Updated How to Create and Add an Adjustment Layer in Final Cut Pro for 2024

Updated How to Create and Add an Adjustment Layer in Final Cut Pro for 2024

Morgan Lv12

How to Create and Add an Adjustment Layer in Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is an advanced editing software that is available for Mac users exclusively. Using this high-end software, you can create compelling storytelling in your video clips. It offers different features through which you can effortlessly add audio and motion graphics to your videos. You can also add cinematic effects to your videos using Final Cut Pro to modify their focus points.

You can also add adjustment layers in Final Cut Pro to efficiently add the effects in video clips. By reading this article, you will learn how to add an adjustment layer in Final Cut Pro.

final cut pro featured image

Part 1: What is Adjustment Layer in Final Cut Pro?

The adjustment layer in video editing can provide you with great ease as you can apply effects to multiple videos using this particular layer. Using the adjustment layer, you can apply effects and color grading to your video clips that come beneath this layer. So, apart from adding effects and executing color correction to individual clips, you can use an adjustment layer to generate quicker results.

After creating an adjustment layer in any video editor, you can easily cut and extend it like any other clip. You can also remove it anytime from your timeline with a single tap. In Final Cut Pro, you cannot insert adjustment layers in its timeline directly, like in Premiere Pro or After Effects.

To do so, you have to use third-party tools to create adjustment layers from scratch in Final Cut Pro. The process of creating an adjustment layer in Final Cut Pro is a little bit longer compared to other editors. To learn more about the adjustment layer in FCPX, continue reading this article.

final cut pro interface

Part 2: How to Add an Adjustment Layer in Final Cut Pro?

Are you eager to know how to add adjustment layers in Final Cut Pro? In this section, you can find simple instructions to generate an adjustment layer in Final Cut Pro without hassle.

Step1 First, click on this link to download the adjustment layer in your MacBook. Once done, copy your “Adjustment Layer” folder to the “User” folder. Afterward, move it to “Movies” and then “Motion Templates.” Once done, copy it to the “Titles” folder eventually.

add the adjustment layers folder

Step2 Now open Final Cut Pro and locate the “Adjustment Layer” under the “Titles” section. After locating it, drag and drop it into the timeline. This adjustment layer was created as a title layer in Apple Motion that got published in Final Cut Pro using the built-in publishing tools.

create the title layer

Step3 Once you have created the adjustment layer, you can apply any sort of effects to the video clips. However, you should make sure to place the adjustment layer above in the layers stack.

customize final cut pro adjustment layer

Bonus Tips – How to Use Adjustment Layers in the Best Alternative to FCPX?

If you want to use an alternative to Final Cut Pro for creating the adjustment layer, you can try Wondershare Filmora 12 . You can edit your videos in an advanced and secure environment using this tool. It supports all multiple platforms, such as Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. You can do color correction in your videos to manage the saturation, brightness, contrast, exposure, and other factors in Filmora.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Moreover, you can also create 3D animated titles in Filmora to give your project a unique look. It also provides a wide range of keyboard shortcut presets through which you can make your editing easier and faster. Apart from editing and modifying your videos, you can also increase their vibrancy by using Filmora effects. You can explore and select a diverse range of visual effects in Filmora to give a new dimension to your video clips.

Key Features of Filmora

  • Filmora offers cloud services that allow you to collaborate with your team members effectively. On its workspace cloud platform, you can share and review the edited video clips with your team members in a comfortable environment.
  • It offers a pen tool through which you can draw complex mask shapes, such as straight lines or curves around the objects.
  • Using the AI Smart Cutout feature, you can use advanced technology to select people or objects in the video effectively.
  • Are you annoyed by the background noises in your video clips? You can try the AI Denoise feature of Filmora that can help you to eradicate background noises from the video clips precisely.

How to Add an Adjustment Layer Using Filmora

To create and use the adjustment layer in Wondershare Filmora 12, you can proceed to the following steps:

Step1 Import the Video Clip

Launch Filmora and click on the “New Project” button. Afterward, upload the video file on the project media and then drag and drop it into the timeline.

create filmora 12 project

Step2 Add the Adjustment Layer

Now head to the “Media” section on the left side, where you can find the option of the “Adjustment Layer.” Next, drag and drop the adjustment layer into the timeline. You can double-click on it to change its settings effectively.

add the adjustment layer

Step3 Add Multiple Presets to Adjustment Layer

From the settings, you can change blending mode, rotation, position, and opacity easily. Moreover, you can add different presets to the adjustment layer for more modifications. You can use the color match tool to adjust the colors in your video clip. With this tool, you can also add a border across the video clips using the adjustment layer. Also, you can color code the adjustment layer to create a more attractive look in the video clip.

customize the adjustment layer


Adjustment layers can make your editing process easy and fast. If you want to pursue video editing as your profession, you should know how to use the adjustment layer in famous tools like Final Cut Pro. After reading this article, you have learned how to create an adjustment layer in Final Cut Pro without complications.

However, if you want a more compatible and easier-to-use tool to generate adjustment layers, you can try Wondershare Filmora. It’s a powerful video editor that you can use to perform professional editing using adjustment layers.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Moreover, you can also create 3D animated titles in Filmora to give your project a unique look. It also provides a wide range of keyboard shortcut presets through which you can make your editing easier and faster. Apart from editing and modifying your videos, you can also increase their vibrancy by using Filmora effects. You can explore and select a diverse range of visual effects in Filmora to give a new dimension to your video clips.

Key Features of Filmora

  • Filmora offers cloud services that allow you to collaborate with your team members effectively. On its workspace cloud platform, you can share and review the edited video clips with your team members in a comfortable environment.
  • It offers a pen tool through which you can draw complex mask shapes, such as straight lines or curves around the objects.
  • Using the AI Smart Cutout feature, you can use advanced technology to select people or objects in the video effectively.
  • Are you annoyed by the background noises in your video clips? You can try the AI Denoise feature of Filmora that can help you to eradicate background noises from the video clips precisely.

How to Add an Adjustment Layer Using Filmora

To create and use the adjustment layer in Wondershare Filmora 12, you can proceed to the following steps:

Step1 Import the Video Clip

Launch Filmora and click on the “New Project” button. Afterward, upload the video file on the project media and then drag and drop it into the timeline.

create filmora 12 project

Step2 Add the Adjustment Layer

Now head to the “Media” section on the left side, where you can find the option of the “Adjustment Layer.” Next, drag and drop the adjustment layer into the timeline. You can double-click on it to change its settings effectively.

add the adjustment layer

Step3 Add Multiple Presets to Adjustment Layer

From the settings, you can change blending mode, rotation, position, and opacity easily. Moreover, you can add different presets to the adjustment layer for more modifications. You can use the color match tool to adjust the colors in your video clip. With this tool, you can also add a border across the video clips using the adjustment layer. Also, you can color code the adjustment layer to create a more attractive look in the video clip.

customize the adjustment layer


Adjustment layers can make your editing process easy and fast. If you want to pursue video editing as your profession, you should know how to use the adjustment layer in famous tools like Final Cut Pro. After reading this article, you have learned how to create an adjustment layer in Final Cut Pro without complications.

However, if you want a more compatible and easier-to-use tool to generate adjustment layers, you can try Wondershare Filmora. It’s a powerful video editor that you can use to perform professional editing using adjustment layers.

If You’re Not Using Video yet, Now Is the Time to Start. In This Post, We’ll Discuss the Benefits of Using Video for Social Media Marketing and Provide Tips for Getting Started. Keep Reading to Learn More

When it comes to social media marketing, video is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Videos can be used to create engaging content that draws in new followers, and they can also be used to promote your products or services. In fact, videos are so effective that nearly 90% of businesses now use them as part of their social media marketing strategy. So, if you’re not using video yet, now is the time to start. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of using video for social media marketing and provide tips for getting started. Keep reading to learn more!

1. More Engaging Than Text or Images

When you’re scrolling through your feed, what’s more, likely to stop you in your tracks: a picture or a video? For most people, the answer is video. In general, video is more engaging than image because it captures our attention more effectively and holds it for longer. Studies have shown that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than text, and that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, as opposed to 10% when they read it in text. Furthermore, video is more likely to evoke an emotional response than an image. We can’t help but be drawn in by the movement, sound, and facial expressions of the people in the video, which makes us more likely to feel connected to them. So next time you’re trying to capture someone’s attention, think about using video instead of a still image.

Video Format

Video Format

2. Build a Relationship with Audience

Video can help you build a relationship with your audience on social media. That’s because people like to watch videos. They’re fun and interesting. You can show people what you’re doing and what’s going on in your life. And people can leave comments and talk to you on the video. The more you interact with your audience, the more they’ll like you.

Plus, video is a great way to show off your products or services. You can give people a tour of your store or office. Or show them how to use your product. If you have a new product, you can create a video to show it off. People are more likely to buy a product if they can see it in action.

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

3. Promote Your Brand or Product

Video allows you to show, rather than just tell, potential customers what your brand is all about. You can give them a behind-the-scenes look at your company, or showcase your products in action. And because people are more likely to watch a video than read an article or blog post, you’re more likely to reach a wider audience with your message.

Creating a video doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. You can use your smartphone or a simple video camera to get started. And there are plenty of free or low-cost video editing software programs available if you want to get fancier with your finished product.

If you’re not sure where to start, try creating a short video that introduces your brand and tells viewers what they can expect from your products or services. Then post it on your website and social media channels and see how it goes! You might be surprised at how well it performs.

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

4. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Website traffic refers to the number of visitors who visit a website. This can be measured in a number of ways, including the number of unique visitors, the number of page views, and the amount of time spent on the site.

If you’re looking for a way to give your website a boost, you may want to consider using videos. By posting engaging videos on social media sites, you can drive traffic to your site and increase your visibility. And, with more people visiting your site, you’ll have a better chance of converting visitors into customers. Of course, creating videos can be time-consuming and requires some level of creative talent. But it’s worth the effort if you’re looking for a way to improve your web traffic.

So, if you’re ready to take your social media marketing to the next level, why not give video a try?

Videos Help Drive Traffic

Videos Help Drive Traffic

5. Increase Your Social Media Reach

Social media reach is the number of people who see your content. It’s the potential audience for your message. The more people who see it, the more likely it is that someone will engage with it. The size of your reach depends on the platform you’re using and how many followers you have. Some platforms, like Facebook, make it easy to reach a large audience.

The best way to increase your reach is to create compelling video content that people want to share. Videos are highly shareable, and if they are well-made and engaging, they can quickly attract a large audience. In addition, videos are a great way to build brand awareness and show potential customers what your business is all about. By including videos in your social media marketing strategy, you can reach a wider audience and create more opportunities for customer engagement.

Videos Help Increase Social Media Reach

Videos Help Drive Traffic

6. Boost your SEO

SEO is an acronym that stands for “search engine optimization.” It is a process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher a website or web page appears in the SERPs, the more likely it is to be clicked by users.

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a good chunk of your day scrolling through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And when you’re not scrolling through your feed, you’re probably watching videos. Whether it’s a funny cat video or a cooking tutorial, chances are you’ve watched a video online in the past 24 hours. What you may not realize is that videos can also be used to boost your SEO.

That’s right - by creating and posting engaging videos, you can attract more visitors to your website and improve your search engine ranking. Here’s how it works: when people watch your videos and share them with their friends, they are effectively giving your website a “vote” of approval. This helps to improve your visibility on search engines and attracts more visitors to your site. In addition, videos help to keep people on your website for longer periods of time, which is also a positive signal to search engines. So if you’re looking for a new way to improve your SEO, consider adding videos to your website. You might just be surprised at the results.

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Wrap Up

  • Now that you know the importance of using video for your social media marketing, it’s time to start planning your next campaign.
  • Keep in mind the different ways you can use video to engage with your audience and think about what kind of content will resonate best with them.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new – after all, that’s how we learn and grow. What are some ideas you have for using video in your social media marketing? We want to hear from you! Comment down below and let us know.

Videos Conclusion

Videos Conclusion

When it comes to social media marketing, video is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Videos can be used to create engaging content that draws in new followers, and they can also be used to promote your products or services. In fact, videos are so effective that nearly 90% of businesses now use them as part of their social media marketing strategy. So, if you’re not using video yet, now is the time to start. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of using video for social media marketing and provide tips for getting started. Keep reading to learn more!

1. More Engaging Than Text or Images

When you’re scrolling through your feed, what’s more, likely to stop you in your tracks: a picture or a video? For most people, the answer is video. In general, video is more engaging than image because it captures our attention more effectively and holds it for longer. Studies have shown that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than text, and that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, as opposed to 10% when they read it in text. Furthermore, video is more likely to evoke an emotional response than an image. We can’t help but be drawn in by the movement, sound, and facial expressions of the people in the video, which makes us more likely to feel connected to them. So next time you’re trying to capture someone’s attention, think about using video instead of a still image.

Video Format

Video Format

2. Build a Relationship with Audience

Video can help you build a relationship with your audience on social media. That’s because people like to watch videos. They’re fun and interesting. You can show people what you’re doing and what’s going on in your life. And people can leave comments and talk to you on the video. The more you interact with your audience, the more they’ll like you.

Plus, video is a great way to show off your products or services. You can give people a tour of your store or office. Or show them how to use your product. If you have a new product, you can create a video to show it off. People are more likely to buy a product if they can see it in action.

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

3. Promote Your Brand or Product

Video allows you to show, rather than just tell, potential customers what your brand is all about. You can give them a behind-the-scenes look at your company, or showcase your products in action. And because people are more likely to watch a video than read an article or blog post, you’re more likely to reach a wider audience with your message.

Creating a video doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. You can use your smartphone or a simple video camera to get started. And there are plenty of free or low-cost video editing software programs available if you want to get fancier with your finished product.

If you’re not sure where to start, try creating a short video that introduces your brand and tells viewers what they can expect from your products or services. Then post it on your website and social media channels and see how it goes! You might be surprised at how well it performs.

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

4. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Website traffic refers to the number of visitors who visit a website. This can be measured in a number of ways, including the number of unique visitors, the number of page views, and the amount of time spent on the site.

If you’re looking for a way to give your website a boost, you may want to consider using videos. By posting engaging videos on social media sites, you can drive traffic to your site and increase your visibility. And, with more people visiting your site, you’ll have a better chance of converting visitors into customers. Of course, creating videos can be time-consuming and requires some level of creative talent. But it’s worth the effort if you’re looking for a way to improve your web traffic.

So, if you’re ready to take your social media marketing to the next level, why not give video a try?

Videos Help Drive Traffic

Videos Help Drive Traffic

5. Increase Your Social Media Reach

Social media reach is the number of people who see your content. It’s the potential audience for your message. The more people who see it, the more likely it is that someone will engage with it. The size of your reach depends on the platform you’re using and how many followers you have. Some platforms, like Facebook, make it easy to reach a large audience.

The best way to increase your reach is to create compelling video content that people want to share. Videos are highly shareable, and if they are well-made and engaging, they can quickly attract a large audience. In addition, videos are a great way to build brand awareness and show potential customers what your business is all about. By including videos in your social media marketing strategy, you can reach a wider audience and create more opportunities for customer engagement.

Videos Help Increase Social Media Reach

Videos Help Drive Traffic

6. Boost your SEO

SEO is an acronym that stands for “search engine optimization.” It is a process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher a website or web page appears in the SERPs, the more likely it is to be clicked by users.

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a good chunk of your day scrolling through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And when you’re not scrolling through your feed, you’re probably watching videos. Whether it’s a funny cat video or a cooking tutorial, chances are you’ve watched a video online in the past 24 hours. What you may not realize is that videos can also be used to boost your SEO.

That’s right - by creating and posting engaging videos, you can attract more visitors to your website and improve your search engine ranking. Here’s how it works: when people watch your videos and share them with their friends, they are effectively giving your website a “vote” of approval. This helps to improve your visibility on search engines and attracts more visitors to your site. In addition, videos help to keep people on your website for longer periods of time, which is also a positive signal to search engines. So if you’re looking for a new way to improve your SEO, consider adding videos to your website. You might just be surprised at the results.

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Wrap Up

  • Now that you know the importance of using video for your social media marketing, it’s time to start planning your next campaign.
  • Keep in mind the different ways you can use video to engage with your audience and think about what kind of content will resonate best with them.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new – after all, that’s how we learn and grow. What are some ideas you have for using video in your social media marketing? We want to hear from you! Comment down below and let us know.

Videos Conclusion

Videos Conclusion

Video Editing is an art form dependent on various elements and factors that are part of your video; this means people, items, or objects in the background can often make or break the viewing experience.

Can you imagine having shot a scene with impeccable attention to detail, but a small uncontrollable action leaves a portion of an unwanted cable or equipment in the frame? Bummer, right? But luckily, due to the power of video editing software, it is not hard to deal with such problems.

A way to work with such clips is to use the crop function while editing, as it can help emphasize or detract attention from a particular part of any video project.

Author’s Note: While filming, try to capture footage in the highest resolution allowed by the available camera hardware; this will give you more room to play with while using the crop function.

To preface, CyberLink PowerDirector is a free video editing tool capable of accomplishing this and providing a professional touch to your video projects. And like other competing software, the program not only allows you to crop into clips but also uses keyframes to modify aspects like panning and zoom. So to help you perform this action, in this article, we list the steps you will need for cropping into video clips with PowerDirector. As an added bonus, we have also included the method to perform the same actions in WonderShare Filmora.

Note: We documented the steps in this guide with PowerDirector 365 and WonderShare Filmora X.

The idea of cropping into clips has always been an easy action to perform; once you have PowerDirector 365 open, follow the steps listed below.

If you do not already have CyberLink PowerDirector 365, download the software by visiting Cyberlink’s official website.

Step 1: Create a new video project in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 by choosing Full Mode.


Note: Full Mode in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 provides access to a full-featured video editing tool, similar to Wondershare Filmora. The other available options cater to distinct video types.

Step 2: Import media onto the Timeline from the Media Library; in this guide, we have gone ahead and used the pre-existing stock footage.


Step 3: Now, click on the video file on the Timeline; this will activate the video toolbar giving you access to the various controls built into PowerDirector 365. Hover over the tools open, following which you need to click on the Crop, Zoom, and Pan option.


Step 4: Pick either corner of the frame visible around the video and set the area you want the clip to focus upon; following this, click Save.


This action will crop the video clip according to your desired size.


The activation of Keyframes while cropping will allow you to create an effect that slowly zooms into the footage. To do this, set Keyframe Point 1 at a specific time (say the fifth second) and at one zoom level (say zero) and create Keyframe Point 2 at another time (fifteenth second) and a different zoom level (say fifty). So, between the fifth second and fifteenth second, the zoom will steadily increase and raise emphasis on an object. You can also add an element of position to this action if you want the focus to be on something not in the center of the screen.

Definition: Keyframes while Video Editing is a software-based feature that allows you to set In and Out Points, giving clips between the two positions different properties that change as the playhead continues to move. These properties can be increased zoom, rotation, different colors, or even a gradual pan.

We recommend experimenting with this feature if you want to bring a more dynamic feeling to your video project.

An Easier Way to Crop Video with Wondershare Filmora

While Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 is a powerful video editing tool, in our experience, its menus are not as simple to navigate as some of the other competing video editing tools available, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor included.

An emphasis on quick accessibility is present with Filmora, and we believe this is a huge plus for beginning creators. The use of iconography resemblant to mobile software is another aspect that helps increase familiarity.

If you do not already have Wondershare Filmora, you can download the software by visiting the official website.

Now, to help you learn how to use the Crop Tool and to show you an example of what we mean, here is how you can use the feature Wondershare Filmora to get the desired output.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have the software open, follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Import the Media File into your Video Project.


Step 2: Drag the clip onto the Timeline and then select it to activate further interactions.


Step 3: Choose the Crop Options (marked in Red) to open the Crop window.


Step 4: Pick any edge within the visible box and resize them to select the portion you want to keep in the clip.


Having read this bit of the guide, we believe you may have noticed how Filmora is more convenient due to the easier access it provides to the crop function.

The Bottom Line

So, at the end of the day, both software listed in this article are fully functional and highly-capable video editing tools, but saving time spent in front of the computer is a huge factor for any video editor.

And Wondershare Filmora does just that with its modern iconography and increased accessibility. With its thoughtful, less-frills approach, Filmora is the one to pick if you do not want to be bogged down by needless menus and have to hunt for actions that will help you create a video that you would want to watch yourself.

Note: Full Mode in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 provides access to a full-featured video editing tool, similar to Wondershare Filmora. The other available options cater to distinct video types.

Step 2: Import media onto the Timeline from the Media Library; in this guide, we have gone ahead and used the pre-existing stock footage.


Step 3: Now, click on the video file on the Timeline; this will activate the video toolbar giving you access to the various controls built into PowerDirector 365. Hover over the tools open, following which you need to click on the Crop, Zoom, and Pan option.


Step 4: Pick either corner of the frame visible around the video and set the area you want the clip to focus upon; following this, click Save.


This action will crop the video clip according to your desired size.


The activation of Keyframes while cropping will allow you to create an effect that slowly zooms into the footage. To do this, set Keyframe Point 1 at a specific time (say the fifth second) and at one zoom level (say zero) and create Keyframe Point 2 at another time (fifteenth second) and a different zoom level (say fifty). So, between the fifth second and fifteenth second, the zoom will steadily increase and raise emphasis on an object. You can also add an element of position to this action if you want the focus to be on something not in the center of the screen.

Definition: Keyframes while Video Editing is a software-based feature that allows you to set In and Out Points, giving clips between the two positions different properties that change as the playhead continues to move. These properties can be increased zoom, rotation, different colors, or even a gradual pan.

We recommend experimenting with this feature if you want to bring a more dynamic feeling to your video project.

An Easier Way to Crop Video with Wondershare Filmora

While Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 is a powerful video editing tool, in our experience, its menus are not as simple to navigate as some of the other competing video editing tools available, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor included.

An emphasis on quick accessibility is present with Filmora, and we believe this is a huge plus for beginning creators. The use of iconography resemblant to mobile software is another aspect that helps increase familiarity.

If you do not already have Wondershare Filmora, you can download the software by visiting the official website.

Now, to help you learn how to use the Crop Tool and to show you an example of what we mean, here is how you can use the feature Wondershare Filmora to get the desired output.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have the software open, follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Import the Media File into your Video Project.


Step 2: Drag the clip onto the Timeline and then select it to activate further interactions.


Step 3: Choose the Crop Options (marked in Red) to open the Crop window.


Step 4: Pick any edge within the visible box and resize them to select the portion you want to keep in the clip.


Having read this bit of the guide, we believe you may have noticed how Filmora is more convenient due to the easier access it provides to the crop function.

The Bottom Line

So, at the end of the day, both software listed in this article are fully functional and highly-capable video editing tools, but saving time spent in front of the computer is a huge factor for any video editor.

And Wondershare Filmora does just that with its modern iconography and increased accessibility. With its thoughtful, less-frills approach, Filmora is the one to pick if you do not want to be bogged down by needless menus and have to hunt for actions that will help you create a video that you would want to watch yourself.

Note: Full Mode in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 provides access to a full-featured video editing tool, similar to Wondershare Filmora. The other available options cater to distinct video types.

Step 2: Import media onto the Timeline from the Media Library; in this guide, we have gone ahead and used the pre-existing stock footage.


Step 3: Now, click on the video file on the Timeline; this will activate the video toolbar giving you access to the various controls built into PowerDirector 365. Hover over the tools open, following which you need to click on the Crop, Zoom, and Pan option.


Step 4: Pick either corner of the frame visible around the video and set the area you want the clip to focus upon; following this, click Save.


This action will crop the video clip according to your desired size.


The activation of Keyframes while cropping will allow you to create an effect that slowly zooms into the footage. To do this, set Keyframe Point 1 at a specific time (say the fifth second) and at one zoom level (say zero) and create Keyframe Point 2 at another time (fifteenth second) and a different zoom level (say fifty). So, between the fifth second and fifteenth second, the zoom will steadily increase and raise emphasis on an object. You can also add an element of position to this action if you want the focus to be on something not in the center of the screen.

Definition: Keyframes while Video Editing is a software-based feature that allows you to set In and Out Points, giving clips between the two positions different properties that change as the playhead continues to move. These properties can be increased zoom, rotation, different colors, or even a gradual pan.

We recommend experimenting with this feature if you want to bring a more dynamic feeling to your video project.

An Easier Way to Crop Video with Wondershare Filmora

While Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 is a powerful video editing tool, in our experience, its menus are not as simple to navigate as some of the other competing video editing tools available, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor included.

An emphasis on quick accessibility is present with Filmora, and we believe this is a huge plus for beginning creators. The use of iconography resemblant to mobile software is another aspect that helps increase familiarity.

If you do not already have Wondershare Filmora, you can download the software by visiting the official website.

Now, to help you learn how to use the Crop Tool and to show you an example of what we mean, here is how you can use the feature Wondershare Filmora to get the desired output.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have the software open, follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Import the Media File into your Video Project.


Step 2: Drag the clip onto the Timeline and then select it to activate further interactions.


Step 3: Choose the Crop Options (marked in Red) to open the Crop window.


Step 4: Pick any edge within the visible box and resize them to select the portion you want to keep in the clip.


Having read this bit of the guide, we believe you may have noticed how Filmora is more convenient due to the easier access it provides to the crop function.

The Bottom Line

So, at the end of the day, both software listed in this article are fully functional and highly-capable video editing tools, but saving time spent in front of the computer is a huge factor for any video editor.

And Wondershare Filmora does just that with its modern iconography and increased accessibility. With its thoughtful, less-frills approach, Filmora is the one to pick if you do not want to be bogged down by needless menus and have to hunt for actions that will help you create a video that you would want to watch yourself.

Note: Full Mode in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 provides access to a full-featured video editing tool, similar to Wondershare Filmora. The other available options cater to distinct video types.

Step 2: Import media onto the Timeline from the Media Library; in this guide, we have gone ahead and used the pre-existing stock footage.


Step 3: Now, click on the video file on the Timeline; this will activate the video toolbar giving you access to the various controls built into PowerDirector 365. Hover over the tools open, following which you need to click on the Crop, Zoom, and Pan option.


Step 4: Pick either corner of the frame visible around the video and set the area you want the clip to focus upon; following this, click Save.


This action will crop the video clip according to your desired size.


The activation of Keyframes while cropping will allow you to create an effect that slowly zooms into the footage. To do this, set Keyframe Point 1 at a specific time (say the fifth second) and at one zoom level (say zero) and create Keyframe Point 2 at another time (fifteenth second) and a different zoom level (say fifty). So, between the fifth second and fifteenth second, the zoom will steadily increase and raise emphasis on an object. You can also add an element of position to this action if you want the focus to be on something not in the center of the screen.

Definition: Keyframes while Video Editing is a software-based feature that allows you to set In and Out Points, giving clips between the two positions different properties that change as the playhead continues to move. These properties can be increased zoom, rotation, different colors, or even a gradual pan.

We recommend experimenting with this feature if you want to bring a more dynamic feeling to your video project.

An Easier Way to Crop Video with Wondershare Filmora

While Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 is a powerful video editing tool, in our experience, its menus are not as simple to navigate as some of the other competing video editing tools available, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor included.

An emphasis on quick accessibility is present with Filmora, and we believe this is a huge plus for beginning creators. The use of iconography resemblant to mobile software is another aspect that helps increase familiarity.

If you do not already have Wondershare Filmora, you can download the software by visiting the official website.

Now, to help you learn how to use the Crop Tool and to show you an example of what we mean, here is how you can use the feature Wondershare Filmora to get the desired output.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have the software open, follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Import the Media File into your Video Project.


Step 2: Drag the clip onto the Timeline and then select it to activate further interactions.


Step 3: Choose the Crop Options (marked in Red) to open the Crop window.


Step 4: Pick any edge within the visible box and resize them to select the portion you want to keep in the clip.


Having read this bit of the guide, we believe you may have noticed how Filmora is more convenient due to the easier access it provides to the crop function.

The Bottom Line

So, at the end of the day, both software listed in this article are fully functional and highly-capable video editing tools, but saving time spent in front of the computer is a huge factor for any video editor.

And Wondershare Filmora does just that with its modern iconography and increased accessibility. With its thoughtful, less-frills approach, Filmora is the one to pick if you do not want to be bogged down by needless menus and have to hunt for actions that will help you create a video that you would want to watch yourself.

Best LUTs for Vlog: A 2024 Overview

Color grading and color correction are essential tools in post-production videos and photos. Many tools can be used for this purpose, such as LUTs. LUTs, or Look Up Tables, are among the most popular color grading and correction tools. It can help to apply a specific color grade or look at your videos and photos.

However, you can choose from different LUT styles if you are a vlogger or a traveler. There are many LUTs vlog options available to choose from, each with a unique look and feel. This article will provide you with different vlog LUTs options that you can try.

Part 1: How Can LUTs Help in Vlogging?

If you want to make your vlogs look more professional, try using LUTs. These tables can help you correct the color of your footage easily and quickly while you’re on the go. You can use LUTs for vlogs to fix issues like your clips’ white balance and exposure. Furthermore, many other uses of LUTs for vlogging are discussed below.


Consistency is the key when it comes to vlogging. You want your vlog to have a consistent look and feel thorough. With LUTs, you can ensure that the color grading of all your clips is the same. It gives your vlog a cohesive look and makes it stand out from others in the same genre.

Creative Look

Vlog LUTs also allow you to add a unique and creative look to your vlogs. You can set the mood of your vlog by adjusting the colors and tones to match the overall tone of your content. It helps you create a recognizable brand and establish your unique style.


If you’re short on time, LUTs can help you vlog more efficiently. They save time, allowing you to focus on the storytelling aspect of your vlog. LUTs can also help you to edit your videos and publish them online quickly. It lets you stay on top of trends and maintain an active presence on social media.

Lighting Correction

Sometimes, capturing footage under mixed lighting conditions can be challenging. LUTs can help you to correct this and create a cohesive look for your vlog. You can even use LUTs on mobile editing apps to quickly edit your vlogs to publish them on the go.

Part 2: Best LUTs for Vlog to Use in 2024 Editing

Besides benefits and uses, the real part is to choose the best LUTs for vlogging. With so many LUTs vlog options, choosing a good one takes time and effort. Here are some of the best LUTs that you can use for vlogs.

1. Artist Found LUTs Collection

Are you a vlogger looking for a LUT that can help enhance the colors and brightness of your videos? The Artist Found LUTs Collection is a great option. This LUT is perfect for giving your vlogs a professional look that will capture the attention of your viewers. Furthermore, you can make your videos brighter and more vibrant with this LUTs pack.

artist found luts

2. B&W

B&W is the best LUT for vlog that can be a great addition to your vlogging toolkit. This LUT allows you to transform your videos into black and white. It gives your vlogs and videos a more serious and dramatic look. You can add a touch of nostalgia and a vintage feel to your videos, giving them an artistic feel. With B&W, you can create a timeless and classic look for your vlogs, making them more memorable and impactful.

 b&w luts

3. Travel Video LUTs by Matteo Martignago

If you’re looking for a LUT to use in your travel vlogs, consider the Travel Video LUTs by Matteo Martignago. In this LUT pack, you’ll find five different LUTs, each with its unique look and feel. Moreover, this pack has warm and cold LUTs, giving you multiple options. The warm LUTs give your videos a cozy feel, while the cold LUTs can create a sense of adventure and excitement.

travel video luts


Bright Insta LUTs is the suitable LUT vlog pack for you if you’re a makeup or fashion vlogger. This LUT pack gives your makeup or fashion vlogs a bright and vibrant look. With 20 different LUTs, for instance, you can experiment with various color palettes and find the perfect look for your videos. These LUTs can help you achieve a bright, vibrant, and exposed feel for better fashion and makeup vlogs.

bright insta luts

5. Kurt Von Studios Retro Film LUTs

Kurt Von Studios Retro Film LUTs is a great tool for outdoor vloggers who want to add a vintage feel to their videos. It creates a cinematic look with earthy tones and rusty textures that give your content an authentic vintage feel. With this LUT, you can achieve a retro-style feel, adding character to your vlogs and making them more visually appealing.

kurt von studios film luts

6. Limit Color

Give your indoor vlogs and podcasts more feel by using Limit Color. This vlog LUT adds an artistic touch to your footage by limiting the color and light in your videos. It creates darker shadows and underexposed colors by focusing on the subject. Similarly, it helps to create a dramatic look that adds emotion to your vlogs and podcasts.

limit color luts

Part 3: How Has Wondershare Filmora Changed the Dynamics of LUTs in Video Editing?

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent video editing software option if you’re a vlogger. The most important element in vlogging is its lighting and color composition. With its latest update, you can use different LUTs to enhance your vlogs. Filmora provides over 200+ LUTs, including many free vlog LUTs, to help you achieve your videos’ desired look and feel.

Apart from LUTs, you can also make color adjustments and corrections to your vlogs. Moreover, you can adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue to create a perfect vlog. If you’re a travel vlogger, you can make certain adjustments to give your vlogs an earthy and warm feel. You can also use different in-built filters and effects to create the perfect ambiance for your travel vlogs.

 wondershare filmora luts

Key Features

  • With this powerful AI video editing tool, you can use its motion tracking feature. This feature tracks the subject in motion so that you can add creative effects to your videos.
  • Wondershare Filmora has over 1000 video templates available. You can choose any desired template that suits the style and mood of your vlog.
  • This tool provides you with more control with its speed ramping feature. Using this feature, you can increase or decrease the speed of your videos at any point.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

Wondershare Filmora 12


To sum up, LUTs are not an option but more of becoming a necessity, especially for vloggers. LUTs not only color-grade your videos but also add depth and perspective to your videos. Your content looks more engaging and interactive with the correct colors and lighting. However, you can use the best LUTs for vlogs even in the Wondershare Filmora tool. This tool lets you create and edit creative vlogs in no time.

Part 1: How Can LUTs Help in Vlogging?

If you want to make your vlogs look more professional, try using LUTs. These tables can help you correct the color of your footage easily and quickly while you’re on the go. You can use LUTs for vlogs to fix issues like your clips’ white balance and exposure. Furthermore, many other uses of LUTs for vlogging are discussed below.


Consistency is the key when it comes to vlogging. You want your vlog to have a consistent look and feel thorough. With LUTs, you can ensure that the color grading of all your clips is the same. It gives your vlog a cohesive look and makes it stand out from others in the same genre.

Creative Look

Vlog LUTs also allow you to add a unique and creative look to your vlogs. You can set the mood of your vlog by adjusting the colors and tones to match the overall tone of your content. It helps you create a recognizable brand and establish your unique style.


If you’re short on time, LUTs can help you vlog more efficiently. They save time, allowing you to focus on the storytelling aspect of your vlog. LUTs can also help you to edit your videos and publish them online quickly. It lets you stay on top of trends and maintain an active presence on social media.

Lighting Correction

Sometimes, capturing footage under mixed lighting conditions can be challenging. LUTs can help you to correct this and create a cohesive look for your vlog. You can even use LUTs on mobile editing apps to quickly edit your vlogs to publish them on the go.

Part 2: Best LUTs for Vlog to Use in 2024 Editing

Besides benefits and uses, the real part is to choose the best LUTs for vlogging. With so many LUTs vlog options, choosing a good one takes time and effort. Here are some of the best LUTs that you can use for vlogs.

1. Artist Found LUTs Collection

Are you a vlogger looking for a LUT that can help enhance the colors and brightness of your videos? The Artist Found LUTs Collection is a great option. This LUT is perfect for giving your vlogs a professional look that will capture the attention of your viewers. Furthermore, you can make your videos brighter and more vibrant with this LUTs pack.

artist found luts

2. B&W

B&W is the best LUT for vlog that can be a great addition to your vlogging toolkit. This LUT allows you to transform your videos into black and white. It gives your vlogs and videos a more serious and dramatic look. You can add a touch of nostalgia and a vintage feel to your videos, giving them an artistic feel. With B&W, you can create a timeless and classic look for your vlogs, making them more memorable and impactful.

 b&w luts

3. Travel Video LUTs by Matteo Martignago

If you’re looking for a LUT to use in your travel vlogs, consider the Travel Video LUTs by Matteo Martignago. In this LUT pack, you’ll find five different LUTs, each with its unique look and feel. Moreover, this pack has warm and cold LUTs, giving you multiple options. The warm LUTs give your videos a cozy feel, while the cold LUTs can create a sense of adventure and excitement.

travel video luts


Bright Insta LUTs is the suitable LUT vlog pack for you if you’re a makeup or fashion vlogger. This LUT pack gives your makeup or fashion vlogs a bright and vibrant look. With 20 different LUTs, for instance, you can experiment with various color palettes and find the perfect look for your videos. These LUTs can help you achieve a bright, vibrant, and exposed feel for better fashion and makeup vlogs.

bright insta luts

5. Kurt Von Studios Retro Film LUTs

Kurt Von Studios Retro Film LUTs is a great tool for outdoor vloggers who want to add a vintage feel to their videos. It creates a cinematic look with earthy tones and rusty textures that give your content an authentic vintage feel. With this LUT, you can achieve a retro-style feel, adding character to your vlogs and making them more visually appealing.

kurt von studios film luts

6. Limit Color

Give your indoor vlogs and podcasts more feel by using Limit Color. This vlog LUT adds an artistic touch to your footage by limiting the color and light in your videos. It creates darker shadows and underexposed colors by focusing on the subject. Similarly, it helps to create a dramatic look that adds emotion to your vlogs and podcasts.

limit color luts

Part 3: How Has Wondershare Filmora Changed the Dynamics of LUTs in Video Editing?

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent video editing software option if you’re a vlogger. The most important element in vlogging is its lighting and color composition. With its latest update, you can use different LUTs to enhance your vlogs. Filmora provides over 200+ LUTs, including many free vlog LUTs, to help you achieve your videos’ desired look and feel.

Apart from LUTs, you can also make color adjustments and corrections to your vlogs. Moreover, you can adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue to create a perfect vlog. If you’re a travel vlogger, you can make certain adjustments to give your vlogs an earthy and warm feel. You can also use different in-built filters and effects to create the perfect ambiance for your travel vlogs.

 wondershare filmora luts

Key Features

  • With this powerful AI video editing tool, you can use its motion tracking feature. This feature tracks the subject in motion so that you can add creative effects to your videos.
  • Wondershare Filmora has over 1000 video templates available. You can choose any desired template that suits the style and mood of your vlog.
  • This tool provides you with more control with its speed ramping feature. Using this feature, you can increase or decrease the speed of your videos at any point.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

Wondershare Filmora 12


To sum up, LUTs are not an option but more of becoming a necessity, especially for vloggers. LUTs not only color-grade your videos but also add depth and perspective to your videos. Your content looks more engaging and interactive with the correct colors and lighting. However, you can use the best LUTs for vlogs even in the Wondershare Filmora tool. This tool lets you create and edit creative vlogs in no time.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated How to Create and Add an Adjustment Layer in Final Cut Pro for 2024
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 01:02:24
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 01:02:24
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/updated-how-to-create-and-add-an-adjustment-layer-in-final-cut-pro-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated How to Create and Add an Adjustment Layer in Final Cut Pro for 2024