Updated Gimp Green Screen for 2024

Updated Gimp Green Screen for 2024

Morgan Lv12

Gimp Green Screen

Chroma key with gimp green screen is the method by which photographers (and videographers) use a monochromatic backdrop, then replace the blue or green “screen” with a virtual background. This is the method employed during every evening weather broadcast: the newscaster is standing in front of a blank screen, but the viewers at home see a weather map.

Green screen Chroma key can also be used with photography. Subjects can be photographed in front of a monochromatic screen, and a virtual background can be put behind the subject once the screen is removed. For example, a duck can be photographed in front of a green or blue tarp, which is then replaced by a photograph of a river.

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How to use green screen in gimp

If you take a picture with a solid colored background (blue or green works best), then you can have a computer program pull out the blue or green pixels and replace them with another color or a transparent layer. This process is called “chroma key” and is used in weather forecasts and other special effects. The terms “green screen” and “blue screen” also refer to the chroma key process.

These directions outlined below describe how to use GIMP to add a transparent layer and remove blue or green pixels from an image. This allows you to layer images on different backgrounds or use pictures as Sprites in Scratch or Greenfoot.

Brief outline of process:

  1. Start GIMP
  2. Open the picture file.
  3. Create an “Alpha Channel” (Transparent Pixels)
  4. Select “Like Colored Pixels” (Click on the Green or Blue background)
  5. Control->K to delete the pixels and reveal the Transparent background.
  6. Save the picture as a .gif file. (Not .jpg!)

Detailed Directions:

  1. Start GIMP: (The “Gnu Image Manipulation Program”)
  2. Click the “K” menu
  3. Select “Graphics”
  4. Select “GIMP Image Editor”

Note about the GIMP:

Most computer applications run in one window. GIMP will run different windows for each function or object you are working with. (Separate windows for paintbrush menus, images, backgrounds, etc . . .)

  1. Select “File-> Open”
  2. Navigate to your File Area and select a chroma key picture
  3. Once your picture opens, add the “Alpha Channel”
    a. Select “Layer” from the picture menu bar
    b. Select “Transparency”
    c. Select “Add Alpha Channel”
  4. Click the “Select Region by Color” icon.
  5. Click once on the green or blue color in the background.
  6. Press “Control -> K” on the keyboard to delete the colors. The background will appear as a gray checkerboard pattern.
  7. Repeat the click and “Control-K” process to remove the background colors.
  8. Once the background colors are removed, save the picture:
    a. Select “File-Save As” from the menu bar.
    b. Type “LastnamePicture.gif” as the filename.
  9. Select “Convert to Indexed” - Click Export
  10. Click “OK”
  11. the picture should save.
  12. You can now use this picture in Scratch for a sprite, or in other graphics projects to combine with backgrounds.

Best GIMP alternative to edit images


Krita is an application for image creation and image manipulation. We focus on painting, illustration, concept art and other creative work. This is a short an incomplete list of the most important features Krita provides.

Krita provides an OpenGL based canvas in addition to an unaccelerated canvas. Krita’s filters, histogram computation and image recomposion are multi-threaded and make use of multiple cores if available. The effect of filters is previewed on-canvas.

Key Features

  • File Formats

Krita has support for a variety of file formats. Not all file formats are supported equally well, and for some there is only import, not export. Krita supports metadata for kra, ora, tiff, jpeg and png file formats.

  • Color models

Krita does not support indexed color models. In general, Krita does not support color models without an alpha channel. Krita supports different channel depths, from 8 bits integer to 32 bits floating point per channel.

  • Layer types

Krita supports the both layers and masks. Masks are associated with a single layer, while layers are grouped in a hierarchy.

  • Tools

There are several types of tools: vector tools, raster tools, guidance tools, canvas tools and selection tools. Note some types of content are not implement as tools but as “shapes” that can be inserted, for instance richt text, text-on-a-path or geometric shapes.

  • Brush engines

Krita is different from other applications in that it supports brush engine plugins. These brush engines are used in the pixel tools to stroke your painting.

  • Filters

Krita provides filters that can be used directly, i.e. destructively on the pixels of a layer, when painting, or dynamically as a filter layer or filter mask.


Paint.net is a free and very capable image editing software for Windows. Great alternative to Photoshop for people that do not need all the stuff PS offers.

In order to handle multiple images easily, Paint.NET uses a tabbed document interface. The tabs display a live thumbnail of the image instead of a text description. This makes navigation very simple and fast. Extensive work has gone into making Paint.NET the fastest image editor available. Whether you have a netbook with a power-conscious Atom CPU, or a Dual Intel Xeon workstation with 16+ blazingly fast processing cores, you can expect Paint.NET to start up quickly and be responsive to every mouse click.

Key Features

  • **Performance

Extensive work has gone into making Paint.NET the fastest image editor available. Whether you have a netbook with a power-conscious Atom CPU, or a Dual Intel Xeon workstation with 16+ blazingly fast processing cores, you can expect Paint.NET to start up quickly and be responsive to every mouse click.

  • **Layers

Usually only found on expensive or complicated professional software, layers form the basis for a rich image composition experience. You may think of them as a stack of transparency slides that, when viewed together at the same time, form one image.

  • **Automatically Updated

Updates are free, and contain new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Upgrading to the latest version is very simple, requiring only two clicks of the mouse.

  • **Special Effects

Many special effects are included for enhancing and perfecting your images. Everything from blurring, sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise, and embossing are included. Also included is our unique 3D Rotate/Zoom effect that makes it very easy to add perspective and tilting. Adjustments are also included which help you tweak an image’s brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, curves, and levels. You can also convert an image to black and white, or sepia-toned.

  • **Powerful Tools

Paint.NET includes simple tools for drawing shapes, including an easy-to-use curve tool for drawing splines or Bezier curves. The Gradient tool, new for 3.0, has been cited as an innovative improvement over similar tools provided by other software. The facilities for creating and working with selections is powerful, yet still simple enough to be picked up quickly. Other powerful tools include the Magic Wand for selecting regions of similar color, and the Clone Stamp for copying or erasing portions of an image. There is also a simple text editor, a tool for zooming, and a Recolor tool.

  • **Unlimited History

Everybody makes mistakes, and everybody changes their mind. To accommodate this, _every action you perform on an image is recorded in the History window and may be undone. Once you’ve undone an action, you can also redo it. The length of the history is only limited by available disk space.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the commercial image editor that set the standard in creative illustration and design work with a sophisticated, layer-based workflow and robust, professional feature set.

Over the years, Photoshop developed from a small photo editing tool to an Industry-leading software that dictates the global graphic designing and multimedia industries. With every new version, Adobe introduces in the Photoshop; the graphic designing communities wait to check out the next big leap where Photoshop can take them.

Key Features of Adobe Photoshop

  • Layers

With Layers palette, you can draw or design various elements of your document independently in layers and stack them up as per the order of display. With this advantage, control over every single object is catered at the click of a mouse. Mistakes happen, but the effects of the mistake are limited to the part of the canvas; you can choose to work on the particular part and leave the rest of the canvas as it is. This benefit is lacking in the traditional painting method. Artists are not allowed to relax at any part of the drawing or painting once their concentration is diverted and a stroke of painting goes wrong! They are bound to change the whole canvas.

  • Selection Tools

Photoshop’s selection tools are so handy to use that designers worldwide are addicted to the set of selection tools Photoshop offers. However, there are a bunch of competitive software and open-source software designed to give tough competition for Photoshop. Users are still stuck with Adobe’s torch bearer software due to the ease its tools provide.

  • Pen Tool

Today, Photoshop cannot be imagined without a Pen tool. Though the pen tool, by nature, works for drawing paths along with the anchor points, the creative scope it provides is limitless. The tool is designed so flexibly that the designer can draw any shape or edit the existing shapes as good as he is using his bare hand. The amount of control we have through placing the anchor points in the right places is taken further with the three types of Anchor points that can allow you to draw and edit paths precisely.

  • Shapes

The outlook of the shape layers in Photoshop may be limited, but the capabilities of the feature go a step further than what we assume about it. In the traditional marquee selection tools, the selection is limited to the raster process, and in many cases, the output will result in the sharp pixilated edges, which are never good looking. But the shape layers can act as an individual object within the document with its attribute to maintain the finest quality.

  • Vector Mask

The layer masks create a masking portion of an object by using the grayscale color combination (Shades of Gray). Once the masking part is done, the area of the object under the layer mask disappears.

  • Retouching Tools

Retouching tools are an accumulation of various tools such as Stamp tool, Pattern Stamp tool, Spot Healing tool, Healing tool, Patch tool, Redeye tool and much more. Though the numbers are more, every tool has its importance. The development of retouching tools did not happen overnight. Adobe was working hard identifying the problems of the photographers and finding the solutions for the problems from time to time.

Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo is a professional, full-featured raster graphics editor. Working in Affinity Photo is always live and you can pan and zoom at 60fps, with live previews and non-destructive application.

Whatever your genre of choice, be it landscapes, portraits, macro or anything else, Affinity not only has an unbeatable set of tools to help you, but it’s also laid out in an intuitive way that is ideal for newcomers and those switching from other software alike. There are a series of modules, called Personas, that bring you dedicated interfaces, such as Tone Mapping, RAW Developing and even a powerful liquify interface that makes complex reshaping a breeze! Even better, you can take the full functionality of the desktop app on the road, thanks to the iPad version, which is the most powerful mobile editing solution available. With so much on offer for so little, it’s time that you incorporated Affinity Photo into your workflow and moved your photography to the next step. To get you started, we’re going to give you some great tips to get the most from this brilliant software and get you well on the way to creating your own Masterpieces.

  • **Develop RAW Files Like A Pro

The first milestone in any photographer’s journey is unquestionably learning to shoot RAW. This image format captures even more data than JPEG and can be tweaked to create the perfect image or a solid base for further editing. To take advantage, all you need to do is open up your RAW file of choice into Affinity Photo and the Develop Persona will load up automatically. From here you can apply exposure adjustments, recover highlights and shadows and even craft a split toning effect. There’s a Curves adjustment for precision tweaks, a savvy noise reduction component and a lens correction module to combat distortion. It has everything you need for that all-important first step to brilliance.

  • **Professional Skin Retouching At The Click Of A Button

If you shoot portraits, you’ll doubtless know about the power of frequency separation. This technique is favored by many pros to get that glossy high-end look that screams professional. While it may sound complicated, in Affinity Photo it’s as simple as going to the Photo Persona and clicking on Filters>Frequency Separation. Once you’ve done this, you can set your Gaussian Blur amount in real-time, click Apply and the software will split your shot into two layers, one with the color and one with the detail. From here, you can remove blemishes, add your own dodge and burn and tidy up colors – a game changer!

  • **Ramp Up Your Dynamic Range With Tone Mapping

Amazingly, Affinity Photo has its very own Tone Mapping Persona with a full suite of tools to get your well on the way to high dynamic range images, whether you have a series of bracketed shots – identical photos taken at different exposures – or a single shot as we’ve used. Opening this Persona brings up a toolbar on the right-hand side with the usual exposure and enhancement tools, though also gives you access to Tone Compression, Local Contrast and detail sliders. There’s even a series of presets to get you started. Like most of Affinity, the effects can be seen in real-time and are completely reversible, meaning there’s no such thing as a permanent mistake. What we love most about the Tone Mapping Persona is the subtlety compared to others on offer, meaning you’re able to keep your shots looking natural while still getting the most from your work!

  • **Adjustments Are Plentiful And Powerful

Adjustments refer to a series of functional layers that apply specific effects to your shots. These can be as simple as Exposure, Vibrance or Brightness and Contrast, which do what they say on the tin, all the way up to more powerful options like Gradient Maps, Channel Mixers and Color Balance for creative effects and color corrections. Because they’re layers, they can be altered at any time in your editing process and moved around as you see fit. They affect any layers below them in the Layer palette but can be set to cast an effect on only a single-pixel layer by using the brilliant Mask to Below feature. You can also stack as many Adjustments as you wish, giving you a huge amount of flexibility to fine-tune your work in any way possible.

  • **Layers Offer You The Ultimate Creative Freedom

An editing software that doesn’t allow Layers will really set back your creative choices. Happily, Affinity Photo gives you full control over its layer system. This means that you can bring in additional elements into your scene. You can then take advantage of Affinity’s hugely powerful selection engine to select the parts you wish to cut out or scroll through the full list of Blending Modes for a more refined and creative look. To add the birds to our shot, we took one landscape and added in a shot of birds taken against a white sky. From here, it’s as easy as setting the Blending Mode to Multiply and voila, the white sky has gone. Of course, there’s no need to stop there, and you can find yourself creating in-depth composites that are truly only limited by your imagination - set yourself free!


Pixlr makes it easy to transform everyday images into stunning works of art. Whether you’re applying a quick fix to your photos or adding your personal touch with effects, overlays, or borders, Pixlr has everything you need to make your moments beautiful.

For now, Pixlr is free for all users: individuals to the enterprise. There is no news yet if and when the platform is set to charge people from using it. For content creators and artists on the go, Pixlr is a great app to use. It is free and available on the web. Regardless of your device, you only need an internet connection to get access to a free app but with serious functionalities. You just open your files from your device through the app like you would any popular image editing software and you are good to go. Furthermore, images edited on Pixlr are set to private. This makes your interaction with the app, over the net, is secure. Also, Pixlr does not store any copy of your images in their systems.

Key Features

  • **Free and Safe

Pixlr, for now, is free. There is also no indication that the company will charge users soon. It is a legitimate site that does not engage in fraudulent activities or perpetuate any hidden charges. The images that you edit or make on Pixlr are also free for commercial use. For freelance artists and small businesses, this is the perfect starter app. For enterprises with content creators in the field, it is good to let employees know about Pixlr’s no-cost offer.

  • **Versatile and Lightweight

Any browser can access Pixlr. Users can access the image editing suite regardless of device type and operating system. If you are on Mac, Windows, or Linux using Safari, Edge, Firefox, or Chrome, Pixlr is available at your disposal. All you need to have is a Flash plug-in.

If you are on mobile using iOS or Android, you can download the native apps. They do not take much of space and memory. It is a true lightweight app that packs a punch when it comes to functionality.

  • **Quick Fix

Pixlr is known for being the lightweight app that packs so many editing tools and functionalities at no cost. But, maybe, more importantly, it also includes many tools for quick fixes. This is something essential for people on the go or those that just need minor adjustments. Just open your browser on any device and apply touch-ups. You do not have to open your laptop or go to your desktop for simple needs.

  • **Spot heal

Super useful, the spot heal tool can help remove scratches or blemishes by simply clicking on the area. Additional options: Besides size of brush, you have a choice of Pixlr choosing to blend the area with nearby area values or generate a pattern. Generally, you will only want to choose a pattern if you’re blending an area that has a pattern (e.g., a chain-link fence).

  • **Dodge

Use the dodge tool to lighten specific areas. Note that this is a tool that deals with contrast (light vs. dark) and not color, although color may sometimes appear to change based on your lightening. Additional options: You can change brush size and exposure settings. You can also choose to focus your lightening on shadows, midtones, or highlights.

  • **Sponge

The sponge tool enhances or sops up color, depending on your settings. It’s a great tool for saturating or desaturating specific areas of an image. Additional options: You can change the brush size and brush strength, but the most important setting is whether you want to saturate (increase) or desaturate (decrease) coloring.


When choosing an object for use in chroma key, it is important to verify the background “screen” color does not exist on the object. For example, choosing a blue background for a blue butterfly would be a poor choice: portions of the butterfly would be deleted along with the background.In addition, it would be a good idea to become familiar with basic GIMP functions before attempting this tutorial: a basic knowledge of the Layers dialog and toolbox items is necessary prior to attempting this photo editing technique.

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How to use green screen in gimp

If you take a picture with a solid colored background (blue or green works best), then you can have a computer program pull out the blue or green pixels and replace them with another color or a transparent layer. This process is called “chroma key” and is used in weather forecasts and other special effects. The terms “green screen” and “blue screen” also refer to the chroma key process.

These directions outlined below describe how to use GIMP to add a transparent layer and remove blue or green pixels from an image. This allows you to layer images on different backgrounds or use pictures as Sprites in Scratch or Greenfoot.

Brief outline of process:

  1. Start GIMP
  2. Open the picture file.
  3. Create an “Alpha Channel” (Transparent Pixels)
  4. Select “Like Colored Pixels” (Click on the Green or Blue background)
  5. Control->K to delete the pixels and reveal the Transparent background.
  6. Save the picture as a .gif file. (Not .jpg!)

Detailed Directions:

  1. Start GIMP: (The “Gnu Image Manipulation Program”)
  2. Click the “K” menu
  3. Select “Graphics”
  4. Select “GIMP Image Editor”

Note about the GIMP:

Most computer applications run in one window. GIMP will run different windows for each function or object you are working with. (Separate windows for paintbrush menus, images, backgrounds, etc . . .)

  1. Select “File-> Open”
  2. Navigate to your File Area and select a chroma key picture
  3. Once your picture opens, add the “Alpha Channel”
    a. Select “Layer” from the picture menu bar
    b. Select “Transparency”
    c. Select “Add Alpha Channel”
  4. Click the “Select Region by Color” icon.
  5. Click once on the green or blue color in the background.
  6. Press “Control -> K” on the keyboard to delete the colors. The background will appear as a gray checkerboard pattern.
  7. Repeat the click and “Control-K” process to remove the background colors.
  8. Once the background colors are removed, save the picture:
    a. Select “File-Save As” from the menu bar.
    b. Type “LastnamePicture.gif” as the filename.
  9. Select “Convert to Indexed” - Click Export
  10. Click “OK”
  11. the picture should save.
  12. You can now use this picture in Scratch for a sprite, or in other graphics projects to combine with backgrounds.

Best GIMP alternative to edit images


Krita is an application for image creation and image manipulation. We focus on painting, illustration, concept art and other creative work. This is a short an incomplete list of the most important features Krita provides.

Krita provides an OpenGL based canvas in addition to an unaccelerated canvas. Krita’s filters, histogram computation and image recomposion are multi-threaded and make use of multiple cores if available. The effect of filters is previewed on-canvas.

Key Features

  • File Formats

Krita has support for a variety of file formats. Not all file formats are supported equally well, and for some there is only import, not export. Krita supports metadata for kra, ora, tiff, jpeg and png file formats.

  • Color models

Krita does not support indexed color models. In general, Krita does not support color models without an alpha channel. Krita supports different channel depths, from 8 bits integer to 32 bits floating point per channel.

  • Layer types

Krita supports the both layers and masks. Masks are associated with a single layer, while layers are grouped in a hierarchy.

  • Tools

There are several types of tools: vector tools, raster tools, guidance tools, canvas tools and selection tools. Note some types of content are not implement as tools but as “shapes” that can be inserted, for instance richt text, text-on-a-path or geometric shapes.

  • Brush engines

Krita is different from other applications in that it supports brush engine plugins. These brush engines are used in the pixel tools to stroke your painting.

  • Filters

Krita provides filters that can be used directly, i.e. destructively on the pixels of a layer, when painting, or dynamically as a filter layer or filter mask.


Paint.net is a free and very capable image editing software for Windows. Great alternative to Photoshop for people that do not need all the stuff PS offers.

In order to handle multiple images easily, Paint.NET uses a tabbed document interface. The tabs display a live thumbnail of the image instead of a text description. This makes navigation very simple and fast. Extensive work has gone into making Paint.NET the fastest image editor available. Whether you have a netbook with a power-conscious Atom CPU, or a Dual Intel Xeon workstation with 16+ blazingly fast processing cores, you can expect Paint.NET to start up quickly and be responsive to every mouse click.

Key Features

  • **Performance

Extensive work has gone into making Paint.NET the fastest image editor available. Whether you have a netbook with a power-conscious Atom CPU, or a Dual Intel Xeon workstation with 16+ blazingly fast processing cores, you can expect Paint.NET to start up quickly and be responsive to every mouse click.

  • **Layers

Usually only found on expensive or complicated professional software, layers form the basis for a rich image composition experience. You may think of them as a stack of transparency slides that, when viewed together at the same time, form one image.

  • **Automatically Updated

Updates are free, and contain new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Upgrading to the latest version is very simple, requiring only two clicks of the mouse.

  • **Special Effects

Many special effects are included for enhancing and perfecting your images. Everything from blurring, sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise, and embossing are included. Also included is our unique 3D Rotate/Zoom effect that makes it very easy to add perspective and tilting. Adjustments are also included which help you tweak an image’s brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, curves, and levels. You can also convert an image to black and white, or sepia-toned.

  • **Powerful Tools

Paint.NET includes simple tools for drawing shapes, including an easy-to-use curve tool for drawing splines or Bezier curves. The Gradient tool, new for 3.0, has been cited as an innovative improvement over similar tools provided by other software. The facilities for creating and working with selections is powerful, yet still simple enough to be picked up quickly. Other powerful tools include the Magic Wand for selecting regions of similar color, and the Clone Stamp for copying or erasing portions of an image. There is also a simple text editor, a tool for zooming, and a Recolor tool.

  • **Unlimited History

Everybody makes mistakes, and everybody changes their mind. To accommodate this, _every action you perform on an image is recorded in the History window and may be undone. Once you’ve undone an action, you can also redo it. The length of the history is only limited by available disk space.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the commercial image editor that set the standard in creative illustration and design work with a sophisticated, layer-based workflow and robust, professional feature set.

Over the years, Photoshop developed from a small photo editing tool to an Industry-leading software that dictates the global graphic designing and multimedia industries. With every new version, Adobe introduces in the Photoshop; the graphic designing communities wait to check out the next big leap where Photoshop can take them.

Key Features of Adobe Photoshop

  • Layers

With Layers palette, you can draw or design various elements of your document independently in layers and stack them up as per the order of display. With this advantage, control over every single object is catered at the click of a mouse. Mistakes happen, but the effects of the mistake are limited to the part of the canvas; you can choose to work on the particular part and leave the rest of the canvas as it is. This benefit is lacking in the traditional painting method. Artists are not allowed to relax at any part of the drawing or painting once their concentration is diverted and a stroke of painting goes wrong! They are bound to change the whole canvas.

  • Selection Tools

Photoshop’s selection tools are so handy to use that designers worldwide are addicted to the set of selection tools Photoshop offers. However, there are a bunch of competitive software and open-source software designed to give tough competition for Photoshop. Users are still stuck with Adobe’s torch bearer software due to the ease its tools provide.

  • Pen Tool

Today, Photoshop cannot be imagined without a Pen tool. Though the pen tool, by nature, works for drawing paths along with the anchor points, the creative scope it provides is limitless. The tool is designed so flexibly that the designer can draw any shape or edit the existing shapes as good as he is using his bare hand. The amount of control we have through placing the anchor points in the right places is taken further with the three types of Anchor points that can allow you to draw and edit paths precisely.

  • Shapes

The outlook of the shape layers in Photoshop may be limited, but the capabilities of the feature go a step further than what we assume about it. In the traditional marquee selection tools, the selection is limited to the raster process, and in many cases, the output will result in the sharp pixilated edges, which are never good looking. But the shape layers can act as an individual object within the document with its attribute to maintain the finest quality.

  • Vector Mask

The layer masks create a masking portion of an object by using the grayscale color combination (Shades of Gray). Once the masking part is done, the area of the object under the layer mask disappears.

  • Retouching Tools

Retouching tools are an accumulation of various tools such as Stamp tool, Pattern Stamp tool, Spot Healing tool, Healing tool, Patch tool, Redeye tool and much more. Though the numbers are more, every tool has its importance. The development of retouching tools did not happen overnight. Adobe was working hard identifying the problems of the photographers and finding the solutions for the problems from time to time.

Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo is a professional, full-featured raster graphics editor. Working in Affinity Photo is always live and you can pan and zoom at 60fps, with live previews and non-destructive application.

Whatever your genre of choice, be it landscapes, portraits, macro or anything else, Affinity not only has an unbeatable set of tools to help you, but it’s also laid out in an intuitive way that is ideal for newcomers and those switching from other software alike. There are a series of modules, called Personas, that bring you dedicated interfaces, such as Tone Mapping, RAW Developing and even a powerful liquify interface that makes complex reshaping a breeze! Even better, you can take the full functionality of the desktop app on the road, thanks to the iPad version, which is the most powerful mobile editing solution available. With so much on offer for so little, it’s time that you incorporated Affinity Photo into your workflow and moved your photography to the next step. To get you started, we’re going to give you some great tips to get the most from this brilliant software and get you well on the way to creating your own Masterpieces.

  • **Develop RAW Files Like A Pro

The first milestone in any photographer’s journey is unquestionably learning to shoot RAW. This image format captures even more data than JPEG and can be tweaked to create the perfect image or a solid base for further editing. To take advantage, all you need to do is open up your RAW file of choice into Affinity Photo and the Develop Persona will load up automatically. From here you can apply exposure adjustments, recover highlights and shadows and even craft a split toning effect. There’s a Curves adjustment for precision tweaks, a savvy noise reduction component and a lens correction module to combat distortion. It has everything you need for that all-important first step to brilliance.

  • **Professional Skin Retouching At The Click Of A Button

If you shoot portraits, you’ll doubtless know about the power of frequency separation. This technique is favored by many pros to get that glossy high-end look that screams professional. While it may sound complicated, in Affinity Photo it’s as simple as going to the Photo Persona and clicking on Filters>Frequency Separation. Once you’ve done this, you can set your Gaussian Blur amount in real-time, click Apply and the software will split your shot into two layers, one with the color and one with the detail. From here, you can remove blemishes, add your own dodge and burn and tidy up colors – a game changer!

  • **Ramp Up Your Dynamic Range With Tone Mapping

Amazingly, Affinity Photo has its very own Tone Mapping Persona with a full suite of tools to get your well on the way to high dynamic range images, whether you have a series of bracketed shots – identical photos taken at different exposures – or a single shot as we’ve used. Opening this Persona brings up a toolbar on the right-hand side with the usual exposure and enhancement tools, though also gives you access to Tone Compression, Local Contrast and detail sliders. There’s even a series of presets to get you started. Like most of Affinity, the effects can be seen in real-time and are completely reversible, meaning there’s no such thing as a permanent mistake. What we love most about the Tone Mapping Persona is the subtlety compared to others on offer, meaning you’re able to keep your shots looking natural while still getting the most from your work!

  • **Adjustments Are Plentiful And Powerful

Adjustments refer to a series of functional layers that apply specific effects to your shots. These can be as simple as Exposure, Vibrance or Brightness and Contrast, which do what they say on the tin, all the way up to more powerful options like Gradient Maps, Channel Mixers and Color Balance for creative effects and color corrections. Because they’re layers, they can be altered at any time in your editing process and moved around as you see fit. They affect any layers below them in the Layer palette but can be set to cast an effect on only a single-pixel layer by using the brilliant Mask to Below feature. You can also stack as many Adjustments as you wish, giving you a huge amount of flexibility to fine-tune your work in any way possible.

  • **Layers Offer You The Ultimate Creative Freedom

An editing software that doesn’t allow Layers will really set back your creative choices. Happily, Affinity Photo gives you full control over its layer system. This means that you can bring in additional elements into your scene. You can then take advantage of Affinity’s hugely powerful selection engine to select the parts you wish to cut out or scroll through the full list of Blending Modes for a more refined and creative look. To add the birds to our shot, we took one landscape and added in a shot of birds taken against a white sky. From here, it’s as easy as setting the Blending Mode to Multiply and voila, the white sky has gone. Of course, there’s no need to stop there, and you can find yourself creating in-depth composites that are truly only limited by your imagination - set yourself free!


Pixlr makes it easy to transform everyday images into stunning works of art. Whether you’re applying a quick fix to your photos or adding your personal touch with effects, overlays, or borders, Pixlr has everything you need to make your moments beautiful.

For now, Pixlr is free for all users: individuals to the enterprise. There is no news yet if and when the platform is set to charge people from using it. For content creators and artists on the go, Pixlr is a great app to use. It is free and available on the web. Regardless of your device, you only need an internet connection to get access to a free app but with serious functionalities. You just open your files from your device through the app like you would any popular image editing software and you are good to go. Furthermore, images edited on Pixlr are set to private. This makes your interaction with the app, over the net, is secure. Also, Pixlr does not store any copy of your images in their systems.

Key Features

  • **Free and Safe

Pixlr, for now, is free. There is also no indication that the company will charge users soon. It is a legitimate site that does not engage in fraudulent activities or perpetuate any hidden charges. The images that you edit or make on Pixlr are also free for commercial use. For freelance artists and small businesses, this is the perfect starter app. For enterprises with content creators in the field, it is good to let employees know about Pixlr’s no-cost offer.

  • **Versatile and Lightweight

Any browser can access Pixlr. Users can access the image editing suite regardless of device type and operating system. If you are on Mac, Windows, or Linux using Safari, Edge, Firefox, or Chrome, Pixlr is available at your disposal. All you need to have is a Flash plug-in.

If you are on mobile using iOS or Android, you can download the native apps. They do not take much of space and memory. It is a true lightweight app that packs a punch when it comes to functionality.

  • **Quick Fix

Pixlr is known for being the lightweight app that packs so many editing tools and functionalities at no cost. But, maybe, more importantly, it also includes many tools for quick fixes. This is something essential for people on the go or those that just need minor adjustments. Just open your browser on any device and apply touch-ups. You do not have to open your laptop or go to your desktop for simple needs.

  • **Spot heal

Super useful, the spot heal tool can help remove scratches or blemishes by simply clicking on the area. Additional options: Besides size of brush, you have a choice of Pixlr choosing to blend the area with nearby area values or generate a pattern. Generally, you will only want to choose a pattern if you’re blending an area that has a pattern (e.g., a chain-link fence).

  • **Dodge

Use the dodge tool to lighten specific areas. Note that this is a tool that deals with contrast (light vs. dark) and not color, although color may sometimes appear to change based on your lightening. Additional options: You can change brush size and exposure settings. You can also choose to focus your lightening on shadows, midtones, or highlights.

  • **Sponge

The sponge tool enhances or sops up color, depending on your settings. It’s a great tool for saturating or desaturating specific areas of an image. Additional options: You can change the brush size and brush strength, but the most important setting is whether you want to saturate (increase) or desaturate (decrease) coloring.


When choosing an object for use in chroma key, it is important to verify the background “screen” color does not exist on the object. For example, choosing a blue background for a blue butterfly would be a poor choice: portions of the butterfly would be deleted along with the background.In addition, it would be a good idea to become familiar with basic GIMP functions before attempting this tutorial: a basic knowledge of the Layers dialog and toolbox items is necessary prior to attempting this photo editing technique.

Try It Free Try It Free

How to use green screen in gimp

If you take a picture with a solid colored background (blue or green works best), then you can have a computer program pull out the blue or green pixels and replace them with another color or a transparent layer. This process is called “chroma key” and is used in weather forecasts and other special effects. The terms “green screen” and “blue screen” also refer to the chroma key process.

These directions outlined below describe how to use GIMP to add a transparent layer and remove blue or green pixels from an image. This allows you to layer images on different backgrounds or use pictures as Sprites in Scratch or Greenfoot.

Brief outline of process:

  1. Start GIMP
  2. Open the picture file.
  3. Create an “Alpha Channel” (Transparent Pixels)
  4. Select “Like Colored Pixels” (Click on the Green or Blue background)
  5. Control->K to delete the pixels and reveal the Transparent background.
  6. Save the picture as a .gif file. (Not .jpg!)

Detailed Directions:

  1. Start GIMP: (The “Gnu Image Manipulation Program”)
  2. Click the “K” menu
  3. Select “Graphics”
  4. Select “GIMP Image Editor”

Note about the GIMP:

Most computer applications run in one window. GIMP will run different windows for each function or object you are working with. (Separate windows for paintbrush menus, images, backgrounds, etc . . .)

  1. Select “File-> Open”
  2. Navigate to your File Area and select a chroma key picture
  3. Once your picture opens, add the “Alpha Channel”
    a. Select “Layer” from the picture menu bar
    b. Select “Transparency”
    c. Select “Add Alpha Channel”
  4. Click the “Select Region by Color” icon.
  5. Click once on the green or blue color in the background.
  6. Press “Control -> K” on the keyboard to delete the colors. The background will appear as a gray checkerboard pattern.
  7. Repeat the click and “Control-K” process to remove the background colors.
  8. Once the background colors are removed, save the picture:
    a. Select “File-Save As” from the menu bar.
    b. Type “LastnamePicture.gif” as the filename.
  9. Select “Convert to Indexed” - Click Export
  10. Click “OK”
  11. the picture should save.
  12. You can now use this picture in Scratch for a sprite, or in other graphics projects to combine with backgrounds.

Best GIMP alternative to edit images


Krita is an application for image creation and image manipulation. We focus on painting, illustration, concept art and other creative work. This is a short an incomplete list of the most important features Krita provides.

Krita provides an OpenGL based canvas in addition to an unaccelerated canvas. Krita’s filters, histogram computation and image recomposion are multi-threaded and make use of multiple cores if available. The effect of filters is previewed on-canvas.

Key Features

  • File Formats

Krita has support for a variety of file formats. Not all file formats are supported equally well, and for some there is only import, not export. Krita supports metadata for kra, ora, tiff, jpeg and png file formats.

  • Color models

Krita does not support indexed color models. In general, Krita does not support color models without an alpha channel. Krita supports different channel depths, from 8 bits integer to 32 bits floating point per channel.

  • Layer types

Krita supports the both layers and masks. Masks are associated with a single layer, while layers are grouped in a hierarchy.

  • Tools

There are several types of tools: vector tools, raster tools, guidance tools, canvas tools and selection tools. Note some types of content are not implement as tools but as “shapes” that can be inserted, for instance richt text, text-on-a-path or geometric shapes.

  • Brush engines

Krita is different from other applications in that it supports brush engine plugins. These brush engines are used in the pixel tools to stroke your painting.

  • Filters

Krita provides filters that can be used directly, i.e. destructively on the pixels of a layer, when painting, or dynamically as a filter layer or filter mask.


Paint.net is a free and very capable image editing software for Windows. Great alternative to Photoshop for people that do not need all the stuff PS offers.

In order to handle multiple images easily, Paint.NET uses a tabbed document interface. The tabs display a live thumbnail of the image instead of a text description. This makes navigation very simple and fast. Extensive work has gone into making Paint.NET the fastest image editor available. Whether you have a netbook with a power-conscious Atom CPU, or a Dual Intel Xeon workstation with 16+ blazingly fast processing cores, you can expect Paint.NET to start up quickly and be responsive to every mouse click.

Key Features

  • **Performance

Extensive work has gone into making Paint.NET the fastest image editor available. Whether you have a netbook with a power-conscious Atom CPU, or a Dual Intel Xeon workstation with 16+ blazingly fast processing cores, you can expect Paint.NET to start up quickly and be responsive to every mouse click.

  • **Layers

Usually only found on expensive or complicated professional software, layers form the basis for a rich image composition experience. You may think of them as a stack of transparency slides that, when viewed together at the same time, form one image.

  • **Automatically Updated

Updates are free, and contain new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Upgrading to the latest version is very simple, requiring only two clicks of the mouse.

  • **Special Effects

Many special effects are included for enhancing and perfecting your images. Everything from blurring, sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise, and embossing are included. Also included is our unique 3D Rotate/Zoom effect that makes it very easy to add perspective and tilting. Adjustments are also included which help you tweak an image’s brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, curves, and levels. You can also convert an image to black and white, or sepia-toned.

  • **Powerful Tools

Paint.NET includes simple tools for drawing shapes, including an easy-to-use curve tool for drawing splines or Bezier curves. The Gradient tool, new for 3.0, has been cited as an innovative improvement over similar tools provided by other software. The facilities for creating and working with selections is powerful, yet still simple enough to be picked up quickly. Other powerful tools include the Magic Wand for selecting regions of similar color, and the Clone Stamp for copying or erasing portions of an image. There is also a simple text editor, a tool for zooming, and a Recolor tool.

  • **Unlimited History

Everybody makes mistakes, and everybody changes their mind. To accommodate this, _every action you perform on an image is recorded in the History window and may be undone. Once you’ve undone an action, you can also redo it. The length of the history is only limited by available disk space.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the commercial image editor that set the standard in creative illustration and design work with a sophisticated, layer-based workflow and robust, professional feature set.

Over the years, Photoshop developed from a small photo editing tool to an Industry-leading software that dictates the global graphic designing and multimedia industries. With every new version, Adobe introduces in the Photoshop; the graphic designing communities wait to check out the next big leap where Photoshop can take them.

Key Features of Adobe Photoshop

  • Layers

With Layers palette, you can draw or design various elements of your document independently in layers and stack them up as per the order of display. With this advantage, control over every single object is catered at the click of a mouse. Mistakes happen, but the effects of the mistake are limited to the part of the canvas; you can choose to work on the particular part and leave the rest of the canvas as it is. This benefit is lacking in the traditional painting method. Artists are not allowed to relax at any part of the drawing or painting once their concentration is diverted and a stroke of painting goes wrong! They are bound to change the whole canvas.

  • Selection Tools

Photoshop’s selection tools are so handy to use that designers worldwide are addicted to the set of selection tools Photoshop offers. However, there are a bunch of competitive software and open-source software designed to give tough competition for Photoshop. Users are still stuck with Adobe’s torch bearer software due to the ease its tools provide.

  • Pen Tool

Today, Photoshop cannot be imagined without a Pen tool. Though the pen tool, by nature, works for drawing paths along with the anchor points, the creative scope it provides is limitless. The tool is designed so flexibly that the designer can draw any shape or edit the existing shapes as good as he is using his bare hand. The amount of control we have through placing the anchor points in the right places is taken further with the three types of Anchor points that can allow you to draw and edit paths precisely.

  • Shapes

The outlook of the shape layers in Photoshop may be limited, but the capabilities of the feature go a step further than what we assume about it. In the traditional marquee selection tools, the selection is limited to the raster process, and in many cases, the output will result in the sharp pixilated edges, which are never good looking. But the shape layers can act as an individual object within the document with its attribute to maintain the finest quality.

  • Vector Mask

The layer masks create a masking portion of an object by using the grayscale color combination (Shades of Gray). Once the masking part is done, the area of the object under the layer mask disappears.

  • Retouching Tools

Retouching tools are an accumulation of various tools such as Stamp tool, Pattern Stamp tool, Spot Healing tool, Healing tool, Patch tool, Redeye tool and much more. Though the numbers are more, every tool has its importance. The development of retouching tools did not happen overnight. Adobe was working hard identifying the problems of the photographers and finding the solutions for the problems from time to time.

Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo is a professional, full-featured raster graphics editor. Working in Affinity Photo is always live and you can pan and zoom at 60fps, with live previews and non-destructive application.

Whatever your genre of choice, be it landscapes, portraits, macro or anything else, Affinity not only has an unbeatable set of tools to help you, but it’s also laid out in an intuitive way that is ideal for newcomers and those switching from other software alike. There are a series of modules, called Personas, that bring you dedicated interfaces, such as Tone Mapping, RAW Developing and even a powerful liquify interface that makes complex reshaping a breeze! Even better, you can take the full functionality of the desktop app on the road, thanks to the iPad version, which is the most powerful mobile editing solution available. With so much on offer for so little, it’s time that you incorporated Affinity Photo into your workflow and moved your photography to the next step. To get you started, we’re going to give you some great tips to get the most from this brilliant software and get you well on the way to creating your own Masterpieces.

  • **Develop RAW Files Like A Pro

The first milestone in any photographer’s journey is unquestionably learning to shoot RAW. This image format captures even more data than JPEG and can be tweaked to create the perfect image or a solid base for further editing. To take advantage, all you need to do is open up your RAW file of choice into Affinity Photo and the Develop Persona will load up automatically. From here you can apply exposure adjustments, recover highlights and shadows and even craft a split toning effect. There’s a Curves adjustment for precision tweaks, a savvy noise reduction component and a lens correction module to combat distortion. It has everything you need for that all-important first step to brilliance.

  • **Professional Skin Retouching At The Click Of A Button

If you shoot portraits, you’ll doubtless know about the power of frequency separation. This technique is favored by many pros to get that glossy high-end look that screams professional. While it may sound complicated, in Affinity Photo it’s as simple as going to the Photo Persona and clicking on Filters>Frequency Separation. Once you’ve done this, you can set your Gaussian Blur amount in real-time, click Apply and the software will split your shot into two layers, one with the color and one with the detail. From here, you can remove blemishes, add your own dodge and burn and tidy up colors – a game changer!

  • **Ramp Up Your Dynamic Range With Tone Mapping

Amazingly, Affinity Photo has its very own Tone Mapping Persona with a full suite of tools to get your well on the way to high dynamic range images, whether you have a series of bracketed shots – identical photos taken at different exposures – or a single shot as we’ve used. Opening this Persona brings up a toolbar on the right-hand side with the usual exposure and enhancement tools, though also gives you access to Tone Compression, Local Contrast and detail sliders. There’s even a series of presets to get you started. Like most of Affinity, the effects can be seen in real-time and are completely reversible, meaning there’s no such thing as a permanent mistake. What we love most about the Tone Mapping Persona is the subtlety compared to others on offer, meaning you’re able to keep your shots looking natural while still getting the most from your work!

  • **Adjustments Are Plentiful And Powerful

Adjustments refer to a series of functional layers that apply specific effects to your shots. These can be as simple as Exposure, Vibrance or Brightness and Contrast, which do what they say on the tin, all the way up to more powerful options like Gradient Maps, Channel Mixers and Color Balance for creative effects and color corrections. Because they’re layers, they can be altered at any time in your editing process and moved around as you see fit. They affect any layers below them in the Layer palette but can be set to cast an effect on only a single-pixel layer by using the brilliant Mask to Below feature. You can also stack as many Adjustments as you wish, giving you a huge amount of flexibility to fine-tune your work in any way possible.

  • **Layers Offer You The Ultimate Creative Freedom

An editing software that doesn’t allow Layers will really set back your creative choices. Happily, Affinity Photo gives you full control over its layer system. This means that you can bring in additional elements into your scene. You can then take advantage of Affinity’s hugely powerful selection engine to select the parts you wish to cut out or scroll through the full list of Blending Modes for a more refined and creative look. To add the birds to our shot, we took one landscape and added in a shot of birds taken against a white sky. From here, it’s as easy as setting the Blending Mode to Multiply and voila, the white sky has gone. Of course, there’s no need to stop there, and you can find yourself creating in-depth composites that are truly only limited by your imagination - set yourself free!


Pixlr makes it easy to transform everyday images into stunning works of art. Whether you’re applying a quick fix to your photos or adding your personal touch with effects, overlays, or borders, Pixlr has everything you need to make your moments beautiful.

For now, Pixlr is free for all users: individuals to the enterprise. There is no news yet if and when the platform is set to charge people from using it. For content creators and artists on the go, Pixlr is a great app to use. It is free and available on the web. Regardless of your device, you only need an internet connection to get access to a free app but with serious functionalities. You just open your files from your device through the app like you would any popular image editing software and you are good to go. Furthermore, images edited on Pixlr are set to private. This makes your interaction with the app, over the net, is secure. Also, Pixlr does not store any copy of your images in their systems.

Key Features

  • **Free and Safe

Pixlr, for now, is free. There is also no indication that the company will charge users soon. It is a legitimate site that does not engage in fraudulent activities or perpetuate any hidden charges. The images that you edit or make on Pixlr are also free for commercial use. For freelance artists and small businesses, this is the perfect starter app. For enterprises with content creators in the field, it is good to let employees know about Pixlr’s no-cost offer.

  • **Versatile and Lightweight

Any browser can access Pixlr. Users can access the image editing suite regardless of device type and operating system. If you are on Mac, Windows, or Linux using Safari, Edge, Firefox, or Chrome, Pixlr is available at your disposal. All you need to have is a Flash plug-in.

If you are on mobile using iOS or Android, you can download the native apps. They do not take much of space and memory. It is a true lightweight app that packs a punch when it comes to functionality.

  • **Quick Fix

Pixlr is known for being the lightweight app that packs so many editing tools and functionalities at no cost. But, maybe, more importantly, it also includes many tools for quick fixes. This is something essential for people on the go or those that just need minor adjustments. Just open your browser on any device and apply touch-ups. You do not have to open your laptop or go to your desktop for simple needs.

  • **Spot heal

Super useful, the spot heal tool can help remove scratches or blemishes by simply clicking on the area. Additional options: Besides size of brush, you have a choice of Pixlr choosing to blend the area with nearby area values or generate a pattern. Generally, you will only want to choose a pattern if you’re blending an area that has a pattern (e.g., a chain-link fence).

  • **Dodge

Use the dodge tool to lighten specific areas. Note that this is a tool that deals with contrast (light vs. dark) and not color, although color may sometimes appear to change based on your lightening. Additional options: You can change brush size and exposure settings. You can also choose to focus your lightening on shadows, midtones, or highlights.

  • **Sponge

The sponge tool enhances or sops up color, depending on your settings. It’s a great tool for saturating or desaturating specific areas of an image. Additional options: You can change the brush size and brush strength, but the most important setting is whether you want to saturate (increase) or desaturate (decrease) coloring.


When choosing an object for use in chroma key, it is important to verify the background “screen” color does not exist on the object. For example, choosing a blue background for a blue butterfly would be a poor choice: portions of the butterfly would be deleted along with the background.In addition, it would be a good idea to become familiar with basic GIMP functions before attempting this tutorial: a basic knowledge of the Layers dialog and toolbox items is necessary prior to attempting this photo editing technique.

Try It Free Try It Free

How to use green screen in gimp

If you take a picture with a solid colored background (blue or green works best), then you can have a computer program pull out the blue or green pixels and replace them with another color or a transparent layer. This process is called “chroma key” and is used in weather forecasts and other special effects. The terms “green screen” and “blue screen” also refer to the chroma key process.

These directions outlined below describe how to use GIMP to add a transparent layer and remove blue or green pixels from an image. This allows you to layer images on different backgrounds or use pictures as Sprites in Scratch or Greenfoot.

Brief outline of process:

  1. Start GIMP
  2. Open the picture file.
  3. Create an “Alpha Channel” (Transparent Pixels)
  4. Select “Like Colored Pixels” (Click on the Green or Blue background)
  5. Control->K to delete the pixels and reveal the Transparent background.
  6. Save the picture as a .gif file. (Not .jpg!)

Detailed Directions:

  1. Start GIMP: (The “Gnu Image Manipulation Program”)
  2. Click the “K” menu
  3. Select “Graphics”
  4. Select “GIMP Image Editor”

Note about the GIMP:

Most computer applications run in one window. GIMP will run different windows for each function or object you are working with. (Separate windows for paintbrush menus, images, backgrounds, etc . . .)

  1. Select “File-> Open”
  2. Navigate to your File Area and select a chroma key picture
  3. Once your picture opens, add the “Alpha Channel”
    a. Select “Layer” from the picture menu bar
    b. Select “Transparency”
    c. Select “Add Alpha Channel”
  4. Click the “Select Region by Color” icon.
  5. Click once on the green or blue color in the background.
  6. Press “Control -> K” on the keyboard to delete the colors. The background will appear as a gray checkerboard pattern.
  7. Repeat the click and “Control-K” process to remove the background colors.
  8. Once the background colors are removed, save the picture:
    a. Select “File-Save As” from the menu bar.
    b. Type “LastnamePicture.gif” as the filename.
  9. Select “Convert to Indexed” - Click Export
  10. Click “OK”
  11. the picture should save.
  12. You can now use this picture in Scratch for a sprite, or in other graphics projects to combine with backgrounds.

Best GIMP alternative to edit images


Krita is an application for image creation and image manipulation. We focus on painting, illustration, concept art and other creative work. This is a short an incomplete list of the most important features Krita provides.

Krita provides an OpenGL based canvas in addition to an unaccelerated canvas. Krita’s filters, histogram computation and image recomposion are multi-threaded and make use of multiple cores if available. The effect of filters is previewed on-canvas.

Key Features

  • File Formats

Krita has support for a variety of file formats. Not all file formats are supported equally well, and for some there is only import, not export. Krita supports metadata for kra, ora, tiff, jpeg and png file formats.

  • Color models

Krita does not support indexed color models. In general, Krita does not support color models without an alpha channel. Krita supports different channel depths, from 8 bits integer to 32 bits floating point per channel.

  • Layer types

Krita supports the both layers and masks. Masks are associated with a single layer, while layers are grouped in a hierarchy.

  • Tools

There are several types of tools: vector tools, raster tools, guidance tools, canvas tools and selection tools. Note some types of content are not implement as tools but as “shapes” that can be inserted, for instance richt text, text-on-a-path or geometric shapes.

  • Brush engines

Krita is different from other applications in that it supports brush engine plugins. These brush engines are used in the pixel tools to stroke your painting.

  • Filters

Krita provides filters that can be used directly, i.e. destructively on the pixels of a layer, when painting, or dynamically as a filter layer or filter mask.


Paint.net is a free and very capable image editing software for Windows. Great alternative to Photoshop for people that do not need all the stuff PS offers.

In order to handle multiple images easily, Paint.NET uses a tabbed document interface. The tabs display a live thumbnail of the image instead of a text description. This makes navigation very simple and fast. Extensive work has gone into making Paint.NET the fastest image editor available. Whether you have a netbook with a power-conscious Atom CPU, or a Dual Intel Xeon workstation with 16+ blazingly fast processing cores, you can expect Paint.NET to start up quickly and be responsive to every mouse click.

Key Features

  • **Performance

Extensive work has gone into making Paint.NET the fastest image editor available. Whether you have a netbook with a power-conscious Atom CPU, or a Dual Intel Xeon workstation with 16+ blazingly fast processing cores, you can expect Paint.NET to start up quickly and be responsive to every mouse click.

  • **Layers

Usually only found on expensive or complicated professional software, layers form the basis for a rich image composition experience. You may think of them as a stack of transparency slides that, when viewed together at the same time, form one image.

  • **Automatically Updated

Updates are free, and contain new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Upgrading to the latest version is very simple, requiring only two clicks of the mouse.

  • **Special Effects

Many special effects are included for enhancing and perfecting your images. Everything from blurring, sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise, and embossing are included. Also included is our unique 3D Rotate/Zoom effect that makes it very easy to add perspective and tilting. Adjustments are also included which help you tweak an image’s brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, curves, and levels. You can also convert an image to black and white, or sepia-toned.

  • **Powerful Tools

Paint.NET includes simple tools for drawing shapes, including an easy-to-use curve tool for drawing splines or Bezier curves. The Gradient tool, new for 3.0, has been cited as an innovative improvement over similar tools provided by other software. The facilities for creating and working with selections is powerful, yet still simple enough to be picked up quickly. Other powerful tools include the Magic Wand for selecting regions of similar color, and the Clone Stamp for copying or erasing portions of an image. There is also a simple text editor, a tool for zooming, and a Recolor tool.

  • **Unlimited History

Everybody makes mistakes, and everybody changes their mind. To accommodate this, _every action you perform on an image is recorded in the History window and may be undone. Once you’ve undone an action, you can also redo it. The length of the history is only limited by available disk space.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the commercial image editor that set the standard in creative illustration and design work with a sophisticated, layer-based workflow and robust, professional feature set.

Over the years, Photoshop developed from a small photo editing tool to an Industry-leading software that dictates the global graphic designing and multimedia industries. With every new version, Adobe introduces in the Photoshop; the graphic designing communities wait to check out the next big leap where Photoshop can take them.

Key Features of Adobe Photoshop

  • Layers

With Layers palette, you can draw or design various elements of your document independently in layers and stack them up as per the order of display. With this advantage, control over every single object is catered at the click of a mouse. Mistakes happen, but the effects of the mistake are limited to the part of the canvas; you can choose to work on the particular part and leave the rest of the canvas as it is. This benefit is lacking in the traditional painting method. Artists are not allowed to relax at any part of the drawing or painting once their concentration is diverted and a stroke of painting goes wrong! They are bound to change the whole canvas.

  • Selection Tools

Photoshop’s selection tools are so handy to use that designers worldwide are addicted to the set of selection tools Photoshop offers. However, there are a bunch of competitive software and open-source software designed to give tough competition for Photoshop. Users are still stuck with Adobe’s torch bearer software due to the ease its tools provide.

  • Pen Tool

Today, Photoshop cannot be imagined without a Pen tool. Though the pen tool, by nature, works for drawing paths along with the anchor points, the creative scope it provides is limitless. The tool is designed so flexibly that the designer can draw any shape or edit the existing shapes as good as he is using his bare hand. The amount of control we have through placing the anchor points in the right places is taken further with the three types of Anchor points that can allow you to draw and edit paths precisely.

  • Shapes

The outlook of the shape layers in Photoshop may be limited, but the capabilities of the feature go a step further than what we assume about it. In the traditional marquee selection tools, the selection is limited to the raster process, and in many cases, the output will result in the sharp pixilated edges, which are never good looking. But the shape layers can act as an individual object within the document with its attribute to maintain the finest quality.

  • Vector Mask

The layer masks create a masking portion of an object by using the grayscale color combination (Shades of Gray). Once the masking part is done, the area of the object under the layer mask disappears.

  • Retouching Tools

Retouching tools are an accumulation of various tools such as Stamp tool, Pattern Stamp tool, Spot Healing tool, Healing tool, Patch tool, Redeye tool and much more. Though the numbers are more, every tool has its importance. The development of retouching tools did not happen overnight. Adobe was working hard identifying the problems of the photographers and finding the solutions for the problems from time to time.

Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo is a professional, full-featured raster graphics editor. Working in Affinity Photo is always live and you can pan and zoom at 60fps, with live previews and non-destructive application.

Whatever your genre of choice, be it landscapes, portraits, macro or anything else, Affinity not only has an unbeatable set of tools to help you, but it’s also laid out in an intuitive way that is ideal for newcomers and those switching from other software alike. There are a series of modules, called Personas, that bring you dedicated interfaces, such as Tone Mapping, RAW Developing and even a powerful liquify interface that makes complex reshaping a breeze! Even better, you can take the full functionality of the desktop app on the road, thanks to the iPad version, which is the most powerful mobile editing solution available. With so much on offer for so little, it’s time that you incorporated Affinity Photo into your workflow and moved your photography to the next step. To get you started, we’re going to give you some great tips to get the most from this brilliant software and get you well on the way to creating your own Masterpieces.

  • **Develop RAW Files Like A Pro

The first milestone in any photographer’s journey is unquestionably learning to shoot RAW. This image format captures even more data than JPEG and can be tweaked to create the perfect image or a solid base for further editing. To take advantage, all you need to do is open up your RAW file of choice into Affinity Photo and the Develop Persona will load up automatically. From here you can apply exposure adjustments, recover highlights and shadows and even craft a split toning effect. There’s a Curves adjustment for precision tweaks, a savvy noise reduction component and a lens correction module to combat distortion. It has everything you need for that all-important first step to brilliance.

  • **Professional Skin Retouching At The Click Of A Button

If you shoot portraits, you’ll doubtless know about the power of frequency separation. This technique is favored by many pros to get that glossy high-end look that screams professional. While it may sound complicated, in Affinity Photo it’s as simple as going to the Photo Persona and clicking on Filters>Frequency Separation. Once you’ve done this, you can set your Gaussian Blur amount in real-time, click Apply and the software will split your shot into two layers, one with the color and one with the detail. From here, you can remove blemishes, add your own dodge and burn and tidy up colors – a game changer!

  • **Ramp Up Your Dynamic Range With Tone Mapping

Amazingly, Affinity Photo has its very own Tone Mapping Persona with a full suite of tools to get your well on the way to high dynamic range images, whether you have a series of bracketed shots – identical photos taken at different exposures – or a single shot as we’ve used. Opening this Persona brings up a toolbar on the right-hand side with the usual exposure and enhancement tools, though also gives you access to Tone Compression, Local Contrast and detail sliders. There’s even a series of presets to get you started. Like most of Affinity, the effects can be seen in real-time and are completely reversible, meaning there’s no such thing as a permanent mistake. What we love most about the Tone Mapping Persona is the subtlety compared to others on offer, meaning you’re able to keep your shots looking natural while still getting the most from your work!

  • **Adjustments Are Plentiful And Powerful

Adjustments refer to a series of functional layers that apply specific effects to your shots. These can be as simple as Exposure, Vibrance or Brightness and Contrast, which do what they say on the tin, all the way up to more powerful options like Gradient Maps, Channel Mixers and Color Balance for creative effects and color corrections. Because they’re layers, they can be altered at any time in your editing process and moved around as you see fit. They affect any layers below them in the Layer palette but can be set to cast an effect on only a single-pixel layer by using the brilliant Mask to Below feature. You can also stack as many Adjustments as you wish, giving you a huge amount of flexibility to fine-tune your work in any way possible.

  • **Layers Offer You The Ultimate Creative Freedom

An editing software that doesn’t allow Layers will really set back your creative choices. Happily, Affinity Photo gives you full control over its layer system. This means that you can bring in additional elements into your scene. You can then take advantage of Affinity’s hugely powerful selection engine to select the parts you wish to cut out or scroll through the full list of Blending Modes for a more refined and creative look. To add the birds to our shot, we took one landscape and added in a shot of birds taken against a white sky. From here, it’s as easy as setting the Blending Mode to Multiply and voila, the white sky has gone. Of course, there’s no need to stop there, and you can find yourself creating in-depth composites that are truly only limited by your imagination - set yourself free!


Pixlr makes it easy to transform everyday images into stunning works of art. Whether you’re applying a quick fix to your photos or adding your personal touch with effects, overlays, or borders, Pixlr has everything you need to make your moments beautiful.

For now, Pixlr is free for all users: individuals to the enterprise. There is no news yet if and when the platform is set to charge people from using it. For content creators and artists on the go, Pixlr is a great app to use. It is free and available on the web. Regardless of your device, you only need an internet connection to get access to a free app but with serious functionalities. You just open your files from your device through the app like you would any popular image editing software and you are good to go. Furthermore, images edited on Pixlr are set to private. This makes your interaction with the app, over the net, is secure. Also, Pixlr does not store any copy of your images in their systems.

Key Features

  • **Free and Safe

Pixlr, for now, is free. There is also no indication that the company will charge users soon. It is a legitimate site that does not engage in fraudulent activities or perpetuate any hidden charges. The images that you edit or make on Pixlr are also free for commercial use. For freelance artists and small businesses, this is the perfect starter app. For enterprises with content creators in the field, it is good to let employees know about Pixlr’s no-cost offer.

  • **Versatile and Lightweight

Any browser can access Pixlr. Users can access the image editing suite regardless of device type and operating system. If you are on Mac, Windows, or Linux using Safari, Edge, Firefox, or Chrome, Pixlr is available at your disposal. All you need to have is a Flash plug-in.

If you are on mobile using iOS or Android, you can download the native apps. They do not take much of space and memory. It is a true lightweight app that packs a punch when it comes to functionality.

  • **Quick Fix

Pixlr is known for being the lightweight app that packs so many editing tools and functionalities at no cost. But, maybe, more importantly, it also includes many tools for quick fixes. This is something essential for people on the go or those that just need minor adjustments. Just open your browser on any device and apply touch-ups. You do not have to open your laptop or go to your desktop for simple needs.

  • **Spot heal

Super useful, the spot heal tool can help remove scratches or blemishes by simply clicking on the area. Additional options: Besides size of brush, you have a choice of Pixlr choosing to blend the area with nearby area values or generate a pattern. Generally, you will only want to choose a pattern if you’re blending an area that has a pattern (e.g., a chain-link fence).

  • **Dodge

Use the dodge tool to lighten specific areas. Note that this is a tool that deals with contrast (light vs. dark) and not color, although color may sometimes appear to change based on your lightening. Additional options: You can change brush size and exposure settings. You can also choose to focus your lightening on shadows, midtones, or highlights.

  • **Sponge

The sponge tool enhances or sops up color, depending on your settings. It’s a great tool for saturating or desaturating specific areas of an image. Additional options: You can change the brush size and brush strength, but the most important setting is whether you want to saturate (increase) or desaturate (decrease) coloring.


When choosing an object for use in chroma key, it is important to verify the background “screen” color does not exist on the object. For example, choosing a blue background for a blue butterfly would be a poor choice: portions of the butterfly would be deleted along with the background.In addition, it would be a good idea to become familiar with basic GIMP functions before attempting this tutorial: a basic knowledge of the Layers dialog and toolbox items is necessary prior to attempting this photo editing technique.

How to Change Video Thumbnail in Google Drive

What is a Google drive?

“Google drive is a self-hosted cloud-based site that provides free space to store your files and pictures to share them with your friends and family”.

Google Drive is also used to promote businesses or websites. You can upload a video to Google Drive and embed the file in your blog or any other website.

What is a Thumbnail?

“A Thumbnail is a still image that acts as

a preview image of your video.”

A thumbnail is the first thing seen by the viewers while watching videos. It is the only thing that forces the viewer either to watch the video or not because it previews the video content. It is also shown in the search results. A thumbnail is just like the cover or title of a book. You will read a book by its cover. In the same way, a video is viewed by its thumbnail.

Google drive is also used for the promotion of websites and businesses. It does not offer to add a thumbnail or cover image like YouTube has the option to set and can change the thumbnail of the video. As we all know Google drive is not a streaming platform and has its own boundaries.

Normally, the google drive can generate a thumbnail from the video and uses the generated thumbnail ignoring the one you have uploaded. But on the other hand, if it cannot generate a thumbnail the uploaded thumbnail will be displayed. Usually, the default thumbnail may have weird facial expressions or may not be attractive for the viewers to open the video.

Here we are discussing a few alternatives to change the thumbnail of the video in Google drive.

Select a separate image to be housed in a separate column to set as a thumbnail image and then go into the details, title, and Image settings.


How to Add Thumbnails to the Video Using Wonder Share Filmora 11

Wonder Share Filmora 11 is an all-in-one video editing platform that provides powerful, creative, and simple interphase to edit videos and images in a few clicks. It has a ton of amazing features that make your videos, images, and audio stands out. You can edit your videos and images in a great cinematic form using its effects, transitions, overlays, text, and a lot more. Do not wait, go and download Filmora 11 and there are more tools for you to discover.

I am going to show you how to create a thumbnail of the video in Filmora11.

Let us get started!

  • Open Wonder Share Filmora 11 and click on New Project.


  • Drag the image of your choice into the timeline.


  • Drag the image of your choice into the timeline.
  • Click on the AI-Portrait option from the Effects
  • Drag the Human Segmentation effect over the clip into the timeline.

Now you see that the subject of the video thumbnail is selected and the background has been removed.

The AI-Portrait is a very useful effect, it allows you to quickly remove the background through artificial intelligence.


Now you can see the subject has been selected and the background has been removed.

  • Now Scale up the photo to be visible on the screen.
  • You can set the border settings here to make it more smooth and attractive.


I have dragged my image to the left as I want my text to the right side.

  • Let’s drag the desired background into the timeline. ( I got this background from Pexel.com)


  • Click on sample colors under the media option to add the gradient overlay.
  • Drag your favorite Gradient and drop it below the background layer.


  • Now select the Overlay option under the Effects tab and then Hit Frames.
  • Add your desired frame between a photo layer and a background layer to show depth in your thumbnail.


So, I choose cinema 21.9 frames to add two black bars behind our subject.

Let’s choose your desired Title from the Library. Here are tons of title packs, you can choose from.

  • Select the Titles option under the Titles tab then select your desired Title.
  • Drag and locate the title in the place of your taste and then write the text you want.
  • Adjust your text accordingly, you can change the font size, color, style, and much more


  • Now simply click the snapshot button below the preview screen and the snapshot will be saved in default directory and automatically imported to the medium room.
  • Right-click on the snapshot in the media pool and click on Reveal in explorer.
  • Your thumbnail will be saved in the folder, you can upload it on the Google drive.


Unfortunately, there is no way to change the thumbnail of the video on Google drive. But we can take help from other websites to customize the thumbnail image and then upload it to Google drive. Let us discuss a few free websites used for the thumbnail of a video on Google drive.

Here are the best possible ways to change the thumbnail of the video stored in the Google drive.

1. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using the Wix.

The Wix editor is a platform that is used to edit and make your own website. It provides easy interphase to customize the site using its amazing features. There are hundreds of features to build your own site or image by adding customizing elements and choosing color and text theme.


You can use the Wix to set or change your thumbnail to make your video attractive and eye-catching. The cover image can be by uploading and a frame can be selected from the video.

Let’s get started!

  • Open the Wix editor from the browser.
  • Select a video from your video library.
  • Hit the Edit icon at the video


  • Click on change cover under the cover image.


  • Select the desired frame from the list, or you can upload your own by clicking the “+”
  • Click on the Set as Cover


  • Now upload the video on Google drive.


  • If the file fails to upload, clear your cache and cookies and check your internet connection.

2. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using Canvas.

Canvas is an online graphic design platform that allows and provides you with user-friendly interphase to make eye-catching logos, thumbnails, posters, and a ton of other visual content. You need not download any application and moreover, it is free to use. It saves your previous tasks and has hundreds of frames, and designs to select according to your taste or you can make your own design by editing.

So let’s start!

  • Select a template of your choice from the library.
  • Canvas provides you with more than 2 million images in the library but you can also upload your own image for Thumbnail.
  • Click on the placeholder text to write your own text.
  • You can change your image fonts, color, size, and
  • You can easily customize your video thumbnail and upload it on Google drive.
  • Download the video thumbnail.
  • Now upload the Thumbnail on Google Drive.


3. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using VLC Media Player.

VLC Media Player is a free and open-source media player that plays wide range of media files like images, video files as well as audio and DVDs. It is 100% free software and safe from viruses.


Here are the steps used to change the cover photo of your video using the VLC Media Player.

Let’s dive in…

  • Go to the tools and select information from the drop-down list.
  • The Current Media Information tab will be shown.
  • There will be a picture or VLC icon at the bottom-right corner.
  • Right-click on that picture or icon and select the download cover art or add cover art from file.
  1. Download cover art; if you want to add pictures from the album from the internet.
  2. Add cover art from file; if you want to put your own thumbnail image and browse from the storage.


The information will be saved automatically and the thumbnail will be changed when you open the file.

Important points.

You can use any other video editor to change the thumbnail of the video but keep a few points in mind.

  • Thumbnails should be added at the start of the video.
  • The Thumbnail should be a few seconds long so that google drive considers it as a cover image.
  • It works for short videos but it can be applied for long videos.
  • Use a high-quality HD image for the thumbnail so that Google Drive can accept it as valuable for the thumbnail image.
  • Thumbnails should be uploaded in PNG, GIF, or JPG
  • The image ratio should be 16:9 and resolution of 1920x1080 pixels for PNG and JPG and 960x480 pixels for GIFs.
  • The maximum file size should be
  • The minimum width should be 220 pixels.


Even after keeping an eye on these important points, google drive sometimes does not show the thumbnail as a cover photo.


In the above article, I have discussed a couple of different ways to add a thumbnail of the video and upload it on Google drive. I personally recommend Wonder Share Filmora 11 to make and change thumbnail image of the video as it is a very powerful as well as simple tool.

How to Add Thumbnails to the Video Using Wonder Share Filmora 11

Wonder Share Filmora 11 is an all-in-one video editing platform that provides powerful, creative, and simple interphase to edit videos and images in a few clicks. It has a ton of amazing features that make your videos, images, and audio stands out. You can edit your videos and images in a great cinematic form using its effects, transitions, overlays, text, and a lot more. Do not wait, go and download Filmora 11 and there are more tools for you to discover.

I am going to show you how to create a thumbnail of the video in Filmora11.

Let us get started!

  • Open Wonder Share Filmora 11 and click on New Project.


  • Drag the image of your choice into the timeline.


  • Drag the image of your choice into the timeline.
  • Click on the AI-Portrait option from the Effects
  • Drag the Human Segmentation effect over the clip into the timeline.

Now you see that the subject of the video thumbnail is selected and the background has been removed.

The AI-Portrait is a very useful effect, it allows you to quickly remove the background through artificial intelligence.


Now you can see the subject has been selected and the background has been removed.

  • Now Scale up the photo to be visible on the screen.
  • You can set the border settings here to make it more smooth and attractive.


I have dragged my image to the left as I want my text to the right side.

  • Let’s drag the desired background into the timeline. ( I got this background from Pexel.com)


  • Click on sample colors under the media option to add the gradient overlay.
  • Drag your favorite Gradient and drop it below the background layer.


  • Now select the Overlay option under the Effects tab and then Hit Frames.
  • Add your desired frame between a photo layer and a background layer to show depth in your thumbnail.


So, I choose cinema 21.9 frames to add two black bars behind our subject.

Let’s choose your desired Title from the Library. Here are tons of title packs, you can choose from.

  • Select the Titles option under the Titles tab then select your desired Title.
  • Drag and locate the title in the place of your taste and then write the text you want.
  • Adjust your text accordingly, you can change the font size, color, style, and much more


  • Now simply click the snapshot button below the preview screen and the snapshot will be saved in default directory and automatically imported to the medium room.
  • Right-click on the snapshot in the media pool and click on Reveal in explorer.
  • Your thumbnail will be saved in the folder, you can upload it on the Google drive.


Unfortunately, there is no way to change the thumbnail of the video on Google drive. But we can take help from other websites to customize the thumbnail image and then upload it to Google drive. Let us discuss a few free websites used for the thumbnail of a video on Google drive.

Here are the best possible ways to change the thumbnail of the video stored in the Google drive.

1. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using the Wix.

The Wix editor is a platform that is used to edit and make your own website. It provides easy interphase to customize the site using its amazing features. There are hundreds of features to build your own site or image by adding customizing elements and choosing color and text theme.


You can use the Wix to set or change your thumbnail to make your video attractive and eye-catching. The cover image can be by uploading and a frame can be selected from the video.

Let’s get started!

  • Open the Wix editor from the browser.
  • Select a video from your video library.
  • Hit the Edit icon at the video


  • Click on change cover under the cover image.


  • Select the desired frame from the list, or you can upload your own by clicking the “+”
  • Click on the Set as Cover


  • Now upload the video on Google drive.


  • If the file fails to upload, clear your cache and cookies and check your internet connection.

2. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using Canvas.

Canvas is an online graphic design platform that allows and provides you with user-friendly interphase to make eye-catching logos, thumbnails, posters, and a ton of other visual content. You need not download any application and moreover, it is free to use. It saves your previous tasks and has hundreds of frames, and designs to select according to your taste or you can make your own design by editing.

So let’s start!

  • Select a template of your choice from the library.
  • Canvas provides you with more than 2 million images in the library but you can also upload your own image for Thumbnail.
  • Click on the placeholder text to write your own text.
  • You can change your image fonts, color, size, and
  • You can easily customize your video thumbnail and upload it on Google drive.
  • Download the video thumbnail.
  • Now upload the Thumbnail on Google Drive.


3. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using VLC Media Player.

VLC Media Player is a free and open-source media player that plays wide range of media files like images, video files as well as audio and DVDs. It is 100% free software and safe from viruses.


Here are the steps used to change the cover photo of your video using the VLC Media Player.

Let’s dive in…

  • Go to the tools and select information from the drop-down list.
  • The Current Media Information tab will be shown.
  • There will be a picture or VLC icon at the bottom-right corner.
  • Right-click on that picture or icon and select the download cover art or add cover art from file.
  1. Download cover art; if you want to add pictures from the album from the internet.
  2. Add cover art from file; if you want to put your own thumbnail image and browse from the storage.


The information will be saved automatically and the thumbnail will be changed when you open the file.

Important points.

You can use any other video editor to change the thumbnail of the video but keep a few points in mind.

  • Thumbnails should be added at the start of the video.
  • The Thumbnail should be a few seconds long so that google drive considers it as a cover image.
  • It works for short videos but it can be applied for long videos.
  • Use a high-quality HD image for the thumbnail so that Google Drive can accept it as valuable for the thumbnail image.
  • Thumbnails should be uploaded in PNG, GIF, or JPG
  • The image ratio should be 16:9 and resolution of 1920x1080 pixels for PNG and JPG and 960x480 pixels for GIFs.
  • The maximum file size should be
  • The minimum width should be 220 pixels.


Even after keeping an eye on these important points, google drive sometimes does not show the thumbnail as a cover photo.


In the above article, I have discussed a couple of different ways to add a thumbnail of the video and upload it on Google drive. I personally recommend Wonder Share Filmora 11 to make and change thumbnail image of the video as it is a very powerful as well as simple tool.

How to Add Thumbnails to the Video Using Wonder Share Filmora 11

Wonder Share Filmora 11 is an all-in-one video editing platform that provides powerful, creative, and simple interphase to edit videos and images in a few clicks. It has a ton of amazing features that make your videos, images, and audio stands out. You can edit your videos and images in a great cinematic form using its effects, transitions, overlays, text, and a lot more. Do not wait, go and download Filmora 11 and there are more tools for you to discover.

I am going to show you how to create a thumbnail of the video in Filmora11.

Let us get started!

  • Open Wonder Share Filmora 11 and click on New Project.


  • Drag the image of your choice into the timeline.


  • Drag the image of your choice into the timeline.
  • Click on the AI-Portrait option from the Effects
  • Drag the Human Segmentation effect over the clip into the timeline.

Now you see that the subject of the video thumbnail is selected and the background has been removed.

The AI-Portrait is a very useful effect, it allows you to quickly remove the background through artificial intelligence.


Now you can see the subject has been selected and the background has been removed.

  • Now Scale up the photo to be visible on the screen.
  • You can set the border settings here to make it more smooth and attractive.


I have dragged my image to the left as I want my text to the right side.

  • Let’s drag the desired background into the timeline. ( I got this background from Pexel.com)


  • Click on sample colors under the media option to add the gradient overlay.
  • Drag your favorite Gradient and drop it below the background layer.


  • Now select the Overlay option under the Effects tab and then Hit Frames.
  • Add your desired frame between a photo layer and a background layer to show depth in your thumbnail.


So, I choose cinema 21.9 frames to add two black bars behind our subject.

Let’s choose your desired Title from the Library. Here are tons of title packs, you can choose from.

  • Select the Titles option under the Titles tab then select your desired Title.
  • Drag and locate the title in the place of your taste and then write the text you want.
  • Adjust your text accordingly, you can change the font size, color, style, and much more


  • Now simply click the snapshot button below the preview screen and the snapshot will be saved in default directory and automatically imported to the medium room.
  • Right-click on the snapshot in the media pool and click on Reveal in explorer.
  • Your thumbnail will be saved in the folder, you can upload it on the Google drive.


Unfortunately, there is no way to change the thumbnail of the video on Google drive. But we can take help from other websites to customize the thumbnail image and then upload it to Google drive. Let us discuss a few free websites used for the thumbnail of a video on Google drive.

Here are the best possible ways to change the thumbnail of the video stored in the Google drive.

1. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using the Wix.

The Wix editor is a platform that is used to edit and make your own website. It provides easy interphase to customize the site using its amazing features. There are hundreds of features to build your own site or image by adding customizing elements and choosing color and text theme.


You can use the Wix to set or change your thumbnail to make your video attractive and eye-catching. The cover image can be by uploading and a frame can be selected from the video.

Let’s get started!

  • Open the Wix editor from the browser.
  • Select a video from your video library.
  • Hit the Edit icon at the video


  • Click on change cover under the cover image.


  • Select the desired frame from the list, or you can upload your own by clicking the “+”
  • Click on the Set as Cover


  • Now upload the video on Google drive.


  • If the file fails to upload, clear your cache and cookies and check your internet connection.

2. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using Canvas.

Canvas is an online graphic design platform that allows and provides you with user-friendly interphase to make eye-catching logos, thumbnails, posters, and a ton of other visual content. You need not download any application and moreover, it is free to use. It saves your previous tasks and has hundreds of frames, and designs to select according to your taste or you can make your own design by editing.

So let’s start!

  • Select a template of your choice from the library.
  • Canvas provides you with more than 2 million images in the library but you can also upload your own image for Thumbnail.
  • Click on the placeholder text to write your own text.
  • You can change your image fonts, color, size, and
  • You can easily customize your video thumbnail and upload it on Google drive.
  • Download the video thumbnail.
  • Now upload the Thumbnail on Google Drive.


3. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using VLC Media Player.

VLC Media Player is a free and open-source media player that plays wide range of media files like images, video files as well as audio and DVDs. It is 100% free software and safe from viruses.


Here are the steps used to change the cover photo of your video using the VLC Media Player.

Let’s dive in…

  • Go to the tools and select information from the drop-down list.
  • The Current Media Information tab will be shown.
  • There will be a picture or VLC icon at the bottom-right corner.
  • Right-click on that picture or icon and select the download cover art or add cover art from file.
  1. Download cover art; if you want to add pictures from the album from the internet.
  2. Add cover art from file; if you want to put your own thumbnail image and browse from the storage.


The information will be saved automatically and the thumbnail will be changed when you open the file.

Important points.

You can use any other video editor to change the thumbnail of the video but keep a few points in mind.

  • Thumbnails should be added at the start of the video.
  • The Thumbnail should be a few seconds long so that google drive considers it as a cover image.
  • It works for short videos but it can be applied for long videos.
  • Use a high-quality HD image for the thumbnail so that Google Drive can accept it as valuable for the thumbnail image.
  • Thumbnails should be uploaded in PNG, GIF, or JPG
  • The image ratio should be 16:9 and resolution of 1920x1080 pixels for PNG and JPG and 960x480 pixels for GIFs.
  • The maximum file size should be
  • The minimum width should be 220 pixels.


Even after keeping an eye on these important points, google drive sometimes does not show the thumbnail as a cover photo.


In the above article, I have discussed a couple of different ways to add a thumbnail of the video and upload it on Google drive. I personally recommend Wonder Share Filmora 11 to make and change thumbnail image of the video as it is a very powerful as well as simple tool.

How to Add Thumbnails to the Video Using Wonder Share Filmora 11

Wonder Share Filmora 11 is an all-in-one video editing platform that provides powerful, creative, and simple interphase to edit videos and images in a few clicks. It has a ton of amazing features that make your videos, images, and audio stands out. You can edit your videos and images in a great cinematic form using its effects, transitions, overlays, text, and a lot more. Do not wait, go and download Filmora 11 and there are more tools for you to discover.

I am going to show you how to create a thumbnail of the video in Filmora11.

Let us get started!

  • Open Wonder Share Filmora 11 and click on New Project.


  • Drag the image of your choice into the timeline.


  • Drag the image of your choice into the timeline.
  • Click on the AI-Portrait option from the Effects
  • Drag the Human Segmentation effect over the clip into the timeline.

Now you see that the subject of the video thumbnail is selected and the background has been removed.

The AI-Portrait is a very useful effect, it allows you to quickly remove the background through artificial intelligence.


Now you can see the subject has been selected and the background has been removed.

  • Now Scale up the photo to be visible on the screen.
  • You can set the border settings here to make it more smooth and attractive.


I have dragged my image to the left as I want my text to the right side.

  • Let’s drag the desired background into the timeline. ( I got this background from Pexel.com)


  • Click on sample colors under the media option to add the gradient overlay.
  • Drag your favorite Gradient and drop it below the background layer.


  • Now select the Overlay option under the Effects tab and then Hit Frames.
  • Add your desired frame between a photo layer and a background layer to show depth in your thumbnail.


So, I choose cinema 21.9 frames to add two black bars behind our subject.

Let’s choose your desired Title from the Library. Here are tons of title packs, you can choose from.

  • Select the Titles option under the Titles tab then select your desired Title.
  • Drag and locate the title in the place of your taste and then write the text you want.
  • Adjust your text accordingly, you can change the font size, color, style, and much more


  • Now simply click the snapshot button below the preview screen and the snapshot will be saved in default directory and automatically imported to the medium room.
  • Right-click on the snapshot in the media pool and click on Reveal in explorer.
  • Your thumbnail will be saved in the folder, you can upload it on the Google drive.


Unfortunately, there is no way to change the thumbnail of the video on Google drive. But we can take help from other websites to customize the thumbnail image and then upload it to Google drive. Let us discuss a few free websites used for the thumbnail of a video on Google drive.

Here are the best possible ways to change the thumbnail of the video stored in the Google drive.

1. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using the Wix.

The Wix editor is a platform that is used to edit and make your own website. It provides easy interphase to customize the site using its amazing features. There are hundreds of features to build your own site or image by adding customizing elements and choosing color and text theme.


You can use the Wix to set or change your thumbnail to make your video attractive and eye-catching. The cover image can be by uploading and a frame can be selected from the video.

Let’s get started!

  • Open the Wix editor from the browser.
  • Select a video from your video library.
  • Hit the Edit icon at the video


  • Click on change cover under the cover image.


  • Select the desired frame from the list, or you can upload your own by clicking the “+”
  • Click on the Set as Cover


  • Now upload the video on Google drive.


  • If the file fails to upload, clear your cache and cookies and check your internet connection.

2. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using Canvas.

Canvas is an online graphic design platform that allows and provides you with user-friendly interphase to make eye-catching logos, thumbnails, posters, and a ton of other visual content. You need not download any application and moreover, it is free to use. It saves your previous tasks and has hundreds of frames, and designs to select according to your taste or you can make your own design by editing.

So let’s start!

  • Select a template of your choice from the library.
  • Canvas provides you with more than 2 million images in the library but you can also upload your own image for Thumbnail.
  • Click on the placeholder text to write your own text.
  • You can change your image fonts, color, size, and
  • You can easily customize your video thumbnail and upload it on Google drive.
  • Download the video thumbnail.
  • Now upload the Thumbnail on Google Drive.


3. Change the Thumbnails of Google drive using VLC Media Player.

VLC Media Player is a free and open-source media player that plays wide range of media files like images, video files as well as audio and DVDs. It is 100% free software and safe from viruses.


Here are the steps used to change the cover photo of your video using the VLC Media Player.

Let’s dive in…

  • Go to the tools and select information from the drop-down list.
  • The Current Media Information tab will be shown.
  • There will be a picture or VLC icon at the bottom-right corner.
  • Right-click on that picture or icon and select the download cover art or add cover art from file.
  1. Download cover art; if you want to add pictures from the album from the internet.
  2. Add cover art from file; if you want to put your own thumbnail image and browse from the storage.


The information will be saved automatically and the thumbnail will be changed when you open the file.

Important points.

You can use any other video editor to change the thumbnail of the video but keep a few points in mind.

  • Thumbnails should be added at the start of the video.
  • The Thumbnail should be a few seconds long so that google drive considers it as a cover image.
  • It works for short videos but it can be applied for long videos.
  • Use a high-quality HD image for the thumbnail so that Google Drive can accept it as valuable for the thumbnail image.
  • Thumbnails should be uploaded in PNG, GIF, or JPG
  • The image ratio should be 16:9 and resolution of 1920x1080 pixels for PNG and JPG and 960x480 pixels for GIFs.
  • The maximum file size should be
  • The minimum width should be 220 pixels.


Even after keeping an eye on these important points, google drive sometimes does not show the thumbnail as a cover photo.


In the above article, I have discussed a couple of different ways to add a thumbnail of the video and upload it on Google drive. I personally recommend Wonder Share Filmora 11 to make and change thumbnail image of the video as it is a very powerful as well as simple tool.

The Complete Guide to Making Fortnite Montage

If you’re skilled at playing Fortnite, you’ll probably want to share your gameplay clips as montages with other players. The popularity of Fortnite montage videos is rapidly growing because millions of people play the game. Tons of people also like watching their peers play this online video game in the form of gaming montages. We’ll explain how to make a montage Fortnite that will get views when you upload it on social media platforms.

What Is Fortnite?

Fortnite is a popular online game developed by the American game studio Epic Games. The video game was released in 2017, and it’s available in three-game mode versions with the same game engine and gameplay. These are:

  • Fortnite: Save the World: Set on contemporary Earth, Save the World is a co-op hybrid third-person shooter (TPS), tower defense (TD), and survival game. The game allows a maximum of four players to fight off creatures that look like zombies and defend objects with traps or fortifications they have built.
  • Fortnite Battle Royale: This is a free-to-play (F2P) battle royale video game that allows up to one hundred players to fight against each other until only one person remains.
  • Fortnite Creative: Released in 2018, Fortnite Creative allows players to create battle arenas and worlds. They can then share these predetermined structures with up to 16 other players for a range of multiplayer game modes that have customizable rules.

Since its release, Fortnite has become a worldwide phenomenon, with more than 350 million people playing the game across the globe. In the first year of Fortnite’s release, players downloaded its mobile version 78 million times.

The game became such a global hit because it’s free to play. It’s also available on most gaming platforms and features an engaging theme. Additionally, because Battle Royale allows up to 100 gamers to fight it out until they find the last man standing, this means the replayability of this online video game is infinite. What’s more? Each game is unique.

Fortnite has also become popular because users can purchase DLC (downloadable content) to enhance their gaming experience.

Things to Prepare before making a Fortnite Montage video

You have to prepare several things if you want to make an epic Fortnite montage video that will keep your audience watching. These include:

1. Fortnite Gaming Clips

Epic Games developed a system that allows you to save your best gameplay performances. You can then export the Fortnite replays that you have saved.

To save the beautiful moments of the game, you have to know where to find the Replays videos; this is how to find them:

  1. Head over to Career and select the Replays option. You’ll see all the replay clips, including their date, finish, and length.

Get Fortnite Video Clip

Get Fortnite Video Clip

  1. Select the clips and watch them so that you can choose the ones you want to use in your Fortnite montage video.

Now that you know where the Replay videos are, you have to save them on your computer. You can only save the Replay videos on your PC using a screen capture tool that allows you to record the videos.

ApowerREC is one of the most popular tools that people use to record and download Fortnite’s Replays videos. This screen capture tool allows you to create high-quality Fortnite videos with a one-press shortcut.

To start using this software, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the software and set some preferences by heading to Settings.

Record Fortnite video clip

Record Fortnite video clip

  1. Set the video and audio quality, hotkeys, and more.

Record Fortnite video clip with ApowerRec

ApowerRec Setting

  1. To record the screen and sound, enable this option.

Record Fortnite video clip with ApowerRec - Enable option

Enable option to record

  1. If you’ll be using a microphone, click on the speaker symbol and enable audio boost and noise cancellation.

Record Fortnite video clip with ApowerRec - Audio Setting

Audio Setting

  1. Set the recording mode that you want. You can use Regional mode or Game mode.
  2. Open your Fortnite game and got to the Replay videos.
  3. Play the Replay video you want.
  4. Click on Regional and set the recording frame along the area you want to record.
  5. Hit the Recording button to initiate the recording process.

Record Fortnite video clip with ApowerRec - Start Recording

Start Recording

  1. You can add annotations as you prefer while the tool is recording the Replay video.
  2. Use the zoom function if you want to look closely at something.
  3. When you’re done, hit the stop button. The recorded file will pop up in the program’s recording list.
  4. Repeat the process for the rest of the video clips you want to use in your montage Fortnite.

Record Fortnite video clip with ApowerRec - Complete Recording

Complete Recording

2. Pick the Right Background Music

To make your Fortnite montage video engaging, you’ll need to choose background music that fits your montage videos. Music is one of the key elements in creating an exhilarating viewing experience for your audience.

Make sure you pick royalty-free music that fits the genre of your Fortnite montage video. Choose a song that expresses the themes and personality of the game.

You cannot use your favorite song from the radio, as your copyright law prohibits people from using the work of others without permission or paying a royalty.

If you are caught using copyrighted music, you might have to pay the music owner monetary damages. You can also go to jail because of copyright infringement.

There are loads of platforms that offer non-copyrighted music that you can use in your montage Fortnite. These include YouTube, Twitch, and Pixabay.

3. Choose the Correct Video Editing Software

Now that you have downloaded all the Fortnite video clips and saved them on your computer, you need to choose the correct video editing software. Here are three of the most reliable programs that you can use to make a montage Fortnite video.


Filmora is a video editing software compatible with Windows and macOS devices. Filmora’s Template Mode allows you to create impressive Fortnite montage videos that will get more views on social media platforms.

You’ll find ready-made, stylish video templates that you can use to create epic gaming montage videos. It’s easy to use this tool, and you do not need any experience to create visually striking montage videos.

Wondershare Filmora11 Express Better
Achieve More
Grow Together

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Filmora Windows Filmora Mac

Premiere Pro CC

Designed for the most demanding users, Premiere Pro CC is a comprehensive video editing program developed by Adobe Inc. The software includes audio editing functionality.

This Fortnite montage editor is a subscription-based version of Adobe Premiere Pro, and the CC represents “Creative Cloud.”

You can use Premiere Pro CC effects to add spice to your montage video. These include spark effects, glitch transitions, and light leak overlay.

VideoProc Vlogger

Developed by Digiarty, VideoProc Vlogger is a multitrack video editing software for Mac and Windows users. The program supports speed ramping effects. You can also use the audio analyzer if you want to mark out the beat and edit the highlight to match the energy of the music. You can also add audio and visual effects, text effects, glitch effects, and light glaring and flashy effects.

How to Make a Fortnite Montage with Filmora

It’s easy to make a Fortnite montage with Filmora. The software was designed to be user-friendly and save you time while creating montages. This Fortnite montage editor has tons of tools that make it the go-to software for players who want to share stunning gaming montages with other gamers on social media platforms.

Follow these steps to learn how to make a Fortnite montage video with Filmora:

Step1Import Media File

Choose the New Project option. Import your video clips to Filmora’s media library. You can do this by heading to File>Import Media> Import Media Files. You can then locate the video files on your computer and import them to the media library by selecting them and hitting the Open button.

Edit Fortnite Video with Filmora

Import Media

Step2Add Effects to Your Footage

Select your videos and drag them from the media library then drop them on your timeline. Now, right-click on the video in the timeline to make some edits to your video. Essentially, you can trim, split, crop, and zoom your video. You can also add velocity effects.

Navigate to the Stock Media tab, where you can choose royalty-free music and use it as your background music.

Go to the Effects tab, and select the Overlay option, where you can choose the overlay you want to add to your video. Filmora has tons of overlays that you can use to add emotions and set the tone in your Fortnite montage videos.

Edit Fortnite Video with Filmora - Add Effects

Add Effects

Step3Add Filters

Under the Effects tab, go to Filters to add filters to your montage video. The program has many filters that you can choose from, such as glitch, shake, and mosaic. Use these two effects to add transitions to your video clip.

Edit Fortnite Video with Filmora - Add Effects

Add Filters

Closing Thoughts:

To make a Fortnite montage video, you need to know how to save and download the clips you will use, get the right background music, and find a reliable montage editor. Use Filmora to edit Fortnite Tik Tok montage videos. The software has some cool effects that will make your gaming montage stand out and get more views.

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Filmora Windows Filmora Mac

Premiere Pro CC

Designed for the most demanding users, Premiere Pro CC is a comprehensive video editing program developed by Adobe Inc. The software includes audio editing functionality.

This Fortnite montage editor is a subscription-based version of Adobe Premiere Pro, and the CC represents “Creative Cloud.”

You can use Premiere Pro CC effects to add spice to your montage video. These include spark effects, glitch transitions, and light leak overlay.

VideoProc Vlogger

Developed by Digiarty, VideoProc Vlogger is a multitrack video editing software for Mac and Windows users. The program supports speed ramping effects. You can also use the audio analyzer if you want to mark out the beat and edit the highlight to match the energy of the music. You can also add audio and visual effects, text effects, glitch effects, and light glaring and flashy effects.

How to Make a Fortnite Montage with Filmora

It’s easy to make a Fortnite montage with Filmora. The software was designed to be user-friendly and save you time while creating montages. This Fortnite montage editor has tons of tools that make it the go-to software for players who want to share stunning gaming montages with other gamers on social media platforms.

Follow these steps to learn how to make a Fortnite montage video with Filmora:

Step1Import Media File

Choose the New Project option. Import your video clips to Filmora’s media library. You can do this by heading to File>Import Media> Import Media Files. You can then locate the video files on your computer and import them to the media library by selecting them and hitting the Open button.

Edit Fortnite Video with Filmora

Import Media

Step2Add Effects to Your Footage

Select your videos and drag them from the media library then drop them on your timeline. Now, right-click on the video in the timeline to make some edits to your video. Essentially, you can trim, split, crop, and zoom your video. You can also add velocity effects.

Navigate to the Stock Media tab, where you can choose royalty-free music and use it as your background music.

Go to the Effects tab, and select the Overlay option, where you can choose the overlay you want to add to your video. Filmora has tons of overlays that you can use to add emotions and set the tone in your Fortnite montage videos.

Edit Fortnite Video with Filmora - Add Effects

Add Effects

Step3Add Filters

Under the Effects tab, go to Filters to add filters to your montage video. The program has many filters that you can choose from, such as glitch, shake, and mosaic. Use these two effects to add transitions to your video clip.

Edit Fortnite Video with Filmora - Add Effects

Add Filters

Closing Thoughts:

To make a Fortnite montage video, you need to know how to save and download the clips you will use, get the right background music, and find a reliable montage editor. Use Filmora to edit Fortnite Tik Tok montage videos. The software has some cool effects that will make your gaming montage stand out and get more views.

Best 6 WMV to GIF Converters

Powerful Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

Provide abundant video effects - A creative video editor

Powerful color correction and grading

Detailed tutorials are provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs function as a series of images that seem like an audio-less video and are widely used across numerous platforms. People send GIFs to their friends while chatting and also add them to their photos and videos. Moreover, this image format does not lose its quality during compression. Due to their high popularity, GIF converters are much needed.

If you have a WMV file and want to use it as a GIF, you can easily execute the conversion through GIF converters. You can find tons of GIF converters, but not every tool is reliable. For WMV to GIF conversion, we will provide the best GIF converters that you can utilize confidently.

In this article

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

In this following part, we will discuss the best 3 offline GIF converters through which you can easily convert your files from WMV to GIF comfortably.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $28.98/Monthly $68.98/Annual $98.98/Perpetual

Wondershare Filmora is a top-notch video editing tool comprising every basic and advanced feature that you would require. It offers smart templates that help beginners in designing their videos along with exceptional effects. Furthermore, people can utilize their royalty-free images and videos to add them to their videos for more dimensions.

Along with its extraordinary video editing features, people can also convert their videos files to numerous formats such as GIFs and other formats. Although the user interface of Filmora is extremely easy to handle, if you still find some difficulties, you can watch the tutorials from their platform to execute the editing process easier. By using this excellent platform, you can not only get rid of the flaws in your videos but can also convert them to GIF format conveniently.

filmora 11 editor


The “Instant Mode” of Filmora enables the users to design and create their videos with great proficiency without spending too much time.

It comprises animated effects that can add an artistic element to your videos.

It has an excellent function of a “Screen Recorder” that can effortlessly capture the on-screen activities of your computer.

You can easily synchronize the audio and soundtracks with the videos through its “Auto Synchronization” feature.


The free version of this platform comprises a watermark that can ruin the actual impression of the video.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $20.99/Monthly

This tool is an ultimate professional video editor that comprises the ability to transform videos into a high-end project. You can add various transitions to the videos and can portray interesting storytelling through them. You can easily upload the recorded video from either your smartphone or professional camera and can edit the footage in up to 8K high quality.

Furthermore, when people try to export their videos, this tool displays multiple options to convert the current video file into another. Thus, you can easily convert your video file WMV into GIF quickly with a single click. Other amazing features of this tool include Adobe Stock, through which you can import various audio files and can professionally embed them in your video.

adobe premiere pro interface


The “Auto-Reframe” feature allows the users to intelligently reframe their videos in 4K resolution flawlessly.

You can add subtitles to your videos through “Auto Transcriptions” quickly and can edit them further.

You can color fix the videos through its excellent filters, which can give an aesthetic impression.

The export settings of this tool can be customized, and you can easily share your videos to online platforms.


The user interface of Adobe Premiere Pro is a bit complicated, and non-professionals can find it difficult to use for the first time.

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $19.99/Monthly $69.99/Monthly

This trustworthy tool is widely used for converting video files to GIF format along with various intuitive features. It also functions as a video editor as it includes advanced options to edit multiple video file formats effortlessly. You can use their enhanced “Mask and Blend” option to combine numerous video clips smoothly and professionally. Also, you can replace dull and boring skies from your videos through its “Sky Replacement” feature.

Along with its powerful conversion feature, you can also remove unwanted objects or people from the videos flawlessly with a single click. For a high-quality audio experience, you can use its audio tools to remove unnecessary background noise to make the vocals sound refined. Hence, it works as a trustworthy tool that not only makes the videos appealing but also provides ease to its users.

Cyberlink powerdirector 365


This platform offers motion tracking through which you can precisely synchronize the elements in your video.

It has included various effects and filters ranging in diverse categories that can be used to change the perspective of the videos.

The user interface is well-defined and easy to use for beginners.

It offers fast rendering so that you can export the edited video in high quality.


This tool contains ads and has an expensive subscription plan.

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

If you want to conduct online conversion of files from WMV to GIF instantly, use any of the following mentioned tools.

1. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

This online tool provides an easy way to convert WMV to GIF in a well-protected environment. You can import your WMV file to this tool easily either from your device or can utilize the drag and drop option. Afterward, you can select the quality type and file size from the displayed options. The conversion process does not take long, and you can easily share the newly converted GIF across online platforms.

adobe creative cloud express


This tool is free to use and offers basic editing options to create unlimited GIFs.<

You can select the file size of the GIF file so that you can easily save it on your device without worrying about space usage.<

You can adjust the aspect ratio of your manually before the conversion process.<

Through its trim option, you can eradicate unwanted parts easily.<


It only offers premium features such as refine, cutout, and resize in the premium plan.<

2. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online platform that will assist you in converting video files such as WMV into GIFs conveniently. This tool supports and shows compatibility with more than 200 file formats which depict that you can convert from and to GIFs in the best environment. You just need to upload the video file to this platform, and with a single click, you can get a GIF of the best possible quality.

cloudconvert converter


You can simultaneously convert the videos files into GIFs through its batch processing option.

Apart from being an online tool, the software rendering integrated into this tool allows the users to get high-quality results after the conversion.

The data security in this tool is exceptional as this tool has a strict privacy policy for the users.

Apart from video and image files, you can also convert documents and audio files through this tool efficiently.


This online tool takes plenty amount of time to convert large-sized files.

3. Convertio

Convertio is another good example of an online GIF converter that supports tons of file formats. It has one of the easiest user interfaces among other online converters, as each function is well-displayed on its main interface. After uploading the video file on this online tool, you can easily select the output format, such as GIF, and within no time, you will get the desired result. This free tool also supports batch processing to offer an enhanced ecosystem to the users.

convertio online converter


Beginners can rely on this online platform as it offers security along with tons of supported formats.

For instant conversion of the files, this tool is ideal as it does not demand the users to create accounts for sign-ups.

It does not disturb the users with constant ads and functions as a stable tool.

You can access this online tool from any browser, and it can easily work for converting videos, documents, and images.


For converting large-sized videos, you need to buy its subscription plan.

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

There are plenty of GIF converters, but to enjoy the best user experience, explore Wondershare Filmora. As we mentioned earlier, this tool includes every basic to advanced feature for both video editing and conversion process. To convert WMV to GIF through Filmora, use the below steps:

Step 1: Import WMV File

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your desktop and click to use its interface. Tap on the “New Project” option that will display a new window on your screen. At the media tab, click on the arrow and import the WMV file from browsing through your computer.

create new filmora project

Step 2: Select GIF Format

Now drag the imported video to the timeline of this tool and tap on the “Export” button displayed on top. From the newly displayed window, select the “GIF” format from the left section.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Click to Export

Along with changing file format, you can also name the file and can set its file location. For more settings, you can adjust its resolution, bit rate, and frame rate displayed on the right side of the screen. Once done, click on the “Export” option.

export as gif


Create your GIFs by converting from the WMV files through powerful GIF converters. To convert WMV to GIF, we have recommended different tools along with their distinct features for your ease. However, to generate instant and best outputs, Wondershare Filmora comes on top as a powerful GIF converter. Through its advanced features, you can edit and create multiple GIFs within a well-defined platform.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs function as a series of images that seem like an audio-less video and are widely used across numerous platforms. People send GIFs to their friends while chatting and also add them to their photos and videos. Moreover, this image format does not lose its quality during compression. Due to their high popularity, GIF converters are much needed.

If you have a WMV file and want to use it as a GIF, you can easily execute the conversion through GIF converters. You can find tons of GIF converters, but not every tool is reliable. For WMV to GIF conversion, we will provide the best GIF converters that you can utilize confidently.

In this article

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

In this following part, we will discuss the best 3 offline GIF converters through which you can easily convert your files from WMV to GIF comfortably.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $28.98/Monthly $68.98/Annual $98.98/Perpetual

Wondershare Filmora is a top-notch video editing tool comprising every basic and advanced feature that you would require. It offers smart templates that help beginners in designing their videos along with exceptional effects. Furthermore, people can utilize their royalty-free images and videos to add them to their videos for more dimensions.

Along with its extraordinary video editing features, people can also convert their videos files to numerous formats such as GIFs and other formats. Although the user interface of Filmora is extremely easy to handle, if you still find some difficulties, you can watch the tutorials from their platform to execute the editing process easier. By using this excellent platform, you can not only get rid of the flaws in your videos but can also convert them to GIF format conveniently.

filmora 11 editor


The “Instant Mode” of Filmora enables the users to design and create their videos with great proficiency without spending too much time.

It comprises animated effects that can add an artistic element to your videos.

It has an excellent function of a “Screen Recorder” that can effortlessly capture the on-screen activities of your computer.

You can easily synchronize the audio and soundtracks with the videos through its “Auto Synchronization” feature.


The free version of this platform comprises a watermark that can ruin the actual impression of the video.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $20.99/Monthly

This tool is an ultimate professional video editor that comprises the ability to transform videos into a high-end project. You can add various transitions to the videos and can portray interesting storytelling through them. You can easily upload the recorded video from either your smartphone or professional camera and can edit the footage in up to 8K high quality.

Furthermore, when people try to export their videos, this tool displays multiple options to convert the current video file into another. Thus, you can easily convert your video file WMV into GIF quickly with a single click. Other amazing features of this tool include Adobe Stock, through which you can import various audio files and can professionally embed them in your video.

adobe premiere pro interface


The “Auto-Reframe” feature allows the users to intelligently reframe their videos in 4K resolution flawlessly.

You can add subtitles to your videos through “Auto Transcriptions” quickly and can edit them further.

You can color fix the videos through its excellent filters, which can give an aesthetic impression.

The export settings of this tool can be customized, and you can easily share your videos to online platforms.


The user interface of Adobe Premiere Pro is a bit complicated, and non-professionals can find it difficult to use for the first time.

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $19.99/Monthly $69.99/Monthly

This trustworthy tool is widely used for converting video files to GIF format along with various intuitive features. It also functions as a video editor as it includes advanced options to edit multiple video file formats effortlessly. You can use their enhanced “Mask and Blend” option to combine numerous video clips smoothly and professionally. Also, you can replace dull and boring skies from your videos through its “Sky Replacement” feature.

Along with its powerful conversion feature, you can also remove unwanted objects or people from the videos flawlessly with a single click. For a high-quality audio experience, you can use its audio tools to remove unnecessary background noise to make the vocals sound refined. Hence, it works as a trustworthy tool that not only makes the videos appealing but also provides ease to its users.

Cyberlink powerdirector 365


This platform offers motion tracking through which you can precisely synchronize the elements in your video.

It has included various effects and filters ranging in diverse categories that can be used to change the perspective of the videos.

The user interface is well-defined and easy to use for beginners.

It offers fast rendering so that you can export the edited video in high quality.


This tool contains ads and has an expensive subscription plan.

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

If you want to conduct online conversion of files from WMV to GIF instantly, use any of the following mentioned tools.

1. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

This online tool provides an easy way to convert WMV to GIF in a well-protected environment. You can import your WMV file to this tool easily either from your device or can utilize the drag and drop option. Afterward, you can select the quality type and file size from the displayed options. The conversion process does not take long, and you can easily share the newly converted GIF across online platforms.

adobe creative cloud express


This tool is free to use and offers basic editing options to create unlimited GIFs.<

You can select the file size of the GIF file so that you can easily save it on your device without worrying about space usage.<

You can adjust the aspect ratio of your manually before the conversion process.<

Through its trim option, you can eradicate unwanted parts easily.<


It only offers premium features such as refine, cutout, and resize in the premium plan.<

2. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online platform that will assist you in converting video files such as WMV into GIFs conveniently. This tool supports and shows compatibility with more than 200 file formats which depict that you can convert from and to GIFs in the best environment. You just need to upload the video file to this platform, and with a single click, you can get a GIF of the best possible quality.

cloudconvert converter


You can simultaneously convert the videos files into GIFs through its batch processing option.

Apart from being an online tool, the software rendering integrated into this tool allows the users to get high-quality results after the conversion.

The data security in this tool is exceptional as this tool has a strict privacy policy for the users.

Apart from video and image files, you can also convert documents and audio files through this tool efficiently.


This online tool takes plenty amount of time to convert large-sized files.

3. Convertio

Convertio is another good example of an online GIF converter that supports tons of file formats. It has one of the easiest user interfaces among other online converters, as each function is well-displayed on its main interface. After uploading the video file on this online tool, you can easily select the output format, such as GIF, and within no time, you will get the desired result. This free tool also supports batch processing to offer an enhanced ecosystem to the users.

convertio online converter


Beginners can rely on this online platform as it offers security along with tons of supported formats.

For instant conversion of the files, this tool is ideal as it does not demand the users to create accounts for sign-ups.

It does not disturb the users with constant ads and functions as a stable tool.

You can access this online tool from any browser, and it can easily work for converting videos, documents, and images.


For converting large-sized videos, you need to buy its subscription plan.

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

There are plenty of GIF converters, but to enjoy the best user experience, explore Wondershare Filmora. As we mentioned earlier, this tool includes every basic to advanced feature for both video editing and conversion process. To convert WMV to GIF through Filmora, use the below steps:

Step 1: Import WMV File

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your desktop and click to use its interface. Tap on the “New Project” option that will display a new window on your screen. At the media tab, click on the arrow and import the WMV file from browsing through your computer.

create new filmora project

Step 2: Select GIF Format

Now drag the imported video to the timeline of this tool and tap on the “Export” button displayed on top. From the newly displayed window, select the “GIF” format from the left section.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Click to Export

Along with changing file format, you can also name the file and can set its file location. For more settings, you can adjust its resolution, bit rate, and frame rate displayed on the right side of the screen. Once done, click on the “Export” option.

export as gif


Create your GIFs by converting from the WMV files through powerful GIF converters. To convert WMV to GIF, we have recommended different tools along with their distinct features for your ease. However, to generate instant and best outputs, Wondershare Filmora comes on top as a powerful GIF converter. Through its advanced features, you can edit and create multiple GIFs within a well-defined platform.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs function as a series of images that seem like an audio-less video and are widely used across numerous platforms. People send GIFs to their friends while chatting and also add them to their photos and videos. Moreover, this image format does not lose its quality during compression. Due to their high popularity, GIF converters are much needed.

If you have a WMV file and want to use it as a GIF, you can easily execute the conversion through GIF converters. You can find tons of GIF converters, but not every tool is reliable. For WMV to GIF conversion, we will provide the best GIF converters that you can utilize confidently.

In this article

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

In this following part, we will discuss the best 3 offline GIF converters through which you can easily convert your files from WMV to GIF comfortably.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $28.98/Monthly $68.98/Annual $98.98/Perpetual

Wondershare Filmora is a top-notch video editing tool comprising every basic and advanced feature that you would require. It offers smart templates that help beginners in designing their videos along with exceptional effects. Furthermore, people can utilize their royalty-free images and videos to add them to their videos for more dimensions.

Along with its extraordinary video editing features, people can also convert their videos files to numerous formats such as GIFs and other formats. Although the user interface of Filmora is extremely easy to handle, if you still find some difficulties, you can watch the tutorials from their platform to execute the editing process easier. By using this excellent platform, you can not only get rid of the flaws in your videos but can also convert them to GIF format conveniently.

filmora 11 editor


The “Instant Mode” of Filmora enables the users to design and create their videos with great proficiency without spending too much time.

It comprises animated effects that can add an artistic element to your videos.

It has an excellent function of a “Screen Recorder” that can effortlessly capture the on-screen activities of your computer.

You can easily synchronize the audio and soundtracks with the videos through its “Auto Synchronization” feature.


The free version of this platform comprises a watermark that can ruin the actual impression of the video.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $20.99/Monthly

This tool is an ultimate professional video editor that comprises the ability to transform videos into a high-end project. You can add various transitions to the videos and can portray interesting storytelling through them. You can easily upload the recorded video from either your smartphone or professional camera and can edit the footage in up to 8K high quality.

Furthermore, when people try to export their videos, this tool displays multiple options to convert the current video file into another. Thus, you can easily convert your video file WMV into GIF quickly with a single click. Other amazing features of this tool include Adobe Stock, through which you can import various audio files and can professionally embed them in your video.

adobe premiere pro interface


The “Auto-Reframe” feature allows the users to intelligently reframe their videos in 4K resolution flawlessly.

You can add subtitles to your videos through “Auto Transcriptions” quickly and can edit them further.

You can color fix the videos through its excellent filters, which can give an aesthetic impression.

The export settings of this tool can be customized, and you can easily share your videos to online platforms.


The user interface of Adobe Premiere Pro is a bit complicated, and non-professionals can find it difficult to use for the first time.

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $19.99/Monthly $69.99/Monthly

This trustworthy tool is widely used for converting video files to GIF format along with various intuitive features. It also functions as a video editor as it includes advanced options to edit multiple video file formats effortlessly. You can use their enhanced “Mask and Blend” option to combine numerous video clips smoothly and professionally. Also, you can replace dull and boring skies from your videos through its “Sky Replacement” feature.

Along with its powerful conversion feature, you can also remove unwanted objects or people from the videos flawlessly with a single click. For a high-quality audio experience, you can use its audio tools to remove unnecessary background noise to make the vocals sound refined. Hence, it works as a trustworthy tool that not only makes the videos appealing but also provides ease to its users.

Cyberlink powerdirector 365


This platform offers motion tracking through which you can precisely synchronize the elements in your video.

It has included various effects and filters ranging in diverse categories that can be used to change the perspective of the videos.

The user interface is well-defined and easy to use for beginners.

It offers fast rendering so that you can export the edited video in high quality.


This tool contains ads and has an expensive subscription plan.

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

If you want to conduct online conversion of files from WMV to GIF instantly, use any of the following mentioned tools.

1. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

This online tool provides an easy way to convert WMV to GIF in a well-protected environment. You can import your WMV file to this tool easily either from your device or can utilize the drag and drop option. Afterward, you can select the quality type and file size from the displayed options. The conversion process does not take long, and you can easily share the newly converted GIF across online platforms.

adobe creative cloud express


This tool is free to use and offers basic editing options to create unlimited GIFs.<

You can select the file size of the GIF file so that you can easily save it on your device without worrying about space usage.<

You can adjust the aspect ratio of your manually before the conversion process.<

Through its trim option, you can eradicate unwanted parts easily.<


It only offers premium features such as refine, cutout, and resize in the premium plan.<

2. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online platform that will assist you in converting video files such as WMV into GIFs conveniently. This tool supports and shows compatibility with more than 200 file formats which depict that you can convert from and to GIFs in the best environment. You just need to upload the video file to this platform, and with a single click, you can get a GIF of the best possible quality.

cloudconvert converter


You can simultaneously convert the videos files into GIFs through its batch processing option.

Apart from being an online tool, the software rendering integrated into this tool allows the users to get high-quality results after the conversion.

The data security in this tool is exceptional as this tool has a strict privacy policy for the users.

Apart from video and image files, you can also convert documents and audio files through this tool efficiently.


This online tool takes plenty amount of time to convert large-sized files.

3. Convertio

Convertio is another good example of an online GIF converter that supports tons of file formats. It has one of the easiest user interfaces among other online converters, as each function is well-displayed on its main interface. After uploading the video file on this online tool, you can easily select the output format, such as GIF, and within no time, you will get the desired result. This free tool also supports batch processing to offer an enhanced ecosystem to the users.

convertio online converter


Beginners can rely on this online platform as it offers security along with tons of supported formats.

For instant conversion of the files, this tool is ideal as it does not demand the users to create accounts for sign-ups.

It does not disturb the users with constant ads and functions as a stable tool.

You can access this online tool from any browser, and it can easily work for converting videos, documents, and images.


For converting large-sized videos, you need to buy its subscription plan.

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

There are plenty of GIF converters, but to enjoy the best user experience, explore Wondershare Filmora. As we mentioned earlier, this tool includes every basic to advanced feature for both video editing and conversion process. To convert WMV to GIF through Filmora, use the below steps:

Step 1: Import WMV File

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your desktop and click to use its interface. Tap on the “New Project” option that will display a new window on your screen. At the media tab, click on the arrow and import the WMV file from browsing through your computer.

create new filmora project

Step 2: Select GIF Format

Now drag the imported video to the timeline of this tool and tap on the “Export” button displayed on top. From the newly displayed window, select the “GIF” format from the left section.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Click to Export

Along with changing file format, you can also name the file and can set its file location. For more settings, you can adjust its resolution, bit rate, and frame rate displayed on the right side of the screen. Once done, click on the “Export” option.

export as gif


Create your GIFs by converting from the WMV files through powerful GIF converters. To convert WMV to GIF, we have recommended different tools along with their distinct features for your ease. However, to generate instant and best outputs, Wondershare Filmora comes on top as a powerful GIF converter. Through its advanced features, you can edit and create multiple GIFs within a well-defined platform.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs function as a series of images that seem like an audio-less video and are widely used across numerous platforms. People send GIFs to their friends while chatting and also add them to their photos and videos. Moreover, this image format does not lose its quality during compression. Due to their high popularity, GIF converters are much needed.

If you have a WMV file and want to use it as a GIF, you can easily execute the conversion through GIF converters. You can find tons of GIF converters, but not every tool is reliable. For WMV to GIF conversion, we will provide the best GIF converters that you can utilize confidently.

In this article

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

In this following part, we will discuss the best 3 offline GIF converters through which you can easily convert your files from WMV to GIF comfortably.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $28.98/Monthly $68.98/Annual $98.98/Perpetual

Wondershare Filmora is a top-notch video editing tool comprising every basic and advanced feature that you would require. It offers smart templates that help beginners in designing their videos along with exceptional effects. Furthermore, people can utilize their royalty-free images and videos to add them to their videos for more dimensions.

Along with its extraordinary video editing features, people can also convert their videos files to numerous formats such as GIFs and other formats. Although the user interface of Filmora is extremely easy to handle, if you still find some difficulties, you can watch the tutorials from their platform to execute the editing process easier. By using this excellent platform, you can not only get rid of the flaws in your videos but can also convert them to GIF format conveniently.

filmora 11 editor


The “Instant Mode” of Filmora enables the users to design and create their videos with great proficiency without spending too much time.

It comprises animated effects that can add an artistic element to your videos.

It has an excellent function of a “Screen Recorder” that can effortlessly capture the on-screen activities of your computer.

You can easily synchronize the audio and soundtracks with the videos through its “Auto Synchronization” feature.


The free version of this platform comprises a watermark that can ruin the actual impression of the video.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $20.99/Monthly

This tool is an ultimate professional video editor that comprises the ability to transform videos into a high-end project. You can add various transitions to the videos and can portray interesting storytelling through them. You can easily upload the recorded video from either your smartphone or professional camera and can edit the footage in up to 8K high quality.

Furthermore, when people try to export their videos, this tool displays multiple options to convert the current video file into another. Thus, you can easily convert your video file WMV into GIF quickly with a single click. Other amazing features of this tool include Adobe Stock, through which you can import various audio files and can professionally embed them in your video.

adobe premiere pro interface


The “Auto-Reframe” feature allows the users to intelligently reframe their videos in 4K resolution flawlessly.

You can add subtitles to your videos through “Auto Transcriptions” quickly and can edit them further.

You can color fix the videos through its excellent filters, which can give an aesthetic impression.

The export settings of this tool can be customized, and you can easily share your videos to online platforms.


The user interface of Adobe Premiere Pro is a bit complicated, and non-professionals can find it difficult to use for the first time.

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $19.99/Monthly $69.99/Monthly

This trustworthy tool is widely used for converting video files to GIF format along with various intuitive features. It also functions as a video editor as it includes advanced options to edit multiple video file formats effortlessly. You can use their enhanced “Mask and Blend” option to combine numerous video clips smoothly and professionally. Also, you can replace dull and boring skies from your videos through its “Sky Replacement” feature.

Along with its powerful conversion feature, you can also remove unwanted objects or people from the videos flawlessly with a single click. For a high-quality audio experience, you can use its audio tools to remove unnecessary background noise to make the vocals sound refined. Hence, it works as a trustworthy tool that not only makes the videos appealing but also provides ease to its users.

Cyberlink powerdirector 365


This platform offers motion tracking through which you can precisely synchronize the elements in your video.

It has included various effects and filters ranging in diverse categories that can be used to change the perspective of the videos.

The user interface is well-defined and easy to use for beginners.

It offers fast rendering so that you can export the edited video in high quality.


This tool contains ads and has an expensive subscription plan.

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

If you want to conduct online conversion of files from WMV to GIF instantly, use any of the following mentioned tools.

1. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

This online tool provides an easy way to convert WMV to GIF in a well-protected environment. You can import your WMV file to this tool easily either from your device or can utilize the drag and drop option. Afterward, you can select the quality type and file size from the displayed options. The conversion process does not take long, and you can easily share the newly converted GIF across online platforms.

adobe creative cloud express


This tool is free to use and offers basic editing options to create unlimited GIFs.<

You can select the file size of the GIF file so that you can easily save it on your device without worrying about space usage.<

You can adjust the aspect ratio of your manually before the conversion process.<

Through its trim option, you can eradicate unwanted parts easily.<


It only offers premium features such as refine, cutout, and resize in the premium plan.<

2. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online platform that will assist you in converting video files such as WMV into GIFs conveniently. This tool supports and shows compatibility with more than 200 file formats which depict that you can convert from and to GIFs in the best environment. You just need to upload the video file to this platform, and with a single click, you can get a GIF of the best possible quality.

cloudconvert converter


You can simultaneously convert the videos files into GIFs through its batch processing option.

Apart from being an online tool, the software rendering integrated into this tool allows the users to get high-quality results after the conversion.

The data security in this tool is exceptional as this tool has a strict privacy policy for the users.

Apart from video and image files, you can also convert documents and audio files through this tool efficiently.


This online tool takes plenty amount of time to convert large-sized files.

3. Convertio

Convertio is another good example of an online GIF converter that supports tons of file formats. It has one of the easiest user interfaces among other online converters, as each function is well-displayed on its main interface. After uploading the video file on this online tool, you can easily select the output format, such as GIF, and within no time, you will get the desired result. This free tool also supports batch processing to offer an enhanced ecosystem to the users.

convertio online converter


Beginners can rely on this online platform as it offers security along with tons of supported formats.

For instant conversion of the files, this tool is ideal as it does not demand the users to create accounts for sign-ups.

It does not disturb the users with constant ads and functions as a stable tool.

You can access this online tool from any browser, and it can easily work for converting videos, documents, and images.


For converting large-sized videos, you need to buy its subscription plan.

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

There are plenty of GIF converters, but to enjoy the best user experience, explore Wondershare Filmora. As we mentioned earlier, this tool includes every basic to advanced feature for both video editing and conversion process. To convert WMV to GIF through Filmora, use the below steps:

Step 1: Import WMV File

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your desktop and click to use its interface. Tap on the “New Project” option that will display a new window on your screen. At the media tab, click on the arrow and import the WMV file from browsing through your computer.

create new filmora project

Step 2: Select GIF Format

Now drag the imported video to the timeline of this tool and tap on the “Export” button displayed on top. From the newly displayed window, select the “GIF” format from the left section.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Click to Export

Along with changing file format, you can also name the file and can set its file location. For more settings, you can adjust its resolution, bit rate, and frame rate displayed on the right side of the screen. Once done, click on the “Export” option.

export as gif


Create your GIFs by converting from the WMV files through powerful GIF converters. To convert WMV to GIF, we have recommended different tools along with their distinct features for your ease. However, to generate instant and best outputs, Wondershare Filmora comes on top as a powerful GIF converter. Through its advanced features, you can edit and create multiple GIFs within a well-defined platform.

Try It Free Try It Free

Also read:

  • Title: Updated Gimp Green Screen for 2024
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 05:12:59
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 05:12:59
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/updated-gimp-green-screen-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated Gimp Green Screen for 2024