Updated Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline

Updated Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline

Morgan Lv12

Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline

Do you still have a lot of editing to do after spending hours creating a video for your client? Though you already have a lot on your plate, you can’t continue to devote all of your working hours to only video editing. What if we told you there is a way to make this video editing process much quicker and easier? Keep reading this article to learn how to make the video editing process simpler and more effective.

Part 1: Best Way to Manage your Timeline

We all know that keeping good habits while editing could be helpful, whether you are a professional or a newbie. It could make editing so much more efficient. Today, we will show you some easy tips to organize your media browser and timeline while editing videos. But before we begin, download Filmora from their official website so you can follow all the steps easily.

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1. Create folders in Filmora

If you have footage from multiple cameras, it is best to create some folders first.

Step1 Create a Folder for Camera 1

If you have video footage from three cameras, you can create one folder for each camera.

Go to the default folder on the top left and rename it Cam_A.

create a folder for camera 1

Step2 Create a Folder for Camera 2

Then go to the bottom left of the media browser and click on this icon to add a new folder. Rename it to Cam_B.

create a folder for camera 2

Step3 Create a Folder for Camera 3

Repeat the steps to create another folder called Cam_C. Now you can import footage from your different cameras into each folder.

create a folder for camera 3

Step4 Create a Folder for Production Sound

After that, add three new folders and rename them to Production Sound, SFX, and Music. Production sound is usually the sound that is recorded on set. If you have recorded all dialects from the subjects on the location, you can put them into this folder.

create a folder for production sound

Step5 Create a Folder for SFX

SFX stands for sound effects. You can add push clapping, laughing and other Folly sounds into this folder.

create a folder for sfx

Step6 Create a Folder for Music

Next, import all music files into the music folder. You can create folders for your graphics, B-roll, and stock footage if needed.

create a folder for music

2. Organize your Timeline and Video Tracks

Step1 Create Tracks for Picture Editing

Keep the first three tracks for picture editing. These tracks are usually for picture editing that includes footage with no effects or some simple effects—for example resizing, keyframing, transitions, or Green Screen.

create tracks for picture editing

Step2 Create Tracks for Temporary Footage

Set up the fourth track for the temporary footage or placeholders so you can quickly switch the temporary footage without spending extra time looking for them.

create tracks for temporary footage

Step3 Create Tracks for Effects

Set the fifth video track as the effect track. It will include all effects from firmware that do not apply to the footage directly.

create tracks for effects

Step4 Create Tracks for On and Off Content

Next, on the sixth video track, you can add the content that you would want to turn on and off from time to time. In this example, you can put the subtitles here.

create tracks for on and off content

3. Organize your Audio Tracks

Step1 Create Tracks for Dialects

The first two tracks are usually for dialects. You can include all the dialects of characters in these tracks. Keep one track for each character. If you have more characters, feel free to assign more tracks to them.

create tracks for dialects

Step2 Create Tracks for Additional Audio

The third audio track could be for any additional audio, such as voiceover. If you don’t have a voiceover in your video, you can leave it empty.

create tracks for additional audio

Step3 Create Tracks for Sound Effects

The fourth track could usually be the sound effects track. You can add all the clapping sounds, laughing, and all kinds of other foley sound here.

create tracks for sound effects

Step4 Create Tracks for Ambient Sound

Keep the fifth track for Ambient sound and room tone. You can use it to keep a very subtle environment sound in specific scenes. For example, you can use the room tone recorded on sets.

create tracks for ambient sound

Step5 Create Tracks for Background Music

Finally, the sixth track is usually for background music. But, of course, you could also keep it empty if your project has no background music.

create tracks for background music

4. Color Code Your Clips

Suppose you want to make the timeline even easier to view. In that case, you can select all clips from a camera or a subject and color code them into a specific color. For example, you can color code the footage from camera A in red, camera B in yellow, and Camera C in blue. Now, when you look at the Timeline, you can quickly distinguish footage from different cameras.

color code your clips

Part 2: Pro Tips about Improving Video Editing Efficiency

1. Rename Individual Clips

It would be much simpler to organize the timeline if you could quickly rename individual clips. Cut a clip into smaller segments and give each clip a different name. Make sure these clips have a name other than the source video to avoid confusion.

2. Remove Empty Timeline

For quick video editing, timeline organization is essential. Organize your materials and footage at all times to prevent delays. Put everything in the correct folders with the proper labels. To keep your timeline organized, select “Delete Empty Tracks” from the context menu when right-clicking on the track window on the left.

3. Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Knowing keyboard shortcuts allows you to carry out the editing process quickly and precisely.

4. Select Good Music

Don’t only concentrate on the images; the music also affects how well your video comes out. For example, suppose you’re making a drama movie. In that case, you should pick the right music track to evoke particular emotions in your viewers.

5. Add Text and Graphics

Depending on the style of the video, adding text, graphics, or stock video to your project could be helpful. You should provide more text than just the title for some videos.


You don’t need to be an expert in video editing to produce high-quality videos. In reality, you can complete the task without any expensive, high-end professional training. So how? Well, with the proper video editing tools like Wondershare Filmora, anything is possible. Follow the above guide, organize your timeline and keep the tracks consistent while video editing on Filmora so it’s easier to come back and edit a project or share with other editors.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

1. Create folders in Filmora

If you have footage from multiple cameras, it is best to create some folders first.

Step1 Create a Folder for Camera 1

If you have video footage from three cameras, you can create one folder for each camera.

Go to the default folder on the top left and rename it Cam_A.

create a folder for camera 1

Step2 Create a Folder for Camera 2

Then go to the bottom left of the media browser and click on this icon to add a new folder. Rename it to Cam_B.

create a folder for camera 2

Step3 Create a Folder for Camera 3

Repeat the steps to create another folder called Cam_C. Now you can import footage from your different cameras into each folder.

create a folder for camera 3

Step4 Create a Folder for Production Sound

After that, add three new folders and rename them to Production Sound, SFX, and Music. Production sound is usually the sound that is recorded on set. If you have recorded all dialects from the subjects on the location, you can put them into this folder.

create a folder for production sound

Step5 Create a Folder for SFX

SFX stands for sound effects. You can add push clapping, laughing and other Folly sounds into this folder.

create a folder for sfx

Step6 Create a Folder for Music

Next, import all music files into the music folder. You can create folders for your graphics, B-roll, and stock footage if needed.

create a folder for music

2. Organize your Timeline and Video Tracks

Step1 Create Tracks for Picture Editing

Keep the first three tracks for picture editing. These tracks are usually for picture editing that includes footage with no effects or some simple effects—for example resizing, keyframing, transitions, or Green Screen.

create tracks for picture editing

Step2 Create Tracks for Temporary Footage

Set up the fourth track for the temporary footage or placeholders so you can quickly switch the temporary footage without spending extra time looking for them.

create tracks for temporary footage

Step3 Create Tracks for Effects

Set the fifth video track as the effect track. It will include all effects from firmware that do not apply to the footage directly.

create tracks for effects

Step4 Create Tracks for On and Off Content

Next, on the sixth video track, you can add the content that you would want to turn on and off from time to time. In this example, you can put the subtitles here.

create tracks for on and off content

3. Organize your Audio Tracks

Step1 Create Tracks for Dialects

The first two tracks are usually for dialects. You can include all the dialects of characters in these tracks. Keep one track for each character. If you have more characters, feel free to assign more tracks to them.

create tracks for dialects

Step2 Create Tracks for Additional Audio

The third audio track could be for any additional audio, such as voiceover. If you don’t have a voiceover in your video, you can leave it empty.

create tracks for additional audio

Step3 Create Tracks for Sound Effects

The fourth track could usually be the sound effects track. You can add all the clapping sounds, laughing, and all kinds of other foley sound here.

create tracks for sound effects

Step4 Create Tracks for Ambient Sound

Keep the fifth track for Ambient sound and room tone. You can use it to keep a very subtle environment sound in specific scenes. For example, you can use the room tone recorded on sets.

create tracks for ambient sound

Step5 Create Tracks for Background Music

Finally, the sixth track is usually for background music. But, of course, you could also keep it empty if your project has no background music.

create tracks for background music

4. Color Code Your Clips

Suppose you want to make the timeline even easier to view. In that case, you can select all clips from a camera or a subject and color code them into a specific color. For example, you can color code the footage from camera A in red, camera B in yellow, and Camera C in blue. Now, when you look at the Timeline, you can quickly distinguish footage from different cameras.

color code your clips

Part 2: Pro Tips about Improving Video Editing Efficiency

1. Rename Individual Clips

It would be much simpler to organize the timeline if you could quickly rename individual clips. Cut a clip into smaller segments and give each clip a different name. Make sure these clips have a name other than the source video to avoid confusion.

2. Remove Empty Timeline

For quick video editing, timeline organization is essential. Organize your materials and footage at all times to prevent delays. Put everything in the correct folders with the proper labels. To keep your timeline organized, select “Delete Empty Tracks” from the context menu when right-clicking on the track window on the left.

3. Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Knowing keyboard shortcuts allows you to carry out the editing process quickly and precisely.

4. Select Good Music

Don’t only concentrate on the images; the music also affects how well your video comes out. For example, suppose you’re making a drama movie. In that case, you should pick the right music track to evoke particular emotions in your viewers.

5. Add Text and Graphics

Depending on the style of the video, adding text, graphics, or stock video to your project could be helpful. You should provide more text than just the title for some videos.


You don’t need to be an expert in video editing to produce high-quality videos. In reality, you can complete the task without any expensive, high-end professional training. So how? Well, with the proper video editing tools like Wondershare Filmora, anything is possible. Follow the above guide, organize your timeline and keep the tracks consistent while video editing on Filmora so it’s easier to come back and edit a project or share with other editors.

Dollar-Store DIY Hacks to Use for Filmmaking

Filmmaking is usually an expensive hobby, but slowly over time, it’s become more affordable. Regular gear like cameras and lights are slightly cheaper, but there are plenty of ways to DIY regular items to use as film gear.

Making DIY film gear may not give you the same look as professional gear, but it could be a fun project and give you similar looks on a budget. In this article, let’s look at some dollar-store DIY hacks that you can use for filmmaking on a budget.

diy film gear

Tip 1. Add foreground elements to improve the frame of videos

Let’s start with something we can do to enhance your framing. Sometimes we want to direct our audience’s attention to a specific part of the frame. In this case, it’s the talent of placing an object in the shot’s foreground that can help us do that. While also making a more attractive frame. At the dollar store, try using something like these fake plants.

fake plants

You can place it in front of your lens. Then focus on the talent behind it, giving a blurry foreground that perfectly frames the talent. Here’s how the shot looks with and without foreground elements.

framing the subject

Note: Remember, you can also use a different angle than simply approaching the object from the front. You can try and use different perspectives until you find the shot or footage you are looking for.

Tip 2. Adjust lights with poster boards

The shot below looks dark and boring because the background has no light. Here’s the shot with and without the lights.

shot with or without lights

A practical light is a light that shows up on screen rather than lighting talent from off-screen. For example, some dollar stores have small LED accent lights for around three dollars.

Others even have lights with adhesive backings that allow you to place them all over the room—creating great lighting accents with small eye-catching pockets of light.

lights with adhesive backings

On film sets, crews use a bounce to reflect light from one light source in another direction. At the dollar store, we can find something like this poster board to get a similar effect.

use bounce to reflect light

By reflecting the light onto the bounce, we get softer, more spread-out light when it’s reflected. Then you will get the result in a nicer look. Using poster boards, you can do multiple things with light.

  • Use white to bounce light.
  • Use black as a flag to shape or block light.

use white to bounce light

  • You can also use green for a small green screen when filming a product video

You might have seen how big production companies create those alienated landscapes, such as in the movie Avatar and many more.

The concept is recording your object in front of a green screen behind it. Then, it’s much easier to add a separately filmed background to the final footage with a video editor like Filmora.

green screen to create the fake background

Tip 3. Smooth audio with felt pads or socks

Do you ever have audio pop while you are recording? It can get annoying. So, to fix the issues, we are now teaching you three practical ways.

1. Felt pads

Felt pads with adhesive backs can be stuck onto noisy props like a coffee mug. This way, we won’t hear the mug hitting the table when we’re recording sound.

felt pads

2. Socks as pop filters

Professionals use what they call a pop filter because a pop filter can reduce the loud pops from their mouths. But what is pop? Pops usually occur when people say words that start with the letter P or B.

Then what is a pop filter? You might have seen in some YouTube videos, especially live streamers, where they use a microphone with a plate on its head; that’s called a pop filter. You can purchase pricey gear like a pop filter, or we can get a pack of cheap socks at the dollar store and place them over the mic.

It will make your voiceover slightly quieter, but it should also get rid of the popping. So keep adding socks until you hear no more pops in your voiceover.

add socks to a mic to make voice quieter


See how easy it was! Keep in mind these dollar store hacks in your next video. And you can edit your footage like a pro with an easy-to-use video editor like Wondershare Filmora . Keep exploring different ideas and perspectives to record.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Tip 2. Adjust lights with poster boards

The shot below looks dark and boring because the background has no light. Here’s the shot with and without the lights.

shot with or without lights

A practical light is a light that shows up on screen rather than lighting talent from off-screen. For example, some dollar stores have small LED accent lights for around three dollars.

Others even have lights with adhesive backings that allow you to place them all over the room—creating great lighting accents with small eye-catching pockets of light.

lights with adhesive backings

On film sets, crews use a bounce to reflect light from one light source in another direction. At the dollar store, we can find something like this poster board to get a similar effect.

use bounce to reflect light

By reflecting the light onto the bounce, we get softer, more spread-out light when it’s reflected. Then you will get the result in a nicer look. Using poster boards, you can do multiple things with light.

  • Use white to bounce light.
  • Use black as a flag to shape or block light.

use white to bounce light

  • You can also use green for a small green screen when filming a product video

You might have seen how big production companies create those alienated landscapes, such as in the movie Avatar and many more.

The concept is recording your object in front of a green screen behind it. Then, it’s much easier to add a separately filmed background to the final footage with a video editor like Filmora.

green screen to create the fake background

Tip 3. Smooth audio with felt pads or socks

Do you ever have audio pop while you are recording? It can get annoying. So, to fix the issues, we are now teaching you three practical ways.

1. Felt pads

Felt pads with adhesive backs can be stuck onto noisy props like a coffee mug. This way, we won’t hear the mug hitting the table when we’re recording sound.

felt pads

2. Socks as pop filters

Professionals use what they call a pop filter because a pop filter can reduce the loud pops from their mouths. But what is pop? Pops usually occur when people say words that start with the letter P or B.

Then what is a pop filter? You might have seen in some YouTube videos, especially live streamers, where they use a microphone with a plate on its head; that’s called a pop filter. You can purchase pricey gear like a pop filter, or we can get a pack of cheap socks at the dollar store and place them over the mic.

It will make your voiceover slightly quieter, but it should also get rid of the popping. So keep adding socks until you hear no more pops in your voiceover.

add socks to a mic to make voice quieter


See how easy it was! Keep in mind these dollar store hacks in your next video. And you can edit your footage like a pro with an easy-to-use video editor like Wondershare Filmora . Keep exploring different ideas and perspectives to record.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

A Full Review of Leeming LUT Pro

Create High-Quality Video - Wondershare Filmora

An easy and powerful YouTube video editor

Numerous video and audio effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials are provided by the official channel

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Color grading can be a tedious process, especially if you don’t have the technical skills required to achieve the desired result. That’s where a LUT can come in handy. So, what is a LUT?

LUT stands for “look up table.” Simply put, a LUT is a color preset that you can apply to your video footage to speed up the color grading process. While LUTs are commonly used to speed up the color grading process, they can also be used for other tasks, such as color transfer between software, monitor calibration, and more.

In this article, we’ll explore a particular LUT – Leeming LUT Pro™ and how you can use it in various video editors.

leeming lut pro

In this article

01 What is Leeming LUT Pro™?

02 Supported Cameras of Leeming LUT Pro™

03 How to Import and Use Leeming LUT Pro™ in Different Video Editors

What is Leeming LUT Pro™?

Leeming LUT Pro™ is the world’s first unified, corrective Look Up Table (LUT) system for supported cameras. It’s designed to maximize dynamic range, fix skin tones, remove unwanted color casts and provide an accurate Rec709 starting point for further creative color grading.

The Pro LUTs are designed for perfect Rec709 colorimetry and have a linear luma curve, with an average measured dE(2000) of less than 1. As a result, they are visually indistinguishable from reality to the human eye.

Athena LUTs are a brighter version of Pro. They are designed around how the eye sees while retaining the same perfect colorimetry as Pro.

Supported Cameras of Leeming LUT Pro™

  • Panasonic G Series: All G series cameras with Cine-D, V-LogL, and HLG for Rec709
  • Panasonic S Series: All S series cameras with V-Log, V-Log BRAW, V-Log ProRes RAW, Cine-D, Cine-D2, and HLG for Rec709
  • Fujifilm X Series: All X Series cameras with F-Log, Eterna Cinema, Pro Neg Std, and HLG for Rec709
  • Canon R Series: All R series cameras with the Faithful Picture Style, C-Log, C-Log3, and CanonRAW
  • Canon C Series: All C series cameras with BT.709, C-Log2, C-Log3, HDR-PQ for Rec709, and HLG for Rec709
  • Blackmagic Pocket 4K/6K/6K Pro: All cameras with Gen 4 or Gen5 Film
  • Blackmagic Pocket/Micro: Older cameras with Gen1 Film
  • Nikon Z Series: All cameras with N-Log, Flat
  • Sony A Series: All cameras with Picture profile menus, like the A7, with Cine2, S-Log2, S-Log3, HLG/3 for Rec709, and S-Cinetone
  • JVC: GY-LS300 with J-Log1
  • RunCam: 5 Orange Normal, Flat
  • GoPro: 6,7 8, 9 & 10 ProTune, 4 & 5 ProTune, Session ProTune
  • DJI: Mavic3, Phantom 4 Pro, Air 2S, Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic Air 2, Mini Series, Mavic Air, Mavic Pro, Pocket 2, Osmo Pocket, Osmo Action, X5 Series

How to Import and Use Leeming LUT Pro™ in Different Video Editors

Leeming LUT Pro™ is supported by various video editors, coloring software, and motion graphics programs, such as:

  • Final Cut Pro X
  • Avid Media Composer
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Magix Vegas
  • Grass Valley Edius
  • Lightworks
  • Cyberlink PowerDirector
  • LumaFusion

Next, we’ll explore how you can use Leeming LUT in some popular video editors.

1. How to Use Leeming LUT in FCPX

Follow these steps to use Leeming LUT in Final Cut Pro:

Step 1. Import Footage

Launch Final Cut Pro and import your footage. To import your footage, navigate to the top left corner and click on the import icon (the arrow pointing downwards).

In the window that opens, your camera or device name should appear in the left column under devices.

Click on your camera or device to display the media you want to import. Then select the media you want to import and click on the import selected button in the bottom right corner to import your footage.

how to use leeming lut in FCPX

Step 2. Highlight the Footage

Highlight all the footage by clicking and dragging your pointer over the footage or press Command + A to select all the footage.

how to use leeming lut in FCPX - highlight the footage

Step 3. Open the Inspector

After highlighting all the footage, open the Inspector menu and click the little i icon. Then go down to the bottom of the Inspector and switch from Basic to General.

Step 4. Select the Camera LUT Option

Select Camera LUT from the options under General and click on the Add Custom Camera LUT option.

Step 5. Import Leeming LUTs into FCPX

Find the folder where your Leeming LUTs are stored and import them into Final Cut Pro by clicking on Open.

Step 6. Select the LUT

Once imported, go back to the Camera LUT option under General and click on it. Then scroll down the available options and select your Leeming LUT under the Custom Camera options.

Finally, click the profile you used to apply it to your footage.

2. How to Use Leeming LUT in PowerDirector

Follow these steps to use a LUT in PowerDirector:

Step 1. Launch PowerDirector

Open PowerDirector and select Full Mode.

Step 2. Import Media

Click the import button and then select Import Media Folder to import the video footage you want to apply the Leeming LUT to.

Step 3. Add Footage to Timeline

Drag and drop the imported video footage into your project’s timeline.

Step 4. Select the Fix/Enhance Option

Click on the video clip on the timeline and choose the Fix/Enhance option.

Step 5. Select the Color Presets & CLUTs Option

In the top left window that opens above the timeline, select the Color Presets & CLUTs option under Enhance.

Step 6. Apply the Leeming LUT to the Footage

Click on the import button in the panel to import the Leeming LUT file. Once imported, apply it to give your video a more vibrant look.

Part 5: Bonus! Use Filmora – Easy to Use Video Editor for Color LUTs

Besides Final Cut Pro and PowerDirector, Filmora is another excellent video editing software that you can use to apply LUTs to your video.

Designed for beginners and intermediate users, Filmora is an intuitive yet powerful video editing software.

For instance, you can apply 3D LUTs to your video using Filmora. Unlike 1D LUTs, which can only control one value setting, 3D LUTs can allow you to control various value settings. As a result, 3D LUTs can give you more control over specific color values in your video.

Here’s how you can apply LUTs using Filmora:

Step 1. Import the Footage

Launch Filmora and choose New Project. In the New Project window that opens, import the video you want to apply the LUT to by clicking on Import and selecting one of the drop-down options.

Step 2. Add the Video to the Timeline

Drag and drop the video into your project’s timeline.

Step 3. Open the Color Tab

Double click the video on the timeline to select it. Once it’s selected, go to the top left panel and click on the color tab.

use lut in filmora - open color tab

Step 4. Apply a LUT to the Video

Under the color tab, navigate to the 3D LUT option and select one of the available options in the 3D LUT drop-down menu to apply a LUT.

Many LUTs are named after popular TV shows and series whose visual styles they mimic, such as Batman, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, Mission Impossible, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and more.

Once you apply a LUT, you can see your changes in the Preview Window. Besides using the preset LUTs, Filmora also allows you to use custom LUTs. Instead of choosing one of the presets, click on the Load New LUT option to import your custom LUT into Filmora.

Step 5. Make Fine Adjustments

Once you apply a LUT, Filmora can allow you to make further modifications to the video. Click on the Advanced button at the bottom of the color tab to view advanced color correction options.

In the new window that opens, you can adjust several things, such as color, light, HSL, and more. You can also choose from a variety of other available presets.

use lut in filmora - make adjustments

Step 6. Save the Changes

Once you’re satisfied with the changes you’ve applied, click on the OK button in the lower right corner to save the changes.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later


LUTs are a fast way to color grade your footage after color correction. However, to ensure your LUTs work effectively, here are some important guidelines you should observe when using LUTs:

  • Ensure your footage matches from shot to shot, especially if you’re applying LUTs to multiple clips.
  • Ensure your exposure is correct before using LUTs. You can use a histogram to help you set the exposure.
  • Ensure you apply LUTs to a video that’s been properly color corrected.
  • Make small adjustments to things, such as brightness, saturation, contrast, exposure, color temperature, and tint for best results.
  • Test out various LUTs before settling for one because shooting conditions can drastically affect how different LUTs look.

Ultimately, LUTs are an excellent way to make your video more cinematic. If you don’t have advanced video editing skills or prior experience working with LUTs, don’t worry. Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to quickly apply LUTs with no video editing experience. Just download Filmora for free to get started.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color grading can be a tedious process, especially if you don’t have the technical skills required to achieve the desired result. That’s where a LUT can come in handy. So, what is a LUT?

LUT stands for “look up table.” Simply put, a LUT is a color preset that you can apply to your video footage to speed up the color grading process. While LUTs are commonly used to speed up the color grading process, they can also be used for other tasks, such as color transfer between software, monitor calibration, and more.

In this article, we’ll explore a particular LUT – Leeming LUT Pro™ and how you can use it in various video editors.

leeming lut pro

In this article

01 What is Leeming LUT Pro™?

02 Supported Cameras of Leeming LUT Pro™

03 How to Import and Use Leeming LUT Pro™ in Different Video Editors

What is Leeming LUT Pro™?

Leeming LUT Pro™ is the world’s first unified, corrective Look Up Table (LUT) system for supported cameras. It’s designed to maximize dynamic range, fix skin tones, remove unwanted color casts and provide an accurate Rec709 starting point for further creative color grading.

The Pro LUTs are designed for perfect Rec709 colorimetry and have a linear luma curve, with an average measured dE(2000) of less than 1. As a result, they are visually indistinguishable from reality to the human eye.

Athena LUTs are a brighter version of Pro. They are designed around how the eye sees while retaining the same perfect colorimetry as Pro.

Supported Cameras of Leeming LUT Pro™

  • Panasonic G Series: All G series cameras with Cine-D, V-LogL, and HLG for Rec709
  • Panasonic S Series: All S series cameras with V-Log, V-Log BRAW, V-Log ProRes RAW, Cine-D, Cine-D2, and HLG for Rec709
  • Fujifilm X Series: All X Series cameras with F-Log, Eterna Cinema, Pro Neg Std, and HLG for Rec709
  • Canon R Series: All R series cameras with the Faithful Picture Style, C-Log, C-Log3, and CanonRAW
  • Canon C Series: All C series cameras with BT.709, C-Log2, C-Log3, HDR-PQ for Rec709, and HLG for Rec709
  • Blackmagic Pocket 4K/6K/6K Pro: All cameras with Gen 4 or Gen5 Film
  • Blackmagic Pocket/Micro: Older cameras with Gen1 Film
  • Nikon Z Series: All cameras with N-Log, Flat
  • Sony A Series: All cameras with Picture profile menus, like the A7, with Cine2, S-Log2, S-Log3, HLG/3 for Rec709, and S-Cinetone
  • JVC: GY-LS300 with J-Log1
  • RunCam: 5 Orange Normal, Flat
  • GoPro: 6,7 8, 9 & 10 ProTune, 4 & 5 ProTune, Session ProTune
  • DJI: Mavic3, Phantom 4 Pro, Air 2S, Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic Air 2, Mini Series, Mavic Air, Mavic Pro, Pocket 2, Osmo Pocket, Osmo Action, X5 Series

How to Import and Use Leeming LUT Pro™ in Different Video Editors

Leeming LUT Pro™ is supported by various video editors, coloring software, and motion graphics programs, such as:

  • Final Cut Pro X
  • Avid Media Composer
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Magix Vegas
  • Grass Valley Edius
  • Lightworks
  • Cyberlink PowerDirector
  • LumaFusion

Next, we’ll explore how you can use Leeming LUT in some popular video editors.

1. How to Use Leeming LUT in FCPX

Follow these steps to use Leeming LUT in Final Cut Pro:

Step 1. Import Footage

Launch Final Cut Pro and import your footage. To import your footage, navigate to the top left corner and click on the import icon (the arrow pointing downwards).

In the window that opens, your camera or device name should appear in the left column under devices.

Click on your camera or device to display the media you want to import. Then select the media you want to import and click on the import selected button in the bottom right corner to import your footage.

how to use leeming lut in FCPX

Step 2. Highlight the Footage

Highlight all the footage by clicking and dragging your pointer over the footage or press Command + A to select all the footage.

how to use leeming lut in FCPX - highlight the footage

Step 3. Open the Inspector

After highlighting all the footage, open the Inspector menu and click the little i icon. Then go down to the bottom of the Inspector and switch from Basic to General.

Step 4. Select the Camera LUT Option

Select Camera LUT from the options under General and click on the Add Custom Camera LUT option.

Step 5. Import Leeming LUTs into FCPX

Find the folder where your Leeming LUTs are stored and import them into Final Cut Pro by clicking on Open.

Step 6. Select the LUT

Once imported, go back to the Camera LUT option under General and click on it. Then scroll down the available options and select your Leeming LUT under the Custom Camera options.

Finally, click the profile you used to apply it to your footage.

2. How to Use Leeming LUT in PowerDirector

Follow these steps to use a LUT in PowerDirector:

Step 1. Launch PowerDirector

Open PowerDirector and select Full Mode.

Step 2. Import Media

Click the import button and then select Import Media Folder to import the video footage you want to apply the Leeming LUT to.

Step 3. Add Footage to Timeline

Drag and drop the imported video footage into your project’s timeline.

Step 4. Select the Fix/Enhance Option

Click on the video clip on the timeline and choose the Fix/Enhance option.

Step 5. Select the Color Presets & CLUTs Option

In the top left window that opens above the timeline, select the Color Presets & CLUTs option under Enhance.

Step 6. Apply the Leeming LUT to the Footage

Click on the import button in the panel to import the Leeming LUT file. Once imported, apply it to give your video a more vibrant look.

Part 5: Bonus! Use Filmora – Easy to Use Video Editor for Color LUTs

Besides Final Cut Pro and PowerDirector, Filmora is another excellent video editing software that you can use to apply LUTs to your video.

Designed for beginners and intermediate users, Filmora is an intuitive yet powerful video editing software.

For instance, you can apply 3D LUTs to your video using Filmora. Unlike 1D LUTs, which can only control one value setting, 3D LUTs can allow you to control various value settings. As a result, 3D LUTs can give you more control over specific color values in your video.

Here’s how you can apply LUTs using Filmora:

Step 1. Import the Footage

Launch Filmora and choose New Project. In the New Project window that opens, import the video you want to apply the LUT to by clicking on Import and selecting one of the drop-down options.

Step 2. Add the Video to the Timeline

Drag and drop the video into your project’s timeline.

Step 3. Open the Color Tab

Double click the video on the timeline to select it. Once it’s selected, go to the top left panel and click on the color tab.

use lut in filmora - open color tab

Step 4. Apply a LUT to the Video

Under the color tab, navigate to the 3D LUT option and select one of the available options in the 3D LUT drop-down menu to apply a LUT.

Many LUTs are named after popular TV shows and series whose visual styles they mimic, such as Batman, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, Mission Impossible, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and more.

Once you apply a LUT, you can see your changes in the Preview Window. Besides using the preset LUTs, Filmora also allows you to use custom LUTs. Instead of choosing one of the presets, click on the Load New LUT option to import your custom LUT into Filmora.

Step 5. Make Fine Adjustments

Once you apply a LUT, Filmora can allow you to make further modifications to the video. Click on the Advanced button at the bottom of the color tab to view advanced color correction options.

In the new window that opens, you can adjust several things, such as color, light, HSL, and more. You can also choose from a variety of other available presets.

use lut in filmora - make adjustments

Step 6. Save the Changes

Once you’re satisfied with the changes you’ve applied, click on the OK button in the lower right corner to save the changes.

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LUTs are a fast way to color grade your footage after color correction. However, to ensure your LUTs work effectively, here are some important guidelines you should observe when using LUTs:

  • Ensure your footage matches from shot to shot, especially if you’re applying LUTs to multiple clips.
  • Ensure your exposure is correct before using LUTs. You can use a histogram to help you set the exposure.
  • Ensure you apply LUTs to a video that’s been properly color corrected.
  • Make small adjustments to things, such as brightness, saturation, contrast, exposure, color temperature, and tint for best results.
  • Test out various LUTs before settling for one because shooting conditions can drastically affect how different LUTs look.

Ultimately, LUTs are an excellent way to make your video more cinematic. If you don’t have advanced video editing skills or prior experience working with LUTs, don’t worry. Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to quickly apply LUTs with no video editing experience. Just download Filmora for free to get started.

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Color grading can be a tedious process, especially if you don’t have the technical skills required to achieve the desired result. That’s where a LUT can come in handy. So, what is a LUT?

LUT stands for “look up table.” Simply put, a LUT is a color preset that you can apply to your video footage to speed up the color grading process. While LUTs are commonly used to speed up the color grading process, they can also be used for other tasks, such as color transfer between software, monitor calibration, and more.

In this article, we’ll explore a particular LUT – Leeming LUT Pro™ and how you can use it in various video editors.

leeming lut pro

In this article

01 What is Leeming LUT Pro™?

02 Supported Cameras of Leeming LUT Pro™

03 How to Import and Use Leeming LUT Pro™ in Different Video Editors

What is Leeming LUT Pro™?

Leeming LUT Pro™ is the world’s first unified, corrective Look Up Table (LUT) system for supported cameras. It’s designed to maximize dynamic range, fix skin tones, remove unwanted color casts and provide an accurate Rec709 starting point for further creative color grading.

The Pro LUTs are designed for perfect Rec709 colorimetry and have a linear luma curve, with an average measured dE(2000) of less than 1. As a result, they are visually indistinguishable from reality to the human eye.

Athena LUTs are a brighter version of Pro. They are designed around how the eye sees while retaining the same perfect colorimetry as Pro.

Supported Cameras of Leeming LUT Pro™

  • Panasonic G Series: All G series cameras with Cine-D, V-LogL, and HLG for Rec709
  • Panasonic S Series: All S series cameras with V-Log, V-Log BRAW, V-Log ProRes RAW, Cine-D, Cine-D2, and HLG for Rec709
  • Fujifilm X Series: All X Series cameras with F-Log, Eterna Cinema, Pro Neg Std, and HLG for Rec709
  • Canon R Series: All R series cameras with the Faithful Picture Style, C-Log, C-Log3, and CanonRAW
  • Canon C Series: All C series cameras with BT.709, C-Log2, C-Log3, HDR-PQ for Rec709, and HLG for Rec709
  • Blackmagic Pocket 4K/6K/6K Pro: All cameras with Gen 4 or Gen5 Film
  • Blackmagic Pocket/Micro: Older cameras with Gen1 Film
  • Nikon Z Series: All cameras with N-Log, Flat
  • Sony A Series: All cameras with Picture profile menus, like the A7, with Cine2, S-Log2, S-Log3, HLG/3 for Rec709, and S-Cinetone
  • JVC: GY-LS300 with J-Log1
  • RunCam: 5 Orange Normal, Flat
  • GoPro: 6,7 8, 9 & 10 ProTune, 4 & 5 ProTune, Session ProTune
  • DJI: Mavic3, Phantom 4 Pro, Air 2S, Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic Air 2, Mini Series, Mavic Air, Mavic Pro, Pocket 2, Osmo Pocket, Osmo Action, X5 Series

How to Import and Use Leeming LUT Pro™ in Different Video Editors

Leeming LUT Pro™ is supported by various video editors, coloring software, and motion graphics programs, such as:

  • Final Cut Pro X
  • Avid Media Composer
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Magix Vegas
  • Grass Valley Edius
  • Lightworks
  • Cyberlink PowerDirector
  • LumaFusion

Next, we’ll explore how you can use Leeming LUT in some popular video editors.

1. How to Use Leeming LUT in FCPX

Follow these steps to use Leeming LUT in Final Cut Pro:

Step 1. Import Footage

Launch Final Cut Pro and import your footage. To import your footage, navigate to the top left corner and click on the import icon (the arrow pointing downwards).

In the window that opens, your camera or device name should appear in the left column under devices.

Click on your camera or device to display the media you want to import. Then select the media you want to import and click on the import selected button in the bottom right corner to import your footage.

how to use leeming lut in FCPX

Step 2. Highlight the Footage

Highlight all the footage by clicking and dragging your pointer over the footage or press Command + A to select all the footage.

how to use leeming lut in FCPX - highlight the footage

Step 3. Open the Inspector

After highlighting all the footage, open the Inspector menu and click the little i icon. Then go down to the bottom of the Inspector and switch from Basic to General.

Step 4. Select the Camera LUT Option

Select Camera LUT from the options under General and click on the Add Custom Camera LUT option.

Step 5. Import Leeming LUTs into FCPX

Find the folder where your Leeming LUTs are stored and import them into Final Cut Pro by clicking on Open.

Step 6. Select the LUT

Once imported, go back to the Camera LUT option under General and click on it. Then scroll down the available options and select your Leeming LUT under the Custom Camera options.

Finally, click the profile you used to apply it to your footage.

2. How to Use Leeming LUT in PowerDirector

Follow these steps to use a LUT in PowerDirector:

Step 1. Launch PowerDirector

Open PowerDirector and select Full Mode.

Step 2. Import Media

Click the import button and then select Import Media Folder to import the video footage you want to apply the Leeming LUT to.

Step 3. Add Footage to Timeline

Drag and drop the imported video footage into your project’s timeline.

Step 4. Select the Fix/Enhance Option

Click on the video clip on the timeline and choose the Fix/Enhance option.

Step 5. Select the Color Presets & CLUTs Option

In the top left window that opens above the timeline, select the Color Presets & CLUTs option under Enhance.

Step 6. Apply the Leeming LUT to the Footage

Click on the import button in the panel to import the Leeming LUT file. Once imported, apply it to give your video a more vibrant look.

Part 5: Bonus! Use Filmora – Easy to Use Video Editor for Color LUTs

Besides Final Cut Pro and PowerDirector, Filmora is another excellent video editing software that you can use to apply LUTs to your video.

Designed for beginners and intermediate users, Filmora is an intuitive yet powerful video editing software.

For instance, you can apply 3D LUTs to your video using Filmora. Unlike 1D LUTs, which can only control one value setting, 3D LUTs can allow you to control various value settings. As a result, 3D LUTs can give you more control over specific color values in your video.

Here’s how you can apply LUTs using Filmora:

Step 1. Import the Footage

Launch Filmora and choose New Project. In the New Project window that opens, import the video you want to apply the LUT to by clicking on Import and selecting one of the drop-down options.

Step 2. Add the Video to the Timeline

Drag and drop the video into your project’s timeline.

Step 3. Open the Color Tab

Double click the video on the timeline to select it. Once it’s selected, go to the top left panel and click on the color tab.

use lut in filmora - open color tab

Step 4. Apply a LUT to the Video

Under the color tab, navigate to the 3D LUT option and select one of the available options in the 3D LUT drop-down menu to apply a LUT.

Many LUTs are named after popular TV shows and series whose visual styles they mimic, such as Batman, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, Mission Impossible, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and more.

Once you apply a LUT, you can see your changes in the Preview Window. Besides using the preset LUTs, Filmora also allows you to use custom LUTs. Instead of choosing one of the presets, click on the Load New LUT option to import your custom LUT into Filmora.

Step 5. Make Fine Adjustments

Once you apply a LUT, Filmora can allow you to make further modifications to the video. Click on the Advanced button at the bottom of the color tab to view advanced color correction options.

In the new window that opens, you can adjust several things, such as color, light, HSL, and more. You can also choose from a variety of other available presets.

use lut in filmora - make adjustments

Step 6. Save the Changes

Once you’re satisfied with the changes you’ve applied, click on the OK button in the lower right corner to save the changes.

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LUTs are a fast way to color grade your footage after color correction. However, to ensure your LUTs work effectively, here are some important guidelines you should observe when using LUTs:

  • Ensure your footage matches from shot to shot, especially if you’re applying LUTs to multiple clips.
  • Ensure your exposure is correct before using LUTs. You can use a histogram to help you set the exposure.
  • Ensure you apply LUTs to a video that’s been properly color corrected.
  • Make small adjustments to things, such as brightness, saturation, contrast, exposure, color temperature, and tint for best results.
  • Test out various LUTs before settling for one because shooting conditions can drastically affect how different LUTs look.

Ultimately, LUTs are an excellent way to make your video more cinematic. If you don’t have advanced video editing skills or prior experience working with LUTs, don’t worry. Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to quickly apply LUTs with no video editing experience. Just download Filmora for free to get started.

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Color grading can be a tedious process, especially if you don’t have the technical skills required to achieve the desired result. That’s where a LUT can come in handy. So, what is a LUT?

LUT stands for “look up table.” Simply put, a LUT is a color preset that you can apply to your video footage to speed up the color grading process. While LUTs are commonly used to speed up the color grading process, they can also be used for other tasks, such as color transfer between software, monitor calibration, and more.

In this article, we’ll explore a particular LUT – Leeming LUT Pro™ and how you can use it in various video editors.

leeming lut pro

In this article

01 What is Leeming LUT Pro™?

02 Supported Cameras of Leeming LUT Pro™

03 How to Import and Use Leeming LUT Pro™ in Different Video Editors

What is Leeming LUT Pro™?

Leeming LUT Pro™ is the world’s first unified, corrective Look Up Table (LUT) system for supported cameras. It’s designed to maximize dynamic range, fix skin tones, remove unwanted color casts and provide an accurate Rec709 starting point for further creative color grading.

The Pro LUTs are designed for perfect Rec709 colorimetry and have a linear luma curve, with an average measured dE(2000) of less than 1. As a result, they are visually indistinguishable from reality to the human eye.

Athena LUTs are a brighter version of Pro. They are designed around how the eye sees while retaining the same perfect colorimetry as Pro.

Supported Cameras of Leeming LUT Pro™

  • Panasonic G Series: All G series cameras with Cine-D, V-LogL, and HLG for Rec709
  • Panasonic S Series: All S series cameras with V-Log, V-Log BRAW, V-Log ProRes RAW, Cine-D, Cine-D2, and HLG for Rec709
  • Fujifilm X Series: All X Series cameras with F-Log, Eterna Cinema, Pro Neg Std, and HLG for Rec709
  • Canon R Series: All R series cameras with the Faithful Picture Style, C-Log, C-Log3, and CanonRAW
  • Canon C Series: All C series cameras with BT.709, C-Log2, C-Log3, HDR-PQ for Rec709, and HLG for Rec709
  • Blackmagic Pocket 4K/6K/6K Pro: All cameras with Gen 4 or Gen5 Film
  • Blackmagic Pocket/Micro: Older cameras with Gen1 Film
  • Nikon Z Series: All cameras with N-Log, Flat
  • Sony A Series: All cameras with Picture profile menus, like the A7, with Cine2, S-Log2, S-Log3, HLG/3 for Rec709, and S-Cinetone
  • JVC: GY-LS300 with J-Log1
  • RunCam: 5 Orange Normal, Flat
  • GoPro: 6,7 8, 9 & 10 ProTune, 4 & 5 ProTune, Session ProTune
  • DJI: Mavic3, Phantom 4 Pro, Air 2S, Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic Air 2, Mini Series, Mavic Air, Mavic Pro, Pocket 2, Osmo Pocket, Osmo Action, X5 Series

How to Import and Use Leeming LUT Pro™ in Different Video Editors

Leeming LUT Pro™ is supported by various video editors, coloring software, and motion graphics programs, such as:

  • Final Cut Pro X
  • Avid Media Composer
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Magix Vegas
  • Grass Valley Edius
  • Lightworks
  • Cyberlink PowerDirector
  • LumaFusion

Next, we’ll explore how you can use Leeming LUT in some popular video editors.

1. How to Use Leeming LUT in FCPX

Follow these steps to use Leeming LUT in Final Cut Pro:

Step 1. Import Footage

Launch Final Cut Pro and import your footage. To import your footage, navigate to the top left corner and click on the import icon (the arrow pointing downwards).

In the window that opens, your camera or device name should appear in the left column under devices.

Click on your camera or device to display the media you want to import. Then select the media you want to import and click on the import selected button in the bottom right corner to import your footage.

how to use leeming lut in FCPX

Step 2. Highlight the Footage

Highlight all the footage by clicking and dragging your pointer over the footage or press Command + A to select all the footage.

how to use leeming lut in FCPX - highlight the footage

Step 3. Open the Inspector

After highlighting all the footage, open the Inspector menu and click the little i icon. Then go down to the bottom of the Inspector and switch from Basic to General.

Step 4. Select the Camera LUT Option

Select Camera LUT from the options under General and click on the Add Custom Camera LUT option.

Step 5. Import Leeming LUTs into FCPX

Find the folder where your Leeming LUTs are stored and import them into Final Cut Pro by clicking on Open.

Step 6. Select the LUT

Once imported, go back to the Camera LUT option under General and click on it. Then scroll down the available options and select your Leeming LUT under the Custom Camera options.

Finally, click the profile you used to apply it to your footage.

2. How to Use Leeming LUT in PowerDirector

Follow these steps to use a LUT in PowerDirector:

Step 1. Launch PowerDirector

Open PowerDirector and select Full Mode.

Step 2. Import Media

Click the import button and then select Import Media Folder to import the video footage you want to apply the Leeming LUT to.

Step 3. Add Footage to Timeline

Drag and drop the imported video footage into your project’s timeline.

Step 4. Select the Fix/Enhance Option

Click on the video clip on the timeline and choose the Fix/Enhance option.

Step 5. Select the Color Presets & CLUTs Option

In the top left window that opens above the timeline, select the Color Presets & CLUTs option under Enhance.

Step 6. Apply the Leeming LUT to the Footage

Click on the import button in the panel to import the Leeming LUT file. Once imported, apply it to give your video a more vibrant look.

Part 5: Bonus! Use Filmora – Easy to Use Video Editor for Color LUTs

Besides Final Cut Pro and PowerDirector, Filmora is another excellent video editing software that you can use to apply LUTs to your video.

Designed for beginners and intermediate users, Filmora is an intuitive yet powerful video editing software.

For instance, you can apply 3D LUTs to your video using Filmora. Unlike 1D LUTs, which can only control one value setting, 3D LUTs can allow you to control various value settings. As a result, 3D LUTs can give you more control over specific color values in your video.

Here’s how you can apply LUTs using Filmora:

Step 1. Import the Footage

Launch Filmora and choose New Project. In the New Project window that opens, import the video you want to apply the LUT to by clicking on Import and selecting one of the drop-down options.

Step 2. Add the Video to the Timeline

Drag and drop the video into your project’s timeline.

Step 3. Open the Color Tab

Double click the video on the timeline to select it. Once it’s selected, go to the top left panel and click on the color tab.

use lut in filmora - open color tab

Step 4. Apply a LUT to the Video

Under the color tab, navigate to the 3D LUT option and select one of the available options in the 3D LUT drop-down menu to apply a LUT.

Many LUTs are named after popular TV shows and series whose visual styles they mimic, such as Batman, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, Mission Impossible, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and more.

Once you apply a LUT, you can see your changes in the Preview Window. Besides using the preset LUTs, Filmora also allows you to use custom LUTs. Instead of choosing one of the presets, click on the Load New LUT option to import your custom LUT into Filmora.

Step 5. Make Fine Adjustments

Once you apply a LUT, Filmora can allow you to make further modifications to the video. Click on the Advanced button at the bottom of the color tab to view advanced color correction options.

In the new window that opens, you can adjust several things, such as color, light, HSL, and more. You can also choose from a variety of other available presets.

use lut in filmora - make adjustments

Step 6. Save the Changes

Once you’re satisfied with the changes you’ve applied, click on the OK button in the lower right corner to save the changes.

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For macOS 10.12 or later


LUTs are a fast way to color grade your footage after color correction. However, to ensure your LUTs work effectively, here are some important guidelines you should observe when using LUTs:

  • Ensure your footage matches from shot to shot, especially if you’re applying LUTs to multiple clips.
  • Ensure your exposure is correct before using LUTs. You can use a histogram to help you set the exposure.
  • Ensure you apply LUTs to a video that’s been properly color corrected.
  • Make small adjustments to things, such as brightness, saturation, contrast, exposure, color temperature, and tint for best results.
  • Test out various LUTs before settling for one because shooting conditions can drastically affect how different LUTs look.

Ultimately, LUTs are an excellent way to make your video more cinematic. If you don’t have advanced video editing skills or prior experience working with LUTs, don’t worry. Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to quickly apply LUTs with no video editing experience. Just download Filmora for free to get started.

How to Add Background to Video With/Without a Green Screen

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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Video’s background is the most crucial part of video editing. When filming, the backgrounds cannot be more attractive with the natural background, so editors use background effects to change the background of the video and make it more appealing. Wondershare Filmora is a fantastic software to add background to a video without a green screen. The good news is that Filmora offers various tools to remove background from a video, add a background, add transition effects, and all these by using virtual reality to complete the task. It has several effects and themes and has tools to remove background effectively. Many editors are available in the market for background effects but with limitations. Filmora offers an effective way to add background without a green screen and with a green screen. You will also be able to add a background to the green screen photo online.

Let us discuss the finest tools available in Filmora to change the background easily and quickly. This article will concentrate on two methods to edit background.

● How to put a background on a video without a green screen.

● How to add background to video with green screen.

If you wonder how to add a background to a green screen in after effects, it involves a very long step and quality footage to remove the background.

In this article

01 [Add background to green screen video](#Part 1)

02 [Add background to video without a green screen.](#Part 2)

Part 1 Add background to green screen video

The green screen effect is the advanced feature in overlays. It makes the background of the clips transparent. If you want to add background to green screen video online, there are many websites available but always with some limitations in resolutions and quality while exporting the video. Filmora is a useful tool in video editing to create animatic and superimpose backgrounds like any jet craft or a bird flying. You can easily make these changes to the video using Filmora by using a green screen footage clip or a plain green screen in the background while creating the footage. We will focus on putting a background on a green screen in this part.

Let us discuss how to add background to green screen are pretty simple using Filmora.

Step1 Add Overlay clip to timeline

Select “Create New Project” to start the editing. At first, you have to choose both the overlay clip and background clip and add them to the timeline. You can either import from the library or drag the files to the timeline in the positions shown in the picture.

You can edit the overlay clip individually by adding animation, effects, filterers, mask frame, and blending modes (multiply, darken, or color burn). Let us move to the next step, how to put the background on the green screen.

Step2 Make a Green Screen

Let’s get into the first step to add background to the green screen video. In this part, you will be using a green screen to remove the background. So, import the green screen clips to the media library. Now, add the background green screen to the timeline above the video track as shown in the picture.

import green screen

● Move the cursor to the green screen on the timeline and double-click on it.

● The settings box will appear on the left.

● You have to tick the Chroma key there.

The green screen effects will be applied automatically.

refine video

The video can be refined with many additional tools like Tolerance, Offset, and Alpha channel to make the video background clear. Once satisfied with the results, click on OK. Now that we have discussed how to add background to green screen video with the help of Filmora let’s now discuss how to add a background to a video without a green screen.

Part 2 Add background to video without a green screen

Let us learn how to add a background to a video without a green screen. In Filmora, there is a special effect called the Human segmentation effect to isolate people from the backgrounds without a green screen. All it takes is a few clicks. Once you remove the surround, you can add an image or a video clip to go well with your original video. Another unique feature is that after removing the background from the video clip, you can add it to the overlay of another video clip. It works well when it has a natural and single person in front of the camera.

Let’s discuss how to add background without a green screen.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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Step1 Import Media to Timeline

Import the video clip from the device. You can also drag the video clip from the timeline. You can use other effects from Filmora to make necessary changes like editing, cutting, trimming, filter and transition.

import media

Step2 Adding Human Segmentation Effect

To see the options to add background to video without a green screen, go to Effects – AI Portrait, and you can see a list of all AI portrait effects here. You can see the human segmentation effect, drag and place it on the top of your video clip in the timeline.

human segmentation effect

Step3 Preview and Adjust

After the human segmentation effect, the people will be isolated separately from the background, shown in the picture. Double click on the effects in the timeline where you can edit, adjust, thickness, feather, and preview.

preview and adjust

Step4 Replace and change video background

If you wish to change the background, import an image or video below your main track. Now, that is how to add a background without a green screen.

replace and change

Thus, you learned to create your green screen backgrounds and add a background to a green screen video using the favorite video effect software, Filmora.


Thus, in this guide, you learned how to add a background to a video without a green screen, and we hope this will be useful. You can find multiple software online for adding a background to a green screen with additional background effects. However, the Human segmentation available in Filmora is the easiest way to change scenes and clone people. With support to over 100 video tracks, Filmora is by far the best tool that allows you to change the setting with and without a green screen.

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Video’s background is the most crucial part of video editing. When filming, the backgrounds cannot be more attractive with the natural background, so editors use background effects to change the background of the video and make it more appealing. Wondershare Filmora is a fantastic software to add background to a video without a green screen. The good news is that Filmora offers various tools to remove background from a video, add a background, add transition effects, and all these by using virtual reality to complete the task. It has several effects and themes and has tools to remove background effectively. Many editors are available in the market for background effects but with limitations. Filmora offers an effective way to add background without a green screen and with a green screen. You will also be able to add a background to the green screen photo online.

Let us discuss the finest tools available in Filmora to change the background easily and quickly. This article will concentrate on two methods to edit background.

● How to put a background on a video without a green screen.

● How to add background to video with green screen.

If you wonder how to add a background to a green screen in after effects, it involves a very long step and quality footage to remove the background.

In this article

01 [Add background to green screen video](#Part 1)

02 [Add background to video without a green screen.](#Part 2)

Part 1 Add background to green screen video

The green screen effect is the advanced feature in overlays. It makes the background of the clips transparent. If you want to add background to green screen video online, there are many websites available but always with some limitations in resolutions and quality while exporting the video. Filmora is a useful tool in video editing to create animatic and superimpose backgrounds like any jet craft or a bird flying. You can easily make these changes to the video using Filmora by using a green screen footage clip or a plain green screen in the background while creating the footage. We will focus on putting a background on a green screen in this part.

Let us discuss how to add background to green screen are pretty simple using Filmora.

Step1 Add Overlay clip to timeline

Select “Create New Project” to start the editing. At first, you have to choose both the overlay clip and background clip and add them to the timeline. You can either import from the library or drag the files to the timeline in the positions shown in the picture.

You can edit the overlay clip individually by adding animation, effects, filterers, mask frame, and blending modes (multiply, darken, or color burn). Let us move to the next step, how to put the background on the green screen.

Step2 Make a Green Screen

Let’s get into the first step to add background to the green screen video. In this part, you will be using a green screen to remove the background. So, import the green screen clips to the media library. Now, add the background green screen to the timeline above the video track as shown in the picture.

import green screen

● Move the cursor to the green screen on the timeline and double-click on it.

● The settings box will appear on the left.

● You have to tick the Chroma key there.

The green screen effects will be applied automatically.

refine video

The video can be refined with many additional tools like Tolerance, Offset, and Alpha channel to make the video background clear. Once satisfied with the results, click on OK. Now that we have discussed how to add background to green screen video with the help of Filmora let’s now discuss how to add a background to a video without a green screen.

Part 2 Add background to video without a green screen

Let us learn how to add a background to a video without a green screen. In Filmora, there is a special effect called the Human segmentation effect to isolate people from the backgrounds without a green screen. All it takes is a few clicks. Once you remove the surround, you can add an image or a video clip to go well with your original video. Another unique feature is that after removing the background from the video clip, you can add it to the overlay of another video clip. It works well when it has a natural and single person in front of the camera.

Let’s discuss how to add background without a green screen.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


Step1 Import Media to Timeline

Import the video clip from the device. You can also drag the video clip from the timeline. You can use other effects from Filmora to make necessary changes like editing, cutting, trimming, filter and transition.

import media

Step2 Adding Human Segmentation Effect

To see the options to add background to video without a green screen, go to Effects – AI Portrait, and you can see a list of all AI portrait effects here. You can see the human segmentation effect, drag and place it on the top of your video clip in the timeline.

human segmentation effect

Step3 Preview and Adjust

After the human segmentation effect, the people will be isolated separately from the background, shown in the picture. Double click on the effects in the timeline where you can edit, adjust, thickness, feather, and preview.

preview and adjust

Step4 Replace and change video background

If you wish to change the background, import an image or video below your main track. Now, that is how to add a background without a green screen.

replace and change

Thus, you learned to create your green screen backgrounds and add a background to a green screen video using the favorite video effect software, Filmora.


Thus, in this guide, you learned how to add a background to a video without a green screen, and we hope this will be useful. You can find multiple software online for adding a background to a green screen with additional background effects. However, the Human segmentation available in Filmora is the easiest way to change scenes and clone people. With support to over 100 video tracks, Filmora is by far the best tool that allows you to change the setting with and without a green screen.

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Video’s background is the most crucial part of video editing. When filming, the backgrounds cannot be more attractive with the natural background, so editors use background effects to change the background of the video and make it more appealing. Wondershare Filmora is a fantastic software to add background to a video without a green screen. The good news is that Filmora offers various tools to remove background from a video, add a background, add transition effects, and all these by using virtual reality to complete the task. It has several effects and themes and has tools to remove background effectively. Many editors are available in the market for background effects but with limitations. Filmora offers an effective way to add background without a green screen and with a green screen. You will also be able to add a background to the green screen photo online.

Let us discuss the finest tools available in Filmora to change the background easily and quickly. This article will concentrate on two methods to edit background.

● How to put a background on a video without a green screen.

● How to add background to video with green screen.

If you wonder how to add a background to a green screen in after effects, it involves a very long step and quality footage to remove the background.

In this article

01 [Add background to green screen video](#Part 1)

02 [Add background to video without a green screen.](#Part 2)

Part 1 Add background to green screen video

The green screen effect is the advanced feature in overlays. It makes the background of the clips transparent. If you want to add background to green screen video online, there are many websites available but always with some limitations in resolutions and quality while exporting the video. Filmora is a useful tool in video editing to create animatic and superimpose backgrounds like any jet craft or a bird flying. You can easily make these changes to the video using Filmora by using a green screen footage clip or a plain green screen in the background while creating the footage. We will focus on putting a background on a green screen in this part.

Let us discuss how to add background to green screen are pretty simple using Filmora.

Step1 Add Overlay clip to timeline

Select “Create New Project” to start the editing. At first, you have to choose both the overlay clip and background clip and add them to the timeline. You can either import from the library or drag the files to the timeline in the positions shown in the picture.

You can edit the overlay clip individually by adding animation, effects, filterers, mask frame, and blending modes (multiply, darken, or color burn). Let us move to the next step, how to put the background on the green screen.

Step2 Make a Green Screen

Let’s get into the first step to add background to the green screen video. In this part, you will be using a green screen to remove the background. So, import the green screen clips to the media library. Now, add the background green screen to the timeline above the video track as shown in the picture.

import green screen

● Move the cursor to the green screen on the timeline and double-click on it.

● The settings box will appear on the left.

● You have to tick the Chroma key there.

The green screen effects will be applied automatically.

refine video

The video can be refined with many additional tools like Tolerance, Offset, and Alpha channel to make the video background clear. Once satisfied with the results, click on OK. Now that we have discussed how to add background to green screen video with the help of Filmora let’s now discuss how to add a background to a video without a green screen.

Part 2 Add background to video without a green screen

Let us learn how to add a background to a video without a green screen. In Filmora, there is a special effect called the Human segmentation effect to isolate people from the backgrounds without a green screen. All it takes is a few clicks. Once you remove the surround, you can add an image or a video clip to go well with your original video. Another unique feature is that after removing the background from the video clip, you can add it to the overlay of another video clip. It works well when it has a natural and single person in front of the camera.

Let’s discuss how to add background without a green screen.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


Step1 Import Media to Timeline

Import the video clip from the device. You can also drag the video clip from the timeline. You can use other effects from Filmora to make necessary changes like editing, cutting, trimming, filter and transition.

import media

Step2 Adding Human Segmentation Effect

To see the options to add background to video without a green screen, go to Effects – AI Portrait, and you can see a list of all AI portrait effects here. You can see the human segmentation effect, drag and place it on the top of your video clip in the timeline.

human segmentation effect

Step3 Preview and Adjust

After the human segmentation effect, the people will be isolated separately from the background, shown in the picture. Double click on the effects in the timeline where you can edit, adjust, thickness, feather, and preview.

preview and adjust

Step4 Replace and change video background

If you wish to change the background, import an image or video below your main track. Now, that is how to add a background without a green screen.

replace and change

Thus, you learned to create your green screen backgrounds and add a background to a green screen video using the favorite video effect software, Filmora.


Thus, in this guide, you learned how to add a background to a video without a green screen, and we hope this will be useful. You can find multiple software online for adding a background to a green screen with additional background effects. However, the Human segmentation available in Filmora is the easiest way to change scenes and clone people. With support to over 100 video tracks, Filmora is by far the best tool that allows you to change the setting with and without a green screen.

Try It Free Try It Free

Video’s background is the most crucial part of video editing. When filming, the backgrounds cannot be more attractive with the natural background, so editors use background effects to change the background of the video and make it more appealing. Wondershare Filmora is a fantastic software to add background to a video without a green screen. The good news is that Filmora offers various tools to remove background from a video, add a background, add transition effects, and all these by using virtual reality to complete the task. It has several effects and themes and has tools to remove background effectively. Many editors are available in the market for background effects but with limitations. Filmora offers an effective way to add background without a green screen and with a green screen. You will also be able to add a background to the green screen photo online.

Let us discuss the finest tools available in Filmora to change the background easily and quickly. This article will concentrate on two methods to edit background.

● How to put a background on a video without a green screen.

● How to add background to video with green screen.

If you wonder how to add a background to a green screen in after effects, it involves a very long step and quality footage to remove the background.

In this article

01 [Add background to green screen video](#Part 1)

02 [Add background to video without a green screen.](#Part 2)

Part 1 Add background to green screen video

The green screen effect is the advanced feature in overlays. It makes the background of the clips transparent. If you want to add background to green screen video online, there are many websites available but always with some limitations in resolutions and quality while exporting the video. Filmora is a useful tool in video editing to create animatic and superimpose backgrounds like any jet craft or a bird flying. You can easily make these changes to the video using Filmora by using a green screen footage clip or a plain green screen in the background while creating the footage. We will focus on putting a background on a green screen in this part.

Let us discuss how to add background to green screen are pretty simple using Filmora.

Step1 Add Overlay clip to timeline

Select “Create New Project” to start the editing. At first, you have to choose both the overlay clip and background clip and add them to the timeline. You can either import from the library or drag the files to the timeline in the positions shown in the picture.

You can edit the overlay clip individually by adding animation, effects, filterers, mask frame, and blending modes (multiply, darken, or color burn). Let us move to the next step, how to put the background on the green screen.

Step2 Make a Green Screen

Let’s get into the first step to add background to the green screen video. In this part, you will be using a green screen to remove the background. So, import the green screen clips to the media library. Now, add the background green screen to the timeline above the video track as shown in the picture.

import green screen

● Move the cursor to the green screen on the timeline and double-click on it.

● The settings box will appear on the left.

● You have to tick the Chroma key there.

The green screen effects will be applied automatically.

refine video

The video can be refined with many additional tools like Tolerance, Offset, and Alpha channel to make the video background clear. Once satisfied with the results, click on OK. Now that we have discussed how to add background to green screen video with the help of Filmora let’s now discuss how to add a background to a video without a green screen.

Part 2 Add background to video without a green screen

Let us learn how to add a background to a video without a green screen. In Filmora, there is a special effect called the Human segmentation effect to isolate people from the backgrounds without a green screen. All it takes is a few clicks. Once you remove the surround, you can add an image or a video clip to go well with your original video. Another unique feature is that after removing the background from the video clip, you can add it to the overlay of another video clip. It works well when it has a natural and single person in front of the camera.

Let’s discuss how to add background without a green screen.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


Step1 Import Media to Timeline

Import the video clip from the device. You can also drag the video clip from the timeline. You can use other effects from Filmora to make necessary changes like editing, cutting, trimming, filter and transition.

import media

Step2 Adding Human Segmentation Effect

To see the options to add background to video without a green screen, go to Effects – AI Portrait, and you can see a list of all AI portrait effects here. You can see the human segmentation effect, drag and place it on the top of your video clip in the timeline.

human segmentation effect

Step3 Preview and Adjust

After the human segmentation effect, the people will be isolated separately from the background, shown in the picture. Double click on the effects in the timeline where you can edit, adjust, thickness, feather, and preview.

preview and adjust

Step4 Replace and change video background

If you wish to change the background, import an image or video below your main track. Now, that is how to add a background without a green screen.

replace and change

Thus, you learned to create your green screen backgrounds and add a background to a green screen video using the favorite video effect software, Filmora.


Thus, in this guide, you learned how to add a background to a video without a green screen, and we hope this will be useful. You can find multiple software online for adding a background to a green screen with additional background effects. However, the Human segmentation available in Filmora is the easiest way to change scenes and clone people. With support to over 100 video tracks, Filmora is by far the best tool that allows you to change the setting with and without a green screen.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:12:14
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:12:14
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/updated-efficient-ways-to-manage-your-timeline/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline