Updated 2024 Approved How to Use Rule of Thirds in Video

Updated 2024 Approved How to Use Rule of Thirds in Video

Morgan Lv12

How to Use Rule of Thirds in Video

So you have your work flow sorted out and you’re well on your way with Filmora but you’re not quite happy with your results or something just seems off when you watch your videos back. You may be missing an important element of all visual media and that’s composition. This is where the building blocks of every frame come together to make a visually pleasing piece for the viewer and helps the eyes concentrate on the content rather than trying to figure out what they are looking at.

I’m sure you may have heard of the rule of thirds for art or photography and you may not know or understand what it is. You may even be wondering how the rule of thirds can help you with your video creation. Well, that is what I’m going to show and explain to you today.

What is the rule of thirds

At its core the rule of thirds is a guide to follow whenever you create something visual.

You break an image into thirds both horizontally and vertically, in doing this you are left with nine boxes and four gridlines, the rule states that by placing key elements in line with gridlines you will have an overall better composition.

To gain a better understanding of this here is a visual example of the gridlines and nine boxes.

rule of thirds gridline

This may seem simple but is often overlooked due to time restraints and eagerness to get that video out there. By following these guidelines your overall composition will gain interesting and pleasing results that can help with viewer engagement. This is only one piece of the puzzle but as any photography professional or artist will tell you, It’s the small things that add up.

How to use the rule of thirds

To show how to use the rule of thirds I will be showing an image with and without the use of the guidelines. In doing this you will be able to see how impactful this system is and how it can help with your own creations within Filmora .

This will be our scene example, you can see buildings, boats, water and skyline. This may be typical of a backdrop or an insert for a holiday picture amongst many other things.

I will now show this picture with no compositional thought and without the use of the thirds system.

shoot a scene with three thirds

Notice how all the elements are in the scene but it just looks interesting and something just seems off when you look at it. You may find yourself searching for understanding of the image rather than taking the image in and concentrating on what the creator intended. This is seen commonly due to the need to fit every element in the scene but sometimes it is best to sacrifice something you may see as important for the sake of the whole picture.

We will now look at the example image with the rule of thirds in place and see if overall this makes a more interesting scene.

place thirds points in photo

We have aligned the skyline with the first horizontal grid line and aligned the boats with the vertical grid lines. We have sacrificed the crane in the scene but overall I’m sure you can agree that this is more pleasing and makes more sense when you’re viewing this. The whole middle section of the scene now has information within it and the contrast between the middle and the rest of the scene directs your eyes to what was intended to be viewed, This is called effect use of empty space. In doing this you save yourself time from adding more information to direct the viewer.

Placing key elements directly in the center of your scene can seem static and boring but by placing elements to one side or using the first and second horizontal grid lines you create something called Dynamism , where the viewer sees an element along the grid and takes a journey through the rest of the image.

Studies have shown that this is the humans natural way of viewing imagery, we first find something interesting to look at and then journey around that. So by using this rule you are creating a more natural process for your viewer.

Tips when starting using the rule of thirds

The first tip I would say is to view other videos, YouTube is a good starting point. Watch interviews and notice where the chairs are aligned. Watch reviewers and notice where they position themselves in the scene. Lastly watch movies and pause on an interesting scene and try to deconstruct where everything is placed and why they chose that composition.

The idea with the rule is to have it become something you do naturally, by always considering the form you save yourself time in the editing process. The key things you have in your mind whenever you make a scene should be.

1. What is the key element in my scene or what am I trying to make the viewer focus on.

2. where do I intend to place these in my scene?

3. Have I created a balanced scene with enough negative space to direct the eye.

If you consider this with every video you make then in time this will become as natural as drinking water on a hot day. As a practice you could open some old projects and apply this rule to your video to see the results and you may find yourself impressed with the change.

When is it best to not use the rule of thirds?

The rule is very useful when you’re aiming to grab the attention towards a certain element but that being said, when you have a symmetrical scene you can get away with not using the rule as your eyes can make sense of symmetry very well.

Even when working with a symmetrical scene you can incorporate the rule within for elements such as people or key figures but in this situation it is down to the creator to figure what they feel is best in any given shot.

How to Use Rule of Thirds in Filmora

The tools provided within Filmora are generous and one great feature is the crop and size tool.

When inserting an image or movie file you can right click on the timeline and select crop and size bringing up a handy screen with the gridlines already there for you. It’s just a matter of aligning your shot for the best composition.

For reference I will show you what this looks like.

First right click the timeline on the image you want to reposition. Alternatively you can select the desired insert and press Alt+C this will also bring up the same editing box.

crop rule of thirds video

Now click on the crop and zoom option and this editor will appear.

crop rule of thirds filmora

As you can see you are able to align the shot and change the aspect ratio to align with your project. For a better look at the built in grid lines see image below.

rule of thirds final video


To conclude, the rule of thirds is very important within visual media and is tough within the fundamentals of art and photography from beginner level right up to the highest point of education, Practice thinking about your placement of key elements within your videos and how this affects your overall composition. The goal is to have this as an automatic thought when shooting your videos or still images. This is a small change you can make but has a big impact on how a viewer engages your content and in return leaves a positive opinion towards your creativity and eye for detail.

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How to Add Adjustment Layer in Premiere Pro

Are you using Premiere Pro frequently? Adobe Premiere Pro is considered advanced software for editing video clips proficiently. You can find a diverse range of features in Premiere Pro that allows you to transform your videos immensely.

If you want to be a professional video editor, you must know the basic techniques of executing video editing. In Premiere Pro, there are various options and features that can help you in enhancing your productivity. For instance, the use of adjustment layers in video editing can make a huge difference. By reading this article, you can come to know about the Premiere Pro adjustment layer efficiently.

premiere pro featured image

Part 1: What is Adjustment Layer in Premiere Pro?

In Premiere Pro, you can save time efficiently by editing each layer individually. To do so, you can find the feature of the adjustment layer in Premiere Pro that enables you to apply the same effect to multiple clips instantly. This will eventually save you time and manual effort. However, you must ensure that the adjustment layer has been placed on top of the layers stack section.

In an adjustment layer in Premiere Pro, you can add multiple effects to create a captivating illustration in your video clips. Moreover, you can also create multiple adjustment layers in Premiere Pro to handle and apply the effects in your clips proficiently. Also, you can easily move, remove, or cut the Premiere Pro adjustment layer anytime within a few clicks.

adjustment layer in premiere pro

Furthermore, you can also remove the adjustment layer from your timeline easily without modifying the composition settings of your video. If you get a basic understanding of creating and managing the adjustment layer in Premiere Pro, you can efficiently enhance the visual appeal of your videos. To learn more about the Premiere Pro adjustment layer, continue reading.

Part 2: How to Add an Adjustment Layer in Premiere Pro?

In this section, we will briefly address how to add an adjustment layer in Premiere Pro in a simpler manner.

Step1 Once you have uploaded your project in Premiere Pro, go to the “File” tab and select the “New” option. Afterward, tap on “Adjustment Layer.”

select the adjustment layer option

Step2 You can also go to the bottom of your project’s panel and tap on the “New Item” icon. After clicking on this icon, you can click on the “Adjustment layer” option. Afterward, you can modify the video settings to change the settings of the adjustment layer. Once done, hit the “OK” button.

choose the adjustment layer option

Step3 Once the adjustment layer has been created, you can drag and drop it into the timeline. To change its name, you can right-click on it.

add an adjustment layer to timeline

Part 3: Three Ways to Use Adjustment Layer in Premiere Pro

Do you want to use the Premiere Pro adjustment layer significantly? In this section, we will highlight three ways through which you can use the adjustment layer in Premiere Pro to edit your videos.

1. Color Grading

Color grading in Premiere Pro can help you to adjust the balance and tone of your video. You can use the color grading effects and tools to set the exposure, brightness, saturation, and light according to your preference. It will also let you redefine the colors in your video efficiently. To use the adjustment layer for color grading, you can read the below instructions:

Step1 After uploading the video clip in Premiere Pro, create a new adjustment layer in the timeline. Drag and adjust it according to the duration of your video clip. Once done, go to the “Effects” tab and search for “FilmConvert Nitrate.”

select the film convert nitrate option

Step2 Apply this effect to the adjustment layer and choose your camera to match the color profile. Afterward, you can adjust the saturation, exposure filmstock, and curves according to your choice. You can also increase the vibrancy and hue saturation curves for more enhancement. You can also navigate to the basic correction section to modify the contrast value accordingly.

2. Transition

To merge multiple video clips smoothly and efficiently, transitional effects can assist you. By adding a suitable transition effect, you can make your whole video look clean and cinematic. Moreover, you can use adjustment layers in Premiere Pro to add transition effects to your effect professionally. To do the transition effect, you can proceed to the following instructions:

Step1 First, drag and drop your video clips into the timeline. Once done, create the adjustment layer and apply it above the layers of video clips. Once done, search the “Offset” effect and apply it to the adjustment layer.

Step2 Now add the keyframe to the position where you want to start and end the transition effect. Afterward, right-click on the first keyframe and select “Temporal Interpolation.” From there, choose “Ease Out.” Repeat the same process with the last keyframe. Once done, add the “Directional blur” effect to the adjustment layer for a smoother look.

select the ease-out option

3. Mask

By using masks in Premiere Pro, you can efficiently blur, highlight, or add an effect to a specific area of your video clip. With this tool, you can draw different mask shapes, such as ellipses, rectangles, etc. Thus, it’s a great way to edit any particular part of the video clip effortlessly. Here are the simple steps to add masks to the video clips using the adjustment layer:

Step1 Add the adjustment layer to the timeline and head to the “Effects” library to locate the “Crop” effect. Add this effect to the adjustment layer and then head to the Effects control.

add the crop effect

Step2 Now enhance the top and bottom properties to 15%. You can also adjust the headspace of the person accordingly. Also, you can animate the black bars to produce a more cinematic look in your video.

Part 4: FAQ about Adjustment Layers in Premiere Pro

If you have some questions or concerns about using the adjustment layer in Premiere Pro, we have discussed the commonly asked question below.

Why is the adjustment layer greyed out in my Premiere Pro?

To fix grayed adjustment layer in Premiere Pro, there are two methods that you can follow:

Method 1: At the bottom of your project panel, click on the “New Item” icon and select “Adjustment Layer.” Once done, adjust the settings and press the “OK” button. Now you can drag and drop the adjustment layer in the timeline.

Method 2: Click on your “Project Panel” and then navigate to the “File” tab. From there, select “New” and then click on “Adjustment Layer.” Once done, you can drag and drop the adjustment layer at the timeline.


Premiere Pro is a famous video editing software that lets you enhance your videos proficiently. In this tool, using adjustment layers can help you in making your editing process quicker and easier. That’s why, in this article, we have focused on how to add an adjustment layer in Premiere Pro. Moreover, we have also shed light on how to use the adjustment layer precisely with various effects to enhance your videos.

Are you using Premiere Pro frequently? Adobe Premiere Pro is considered advanced software for editing video clips proficiently. You can find a diverse range of features in Premiere Pro that allows you to transform your videos immensely.

If you want to be a professional video editor, you must know the basic techniques of executing video editing. In Premiere Pro, there are various options and features that can help you in enhancing your productivity. For instance, the use of adjustment layers in video editing can make a huge difference. By reading this article, you can come to know about the Premiere Pro adjustment layer efficiently.

premiere pro featured image

Part 1: What is Adjustment Layer in Premiere Pro?

In Premiere Pro, you can save time efficiently by editing each layer individually. To do so, you can find the feature of the adjustment layer in Premiere Pro that enables you to apply the same effect to multiple clips instantly. This will eventually save you time and manual effort. However, you must ensure that the adjustment layer has been placed on top of the layers stack section.

In an adjustment layer in Premiere Pro, you can add multiple effects to create a captivating illustration in your video clips. Moreover, you can also create multiple adjustment layers in Premiere Pro to handle and apply the effects in your clips proficiently. Also, you can easily move, remove, or cut the Premiere Pro adjustment layer anytime within a few clicks.

adjustment layer in premiere pro

Furthermore, you can also remove the adjustment layer from your timeline easily without modifying the composition settings of your video. If you get a basic understanding of creating and managing the adjustment layer in Premiere Pro, you can efficiently enhance the visual appeal of your videos. To learn more about the Premiere Pro adjustment layer, continue reading.

Part 2: How to Add an Adjustment Layer in Premiere Pro?

In this section, we will briefly address how to add an adjustment layer in Premiere Pro in a simpler manner.

Step1 Once you have uploaded your project in Premiere Pro, go to the “File” tab and select the “New” option. Afterward, tap on “Adjustment Layer.”

select the adjustment layer option

Step2 You can also go to the bottom of your project’s panel and tap on the “New Item” icon. After clicking on this icon, you can click on the “Adjustment layer” option. Afterward, you can modify the video settings to change the settings of the adjustment layer. Once done, hit the “OK” button.

choose the adjustment layer option

Step3 Once the adjustment layer has been created, you can drag and drop it into the timeline. To change its name, you can right-click on it.

add an adjustment layer to timeline

Part 3: Three Ways to Use Adjustment Layer in Premiere Pro

Do you want to use the Premiere Pro adjustment layer significantly? In this section, we will highlight three ways through which you can use the adjustment layer in Premiere Pro to edit your videos.

1. Color Grading

Color grading in Premiere Pro can help you to adjust the balance and tone of your video. You can use the color grading effects and tools to set the exposure, brightness, saturation, and light according to your preference. It will also let you redefine the colors in your video efficiently. To use the adjustment layer for color grading, you can read the below instructions:

Step1 After uploading the video clip in Premiere Pro, create a new adjustment layer in the timeline. Drag and adjust it according to the duration of your video clip. Once done, go to the “Effects” tab and search for “FilmConvert Nitrate.”

select the film convert nitrate option

Step2 Apply this effect to the adjustment layer and choose your camera to match the color profile. Afterward, you can adjust the saturation, exposure filmstock, and curves according to your choice. You can also increase the vibrancy and hue saturation curves for more enhancement. You can also navigate to the basic correction section to modify the contrast value accordingly.

2. Transition

To merge multiple video clips smoothly and efficiently, transitional effects can assist you. By adding a suitable transition effect, you can make your whole video look clean and cinematic. Moreover, you can use adjustment layers in Premiere Pro to add transition effects to your effect professionally. To do the transition effect, you can proceed to the following instructions:

Step1 First, drag and drop your video clips into the timeline. Once done, create the adjustment layer and apply it above the layers of video clips. Once done, search the “Offset” effect and apply it to the adjustment layer.

Step2 Now add the keyframe to the position where you want to start and end the transition effect. Afterward, right-click on the first keyframe and select “Temporal Interpolation.” From there, choose “Ease Out.” Repeat the same process with the last keyframe. Once done, add the “Directional blur” effect to the adjustment layer for a smoother look.

select the ease-out option

3. Mask

By using masks in Premiere Pro, you can efficiently blur, highlight, or add an effect to a specific area of your video clip. With this tool, you can draw different mask shapes, such as ellipses, rectangles, etc. Thus, it’s a great way to edit any particular part of the video clip effortlessly. Here are the simple steps to add masks to the video clips using the adjustment layer:

Step1 Add the adjustment layer to the timeline and head to the “Effects” library to locate the “Crop” effect. Add this effect to the adjustment layer and then head to the Effects control.

add the crop effect

Step2 Now enhance the top and bottom properties to 15%. You can also adjust the headspace of the person accordingly. Also, you can animate the black bars to produce a more cinematic look in your video.

Part 4: FAQ about Adjustment Layers in Premiere Pro

If you have some questions or concerns about using the adjustment layer in Premiere Pro, we have discussed the commonly asked question below.

Why is the adjustment layer greyed out in my Premiere Pro?

To fix grayed adjustment layer in Premiere Pro, there are two methods that you can follow:

Method 1: At the bottom of your project panel, click on the “New Item” icon and select “Adjustment Layer.” Once done, adjust the settings and press the “OK” button. Now you can drag and drop the adjustment layer in the timeline.

Method 2: Click on your “Project Panel” and then navigate to the “File” tab. From there, select “New” and then click on “Adjustment Layer.” Once done, you can drag and drop the adjustment layer at the timeline.


Premiere Pro is a famous video editing software that lets you enhance your videos proficiently. In this tool, using adjustment layers can help you in making your editing process quicker and easier. That’s why, in this article, we have focused on how to add an adjustment layer in Premiere Pro. Moreover, we have also shed light on how to use the adjustment layer precisely with various effects to enhance your videos.

Step by Step to Crop Videos Using Lightworks

Video cropping refers to delete unwanted parts from your videos with software like Lightworks. It is also known as clipping which ultimately result in cutting off something, cropping or reducing an image. The very important question here is how to crop video in lightworks?

Video cropping can be done with the help of various methods, some are free while others are paid. Here we will discuss about both the methods which you can choose one to get rid of unwanted portions from your videos or photos.

About Lightworks

Today, there are so many video editing software available on the internet that can be used to crop videos. Most of them are free but have limited features only, some may contain ads which you do not want to see at all. One such best free video editor is Lightworks that does not have any watermark, ad or free trail period. It is completely free for life time and the best part is that you do not need to register or subscribe here.

Lightworks is a professional non-linear editing system (NLE) created by EditShare, a technology company based in London. The software allows both amateur and professional video editors to create and edit videos like movies, TV shows, music videos etc. Lightworks has been used in over 500 Hollywood feature films including “The Wolf of Wall Street”, “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit” and “Edge of Tomorrow”.

Step-by-step on how to crop video in Lightworks?

Step 1: Open any video or photo. You can easily add media files in the Project panel and it will start appearing in the preview/program monitor. Once you have added your videos to the timeline, you can view them in both waveform display and Vectorscope format. You also get an option to see a live filmstrip preview, to see what is happening in the video.


Step 2: After importing your videos into Lightworks, you can now proceed towards cropping them. For this purpose, click on the video editing tab and select the “DVE” (Dynamic Video Effect) tool.



Step 3: How to crop videos using the DVE tool? You can now go to the ‘Crop’ option under the DVE tab and move your cursor over any unwanted portion of the video and click-and-drag it down and in the right direction. This will distort and stretch the video to remove that particular portion from there while preserving its overall appearance and quality.


Step 4: You can now preview what your video looks like after cropping it by hitting the “Play” button. Hit play to view any changes you have made to your videos.

Step 5: Hit the “Close” button and save your project.

So, this is how you can edit or remove part of a video clip in Lightworks easily. You can also go for some other online tools which are available on the internet and offer great services at no cost for life time. Many of these tools are free to use, easy to handle and have amazing features that can be used by professionals to get their work done beautifully.

There are many video cropping tools available on the internet which can be used for free. Those who are looking for a free, easy to use video editor can download and use this tool without any hassle. That is why; Filmora is best alternative of Lightworks, which offers free version of simple editing tools with all the features you need for your home videos. The free version of this tool is available for Windows; Mac; and Linux operating systems.

An Easier Way to Crop Video Using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is an easy to use free video editing software that can be used for cropping videos. It allows users to upload their videos online and create new ones or edit existing ones. The steps involved in cropping videos in Filmora are very easy and to the point so you can follow them without any hassle.

It also comes in two versions; free and paid. The free version has less editing tools than the paid one but offers a good enough range of options for beginners who are not looking to make pro-quality movies just yet.

Filmora (video editor) is a power software that allows you to make the most impressive video clips with few steps. This video editing tool gives users various tools to edit videos. It also offers the user-friendly interface that anyone can use to edit home videos on Windows PC, Mac, and Linux devices.

You can download Filmora free video editor from the official website easily. Just visit the behind the link and click on ‘Download’ to get the installer file. Once you have downloaded it, you need to install Filmora software on your computer to start using it. Or install it using the link below:

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-step on how to crop videos using Filmora?

Step 1: Open a video that you want to edit.


Step 2: Open the Filmora editing tool and select the “Crop and Zoom” icon.


Step 3: Drag the cursor from any corner of your video preview window so as to adjust the size of the crop frame.


Step 4: Once you have adjusted it as per your needs hit the green “OK” button. So, this is how you can add or remove any part of a video clip on Filmora easily.

This free video editing tool offers great features for users and helps them edit home videos without any hassle.

Those who are looking for an easy to use online tool with user-friendly interface and advanced features can go for Wondershare Filmora. It is one of the best video editing software for beginners which will help them edit videos quickly and efficiently.

Step 2: After importing your videos into Lightworks, you can now proceed towards cropping them. For this purpose, click on the video editing tab and select the “DVE” (Dynamic Video Effect) tool.



Step 3: How to crop videos using the DVE tool? You can now go to the ‘Crop’ option under the DVE tab and move your cursor over any unwanted portion of the video and click-and-drag it down and in the right direction. This will distort and stretch the video to remove that particular portion from there while preserving its overall appearance and quality.


Step 4: You can now preview what your video looks like after cropping it by hitting the “Play” button. Hit play to view any changes you have made to your videos.

Step 5: Hit the “Close” button and save your project.

So, this is how you can edit or remove part of a video clip in Lightworks easily. You can also go for some other online tools which are available on the internet and offer great services at no cost for life time. Many of these tools are free to use, easy to handle and have amazing features that can be used by professionals to get their work done beautifully.

There are many video cropping tools available on the internet which can be used for free. Those who are looking for a free, easy to use video editor can download and use this tool without any hassle. That is why; Filmora is best alternative of Lightworks, which offers free version of simple editing tools with all the features you need for your home videos. The free version of this tool is available for Windows; Mac; and Linux operating systems.

An Easier Way to Crop Video Using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is an easy to use free video editing software that can be used for cropping videos. It allows users to upload their videos online and create new ones or edit existing ones. The steps involved in cropping videos in Filmora are very easy and to the point so you can follow them without any hassle.

It also comes in two versions; free and paid. The free version has less editing tools than the paid one but offers a good enough range of options for beginners who are not looking to make pro-quality movies just yet.

Filmora (video editor) is a power software that allows you to make the most impressive video clips with few steps. This video editing tool gives users various tools to edit videos. It also offers the user-friendly interface that anyone can use to edit home videos on Windows PC, Mac, and Linux devices.

You can download Filmora free video editor from the official website easily. Just visit the behind the link and click on ‘Download’ to get the installer file. Once you have downloaded it, you need to install Filmora software on your computer to start using it. Or install it using the link below:

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-step on how to crop videos using Filmora?

Step 1: Open a video that you want to edit.


Step 2: Open the Filmora editing tool and select the “Crop and Zoom” icon.


Step 3: Drag the cursor from any corner of your video preview window so as to adjust the size of the crop frame.


Step 4: Once you have adjusted it as per your needs hit the green “OK” button. So, this is how you can add or remove any part of a video clip on Filmora easily.

This free video editing tool offers great features for users and helps them edit home videos without any hassle.

Those who are looking for an easy to use online tool with user-friendly interface and advanced features can go for Wondershare Filmora. It is one of the best video editing software for beginners which will help them edit videos quickly and efficiently.

Step 2: After importing your videos into Lightworks, you can now proceed towards cropping them. For this purpose, click on the video editing tab and select the “DVE” (Dynamic Video Effect) tool.



Step 3: How to crop videos using the DVE tool? You can now go to the ‘Crop’ option under the DVE tab and move your cursor over any unwanted portion of the video and click-and-drag it down and in the right direction. This will distort and stretch the video to remove that particular portion from there while preserving its overall appearance and quality.


Step 4: You can now preview what your video looks like after cropping it by hitting the “Play” button. Hit play to view any changes you have made to your videos.

Step 5: Hit the “Close” button and save your project.

So, this is how you can edit or remove part of a video clip in Lightworks easily. You can also go for some other online tools which are available on the internet and offer great services at no cost for life time. Many of these tools are free to use, easy to handle and have amazing features that can be used by professionals to get their work done beautifully.

There are many video cropping tools available on the internet which can be used for free. Those who are looking for a free, easy to use video editor can download and use this tool without any hassle. That is why; Filmora is best alternative of Lightworks, which offers free version of simple editing tools with all the features you need for your home videos. The free version of this tool is available for Windows; Mac; and Linux operating systems.

An Easier Way to Crop Video Using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is an easy to use free video editing software that can be used for cropping videos. It allows users to upload their videos online and create new ones or edit existing ones. The steps involved in cropping videos in Filmora are very easy and to the point so you can follow them without any hassle.

It also comes in two versions; free and paid. The free version has less editing tools than the paid one but offers a good enough range of options for beginners who are not looking to make pro-quality movies just yet.

Filmora (video editor) is a power software that allows you to make the most impressive video clips with few steps. This video editing tool gives users various tools to edit videos. It also offers the user-friendly interface that anyone can use to edit home videos on Windows PC, Mac, and Linux devices.

You can download Filmora free video editor from the official website easily. Just visit the behind the link and click on ‘Download’ to get the installer file. Once you have downloaded it, you need to install Filmora software on your computer to start using it. Or install it using the link below:

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-step on how to crop videos using Filmora?

Step 1: Open a video that you want to edit.


Step 2: Open the Filmora editing tool and select the “Crop and Zoom” icon.


Step 3: Drag the cursor from any corner of your video preview window so as to adjust the size of the crop frame.


Step 4: Once you have adjusted it as per your needs hit the green “OK” button. So, this is how you can add or remove any part of a video clip on Filmora easily.

This free video editing tool offers great features for users and helps them edit home videos without any hassle.

Those who are looking for an easy to use online tool with user-friendly interface and advanced features can go for Wondershare Filmora. It is one of the best video editing software for beginners which will help them edit videos quickly and efficiently.

Step 2: After importing your videos into Lightworks, you can now proceed towards cropping them. For this purpose, click on the video editing tab and select the “DVE” (Dynamic Video Effect) tool.



Step 3: How to crop videos using the DVE tool? You can now go to the ‘Crop’ option under the DVE tab and move your cursor over any unwanted portion of the video and click-and-drag it down and in the right direction. This will distort and stretch the video to remove that particular portion from there while preserving its overall appearance and quality.


Step 4: You can now preview what your video looks like after cropping it by hitting the “Play” button. Hit play to view any changes you have made to your videos.

Step 5: Hit the “Close” button and save your project.

So, this is how you can edit or remove part of a video clip in Lightworks easily. You can also go for some other online tools which are available on the internet and offer great services at no cost for life time. Many of these tools are free to use, easy to handle and have amazing features that can be used by professionals to get their work done beautifully.

There are many video cropping tools available on the internet which can be used for free. Those who are looking for a free, easy to use video editor can download and use this tool without any hassle. That is why; Filmora is best alternative of Lightworks, which offers free version of simple editing tools with all the features you need for your home videos. The free version of this tool is available for Windows; Mac; and Linux operating systems.

An Easier Way to Crop Video Using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is an easy to use free video editing software that can be used for cropping videos. It allows users to upload their videos online and create new ones or edit existing ones. The steps involved in cropping videos in Filmora are very easy and to the point so you can follow them without any hassle.

It also comes in two versions; free and paid. The free version has less editing tools than the paid one but offers a good enough range of options for beginners who are not looking to make pro-quality movies just yet.

Filmora (video editor) is a power software that allows you to make the most impressive video clips with few steps. This video editing tool gives users various tools to edit videos. It also offers the user-friendly interface that anyone can use to edit home videos on Windows PC, Mac, and Linux devices.

You can download Filmora free video editor from the official website easily. Just visit the behind the link and click on ‘Download’ to get the installer file. Once you have downloaded it, you need to install Filmora software on your computer to start using it. Or install it using the link below:

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-step on how to crop videos using Filmora?

Step 1: Open a video that you want to edit.


Step 2: Open the Filmora editing tool and select the “Crop and Zoom” icon.


Step 3: Drag the cursor from any corner of your video preview window so as to adjust the size of the crop frame.


Step 4: Once you have adjusted it as per your needs hit the green “OK” button. So, this is how you can add or remove any part of a video clip on Filmora easily.

This free video editing tool offers great features for users and helps them edit home videos without any hassle.

Those who are looking for an easy to use online tool with user-friendly interface and advanced features can go for Wondershare Filmora. It is one of the best video editing software for beginners which will help them edit videos quickly and efficiently.

Zoom In and Out on Discord

Abundant Video Effects - Wondershare Filmora

Provide abundant video effects - A creative video editor

Powerful color correction and grading

Detailed tutorials are provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Discord has gained much popularity in recent years owing to its versatility and wide range of customization options available. It is an innovative program that allows users to communicate via text messages, voice and video calls, media files, and more.

One of the main reasons for Discord’s growing popularity is its multipurpose resources that allow people to stay in touch with their communities. As Discord features are customizable, you can alter the zoom settings on the servers and chat screens to increase visibility and ease.

Not sure how to do that? You can head over to the article below to find easy step-by-step guides on how to zoom in Discord desktop and mobile applications and the official website.

In this article

Part 1: Zoom In and Out on Discord Software

Part 2: Zoom In and Out in Discord Mobile App

Part 3: Zoom In and Out on Discord Website

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Part 1: Zoom In and Out on Discord Software

The Discord desktop software is available for Windows 7 and above, Linux, and Mac computers. If you want to know how to zoom in on Discord desktop software, you have landed on the right page. The following steps indicate how to zoom in or out on Discord’s desktop version by accessing the software’s settings.

Step 1: To begin with, launch the Discord desktop application on your computer. Sign in to your Discord profile if asked.

Step 2: On Discord’s homepage, in the left corner at the bottom, you will see your profile name along with the headphones and microphone icons. Next to these, a cog-shaped icon for Settings will be visible. Tap on it to launch user settings.

open user settings

Step 3: Under “User Settings,” locate the “App Settings” category from the sidebar at the left. Find and click on the “Appearance” option from here.

access appearance option

Step 4: When you scroll down under the “Appearance” settings, you will find the sliders to change the “Chant Font Scaling,” “Space between Message Groups,” and the “Zoom Level” settings at the bottom.

discord appearance options

Step 5: The sliders are set on a highlighted percentage visible in green by default. If you wish to increase the chat font size, drag that particular slider to the right and check the preview until you arrive at the size you want. To decrease the font size, you have to drag the slider to the left and look for the desired result in the preview section.

change discord app font size

Step 6: If you wish to change the zoom levels of all the elements in a chat screen, you can change the “Zoom Level” slider’s position until you reach your desired result. Now exit the Settings window to apply your changes.

edit discord zoom level

Part 2: Zoom In and Out in Discord Mobile App

Discord offers its mobile applications for Android and iOS devices. You can easily change the Discord app’s built-in settings to change the zoom level. To know how to zoom in on the Discord mobile app, take a look at the comprehensive step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Firstly, install and launch the Discord app on your mobile and sign in to your profile.

Step 2: Go to the app’s homepage and search for your profile icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Click on it to access “User Settings.”

tap profile icon

Step 3: Now, look for the “Appearance” settings by scrolling down and tapping on it. You will see the “Chat Font Scaling” option and a slider under it. You can drag the slider to adjust the font size on the Discord application.

click on appearance option

Step 4: You can drag the slider to the right to increase the font scale across the app and check for your desired preview. To decrease the font size, you will need to drag the slider to the left. Now exit your Settings and restart the app to make your changes effective.

use slider to change font size

Step 5: If you want to restore the zoom settings to default, you can click the “Reset” button at the bottom left corner of the screen.

use reset to use default settings

Part 3: Zoom In and Out on Discord Website

If you are using the web version of Discord, there are multiple ways to zoom in. On your native web browser, you can access the ellipses icon at the right and find the “Zoom” option. From here, you can simply click on the “+” icon to zoom in and the “-” icon to zoom out on the page you have opened at the moment.

If you prefer to change the Zoom settings using Discord’s native settings, you can easily do so in the web version using keyboard shortcuts. Here is an in-depth guide indicating how to zoom out in Discord for the online version.

Step 1: Launch the web browser on your computer and open the online version of the Discord software. You might be asked to sign in to your profile at this point.

open discord on browser

Step 2: Once you are at the homepage of your Discord profile, you can access the keyboard shortcuts to zoom in or out. To zoom in on Discord, simply hold the “CTRL” key on your keyboard and click the “+” icon key. Each click of the key will result in a 10% increase in the zoom level of the screen.

use zoom in keyboard shortcut

Step 3: If you want to zoom out on Discord’s screen, you can use your keyboard. Similar to the step mentioned above, tap the “-” key on your keyboard while holding down the “Ctrl” key to make your screen and chat appear smaller.

decrease zoom on discord

Step 4: You can reset the zoom settings to default by holding down the “Ctrl” key and hitting “0” on the keyboard. This will restore the settings back to the default 100%.

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Discord zoom and text size settings different?

Yes, there is a difference between the zoom levels and the text size settings on Discord. By changing the zoom levels of the software, you alter the zoom level of all the elements, including icons, images, windows, and more, across the Discord application. Changing the text size settings will simply alter the chat font scale in a specific chat window.

Does changing the Discord zoom on my PC affect the settings on my mobile app?

No, all the changes made on the zoom level or text size of Discord remain limited to the version of the software you are currently using. If you change the zoom settings on your PC, the change will not be reflected on your mobile application.


Digital chatting applications such as Discord have made it exceedingly easy to stay in touch with friends and family over long distances. From sending and receiving messages to voice and video calls, you can do a lot with Discord.

If you are a Discord user, knowing how to alter the zoom level on the app can prove to be incredibly beneficial. By changing the zoom settings on Discord, you can make the text, images, and other items present on the screen appear bigger or smaller. With the guide mentioned above, you now know how to zoom in on Discord across the mobile, desktop, and web.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Discord has gained much popularity in recent years owing to its versatility and wide range of customization options available. It is an innovative program that allows users to communicate via text messages, voice and video calls, media files, and more.

One of the main reasons for Discord’s growing popularity is its multipurpose resources that allow people to stay in touch with their communities. As Discord features are customizable, you can alter the zoom settings on the servers and chat screens to increase visibility and ease.

Not sure how to do that? You can head over to the article below to find easy step-by-step guides on how to zoom in Discord desktop and mobile applications and the official website.

In this article

Part 1: Zoom In and Out on Discord Software

Part 2: Zoom In and Out in Discord Mobile App

Part 3: Zoom In and Out on Discord Website

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Part 1: Zoom In and Out on Discord Software

The Discord desktop software is available for Windows 7 and above, Linux, and Mac computers. If you want to know how to zoom in on Discord desktop software, you have landed on the right page. The following steps indicate how to zoom in or out on Discord’s desktop version by accessing the software’s settings.

Step 1: To begin with, launch the Discord desktop application on your computer. Sign in to your Discord profile if asked.

Step 2: On Discord’s homepage, in the left corner at the bottom, you will see your profile name along with the headphones and microphone icons. Next to these, a cog-shaped icon for Settings will be visible. Tap on it to launch user settings.

open user settings

Step 3: Under “User Settings,” locate the “App Settings” category from the sidebar at the left. Find and click on the “Appearance” option from here.

access appearance option

Step 4: When you scroll down under the “Appearance” settings, you will find the sliders to change the “Chant Font Scaling,” “Space between Message Groups,” and the “Zoom Level” settings at the bottom.

discord appearance options

Step 5: The sliders are set on a highlighted percentage visible in green by default. If you wish to increase the chat font size, drag that particular slider to the right and check the preview until you arrive at the size you want. To decrease the font size, you have to drag the slider to the left and look for the desired result in the preview section.

change discord app font size

Step 6: If you wish to change the zoom levels of all the elements in a chat screen, you can change the “Zoom Level” slider’s position until you reach your desired result. Now exit the Settings window to apply your changes.

edit discord zoom level

Part 2: Zoom In and Out in Discord Mobile App

Discord offers its mobile applications for Android and iOS devices. You can easily change the Discord app’s built-in settings to change the zoom level. To know how to zoom in on the Discord mobile app, take a look at the comprehensive step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Firstly, install and launch the Discord app on your mobile and sign in to your profile.

Step 2: Go to the app’s homepage and search for your profile icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Click on it to access “User Settings.”

tap profile icon

Step 3: Now, look for the “Appearance” settings by scrolling down and tapping on it. You will see the “Chat Font Scaling” option and a slider under it. You can drag the slider to adjust the font size on the Discord application.

click on appearance option

Step 4: You can drag the slider to the right to increase the font scale across the app and check for your desired preview. To decrease the font size, you will need to drag the slider to the left. Now exit your Settings and restart the app to make your changes effective.

use slider to change font size

Step 5: If you want to restore the zoom settings to default, you can click the “Reset” button at the bottom left corner of the screen.

use reset to use default settings

Part 3: Zoom In and Out on Discord Website

If you are using the web version of Discord, there are multiple ways to zoom in. On your native web browser, you can access the ellipses icon at the right and find the “Zoom” option. From here, you can simply click on the “+” icon to zoom in and the “-” icon to zoom out on the page you have opened at the moment.

If you prefer to change the Zoom settings using Discord’s native settings, you can easily do so in the web version using keyboard shortcuts. Here is an in-depth guide indicating how to zoom out in Discord for the online version.

Step 1: Launch the web browser on your computer and open the online version of the Discord software. You might be asked to sign in to your profile at this point.

open discord on browser

Step 2: Once you are at the homepage of your Discord profile, you can access the keyboard shortcuts to zoom in or out. To zoom in on Discord, simply hold the “CTRL” key on your keyboard and click the “+” icon key. Each click of the key will result in a 10% increase in the zoom level of the screen.

use zoom in keyboard shortcut

Step 3: If you want to zoom out on Discord’s screen, you can use your keyboard. Similar to the step mentioned above, tap the “-” key on your keyboard while holding down the “Ctrl” key to make your screen and chat appear smaller.

decrease zoom on discord

Step 4: You can reset the zoom settings to default by holding down the “Ctrl” key and hitting “0” on the keyboard. This will restore the settings back to the default 100%.

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Discord zoom and text size settings different?

Yes, there is a difference between the zoom levels and the text size settings on Discord. By changing the zoom levels of the software, you alter the zoom level of all the elements, including icons, images, windows, and more, across the Discord application. Changing the text size settings will simply alter the chat font scale in a specific chat window.

Does changing the Discord zoom on my PC affect the settings on my mobile app?

No, all the changes made on the zoom level or text size of Discord remain limited to the version of the software you are currently using. If you change the zoom settings on your PC, the change will not be reflected on your mobile application.


Digital chatting applications such as Discord have made it exceedingly easy to stay in touch with friends and family over long distances. From sending and receiving messages to voice and video calls, you can do a lot with Discord.

If you are a Discord user, knowing how to alter the zoom level on the app can prove to be incredibly beneficial. By changing the zoom settings on Discord, you can make the text, images, and other items present on the screen appear bigger or smaller. With the guide mentioned above, you now know how to zoom in on Discord across the mobile, desktop, and web.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Discord has gained much popularity in recent years owing to its versatility and wide range of customization options available. It is an innovative program that allows users to communicate via text messages, voice and video calls, media files, and more.

One of the main reasons for Discord’s growing popularity is its multipurpose resources that allow people to stay in touch with their communities. As Discord features are customizable, you can alter the zoom settings on the servers and chat screens to increase visibility and ease.

Not sure how to do that? You can head over to the article below to find easy step-by-step guides on how to zoom in Discord desktop and mobile applications and the official website.

In this article

Part 1: Zoom In and Out on Discord Software

Part 2: Zoom In and Out in Discord Mobile App

Part 3: Zoom In and Out on Discord Website

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Part 1: Zoom In and Out on Discord Software

The Discord desktop software is available for Windows 7 and above, Linux, and Mac computers. If you want to know how to zoom in on Discord desktop software, you have landed on the right page. The following steps indicate how to zoom in or out on Discord’s desktop version by accessing the software’s settings.

Step 1: To begin with, launch the Discord desktop application on your computer. Sign in to your Discord profile if asked.

Step 2: On Discord’s homepage, in the left corner at the bottom, you will see your profile name along with the headphones and microphone icons. Next to these, a cog-shaped icon for Settings will be visible. Tap on it to launch user settings.

open user settings

Step 3: Under “User Settings,” locate the “App Settings” category from the sidebar at the left. Find and click on the “Appearance” option from here.

access appearance option

Step 4: When you scroll down under the “Appearance” settings, you will find the sliders to change the “Chant Font Scaling,” “Space between Message Groups,” and the “Zoom Level” settings at the bottom.

discord appearance options

Step 5: The sliders are set on a highlighted percentage visible in green by default. If you wish to increase the chat font size, drag that particular slider to the right and check the preview until you arrive at the size you want. To decrease the font size, you have to drag the slider to the left and look for the desired result in the preview section.

change discord app font size

Step 6: If you wish to change the zoom levels of all the elements in a chat screen, you can change the “Zoom Level” slider’s position until you reach your desired result. Now exit the Settings window to apply your changes.

edit discord zoom level

Part 2: Zoom In and Out in Discord Mobile App

Discord offers its mobile applications for Android and iOS devices. You can easily change the Discord app’s built-in settings to change the zoom level. To know how to zoom in on the Discord mobile app, take a look at the comprehensive step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Firstly, install and launch the Discord app on your mobile and sign in to your profile.

Step 2: Go to the app’s homepage and search for your profile icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Click on it to access “User Settings.”

tap profile icon

Step 3: Now, look for the “Appearance” settings by scrolling down and tapping on it. You will see the “Chat Font Scaling” option and a slider under it. You can drag the slider to adjust the font size on the Discord application.

click on appearance option

Step 4: You can drag the slider to the right to increase the font scale across the app and check for your desired preview. To decrease the font size, you will need to drag the slider to the left. Now exit your Settings and restart the app to make your changes effective.

use slider to change font size

Step 5: If you want to restore the zoom settings to default, you can click the “Reset” button at the bottom left corner of the screen.

use reset to use default settings

Part 3: Zoom In and Out on Discord Website

If you are using the web version of Discord, there are multiple ways to zoom in. On your native web browser, you can access the ellipses icon at the right and find the “Zoom” option. From here, you can simply click on the “+” icon to zoom in and the “-” icon to zoom out on the page you have opened at the moment.

If you prefer to change the Zoom settings using Discord’s native settings, you can easily do so in the web version using keyboard shortcuts. Here is an in-depth guide indicating how to zoom out in Discord for the online version.

Step 1: Launch the web browser on your computer and open the online version of the Discord software. You might be asked to sign in to your profile at this point.

open discord on browser

Step 2: Once you are at the homepage of your Discord profile, you can access the keyboard shortcuts to zoom in or out. To zoom in on Discord, simply hold the “CTRL” key on your keyboard and click the “+” icon key. Each click of the key will result in a 10% increase in the zoom level of the screen.

use zoom in keyboard shortcut

Step 3: If you want to zoom out on Discord’s screen, you can use your keyboard. Similar to the step mentioned above, tap the “-” key on your keyboard while holding down the “Ctrl” key to make your screen and chat appear smaller.

decrease zoom on discord

Step 4: You can reset the zoom settings to default by holding down the “Ctrl” key and hitting “0” on the keyboard. This will restore the settings back to the default 100%.

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Discord zoom and text size settings different?

Yes, there is a difference between the zoom levels and the text size settings on Discord. By changing the zoom levels of the software, you alter the zoom level of all the elements, including icons, images, windows, and more, across the Discord application. Changing the text size settings will simply alter the chat font scale in a specific chat window.

Does changing the Discord zoom on my PC affect the settings on my mobile app?

No, all the changes made on the zoom level or text size of Discord remain limited to the version of the software you are currently using. If you change the zoom settings on your PC, the change will not be reflected on your mobile application.


Digital chatting applications such as Discord have made it exceedingly easy to stay in touch with friends and family over long distances. From sending and receiving messages to voice and video calls, you can do a lot with Discord.

If you are a Discord user, knowing how to alter the zoom level on the app can prove to be incredibly beneficial. By changing the zoom settings on Discord, you can make the text, images, and other items present on the screen appear bigger or smaller. With the guide mentioned above, you now know how to zoom in on Discord across the mobile, desktop, and web.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Discord has gained much popularity in recent years owing to its versatility and wide range of customization options available. It is an innovative program that allows users to communicate via text messages, voice and video calls, media files, and more.

One of the main reasons for Discord’s growing popularity is its multipurpose resources that allow people to stay in touch with their communities. As Discord features are customizable, you can alter the zoom settings on the servers and chat screens to increase visibility and ease.

Not sure how to do that? You can head over to the article below to find easy step-by-step guides on how to zoom in Discord desktop and mobile applications and the official website.

In this article

Part 1: Zoom In and Out on Discord Software

Part 2: Zoom In and Out in Discord Mobile App

Part 3: Zoom In and Out on Discord Website

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Part 1: Zoom In and Out on Discord Software

The Discord desktop software is available for Windows 7 and above, Linux, and Mac computers. If you want to know how to zoom in on Discord desktop software, you have landed on the right page. The following steps indicate how to zoom in or out on Discord’s desktop version by accessing the software’s settings.

Step 1: To begin with, launch the Discord desktop application on your computer. Sign in to your Discord profile if asked.

Step 2: On Discord’s homepage, in the left corner at the bottom, you will see your profile name along with the headphones and microphone icons. Next to these, a cog-shaped icon for Settings will be visible. Tap on it to launch user settings.

open user settings

Step 3: Under “User Settings,” locate the “App Settings” category from the sidebar at the left. Find and click on the “Appearance” option from here.

access appearance option

Step 4: When you scroll down under the “Appearance” settings, you will find the sliders to change the “Chant Font Scaling,” “Space between Message Groups,” and the “Zoom Level” settings at the bottom.

discord appearance options

Step 5: The sliders are set on a highlighted percentage visible in green by default. If you wish to increase the chat font size, drag that particular slider to the right and check the preview until you arrive at the size you want. To decrease the font size, you have to drag the slider to the left and look for the desired result in the preview section.

change discord app font size

Step 6: If you wish to change the zoom levels of all the elements in a chat screen, you can change the “Zoom Level” slider’s position until you reach your desired result. Now exit the Settings window to apply your changes.

edit discord zoom level

Part 2: Zoom In and Out in Discord Mobile App

Discord offers its mobile applications for Android and iOS devices. You can easily change the Discord app’s built-in settings to change the zoom level. To know how to zoom in on the Discord mobile app, take a look at the comprehensive step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Firstly, install and launch the Discord app on your mobile and sign in to your profile.

Step 2: Go to the app’s homepage and search for your profile icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Click on it to access “User Settings.”

tap profile icon

Step 3: Now, look for the “Appearance” settings by scrolling down and tapping on it. You will see the “Chat Font Scaling” option and a slider under it. You can drag the slider to adjust the font size on the Discord application.

click on appearance option

Step 4: You can drag the slider to the right to increase the font scale across the app and check for your desired preview. To decrease the font size, you will need to drag the slider to the left. Now exit your Settings and restart the app to make your changes effective.

use slider to change font size

Step 5: If you want to restore the zoom settings to default, you can click the “Reset” button at the bottom left corner of the screen.

use reset to use default settings

Part 3: Zoom In and Out on Discord Website

If you are using the web version of Discord, there are multiple ways to zoom in. On your native web browser, you can access the ellipses icon at the right and find the “Zoom” option. From here, you can simply click on the “+” icon to zoom in and the “-” icon to zoom out on the page you have opened at the moment.

If you prefer to change the Zoom settings using Discord’s native settings, you can easily do so in the web version using keyboard shortcuts. Here is an in-depth guide indicating how to zoom out in Discord for the online version.

Step 1: Launch the web browser on your computer and open the online version of the Discord software. You might be asked to sign in to your profile at this point.

open discord on browser

Step 2: Once you are at the homepage of your Discord profile, you can access the keyboard shortcuts to zoom in or out. To zoom in on Discord, simply hold the “CTRL” key on your keyboard and click the “+” icon key. Each click of the key will result in a 10% increase in the zoom level of the screen.

use zoom in keyboard shortcut

Step 3: If you want to zoom out on Discord’s screen, you can use your keyboard. Similar to the step mentioned above, tap the “-” key on your keyboard while holding down the “Ctrl” key to make your screen and chat appear smaller.

decrease zoom on discord

Step 4: You can reset the zoom settings to default by holding down the “Ctrl” key and hitting “0” on the keyboard. This will restore the settings back to the default 100%.

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Discord zoom and text size settings different?

Yes, there is a difference between the zoom levels and the text size settings on Discord. By changing the zoom levels of the software, you alter the zoom level of all the elements, including icons, images, windows, and more, across the Discord application. Changing the text size settings will simply alter the chat font scale in a specific chat window.

Does changing the Discord zoom on my PC affect the settings on my mobile app?

No, all the changes made on the zoom level or text size of Discord remain limited to the version of the software you are currently using. If you change the zoom settings on your PC, the change will not be reflected on your mobile application.


Digital chatting applications such as Discord have made it exceedingly easy to stay in touch with friends and family over long distances. From sending and receiving messages to voice and video calls, you can do a lot with Discord.

If you are a Discord user, knowing how to alter the zoom level on the app can prove to be incredibly beneficial. By changing the zoom settings on Discord, you can make the text, images, and other items present on the screen appear bigger or smaller. With the guide mentioned above, you now know how to zoom in on Discord across the mobile, desktop, and web.

Try It Free Try It Free

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  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 01:03:06
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 01:03:06
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-how-to-use-rule-of-thirds-in-video/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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