Updated In 2024, In This Article We Will Be Covering the Most Important Topics You Have to Remember when Becoming a Successful YouTube-Star

Updated In 2024, In This Article We Will Be Covering the Most Important Topics You Have to Remember when Becoming a Successful YouTube-Star

Morgan Lv12

In This Article We Will Be Covering the Most Important Topics You Have to Remember when Becoming a Successful YouTube-Star

Over the last few years, YouTube has gone from being a small video website containing funny videos, to the world’s second-largest search engine. YouTube currently boasts more than 2 billion video views per week. It can also provide a low-cost to no-cost solution to making a social marketing channel for your hobby or business. Most of the time, success is not achieved overnight.

Creating a YouTube channel that will be successful takes a lot of time, effort, planning, and work to kickstart it from zero. In this article, we will be covering the most important topics you have to remember when becoming a successful YouTube star.

  1. Watch Time
  2. Average view duration
  3. Audience Retention
  • Promotion and Marketing
  1. YouTube’s Community Tab
  2. Social Media Advertisements

With that said, let’s get into it!

Successful YouTuber

Successful YouTuber

1. Understand ‘Success’ Means

YouTube’s success is based on the premise that all visitors need the same thing. Search, find, and leave as fast as possible. Kind of like a store. But YouTube visitors have much more diverse needs than you might think. Some come to watch short clips of cats doing silly things, others to view TV shows or how to learn an instrument, cooking, maintain a car, and so much more.

The way your success is measured is by the number of viewers you get onto your channel. No matter what kind of content you upload, whether it’s about music, education, when you turn viewers into subscribers, dedicated fans, and supporters, that is how you can measure your success and how you can get as many new people through the door and make them stick around because they love what you do and what value you are to them. We are going more in-depth in the other stages of this article about analytics and measurements.

Understanding What 'Success' Means

Understand What ‘Success’ Means

2. Create Your Plan

When it comes to building a successful YouTube channel, consistency is super important. You are more likely to gain success if you have a well-thought-out plan and a strategy for uploading content. Instead of uploading once per month, try once per week if your time schedule allows it so your new viewers know when to expect a new video. Planning is super important because it will allow you to stick to a schedule. If you have a lot of time to create videos, people tend to get used to that schedule. Once you’re planning becomes less structured because of lack of time, it can confuse viewers as consistency is important. People do not like change, or it will take time for them to get used to a new schedule, especially if it changes often.

Creating Your Plan

Create Your Plan

3. Make Your YouTube Videos

After you created your plan, your strategy, and all the preparation, it is time to start filming! We highly recommend working with an upload schedule, so you know which videos to create and when they have to be finished. Try to have a good overall layout and theme for your videos from the start so people know who you are and what you do. Once you started filming you can continue the process and keep producing.

Filmora Note

Note: If you have less time, you can create more videos in one filming session so you have a bulk library you can release over the period when you don’t have time for creating content.

Making Your YouTube Videos

Make Your YouTube Videos

It’s highly recommended to write down a list of topics for videos so you can have your same recording set ready to go for whenever you start shooting. If you are able to keep a dedicated space to keep your set, that’s a huge plus instead of having to tear everything down and setting up again each time you film and it gives your viewers a consistent idea of what they can expect any time new video releases onto your YouTube channel.

4. Use Analytics to Improve

Some marketers could have an unhealthy relationship with analytics. They track too many of the numbers. Maybe we think we can prove any marketing campaign is producing results if there’s an eye-catching percentage. But we all know that some metrics are a lot more revealing than other types of statistics.

We have listed 3 important types of metrics you have to study to truly understand your audience.

❶ Watch Time

The Watch Time is the total amount of minutes viewers have spent watching your content. It’s a key metric because YouTube pushes videos and channels with higher Watch Times in their search results and recommendations section. YouTube does this because the more Watch Time a video has, the more engaging their algorithm knows it is and YouTube like to recommend videos that keep viewers as long as possible on the platform.

Watch Time

Watch Time

In the Watch Time section, you can see the amount of Watch Time your videos have generated. You can also rank each of your videos by Watch Time and group your videos by styles, lengths and themes to determine your most engaging videos.

❷ Average view duration

Your Average view duration is the total Watch Time of your video divided by the total number of video playbacks, also including replays. This metric measures your video’s ability to engage people. If your video can’t engage new visitors, they’ll jump off from your video quite fast, leaving you with an unimpressive average view duration. If you create a high-performing video, your Average view duration and total Watch Time will increase over time and boost your search and recommendations rankings by a lot.

Average view duration

Average View Duration

❸ Audience Retention

Let’s talk about Audience Retention. If your video is longer than five minutes, and Audience Retention is more than 50%, you are going in the right direction. A hook is something that grabs a viewer’s attention and will result in them staying longer on your video or browsing your other content. We recommend regularly reviewing your videos to ensure you aren’t attracting visitors to outdated content. Older videos can turn them away and they may view your YouTube channel as less trustworthy or valuable as a source for the information that they are looking for. Updated videos are high-quality videos.

Audience Retention

Audience Retention

5. Promotion and Marketing

Now it is time to let all your hard work pay off! There is one last thing to focus on so your videos will generate your desired results. Promoting your video is important when it comes to letting it find the target audience. We have listed a few options for promoting and marketing your content.

Promotion and marketing

Promotion and Marketing

❶ YouTube’s Community Tab

Tips for You

1. Make a Post

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.”

2. Tag Content Creators

Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.” Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

❷ Social Media Advertisements

Tips for You

1. Targeting Teens at Tiktok

When choosing where to place your advertisements, it’s helpful to understand which networks are most popular with your target audience. Targeting teens? TikTok is where to find them. Older generations love Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

2. Find Social Networks for Your Brand

Try looking at which social networks perform well organically for your brand. Where does your content naturally strike a chord with fans? This is an obvious choice for your first social ad campaign.

With that said, let’s get into it!

Successful YouTuber

Successful YouTuber

1. Understand ‘Success’ Means

YouTube’s success is based on the premise that all visitors need the same thing. Search, find, and leave as fast as possible. Kind of like a store. But YouTube visitors have much more diverse needs than you might think. Some come to watch short clips of cats doing silly things, others to view TV shows or how to learn an instrument, cooking, maintain a car, and so much more.

The way your success is measured is by the number of viewers you get onto your channel. No matter what kind of content you upload, whether it’s about music, education, when you turn viewers into subscribers, dedicated fans, and supporters, that is how you can measure your success and how you can get as many new people through the door and make them stick around because they love what you do and what value you are to them. We are going more in-depth in the other stages of this article about analytics and measurements.

Understanding What 'Success' Means

Understand What ‘Success’ Means

2. Create Your Plan

When it comes to building a successful YouTube channel, consistency is super important. You are more likely to gain success if you have a well-thought-out plan and a strategy for uploading content. Instead of uploading once per month, try once per week if your time schedule allows it so your new viewers know when to expect a new video. Planning is super important because it will allow you to stick to a schedule. If you have a lot of time to create videos, people tend to get used to that schedule. Once you’re planning becomes less structured because of lack of time, it can confuse viewers as consistency is important. People do not like change, or it will take time for them to get used to a new schedule, especially if it changes often.

Creating Your Plan

Create Your Plan

3. Make Your YouTube Videos

After you created your plan, your strategy, and all the preparation, it is time to start filming! We highly recommend working with an upload schedule, so you know which videos to create and when they have to be finished. Try to have a good overall layout and theme for your videos from the start so people know who you are and what you do. Once you started filming you can continue the process and keep producing.

Filmora Note

Note: If you have less time, you can create more videos in one filming session so you have a bulk library you can release over the period when you don’t have time for creating content.

Making Your YouTube Videos

Make Your YouTube Videos

It’s highly recommended to write down a list of topics for videos so you can have your same recording set ready to go for whenever you start shooting. If you are able to keep a dedicated space to keep your set, that’s a huge plus instead of having to tear everything down and setting up again each time you film and it gives your viewers a consistent idea of what they can expect any time new video releases onto your YouTube channel.

4. Use Analytics to Improve

Some marketers could have an unhealthy relationship with analytics. They track too many of the numbers. Maybe we think we can prove any marketing campaign is producing results if there’s an eye-catching percentage. But we all know that some metrics are a lot more revealing than other types of statistics.

We have listed 3 important types of metrics you have to study to truly understand your audience.

❶ Watch Time

The Watch Time is the total amount of minutes viewers have spent watching your content. It’s a key metric because YouTube pushes videos and channels with higher Watch Times in their search results and recommendations section. YouTube does this because the more Watch Time a video has, the more engaging their algorithm knows it is and YouTube like to recommend videos that keep viewers as long as possible on the platform.

Watch Time

Watch Time

In the Watch Time section, you can see the amount of Watch Time your videos have generated. You can also rank each of your videos by Watch Time and group your videos by styles, lengths and themes to determine your most engaging videos.

❷ Average view duration

Your Average view duration is the total Watch Time of your video divided by the total number of video playbacks, also including replays. This metric measures your video’s ability to engage people. If your video can’t engage new visitors, they’ll jump off from your video quite fast, leaving you with an unimpressive average view duration. If you create a high-performing video, your Average view duration and total Watch Time will increase over time and boost your search and recommendations rankings by a lot.

Average view duration

Average View Duration

❸ Audience Retention

Let’s talk about Audience Retention. If your video is longer than five minutes, and Audience Retention is more than 50%, you are going in the right direction. A hook is something that grabs a viewer’s attention and will result in them staying longer on your video or browsing your other content. We recommend regularly reviewing your videos to ensure you aren’t attracting visitors to outdated content. Older videos can turn them away and they may view your YouTube channel as less trustworthy or valuable as a source for the information that they are looking for. Updated videos are high-quality videos.

Audience Retention

Audience Retention

5. Promotion and Marketing

Now it is time to let all your hard work pay off! There is one last thing to focus on so your videos will generate your desired results. Promoting your video is important when it comes to letting it find the target audience. We have listed a few options for promoting and marketing your content.

Promotion and marketing

Promotion and Marketing

❶ YouTube’s Community Tab

Tips for You

1. Make a Post

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.”

2. Tag Content Creators

Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.” Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

❷ Social Media Advertisements

Tips for You

1. Targeting Teens at Tiktok

When choosing where to place your advertisements, it’s helpful to understand which networks are most popular with your target audience. Targeting teens? TikTok is where to find them. Older generations love Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

2. Find Social Networks for Your Brand

Try looking at which social networks perform well organically for your brand. Where does your content naturally strike a chord with fans? This is an obvious choice for your first social ad campaign.

Best Audio Waveform Generator

For more than a century, sound waves and broadcasts have played an important role in shaping media as we know it. Here’s how to implement them into your social media strategy. They have become popular in short video animations used to promote audio on social media, commonly referred to as audiograms.

Before learning everything there is to know about audiograms and how to make them, let’s gain a better understanding of the significance of these patterns.

Part 1. What is an audio waveform?

A sound wave is the vibration of air molecules, which is how sound travels. The waveform describes the wave using a graph of how the air molecule is displaced over time.

Amplitude is the strength of a wave’s action; the higher the amplitude, the more the air molecules are displaced. This also translates into loudness for the human ear; increasing the amplitude of the wave will increase how loud it appears to us. Sine, triangle, square, and sawtooth waveforms are the most typical periodic waveforms.

Part 2. What is audio wave animation?

A waveform animation video is a short video clip that can be uploaded to social media that combines an audio file with a static background image and a straightforward waveform animation. Audio animations, an example of audio visualization, make for fantastic video content, which is increasingly valuable on ever-noisy social media platforms.

Part 3. Why do we use audio visualization?

We all know that there is a special way of feeling called synesthesia, which is both a psychological and a linguistic phenomenon. Similar to how you automatically link this rain scene with the sound of heavy rain when you see it. People’s newly awakened senses are more about the synthesis of sensory experience with actual life experience than they are entirely about actual information. Therefore, for clean audio, enhancing it with complementary visual animation effects will improve the user’s visual experience and, to some extent, offer additional information and impact to your audio.

use audio visualization

Part 4. Best Audio Waveform Generator

Audio visualization can be presented in a variety of ways. The simplest kind of processing involves taking low-dimensional information like frequency, loudness, and rhythm and converting them into images in the form of colors, forms, strokes, etc. However, modern artificial intelligence technology can now extract high-dimensional visual attributes including style, tone, and emotion. But, for most non-technical players, such processes are obviously out of their league, therefore your best choice is to use a basic audio waveform generator. Following, we’ll suggest 10 desktop or online generators so you may quickly finish the audio visualization project and create your audio-related videos.

Audio Visualizer on Desktop

  1. Filmora Audio Visualizer

You may add audio spectrum visualizers to videos using a variety of tools. But one of the best software we recommend is Filmora audio visualizer because you can edit all sound effects on this platform with just one button. Filmora has audio keyframing and a built-in equalizer that can create unique sound effects and make the audio recording more appealing when you hear it.

Price: US$ 49.99/Year


  • Filmora Audio Visualizer provides you with 25 types of audio and concludes circle audio spectrum.
  • Easy to use for the beginner and there are more other audio features that you can easily use and start editing your file.
  • It’s super affordable as compared to other audio editing software.


  • Pattern shape can’t be defined by yourself, also doesn’t support your custom template
  1. Magic Music Visuals

VJs and all other artists who like to combine sound and images during live performances can use the Performer edition of this cross-platform music visualization software. The Studio edition offers all the functions that are necessary to create music visualizations or music videos in real-time. You can use both editions of Magic to generate 2D and 3D graphics that respond to music or mix photos, 3D files, or videos. In addition, you can easily enter full-screen mode and project your videos using LED displays or projectors. Magic Music Visuals also allows its users to combine an unlimited number of audio inputs simultaneously, meaning you can effortlessly mix two or more tracks. This music visualization software allows you to export videos in mp4 and MOV files, but the length of the rendering process depends on the length of the video and the performance of the computer you are using.

magic music visuals

Price: Free demo available, $44.95 for a full version license


  • Amazing Visual Effects
  • Efficient Text Processing
  • Lots of Blending modes
  • Custom Color correction


  • No Video Stabilization tool
  • Audio waveform and hardware acceleration features are not available
  1. VSDC Video Editor Free - Audio Spectrum Visualizer

Music visualization is just one of the countless video editing options offered by VDSC Video Editor Free. In addition to creating music-based videos, you can also use this video editing software product to stabilize videos recorded by action cameras, enhance colors in footage captured by a wide range of cameras and drones, create 3D graphics, or export high-quality videos. Resolution to your social media accounts directly from the software. The editor’s Audio Visualizer contains five hundred presets that you can use to create a captivating music video for your latest track. In addition to Spectrum, which displays sounds within a set color range, VDSC Video Editor also offers Audio Abstraction, which generates colorful abstract shapes based on the music you select. While visualizing audio with VDSC Audio Visualizer is a fun and simple process, video creators with no prior video editing experience may need some time to get used to the software’s interface.

audio spectrum visualizer

Price: Free


  • Every tool for video editing is available
  • Amazing Visual Effects
  • Efficient Text Processing
  • Lots of Blending modes
  • Custom Color correction


  • Pro Editing Features are Missing
  • No Video Stabilization tool
  • Audio waveform and hardware acceleration features are not available
  • Standard voiceover and masking tools

Audio Visualizer Online

  1. Media.io Music Visualizer Online

Want to add eye-catching visuals to your audio? Media.io Music Visualizer web app is the perfect app for you. You can add audio waveforms to any audio format, including M4A, M4R, MP3, OGG, AU, and many more. After loading the audio, this program allows you to add a captivating progression and a cover photo of your choice. Additionally, users of Media.io can trim, split, rearrange, and remove audio. You can even add subtitles, subtitles, and texts. If you’re fine with visualizing music, it lets you choose the aspect ratio before exporting to 1080P MP4. Just try it!

media io music visualizer online

Price: Free


  • It has consistently been upgraded and improved since its inception when it was pretty great already.
  • The product is great based on how it was marketed, and it is a great tool. This is easily accomplished by use among three brands.
  • An excellent experience with a great community of entrepreneurs and marketers supporting the ecosystem.


  • It doesn’t have a direct publication on Instagram but offers 2 ways: via app notification (which can be annoying at times) or integration with Zapier, through a wizard.
  1. Renderforest Music Visualizer

Renderforest is a platform that enables users to design whole websites or upload visual assets for online use. However, to start visualizing your music with Renderforest, you must first register and create your account. Then just choose between visualization templates with text or photo holders, add the artist’s name and track title, then add a background photo or video. You can proceed to choose a visualization style that perfectly matches the music, chooses its color, and finally uploads the song you want to use in your video. Once done, you should simply click on the Preview icon and Renderforest will send you an email containing a video of the music visualization. Keep in mind that all videos created using the free version of the platform will be watermarked and cannot exceed the one-minute limit.

renderforest music visualizer

Price: Free version accessible; $9.99 is the starting price for subscriptions.


  • It has got loads of beautiful templates to choose from, which could even fit perfectly into the kind of logo animation project you may have in mind.
  • The effortless, natural, effective, rational, and impressive way to share your amazing ideas with the world. Just let your imagination go wild and keep going.
  • A wide variety of templates and animations, with lots of customization available. And it offers amazing customer service.


  • The only thing that is a downside is that there is a watermark by default, which can only be removed by paying.
  • It is fairly expensive for the lack of many features.
  1. Videobolt Music Visualizer

The collection of music visualization templates that this website offers is really impressive as you can choose from a wide variety of templates during the video creation process. However, you must purchase one of the available subscription plans to customize the template you’ve selected and export it without a watermark. After selecting a music visualization template, just click the Edit button below it and start working on your project. You can either upload a song from your computer or use SoundCloud to import the song you want to visualize into your project. You can improve the quality of your video by adding a cover or using a variation of the template you originally selected. The only downside is that you won’t be able to edit the videos produced by Videobolt Music Visualizer during the free trial period.

videobolt music visualizer

Price: Free trial available, subscription plans start from $7.99 per month


  • The quality and ease to create awesome-looking intros have been an invaluable tool in my work. Simple to use with excellent assistance available.
  • This tool has helped me make an awesome-looking music video and an intro as well.
  • Particularly the quality of the final product and the ability to change the templates to compliment the client’s brand guidelines.


  • The overall experience is poor, and their support is terrible.
  • As someone with not that much money to spend, it is a bit costly.
  • Sometimes it’s hard to find exactly what you need.


Filmora Audio Visualizer is one of the top-rated audio editing software tools due to its incredible features and interface. If you want to create amazing sound effects on your video, we highly recommend you download this software on your computer to enjoy all the amazing editing tools. Social media content creators, musicians, and VJs can produce stunning videos with any of the music visualizers we’ve listed in this article. What’s your favorite music visualizer to use to create videos based on music? Please let us know by leaving a comment below.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Price: US$ 49.99/Year


  • Filmora Audio Visualizer provides you with 25 types of audio and concludes circle audio spectrum.
  • Easy to use for the beginner and there are more other audio features that you can easily use and start editing your file.
  • It’s super affordable as compared to other audio editing software.


  • Pattern shape can’t be defined by yourself, also doesn’t support your custom template
  1. Magic Music Visuals

VJs and all other artists who like to combine sound and images during live performances can use the Performer edition of this cross-platform music visualization software. The Studio edition offers all the functions that are necessary to create music visualizations or music videos in real-time. You can use both editions of Magic to generate 2D and 3D graphics that respond to music or mix photos, 3D files, or videos. In addition, you can easily enter full-screen mode and project your videos using LED displays or projectors. Magic Music Visuals also allows its users to combine an unlimited number of audio inputs simultaneously, meaning you can effortlessly mix two or more tracks. This music visualization software allows you to export videos in mp4 and MOV files, but the length of the rendering process depends on the length of the video and the performance of the computer you are using.

magic music visuals

Price: Free demo available, $44.95 for a full version license


  • Amazing Visual Effects
  • Efficient Text Processing
  • Lots of Blending modes
  • Custom Color correction


  • No Video Stabilization tool
  • Audio waveform and hardware acceleration features are not available
  1. VSDC Video Editor Free - Audio Spectrum Visualizer

Music visualization is just one of the countless video editing options offered by VDSC Video Editor Free. In addition to creating music-based videos, you can also use this video editing software product to stabilize videos recorded by action cameras, enhance colors in footage captured by a wide range of cameras and drones, create 3D graphics, or export high-quality videos. Resolution to your social media accounts directly from the software. The editor’s Audio Visualizer contains five hundred presets that you can use to create a captivating music video for your latest track. In addition to Spectrum, which displays sounds within a set color range, VDSC Video Editor also offers Audio Abstraction, which generates colorful abstract shapes based on the music you select. While visualizing audio with VDSC Audio Visualizer is a fun and simple process, video creators with no prior video editing experience may need some time to get used to the software’s interface.

audio spectrum visualizer

Price: Free


  • Every tool for video editing is available
  • Amazing Visual Effects
  • Efficient Text Processing
  • Lots of Blending modes
  • Custom Color correction


  • Pro Editing Features are Missing
  • No Video Stabilization tool
  • Audio waveform and hardware acceleration features are not available
  • Standard voiceover and masking tools

Audio Visualizer Online

  1. Media.io Music Visualizer Online

Want to add eye-catching visuals to your audio? Media.io Music Visualizer web app is the perfect app for you. You can add audio waveforms to any audio format, including M4A, M4R, MP3, OGG, AU, and many more. After loading the audio, this program allows you to add a captivating progression and a cover photo of your choice. Additionally, users of Media.io can trim, split, rearrange, and remove audio. You can even add subtitles, subtitles, and texts. If you’re fine with visualizing music, it lets you choose the aspect ratio before exporting to 1080P MP4. Just try it!

media io music visualizer online

Price: Free


  • It has consistently been upgraded and improved since its inception when it was pretty great already.
  • The product is great based on how it was marketed, and it is a great tool. This is easily accomplished by use among three brands.
  • An excellent experience with a great community of entrepreneurs and marketers supporting the ecosystem.


  • It doesn’t have a direct publication on Instagram but offers 2 ways: via app notification (which can be annoying at times) or integration with Zapier, through a wizard.
  1. Renderforest Music Visualizer

Renderforest is a platform that enables users to design whole websites or upload visual assets for online use. However, to start visualizing your music with Renderforest, you must first register and create your account. Then just choose between visualization templates with text or photo holders, add the artist’s name and track title, then add a background photo or video. You can proceed to choose a visualization style that perfectly matches the music, chooses its color, and finally uploads the song you want to use in your video. Once done, you should simply click on the Preview icon and Renderforest will send you an email containing a video of the music visualization. Keep in mind that all videos created using the free version of the platform will be watermarked and cannot exceed the one-minute limit.

renderforest music visualizer

Price: Free version accessible; $9.99 is the starting price for subscriptions.


  • It has got loads of beautiful templates to choose from, which could even fit perfectly into the kind of logo animation project you may have in mind.
  • The effortless, natural, effective, rational, and impressive way to share your amazing ideas with the world. Just let your imagination go wild and keep going.
  • A wide variety of templates and animations, with lots of customization available. And it offers amazing customer service.


  • The only thing that is a downside is that there is a watermark by default, which can only be removed by paying.
  • It is fairly expensive for the lack of many features.
  1. Videobolt Music Visualizer

The collection of music visualization templates that this website offers is really impressive as you can choose from a wide variety of templates during the video creation process. However, you must purchase one of the available subscription plans to customize the template you’ve selected and export it without a watermark. After selecting a music visualization template, just click the Edit button below it and start working on your project. You can either upload a song from your computer or use SoundCloud to import the song you want to visualize into your project. You can improve the quality of your video by adding a cover or using a variation of the template you originally selected. The only downside is that you won’t be able to edit the videos produced by Videobolt Music Visualizer during the free trial period.

videobolt music visualizer

Price: Free trial available, subscription plans start from $7.99 per month


  • The quality and ease to create awesome-looking intros have been an invaluable tool in my work. Simple to use with excellent assistance available.
  • This tool has helped me make an awesome-looking music video and an intro as well.
  • Particularly the quality of the final product and the ability to change the templates to compliment the client’s brand guidelines.


  • The overall experience is poor, and their support is terrible.
  • As someone with not that much money to spend, it is a bit costly.
  • Sometimes it’s hard to find exactly what you need.


Filmora Audio Visualizer is one of the top-rated audio editing software tools due to its incredible features and interface. If you want to create amazing sound effects on your video, we highly recommend you download this software on your computer to enjoy all the amazing editing tools. Social media content creators, musicians, and VJs can produce stunning videos with any of the music visualizers we’ve listed in this article. What’s your favorite music visualizer to use to create videos based on music? Please let us know by leaving a comment below.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Unlock the Power of Shotcut: The Ultimate Guide to Rotating Videos

Video editing has come a long way in recent years, and with the advancement of technology, it’s now easier than ever to produce high-quality videos. However, one common issue that many video editors encounter is uneven footage. Various reasons can cause this, but the solution is simple - rotating your videos. Shotcut is a powerful video editing software that provides various tools to help you rotate your videos easily.

This guide will explore the ins and outs of using Shotcut to rotate your videos. Whether you’re a seasoned editor or just starting, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know to get the perfect shot every time. This guide has everything from rotating your footage to more advanced tips and tricks. So, if you’re ready to take your video editing skills to the next level, keep reading!

rotate video with shotcut

Overview of Shotcut Video Editor

Shotcut is a free, open-source video editing software that offers a range of features for basic video editing. Before downloading Shotcut, it is important to know its features to determine if it suits your video editing needs. Here are the key features of Shotcut that stand out:

shotcut video editor

  • Video Capture. Shotcut allows for screen and webcam capture and audio capture from the system or external microphone. It supports 4K resolution.
  • Standard Editing. Shotcut allows for trimming, cutting/copying/pasting of clips and keyframes for video filters and markers. It also uses proxy editing for high-resolution video files.
  • Audio Features. Shotcut includes several audio filters for enhancing audio clips and volume control, audio mixing, tone generator, and pitch adjustment options.
  • Video Effects. Shotcut offers a range of effects and filters, including blending modes, track compositing, and transitions. It also supports 360-degree filters, reverse video clips, and video scopes.
  • Wide Support. Shotcut supports a variety of video and audio formats, as well as photo file formats. The multi-format timeline allows for the mixing of different parameters, and the software supports network streaming and alpha-channel videos.

Shotcut is a versatile video editor that offers a range of features for basic video editing and is a great choice for those looking for a free and open-source video editor.

How To Rotate Videos in Shotcut?

Rotating videos in Shotcut is a simple process. With its user-friendly interface, you can quickly and easily adjust the orientation of your videos to get the perfect shot every time. Whether you need to rotate your footage 90 degrees or make more subtle adjustments, Shotcut has all the tools you need to get the job done.

In this section, we’ll walk you through the steps to rotate your videos in Shotcut and provide you with tips and tricks to ensure that your footage is perfectly aligned every time. So, if you’re ready to rotate your videos, let’s get started!

Step1 Start a new Shotcut project and import the video

shotcut import video

Step2 Drag the video to the Timeline

shotcut add video to timeline

Step3 Go toFilters“ and press the “+” icon

shotcut filter category

Step4 Search for “Rotate“ and selectSize, Position & Rotate.”

shotcut rotate video filter

Step5 Use the bar or enter degrees in numbers to rotate the video.

shotcut adjust rotation degree

How To Mirror or Flip Videos in Shotcut?

Do you want to flip or mirror your videos in Shotcut? This feature can add a creative twist to your footage and make your videos stand out. Luckily, Shotcut makes it easy to mirror or flip your videos with just a few simple steps.

Whether you want to add a reflection effect or change the direction of your footage, Shotcut has the tools you need to get the job done. So, get ready to take your videos to the next level with Shotcut’s mirroring and flipping capabilities!

For Steps 1-3, follow the steps from the “How To Rotate Videos in Shotcut?“ section.

Step4 Search for the “Mirror“ effect.

shotcut mirror filter

Step5 Select the “Mirror“ effect, and your video will be automatically flipped or mirrored.

shotcut flipped video

How To Make a Vertical Video Horizontal in Shotcut

Are you tired of having a vertical video that doesn’t fit the standard aspect ratio? Don’t worry; Shotcut makes it easy to convert your vertical video into a horizontal format. By converting your vertical video into a horizontal format, you’ll be able to showcase your footage in a more professional and visually appealing manner.

In this section, we’ll walk you through making your vertical video horizontal in Shotcut. With these simple steps, you’ll be able to turn your vertical footage into a horizontal masterpiece in no time!

Step1 Drag the video to the timeline

shotcut drag video to timeline

Step2 Go toFilters“ and press the “+” icon. Search for the “Crop Source“ effect.

shotcut crop source filter

Step3 ToggleCenter“ and notice that it removed the black padding of the horizontal video.

shotcut toggle center

Step4 Adjust the part you want your video to focus on.

shotcut adjust video

Wondershare Filmora – Shotcut’s Alternative To Rotate Videos

If you’re looking for an alternative to Shotcut for rotating your videos, consider Wondershare Filmora . This powerful video editing software is packed with features and is ideal for both beginners and professionals. While Shotcut is a great option for rotating videos, Filmora offers additional capabilities that make it an excellent choice for those who need a more advanced video editing solution.

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filmora software

With Wondershare Filmora, you’ll be able to rotate your videos with ease, as well as perform a variety of other editing tasks. From adding music, filters, and text to splitting, trimming, and merging videos, Filmora has you covered.

Additionally, you’ll enjoy the user-friendly interface of Filmora that makes it easy to navigate and find the features you need. Whether you’re just starting with video editing or are a seasoned professional, Wondershare Filmora is the perfect solution for rotating videos and more.

How To Rotate or Flip a Video With Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a great alternative to Shotcut for those looking to rotate or flip their video clips. It offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making rotating or flipping a video simple.

To mirror your video in Filmora, you follow a few easy steps. Whether you want to flip your video horizontally or vertically, Filmora’s rotating tool will help you achieve the perfect reflection with just a few clicks.

In addition to its rotating capabilities, Wondershare Filmora also offers a wide range of features for video editing. From basic video editing tools like trimming and cutting to advanced features like color correction and audio editing, Filmora has everything you need to take your video projects to the next level.

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, Wondershare Filmora is a great option for anyone looking for an alternative to Shotcut for their video editing needs.

Step1 Choose between “Flip Horizontal“ or “Flip Vertical“ in the “Flip“ section to mirror the clip left to right or turn it upside down.

filmora flip horizontal or vertical

Step2 Select either the “Clockwise“ or “Counterclockwise“ icon under the “Rotate“ section to rotate the clip.

filmora rotate clockwise or counterclockwise

Step3 Enter a specific angle value in the “Rotate“ tab or adjust the dot in the circle to reach the desired rotation angle.

filmora edit rotation angle

How To Make a Vertical Video Horizontal With Filmora?

Are you looking for a solution to convert a vertical video into a horizontal one? Filmora is a great video editing software that can help you do that!

Step1 Launch Filmora and import the video.

filmora import video

Step2 Drag the video to the timeline.

filmora drag video to timeline

Step3 Right-click on the video and then click on “Crop and Zoom.”

filmora crop and zoom

Step4 Click on the “Aspect Ratio“ option and change it to “16:9.”

filmora change aspect ratio

Step5 Keep the video part that you want to focus on, then clickOK.”

Step6 Your vertical video is now horizontal.


Rotating a video in Shotcut or Wondershare Filmora is a simple process. Both video editing software provides a user-friendly interface and various options to achieve the desired result. Shotcut and Filmora can help you achieve the perfect reflection with a few clicks, whether you want to rotate, flip, or make a horizontal or vertical video. So, choose the one that fits your needs and start creating stunning videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

filmora software

With Wondershare Filmora, you’ll be able to rotate your videos with ease, as well as perform a variety of other editing tasks. From adding music, filters, and text to splitting, trimming, and merging videos, Filmora has you covered.

Additionally, you’ll enjoy the user-friendly interface of Filmora that makes it easy to navigate and find the features you need. Whether you’re just starting with video editing or are a seasoned professional, Wondershare Filmora is the perfect solution for rotating videos and more.

How To Rotate or Flip a Video With Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a great alternative to Shotcut for those looking to rotate or flip their video clips. It offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making rotating or flipping a video simple.

To mirror your video in Filmora, you follow a few easy steps. Whether you want to flip your video horizontally or vertically, Filmora’s rotating tool will help you achieve the perfect reflection with just a few clicks.

In addition to its rotating capabilities, Wondershare Filmora also offers a wide range of features for video editing. From basic video editing tools like trimming and cutting to advanced features like color correction and audio editing, Filmora has everything you need to take your video projects to the next level.

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, Wondershare Filmora is a great option for anyone looking for an alternative to Shotcut for their video editing needs.

Step1 Choose between “Flip Horizontal“ or “Flip Vertical“ in the “Flip“ section to mirror the clip left to right or turn it upside down.

filmora flip horizontal or vertical

Step2 Select either the “Clockwise“ or “Counterclockwise“ icon under the “Rotate“ section to rotate the clip.

filmora rotate clockwise or counterclockwise

Step3 Enter a specific angle value in the “Rotate“ tab or adjust the dot in the circle to reach the desired rotation angle.

filmora edit rotation angle

How To Make a Vertical Video Horizontal With Filmora?

Are you looking for a solution to convert a vertical video into a horizontal one? Filmora is a great video editing software that can help you do that!

Step1 Launch Filmora and import the video.

filmora import video

Step2 Drag the video to the timeline.

filmora drag video to timeline

Step3 Right-click on the video and then click on “Crop and Zoom.”

filmora crop and zoom

Step4 Click on the “Aspect Ratio“ option and change it to “16:9.”

filmora change aspect ratio

Step5 Keep the video part that you want to focus on, then clickOK.”

Step6 Your vertical video is now horizontal.


Rotating a video in Shotcut or Wondershare Filmora is a simple process. Both video editing software provides a user-friendly interface and various options to achieve the desired result. Shotcut and Filmora can help you achieve the perfect reflection with a few clicks, whether you want to rotate, flip, or make a horizontal or vertical video. So, choose the one that fits your needs and start creating stunning videos.

The Best Peter McKinnon LUTs for Perfect Video Editing

Peter McKinnon is a highly talented video editor and YouTuber. He gained widespread recognition for his amazing video editing skills. Furthermore, his content always stands out from others for his exceptional color-grading abilities. Additionally, he has a keen eye for choosing the perfect color tones and contrasts to make his videos look impressive.

One of the secrets behind Peter’s impressive color grading is his use of LUTs. Peter McKinnon has developed his collection of LUTs. By using Peter McKinnon LUTs, you can easily apply his signature color grading style to your videos. These LUTs can enhance the colors, add depth and dimension, and give your videos that cinematic feel.

Part 1: Why Should You Use LUTs in Video Editing?

If you need Peter McKinnon LUT packs, you must know how effective LUTs are. Using Look-Up Tables in video editing has several advantages that can make your editing process easier, which are discussed as follows:

Save Time on Color Grading

LUTs offer a quick way to adjust the colors in your videos. Instead of manually tweaking each color parameter, you can apply a LUT with a few clicks. It saves time and lets you easily try different styles. Moreover, it makes the color grading process more convenient for beginners.

Maintain Consistency

Applying the same LUT to multiple clips ensures a consistent look throughout your video. It is constructive when you have different scenes or shots. Furthermore, you don’t need to edit each clip separately. Moreover, you can save time and effort by applying the same LUT to your project.

Professional and Creative Looks

LUTs are created by experts and provide a range of creative styles. They can imitate the look of different films, genres, or specific grading techniques. Additionally, using LUTs helps you achieve a particular mood or style. Furthermore, LUTs enhance your storytelling or align with your creative vision.

Match Footage from Different Sources

When working with footage from different cameras or lighting conditions, LUTs can help. They can help match the color and tone of the clips. Each camera may capture colors; lighting variations can affect the overall look. However, applying a LUT gives you a consistent result throughout.

Preview and Communicate Ideas

Another advantage is that LUTs offer real-time previews of the final look as you edit. Moreover, it helps you visualize the aesthetic and make informed creative decisions. Sharing LUTs with your team or collaborators communicates your creative ideas. Furthermore, it ensures everyone understands the desired look of the project.

Streamline Workflow

LUTs can be integrated into your editing software, allowing you to apply and modify them. They can be combined with other adjustments like exposure, contrast, and saturation. In addition to this, it streamlines your workflow, freeing up time to focus on other editing tasks.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

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Part 2: Top Peter McKinnon Influenced LUTs for Videos

Peter McKinnon is a great content creator with exceptional video editing skills. Here is a list of Peter McKinnon LUT Pack free and paid ones, which you can download. Make your videos look like Peter McKinnon’s and get the praise you deserve.

1. Cine LUTS V2

Cine LUTS V2 is a pack of 15 cinematic-style LUTs to color grade your videos. With these LUTs, you can achieve various cinematic looks, such as Dawn, Dusk, Elemental, and Ember. Moreover, the Dawn LUT adds a warm and soft color tone to your video. However, the Elemental LUT brings out vibrant colors, making your content appear bold and impactful. Furthermore, each LUT in this pack offers a unique color grading style.

cine luts v2

2. Cine LUTS V1

With the Cine LUTs V1 pack, you’ll have access to 7 unique LUTs. This Peter McKinnon LUT pack gives your videos a cinematic look. Furthermore, this pack has different LUTs, including Orange & Teal and Noir. The Orange & Teal LUT adds a warm orange tone to the highlights and a cool teal tone to the shadows. However, you can use the Noir LUT to add a more dramatic look to your video.

cine luts v1

3. Arctic Shade

Arctic Shade LUT is a color grading tool inspired by Peter McKinnon’s technique. Applying this LUT adjusts the white balance to give your video a balanced white exposure. Furthermore, it increases saturation and enhances contrast to make your colors pop. It’s a great option to experiment with and matches the color grading style of Peter McKinnon.

arctic shade

4. Bleak Galaxy

Bleak Galaxy is a fantastic LUT pack inspired by Peter McKinnon. This LUT is perfect for enhancing your night sky footage. It amplifies the blue tones, making the night sky even more beautiful. Additionally, it boosts saturation, bringing out the vibrant colors in the scene. With Bleak Galaxy, you can capture the details of the stunning night sky in all its beauty.

bleak galaxy

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: Get Free LUTs on an Alternative Platform

Are you a fan of Peter McKinnon and want to make your content look professional and cinematic? It would be best to use professional video editing software like Wondershare Filmora . Filmora is an excellent tool that helps you in editing videos. Moreover, Filmora offers simple enhancement and adjustment tools for more advanced AI features.

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Besides video editing capabilities, you can color grade your videos like Peter McKinnon. In the same way, this tool offers paid and free LUTs that you can use. Additionally, Filmora has over 200 LUTs, each with a unique set of styles and color tones. You can download similar-looking Peter McKinnon LUTs free LUTs to apply on your digital media using Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts


In conclusion, Peter McKinnon is an impressive content creator and professional. There are many different LUTs inspired by Peter McKinnon LUT packs. Furthermore, these LUTs allow you to experiment and find the perfect color grading for your videos. Moreover, you can use these LUTs pack for a travel vlog, B-roll, or even a short film. With these LUTs, your videos will look better than ever.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

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Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: Top Peter McKinnon Influenced LUTs for Videos

Peter McKinnon is a great content creator with exceptional video editing skills. Here is a list of Peter McKinnon LUT Pack free and paid ones, which you can download. Make your videos look like Peter McKinnon’s and get the praise you deserve.

1. Cine LUTS V2

Cine LUTS V2 is a pack of 15 cinematic-style LUTs to color grade your videos. With these LUTs, you can achieve various cinematic looks, such as Dawn, Dusk, Elemental, and Ember. Moreover, the Dawn LUT adds a warm and soft color tone to your video. However, the Elemental LUT brings out vibrant colors, making your content appear bold and impactful. Furthermore, each LUT in this pack offers a unique color grading style.

cine luts v2

2. Cine LUTS V1

With the Cine LUTs V1 pack, you’ll have access to 7 unique LUTs. This Peter McKinnon LUT pack gives your videos a cinematic look. Furthermore, this pack has different LUTs, including Orange & Teal and Noir. The Orange & Teal LUT adds a warm orange tone to the highlights and a cool teal tone to the shadows. However, you can use the Noir LUT to add a more dramatic look to your video.

cine luts v1

3. Arctic Shade

Arctic Shade LUT is a color grading tool inspired by Peter McKinnon’s technique. Applying this LUT adjusts the white balance to give your video a balanced white exposure. Furthermore, it increases saturation and enhances contrast to make your colors pop. It’s a great option to experiment with and matches the color grading style of Peter McKinnon.

arctic shade

4. Bleak Galaxy

Bleak Galaxy is a fantastic LUT pack inspired by Peter McKinnon. This LUT is perfect for enhancing your night sky footage. It amplifies the blue tones, making the night sky even more beautiful. Additionally, it boosts saturation, bringing out the vibrant colors in the scene. With Bleak Galaxy, you can capture the details of the stunning night sky in all its beauty.

bleak galaxy

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: Get Free LUTs on an Alternative Platform

Are you a fan of Peter McKinnon and want to make your content look professional and cinematic? It would be best to use professional video editing software like Wondershare Filmora . Filmora is an excellent tool that helps you in editing videos. Moreover, Filmora offers simple enhancement and adjustment tools for more advanced AI features.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

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Besides video editing capabilities, you can color grade your videos like Peter McKinnon. In the same way, this tool offers paid and free LUTs that you can use. Additionally, Filmora has over 200 LUTs, each with a unique set of styles and color tones. You can download similar-looking Peter McKinnon LUTs free LUTs to apply on your digital media using Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts


In conclusion, Peter McKinnon is an impressive content creator and professional. There are many different LUTs inspired by Peter McKinnon LUT packs. Furthermore, these LUTs allow you to experiment and find the perfect color grading for your videos. Moreover, you can use these LUTs pack for a travel vlog, B-roll, or even a short film. With these LUTs, your videos will look better than ever.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

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  • Title: Updated In 2024, In This Article We Will Be Covering the Most Important Topics You Have to Remember when Becoming a Successful YouTube-Star
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 01:10:16
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 01:10:16
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/updated-in-2024-in-this-article-we-will-be-covering-the-most-important-topics-you-have-to-remember-when-becoming-a-successful-youtube-star/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated In 2024, In This Article We Will Be Covering the Most Important Topics You Have to Remember when Becoming a Successful YouTube-Star