video editing, Final Cut Pro is a wise investment.

Part 3: Summary

In a world where visual content rules supreme, having the right video filter software can make all the difference.

Your choice depends on your skill level, preferences, and budget. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s a video filter software out there that’s perfect for you. Feel free to dive in, experiment, and let your creativity sparkle in your videos!

How to Easily Create a Free Eye-Catching Intro Videos with Invideo

Video is an increasingly popular form of media, and businesses of all sizes are using video to promote their products and services. In today’s fast-paced world, creating an intro for your videos is a great way to quickly engage your viewers and give them a sense of what your content is going to be about.

However, you might think that creating an intro video is a difficult process. Well, it is not! InVideo intro maker makes it possible for even a beginner to create an intro like a professional. It has simplified every useful feature that you need. If you want to learn how to operate InVideo free intro maker, read on carefully.

Part 1. Common Intro Video Types

There are many different types of intro videos that you can create using intro maker InVideo. Each has its own purpose and style. Here, we will give a short overview on some common intro video types, such as Motion intro videos, YouTube intro videos, Movie intro videos, and Ads intro videos.

Motion Intro Videos

A motion intro video for your business or social media help people learn about what you do in a fun way. By using engaging motion visuals, you can quickly communicate key information about your content in a short time.

YouTube Intro Videos

An introduction is one of the first things you’ll need for a YouTube video. It will appear at the beginning of your videos and give viewers a quick overview of who you are and what your channel is all about.

Movie Intro Videos

A movie intro video builds anticipation and excitement to your audience. The intro can be used to set the tone as well as introduce the cast and the house production behind your film.

Ads Intro Videos

Creating a right advertising introduction video is sufficient to promote your products to potential customers. To increase brand awareness, it should include information about your company, your products or services, and your brand.

Part 2. Steps to Make an Intro Video with InVideo

Intro maker InVideo is the answer for creating a simple online video editing platform for any purpose. With a variety of available video templates on InVideo, no need to spend hours in front of a computer! To start making one, simply follow these steps:

Step1Go to InVideo free intro maker and try InVideo’s intro maker.

open invideo online editor

Step2Choose a template that suits your video style. There is also a filter option on the left side to help you narrow down your preferences.

create new video invideo

Step3After choosing the template, you can customize it by clicking on the things you want to edit. The tools on the left allow you to add more video, images, or stickers to your project. To edit the audio, click on the audio bar below and the editing tools should appear.

edit text invideo

Step4Once you are satisfied with the result, export your video by clicking on the “Export” button on the top-right of your workspace. InVideo will start rendering your video.

export video from invideo

Part 3. InVideo Alterative to Make Intro Video on Computer

Aside from InVideo intro maker, Filmora is worth checking out. Filmora is a great alternative software to other more complicated video editors. Whether you are professional or not, it is perfect for those who are looking for a more user-friendly video editing tool that can create professional-looking intro videos.

Filmora offers a wide range of features as a video editing software. It is easy to install and available for both Windows and Mac. Filmora also has a built-in library of some royalty-free music, so copyright issues no longer become your worry. We will show you four easy steps to create intro videos using Filmora templates:

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1After opening the software, choose the aspect ratio that you desire and click New Project.

choose the aspect ratio

Step2Search for “Intro” from the list of templates on the Media tab. Choose a video clip that you want to use and drag it to your timeline. If you only want to use the free template, avoid the paid assets with a pink diamond icon. Otherwise, you can use free stock video clips included with Filmora.

search intro video filmora

Step3Edit and customize the texts by double-clicking the text on the preview box. You can change the style, font, size, colors, etc.

edit text intro video filmora

Step4Change, add or customize the audio of your video on the Audio menu. You can also add and customize the text, transition, and effect from other menus. Don’t forget to export your video to the preferred video format and locate it in your desired folder.

add effects intro video filmora

  1. Which software is best for intro making?

The best-used software programs for professional intro-making include Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas Pro, and Final Cut Pro. However, they are more complex and difficult to operate. Some best intro video makers that are easier to use include Filmora, InVideo, and Animaker.

  1. How do I make an intro to a video for free?

Many video editing software programs offer free intro templates, such as InVideo intro maker, Canva, Animoto, or Filmora . You can even easily customise their templates based on your content. Another option is to use a video editing program like iMovie or Windows Movie Maker that usually comes with your computers.

  1. What do YouTubers use to make their intros?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are some common tools that YouTubers use to make their intro videos. Many YouTubers use software like Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects, Final Cut Pro, or simpler software like iMovie. Others use online resources like MotionDen or Canva.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1After opening the software, choose the aspect ratio that you desire and click New Project.

choose the aspect ratio

Step2Search for “Intro” from the list of templates on the Media tab. Choose a video clip that you want to use and drag it to your timeline. If you only want to use the free template, avoid the paid assets with a pink diamond icon. Otherwise, you can use free stock video clips included with Filmora.

search intro video filmora

Step3Edit and customize the texts by double-clicking the text on the preview box. You can change the style, font, size, colors, etc.

edit text intro video filmora

Step4Change, add or customize the audio of your video on the Audio menu. You can also add and customize the text, transition, and effect from other menus. Don’t forget to export your video to the preferred video format and locate it in your desired folder.

add effects intro video filmora

  1. Which software is best for intro making?

The best-used software programs for professional intro-making include Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas Pro, and Final Cut Pro. However, they are more complex and difficult to operate. Some best intro video makers that are easier to use include Filmora, InVideo, and Animaker.

  1. How do I make an intro to a video for free?

Many video editing software programs offer free intro templates, such as InVideo intro maker, Canva, Animoto, or Filmora . You can even easily customise their templates based on your content. Another option is to use a video editing program like iMovie or Windows Movie Maker that usually comes with your computers.

  1. What do YouTubers use to make their intros?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are some common tools that YouTubers use to make their intro videos. Many YouTubers use software like Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects, Final Cut Pro, or simpler software like iMovie. Others use online resources like MotionDen or Canva.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Slow-Motion Edits Are Pretty Mesmerizing, and We’ve All Imagined Ourselves in One of Those Visually Appealing, Slowed-Down Movies. We’ll Teach You How to Make a Smooth Slo-Mo Video Using Twixtor in This Article. Stay Tuned Until the End

Twixtor is a plug-in program for the After Effects software that allows you to create slow-motion effects from any video clip by adjusting the settings of the plug-in software. But what Twixtor is and why it is utilized are the topics we will cover in this article.

In addition, we will learn how to manipulate its characteristics to get the best possible outcome for our working composition in the Premiere Pro and After Effects plug-ins. Without any further ado, let’s get straight to the business!

In this article

01 What is Twixtor and How Does It Work?

02 How to Use Twixtor to Create Super Slow-Mo in Adobe Premiere Pro?

03 How to Create Super Slow Motion in After Effects with Twixtor?

04 How to Get the Twixtor Style Effect on iPhone?

Part 1: What is Twixtor and How Does It Work?

Twixtor is a plug-in developed by RevisionFX. It is available for purchase. The plug-in gives users the ability to speed up, slow down, or convert the frame rate of picture sequences, all with special effects. Twixtor can visually estimate what a video is meant to look like in a slow-motion setting using video analysis and interoperability.

Due to the need for unparalleled image quality, RE: Vision Effects developed unique tracking technology that determines every individual pixel’s motion. This technology allows Twixtor to synthesize new innovative frames by warping and interpolating frames from the original sequence, resulting in unprecedented image quality.

Reset the clock to a single-speed setting. Always remember that you can customize the retiming on a frame-by-frame basis!

When items are crossing in the scene, Twixtor is more accurate and shows fewer artifacts than other rendering engines. This reduces the ripping and stretching of items when they cross the frame or exit it completely.

But how does Twixtor work is the million-dollar question! While Premiere includes the ability to slow down your film and has a newer, better-quality version dubbed Optical Flow, it cannot zoom in on your footage (called Pixel Motion in After Effects).

The slow-motion quality is undoubtedly superior to that of simple frame blending, but it is not the finest grade slow motion available. The TWIXTOR from Re: Vision Effects has long been the go-to solution for the most excellent post-slow motion. It is pricey, but it is well worth it.

The Pro edition provides you with the opportunity to fine-tune the pitch of the auto track, as well as the option to employ mattes and alphas to enrich your tracks and the ability to deal with motion vectors from a 3D system, among other features.

Part 2: How to Use Twixtor to Create Super Slow-Mo in Adobe Premiere Pro?

As we’ve already mentioned, we will be analyzing how Twixtor makes slow mos; we will be starting with the Adobe Premiere Pro. The following are the steps you need to learn to perform it yourself.

Step 1: After importing the video to the timeline, do some basic editing such as trimming and removing audio from the video.

nest sequence premiere pro

Step 2: Nest the sequence to convert the video into a new sequence automatically.

Step 3: Go to the Effects tab and search for Twixtor, and then drop the Twixtor Pro to the video clip in the timeline.

twixtor pro effect premiere pro

Step 5: Right-click the video in the timeline again and scroll down to Show Clip Keyframes to enable the Speed option under Time Remapping. You can now enable the GPU acceleration to fast rendering.

Step 6: Click the Keyframe icon to mark the points where you want to begin with the slow-motion effect, and then mark the end part of the slow-motion effect video.

add keyframes to slow motion premiere pro

Step 7: Now, drag the line lower to add a slo-mo effect to video.

drag line to slow motion twixtor premiere pro

Remember that your video can sometimes lag if you set the video speed at a meager percentage. To avoid that, utilize settings in a better way to ensure your video works flawlessly.

Part 3: How to Create Super Slow Motion in After Effects with Twixtor?

When working with After Effects software, Twixtor is a convenient plug-in since it allows us to create slow-motion effects from any video source.

We’ll look at an example to better comprehend what we’re talking about in this post. Before we begin our study of the Twixtor plug-in, let us get acquainted with the software’s operating screen to quickly understand the content of this article as we go through our assessment of the Twixtor plug-in.

Step 1: When you launch After Effects, go to File>Import>File to import your footage. Here you can see the actual frame rate of your film. You may drag your film onto the timeline by right-clicking it and selecting New Comp from Selection.

Step 2: Select your video from the timeline in the composition, then go to Effects & Presets pane to search Twixtor, and you will find Twixtor or Twixtor Pro under RE: Vision plug-ins, depending on your version. Drag and drop it to the video in the timeline.

after effects twixtor slow motion plugin

Step 3: In the Twixtor effect controls, enter the frame rate of the film you found previously. The faster and better your slowed footage will become, the higher the frame rate.

For organizational reasons, After Effects employs the “tree-ing“ concept, sometimes known as drop-down menus. Click on the yellow number next to Input: Frame Rate under Source Control. It should be set to 29.97 by default. Please set it to the frame rate you discovered previously in the tutorial.

adjust after effects twixtor pro settings

You can then adjust the speed and time remap mode accordingly. For more information, you can watch the video tutorial below to find out how to create smooth Twixtor effects in Adobe After Effects.

Part 4: How to Get the Twixtor Style Effect on iPhone?

It is possible to shoot videos in slow motion and then play them back at average speed using SloPro – 1000fps Slow Motion Video from Sand Mountain Studios, a fantastic video editing effects tool.

Inserting slow motion cues and changing playback speeds without waiting is possible with renderless editing. It allows you to produce slow-motion films and enables you to insert extremely rapid sequences and cycle between various speeds.

SloPro even enables you to edit your films as they are being recorded, allowing you to choose between slow and fast motion while recording.

This program provides complete support for sharing through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, allowing you to show off your impressive video creations to the rest of the world. It has already been established that SloPro is one of the few videos editing software that includes optical flow as a stand-alone effect.

slopro slow motion app iphone

Step 1: After you’ve imported your video, click on the red Edit button in the top-right corner of the screen to bring up the editing window.

Step 2: Trim the video down to the section that you wish to modify if required using the Clip In and Clip Out functions. It is divided into clips using the speed in and speeds out controls.

Step 3: Tap on the top-left box to bring up a list of fast and slow speed choices. Drag the cursor over the clip to bring up a fast and slow speed options list.

Step 4: If you want to use a slow speed, press the box in the upper right corner and choose Optical Flow from the menu.

This will render the clip with optical flow, resulting in the smooth Twixtor effect you are familiar with. There will be a watermark on your video if you use the program’s free version, but you can easily crop it out.


Slow-Mo videos are undoubtedly watch-worthy. They allow us to observe the fine details and appreciate the video content. But creating one isn’t child’s play. So, we decided to compile this article to inform our worthy readers on how they can get started using Twixtor on Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. We hope you had a fun time learning!

02 How to Use Twixtor to Create Super Slow-Mo in Adobe Premiere Pro?

03 How to Create Super Slow Motion in After Effects with Twixtor?

04 How to Get the Twixtor Style Effect on iPhone?

Part 1: What is Twixtor and How Does It Work?

Twixtor is a plug-in developed by RevisionFX. It is available for purchase. The plug-in gives users the ability to speed up, slow down, or convert the frame rate of picture sequences, all with special effects. Twixtor can visually estimate what a video is meant to look like in a slow-motion setting using video analysis and interoperability.

Due to the need for unparalleled image quality, RE: Vision Effects developed unique tracking technology that determines every individual pixel’s motion. This technology allows Twixtor to synthesize new innovative frames by warping and interpolating frames from the original sequence, resulting in unprecedented image quality.

Reset the clock to a single-speed setting. Always remember that you can customize the retiming on a frame-by-frame basis!

When items are crossing in the scene, Twixtor is more accurate and shows fewer artifacts than other rendering engines. This reduces the ripping and stretching of items when they cross the frame or exit it completely.

But how does Twixtor work is the million-dollar question! While Premiere includes the ability to slow down your film and has a newer, better-quality version dubbed Optical Flow, it cannot zoom in on your footage (called Pixel Motion in After Effects).

The slow-motion quality is undoubtedly superior to that of simple frame blending, but it is not the finest grade slow motion available. The TWIXTOR from Re: Vision Effects has long been the go-to solution for the most excellent post-slow motion. It is pricey, but it is well worth it.

The Pro edition provides you with the opportunity to fine-tune the pitch of the auto track, as well as the option to employ mattes and alphas to enrich your tracks and the ability to deal with motion vectors from a 3D system, among other features.

Part 2: How to Use Twixtor to Create Super Slow-Mo in Adobe Premiere Pro?

As we’ve already mentioned, we will be analyzing how Twixtor makes slow mos; we will be starting with the Adobe Premiere Pro. The following are the steps you need to learn to perform it yourself.

Step 1: After importing the video to the timeline, do some basic editing such as trimming and removing audio from the video.

nest sequence premiere pro

Step 2: Nest the sequence to convert the video into a new sequence automatically.

Step 3: Go to the Effects tab and search for Twixtor, and then drop the Twixtor Pro to the video clip in the timeline.

twixtor pro effect premiere pro

Step 5: Right-click the video in the timeline again and scroll down to Show Clip Keyframes to enable the Speed option under Time Remapping. You can now enable the GPU acceleration to fast rendering.

Step 6: Click the Keyframe icon to mark the points where you want to begin with the slow-motion effect, and then mark the end part of the slow-motion effect video.

add keyframes to slow motion premiere pro

Step 7: Now, drag the line lower to add a slo-mo effect to video.

drag line to slow motion twixtor premiere pro

Remember that your video can sometimes lag if you set the video speed at a meager percentage. To avoid that, utilize settings in a better way to ensure your video works flawlessly.

Part 3: How to Create Super Slow Motion in After Effects with Twixtor?

When working with After Effects software, Twixtor is a convenient plug-in since it allows us to create slow-motion effects from any video source.

We’ll look at an example to better comprehend what we’re talking about in this post. Before we begin our study of the Twixtor plug-in, let us get acquainted with the software’s operating screen to quickly understand the content of this article as we go through our assessment of the Twixtor plug-in.

Step 1: When you launch After Effects, go to File>Import>File to import your footage. Here you can see the actual frame rate of your film. You may drag your film onto the timeline by right-clicking it and selecting New Comp from Selection.

Step 2: Select your video from the timeline in the composition, then go to Effects & Presets pane to search Twixtor, and you will find Twixtor or Twixtor Pro under RE: Vision plug-ins, depending on your version. Drag and drop it to the video in the timeline.

after effects twixtor slow motion plugin

Step 3: In the Twixtor effect controls, enter the frame rate of the film you found previously. The faster and better your slowed footage will become, the higher the frame rate.

For organizational reasons, After Effects employs the “tree-ing“ concept, sometimes known as drop-down menus. Click on the yellow number next to Input: Frame Rate under Source Control. It should be set to 29.97 by default. Please set it to the frame rate you discovered previously in the tutorial.

adjust after effects twixtor pro settings

You can then adjust the speed and time remap mode accordingly. For more information, you can watch the video tutorial below to find out how to create smooth Twixtor effects in Adobe After Effects.

Part 4: How to Get the Twixtor Style Effect on iPhone?

It is possible to shoot videos in slow motion and then play them back at average speed using SloPro – 1000fps Slow Motion Video from Sand Mountain Studios, a fantastic video editing effects tool.

Inserting slow motion cues and changing playback speeds without waiting is possible with renderless editing. It allows you to produce slow-motion films and enables you to insert extremely rapid sequences and cycle between various speeds.

SloPro even enables you to edit your films as they are being recorded, allowing you to choose between slow and fast motion while recording.

This program provides complete support for sharing through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, allowing you to show off your impressive video creations to the rest of the world. It has already been established that SloPro is one of the few videos editing software that includes optical flow as a stand-alone effect.

slopro slow motion app iphone

Step 1: After you’ve imported your video, click on the red Edit button in the top-right corner of the screen to bring up the editing window.

Step 2: Trim the video down to the section that you wish to modify if required using the Clip In and Clip Out functions. It is divided into clips using the speed in and speeds out controls.

Step 3: Tap on the top-left box to bring up a list of fast and slow speed choices. Drag the cursor over the clip to bring up a fast and slow speed options list.

Step 4: If you want to use a slow speed, press the box in the upper right corner and choose Optical Flow from the menu.

This will render the clip with optical flow, resulting in the smooth Twixtor effect you are familiar with. There will be a watermark on your video if you use the program’s free version, but you can easily crop it out.


Slow-Mo videos are undoubtedly watch-worthy. They allow us to observe the fine details and appreciate the video content. But creating one isn’t child’s play. So, we decided to compile this article to inform our worthy readers on how they can get started using Twixtor on Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. We hope you had a fun time learning!

02 How to Use Twixtor to Create Super Slow-Mo in Adobe Premiere Pro?

03 How to Create Super Slow Motion in After Effects with Twixtor?

04 How to Get the Twixtor Style Effect on iPhone?

Part 1: What is Twixtor and How Does It Work?

Twixtor is a plug-in developed by RevisionFX. It is available for purchase. The plug-in gives users the ability to speed up, slow down, or convert the frame rate of picture sequences, all with special effects. Twixtor can visually estimate what a video is meant to look like in a slow-motion setting using video analysis and interoperability.

Due to the need for unparalleled image quality, RE: Vision Effects developed unique tracking technology that determines every individual pixel’s motion. This technology allows Twixtor to synthesize new innovative frames by warping and interpolating frames from the original sequence, resulting in unprecedented image quality.

Reset the clock to a single-speed setting. Always remember that you can customize the retiming on a frame-by-frame basis!

When items are crossing in the scene, Twixtor is more accurate and shows fewer artifacts than other rendering engines. This reduces the ripping and stretching of items when they cross the frame or exit it completely.

But how does Twixtor work is the million-dollar question! While Premiere includes the ability to slow down your film and has a newer, better-quality version dubbed Optical Flow, it cannot zoom in on your footage (called Pixel Motion in After Effects).

The slow-motion quality is undoubtedly superior to that of simple frame blending, but it is not the finest grade slow motion available. The TWIXTOR from Re: Vision Effects has long been the go-to solution for the most excellent post-slow motion. It is pricey, but it is well worth it.

The Pro edition provides you with the opportunity to fine-tune the pitch of the auto track, as well as the option to employ mattes and alphas to enrich your tracks and the ability to deal with motion vectors from a 3D system, among other features.

Part 2: How to Use Twixtor to Create Super Slow-Mo in Adobe Premiere Pro?

As we’ve already mentioned, we will be analyzing how Twixtor makes slow mos; we will be starting with the Adobe Premiere Pro. The following are the steps you need to learn to perform it yourself.

Step 1: After importing the video to the timeline, do some basic editing such as trimming and removing audio from the video.

nest sequence premiere pro

Step 2: Nest the sequence to convert the video into a new sequence automatically.

Step 3: Go to the Effects tab and search for Twixtor, and then drop the Twixtor Pro to the video clip in the timeline.

twixtor pro effect premiere pro

Step 5: Right-click the video in the timeline again and scroll down to Show Clip Keyframes to enable the Speed option under Time Remapping. You can now enable the GPU acceleration to fast rendering.

Step 6: Click the Keyframe icon to mark the points where you want to begin with the slow-motion effect, and then mark the end part of the slow-motion effect video.

add keyframes to slow motion premiere pro

Step 7: Now, drag the line lower to add a slo-mo effect to video.

drag line to slow motion twixtor premiere pro

Remember that your video can sometimes lag if you set the video speed at a meager percentage. To avoid that, utilize settings in a better way to ensure your video works flawlessly.

Part 3: How to Create Super Slow Motion in After Effects with Twixtor?

When working with After Effects software, Twixtor is a convenient plug-in since it allows us to create slow-motion effects from any video source.

We’ll look at an example to better comprehend what we’re talking about in this post. Before we begin our study of the Twixtor plug-in, let us get acquainted with the software’s operating screen to quickly understand the content of this article as we go through our assessment of the Twixtor plug-in.

Step 1: When you launch After Effects, go to File>Import>File to import your footage. Here you can see the actual frame rate of your film. You may drag your film onto the timeline by right-clicking it and selecting New Comp from Selection.

Step 2: Select your video from the timeline in the composition, then go to Effects & Presets pane to search Twixtor, and you will find Twixtor or Twixtor Pro under RE: Vision plug-ins, depending on your version. Drag and drop it to the video in the timeline.

after effects twixtor slow motion plugin

Step 3: In the Twixtor effect controls, enter the frame rate of the film you found previously. The faster and better your slowed footage will become, the higher the frame rate.

For organizational reasons, After Effects employs the “tree-ing“ concept, sometimes known as drop-down menus. Click on the yellow number next to Input: Frame Rate under Source Control. It should be set to 29.97 by default. Please set it to the frame rate you discovered previously in the tutorial.

adjust after effects twixtor pro settings

You can then adjust the speed and time remap mode accordingly. For more information, you can watch the video tutorial below to find out how to create smooth Twixtor effects in Adobe After Effects.

Part 4: How to Get the Twixtor Style Effect on iPhone?

It is possible to shoot videos in slow motion and then play them back at average speed using SloPro – 1000fps Slow Motion Video from Sand Mountain Studios, a fantastic video editing effects tool.

Inserting slow motion cues and changing playback speeds without waiting is possible with renderless editing. It allows you to produce slow-motion films and enables you to insert extremely rapid sequences and cycle between various speeds.

SloPro even enables you to edit your films as they are being recorded, allowing you to choose between slow and fast motion while recording.

This program provides complete support for sharing through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, allowing you to show off your impressive video creations to the rest of the world. It has already been established that SloPro is one of the few videos editing software that includes optical flow as a stand-alone effect.

slopro slow motion app iphone

Step 1: After you’ve imported your video, click on the red Edit button in the top-right corner of the screen to bring up the editing window.

Step 2: Trim the video down to the section that you wish to modify if required using the Clip In and Clip Out functions. It is divided into clips using the speed in and speeds out controls.

Step 3: Tap on the top-left box to bring up a list of fast and slow speed choices. Drag the cursor over the clip to bring up a fast and slow speed options list.

Step 4: If you want to use a slow speed, press the box in the upper right corner and choose Optical Flow from the menu.

This will render the clip with optical flow, resulting in the smooth Twixtor effect you are familiar with. There will be a watermark on your video if you use the program’s free version, but you can easily crop it out.


Slow-Mo videos are undoubtedly watch-worthy. They allow us to observe the fine details and appreciate the video content. But creating one isn’t child’s play. So, we decided to compile this article to inform our worthy readers on how they can get started using Twixtor on Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. We hope you had a fun time learning!

02 How to Use Twixtor to Create Super Slow-Mo in Adobe Premiere Pro?

03 How to Create Super Slow Motion in After Effects with Twixtor?

04 How to Get the Twixtor Style Effect on iPhone?

Part 1: What is Twixtor and How Does It Work?

Twixtor is a plug-in developed by RevisionFX. It is available for purchase. The plug-in gives users the ability to speed up, slow down, or convert the frame rate of picture sequences, all with special effects. Twixtor can visually estimate what a video is meant to look like in a slow-motion setting using video analysis and interoperability.

Due to the need for unparalleled image quality, RE: Vision Effects developed unique tracking technology that determines every individual pixel’s motion. This technology allows Twixtor to synthesize new innovative frames by warping and interpolating frames from the original sequence, resulting in unprecedented image quality.

Reset the clock to a single-speed setting. Always remember that you can customize the retiming on a frame-by-frame basis!

When items are crossing in the scene, Twixtor is more accurate and shows fewer artifacts than other rendering engines. This reduces the ripping and stretching of items when they cross the frame or exit it completely.

But how does Twixtor work is the million-dollar question! While Premiere includes the ability to slow down your film and has a newer, better-quality version dubbed Optical Flow, it cannot zoom in on your footage (called Pixel Motion in After Effects).

The slow-motion quality is undoubtedly superior to that of simple frame blending, but it is not the finest grade slow motion available. The TWIXTOR from Re: Vision Effects has long been the go-to solution for the most excellent post-slow motion. It is pricey, but it is well worth it.

The Pro edition provides you with the opportunity to fine-tune the pitch of the auto track, as well as the option to employ mattes and alphas to enrich your tracks and the ability to deal with motion vectors from a 3D system, among other features.

Part 2: How to Use Twixtor to Create Super Slow-Mo in Adobe Premiere Pro?

As we’ve already mentioned, we will be analyzing how Twixtor makes slow mos; we will be starting with the Adobe Premiere Pro. The following are the steps you need to learn to perform it yourself.

Step 1: After importing the video to the timeline, do some basic editing such as trimming and removing audio from the video.

nest sequence premiere pro

Step 2: Nest the sequence to convert the video into a new sequence automatically.

Step 3: Go to the Effects tab and search for Twixtor, and then drop the Twixtor Pro to the video clip in the timeline.

twixtor pro effect premiere pro

Step 5: Right-click the video in the timeline again and scroll down to Show Clip Keyframes to enable the Speed option under Time Remapping. You can now enable the GPU acceleration to fast rendering.

Step 6: Click the Keyframe icon to mark the points where you want to begin with the slow-motion effect, and then mark the end part of the slow-motion effect video.

add keyframes to slow motion premiere pro

Step 7: Now, drag the line lower to add a slo-mo effect to video.

drag line to slow motion twixtor premiere pro

Remember that your video can sometimes lag if you set the video speed at a meager percentage. To avoid that, utilize settings in a better way to ensure your video works flawlessly.

Part 3: How to Create Super Slow Motion in After Effects with Twixtor?

When working with After Effects software, Twixtor is a convenient plug-in since it allows us to create slow-motion effects from any video source.

We’ll look at an example to better comprehend what we’re talking about in this post. Before we begin our study of the Twixtor plug-in, let us get acquainted with the software’s operating screen to quickly understand the content of this article as we go through our assessment of the Twixtor plug-in.

Step 1: When you launch After Effects, go to File>Import>File to import your footage. Here you can see the actual frame rate of your film. You may drag your film onto the timeline by right-clicking it and selecting New Comp from Selection.

Step 2: Select your video from the timeline in the composition, then go to Effects & Presets pane to search Twixtor, and you will find Twixtor or Twixtor Pro under RE: Vision plug-ins, depending on your version. Drag and drop it to the video in the timeline.

after effects twixtor slow motion plugin

Step 3: In the Twixtor effect controls, enter the frame rate of the film you found previously. The faster and better your slowed footage will become, the higher the frame rate.

For organizational reasons, After Effects employs the “tree-ing“ concept, sometimes known as drop-down menus. Click on the yellow number next to Input: Frame Rate under Source Control. It should be set to 29.97 by default. Please set it to the frame rate you discovered previously in the tutorial.

adjust after effects twixtor pro settings

You can then adjust the speed and time remap mode accordingly. For more information, you can watch the video tutorial below to find out how to create smooth Twixtor effects in Adobe After Effects.

Part 4: How to Get the Twixtor Style Effect on iPhone?

It is possible to shoot videos in slow motion and then play them back at average speed using SloPro – 1000fps Slow Motion Video from Sand Mountain Studios, a fantastic video editing effects tool.

Inserting slow motion cues and changing playback speeds without waiting is possible with renderless editing. It allows you to produce slow-motion films and enables you to insert extremely rapid sequences and cycle between various speeds.

SloPro even enables you to edit your films as they are being recorded, allowing you to choose between slow and fast motion while recording.

This program provides complete support for sharing through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, allowing you to show off your impressive video creations to the rest of the world. It has already been established that SloPro is one of the few videos editing software that includes optical flow as a stand-alone effect.

slopro slow motion app iphone

Step 1: After you’ve imported your video, click on the red Edit button in the top-right corner of the screen to bring up the editing window.

Step 2: Trim the video down to the section that you wish to modify if required using the Clip In and Clip Out functions. It is divided into clips using the speed in and speeds out controls.

Step 3: Tap on the top-left box to bring up a list of fast and slow speed choices. Drag the cursor over the clip to bring up a fast and slow speed options list.

Step 4: If you want to use a slow speed, press the box in the upper right corner and choose Optical Flow from the menu.

This will render the clip with optical flow, resulting in the smooth Twixtor effect you are familiar with. There will be a watermark on your video if you use the program’s free version, but you can easily crop it out.


Slow-Mo videos are undoubtedly watch-worthy. They allow us to observe the fine details and appreciate the video content. But creating one isn’t child’s play. So, we decided to compile this article to inform our worthy readers on how they can get started using Twixtor on Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. We hope you had a fun time learning!

How To Use Speed Ramping to Create an Intense Action Footage

Are you tired of using the same old way to edit your montages? Or do you want to learn to be more professional in your creativity? Don’t worry. We got you.

Here you will learn how to take your videos to the next level using speed ramping with a professional video editor- Wondershare Filmora. Moreover, you will get to know two ways to add the effect.

  1. Using speed ramping effect and glitch effects.
  2. Using the standard speed settings.

These effects can work well for any action sports or dance video. Let’s check out about speed ramping effect and ways to add it.

Part 1. What is speed ramping?

You’ve probably seen speed ramping used in suspenseful moments of a basketball video before, like a ball bouncing on the rim or a long buzzer-beating shot.

cinematic shots of a basketball player

With speed ramping, we can slow down our most exciting moments to show our audience. And then speed it up again to keep pace with the music or action. So it will give you a smooth transition effect.

Part 2. How to enhance action videos with the speed ramping effect?

For example, we’ll create an intense basketball video with speed ramping and glitch effects in Filmora . Then, to show you how to show off your filming, editing, and basketball skills.

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Step1 Shot the footage

To edit a montage, you must first capture it correctly. For our example footage, we want to ensure we have set our camera to a higher frame rate for filming this type of video since we’re going to use slow motion.

shot footage from a higher angels

How to capture the best footage?

You can shoot handheld with a camera or a mobile phone because it allows you to move around your talent and catch some movements and action while giving a shaky camera effect for added suspense. To make evenly balanced videos, you can use a gimbal stabilizer. Here are some tips to get better shots.

  • Change camera angles. Try getting shots low to the ground as well as at higher angles. That will give you more options to cut between when you edit the video.
  • Get various shots. You can get shots of dribbling, shooting, and just running with the ball to work with.
  • Try shooting on a longer lens. It is because you may not be able to get close to the action.
  • Record footage in slow mode on your camera or phone. It will allow you to capture more frames: the more frames, the smoother the slow-motion effect.

Best capturing will make your video more cinematic and visually pleasing after preparing the footage. Finally, we will dive into edit tutorials on speed ramping and glitch effects separately for better understanding.

Step2 Edit the speed of footage in Filmora

There are two ways to achieve the speed ramping effect. One is to use the speed ramping feature to adjust the video speed—the other way to achieve a similar effect is by using the standard speed settings.

Edit with speed ramping feature in Filmora

The speed ramping feature is included in Filmora standard license. So let’s start by opening Filmora.

1. Import media

First, import a video from your media library in the Wondershare Filmora. And drag the clip down on the timeline to start editing.

library in wondershare filmora

2. Apply the speed ramping feature

To apply the speed ramping feature, right-click on the clip on the timeline. And click speed in the menu and choose speed ramping to open the settings window.

add speed ramping option

You can choose different speed templates in the setting window. Or, on the left corner, click on the customize option to adjust the keyframes and create the speed you want for the video.

speed templates on wondershare filmora

The lower keyframe is when the video is slowest, and the peak is when the video is fastest. The middle parts between the keyframes are when it speeds up or slows down to reach the specific speed you set on each keyframe.

adjusting key-frames wondershare filmora

Grab the keyframes and move them up to increase the speed or down to slow down the rate. You can also add more keyframes by moving the playhead to the spot where you want to change speed and clicking the plus button.

After adjusting our keyframes, we can play it back to see if we like the result.

Edit with standard speed settings in Filmora

Since speed ramping can only be used for paid users, we also provide you with an alternative way to give an exact transition effect, like speed ramping. Check out the following steps to add it.

1. You can drag the video from your library to the timeline. While in the timeline, double-click to open the speed menu. Then choose the starting speed you want your video to be with the speed slider.

uniform speed

2. Next, move your playhead to the point of the video you want to slow down the speed. Here we will cut and then double-click that clip to open the speed menu again. Change the pace with the speed slider again

split adjusting the clips

Following the above steps, a speed ramping style effect can be created without using the premium feature. Stealthy, isn’t it?

Step3 Add some intensity to shots with the BCC glitch effect

We will use Boris FX BCC glitch to add some intensity to our video. It is a plug-in built-in Filmora and gives a feeling of chaos to match the action in the video. To apply the BCC glitch effect to the video.

  • Click on the effects options in the top bar. For example, a window on the left side showing you the option Boris FX will have a sub-option BCC stylize. Click on it.
  • Drag the effect above the place you want it in the timeline.
  • Double-click the effect to open its settings.
  • A drop-down menu at the top of the screen has tons of glitch presets to try out.
  • We are going to scroll down and select shake with motion blur. This preset will use the exact look we want for our basketball video to make the speed ramping more intense.

present a drop-down menu and reduce the effect

  • You can change the settings around after choosing a preset. For example, let’s turn up the glitch intensity to have our glitch a little more extreme. Moving further, we can change the glitch duration to our specific needs.

Now we can watch our video to see our glitch with the motion blur effect. Isn’t it crazy to make a cinematic video by yourself? The speed ramping feature and glitch effects can bring any sports video to the next level.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Shot the footage

To edit a montage, you must first capture it correctly. For our example footage, we want to ensure we have set our camera to a higher frame rate for filming this type of video since we’re going to use slow motion.

shot footage from a higher angels

How to capture the best footage?

You can shoot handheld with a camera or a mobile phone because it allows you to move around your talent and catch some movements and action while giving a shaky camera effect for added suspense. To make evenly balanced videos, you can use a gimbal stabilizer. Here are some tips to get better shots.

  • Change camera angles. Try getting shots low to the ground as well as at higher angles. That will give you more options to cut between when you edit the video.
  • Get various shots. You can get shots of dribbling, shooting, and just running with the ball to work with.
  • Try shooting on a longer lens. It is because you may not be able to get close to the action.
  • Record footage in slow mode on your camera or phone. It will allow you to capture more frames: the more frames, the smoother the slow-motion effect.

Best capturing will make your video more cinematic and visually pleasing after preparing the footage. Finally, we will dive into edit tutorials on speed ramping and glitch effects separately for better understanding.

Step2 Edit the speed of footage in Filmora

There are two ways to achieve the speed ramping effect. One is to use the speed ramping feature to adjust the video speed—the other way to achieve a similar effect is by using the standard speed settings.

Edit with speed ramping feature in Filmora

The speed ramping feature is included in Filmora standard license. So let’s start by opening Filmora.

1. Import media

First, import a video from your media library in the Wondershare Filmora. And drag the clip down on the timeline to start editing.

library in wondershare filmora

2. Apply the speed ramping feature

To apply the speed ramping feature, right-click on the clip on the timeline. And click speed in the menu and choose speed ramping to open the settings window.

add speed ramping option

You can choose different speed templates in the setting window. Or, on the left corner, click on the customize option to adjust the keyframes and create the speed you want for the video.

speed templates on wondershare filmora

The lower keyframe is when the video is slowest, and the peak is when the video is fastest. The middle parts between the keyframes are when it speeds up or slows down to reach the specific speed you set on each keyframe.

adjusting key-frames wondershare filmora

Grab the keyframes and move them up to increase the speed or down to slow down the rate. You can also add more keyframes by moving the playhead to the spot where you want to change speed and clicking the plus button.

After adjusting our keyframes, we can play it back to see if we like the result.

Edit with standard speed settings in Filmora

Since speed ramping can only be used for paid users, we also provide you with an alternative way to give an exact transition effect, like speed ramping. Check out the following steps to add it.

1. You can drag the video from your library to the timeline. While in the timeline, double-click to open the speed menu. Then choose the starting speed you want your video to be with the speed slider.

uniform speed

2. Next, move your playhead to the point of the video you want to slow down the speed. Here we will cut and then double-click that clip to open the speed menu again. Change the pace with the speed slider again

split adjusting the clips

Following the above steps, a speed ramping style effect can be created without using the premium feature. Stealthy, isn’t it?

Step3 Add some intensity to shots with the BCC glitch effect

We will use Boris FX BCC glitch to add some intensity to our video. It is a plug-in built-in Filmora and gives a feeling of chaos to match the action in the video. To apply the BCC glitch effect to the video.

  • Click on the effects options in the top bar. For example, a window on the left side showing you the option Boris FX will have a sub-option BCC stylize. Click on it.
  • Drag the effect above the place you want it in the timeline.
  • Double-click the effect to open its settings.
  • A drop-down menu at the top of the screen has tons of glitch presets to try out.
  • We are going to scroll down and select shake with motion blur. This preset will use the exact look we want for our basketball video to make the speed ramping more intense.

present a drop-down menu and reduce the effect

  • You can change the settings around after choosing a preset. For example, let’s turn up the glitch intensity to have our glitch a little more extreme. Moving further, we can change the glitch duration to our specific needs.

Now we can watch our video to see our glitch with the motion blur effect. Isn’t it crazy to make a cinematic video by yourself? The speed ramping feature and glitch effects can bring any sports video to the next level.

Also read:

  • Title: New Top 5 Video Filter Software Improve Your Videos with Filters
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-06-15 18:56:49
  • Updated at : 2024-06-16 18:56:49
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New Top 5 Video Filter Software Improve Your Videos with Filters