Updated In 2024, You Can Learn How to Color Grade Your Picture in Lightroom Effectively. By Understanding the Process of Color Grading in Lightroom, You Can Create Unique Works, and Improve Your Abilities

Updated In 2024, You Can Learn How to Color Grade Your Picture in Lightroom Effectively. By Understanding the Process of Color Grading in Lightroom, You Can Create Unique Works, and Improve Your Abilities

Morgan Lv12

You Can Learn How to Color Grade Your Picture in Lightroom Effectively. By Understanding the Process of Color Grading in Lightroom, You Can Create Unique Works, and Improve Your Abilities

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Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Try It Free Try It Free

Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Try It Free Try It Free

Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Try It Free Try It Free

Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Step-by-Step Guide to Speed Up and Slow Down a Video

Speeding and slowing down the speed of a video is a marvel in the video editing world. In the older days, this feat was accomplished only by the big-budget filming industry.

This article will dive into how you can access the modern-day features available in video editing software. From these features, you can alter the speed of your video easily. However, before we get into the step-by-step guide, let’s understand what fast and slow-mo videos are.

Part 1. What Are Fast and Slow Motion Videos?

As the name suggests, fast-motion videos are the ones that have been sped up from their average speed.

difference between normal and fast speed

Similarly, slow-motion videos are the ones that have been slowed down from their average speed. The slow-motion effect, also known as the slow-mo effect, is widespread in modern cinema.

difference between normal speed and slow speed

Now that we know what Fast and slow-motion videos are. Let’s understand their applications. Or how you can use them in your videos. Scroll below to learn more!

Part 2. Why Should You Change the Speed of Your Videos?

The answer to this question would be that it’s a personal creative decision that will allow you to make your videos more engaging.

Fast Motion Videos

Fast-motion videos are used in many areas of filming. For example, you can speed up your videos to create a funny video or shorten its length.

The fast-motion effect has many applications, such as cooking tutorial videos. For example, the step-by-step process of a cooking tutorial can be too long to fit into a single video. Or it could also help you in cases where you want to keep the length of the video short.

The fast motion of the steps will allow the viewer to quickly grasp the whole process without watching the entire video.

Slow Motion Videos

You can also slow down your videos to give the viewers a more detailed perspective of a scene. Or you can also create a slow-mo video that offers a general surreal vibe.

A famous example is in action films. The producers of the first Matrix film used the Slow-mo effect in the famous bullet dodging scene.

famous bullet dodging scene in the matrix

You may wonder how the film producers made the slow-mo effect. The technology at that time was less developed than the recent day. So, even you can create a slow-mo effect.

Before we get into the editing process, let’s first understand what you will need to change the speed of your videos!

Part 3. What Will You Need to Change the Speed of Your Videos?

You will need the following essentials to change the speed of a video:

1. Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

To begin, you will need a good video editor. Wondershare Filmora is the best video editing software available. It has a very engaging system UI that allows inexperienced users to learn how to use it quickly. It also has a diverse collection of stock media. And not only that! It allows you to access reliable features to change the speed of a video.

You can change the speed of the video on Filmora by the speed adjustment panel or by the duration panel present above the timeline. It will adjust in just seconds with a few clicks. This feature makes Filmora more prior with editing tools.

wondershare filmora home interface

2. Video Clips

Well, it is evident that to change the speed of your videos, you will need video clips. But there are a few things you can keep in mind before adjusting the speed of a video.

Note: Slowing down a video requires a shot at a higher frame rate. The greater the frame rate, the better will be the slow-mo quality. On the other hand, speeding up videos does not have a strict frame rate requirement.

Part 4. How Can You Change the Speed of Your Videos?

Here you will learn two ways in which you can change the speed of your videos. The two methods to change the speed of your video are mentioned:

  • The speed adjustment panel.
  • Duration panel settings.

Let’s get started with the editing process. The first method we will look into is the Speed Adjustment panel.

1. Change Speed With the Speed Adjustment Panel

The Speed Adjustment panel is the speed adjuster in the Wondershare Filmora software. This feature will give you a drag bar to adjust the speed of your video.

You can move the bar to the right to increase the speed of your video. Similarly, you can move it to the left to decrease the rate.

But before we use this feature, we will need to download the Filmora video editing software. So please scroll below to learn how to download it!

Step1 Download Filmora

First and foremost, you must have access to Filmora. For this, download Wondershare Filmora. Then, activate this app or software on your PC.

Step2 Import The Video Files

The next step after downloading Filmora is to import your video clips. To accomplish this, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Locate and select the Import icon on the top left side of the Filmora Home Interface.
  • It takes you to your computer’s library.
  • Select the videos to be edited and then click OK.

wondershare filmora importing video clips from pc directory

You can also import the files by another method. After you have opened Filmora, you can restore the Filmora Window size and import by dragging and dropping the clips:

  • Drag the cursor to select the video clips you want.
  • Then, drop them in the Filmora import window.

import video clips by drag and drop

Filmora supports various formats for your video clips. They include the Mp4, AVI, MOV, GIFs, and more.

After you have imported your video clips, add them to the timeline as shown below!

Step3 Add The Video Clips to The Timeline

After you’ve imported clips in the Import window, drag them onto the timeline. Follow the steps outlined below to accomplish this:

  • Drag the clips into the import window and select them.
  • Then, insert them into the timeline.

wondershare filmora adding clips to the timeline

Now that we have our video clips in the timeline, we can start adjusting the speed.

Step4 Open the Speed Adjustment Panel

The speed adjustment panel, or the Uniform Speed, is the feature of Filmora that allows you to change the speed of your video. For example, to open the Unifrom Speed panel, do as follows:

  • Double-click on the video clip.
  • In the pop-up column, scroll down till you see the Unifrom Speed option and click on it.
  • The speed controls will be shown in the import window.

wondershare filmora unifrom speed tab

In the speed control panel, you can see the speed adjuster slider. A number will usually mark this at the end. This number tells you the current speed your video is calibrated in and how fast or slow the motion effects will be.

1.00 is always the average speed. 0.5 being half and 2.00 being double the average speed. To control the speed through the slider, you will need to do the following:

  • To increase the speed: Type in the number you want your rate to be. Or, drag the slider to the right as you wish.
  • To decrease the speed: Type in a number less than the standard 1.00, or you can drag the slider to the left as you wish.

The number of your speed can be an inconvenience if you have no prior experience. Instead, render the video and play it from the beginning with the changes that you made. It gives you a better idea of the speed of your video.

wondershare filmoa opening the speed adjustment panel

Step5 Detach The Audio

The corresponding audio also gets affected when you slow down or speed up a video. In this scenario, you can also choose to detach the audio beforehand. It allows you to maintain the original playback speed. To detach the audio, follow the steps as mentioned:

  • Right-click on the video clip.
  • In the pop-up column, scroll down to the Detach Audio option and click on it.

wondershare filmora detaching audio

It will create an audio file in a separate audio tab in the timeline. You can adjust this audio according to your liking. You can edit the detached audio by:

  • Double-click on the audio file.
  • A settings menu will open in the import window.
  • Adjust the Fade options for your Audio.
  • Drag the Fade out slider to the right to Fade out your Audio.
  • To Fade in your Audio, drag the Fade in slider to the right.

wondershare filmora adjusting detached audio

You can also remove the background noise and the pitch of the audio if you want. You can also replace the video’s original audio with a new one. Click on the audio file and press Del on the keyboard to delete it. To add new audio, do as mentioned ahead:

  • Click on The Audio icon above the import window.
  • Browse The Audio that matches the vibe of your video.
  • Drag and drop it below your video clip.

wondershare filmora adding custom audio

Doing so would have created alternate audio for your video. Play the video from the start and confirm your changes.

Step6 Save Your Project

Saving a project on Filmora is straightforward. First, you need a few steps to proceed with it. Then, when you are done making changes to the video, simply follow as guided ahead, and you’ll be good to go.

  • On the Filmora home interface, Go to > File > Save Project.

wondershare filmora saving project

  • Select the Library/Folder where you want your project to be stored.
  • Type in the text box to change the name of your project.

wondershare filmora changing name of the project

  • Click on Save.

That’s about it! You have now saved your project. Now let’s move on to export our video.

Step7 Export Your Video

After we are done with saving our project, we will now move on to export our video.

Note: Before we export our video, ensure everything is according to your wish. Play the final video again and confirm your changes.

You can export your video to many of the available video formats. And not only that, but you can also export your video to local files and a specific device. You can also export your video directly to YouTube, Vimeo, and DVD format.

wondershare filmora exporting video to a specific device

To export your video, all you have to do is the following steps:

  • Click on Export.
  • Type in the Video name.
  • Select the Directory you want your file to be stored in.
  • Select the Video Format.
  • Select the Resolution of your Video.

Note: If you want to export your video directly to Youtube or Vimeo, ensure you are logged in.

  • Click on Export.

wondershare filmora exporting video

Wait till Wondershare Filmora finishes exporting your video. Then, another window will pop up for a reminder when the shipping is done.

These were the methods by which you can change the speed of your video using the Speed Adjustment panel. Now let’s move on to the following method to adjust the speed via the Duration panel.

2. Change Speed via the Duration Panel

The duration panel is one the most valuable features of Wondershare Filmora as it allows you to change the video speed by duration adjustment.

This feature is typically helpful when you have a space between video clips and want to fill it. By measuring the time between the two clips, you can adjust the duration of your video.

It will ultimately hasten the speed of your video. The hastening in rate will depend upon the gap. The smaller the gap, the faster the video will be. Similarly, the greater the gap is, the longer the video will be.

Apart from the Speed Adjustment Panel, the Duration Panel has the advantage of editing the speed of your video by simply typing in the text.

Step1 Import Video Clips to Timeline

After downloading Filmora, the next step is importing your video clips. To do so, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Locate and click the Import icon in the upper left corner of the Filmora Home Interface.
  • Choose the videos to be edited, then click OK.

Now that you have imported files into Filmora, you can add them to the Timeline. Notice the steps mentioned ahead:

  • Drag the clips into the import window and select them.
  • Then, insert them into the timeline.

You can begin the editing process now that the clips are in the timeline.

Step2 Open The Duration Panel

The Duration Panel comes attached to the Unifrom Speed Panel. To access the Duration Panel, follow the steps ahead:

  • Right-click on the video clip.
  • In the pop column, scroll below to Unifrom Speed.

It will open the uniform speed panel in the import window. Below the speed of the controls, you can notice The Duration Panel.

Step3 Change The Speed of The Video

In The Duration Panel, you can see the average speed of your video clip. Now, if you want to reduce the speed of your video, you have to increase the duration of your video. Similarly, if you’re going to increase the speed of your video, you would have to decrease the duration.

Slow Down The Video

To slow down the video clip, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • In The Duration Panel, Increase the time of the video.
  • Type in a number bigger than the normal value

Note: If the average speed of the video is 00:01:00:00, increasing the value of the duration to 00:02:00:00 will reduce the speed of your video by half.

wondershare filmora adjusting slowing down the video

Speed Up The Video

To increase the speed of your video, follow as guided ahead:

  • In The Duration Panel, decrease the time of the video.
  • Type in a number smaller than the normal value

Note: If the normal video speed is 00:01:00:00, decreasing the value of the duration to 00:00:30:00 will increase the speed of your video by double.

wondershare filmora speeding up a video

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to change the speed of your video by Filmora. Now, you can use both the Speed Adjustment Panel and The Duration Panel to adjust the speed of your video.


Changing the speed of your video can be helpful in many filming scenarios. Adjusting the speed in the older days was a marvel in the video editing industry. But the technology in the present day has allowed the typical user to edit the speed of a video.

By following the steps mentioned in this article, you can now change the speed of your video by Wondershare Filmora.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

To begin, you will need a good video editor. Wondershare Filmora is the best video editing software available. It has a very engaging system UI that allows inexperienced users to learn how to use it quickly. It also has a diverse collection of stock media. And not only that! It allows you to access reliable features to change the speed of a video.

You can change the speed of the video on Filmora by the speed adjustment panel or by the duration panel present above the timeline. It will adjust in just seconds with a few clicks. This feature makes Filmora more prior with editing tools.

wondershare filmora home interface

2. Video Clips

Well, it is evident that to change the speed of your videos, you will need video clips. But there are a few things you can keep in mind before adjusting the speed of a video.

Note: Slowing down a video requires a shot at a higher frame rate. The greater the frame rate, the better will be the slow-mo quality. On the other hand, speeding up videos does not have a strict frame rate requirement.

Part 4. How Can You Change the Speed of Your Videos?

Here you will learn two ways in which you can change the speed of your videos. The two methods to change the speed of your video are mentioned:

  • The speed adjustment panel.
  • Duration panel settings.

Let’s get started with the editing process. The first method we will look into is the Speed Adjustment panel.

1. Change Speed With the Speed Adjustment Panel

The Speed Adjustment panel is the speed adjuster in the Wondershare Filmora software. This feature will give you a drag bar to adjust the speed of your video.

You can move the bar to the right to increase the speed of your video. Similarly, you can move it to the left to decrease the rate.

But before we use this feature, we will need to download the Filmora video editing software. So please scroll below to learn how to download it!

Step1 Download Filmora

First and foremost, you must have access to Filmora. For this, download Wondershare Filmora. Then, activate this app or software on your PC.

Step2 Import The Video Files

The next step after downloading Filmora is to import your video clips. To accomplish this, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Locate and select the Import icon on the top left side of the Filmora Home Interface.
  • It takes you to your computer’s library.
  • Select the videos to be edited and then click OK.

wondershare filmora importing video clips from pc directory

You can also import the files by another method. After you have opened Filmora, you can restore the Filmora Window size and import by dragging and dropping the clips:

  • Drag the cursor to select the video clips you want.
  • Then, drop them in the Filmora import window.

import video clips by drag and drop

Filmora supports various formats for your video clips. They include the Mp4, AVI, MOV, GIFs, and more.

After you have imported your video clips, add them to the timeline as shown below!

Step3 Add The Video Clips to The Timeline

After you’ve imported clips in the Import window, drag them onto the timeline. Follow the steps outlined below to accomplish this:

  • Drag the clips into the import window and select them.
  • Then, insert them into the timeline.

wondershare filmora adding clips to the timeline

Now that we have our video clips in the timeline, we can start adjusting the speed.

Step4 Open the Speed Adjustment Panel

The speed adjustment panel, or the Uniform Speed, is the feature of Filmora that allows you to change the speed of your video. For example, to open the Unifrom Speed panel, do as follows:

  • Double-click on the video clip.
  • In the pop-up column, scroll down till you see the Unifrom Speed option and click on it.
  • The speed controls will be shown in the import window.

wondershare filmora unifrom speed tab

In the speed control panel, you can see the speed adjuster slider. A number will usually mark this at the end. This number tells you the current speed your video is calibrated in and how fast or slow the motion effects will be.

1.00 is always the average speed. 0.5 being half and 2.00 being double the average speed. To control the speed through the slider, you will need to do the following:

  • To increase the speed: Type in the number you want your rate to be. Or, drag the slider to the right as you wish.
  • To decrease the speed: Type in a number less than the standard 1.00, or you can drag the slider to the left as you wish.

The number of your speed can be an inconvenience if you have no prior experience. Instead, render the video and play it from the beginning with the changes that you made. It gives you a better idea of the speed of your video.

wondershare filmoa opening the speed adjustment panel

Step5 Detach The Audio

The corresponding audio also gets affected when you slow down or speed up a video. In this scenario, you can also choose to detach the audio beforehand. It allows you to maintain the original playback speed. To detach the audio, follow the steps as mentioned:

  • Right-click on the video clip.
  • In the pop-up column, scroll down to the Detach Audio option and click on it.

wondershare filmora detaching audio

It will create an audio file in a separate audio tab in the timeline. You can adjust this audio according to your liking. You can edit the detached audio by:

  • Double-click on the audio file.
  • A settings menu will open in the import window.
  • Adjust the Fade options for your Audio.
  • Drag the Fade out slider to the right to Fade out your Audio.
  • To Fade in your Audio, drag the Fade in slider to the right.

wondershare filmora adjusting detached audio

You can also remove the background noise and the pitch of the audio if you want. You can also replace the video’s original audio with a new one. Click on the audio file and press Del on the keyboard to delete it. To add new audio, do as mentioned ahead:

  • Click on The Audio icon above the import window.
  • Browse The Audio that matches the vibe of your video.
  • Drag and drop it below your video clip.

wondershare filmora adding custom audio

Doing so would have created alternate audio for your video. Play the video from the start and confirm your changes.

Step6 Save Your Project

Saving a project on Filmora is straightforward. First, you need a few steps to proceed with it. Then, when you are done making changes to the video, simply follow as guided ahead, and you’ll be good to go.

  • On the Filmora home interface, Go to > File > Save Project.

wondershare filmora saving project

  • Select the Library/Folder where you want your project to be stored.
  • Type in the text box to change the name of your project.

wondershare filmora changing name of the project

  • Click on Save.

That’s about it! You have now saved your project. Now let’s move on to export our video.

Step7 Export Your Video

After we are done with saving our project, we will now move on to export our video.

Note: Before we export our video, ensure everything is according to your wish. Play the final video again and confirm your changes.

You can export your video to many of the available video formats. And not only that, but you can also export your video to local files and a specific device. You can also export your video directly to YouTube, Vimeo, and DVD format.

wondershare filmora exporting video to a specific device

To export your video, all you have to do is the following steps:

  • Click on Export.
  • Type in the Video name.
  • Select the Directory you want your file to be stored in.
  • Select the Video Format.
  • Select the Resolution of your Video.

Note: If you want to export your video directly to Youtube or Vimeo, ensure you are logged in.

  • Click on Export.

wondershare filmora exporting video

Wait till Wondershare Filmora finishes exporting your video. Then, another window will pop up for a reminder when the shipping is done.

These were the methods by which you can change the speed of your video using the Speed Adjustment panel. Now let’s move on to the following method to adjust the speed via the Duration panel.

2. Change Speed via the Duration Panel

The duration panel is one the most valuable features of Wondershare Filmora as it allows you to change the video speed by duration adjustment.

This feature is typically helpful when you have a space between video clips and want to fill it. By measuring the time between the two clips, you can adjust the duration of your video.

It will ultimately hasten the speed of your video. The hastening in rate will depend upon the gap. The smaller the gap, the faster the video will be. Similarly, the greater the gap is, the longer the video will be.

Apart from the Speed Adjustment Panel, the Duration Panel has the advantage of editing the speed of your video by simply typing in the text.

Step1 Import Video Clips to Timeline

After downloading Filmora, the next step is importing your video clips. To do so, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Locate and click the Import icon in the upper left corner of the Filmora Home Interface.
  • Choose the videos to be edited, then click OK.

Now that you have imported files into Filmora, you can add them to the Timeline. Notice the steps mentioned ahead:

  • Drag the clips into the import window and select them.
  • Then, insert them into the timeline.

You can begin the editing process now that the clips are in the timeline.

Step2 Open The Duration Panel

The Duration Panel comes attached to the Unifrom Speed Panel. To access the Duration Panel, follow the steps ahead:

  • Right-click on the video clip.
  • In the pop column, scroll below to Unifrom Speed.

It will open the uniform speed panel in the import window. Below the speed of the controls, you can notice The Duration Panel.

Step3 Change The Speed of The Video

In The Duration Panel, you can see the average speed of your video clip. Now, if you want to reduce the speed of your video, you have to increase the duration of your video. Similarly, if you’re going to increase the speed of your video, you would have to decrease the duration.

Slow Down The Video

To slow down the video clip, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • In The Duration Panel, Increase the time of the video.
  • Type in a number bigger than the normal value

Note: If the average speed of the video is 00:01:00:00, increasing the value of the duration to 00:02:00:00 will reduce the speed of your video by half.

wondershare filmora adjusting slowing down the video

Speed Up The Video

To increase the speed of your video, follow as guided ahead:

  • In The Duration Panel, decrease the time of the video.
  • Type in a number smaller than the normal value

Note: If the normal video speed is 00:01:00:00, decreasing the value of the duration to 00:00:30:00 will increase the speed of your video by double.

wondershare filmora speeding up a video

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to change the speed of your video by Filmora. Now, you can use both the Speed Adjustment Panel and The Duration Panel to adjust the speed of your video.


Changing the speed of your video can be helpful in many filming scenarios. Adjusting the speed in the older days was a marvel in the video editing industry. But the technology in the present day has allowed the typical user to edit the speed of a video.

By following the steps mentioned in this article, you can now change the speed of your video by Wondershare Filmora.

The Complete Guide to Converting GIF to SVG With Ease

The Complete Guide to Converting GIF to SVG With Ease

An easy yet powerful editor

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The Complete Guide to Converting GIF to SVG With Ease

Are you searching out methods to transform GIF to SVG? Then you are lucky to have found the right article. While Scalable Vector Graphics can help you scale a photograph to any length with very little distortion, editing and playing your animated SVGs documents on a few gadgets can cause compatibility issues. Moreover, SVGs aren’t well suited with all websites, so in case you need to apply it for your weblog or websites wherein they are now no longer supported, then you may want to transform it to an extra handy layout like GIF.

There is plenty of photograph conversion gear and online editors that can help you convert SVG to GIF. However, now no longer all GIF converters and editors are green and clean to apply. In this article, you’ll know about the top SVG to GIF converters that you may use to make GIF images and use them together along with your buddies quickly.

In this article

01 [8 Best Easy GIF to SVG Converters](#Part 1)

02 [5 Best SVG to GIF Converters](#Part 2)

Part 1 Best Easy GIF to SVG Converters


It is a very online animated GIF to SVG converter. You get the option to select and upload the GIF from your storage. After uploading, it instantly starts converting it to the SVG and shows you the results when finished. Now, the converted SVG file can be downloaded. This online converter supports multiple conversions such as uploading multiple GIF files at once and converting them to SVG simultaneously. Also, there is no maximum file size limit mentioned anywhere and the SVG has the same colors as the GIF.



This is the next website you can use to convert GIF to SVG. Multiple input methods are supported by this website. You can upload GIF documents out of your nearby storage, Google Drive, Dropbox, or even fetch a GIF through pasting a URL to it. Apart from a couple of entering methods, this internet site offers you a choice to alternate the picture length for the SVG file. By allowing this option, you could set the scale for the SVG after which the conversion begins. This way, you could convert and resize the SVG in a single step and download the final output.



This is another free website to convert SVG to GIF animation. This website converts JPG and PNG files to SVG along with GIFs. But unlike other websites, there is a size limitation on the input file. Here, you can convert GIFs up to 4 MB in size which seems decent enough as most of the GIFs are within 1 MB of size.



This is a free cloud converter platform that supports dozens of files types and can animate GIF to SVG. This supports batch conversions and lets you input files from many sources such as local storage, Dropbox, Google Drive, or via a URL. 100 MB is the maximum file size limit which is enough. After adding the GIF files, conversion can be started and you can get the SVGs in the output.

This website has lots of settings that will help you to customize to get the desired output. Along with all these options, you can also set the black and white threshold and speckles threshold for the final SVG output.

online convert.com


Inkscape is a GIF to SVG converter software for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Primarily it is used for designing vector graphics. The format of the images can be changed easily as you get the “save as” feature in it. This feature helps you to easily convert GIFs and other images to SVG, PDF, PNG, PS, EPS, DXF, etc. The main advantage of this is that you can convert GIF to different kinds of SVG such as Plain SVG, Optimized SVG, Compressed SVG, etc.

Before converting GIF to SVG, you can edit GIF images using various tools. A lot of filters are provided too which you can apply to the input GIF image, such as bevel, blur, color, distort, pixel tools, etc.


06RealWorld Paint

It is a nice free GIF to SVG converter desktop software. In this, you can view, create, and edit graphics in various formats such as GIF, SVG, WEBP, PNG, JPG, etc. Its “save as” feature can also be used for converting images from one supported format to another.

A good number of image modification tools are also included in it such as resize, crop, rotate, watermarking, filters, and more. Additionally, you can also draw designs over the GIF image using its painting tools.

realworld paint


It is a batch image processor using which can also convert SVG to GIF animation and vice versa. Bulkpictures are used for editing and converting. You can easily add several GIF images to it and convert them all to SVG format at once. Since it lets you edit images, you can modify input GIF files before converting them. A wide number of image formats are supported for batch processing such as camera raw images (DNG, CR2, SR2, NEF, ARW, ORF, etc.), JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and many more.


08LibreOffice Draw

LibreOffice Draw is a free GIF to SVG converter software for your desktop. This software comes with the popular free open-source office software called LibreOffice. Many other office-related applications in this package include LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Calc, LibreOffice Impress, etc.

When using it, you can simply open a GIF image file in it and then save it in SVG vector format. You can easily edit the input GIF image before the conversion. For eating the image, you can use its drawing tools, transformation tools, text tools, formatting options, etc.

libreoffice draw

Part 2 Best SVG to GIF Converters


This is an easy-to-use online file conversion tool with a robust and scalable API. It is an all-in-one cloud-based converter and supports over 200 different file formats from vectors, audio, and video. With this tool, you can convert SVG to GIF in your browser and email it to yourself or transfer it to combined cloud services like Google Drive and Dropbox.CloudConvert’sfull version starts at $8. You can also use the free trial version to convert your files quickly.



Convertio is an easy file converter that offers both paid and free online versions to convert SVG to GIF animation. The software payment pricing system starts at $7.99and it also works with all file types. More than 300 different file format conversion is applicable and it allows you to upload your converted files to other applications such as Dropbox and Google Drive. 100MB is the maximum file memory size that you can upload to this tool.



It is a powerful desktop SVG to GIF converter that offers a variety of file conversion utilities such as an online file converter to convert your animate SVG to GIF. The tool’s interface is clear and easy to understand, supports a lot of file formats, has reactive support, and features powerful engines that help to process your files in one go.


04Wondershare Filmora

It is an easy-to-use and trendy video editing software that gives power to your story and gives amazing results, regardless of you are a beginner or an expert. Wondershare Filmora Video Editor helps you to get started with any new project by importing and editing your video, adding special effects and transitions, and sharing your final creation on social media, mobile devices, or DVDs.

It is an interactive platform and editing tool that is easy to navigate. It gives lots of values and makes the process of converting SVG to GIF easier and more interesting. Filmora is free to download software. After signing up for free, you can edit videos, GIFs, and images without any watermark. It also allows the editing of GIFs to include subtitles, text, or captions.

It is a very remarkable editing tool with a wide set of attractive features that can make your image highly customized. Filmore also allows you to extract still images from video without changing the resolution.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.


This is another free alternative to an SVG to GIF converter software for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It is a very well-known image editing software with diverse image manipulation and painting tools. By using it, the format of supported images can also be changed with the help of its export feature. Hence, you can also convert SVG to GIFin this software.

However, by default, this software does not support SVG as an output format. So, for converting GIF or any other image file to SVG, you need to install an additional plugin to it.


Part 1 Ending Thoughts

Since you are now reading the end of this article, we are hoping you now know everything about SVG to GIF converter and the best SVG and GIF converter and vice versa that you can turn to and quickly convert your image files and share them with your friends as well as the meaning of SVG.

Try It Free Try It Free

The Complete Guide to Converting GIF to SVG With Ease

Are you searching out methods to transform GIF to SVG? Then you are lucky to have found the right article. While Scalable Vector Graphics can help you scale a photograph to any length with very little distortion, editing and playing your animated SVGs documents on a few gadgets can cause compatibility issues. Moreover, SVGs aren’t well suited with all websites, so in case you need to apply it for your weblog or websites wherein they are now no longer supported, then you may want to transform it to an extra handy layout like GIF.

There is plenty of photograph conversion gear and online editors that can help you convert SVG to GIF. However, now no longer all GIF converters and editors are green and clean to apply. In this article, you’ll know about the top SVG to GIF converters that you may use to make GIF images and use them together along with your buddies quickly.

In this article

01 [8 Best Easy GIF to SVG Converters](#Part 1)

02 [5 Best SVG to GIF Converters](#Part 2)

Part 1 Best Easy GIF to SVG Converters


It is a very online animated GIF to SVG converter. You get the option to select and upload the GIF from your storage. After uploading, it instantly starts converting it to the SVG and shows you the results when finished. Now, the converted SVG file can be downloaded. This online converter supports multiple conversions such as uploading multiple GIF files at once and converting them to SVG simultaneously. Also, there is no maximum file size limit mentioned anywhere and the SVG has the same colors as the GIF.



This is the next website you can use to convert GIF to SVG. Multiple input methods are supported by this website. You can upload GIF documents out of your nearby storage, Google Drive, Dropbox, or even fetch a GIF through pasting a URL to it. Apart from a couple of entering methods, this internet site offers you a choice to alternate the picture length for the SVG file. By allowing this option, you could set the scale for the SVG after which the conversion begins. This way, you could convert and resize the SVG in a single step and download the final output.



This is another free website to convert SVG to GIF animation. This website converts JPG and PNG files to SVG along with GIFs. But unlike other websites, there is a size limitation on the input file. Here, you can convert GIFs up to 4 MB in size which seems decent enough as most of the GIFs are within 1 MB of size.



This is a free cloud converter platform that supports dozens of files types and can animate GIF to SVG. This supports batch conversions and lets you input files from many sources such as local storage, Dropbox, Google Drive, or via a URL. 100 MB is the maximum file size limit which is enough. After adding the GIF files, conversion can be started and you can get the SVGs in the output.

This website has lots of settings that will help you to customize to get the desired output. Along with all these options, you can also set the black and white threshold and speckles threshold for the final SVG output.

online convert.com


Inkscape is a GIF to SVG converter software for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Primarily it is used for designing vector graphics. The format of the images can be changed easily as you get the “save as” feature in it. This feature helps you to easily convert GIFs and other images to SVG, PDF, PNG, PS, EPS, DXF, etc. The main advantage of this is that you can convert GIF to different kinds of SVG such as Plain SVG, Optimized SVG, Compressed SVG, etc.

Before converting GIF to SVG, you can edit GIF images using various tools. A lot of filters are provided too which you can apply to the input GIF image, such as bevel, blur, color, distort, pixel tools, etc.


06RealWorld Paint

It is a nice free GIF to SVG converter desktop software. In this, you can view, create, and edit graphics in various formats such as GIF, SVG, WEBP, PNG, JPG, etc. Its “save as” feature can also be used for converting images from one supported format to another.

A good number of image modification tools are also included in it such as resize, crop, rotate, watermarking, filters, and more. Additionally, you can also draw designs over the GIF image using its painting tools.

realworld paint


It is a batch image processor using which can also convert SVG to GIF animation and vice versa. Bulkpictures are used for editing and converting. You can easily add several GIF images to it and convert them all to SVG format at once. Since it lets you edit images, you can modify input GIF files before converting them. A wide number of image formats are supported for batch processing such as camera raw images (DNG, CR2, SR2, NEF, ARW, ORF, etc.), JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and many more.


08LibreOffice Draw

LibreOffice Draw is a free GIF to SVG converter software for your desktop. This software comes with the popular free open-source office software called LibreOffice. Many other office-related applications in this package include LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Calc, LibreOffice Impress, etc.

When using it, you can simply open a GIF image file in it and then save it in SVG vector format. You can easily edit the input GIF image before the conversion. For eating the image, you can use its drawing tools, transformation tools, text tools, formatting options, etc.

libreoffice draw

Part 2 Best SVG to GIF Converters


This is an easy-to-use online file conversion tool with a robust and scalable API. It is an all-in-one cloud-based converter and supports over 200 different file formats from vectors, audio, and video. With this tool, you can convert SVG to GIF in your browser and email it to yourself or transfer it to combined cloud services like Google Drive and Dropbox.CloudConvert’sfull version starts at $8. You can also use the free trial version to convert your files quickly.



Convertio is an easy file converter that offers both paid and free online versions to convert SVG to GIF animation. The software payment pricing system starts at $7.99and it also works with all file types. More than 300 different file format conversion is applicable and it allows you to upload your converted files to other applications such as Dropbox and Google Drive. 100MB is the maximum file memory size that you can upload to this tool.



It is a powerful desktop SVG to GIF converter that offers a variety of file conversion utilities such as an online file converter to convert your animate SVG to GIF. The tool’s interface is clear and easy to understand, supports a lot of file formats, has reactive support, and features powerful engines that help to process your files in one go.


04Wondershare Filmora

It is an easy-to-use and trendy video editing software that gives power to your story and gives amazing results, regardless of you are a beginner or an expert. Wondershare Filmora Video Editor helps you to get started with any new project by importing and editing your video, adding special effects and transitions, and sharing your final creation on social media, mobile devices, or DVDs.

It is an interactive platform and editing tool that is easy to navigate. It gives lots of values and makes the process of converting SVG to GIF easier and more interesting. Filmora is free to download software. After signing up for free, you can edit videos, GIFs, and images without any watermark. It also allows the editing of GIFs to include subtitles, text, or captions.

It is a very remarkable editing tool with a wide set of attractive features that can make your image highly customized. Filmore also allows you to extract still images from video without changing the resolution.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.


This is another free alternative to an SVG to GIF converter software for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It is a very well-known image editing software with diverse image manipulation and painting tools. By using it, the format of supported images can also be changed with the help of its export feature. Hence, you can also convert SVG to GIFin this software.

However, by default, this software does not support SVG as an output format. So, for converting GIF or any other image file to SVG, you need to install an additional plugin to it.


Part 1 Ending Thoughts

Since you are now reading the end of this article, we are hoping you now know everything about SVG to GIF converter and the best SVG and GIF converter and vice versa that you can turn to and quickly convert your image files and share them with your friends as well as the meaning of SVG.

Try It Free Try It Free

The Complete Guide to Converting GIF to SVG With Ease

Are you searching out methods to transform GIF to SVG? Then you are lucky to have found the right article. While Scalable Vector Graphics can help you scale a photograph to any length with very little distortion, editing and playing your animated SVGs documents on a few gadgets can cause compatibility issues. Moreover, SVGs aren’t well suited with all websites, so in case you need to apply it for your weblog or websites wherein they are now no longer supported, then you may want to transform it to an extra handy layout like GIF.

There is plenty of photograph conversion gear and online editors that can help you convert SVG to GIF. However, now no longer all GIF converters and editors are green and clean to apply. In this article, you’ll know about the top SVG to GIF converters that you may use to make GIF images and use them together along with your buddies quickly.

In this article

01 [8 Best Easy GIF to SVG Converters](#Part 1)

02 [5 Best SVG to GIF Converters](#Part 2)

Part 1 Best Easy GIF to SVG Converters


It is a very online animated GIF to SVG converter. You get the option to select and upload the GIF from your storage. After uploading, it instantly starts converting it to the SVG and shows you the results when finished. Now, the converted SVG file can be downloaded. This online converter supports multiple conversions such as uploading multiple GIF files at once and converting them to SVG simultaneously. Also, there is no maximum file size limit mentioned anywhere and the SVG has the same colors as the GIF.



This is the next website you can use to convert GIF to SVG. Multiple input methods are supported by this website. You can upload GIF documents out of your nearby storage, Google Drive, Dropbox, or even fetch a GIF through pasting a URL to it. Apart from a couple of entering methods, this internet site offers you a choice to alternate the picture length for the SVG file. By allowing this option, you could set the scale for the SVG after which the conversion begins. This way, you could convert and resize the SVG in a single step and download the final output.



This is another free website to convert SVG to GIF animation. This website converts JPG and PNG files to SVG along with GIFs. But unlike other websites, there is a size limitation on the input file. Here, you can convert GIFs up to 4 MB in size which seems decent enough as most of the GIFs are within 1 MB of size.



This is a free cloud converter platform that supports dozens of files types and can animate GIF to SVG. This supports batch conversions and lets you input files from many sources such as local storage, Dropbox, Google Drive, or via a URL. 100 MB is the maximum file size limit which is enough. After adding the GIF files, conversion can be started and you can get the SVGs in the output.

This website has lots of settings that will help you to customize to get the desired output. Along with all these options, you can also set the black and white threshold and speckles threshold for the final SVG output.

online convert.com


Inkscape is a GIF to SVG converter software for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Primarily it is used for designing vector graphics. The format of the images can be changed easily as you get the “save as” feature in it. This feature helps you to easily convert GIFs and other images to SVG, PDF, PNG, PS, EPS, DXF, etc. The main advantage of this is that you can convert GIF to different kinds of SVG such as Plain SVG, Optimized SVG, Compressed SVG, etc.

Before converting GIF to SVG, you can edit GIF images using various tools. A lot of filters are provided too which you can apply to the input GIF image, such as bevel, blur, color, distort, pixel tools, etc.


06RealWorld Paint

It is a nice free GIF to SVG converter desktop software. In this, you can view, create, and edit graphics in various formats such as GIF, SVG, WEBP, PNG, JPG, etc. Its “save as” feature can also be used for converting images from one supported format to another.

A good number of image modification tools are also included in it such as resize, crop, rotate, watermarking, filters, and more. Additionally, you can also draw designs over the GIF image using its painting tools.

realworld paint


It is a batch image processor using which can also convert SVG to GIF animation and vice versa. Bulkpictures are used for editing and converting. You can easily add several GIF images to it and convert them all to SVG format at once. Since it lets you edit images, you can modify input GIF files before converting them. A wide number of image formats are supported for batch processing such as camera raw images (DNG, CR2, SR2, NEF, ARW, ORF, etc.), JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and many more.


08LibreOffice Draw

LibreOffice Draw is a free GIF to SVG converter software for your desktop. This software comes with the popular free open-source office software called LibreOffice. Many other office-related applications in this package include LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Calc, LibreOffice Impress, etc.

When using it, you can simply open a GIF image file in it and then save it in SVG vector format. You can easily edit the input GIF image before the conversion. For eating the image, you can use its drawing tools, transformation tools, text tools, formatting options, etc.

libreoffice draw

Part 2 Best SVG to GIF Converters


This is an easy-to-use online file conversion tool with a robust and scalable API. It is an all-in-one cloud-based converter and supports over 200 different file formats from vectors, audio, and video. With this tool, you can convert SVG to GIF in your browser and email it to yourself or transfer it to combined cloud services like Google Drive and Dropbox.CloudConvert’sfull version starts at $8. You can also use the free trial version to convert your files quickly.



Convertio is an easy file converter that offers both paid and free online versions to convert SVG to GIF animation. The software payment pricing system starts at $7.99and it also works with all file types. More than 300 different file format conversion is applicable and it allows you to upload your converted files to other applications such as Dropbox and Google Drive. 100MB is the maximum file memory size that you can upload to this tool.



It is a powerful desktop SVG to GIF converter that offers a variety of file conversion utilities such as an online file converter to convert your animate SVG to GIF. The tool’s interface is clear and easy to understand, supports a lot of file formats, has reactive support, and features powerful engines that help to process your files in one go.


04Wondershare Filmora

It is an easy-to-use and trendy video editing software that gives power to your story and gives amazing results, regardless of you are a beginner or an expert. Wondershare Filmora Video Editor helps you to get started with any new project by importing and editing your video, adding special effects and transitions, and sharing your final creation on social media, mobile devices, or DVDs.

It is an interactive platform and editing tool that is easy to navigate. It gives lots of values and makes the process of converting SVG to GIF easier and more interesting. Filmora is free to download software. After signing up for free, you can edit videos, GIFs, and images without any watermark. It also allows the editing of GIFs to include subtitles, text, or captions.

It is a very remarkable editing tool with a wide set of attractive features that can make your image highly customized. Filmore also allows you to extract still images from video without changing the resolution.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.


This is another free alternative to an SVG to GIF converter software for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It is a very well-known image editing software with diverse image manipulation and painting tools. By using it, the format of supported images can also be changed with the help of its export feature. Hence, you can also convert SVG to GIFin this software.

However, by default, this software does not support SVG as an output format. So, for converting GIF or any other image file to SVG, you need to install an additional plugin to it.


Part 1 Ending Thoughts

Since you are now reading the end of this article, we are hoping you now know everything about SVG to GIF converter and the best SVG and GIF converter and vice versa that you can turn to and quickly convert your image files and share them with your friends as well as the meaning of SVG.

Try It Free Try It Free

The Complete Guide to Converting GIF to SVG With Ease

Are you searching out methods to transform GIF to SVG? Then you are lucky to have found the right article. While Scalable Vector Graphics can help you scale a photograph to any length with very little distortion, editing and playing your animated SVGs documents on a few gadgets can cause compatibility issues. Moreover, SVGs aren’t well suited with all websites, so in case you need to apply it for your weblog or websites wherein they are now no longer supported, then you may want to transform it to an extra handy layout like GIF.

There is plenty of photograph conversion gear and online editors that can help you convert SVG to GIF. However, now no longer all GIF converters and editors are green and clean to apply. In this article, you’ll know about the top SVG to GIF converters that you may use to make GIF images and use them together along with your buddies quickly.

In this article

01 [8 Best Easy GIF to SVG Converters](#Part 1)

02 [5 Best SVG to GIF Converters](#Part 2)

Part 1 Best Easy GIF to SVG Converters


It is a very online animated GIF to SVG converter. You get the option to select and upload the GIF from your storage. After uploading, it instantly starts converting it to the SVG and shows you the results when finished. Now, the converted SVG file can be downloaded. This online converter supports multiple conversions such as uploading multiple GIF files at once and converting them to SVG simultaneously. Also, there is no maximum file size limit mentioned anywhere and the SVG has the same colors as the GIF.



This is the next website you can use to convert GIF to SVG. Multiple input methods are supported by this website. You can upload GIF documents out of your nearby storage, Google Drive, Dropbox, or even fetch a GIF through pasting a URL to it. Apart from a couple of entering methods, this internet site offers you a choice to alternate the picture length for the SVG file. By allowing this option, you could set the scale for the SVG after which the conversion begins. This way, you could convert and resize the SVG in a single step and download the final output.



This is another free website to convert SVG to GIF animation. This website converts JPG and PNG files to SVG along with GIFs. But unlike other websites, there is a size limitation on the input file. Here, you can convert GIFs up to 4 MB in size which seems decent enough as most of the GIFs are within 1 MB of size.



This is a free cloud converter platform that supports dozens of files types and can animate GIF to SVG. This supports batch conversions and lets you input files from many sources such as local storage, Dropbox, Google Drive, or via a URL. 100 MB is the maximum file size limit which is enough. After adding the GIF files, conversion can be started and you can get the SVGs in the output.

This website has lots of settings that will help you to customize to get the desired output. Along with all these options, you can also set the black and white threshold and speckles threshold for the final SVG output.

online convert.com


Inkscape is a GIF to SVG converter software for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Primarily it is used for designing vector graphics. The format of the images can be changed easily as you get the “save as” feature in it. This feature helps you to easily convert GIFs and other images to SVG, PDF, PNG, PS, EPS, DXF, etc. The main advantage of this is that you can convert GIF to different kinds of SVG such as Plain SVG, Optimized SVG, Compressed SVG, etc.

Before converting GIF to SVG, you can edit GIF images using various tools. A lot of filters are provided too which you can apply to the input GIF image, such as bevel, blur, color, distort, pixel tools, etc.


06RealWorld Paint

It is a nice free GIF to SVG converter desktop software. In this, you can view, create, and edit graphics in various formats such as GIF, SVG, WEBP, PNG, JPG, etc. Its “save as” feature can also be used for converting images from one supported format to another.

A good number of image modification tools are also included in it such as resize, crop, rotate, watermarking, filters, and more. Additionally, you can also draw designs over the GIF image using its painting tools.

realworld paint


It is a batch image processor using which can also convert SVG to GIF animation and vice versa. Bulkpictures are used for editing and converting. You can easily add several GIF images to it and convert them all to SVG format at once. Since it lets you edit images, you can modify input GIF files before converting them. A wide number of image formats are supported for batch processing such as camera raw images (DNG, CR2, SR2, NEF, ARW, ORF, etc.), JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and many more.


08LibreOffice Draw

LibreOffice Draw is a free GIF to SVG converter software for your desktop. This software comes with the popular free open-source office software called LibreOffice. Many other office-related applications in this package include LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Calc, LibreOffice Impress, etc.

When using it, you can simply open a GIF image file in it and then save it in SVG vector format. You can easily edit the input GIF image before the conversion. For eating the image, you can use its drawing tools, transformation tools, text tools, formatting options, etc.

libreoffice draw

Part 2 Best SVG to GIF Converters


This is an easy-to-use online file conversion tool with a robust and scalable API. It is an all-in-one cloud-based converter and supports over 200 different file formats from vectors, audio, and video. With this tool, you can convert SVG to GIF in your browser and email it to yourself or transfer it to combined cloud services like Google Drive and Dropbox.CloudConvert’sfull version starts at $8. You can also use the free trial version to convert your files quickly.



Convertio is an easy file converter that offers both paid and free online versions to convert SVG to GIF animation. The software payment pricing system starts at $7.99and it also works with all file types. More than 300 different file format conversion is applicable and it allows you to upload your converted files to other applications such as Dropbox and Google Drive. 100MB is the maximum file memory size that you can upload to this tool.



It is a powerful desktop SVG to GIF converter that offers a variety of file conversion utilities such as an online file converter to convert your animate SVG to GIF. The tool’s interface is clear and easy to understand, supports a lot of file formats, has reactive support, and features powerful engines that help to process your files in one go.


04Wondershare Filmora

It is an easy-to-use and trendy video editing software that gives power to your story and gives amazing results, regardless of you are a beginner or an expert. Wondershare Filmora Video Editor helps you to get started with any new project by importing and editing your video, adding special effects and transitions, and sharing your final creation on social media, mobile devices, or DVDs.

It is an interactive platform and editing tool that is easy to navigate. It gives lots of values and makes the process of converting SVG to GIF easier and more interesting. Filmora is free to download software. After signing up for free, you can edit videos, GIFs, and images without any watermark. It also allows the editing of GIFs to include subtitles, text, or captions.

It is a very remarkable editing tool with a wide set of attractive features that can make your image highly customized. Filmore also allows you to extract still images from video without changing the resolution.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.


This is another free alternative to an SVG to GIF converter software for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It is a very well-known image editing software with diverse image manipulation and painting tools. By using it, the format of supported images can also be changed with the help of its export feature. Hence, you can also convert SVG to GIFin this software.

However, by default, this software does not support SVG as an output format. So, for converting GIF or any other image file to SVG, you need to install an additional plugin to it.


Part 1 Ending Thoughts

Since you are now reading the end of this article, we are hoping you now know everything about SVG to GIF converter and the best SVG and GIF converter and vice versa that you can turn to and quickly convert your image files and share them with your friends as well as the meaning of SVG.

Ultimate Guidelines to Help You Better Use VLC Media Player

Video players have made it quite easy for users to watch movies and their favorite seasons whenever they wish to. While working on improving video quality, several video players have taken dominance across the current market. VLC Media Player stands among the top contenders of video players that have provided users with exceptional services. This article stands on discussing the pointers that would help you use VLC Media Player in a better way.

In this article

01 Key Features of VLC Media Player

02 List of VLC Media Player Supported Format

03 How to Play or Download Streaming Videos with VLC

04 How to Record Screen and Take Screenshots by Using VLC?

05 How to Convert Video File to Different Formats with VLC?

06 Extra Tips: Top Recommended Video Editor in 2022 – Filmora Video Editor

Part 1: Key Features of VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is an open-source, free video player accessible for all users across major platforms. Being one of the best, it is essential to realize the features that make VLC Media Player special.

vlc key features

Convert Video Files

One of the most anticipated features of VLC is its conversion ability. While converting videos, users can also proceed towards audios. However, as our focus is across the video file formats, VLC offers an extensive set of formats to convert the video without compromising the quality.

Loop Parts of Video

Where most video players provide the option of looping complete files, VLC has changed the narrative of looping specific parts of a video by setting up markers across it. This helps users loop specific parts across their videos.

Stream Podcasts

VLC Media Player exempts the need to download dedicated platforms that stream podcasts for you. The video player allows you to stream podcasts across its platform without the need for any additional settings easily.

Enhance Your Videos

With VLC player, you can always consider revamping your video by adding different filters and effects across it. The user can change the brightness, contrast, colors, geometry, overlays, and several other video features across the platform.

Adding Subtitles

While watching movies and videos, you can download and add external subtitle files across the VLC player to improve your video experience.

Part 2: List of VLC Media Player Supported Format

The following VLC formats are supported across the platform. Users can consider using any of the following as per their convenience:

  • AVI
  • WMA
  • MP4
  • MOV
  • 3GP
  • OGG
  • FLAC
  • MKV
  • MPEG-1/2
  • DivX® (1/2/3/4/5/6)
  • MPEG-4 ASP
  • XviD
  • 3ivX D4
  • 261
  • 263 / H.263i
  • 264 / MPEG-4 AVC
  • Cinepak
  • Theora
  • Dirac / VC-2
  • MJPEG (A/B)
  • WMV 1/2
  • WMV 3 / WMV-9
  • VC-1
  • Sorenson 1/3
  • DV
  • On2 VP3/VP5/VP6
  • Indeo Video v3 (IV32)
  • Real Video (1/2/3/4)

Part 3: How to Play or Download Streaming Videos with VLC

As you use a video player, it is always preferable to have one that provides extensive and impressive functions. VLC Media Player for PC allows you to download and play videos across the platform. To understand the procedure, go through the steps provided below:

Step 1: Install VLC Media Player across your device. Run the video player once installed and proceed to select “Media.” Select “Open Network Stream” from the drop-down menu.

access media tab

Step 2: You need to open the video’s web page that is to be downloaded through VLC. Copy and paste the video URL across the “Please enter a network URL:” box across the window that opens on the screen. Select the “ Stream “ option across the drop-down menu that appears across the “Play” option.

insert your video url

Step 3: On the next window, select “Add” and browse the output destination of the file along with its name.

confirm your destination

Step 4: Following this, select the output format of the video file that you need to save your download video in. Ensure that the option of “Activate Transcoding” is enabled. Tap on “Next” to proceed.

select your output format

Step 5: With all settings specified, click “Stream” to download the video across the specified destination.

 tap on stream button

Step 6: Once the video is downloaded, select “Media” and tap on “Open Files.” You can access the specific file folder and play the video from there across VLC Media Player with ease.

play your downloaded video

Part 4: How to Record Screen and Take Screenshots by Using VLC?

Being a content creator, you particularly wish to work on a low budget at the start. Recording videos and streaming them has been made easy with VLC Media Player. Follow the steps of recording screen and taking screenshots of your device with the help of VLC.

Recording Screen with VLC

Step 1: Open VLC Media Player on your device. You also need to open the platform to be recorded with VLC.

open vlc media player

Step 2: Tap on “Media” followed by “Open Network Stream” across the drop-down menu to open a new window.

select network stream option

Step 3: Across the “Capture Mode” option, select “Desktop” to record the desktop screen across the player. Set up the desired frame rate for your screen recording. Tap on “Play” once you have configured all essential settings.

customize settings to record screen

Taking Screenshots on VLC

Step 1: Access the “Media” section and select “Open File” to import a video across the player.

click on open file

Step 2: After opening a video across VLC, you can capture your screen by proceeding to the “Video” tab and selecting the option of “Take Snapshot” to take a screenshot across VLC.

choose take snapshot option

Step 3: You can also set up and use the hotkeys of “CTRL + ALT + S” and “Shift + S” for capturing the screen across the VLC player.

Part 5: How to Convert Video File to Different Formats with VLC?

If you are looking to convert your video file into different VLC formats, you can consider adopting the services of a VLC player. To cover this, look into the steps featured below:

Step 1: Open VLC Media Player on your device and navigate the “Media” tab. Select the “Convert/Save” option across the drop-down menu.

open convert save option

Step 2: With a new screen on the front, select “Add” to import the video file to be converted. Tap on “Convert/Save” once added.

add your video file

Step 3: Once you add the video, a new screen opens containing the conversion options. Select the file format you wish to change to across the “Profile” option. Set up the output folder of the converted video across the “Destination file” option. As you have set the options, tap on “Start” to conclude the process and convert the video successfully.

finalize settings for conversion

Video editors are as important as video players within this current digital world. Content creators who have their setup across developing videos require platforms that can help them enhance their videos to perfection before playing them across video players such as VLC Media Player. Wondershare Filmora is a clear example of such video editors that provide proficient services in the video editing platform to their users.

filmora video editor interface

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

As far as the platform goes, it provides a simple and effective user interface to its users. It has tried to embed all necessary features across a simple structure to make things easier for beginners. This is how video editing is quite easy across Filmora Video Editor. With various editing options to work on, users can trim their videos, adjust their audios, add effects and transitions, and utilize visual effects to perfection.

Designing videos with Filmora is a treat for the creators. While recommending the platform for users, they can discover explicit tools for motion tracking, color matching, keyframing, and multiple other options. This is what makes Filmora an exceptional option in video editing platforms. At a price that numerous users can afford, the platform offers unique and diverse options compared to other video editors in the market.


This article has provided an in-depth understanding of the VLC Media Player and the feature it provides. It has also focused on discussing the details about the multiple procedures that can be tried across the player, including conversion, recording, and taking screenshots across VLC. Users new to this platform should look into these details before using it for their specific purpose.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


02 List of VLC Media Player Supported Format

03 How to Play or Download Streaming Videos with VLC

04 How to Record Screen and Take Screenshots by Using VLC?

05 How to Convert Video File to Different Formats with VLC?

06 Extra Tips: Top Recommended Video Editor in 2022 – Filmora Video Editor

Part 1: Key Features of VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is an open-source, free video player accessible for all users across major platforms. Being one of the best, it is essential to realize the features that make VLC Media Player special.

vlc key features

Convert Video Files

One of the most anticipated features of VLC is its conversion ability. While converting videos, users can also proceed towards audios. However, as our focus is across the video file formats, VLC offers an extensive set of formats to convert the video without compromising the quality.

Loop Parts of Video

Where most video players provide the option of looping complete files, VLC has changed the narrative of looping specific parts of a video by setting up markers across it. This helps users loop specific parts across their videos.

Stream Podcasts

VLC Media Player exempts the need to download dedicated platforms that stream podcasts for you. The video player allows you to stream podcasts across its platform without the need for any additional settings easily.

Enhance Your Videos

With VLC player, you can always consider revamping your video by adding different filters and effects across it. The user can change the brightness, contrast, colors, geometry, overlays, and several other video features across the platform.

Adding Subtitles

While watching movies and videos, you can download and add external subtitle files across the VLC player to improve your video experience.

Part 2: List of VLC Media Player Supported Format

The following VLC formats are supported across the platform. Users can consider using any of the following as per their convenience:

  • AVI
  • WMA
  • MP4
  • MOV
  • 3GP
  • OGG
  • FLAC
  • MKV
  • MPEG-1/2
  • DivX® (1/2/3/4/5/6)
  • MPEG-4 ASP
  • XviD
  • 3ivX D4
  • 261
  • 263 / H.263i
  • 264 / MPEG-4 AVC
  • Cinepak
  • Theora
  • Dirac / VC-2
  • MJPEG (A/B)
  • WMV 1/2
  • WMV 3 / WMV-9
  • VC-1
  • Sorenson 1/3
  • DV
  • On2 VP3/VP5/VP6
  • Indeo Video v3 (IV32)
  • Real Video (1/2/3/4)

Part 3: How to Play or Download Streaming Videos with VLC

As you use a video player, it is always preferable to have one that provides extensive and impressive functions. VLC Media Player for PC allows you to download and play videos across the platform. To understand the procedure, go through the steps provided below:

Step 1: Install VLC Media Player across your device. Run the video player once installed and proceed to select “Media.” Select “Open Network Stream” from the drop-down menu.

access media tab

Step 2: You need to open the video’s web page that is to be downloaded through VLC. Copy and paste the video URL across the “Please enter a network URL:” box across the window that opens on the screen. Select the “ Stream “ option across the drop-down menu that appears across the “Play” option.

insert your video url

Step 3: On the next window, select “Add” and browse the output destination of the file along with its name.

confirm your destination

Step 4: Following this, select the output format of the video file that you need to save your download video in. Ensure that the option of “Activate Transcoding” is enabled. Tap on “Next” to proceed.

select your output format

Step 5: With all settings specified, click “Stream” to download the video across the specified destination.

 tap on stream button

Step 6: Once the video is downloaded, select “Media” and tap on “Open Files.” You can access the specific file folder and play the video from there across VLC Media Player with ease.

play your downloaded video

Part 4: How to Record Screen and Take Screenshots by Using VLC?

Being a content creator, you particularly wish to work on a low budget at the start. Recording videos and streaming them has been made easy with VLC Media Player. Follow the steps of recording screen and taking screenshots of your device with the help of VLC.

Recording Screen with VLC

Step 1: Open VLC Media Player on your device. You also need to open the platform to be recorded with VLC.

open vlc media player

Step 2: Tap on “Media” followed by “Open Network Stream” across the drop-down menu to open a new window.

select network stream option

Step 3: Across the “Capture Mode” option, select “Desktop” to record the desktop screen across the player. Set up the desired frame rate for your screen recording. Tap on “Play” once you have configured all essential settings.

customize settings to record screen

Taking Screenshots on VLC

Step 1: Access the “Media” section and select “Open File” to import a video across the player.

click on open file

Step 2: After opening a video across VLC, you can capture your screen by proceeding to the “Video” tab and selecting the option of “Take Snapshot” to take a screenshot across VLC.

choose take snapshot option

Step 3: You can also set up and use the hotkeys of “CTRL + ALT + S” and “Shift + S” for capturing the screen across the VLC player.

Part 5: How to Convert Video File to Different Formats with VLC?

If you are looking to convert your video file into different VLC formats, you can consider adopting the services of a VLC player. To cover this, look into the steps featured below:

Step 1: Open VLC Media Player on your device and navigate the “Media” tab. Select the “Convert/Save” option across the drop-down menu.

open convert save option

Step 2: With a new screen on the front, select “Add” to import the video file to be converted. Tap on “Convert/Save” once added.

add your video file

Step 3: Once you add the video, a new screen opens containing the conversion options. Select the file format you wish to change to across the “Profile” option. Set up the output folder of the converted video across the “Destination file” option. As you have set the options, tap on “Start” to conclude the process and convert the video successfully.

finalize settings for conversion

Video editors are as important as video players within this current digital world. Content creators who have their setup across developing videos require platforms that can help them enhance their videos to perfection before playing them across video players such as VLC Media Player. Wondershare Filmora is a clear example of such video editors that provide proficient services in the video editing platform to their users.

filmora video editor interface

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

As far as the platform goes, it provides a simple and effective user interface to its users. It has tried to embed all necessary features across a simple structure to make things easier for beginners. This is how video editing is quite easy across Filmora Video Editor. With various editing options to work on, users can trim their videos, adjust their audios, add effects and transitions, and utilize visual effects to perfection.

Designing videos with Filmora is a treat for the creators. While recommending the platform for users, they can discover explicit tools for motion tracking, color matching, keyframing, and multiple other options. This is what makes Filmora an exceptional option in video editing platforms. At a price that numerous users can afford, the platform offers unique and diverse options compared to other video editors in the market.


This article has provided an in-depth understanding of the VLC Media Player and the feature it provides. It has also focused on discussing the details about the multiple procedures that can be tried across the player, including conversion, recording, and taking screenshots across VLC. Users new to this platform should look into these details before using it for their specific purpose.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


02 List of VLC Media Player Supported Format

03 How to Play or Download Streaming Videos with VLC

04 How to Record Screen and Take Screenshots by Using VLC?

05 How to Convert Video File to Different Formats with VLC?

06 Extra Tips: Top Recommended Video Editor in 2022 – Filmora Video Editor

Part 1: Key Features of VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is an open-source, free video player accessible for all users across major platforms. Being one of the best, it is essential to realize the features that make VLC Media Player special.

vlc key features

Convert Video Files

One of the most anticipated features of VLC is its conversion ability. While converting videos, users can also proceed towards audios. However, as our focus is across the video file formats, VLC offers an extensive set of formats to convert the video without compromising the quality.

Loop Parts of Video

Where most video players provide the option of looping complete files, VLC has changed the narrative of looping specific parts of a video by setting up markers across it. This helps users loop specific parts across their videos.

Stream Podcasts

VLC Media Player exempts the need to download dedicated platforms that stream podcasts for you. The video player allows you to stream podcasts across its platform without the need for any additional settings easily.

Enhance Your Videos

With VLC player, you can always consider revamping your video by adding different filters and effects across it. The user can change the brightness, contrast, colors, geometry, overlays, and several other video features across the platform.

Adding Subtitles

While watching movies and videos, you can download and add external subtitle files across the VLC player to improve your video experience.

Part 2: List of VLC Media Player Supported Format

The following VLC formats are supported across the platform. Users can consider using any of the following as per their convenience:

  • AVI
  • WMA
  • MP4
  • MOV
  • 3GP
  • OGG
  • FLAC
  • MKV
  • MPEG-1/2
  • DivX® (1/2/3/4/5/6)
  • MPEG-4 ASP
  • XviD
  • 3ivX D4
  • 261
  • 263 / H.263i
  • 264 / MPEG-4 AVC
  • Cinepak
  • Theora
  • Dirac / VC-2
  • MJPEG (A/B)
  • WMV 1/2
  • WMV 3 / WMV-9
  • VC-1
  • Sorenson 1/3
  • DV
  • On2 VP3/VP5/VP6
  • Indeo Video v3 (IV32)
  • Real Video (1/2/3/4)

Part 3: How to Play or Download Streaming Videos with VLC

As you use a video player, it is always preferable to have one that provides extensive and impressive functions. VLC Media Player for PC allows you to download and play videos across the platform. To understand the procedure, go through the steps provided below:

Step 1: Install VLC Media Player across your device. Run the video player once installed and proceed to select “Media.” Select “Open Network Stream” from the drop-down menu.

access media tab

Step 2: You need to open the video’s web page that is to be downloaded through VLC. Copy and paste the video URL across the “Please enter a network URL:” box across the window that opens on the screen. Select the “ Stream “ option across the drop-down menu that appears across the “Play” option.

insert your video url

Step 3: On the next window, select “Add” and browse the output destination of the file along with its name.

confirm your destination

Step 4: Following this, select the output format of the video file that you need to save your download video in. Ensure that the option of “Activate Transcoding” is enabled. Tap on “Next” to proceed.

select your output format

Step 5: With all settings specified, click “Stream” to download the video across the specified destination.

 tap on stream button

Step 6: Once the video is downloaded, select “Media” and tap on “Open Files.” You can access the specific file folder and play the video from there across VLC Media Player with ease.

play your downloaded video

Part 4: How to Record Screen and Take Screenshots by Using VLC?

Being a content creator, you particularly wish to work on a low budget at the start. Recording videos and streaming them has been made easy with VLC Media Player. Follow the steps of recording screen and taking screenshots of your device with the help of VLC.

Recording Screen with VLC

Step 1: Open VLC Media Player on your device. You also need to open the platform to be recorded with VLC.

open vlc media player

Step 2: Tap on “Media” followed by “Open Network Stream” across the drop-down menu to open a new window.

select network stream option

Step 3: Across the “Capture Mode” option, select “Desktop” to record the desktop screen across the player. Set up the desired frame rate for your screen recording. Tap on “Play” once you have configured all essential settings.

customize settings to record screen

Taking Screenshots on VLC

Step 1: Access the “Media” section and select “Open File” to import a video across the player.

click on open file

Step 2: After opening a video across VLC, you can capture your screen by proceeding to the “Video” tab and selecting the option of “Take Snapshot” to take a screenshot across VLC.

choose take snapshot option

Step 3: You can also set up and use the hotkeys of “CTRL + ALT + S” and “Shift + S” for capturing the screen across the VLC player.

Part 5: How to Convert Video File to Different Formats with VLC?

If you are looking to convert your video file into different VLC formats, you can consider adopting the services of a VLC player. To cover this, look into the steps featured below:

Step 1: Open VLC Media Player on your device and navigate the “Media” tab. Select the “Convert/Save” option across the drop-down menu.

open convert save option

Step 2: With a new screen on the front, select “Add” to import the video file to be converted. Tap on “Convert/Save” once added.

add your video file

Step 3: Once you add the video, a new screen opens containing the conversion options. Select the file format you wish to change to across the “Profile” option. Set up the output folder of the converted video across the “Destination file” option. As you have set the options, tap on “Start” to conclude the process and convert the video successfully.

finalize settings for conversion

Video editors are as important as video players within this current digital world. Content creators who have their setup across developing videos require platforms that can help them enhance their videos to perfection before playing them across video players such as VLC Media Player. Wondershare Filmora is a clear example of such video editors that provide proficient services in the video editing platform to their users.

filmora video editor interface

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

As far as the platform goes, it provides a simple and effective user interface to its users. It has tried to embed all necessary features across a simple structure to make things easier for beginners. This is how video editing is quite easy across Filmora Video Editor. With various editing options to work on, users can trim their videos, adjust their audios, add effects and transitions, and utilize visual effects to perfection.

Designing videos with Filmora is a treat for the creators. While recommending the platform for users, they can discover explicit tools for motion tracking, color matching, keyframing, and multiple other options. This is what makes Filmora an exceptional option in video editing platforms. At a price that numerous users can afford, the platform offers unique and diverse options compared to other video editors in the market.


This article has provided an in-depth understanding of the VLC Media Player and the feature it provides. It has also focused on discussing the details about the multiple procedures that can be tried across the player, including conversion, recording, and taking screenshots across VLC. Users new to this platform should look into these details before using it for their specific purpose.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


02 List of VLC Media Player Supported Format

03 How to Play or Download Streaming Videos with VLC

04 How to Record Screen and Take Screenshots by Using VLC?

05 How to Convert Video File to Different Formats with VLC?

06 Extra Tips: Top Recommended Video Editor in 2022 – Filmora Video Editor

Part 1: Key Features of VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is an open-source, free video player accessible for all users across major platforms. Being one of the best, it is essential to realize the features that make VLC Media Player special.

vlc key features

Convert Video Files

One of the most anticipated features of VLC is its conversion ability. While converting videos, users can also proceed towards audios. However, as our focus is across the video file formats, VLC offers an extensive set of formats to convert the video without compromising the quality.

Loop Parts of Video

Where most video players provide the option of looping complete files, VLC has changed the narrative of looping specific parts of a video by setting up markers across it. This helps users loop specific parts across their videos.

Stream Podcasts

VLC Media Player exempts the need to download dedicated platforms that stream podcasts for you. The video player allows you to stream podcasts across its platform without the need for any additional settings easily.

Enhance Your Videos

With VLC player, you can always consider revamping your video by adding different filters and effects across it. The user can change the brightness, contrast, colors, geometry, overlays, and several other video features across the platform.

Adding Subtitles

While watching movies and videos, you can download and add external subtitle files across the VLC player to improve your video experience.

Part 2: List of VLC Media Player Supported Format

The following VLC formats are supported across the platform. Users can consider using any of the following as per their convenience:

  • AVI
  • WMA
  • MP4
  • MOV
  • 3GP
  • OGG
  • FLAC
  • MKV
  • MPEG-1/2
  • DivX® (1/2/3/4/5/6)
  • MPEG-4 ASP
  • XviD
  • 3ivX D4
  • 261
  • 263 / H.263i
  • 264 / MPEG-4 AVC
  • Cinepak
  • Theora
  • Dirac / VC-2
  • MJPEG (A/B)
  • WMV 1/2
  • WMV 3 / WMV-9
  • VC-1
  • Sorenson 1/3
  • DV
  • On2 VP3/VP5/VP6
  • Indeo Video v3 (IV32)
  • Real Video (1/2/3/4)

Part 3: How to Play or Download Streaming Videos with VLC

As you use a video player, it is always preferable to have one that provides extensive and impressive functions. VLC Media Player for PC allows you to download and play videos across the platform. To understand the procedure, go through the steps provided below:

Step 1: Install VLC Media Player across your device. Run the video player once installed and proceed to select “Media.” Select “Open Network Stream” from the drop-down menu.

access media tab

Step 2: You need to open the video’s web page that is to be downloaded through VLC. Copy and paste the video URL across the “Please enter a network URL:” box across the window that opens on the screen. Select the “ Stream “ option across the drop-down menu that appears across the “Play” option.

insert your video url

Step 3: On the next window, select “Add” and browse the output destination of the file along with its name.

confirm your destination

Step 4: Following this, select the output format of the video file that you need to save your download video in. Ensure that the option of “Activate Transcoding” is enabled. Tap on “Next” to proceed.

select your output format

Step 5: With all settings specified, click “Stream” to download the video across the specified destination.

 tap on stream button

Step 6: Once the video is downloaded, select “Media” and tap on “Open Files.” You can access the specific file folder and play the video from there across VLC Media Player with ease.

play your downloaded video

Part 4: How to Record Screen and Take Screenshots by Using VLC?

Being a content creator, you particularly wish to work on a low budget at the start. Recording videos and streaming them has been made easy with VLC Media Player. Follow the steps of recording screen and taking screenshots of your device with the help of VLC.

Recording Screen with VLC

Step 1: Open VLC Media Player on your device. You also need to open the platform to be recorded with VLC.

open vlc media player

Step 2: Tap on “Media” followed by “Open Network Stream” across the drop-down menu to open a new window.

select network stream option

Step 3: Across the “Capture Mode” option, select “Desktop” to record the desktop screen across the player. Set up the desired frame rate for your screen recording. Tap on “Play” once you have configured all essential settings.

customize settings to record screen

Taking Screenshots on VLC

Step 1: Access the “Media” section and select “Open File” to import a video across the player.

click on open file

Step 2: After opening a video across VLC, you can capture your screen by proceeding to the “Video” tab and selecting the option of “Take Snapshot” to take a screenshot across VLC.

choose take snapshot option

Step 3: You can also set up and use the hotkeys of “CTRL + ALT + S” and “Shift + S” for capturing the screen across the VLC player.

Part 5: How to Convert Video File to Different Formats with VLC?

If you are looking to convert your video file into different VLC formats, you can consider adopting the services of a VLC player. To cover this, look into the steps featured below:

Step 1: Open VLC Media Player on your device and navigate the “Media” tab. Select the “Convert/Save” option across the drop-down menu.

open convert save option

Step 2: With a new screen on the front, select “Add” to import the video file to be converted. Tap on “Convert/Save” once added.

add your video file

Step 3: Once you add the video, a new screen opens containing the conversion options. Select the file format you wish to change to across the “Profile” option. Set up the output folder of the converted video across the “Destination file” option. As you have set the options, tap on “Start” to conclude the process and convert the video successfully.

finalize settings for conversion

Video editors are as important as video players within this current digital world. Content creators who have their setup across developing videos require platforms that can help them enhance their videos to perfection before playing them across video players such as VLC Media Player. Wondershare Filmora is a clear example of such video editors that provide proficient services in the video editing platform to their users.

filmora video editor interface

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

As far as the platform goes, it provides a simple and effective user interface to its users. It has tried to embed all necessary features across a simple structure to make things easier for beginners. This is how video editing is quite easy across Filmora Video Editor. With various editing options to work on, users can trim their videos, adjust their audios, add effects and transitions, and utilize visual effects to perfection.

Designing videos with Filmora is a treat for the creators. While recommending the platform for users, they can discover explicit tools for motion tracking, color matching, keyframing, and multiple other options. This is what makes Filmora an exceptional option in video editing platforms. At a price that numerous users can afford, the platform offers unique and diverse options compared to other video editors in the market.


This article has provided an in-depth understanding of the VLC Media Player and the feature it provides. It has also focused on discussing the details about the multiple procedures that can be tried across the player, including conversion, recording, and taking screenshots across VLC. Users new to this platform should look into these details before using it for their specific purpose.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


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