Updated Do You Want to Know How to Edit a Time Lapse Video on iPhone, Interesting Ideas, and some Tips and Pointers for Shooting a Professional Time Lapse Video? Find Out Everything in This Guide

Updated Do You Want to Know How to Edit a Time Lapse Video on iPhone, Interesting Ideas, and some Tips and Pointers for Shooting a Professional Time Lapse Video? Find Out Everything in This Guide

Morgan Lv12

Do You Want to Know How to Edit a Time Lapse Video on iPhone, Interesting Ideas, and some Tips and Pointers for Shooting a Professional Time Lapse Video? Find Out Everything in This Guide

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

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Numerous effects to choose from

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Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

How To Track and Blur Faces in Premiere Pro

Many times, while making videos, you may capture strangers’ faces in the background. This can divert the attention of viewers or may ruin the overall impression. To solve this issue, you can use professional video editing tools to blur the faces in the video. By reading this article, you can learn how to blur the face in Premiere Pro efficiently. Moreover, we will also provide an alternative to Premiere Pro for your further assistance.

Part 1: Why Do You Need to Blur Faces in Videos?

Do you know what the actual reasons for blurring faces in videos are? Read this part of the article to find out the main causes of blurring faces in the videos:

1. Keeping Privacy

Invasion of privacy is both morally and ethically wrong. If you are making a video in some public place, you should ensure the complete privacy of strangers. For this reason, you should blur the faces in your video’s background to protect the privacy of others.

2. For Commercial Ads

If you are creating a commercial advertisement to sell your product, it may be possible that the video may contain some unwanted people in the background. To make your commercial advertisement look professional, you must hide the unnecessary people from your video.

3. To Create Social Media Posts

While running social media campaigns to raise awareness of any social issue, you must ensure to hide the individual’s face. The reason is that showing someone’s face on your social media post without their consent can be legally or morally wrong.

4. Hiding the Minor’s Faces

Many parents don’t like to expose their children’s identity over the internet. If you have created a video including a minor, you should blur his face to display a sense of responsibility. Thus, you must know how to blur the face of people efficiently.

Part 2: How to Track and Blur Faces in Videos with Premiere Pro?

Do you have any experience using Adobe Premiere Pro ? This tool is one of the industry-leading platforms through which professionals can edit their videos effectively. Using this tool, you can edit your videos according to your preferences to express your emotions in a compelling manner. You can add music tracks to your videos to add more engagement for your viewers.

Besides being a great video editing tool, you can use this tool to add various modifications. For instance, you can add vibrant backgrounds and other elements to your videos. Moreover, you can also use Adobe Premiere to blur faces efficiently.

Steps to Blur Faces Using Adobe Premiere Pro

Are you ready to learn how to blur faces in Premiere Pro? Read this part of the article to learn how to track and blur the selected faces in the videos effortlessly:

Step1 Navigate to Adobe Premiere Pro and upload the desired video. Now head to the “Effects” option by selecting the “Windows” tab.

choose effects option

Step2 Afterward, type the word “Mosaic” in the search box and select this option in the results. Now drag and drop this effect on the timeline. It will add a blur effect to your complete video.

search for the mosaic effect

Step3 Now go back to the Windows section and select “Effects Controls“. From its menu, turn off the applied Mosaic effect. From the same menu, select the “Circle” shape and apply it to the face that you want to blur. Afterward, you can turn on the toggle of the added blur effect.

draw a circle on the face

Step4 To adjust the blur strength, you can modify the Horizontal and Vertical blocks. To track the blurred face, you can go to the “Mask Path” option displayed in the left section. Just hit the “Play” button to track the selected mask forward. After some time, you can see the end results on the preview window. You can also adjust the keyframes to blur the selected mask efficiently.

hit the play icon

Bonus Tip – The Alternative to Photoshop to Blur Face in Videos

Do you want a simpler solution to blur the faces in your videos? No need to worry, as Wondershare Filmora brings an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that allows you to blur the faces with few clicks. It’s one of the most reliable platforms that you can come across to edit and modify your videos. It also offers preset templates and an Instant Mode that can help you to create a video from scratch efficiently. Also, it provides fast rendering speed so that you can see your final results instantly.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-Step Guide to Blur Faces in Filmora Video Editor

Are you wandering how to easily blur faces in a video? Follow the steps mentioned below to blur faces using the Filmora video editor:

Step1 Select Motion Tracking Tool

Once you are done launching Filmora, select “Create New Project.” Afterward, import and drop the video into the timeline. Now place the play head at the start and proceed with the “Motion Tracking” tool.

tap on the motion tracking option

Step2 Start Motion Tracking Process

Now adjust the motion tracking space from your preview window. Once done, hit the “Start Tracking” button. Within a few minutes, you will be able to finish this process. Click the “OK” button to proceed.

start the motion tracking process

Step3 Choose the Mosaic Effect

To proceed, head to the “Effects” section and locate the “Video Effects” section. From there, search for the effect called “Mosaic.” From the results, drag and drop the effect to the timeline and extend it according to your clip.

select the mosaic effect

Step4 Adjust the Blur Settings

Now, double-click on the effect to open settings. You can choose your desired “Blur Type” for your Mosaic effect from the settings. Also, you can change the opacity and blur strength. Afterward, adjust the blurred space on your preview window. Press “OK” to continue.

customize mosaic blur settings

Step5 Choose Mosaic in Motion Tracking

Double-click on the video clip on your timeline and select “Motion Tracking.” On the drop-down menu, select “Mosaic.” Afterward, press “OK,” and you can see the final results in the preview window.

select mosaic in motion tracking


Have you accidentally captured the strangers’ faces in your video? No need to worry, as this article can help you to blur the faces in the video with professional tools. By reading this article, you can learn how to blur the face in Premiere Pro instantly. You can also try our recommended alternative to Premiere Pro, known as Filmora, to get fast and high-end results effortlessly.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-Step Guide to Blur Faces in Filmora Video Editor

Are you wandering how to easily blur faces in a video? Follow the steps mentioned below to blur faces using the Filmora video editor:

Step1 Select Motion Tracking Tool

Once you are done launching Filmora, select “Create New Project.” Afterward, import and drop the video into the timeline. Now place the play head at the start and proceed with the “Motion Tracking” tool.

tap on the motion tracking option

Step2 Start Motion Tracking Process

Now adjust the motion tracking space from your preview window. Once done, hit the “Start Tracking” button. Within a few minutes, you will be able to finish this process. Click the “OK” button to proceed.

start the motion tracking process

Step3 Choose the Mosaic Effect

To proceed, head to the “Effects” section and locate the “Video Effects” section. From there, search for the effect called “Mosaic.” From the results, drag and drop the effect to the timeline and extend it according to your clip.

select the mosaic effect

Step4 Adjust the Blur Settings

Now, double-click on the effect to open settings. You can choose your desired “Blur Type” for your Mosaic effect from the settings. Also, you can change the opacity and blur strength. Afterward, adjust the blurred space on your preview window. Press “OK” to continue.

customize mosaic blur settings

Step5 Choose Mosaic in Motion Tracking

Double-click on the video clip on your timeline and select “Motion Tracking.” On the drop-down menu, select “Mosaic.” Afterward, press “OK,” and you can see the final results in the preview window.

select mosaic in motion tracking


Have you accidentally captured the strangers’ faces in your video? No need to worry, as this article can help you to blur the faces in the video with professional tools. By reading this article, you can learn how to blur the face in Premiere Pro instantly. You can also try our recommended alternative to Premiere Pro, known as Filmora, to get fast and high-end results effortlessly.

Best Online YouTube Video Trimmer 2024

Since the shift in interest from on-site jobs to content creators and exploring opportunities to take advantage of better and improved career growth opportunities, YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms to get started.

But how do people face difficulties in finding an affordable and quick online YouTube video trimmer? Are you also facing issues with trimming your video before uploading it to get more views?

This is an ultimate guide on online YouTube video trimmer software and how you can trim your YouTube videos in no time.

Part 1. What is a YouTube trimmer?

Before diving into any details, it is important to introduce you to what is a YouTube trimmer and why it is important to trim your video. A YouTube trimmer is an easy and fast video editing tool that allows you to trim, crop, and share your favorite video parts online. You can also create custom links to YouTube Crops to embed on your website.

There are two popular online YouTube trimmers available; one only allows you to edit the YouTube link, which means you can only view the edited video online, while the other allows you to do related operations on the video file and download and save it as an mp4 or other file type for offline viewing.

Part 2. How to online trim YouTube videos?

1. Online YouTube trimmer (no edit and download)

Using these two websites, you can easily find the YouTube video clip you want to keep, but there is no way to download the video or add more editing to the clip. However, it works well for sharing links online or adding them to your website and using them to describe the part that best fits the topic.

  1. ytcropper

The straightforward interface has just one function. Enter the start and end times in the box after entering the right YouTube link, then click “Crop!” to create a string of links.

click crop

  1. YouTube Trimmer

The video’s beginning and ending times are selected in the same way as on the previous website. However, this website offers some basic code that you may copy and paste into your web pages to suit your demands in order to add YouTube videos.

add youtube videos

Once you are done trimming your videos, you can download or export your videos in different formats, depending on your preference. It can be in mp4, mp3, or any other supported format.

2. Online YouTube trimmer (edit and download)

The websites that are listed after that combine an online YouTube downloader with a video editor, allowing you to make a variety of further edits to the selected video clip before downloading it locally.

  1. Veed.io :

Anyone can make powerful videos and expand their audiences thanks to the online video editing application Veed. It has some useful capabilities, such as the capacity to cut videos and filter them using different aesthetics. Users can crop, add text, make drawings, and even add photos to the movies. In addition, Veed serves as a tool for producing social media films that may be customized for each channel where they will be shared.

Additionally, they are free to play with various tools like rotate, trim, add photos, stickers, emojis, and more. Through the program, users may even create video memes online by uploading a target movie, modifying it using a variety of features, and downloading the altered video after a brief rendering.

Step1Launch veed.io on your web browser. Click on ‘Upload Your Video‘ to upload the video file you want to edit.

Step2You will notice a button to upload your media file once you are taken to the editing page.

the editing page

Step3You can trim your video section by dragging the mark after you’ve uploaded the media file.

uploaded the media file

Step4Now, delete the unwanted video segment and click on ‘Export’ to save the trimmed video.

  1. Kapwing :

An effective, non-linear editing workflow is supported by the online video editor Kapwing. Upload your audio, video, and image files, then edit everything in one location. Since Kapwing is entirely online, content creators may access and edit their work from any computer or mobile device.

Step1Launch Kapwing.com on your web browser. If you are not directed to the trim video section, then go to the ‘Tools‘ menu and select ‘Trim Video‘. Now, click on ‘Choose a Video.’

Step2From the main page, click ‘Click to upload’ to upload the media file.

click to upload

Step3After uploading the media file, Click on ‘Trim’ from the editing section on the right side of the screen.

uploading the media file

Step4A pop-up screen will appear on your screen labeled as Trim Video. Trim the parts of the video as per your requirement and Click ‘Trim’ to finish.


Step5Once you have completed editing, click on ‘Export’ to save the video to your device.

Part 3. How to trim YouTube videos on a desktop?

Using an online video trimmer has been one of the last options that anyone would consider, but due to the expensive software, they have turned out to be a friendly and easy approach to editing videos. But the online video trimmers still rank at the bottom of the list because they’re unstable, and you can’t save the project at any time. If the online program breaks down, all your effort will be wasted. But desktop programs such as Filmora will never make you encounter such problems unless you experience a technical glitch.

With the help of a variety of strong editing tools and Wondershare Filmora , users may quickly and easily make outstanding videos. With Wondershare Filmora, anyone can learn how to be an excellent video editor, thanks to its wonderfully simple design.

You can follow these easy steps to trim your video:

Step1Click “Import” on the main windows and then select the desired video files from your computer to add video files to the Timeline for cutting. Movies can also be dropped directly into the Media Library.


Step2By moving the playhead over the unwanted section and choosing the trash can icon, you can delete it.

choosing the trash can icon

Step3When you’re through trimming, click “Export”, then select a location to store the edited video.


Depending on the comparison of how different software work, it is justifiable to conclude that Filmora is the best video editing software by all means. It offers a wide range of editing tools and ensures that progress has not been lost. If you are looking forward to trimming a video, download Filmora on your device to get started.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

The Availability of the Slow-Motion Feature on the iPhone Is Often Debated. This Article Will Guide You on How to Slow Down a Video on iPhone

Slow-motion videos are widely used for various purposes in videography or filmmaking. They not only underline the significance of a shot but also elevate creativity. The frame rate is remarkably higher in slow-motion videos than in normal videos. There are two methods included in the process of how to slow down a video on an iPhone.

The first method involves increasing the frame rate; meanwhile, the other is playback speed adjustment. This article will enfold apps to teach how to slow a video down on iPhone. All these applications will be available in the iPhone’s official App Store. However, check the compatibility of these apps with the iOS version you’re using. Ultimately, we’ll share a desktop alternative on how to slow down a video iPhone.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Pre-Recorded A Video? Adjust Slow Motion Parameters Right Away

One of the major reasons Gen Z and Gen Alpha opt for iPhones is their high-quality camera. It is ideal for capturing and editing videos in high resolution is ideal. In 2013, iPhones were integrated with the Slow-mo feature for creative purposes. Where first users needed third-party applications, they could use the built-in feature. Here is how do you slow down a video on iPhone officially:

Step 1

Locate the “Photos” application on your iPhone and launch it by simply clicking. Upon accessing the app, go to the bottom and click on “Albums.” Afterward, click the “Slo-mo” option from the expanding menu. Formerly, select a video from your device media library import.

open slo mo section

Step 2

Once the video has been selected, navigate to the top right corner and select “Edit.”

edit video for slo mo

Step 3

When the editing panel appears, navigate towards the bottom of the timeline bar. Drag the slider’s position to adjust the speed to create a slow motion. As the slow-motion effect has been created, click the “Done” button. Commencing this action will finalize your slow-motion video.

change speed from slider

Part 2: Some Top-Notch Solutions to Slow Down Any Video on iPhone

The iPhone does offer a built-in feature to help you curate a perfect slow-mo. Nonetheless, a third-party application can offer additional and upgraded features. They offer specialized effects and filters, multiplatform support, and more. This section discusses 4 applications and how to make video slow motion iPhone using them. Find the brief introduction, capabilities, and guides of these apps below:

1. SpeedPro Slow Speed Video Edit

This is an exclusive application to answer your question about how to put a video in slow motion on an iPhone. This application offers a -2x to -6x playback speed option for a slow-mo. Its intuitive feature enables speed alteration from a specific video section. This option is ideal for creatively editing your Instagram reels. Along with slowing down the speed, you can also enhance it for fast motion generation.

speedpro slow speed video

Key Features

  • The application offers a timeline editing interface that enhances precision and accuracy.
  • It possesses the ability to incorporate music in your videos using its Music feature.
  • The application collaborates with social platforms like Instagram and Facebook for

Steps to Add Slow Motion in Video Using SpeedPro Slow Speed Video Edit

When you embark on a new experience, using something for the first time can be tricky. The unfamiliarity makes it harder, and one doubts its abilities. Hence, consider us your partner in guiding you on how to edit slow motion on your iPhone. We have curated a step-by-step guide to help you in creating a slow-mo:

Step 1: After downloading and accessing the application’s main menu, click the “Speed Pro” option. Then, select a video clip from your device that you desire to apply this effect to.

add video on speedpro

Step 2: Once the video clip has been selected, click the “Done” button to import.

select video and continue

Step 3: Afterward, you’ll be redirected to its editing interface for speed change. Navigate toward the speed slider at the bottom of the video display. Drag the slider towards the left to select a suitable playback speed option. You can also apply the slow-mo to a specific area by dragging the timeline slider.

change speed from slider and finalize

2. Slow Fast Slow - Control the Speed of Your Videos

Use this application to record a slow-motion video or add the effect in post-production editing. This application offers a high frame rate of 240 fps for a high-grade slow-mo effect. This means you can now slow a video up to 1/16th of its original speed. It wins at creating slow motion with the iPhone’s built-in speed manipulation feature.

slow fast slow app

Key Features

  • Provides audio pitch maintenance feature during speed alteration.
  • Gives the option to adjust the screen ratio before editing, like square or more.
  • The application is compatible with all your iOS 10.0 devices and higher versions.

Steps to Add Slow Motion in Video Using Slow Fast Slow

The encounter with an advanced tool or application is often stressful as you are unfamiliar with it. You do not want to mess up the video, so you must master an app. Following is how to slow down a video on an iPhone using the Slow Fast Slow app:

Step 1: After launching the application, give it access to your files for editing. Then, click on the “Other Videos” option to select a video from a device for slow-mo.

select from other videos

Step 2: Once the video has been imported, you will reach the editing interface. You’ll notice a slider with different points. These points indicate the time frames of your video. The slider is positioned downward to add a slow-mo effect at specific durations.

manage slider graph

Step 3: Once you are done with the editing, click the play button to preview. Next, navigate towards the right-side bottom of the preview screen and hit “Export.” Select any particular resolution to save the slowed-down video on your device.

export after selecting resolution

3. Slo Mo – Speed Up Video Editor

Are you looking for a versatile application about how to make a normal video slow-motion iPhone 13? Fashioned to modify a video’s speed, this app can help you. It allows users to adjust the video speed up to 12x for slow and fast motion. In addition, you can alter the video frame rate up to 240 fps at precise frames.

slo mo speed up video editor

Key Feature

  • With an additional freeze frame feature, infuse an innovative touch to videos.
  • Experience a more productive workflow with its quick processing feature.
  • Keeping up an accessible to all approach, the user interface is straightforward and minimal.

Steps to Add Slow Motion in Video Using Slo Mo – Speed Up Video Editor

Those initial stages of operating a new app and getting your hands on its UI are difficult. However, this article prioritizes your ease more than anything. Find our guide on how to make a video in slow motion on iPhone here:

Step 1: Upon launching the application, it will ask you for storage access. After that, you’ll have to import a video to add slow motion. Just select any normal video on your device and click on the “Next” option.

choose video and proceed

Step 2: Navigate toward the bar at the bottom of the timeline panel and select “Adjust.”

continue to adjust section

Step 3: This will feature the speed control options on your screen; go to “Advance.” Further, change the speed change slider towards the left to manipulate it. Afterward, preview the video and click on the “tick” icon.

change slider speed from advanced

Step 4: Further, select the “Export” icon appearing in the expanded menu.

export video or share

4. Video Speed Editor Slow & Fast

How do you slow down a video on an iPhone after recording in a minimalistic way? This iPhone application is designed for such contexts to create slow-motion videos. Users can slow down a clip’s playback speed up to 8x at specific durations. Simply trim the video parts to apply the speed setting at specific sections and merge them later.

video speed editor slow and fast

Key Features

  • After slow motion, you have the option to keep the original sound or insert music offered by it.
  • The timeline editing method helps you to trim the video at the right time.
  • The application is compatible with iOS 12.0, iPadOS 12.0, macOS 11.0, and newer versions.

Steps to Add Slow Motion in Video Using Video Speed Editor Slow & Fast

This application has an innovative user interface with a simple operational menu. To add a slow-motion effect to a video, buy its Pro subscription first. To assist you further, here is how to slow down an iPhone video in it:

Step 1: Create a new project after launching the application and giving access to storage. Do this by clicking on the screen saying, “Tap to create a new project.”

create new project in app

Step 2: From the Videos section of your media, select a video and hit “Choose.”

choose video for speed adjustment

Step 3: In the editing interface, simply select a speed option from -2x to -8x for slowing. Once the video is slowed down according to your preferences, export it.

change video speed and export

Part 3: Failed to Slow Down Video Properly? Try Wondershare Filmora as a Remedy

Have you tried all the given solutions on how to slow-mo a video on an iPhone and are still clueless? Not getting the desired results can be frustrating, but we have brought the best answer. Wondershare Filmora helps you achieve slow motion on a computer or laptop. The software is compatible with all Windows and macOS devices. You can just connect your iPhone with the source using a cable and import media.

Being a versatile software, Filmora introduces you to two advanced methods. Uniform speed emerges as a simple method of creating a slow-motion effect. On the other hand, Speed Ramping allows you to edit speed for professional purposes. Amongst speed alteration, users can also use the frame interpolation technique. It increases video frames to ensure a smooth playback during slow-mo.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Slow-Motion in Filmora

If you are using Filmora for the first time, the user interface might initially seem confusing. However, in comparison to other post-production software, it possesses a minimal interface. In this section, learn about how to slo-mo a video iPhone using Filmora:

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Connect iPhone and Import Clip

Once you have created a new project on Filmora, import media. First, to import media from your iPhone, connect it to your computer or related device. Then, go to “Import” > “Import from a Camera or Phone” option. Further, select the device name and import data.

import media from iphone to filmora

Step 2Access Speed Ramping Option

Use your cursor to bring the edited media to the timeline and select it. From the appearing settings panel, access the “Speed” > “Speed Ramping” tabs. Here, either choose any of the predesigned templates or customize one.

decrease the video speed

Step 3Enable Optical Flow for Additional Touch

If the slow motion seems rough or abrupt, Filmora has a solution to that as well. Go to the “AI Frame Interpolation” section and expand it. From the expanding menu, click the “Optical Flow” option for a high-quality slow-mo.

enable the super slow motion effect

Step 4Rendering for Final Preview

To observe the overall results, navigate towards the top toolbar. Select the “File” tab and “Render Preview” from the dropdown menu. After reviewing the final video, use your cursor to click the “Export” button.

enable the render preview function

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora provides a wide range of features for a full-fledged editing experience. Some of these features are for video, some are for audio, and others are for visuals. Here is a list of some of Filmora’s key features that you must give a try to:

1. Instant Mode

Once you have recorded a video, the post-production process cannot be neglected. However, when you start editing a video, the process might be confusing at first. With Filmora’s Instant Mode, use AI’s assistance to edit any video without effort. There are 115 built-in templates to integrate according to context and highlights it.

2. Green Screen

Integrate attractive backgrounds in your videos, like mountains, beaches, or more. With Filmora’s Green Screen feature, remove the video backgrounds with accuracy. After removing the background, you can insert multiple backgrounds, like solid colors. If there are backgrounds that you have previously saved, import them to the timeline. They will automatically show in the video, and you can customize them further.

3. Color Correction

Filmora offers an extensive range of color correction elements to enhance visibility. There are 40+ free presets in Filmora that you can download and apply within the app. In addition, you can do custom color settings and save them as custom presets. You can also use the 3D LUT feature to set preferences for specific factors.

4. Text-to-Speech

Another important feature that helps with interactive video creation is text-to-speech. It allows users to transform text into speech with voice selection options. The software has been trained on NLP and integrates realistic voices in videos. Being closer to the human voice helps with better audience interaction and understanding.


The main theme of this article was how to slow down a video on iPhone and the tools to do it. We mentioned 4 applications that are compatible with higher versions of the iPhone. In addition, the article provided detailed guides on all these applications.

Among them, Wondershare Filmora has been integrated with an advanced slow-mo feature. It allows a seamless and professional user interface to import, edit, and customize. The AI Optical Flow in it adds a remarkable fine touch to your slow-mo video.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Pre-Recorded A Video? Adjust Slow Motion Parameters Right Away

One of the major reasons Gen Z and Gen Alpha opt for iPhones is their high-quality camera. It is ideal for capturing and editing videos in high resolution is ideal. In 2013, iPhones were integrated with the Slow-mo feature for creative purposes. Where first users needed third-party applications, they could use the built-in feature. Here is how do you slow down a video on iPhone officially:

Step 1

Locate the “Photos” application on your iPhone and launch it by simply clicking. Upon accessing the app, go to the bottom and click on “Albums.” Afterward, click the “Slo-mo” option from the expanding menu. Formerly, select a video from your device media library import.

open slo mo section

Step 2

Once the video has been selected, navigate to the top right corner and select “Edit.”

edit video for slo mo

Step 3

When the editing panel appears, navigate towards the bottom of the timeline bar. Drag the slider’s position to adjust the speed to create a slow motion. As the slow-motion effect has been created, click the “Done” button. Commencing this action will finalize your slow-motion video.

change speed from slider

Part 2: Some Top-Notch Solutions to Slow Down Any Video on iPhone

The iPhone does offer a built-in feature to help you curate a perfect slow-mo. Nonetheless, a third-party application can offer additional and upgraded features. They offer specialized effects and filters, multiplatform support, and more. This section discusses 4 applications and how to make video slow motion iPhone using them. Find the brief introduction, capabilities, and guides of these apps below:

1. SpeedPro Slow Speed Video Edit

This is an exclusive application to answer your question about how to put a video in slow motion on an iPhone. This application offers a -2x to -6x playback speed option for a slow-mo. Its intuitive feature enables speed alteration from a specific video section. This option is ideal for creatively editing your Instagram reels. Along with slowing down the speed, you can also enhance it for fast motion generation.

speedpro slow speed video

Key Features

  • The application offers a timeline editing interface that enhances precision and accuracy.
  • It possesses the ability to incorporate music in your videos using its Music feature.
  • The application collaborates with social platforms like Instagram and Facebook for

Steps to Add Slow Motion in Video Using SpeedPro Slow Speed Video Edit

When you embark on a new experience, using something for the first time can be tricky. The unfamiliarity makes it harder, and one doubts its abilities. Hence, consider us your partner in guiding you on how to edit slow motion on your iPhone. We have curated a step-by-step guide to help you in creating a slow-mo:

Step 1: After downloading and accessing the application’s main menu, click the “Speed Pro” option. Then, select a video clip from your device that you desire to apply this effect to.

add video on speedpro

Step 2: Once the video clip has been selected, click the “Done” button to import.

select video and continue

Step 3: Afterward, you’ll be redirected to its editing interface for speed change. Navigate toward the speed slider at the bottom of the video display. Drag the slider towards the left to select a suitable playback speed option. You can also apply the slow-mo to a specific area by dragging the timeline slider.

change speed from slider and finalize

2. Slow Fast Slow - Control the Speed of Your Videos

Use this application to record a slow-motion video or add the effect in post-production editing. This application offers a high frame rate of 240 fps for a high-grade slow-mo effect. This means you can now slow a video up to 1/16th of its original speed. It wins at creating slow motion with the iPhone’s built-in speed manipulation feature.

slow fast slow app

Key Features

  • Provides audio pitch maintenance feature during speed alteration.
  • Gives the option to adjust the screen ratio before editing, like square or more.
  • The application is compatible with all your iOS 10.0 devices and higher versions.

Steps to Add Slow Motion in Video Using Slow Fast Slow

The encounter with an advanced tool or application is often stressful as you are unfamiliar with it. You do not want to mess up the video, so you must master an app. Following is how to slow down a video on an iPhone using the Slow Fast Slow app:

Step 1: After launching the application, give it access to your files for editing. Then, click on the “Other Videos” option to select a video from a device for slow-mo.

select from other videos

Step 2: Once the video has been imported, you will reach the editing interface. You’ll notice a slider with different points. These points indicate the time frames of your video. The slider is positioned downward to add a slow-mo effect at specific durations.

manage slider graph

Step 3: Once you are done with the editing, click the play button to preview. Next, navigate towards the right-side bottom of the preview screen and hit “Export.” Select any particular resolution to save the slowed-down video on your device.

export after selecting resolution

3. Slo Mo – Speed Up Video Editor

Are you looking for a versatile application about how to make a normal video slow-motion iPhone 13? Fashioned to modify a video’s speed, this app can help you. It allows users to adjust the video speed up to 12x for slow and fast motion. In addition, you can alter the video frame rate up to 240 fps at precise frames.

slo mo speed up video editor

Key Feature

  • With an additional freeze frame feature, infuse an innovative touch to videos.
  • Experience a more productive workflow with its quick processing feature.
  • Keeping up an accessible to all approach, the user interface is straightforward and minimal.

Steps to Add Slow Motion in Video Using Slo Mo – Speed Up Video Editor

Those initial stages of operating a new app and getting your hands on its UI are difficult. However, this article prioritizes your ease more than anything. Find our guide on how to make a video in slow motion on iPhone here:

Step 1: Upon launching the application, it will ask you for storage access. After that, you’ll have to import a video to add slow motion. Just select any normal video on your device and click on the “Next” option.

choose video and proceed

Step 2: Navigate toward the bar at the bottom of the timeline panel and select “Adjust.”

continue to adjust section

Step 3: This will feature the speed control options on your screen; go to “Advance.” Further, change the speed change slider towards the left to manipulate it. Afterward, preview the video and click on the “tick” icon.

change slider speed from advanced

Step 4: Further, select the “Export” icon appearing in the expanded menu.

export video or share

4. Video Speed Editor Slow & Fast

How do you slow down a video on an iPhone after recording in a minimalistic way? This iPhone application is designed for such contexts to create slow-motion videos. Users can slow down a clip’s playback speed up to 8x at specific durations. Simply trim the video parts to apply the speed setting at specific sections and merge them later.

video speed editor slow and fast

Key Features

  • After slow motion, you have the option to keep the original sound or insert music offered by it.
  • The timeline editing method helps you to trim the video at the right time.
  • The application is compatible with iOS 12.0, iPadOS 12.0, macOS 11.0, and newer versions.

Steps to Add Slow Motion in Video Using Video Speed Editor Slow & Fast

This application has an innovative user interface with a simple operational menu. To add a slow-motion effect to a video, buy its Pro subscription first. To assist you further, here is how to slow down an iPhone video in it:

Step 1: Create a new project after launching the application and giving access to storage. Do this by clicking on the screen saying, “Tap to create a new project.”

create new project in app

Step 2: From the Videos section of your media, select a video and hit “Choose.”

choose video for speed adjustment

Step 3: In the editing interface, simply select a speed option from -2x to -8x for slowing. Once the video is slowed down according to your preferences, export it.

change video speed and export

Part 3: Failed to Slow Down Video Properly? Try Wondershare Filmora as a Remedy

Have you tried all the given solutions on how to slow-mo a video on an iPhone and are still clueless? Not getting the desired results can be frustrating, but we have brought the best answer. Wondershare Filmora helps you achieve slow motion on a computer or laptop. The software is compatible with all Windows and macOS devices. You can just connect your iPhone with the source using a cable and import media.

Being a versatile software, Filmora introduces you to two advanced methods. Uniform speed emerges as a simple method of creating a slow-motion effect. On the other hand, Speed Ramping allows you to edit speed for professional purposes. Amongst speed alteration, users can also use the frame interpolation technique. It increases video frames to ensure a smooth playback during slow-mo.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Slow-Motion in Filmora

If you are using Filmora for the first time, the user interface might initially seem confusing. However, in comparison to other post-production software, it possesses a minimal interface. In this section, learn about how to slo-mo a video iPhone using Filmora:

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Connect iPhone and Import Clip

Once you have created a new project on Filmora, import media. First, to import media from your iPhone, connect it to your computer or related device. Then, go to “Import” > “Import from a Camera or Phone” option. Further, select the device name and import data.

import media from iphone to filmora

Step 2Access Speed Ramping Option

Use your cursor to bring the edited media to the timeline and select it. From the appearing settings panel, access the “Speed” > “Speed Ramping” tabs. Here, either choose any of the predesigned templates or customize one.

decrease the video speed

Step 3Enable Optical Flow for Additional Touch

If the slow motion seems rough or abrupt, Filmora has a solution to that as well. Go to the “AI Frame Interpolation” section and expand it. From the expanding menu, click the “Optical Flow” option for a high-quality slow-mo.

enable the super slow motion effect

Step 4Rendering for Final Preview

To observe the overall results, navigate towards the top toolbar. Select the “File” tab and “Render Preview” from the dropdown menu. After reviewing the final video, use your cursor to click the “Export” button.

enable the render preview function

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora provides a wide range of features for a full-fledged editing experience. Some of these features are for video, some are for audio, and others are for visuals. Here is a list of some of Filmora’s key features that you must give a try to:

1. Instant Mode

Once you have recorded a video, the post-production process cannot be neglected. However, when you start editing a video, the process might be confusing at first. With Filmora’s Instant Mode, use AI’s assistance to edit any video without effort. There are 115 built-in templates to integrate according to context and highlights it.

2. Green Screen

Integrate attractive backgrounds in your videos, like mountains, beaches, or more. With Filmora’s Green Screen feature, remove the video backgrounds with accuracy. After removing the background, you can insert multiple backgrounds, like solid colors. If there are backgrounds that you have previously saved, import them to the timeline. They will automatically show in the video, and you can customize them further.

3. Color Correction

Filmora offers an extensive range of color correction elements to enhance visibility. There are 40+ free presets in Filmora that you can download and apply within the app. In addition, you can do custom color settings and save them as custom presets. You can also use the 3D LUT feature to set preferences for specific factors.

4. Text-to-Speech

Another important feature that helps with interactive video creation is text-to-speech. It allows users to transform text into speech with voice selection options. The software has been trained on NLP and integrates realistic voices in videos. Being closer to the human voice helps with better audience interaction and understanding.


The main theme of this article was how to slow down a video on iPhone and the tools to do it. We mentioned 4 applications that are compatible with higher versions of the iPhone. In addition, the article provided detailed guides on all these applications.

Among them, Wondershare Filmora has been integrated with an advanced slow-mo feature. It allows a seamless and professional user interface to import, edit, and customize. The AI Optical Flow in it adds a remarkable fine touch to your slow-mo video.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated Do You Want to Know How to Edit a Time Lapse Video on iPhone, Interesting Ideas, and some Tips and Pointers for Shooting a Professional Time Lapse Video? Find Out Everything in This Guide
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:12:33
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:12:33
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/updated-do-you-want-to-know-how-to-edit-a-time-lapse-video-on-iphone-interesting-ideas-and-some-tips-and-pointers-for-shooting-a-professional-time-lapse-vid/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated Do You Want to Know How to Edit a Time Lapse Video on iPhone, Interesting Ideas, and some Tips and Pointers for Shooting a Professional Time Lapse Video? Find Out Everything in This Guide