Updated Dollar-Store DIY Hacks to Use for Filmmaking

Updated Dollar-Store DIY Hacks to Use for Filmmaking

Morgan Lv12

Dollar-Store DIY Hacks to Use for Filmmaking

Filmmaking is usually an expensive hobby, but slowly over time, it’s become more affordable. Regular gear like cameras and lights are slightly cheaper, but there are plenty of ways to DIY regular items to use as film gear.

Making DIY film gear may not give you the same look as professional gear, but it could be a fun project and give you similar looks on a budget. In this article, let’s look at some dollar-store DIY hacks that you can use for filmmaking on a budget.

diy film gear

Tip 1. Add foreground elements to improve the frame of videos

Let’s start with something we can do to enhance your framing. Sometimes we want to direct our audience’s attention to a specific part of the frame. In this case, it’s the talent of placing an object in the shot’s foreground that can help us do that. While also making a more attractive frame. At the dollar store, try using something like these fake plants.

fake plants

You can place it in front of your lens. Then focus on the talent behind it, giving a blurry foreground that perfectly frames the talent. Here’s how the shot looks with and without foreground elements.

framing the subject

Note: Remember, you can also use a different angle than simply approaching the object from the front. You can try and use different perspectives until you find the shot or footage you are looking for.

Tip 2. Adjust lights with poster boards

The shot below looks dark and boring because the background has no light. Here’s the shot with and without the lights.

shot with or without lights

A practical light is a light that shows up on screen rather than lighting talent from off-screen. For example, some dollar stores have small LED accent lights for around three dollars.

Others even have lights with adhesive backings that allow you to place them all over the room—creating great lighting accents with small eye-catching pockets of light.

lights with adhesive backings

On film sets, crews use a bounce to reflect light from one light source in another direction. At the dollar store, we can find something like this poster board to get a similar effect.

use bounce to reflect light

By reflecting the light onto the bounce, we get softer, more spread-out light when it’s reflected. Then you will get the result in a nicer look. Using poster boards, you can do multiple things with light.

  • Use white to bounce light.
  • Use black as a flag to shape or block light.

use white to bounce light

  • You can also use green for a small green screen when filming a product video

You might have seen how big production companies create those alienated landscapes, such as in the movie Avatar and many more.

The concept is recording your object in front of a green screen behind it. Then, it’s much easier to add a separately filmed background to the final footage with a video editor like Filmora.

green screen to create the fake background

Tip 3. Smooth audio with felt pads or socks

Do you ever have audio pop while you are recording? It can get annoying. So, to fix the issues, we are now teaching you three practical ways.

1. Felt pads

Felt pads with adhesive backs can be stuck onto noisy props like a coffee mug. This way, we won’t hear the mug hitting the table when we’re recording sound.

felt pads

2. Socks as pop filters

Professionals use what they call a pop filter because a pop filter can reduce the loud pops from their mouths. But what is pop? Pops usually occur when people say words that start with the letter P or B.

Then what is a pop filter? You might have seen in some YouTube videos, especially live streamers, where they use a microphone with a plate on its head; that’s called a pop filter. You can purchase pricey gear like a pop filter, or we can get a pack of cheap socks at the dollar store and place them over the mic.

It will make your voiceover slightly quieter, but it should also get rid of the popping. So keep adding socks until you hear no more pops in your voiceover.

add socks to a mic to make voice quieter


See how easy it was! Keep in mind these dollar store hacks in your next video. And you can edit your footage like a pro with an easy-to-use video editor like Wondershare Filmora . Keep exploring different ideas and perspectives to record.

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Tip 2. Adjust lights with poster boards

The shot below looks dark and boring because the background has no light. Here’s the shot with and without the lights.

shot with or without lights

A practical light is a light that shows up on screen rather than lighting talent from off-screen. For example, some dollar stores have small LED accent lights for around three dollars.

Others even have lights with adhesive backings that allow you to place them all over the room—creating great lighting accents with small eye-catching pockets of light.

lights with adhesive backings

On film sets, crews use a bounce to reflect light from one light source in another direction. At the dollar store, we can find something like this poster board to get a similar effect.

use bounce to reflect light

By reflecting the light onto the bounce, we get softer, more spread-out light when it’s reflected. Then you will get the result in a nicer look. Using poster boards, you can do multiple things with light.

  • Use white to bounce light.
  • Use black as a flag to shape or block light.

use white to bounce light

  • You can also use green for a small green screen when filming a product video

You might have seen how big production companies create those alienated landscapes, such as in the movie Avatar and many more.

The concept is recording your object in front of a green screen behind it. Then, it’s much easier to add a separately filmed background to the final footage with a video editor like Filmora.

green screen to create the fake background

Tip 3. Smooth audio with felt pads or socks

Do you ever have audio pop while you are recording? It can get annoying. So, to fix the issues, we are now teaching you three practical ways.

1. Felt pads

Felt pads with adhesive backs can be stuck onto noisy props like a coffee mug. This way, we won’t hear the mug hitting the table when we’re recording sound.

felt pads

2. Socks as pop filters

Professionals use what they call a pop filter because a pop filter can reduce the loud pops from their mouths. But what is pop? Pops usually occur when people say words that start with the letter P or B.

Then what is a pop filter? You might have seen in some YouTube videos, especially live streamers, where they use a microphone with a plate on its head; that’s called a pop filter. You can purchase pricey gear like a pop filter, or we can get a pack of cheap socks at the dollar store and place them over the mic.

It will make your voiceover slightly quieter, but it should also get rid of the popping. So keep adding socks until you hear no more pops in your voiceover.

add socks to a mic to make voice quieter


See how easy it was! Keep in mind these dollar store hacks in your next video. And you can edit your footage like a pro with an easy-to-use video editor like Wondershare Filmora . Keep exploring different ideas and perspectives to record.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Vlog? A Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Are you new to vlogging? Have you gone through the basics of starting a vlog? If not, don’t worry, as we have the best guide for you to start vlogging. Initially, you will get to know about what is a vlog, along with several tips that should be kept in mind while making a vlog video.

In this article

01 How to Start Vlogging for Beginners?

02 Inspirations and Tips for Vlog Video Ideas

Part 1: How to Start Vlogging for Beginners?

A proper guide can be considered while starting your vlog video channel. Although there are hundreds and thousands of vloggers across the social media platform, there is still room for more. As you think of an intuitive idea for vlogging, there are some steps you need to reconsider before going into this system.

vlogging guide

1. Finding the Niche and Audience of Choice

Looking into the variety of niches that can be tried for vlog videos, the selection can never be easy. You need to be sure which genre you are looking forward to picking, which then develops a target audience that you would be addressing. Your content heavily depends on the type of target audience you pick for yourselves. Be very appropriate and original while you add yourselves in the vlog video.

Finding the appropriate niche and working across it while understanding the answer to what is a vlog is quite essential. This guides the complete future of your channel across this section.

2. Look And Inspire From Competition

The second most important thing to be done before starting vlogs on your channel is an overview of the competitive market. Understanding the current video creator market dynamics is the next direction that you need to consider for starting vlogging. Competition lets you understand the loopholes that exist in the current system. This is a highly effective way of discovering innovation within any market.

Get inspired from the competition that exists within the current vlogging market. Find what they do best and consider the strong points within yourself.

3. Creating a Brand

The next step to starting your personal vlogs is setting up a brand that would become a highlight of yours across the platforms. People need something unifying to follow a certain party or personality; the same is true with vlogging. As many vloggers describe their community as a family, they set up a complete brand across this narrative and present a great idea of inclusivity.

While you prepare for your vlog video, you need to specify the name logo and create art that would set up the complete vlog channel. These should be extremely attractive and alluring for the community to watch and learn.

4. Familiarize and Invest

You should be sure about what you need to do across the platform. While you design the video for your vlog channel, it is important to understand what needs to be done to become a professional in this sector. Familiarizing yourselves about the platform is one crucial thing that helps you understand the requirements to fulfill for a video.

Make sure that you work with good gear and equipment. Video quality is one significant point that is considered by viewers in this community. To make yourselves heard out, you need to invest across the gear appropriately.

Part 2: Inspirations and Tips for Vlog Video Ideas

While you dissect the answer to the question of “what is vlogging,” this part indicates all the essential points and tips that need to be considered for vlog video ideas. These tips shall help you set up a platform for yourself to inspire and direct people to your content.

tips to enhance your vlog channel

1. Be Innovative in Your First Vlog

The first vlog is essential for many reasons. Where you let people know about yourselves, this can be a great start to your impressive journey in vlogging. The only thing that you need to do is innovate users into setting up their first vlog. This can be done through a good idea or targeting your introduction under a particular niche. Innovate your method of interacting with people, and this would attract every person you may have thought of.

2. Make Yourselves Personal

To interact in a better way, it is always considered best to be personal with your viewers. Share things that you find especially important for the viewers to know. Where you think you’ll inspire people with your idea, you need to highlight it properly. This can include your personal goals, gains, routine, and other details that highlight your personal life in and out of work. Providing facts about your personality can be the perfect choice for a vlog about to make a start.

3. Include a Comedy Touch

People love comedy! They die for looking content that can make them laugh and make their day good. Your vlog video should be a distributed combination of different niches and types that can be targeted across different points as per the requirement of the audience. You will always understand the point where you wish to add a particular style of interaction. Adding a comedy touch will make your viewers laugh, which is a win-win for your vlog channel.

4. Add in Information

The community does not always like content that does not teach something well to the viewers. If you keep yourselves stagnant to a single point, it will never bring you a breakthrough in your vlogging history. Informative videos are realized as interactive, which many viewers usually promote at times. The topic or concept that has been presented needs to be addressed perfectly in vlogs to cater to the requirements.

5. Provide Utility Services

Vlogs that are a combination of fun, information, and utility are considered the best. Showing viewers a clear picture of your lifestyle can be used to inspire most of them. This can be one of the best tips that would be put into practice for inspiring people. Your vlog journey should be expressive and offer priority, which can be done by showcasing the world through traveling or providing fitness goals.

Closing Words

Wish to start your vlog channel? After hearing every important information and criteria, are you ready to make your first vlog? This article has provided a distinctive understanding of making the first vlog video with effective tips and tricks. Along with that, whenever it comes to editing these vlogs, you can consider using Wondershare Filmora for this purpose.

Wondershare Filmora provides a complete editorial collection of tools that can be used ideally for enhancing the quality of the video. Filmora allows you to change the videos and audios under essential tools to design the best video. You can also employ effective techniques such as using effects and transitions.

Such elements can provoke the user to perform systematically while presenting a cognitive solution to video editing. Multiple things can be done across the platform while designing the first vlog. Look into the provided tips and tricks to avoid all kinds of errors.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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02 Inspirations and Tips for Vlog Video Ideas

Part 1: How to Start Vlogging for Beginners?

A proper guide can be considered while starting your vlog video channel. Although there are hundreds and thousands of vloggers across the social media platform, there is still room for more. As you think of an intuitive idea for vlogging, there are some steps you need to reconsider before going into this system.

vlogging guide

1. Finding the Niche and Audience of Choice

Looking into the variety of niches that can be tried for vlog videos, the selection can never be easy. You need to be sure which genre you are looking forward to picking, which then develops a target audience that you would be addressing. Your content heavily depends on the type of target audience you pick for yourselves. Be very appropriate and original while you add yourselves in the vlog video.

Finding the appropriate niche and working across it while understanding the answer to what is a vlog is quite essential. This guides the complete future of your channel across this section.

2. Look And Inspire From Competition

The second most important thing to be done before starting vlogs on your channel is an overview of the competitive market. Understanding the current video creator market dynamics is the next direction that you need to consider for starting vlogging. Competition lets you understand the loopholes that exist in the current system. This is a highly effective way of discovering innovation within any market.

Get inspired from the competition that exists within the current vlogging market. Find what they do best and consider the strong points within yourself.

3. Creating a Brand

The next step to starting your personal vlogs is setting up a brand that would become a highlight of yours across the platforms. People need something unifying to follow a certain party or personality; the same is true with vlogging. As many vloggers describe their community as a family, they set up a complete brand across this narrative and present a great idea of inclusivity.

While you prepare for your vlog video, you need to specify the name logo and create art that would set up the complete vlog channel. These should be extremely attractive and alluring for the community to watch and learn.

4. Familiarize and Invest

You should be sure about what you need to do across the platform. While you design the video for your vlog channel, it is important to understand what needs to be done to become a professional in this sector. Familiarizing yourselves about the platform is one crucial thing that helps you understand the requirements to fulfill for a video.

Make sure that you work with good gear and equipment. Video quality is one significant point that is considered by viewers in this community. To make yourselves heard out, you need to invest across the gear appropriately.

Part 2: Inspirations and Tips for Vlog Video Ideas

While you dissect the answer to the question of “what is vlogging,” this part indicates all the essential points and tips that need to be considered for vlog video ideas. These tips shall help you set up a platform for yourself to inspire and direct people to your content.

tips to enhance your vlog channel

1. Be Innovative in Your First Vlog

The first vlog is essential for many reasons. Where you let people know about yourselves, this can be a great start to your impressive journey in vlogging. The only thing that you need to do is innovate users into setting up their first vlog. This can be done through a good idea or targeting your introduction under a particular niche. Innovate your method of interacting with people, and this would attract every person you may have thought of.

2. Make Yourselves Personal

To interact in a better way, it is always considered best to be personal with your viewers. Share things that you find especially important for the viewers to know. Where you think you’ll inspire people with your idea, you need to highlight it properly. This can include your personal goals, gains, routine, and other details that highlight your personal life in and out of work. Providing facts about your personality can be the perfect choice for a vlog about to make a start.

3. Include a Comedy Touch

People love comedy! They die for looking content that can make them laugh and make their day good. Your vlog video should be a distributed combination of different niches and types that can be targeted across different points as per the requirement of the audience. You will always understand the point where you wish to add a particular style of interaction. Adding a comedy touch will make your viewers laugh, which is a win-win for your vlog channel.

4. Add in Information

The community does not always like content that does not teach something well to the viewers. If you keep yourselves stagnant to a single point, it will never bring you a breakthrough in your vlogging history. Informative videos are realized as interactive, which many viewers usually promote at times. The topic or concept that has been presented needs to be addressed perfectly in vlogs to cater to the requirements.

5. Provide Utility Services

Vlogs that are a combination of fun, information, and utility are considered the best. Showing viewers a clear picture of your lifestyle can be used to inspire most of them. This can be one of the best tips that would be put into practice for inspiring people. Your vlog journey should be expressive and offer priority, which can be done by showcasing the world through traveling or providing fitness goals.

Closing Words

Wish to start your vlog channel? After hearing every important information and criteria, are you ready to make your first vlog? This article has provided a distinctive understanding of making the first vlog video with effective tips and tricks. Along with that, whenever it comes to editing these vlogs, you can consider using Wondershare Filmora for this purpose.

Wondershare Filmora provides a complete editorial collection of tools that can be used ideally for enhancing the quality of the video. Filmora allows you to change the videos and audios under essential tools to design the best video. You can also employ effective techniques such as using effects and transitions.

Such elements can provoke the user to perform systematically while presenting a cognitive solution to video editing. Multiple things can be done across the platform while designing the first vlog. Look into the provided tips and tricks to avoid all kinds of errors.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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02 Inspirations and Tips for Vlog Video Ideas

Part 1: How to Start Vlogging for Beginners?

A proper guide can be considered while starting your vlog video channel. Although there are hundreds and thousands of vloggers across the social media platform, there is still room for more. As you think of an intuitive idea for vlogging, there are some steps you need to reconsider before going into this system.

vlogging guide

1. Finding the Niche and Audience of Choice

Looking into the variety of niches that can be tried for vlog videos, the selection can never be easy. You need to be sure which genre you are looking forward to picking, which then develops a target audience that you would be addressing. Your content heavily depends on the type of target audience you pick for yourselves. Be very appropriate and original while you add yourselves in the vlog video.

Finding the appropriate niche and working across it while understanding the answer to what is a vlog is quite essential. This guides the complete future of your channel across this section.

2. Look And Inspire From Competition

The second most important thing to be done before starting vlogs on your channel is an overview of the competitive market. Understanding the current video creator market dynamics is the next direction that you need to consider for starting vlogging. Competition lets you understand the loopholes that exist in the current system. This is a highly effective way of discovering innovation within any market.

Get inspired from the competition that exists within the current vlogging market. Find what they do best and consider the strong points within yourself.

3. Creating a Brand

The next step to starting your personal vlogs is setting up a brand that would become a highlight of yours across the platforms. People need something unifying to follow a certain party or personality; the same is true with vlogging. As many vloggers describe their community as a family, they set up a complete brand across this narrative and present a great idea of inclusivity.

While you prepare for your vlog video, you need to specify the name logo and create art that would set up the complete vlog channel. These should be extremely attractive and alluring for the community to watch and learn.

4. Familiarize and Invest

You should be sure about what you need to do across the platform. While you design the video for your vlog channel, it is important to understand what needs to be done to become a professional in this sector. Familiarizing yourselves about the platform is one crucial thing that helps you understand the requirements to fulfill for a video.

Make sure that you work with good gear and equipment. Video quality is one significant point that is considered by viewers in this community. To make yourselves heard out, you need to invest across the gear appropriately.

Part 2: Inspirations and Tips for Vlog Video Ideas

While you dissect the answer to the question of “what is vlogging,” this part indicates all the essential points and tips that need to be considered for vlog video ideas. These tips shall help you set up a platform for yourself to inspire and direct people to your content.

tips to enhance your vlog channel

1. Be Innovative in Your First Vlog

The first vlog is essential for many reasons. Where you let people know about yourselves, this can be a great start to your impressive journey in vlogging. The only thing that you need to do is innovate users into setting up their first vlog. This can be done through a good idea or targeting your introduction under a particular niche. Innovate your method of interacting with people, and this would attract every person you may have thought of.

2. Make Yourselves Personal

To interact in a better way, it is always considered best to be personal with your viewers. Share things that you find especially important for the viewers to know. Where you think you’ll inspire people with your idea, you need to highlight it properly. This can include your personal goals, gains, routine, and other details that highlight your personal life in and out of work. Providing facts about your personality can be the perfect choice for a vlog about to make a start.

3. Include a Comedy Touch

People love comedy! They die for looking content that can make them laugh and make their day good. Your vlog video should be a distributed combination of different niches and types that can be targeted across different points as per the requirement of the audience. You will always understand the point where you wish to add a particular style of interaction. Adding a comedy touch will make your viewers laugh, which is a win-win for your vlog channel.

4. Add in Information

The community does not always like content that does not teach something well to the viewers. If you keep yourselves stagnant to a single point, it will never bring you a breakthrough in your vlogging history. Informative videos are realized as interactive, which many viewers usually promote at times. The topic or concept that has been presented needs to be addressed perfectly in vlogs to cater to the requirements.

5. Provide Utility Services

Vlogs that are a combination of fun, information, and utility are considered the best. Showing viewers a clear picture of your lifestyle can be used to inspire most of them. This can be one of the best tips that would be put into practice for inspiring people. Your vlog journey should be expressive and offer priority, which can be done by showcasing the world through traveling or providing fitness goals.

Closing Words

Wish to start your vlog channel? After hearing every important information and criteria, are you ready to make your first vlog? This article has provided a distinctive understanding of making the first vlog video with effective tips and tricks. Along with that, whenever it comes to editing these vlogs, you can consider using Wondershare Filmora for this purpose.

Wondershare Filmora provides a complete editorial collection of tools that can be used ideally for enhancing the quality of the video. Filmora allows you to change the videos and audios under essential tools to design the best video. You can also employ effective techniques such as using effects and transitions.

Such elements can provoke the user to perform systematically while presenting a cognitive solution to video editing. Multiple things can be done across the platform while designing the first vlog. Look into the provided tips and tricks to avoid all kinds of errors.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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02 Inspirations and Tips for Vlog Video Ideas

Part 1: How to Start Vlogging for Beginners?

A proper guide can be considered while starting your vlog video channel. Although there are hundreds and thousands of vloggers across the social media platform, there is still room for more. As you think of an intuitive idea for vlogging, there are some steps you need to reconsider before going into this system.

vlogging guide

1. Finding the Niche and Audience of Choice

Looking into the variety of niches that can be tried for vlog videos, the selection can never be easy. You need to be sure which genre you are looking forward to picking, which then develops a target audience that you would be addressing. Your content heavily depends on the type of target audience you pick for yourselves. Be very appropriate and original while you add yourselves in the vlog video.

Finding the appropriate niche and working across it while understanding the answer to what is a vlog is quite essential. This guides the complete future of your channel across this section.

2. Look And Inspire From Competition

The second most important thing to be done before starting vlogs on your channel is an overview of the competitive market. Understanding the current video creator market dynamics is the next direction that you need to consider for starting vlogging. Competition lets you understand the loopholes that exist in the current system. This is a highly effective way of discovering innovation within any market.

Get inspired from the competition that exists within the current vlogging market. Find what they do best and consider the strong points within yourself.

3. Creating a Brand

The next step to starting your personal vlogs is setting up a brand that would become a highlight of yours across the platforms. People need something unifying to follow a certain party or personality; the same is true with vlogging. As many vloggers describe their community as a family, they set up a complete brand across this narrative and present a great idea of inclusivity.

While you prepare for your vlog video, you need to specify the name logo and create art that would set up the complete vlog channel. These should be extremely attractive and alluring for the community to watch and learn.

4. Familiarize and Invest

You should be sure about what you need to do across the platform. While you design the video for your vlog channel, it is important to understand what needs to be done to become a professional in this sector. Familiarizing yourselves about the platform is one crucial thing that helps you understand the requirements to fulfill for a video.

Make sure that you work with good gear and equipment. Video quality is one significant point that is considered by viewers in this community. To make yourselves heard out, you need to invest across the gear appropriately.

Part 2: Inspirations and Tips for Vlog Video Ideas

While you dissect the answer to the question of “what is vlogging,” this part indicates all the essential points and tips that need to be considered for vlog video ideas. These tips shall help you set up a platform for yourself to inspire and direct people to your content.

tips to enhance your vlog channel

1. Be Innovative in Your First Vlog

The first vlog is essential for many reasons. Where you let people know about yourselves, this can be a great start to your impressive journey in vlogging. The only thing that you need to do is innovate users into setting up their first vlog. This can be done through a good idea or targeting your introduction under a particular niche. Innovate your method of interacting with people, and this would attract every person you may have thought of.

2. Make Yourselves Personal

To interact in a better way, it is always considered best to be personal with your viewers. Share things that you find especially important for the viewers to know. Where you think you’ll inspire people with your idea, you need to highlight it properly. This can include your personal goals, gains, routine, and other details that highlight your personal life in and out of work. Providing facts about your personality can be the perfect choice for a vlog about to make a start.

3. Include a Comedy Touch

People love comedy! They die for looking content that can make them laugh and make their day good. Your vlog video should be a distributed combination of different niches and types that can be targeted across different points as per the requirement of the audience. You will always understand the point where you wish to add a particular style of interaction. Adding a comedy touch will make your viewers laugh, which is a win-win for your vlog channel.

4. Add in Information

The community does not always like content that does not teach something well to the viewers. If you keep yourselves stagnant to a single point, it will never bring you a breakthrough in your vlogging history. Informative videos are realized as interactive, which many viewers usually promote at times. The topic or concept that has been presented needs to be addressed perfectly in vlogs to cater to the requirements.

5. Provide Utility Services

Vlogs that are a combination of fun, information, and utility are considered the best. Showing viewers a clear picture of your lifestyle can be used to inspire most of them. This can be one of the best tips that would be put into practice for inspiring people. Your vlog journey should be expressive and offer priority, which can be done by showcasing the world through traveling or providing fitness goals.

Closing Words

Wish to start your vlog channel? After hearing every important information and criteria, are you ready to make your first vlog? This article has provided a distinctive understanding of making the first vlog video with effective tips and tricks. Along with that, whenever it comes to editing these vlogs, you can consider using Wondershare Filmora for this purpose.

Wondershare Filmora provides a complete editorial collection of tools that can be used ideally for enhancing the quality of the video. Filmora allows you to change the videos and audios under essential tools to design the best video. You can also employ effective techniques such as using effects and transitions.

Such elements can provoke the user to perform systematically while presenting a cognitive solution to video editing. Multiple things can be done across the platform while designing the first vlog. Look into the provided tips and tricks to avoid all kinds of errors.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


How to Zoom Video in VLC Media Player

Even though VLC Media Player is not the default video player in any operating system, most users install VLC Player separately on their computers. This is because VLC Media Player offers several useful and advanced features that the default media player like Windows Media Player lacks. There are situations when users need to zoom into certain parts of a video, and that is where VLC zoom in video feature comes in handy.

You may need to zoom into videos to pay attention to details and focus on parts around the subject that others are missing out. For example, you have recorded a video, and you have played it on VLC to zoom in and ensure that there is nothing distracting before you publish the video. Now, we will illustrate all the different ways on how to zoom in VLC Media Player. We will also suggest a better alternative to zoom into videos easily.

Part 1: Zoom VLC Video Using Interactive Zoom

VLC Media Player comes with Interactive Zoom feature that lets you zoom into a section of a video irrespective of its resolution. You can use Interactive Zoom feature to zoom nearly eight times the original size of the video. While you zoom your video with Interactive Zoom option, VLC Media Player zooms the video digitally, and if the video resolution is not high, you can see some deterioration in video quality as you zoom in. Here are the steps on how to VLC zoom with Interactive Zoom.

Step1First, you have to enable Interactive Zoom feature. Launch VLC Player and go to Tools menu option.

Step2Select Effects and Filters and you will see Adjustments and Effects window open.

Step3Go to Video Effects tab and then go to Geometry tab.

Step4Turn on Interactive Zoom option. Click on Save and Close buttons.

zoom in vlc

Step5Play a video and you will see a Picture in Picture window in the top-left corner where you can see live preview of the video. You will notice a rectangular box that you can drag around the PiP window to zoom that section of the video.

zoom in vlc

Step6Wherever you place the rectangular box in PiP window, that part will be zoomed and shown outside the PiP window. You can increase or decrease the level of magnification from the vertical slider present below PiP window.

Part 2: Zoom Video Using VLC Video Menu

Apart from Interactive Zoom, there is also an inbuilt Zoom option available under Video Menu. While Interactive Zoom is for detailed zooming, Zoom through Video menu on VLC is for instant zooming. Moreover, Zoom through Video menu is effective only when you view the video on VLC Player. If you are watching the video on full screen, the zooming effect will not be easily noticeable. Here are the steps on how to zoom in VLC player using VLC Video menu.

Step1Open VLC Media player in windowed mode and play the desired video.

Step2Go to Video menu and select Zoom option.

Step3You will come across several options such as 1:4 quarter, 1:2 half, 1:1 original, and 2:1 double. You can select from one of them as per your requirements.

zoom in vlc

Otherwise, you can press Shift + Z keys together to try out different zoom options.

Part 3: Zoom VLC Video Using Magnifier

If you are using VLC Media Player on your Windows desktop computer, you can use the inbuilt Magnifier tool to zoom into a video that you are playing on VLC. You can zoom into videos to read any text in the background but this leads to low resolution and distortion. You can zoom in by 16 times which is the highest among all the three methods. Here are the steps on how to VLC zoom video using Magnifier tool.

Step1Open VLC Player and play the desired video.

Step2Go to Start menu on Windows and search for “Magnifier”.

zoom in vlc

Step3Click on Magnifier App. Once it opens, place the mouse pointer on the video and you will see its magnified version.

Step4Press Windows and “+” keys to zoom in while press Windows and “-“ keys to zoom out.

zoom in vlc

Part 4: VLC Alternative to Zoom in Videos

If you are not satisfied with VLC Player zoom feature, you can use a video editor to zoom into your video conveniently so that you can check any focused section on your video. You can also read any text on the video comfortably. We recommend Wondershare Filmora as an alternative to VLC Media Player for zooming into videos. Filmora is a professional video editor and here is the list of the steps on how to zoom into videos with Filmora.

Step 1: Download and install Wondershare Filmora and it is available for Windows and Mac users.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 2: Launch Wondershare and click on New Project option.

Step 3: Import your video on Filmora into Project Media folder by drag and drop option.

zoom in vlc

Step 4: Drag and drop the video file into Timeline. Click on Crop icon on the top bar of Timeline.

Step 5: Go to Pan & Zoom tab and move the rectangular box and play the video to watch its magnified video. You can also export the video after cropping in your desired file format.

zoom in vlc


There are several scenarios when you need to zoom into a video to focus on the details. VLC Media Player comes with instant zoom as well as detailed zoom options to satisfy your requirements. You can even use Magnifier App on Windows to zoom into videos. But for the best result, we recommend Wondershare Filmora as the best VLC Player alternative for zooming videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 2: Launch Wondershare and click on New Project option.

Step 3: Import your video on Filmora into Project Media folder by drag and drop option.

zoom in vlc

Step 4: Drag and drop the video file into Timeline. Click on Crop icon on the top bar of Timeline.

Step 5: Go to Pan & Zoom tab and move the rectangular box and play the video to watch its magnified video. You can also export the video after cropping in your desired file format.

zoom in vlc


There are several scenarios when you need to zoom into a video to focus on the details. VLC Media Player comes with instant zoom as well as detailed zoom options to satisfy your requirements. You can even use Magnifier App on Windows to zoom into videos. But for the best result, we recommend Wondershare Filmora as the best VLC Player alternative for zooming videos.

How To Achieve LumaFusion Color Grading Through LUTs

LumaFusion is one of the best-known apps to enhance video quality without impacting the overlays. With this app, you can modify the video in several ways, such as applying LUTs to videos and synchronizing MultiCam clips. Yet, many users find it challenging to use LumaFusion to color grade the clips.

In this discussion, we will discuss color grading in LumaFusion and the procedure to use it. Moreover, we will also introduce an app that can streamline your workflow efficiency. The name of this app is Wondershare Filmora, and it will also help you to apply LUTs on computers.

Part 1: How Do LUTs Make Work Operation Easy?

Before getting into the free LUTs for LumaFusion, it is important to know the higher functionality of LUTs. If you are new to the field of video editing, you may have no idea how LUTs can improve your work operation. This section will help you to understand it without complications:

  • Modern Styles and Looks: LUTs offers predefined and modernized styles and look that are created by specialists. As these LUTs have prebuilt color grading techniques along with file emulation, you can use them to increase the attractiveness of videos.
  • Higher Workflow Efficiency: The prebuilt LUTs can make your work easier than ever. You can apply the LUTs to the videos in the simplest manner, along with saving time and effort.
  • Compatibility of LUTs: There are no such device restrictions in LUTs, as you can use them on computers or mobile devices. Above all, LUTs are also compatible with several video editing software.
  • Customization and Experimentation: While using the LUTs, you can customize them as per your needs without any problem. Other than this, you can also experiment the creativity and visual styles with LUTs.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

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Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: What Are the Potential Ways to Apply LUTs for LumaFusion?

There are considerable ways to apply LUTs in LumaFusion, but we plan to introduce the most straightforward ways. Don’t fret if you have no video editing skills. By following the below-given steps, you can experience the LumaFusion color grading:

Way 1: Apply LUTs Through Sharing

Step 1: Initially, import the video to LumaFusion and double-tap on a video in “Timeline.” Select the “Color and Effect” icon from the bottom and redirect to the “Cube” icon on the top.

lead to the cube section

Step 2: Next, tap on the “Import” button, and once you are on the “Thank You” page, select the “Download Link” button. Following this, hit “Copy to ZIP,” and after this, the ZIP folders will be loaded in the app.

unzip the luts pack

Step 3: To proceed, you have to “Unzip the Folder” and locate the LUTs of your choice. Once you find the LUT, press the “Share” icon and tap “Open in LumaFusion.” Following this, the LUT will be added in LumaFusion.

select and share lut

Way 2: Apply LUTs Through LUT Name

Step 1: Open the video with LumaFusion and select “Timeline.” Tap on the “Color and Effect” sign and select the “Import” button. Following this, you need to select a tool for importing LUTs from the options of Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Files, or Add/Edit Source.

apply lut after importing

Step 2: After selecting the source, tap on “LUT name” to add it to LumaFusion. To proceed, press the “Share” button and wait a few moments. Once the LUT is added, you can manage its intensity from the “Blend” sliders.

adjust lut after adding

Part 3: Some Best LUTs To Discover For Using in LumaFusion

Now that you know the higher functionality of LUTs and their application procedure, you must be wondering what LUTs are best for LumaFusion. There is no need to be anxious, as this part will introduce some of the free LUTs for LumaFusion. Look below to learn more about these exceptional video editing elements:

1. Color Grading Central Free LUTs

If you want to add the best color grading LumaFusion LUTs, you need to seek help from the color specialist. Thus, you can use the Color Grading free LUTs designed by CGC. Their site is enriched with high definition and optimized color combinate LUTs. You will never get disappointed by using these LUTs as they never impact the content of the videos.

color grading central free luts

2. Frank Glencairn Free LUT

If you are still a fan of vintage films in this modernized and vibrant-colored world, this LUT is for you. With this, you can add a fantastic and realistic vintage look to any video. Other than this, it is very popular among filmmakers for introducing a backstory scene in films. Not only professional, but you can also use it to give a retro look to your videos.

frank glencairn free lut

3. Reverse Tree Media Free LUTs

With this absolutely free LUT, you can upgrade the quality of your videos with little effort. It also has very modernized LUTs utility, such as the Black Bar layer. You can use this to enhance the video quality of several types of videos, such as TV series or movies. It is quite a perfect pick for sad or backstory scenes. In addition to this, it also has 8mm, 16mm, and 35mm overlays.

reverse tree media free luts

4. Kodachrome-K-Tone LUT

With the help of this LUT, you can feel yourself in the era of the early 90s. It has mass-marketed colors along with a subtractive method, which makes it a better option. Moreover, this LUT can also escalate the captivity of promotional videos. You can also use it for magazine photo editing. If you are working on a video captured in low light, this can also fix all the coloring issues for you.

kodachrome ktone luts

5. SmallHD Free LUTs

Another frequently used LumaFusion LUTs is SmallHD-free LUTs which can maximize your video productivity effectively. It can enhance the classical appearance of the videos. You can use it for both pre and postproduction enhancements. These LUTs give you both dramatic and cinematic vibes. You can apply it to action, thriller, melodramatic or other videos.

smallhd free luts

Part 4: Wondershare Filmora: Apply LUTs Easily on the Computer

Wondershare Filmora is a tool that gives you freedom of creativity without any complications. With this tool, you can modify your videos in several ways on Mac, Windows, or mobile devices. Filmora also has versatile video editing software to help new video editors in their professional journey. The AI tools present in Filmora have stunning effects on every user, as they can make your work easier than ever.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

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For example, by using its AI Image, you can turn simple words into images. You can also split the screen and manage the keyframes of your video. One of the best things about Filmora is it lets you edit videos with full customization.

wondershare filmora luts

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

  • If you want to track the moments of the objects in the video, the Motion Tracking feature of Filmora got you covered. You can also add Mosaic effects to moving characters or objects in a video.
  • There are diversified preset templates in Filmora through which you can make the video with a few taps. You are also free to create your own video template and share it with the world.
  • With Filmora, you can edit multiple videos at once, as it supports the batch edit feature. Moreover, you can also add adjustment layers in the video to make non-destructive edits.


As this article states, you can turn simple videos into attractive ones with color-grading LumaFusion LUTs. There are several things that define the higher functionality of LUTs, and you can see the points above. Moreover, the instructions to apply LUTs with LumaFusion are also discussed above for the ease of users.

There are two ways available to achieve color grading, out of which you can select any one of your preferences. The other tool that can help you to apply LUTs on the computer is Wondershare Filmora . You can learn more about this from the above discussion.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

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Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: What Are the Potential Ways to Apply LUTs for LumaFusion?

There are considerable ways to apply LUTs in LumaFusion, but we plan to introduce the most straightforward ways. Don’t fret if you have no video editing skills. By following the below-given steps, you can experience the LumaFusion color grading:

Way 1: Apply LUTs Through Sharing

Step 1: Initially, import the video to LumaFusion and double-tap on a video in “Timeline.” Select the “Color and Effect” icon from the bottom and redirect to the “Cube” icon on the top.

lead to the cube section

Step 2: Next, tap on the “Import” button, and once you are on the “Thank You” page, select the “Download Link” button. Following this, hit “Copy to ZIP,” and after this, the ZIP folders will be loaded in the app.

unzip the luts pack

Step 3: To proceed, you have to “Unzip the Folder” and locate the LUTs of your choice. Once you find the LUT, press the “Share” icon and tap “Open in LumaFusion.” Following this, the LUT will be added in LumaFusion.

select and share lut

Way 2: Apply LUTs Through LUT Name

Step 1: Open the video with LumaFusion and select “Timeline.” Tap on the “Color and Effect” sign and select the “Import” button. Following this, you need to select a tool for importing LUTs from the options of Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Files, or Add/Edit Source.

apply lut after importing

Step 2: After selecting the source, tap on “LUT name” to add it to LumaFusion. To proceed, press the “Share” button and wait a few moments. Once the LUT is added, you can manage its intensity from the “Blend” sliders.

adjust lut after adding

Part 3: Some Best LUTs To Discover For Using in LumaFusion

Now that you know the higher functionality of LUTs and their application procedure, you must be wondering what LUTs are best for LumaFusion. There is no need to be anxious, as this part will introduce some of the free LUTs for LumaFusion. Look below to learn more about these exceptional video editing elements:

1. Color Grading Central Free LUTs

If you want to add the best color grading LumaFusion LUTs, you need to seek help from the color specialist. Thus, you can use the Color Grading free LUTs designed by CGC. Their site is enriched with high definition and optimized color combinate LUTs. You will never get disappointed by using these LUTs as they never impact the content of the videos.

color grading central free luts

2. Frank Glencairn Free LUT

If you are still a fan of vintage films in this modernized and vibrant-colored world, this LUT is for you. With this, you can add a fantastic and realistic vintage look to any video. Other than this, it is very popular among filmmakers for introducing a backstory scene in films. Not only professional, but you can also use it to give a retro look to your videos.

frank glencairn free lut

3. Reverse Tree Media Free LUTs

With this absolutely free LUT, you can upgrade the quality of your videos with little effort. It also has very modernized LUTs utility, such as the Black Bar layer. You can use this to enhance the video quality of several types of videos, such as TV series or movies. It is quite a perfect pick for sad or backstory scenes. In addition to this, it also has 8mm, 16mm, and 35mm overlays.

reverse tree media free luts

4. Kodachrome-K-Tone LUT

With the help of this LUT, you can feel yourself in the era of the early 90s. It has mass-marketed colors along with a subtractive method, which makes it a better option. Moreover, this LUT can also escalate the captivity of promotional videos. You can also use it for magazine photo editing. If you are working on a video captured in low light, this can also fix all the coloring issues for you.

kodachrome ktone luts

5. SmallHD Free LUTs

Another frequently used LumaFusion LUTs is SmallHD-free LUTs which can maximize your video productivity effectively. It can enhance the classical appearance of the videos. You can use it for both pre and postproduction enhancements. These LUTs give you both dramatic and cinematic vibes. You can apply it to action, thriller, melodramatic or other videos.

smallhd free luts

Part 4: Wondershare Filmora: Apply LUTs Easily on the Computer

Wondershare Filmora is a tool that gives you freedom of creativity without any complications. With this tool, you can modify your videos in several ways on Mac, Windows, or mobile devices. Filmora also has versatile video editing software to help new video editors in their professional journey. The AI tools present in Filmora have stunning effects on every user, as they can make your work easier than ever.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

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For example, by using its AI Image, you can turn simple words into images. You can also split the screen and manage the keyframes of your video. One of the best things about Filmora is it lets you edit videos with full customization.

wondershare filmora luts

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

  • If you want to track the moments of the objects in the video, the Motion Tracking feature of Filmora got you covered. You can also add Mosaic effects to moving characters or objects in a video.
  • There are diversified preset templates in Filmora through which you can make the video with a few taps. You are also free to create your own video template and share it with the world.
  • With Filmora, you can edit multiple videos at once, as it supports the batch edit feature. Moreover, you can also add adjustment layers in the video to make non-destructive edits.


As this article states, you can turn simple videos into attractive ones with color-grading LumaFusion LUTs. There are several things that define the higher functionality of LUTs, and you can see the points above. Moreover, the instructions to apply LUTs with LumaFusion are also discussed above for the ease of users.

There are two ways available to achieve color grading, out of which you can select any one of your preferences. The other tool that can help you to apply LUTs on the computer is Wondershare Filmora . You can learn more about this from the above discussion.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

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Also read:

  • Title: Updated Dollar-Store DIY Hacks to Use for Filmmaking
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:12:14
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:12:14
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/updated-dollar-store-diy-hacks-to-use-for-filmmaking/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated Dollar-Store DIY Hacks to Use for Filmmaking