Updated 2024 Approved How to Loop a Video in Canva Editor

Updated 2024 Approved How to Loop a Video in Canva Editor

Morgan Lv12

How to Loop a Video in Canva Editor

Looping a video is a great way to make your content stand out from the competition. The looped video will repeat the same section of the video, which gives it an eerie feeling like an old-timely music box. For example, if you are creating a series of videos about a product launch, you could use loops to create anticipation for when the product will be available.

You can use this feature on Canva to create an eye-catching looped video that you can use in your social media posts and ads. It is great if you need to use a video in your project, but don’t have time to do the editing. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to Loop a video on Canva.

Part 1: How to Loop Video in Canva

Canva is a great video editing tool that allows users to create stunning videos. It has a simple interface that makes it easy to use even for beginners. Looping a video is a great way to make your content more engaging. You can add a looping effect to any video, whether it’s yours or one you find online. Creating the looping video is super easy!

Canva is a great way to create custom designs for your business. It’s also a great way to make a video for your brand. The looping feature in Canva is a great way to create more engaging infographics. By using this feature, you can create a custom loop, which allows you to create an infographic that repeats itself in the same or different sizes.

Step 1: Create an account on Canva and select the video:

Log in to Canva and click on “Create a design”. Import your video into Canva. You can find the import button on the right side of the screen when you’re editing a new project or opening an existing project by clicking “Open.”, then click on the “Add Video” button. The new video will appear underneath your other assets.

create a design in canva

Step 2: Choose the “Present” option by clicking on Share:

Click on the drop-down arrow next to the title bar and select “Present” from the list of available options. Then you can select the feature of Present that how your video will appear in front of you or your audience.

select present in canva

Step 3: Loop your video by choosing the feature “Start auto play”:

A new window will pop up and allow you to customize where in your project this loop will be placed: by default, it will start at 0 seconds and play until it reaches 500 seconds; however, you can change this if needed!

start auto play in canva

Why should we need the Loop video in Canva?

If you’re looking for a way to make your video stand out from the crowd, then you’ve come to the right place! Here are three ways that you can use looping videos in Canva software to create a more compelling piece of content.

  • It adds more value to your content because viewers can watch it over and over again without having to do anything else.
  • It helps attract new viewers because they’ll feel compelled to watch the whole thing or at least take action after watching part of it (like clicking on a button).
  • It increases retention rates because people will remember something much better than just a static image or text string because there’s movement involved in each frame of the image.

Part 2: Alternative Way to Loop a Video

If you’re using a video editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro, it is likely that you have seen the generic technique of looping a video is by splitting it in two and pasting it together again. What if you need to put on repeat just one individual cut? This is where Filmora steps in! It is a handy tool for trimming and adding clips into your recordings.

The Filmora software can be used to quickly create continual sequences of any duration, irrespective of how long the footage is. It makes possible to synchronize sound and video clips, splice them into one another, and even add titles and motion graphics for a special effect. If you utilize Filmora, you do not need to be an expert in video editing to make professional-looking results. Let us explore why Filmora is necessary for video editing.

Filmora is a video editing software that allows you to make professional-looking videos from your footage. It has a loop feature that lets you create seamless loops where each clip in the sequence plays over and over until you stop it. This can be useful for creating music videos, for example, or for creating small clips that loop seamlessly through the whole video.

The loop feature in Filmora software is a great way to put your video editing skills to the test. It allows you to edit a clip of any length and then play it back over and over again, which can be useful when you’re looking for an ideal looping point or want to see how long a clip is before going back to find out why it didn’t work.

Let’s have a look that how can we loop the video on Filmora:

Step 1: Download Filmora for free and Create a project in it:

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Download the Filmora software from any browser. After installation opens the software and clicks on create a project. Just add a video in your timeline that you would like to loop. With the Loop tool, you can easily add titles and credits, as well as transitions and effects to your videos.

create a project in filmora

Step 2: Select the video and make copies of it:

Move the play head to the end of your clip and press right-click to copy the video then use CTRL + V to paste the clip and continue pasting as many copies as you want to create.

make copy of video filmora

Step 3: Add Transition to the video to make it more seamless

Lastly, If you want to make your loop more seamless then go to the Transitions tab and type dissolve in the search bar. Drag the dissolve transition between the two clips on the timeline. This can be useful when you want viewers to watch the video repeatedly.

loop video in filmora editor

Part 3: FAQs About Video Loop

1. Can you loop animation in Canva?

Yes, we can make loop animation in Canva. Looping animation in Canva software is not difficult, but it does require a little bit of practice. To loop animation in Canva, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Animation tab on the left side of the screen.
  • Click on the New Animation button in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Select the type of animation you want to create from the drop-down menu next to “Create New Animation From.” This will open up a window that allows you to select between several different options for how your animation will appear, choose one that appeals most to you!

2. How do I loop an mp4 video?

Looping the mp4 video is a fairly simple process. First, you need to import the video into your computer. The easiest way to do this is using the .mp4 files that come with your camera or phone. You can also use any other audio file or a preview of the video as an indicator of where you want to start and end your looping.

Once you have imported your video, you can begin looping it. To do this, click on the “play” button and wait until all the videos have been played. Then, click on one of the two buttons below. The bottom button will play one frame forward in time while the top button will play one frame backward in time.

3. How do I make Canva videos longer?

We’ve got a special function in Canva that lets you crop your video while making it longer. Here’s how:

  • Go to the video editor by clicking the cog icon on the top right of your screen.
  • Select “Crop Video” from the menu.
  • Choose how much footage you want to cut out and press “OK.”
  • You’re done! Your video is now cropped and longer than before!

Wondershare Filmora Easy Video Looper Software for PC and Mac Users.

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Looping video generates interest and emotion in the minds of viewers and it is a great tool. According to research, over 80% of internet users watch videos online to get information or because they want to gain knowledge. People’s attention span has diminished significantly, since the invention of gadgets and all these must-have devices. The video will seem like you are editing the video in real-time.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Download the Filmora software from any browser. After installation opens the software and clicks on create a project. Just add a video in your timeline that you would like to loop. With the Loop tool, you can easily add titles and credits, as well as transitions and effects to your videos.

create a project in filmora

Step 2: Select the video and make copies of it:

Move the play head to the end of your clip and press right-click to copy the video then use CTRL + V to paste the clip and continue pasting as many copies as you want to create.

make copy of video filmora

Step 3: Add Transition to the video to make it more seamless

Lastly, If you want to make your loop more seamless then go to the Transitions tab and type dissolve in the search bar. Drag the dissolve transition between the two clips on the timeline. This can be useful when you want viewers to watch the video repeatedly.

loop video in filmora editor

Part 3: FAQs About Video Loop

1. Can you loop animation in Canva?

Yes, we can make loop animation in Canva. Looping animation in Canva software is not difficult, but it does require a little bit of practice. To loop animation in Canva, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Animation tab on the left side of the screen.
  • Click on the New Animation button in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Select the type of animation you want to create from the drop-down menu next to “Create New Animation From.” This will open up a window that allows you to select between several different options for how your animation will appear, choose one that appeals most to you!

2. How do I loop an mp4 video?

Looping the mp4 video is a fairly simple process. First, you need to import the video into your computer. The easiest way to do this is using the .mp4 files that come with your camera or phone. You can also use any other audio file or a preview of the video as an indicator of where you want to start and end your looping.

Once you have imported your video, you can begin looping it. To do this, click on the “play” button and wait until all the videos have been played. Then, click on one of the two buttons below. The bottom button will play one frame forward in time while the top button will play one frame backward in time.

3. How do I make Canva videos longer?

We’ve got a special function in Canva that lets you crop your video while making it longer. Here’s how:

  • Go to the video editor by clicking the cog icon on the top right of your screen.
  • Select “Crop Video” from the menu.
  • Choose how much footage you want to cut out and press “OK.”
  • You’re done! Your video is now cropped and longer than before!

Wondershare Filmora Easy Video Looper Software for PC and Mac Users.

Free Download Free Download Learn More


Looping video generates interest and emotion in the minds of viewers and it is a great tool. According to research, over 80% of internet users watch videos online to get information or because they want to gain knowledge. People’s attention span has diminished significantly, since the invention of gadgets and all these must-have devices. The video will seem like you are editing the video in real-time.

Mastering OpenCV Object Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experts

OpenCV Tracking is a popular method used for tracking objects in a video in real-time. OpenCV is a powerful library used for image processing and computer vision applications.

From real-time video analysis to Augmented Reality, OpenCV Tracking has a wide range of uses and can help both private and public sectors to detect and track the desired object in an image or video.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore OpenCV Tracking and its pre-built trackers**.** We will use the OpenCV library and Python to implement this Object Tracking application.

  1. SOT & MOT
  2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection
  1. Image Tracking
  2. Video Tracking
  1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process
  2. Methods Of Object Tracking
  1. What Is OpenCV
  2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking
  3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Part 1. What Is Object Tracking?

Object Tracking determines the location of an object in a video and can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, security, traffic control, digital forensics, anomaly detection, gesture recognition, visual surveillance, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and robot vision.

Even though it may seem easy for an average person, object tracking is quite complex for computers because they have to analyze a set of frames and estimate the object’s trajectory based on numbers instead of images.

Because of how complicated it is, Object Tracking is considered one of the most difficult tasks in computer vision. Even though it’s a challenge, it’s not impossible to accomplish.

And there are two levels of Object Tracking that you should learn about:

1. SOT & MOT

  1. Single Object Tracking (SOT): SOT is a tracking algorithm that creates advanced appearance models and/or motion models to manage difficult issues like out-of-plane rotations, illumination variations, or scale changes.
  2. Multiple Object Tracking (MOT): MOT tracks every part of a video and is mainly concerned with mid-level tasks and serves as a foundation for high-level tasks.

2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection

After knowing what Object Tracking is, there is another concept you should also be aware of - Object Detection.

The Object Tracking and Object Detection are two important methods in computer vision. Object Tracking tracks the position of a given object in an image in real-time, while Object Detection identifies and localizes objects in an image or video. That is the difference.

Part 2. Types Of Object Tracking

Image Tracking

Image tracking allows users to interact with digital content more naturally and helps users move and interact with digital objects in the same manner as they will with real-world physical objects.

Image tracking can be used in various augmented reality (AR) applications, such as AR gaming, shopping, and navigation. Moreover, you can also use it for educational purposes, such as teaching anatomy or providing instructions for a difficult task.

Video Tracking

Video tracking is the process of tracking objects in a video sequence and can be used for various applications, such as detecting and counting objects in a scene, understanding their motions, and recognizing activities.

Part 3. What Are The Difficulties Of Object Tracking?

As what has been mentioned above, the use of object tracking is versatile. However, there are some challenges associated with Object Tracking, such as:

Background Clutter: The background can impact extracting an object’s features. If the background is more densely populated, detecting or tracking the object of interest can be more difficult.

Occlusion: This is a phenomenon where the object being tracked is affected by the background or foreground. This causes the tracking algorithm to get confused due to multiple objects coming close together, hence, losing track of the object.

Varying spatial scales: Varying spatial scales refer to the target object being of a different size or shape, which can confuse the algorithm, leading to errors.

Training and Tracking Speed: If the object is moving too fast or is too small, it can be difficult to track. Therefore, the tracking module has to be designed to track, identify, and localize objects in a matter of seconds.

Part 4. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

After the introduction of object tracking technically, let’s learn about its mechanism of it from two sides: periods of the working process and the way it tracks.

1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

Following are the stages of the Object Tracking process:

Target Initialization

Target initialization is the first step in Object Tracking and involves defining the targets or objects of interest and drawing a bounding box around them in the initial frame. After that, the tracker has to detect the position of the object in the frame while drawing the bounding box.

Appearance Modeling

Appearance modeling is important for understanding how an object will look under different circumstances. If the object being tracked changes appearance due to different lighting, angle, or speed, the tracking algorithm may lose its information and the object itself. Therefore, it has to be conducted to let the algorithm detect the changes and distortion.

Motion Estimation

Motion estimation entails the capacity of the model to anticipate an object’s future position with precision.

Target Positioning

Motion estimation is a process of approximating the most likely region where an object could be present. After the object’s location is approximated, a visual model can be used to determine the target’s location more accurately.

2. Methods Of Object Tracking

Here’re some methods of Object Tracking:

OpenCV-Based Object Tracking

OpenCV Object Tracking method is widely used because it offers several built-in functions designed specifically for this purpose, such as GOTURN, MIL, MediandFlow, and CSRT. The tracker type you select will depend on your specific application design. Each tracker has its pros and cons, so there is not a single type of tracker ideal for all applications.


Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network Tracker is a convolutional neural-based visual tracker and has won the VOT2015 challenge. Moreover, it is composed of domain-specific layers, branches, and multiple shared layers.

The MDNetT tracker is a deep neural network that is trained on numerous Object Tracking datasets. The tracker is designed to work in multiple domains, including video, text, and images.


DeepSort algorithm can track objects in real-time and uses YOLO v3 to compute the bounding boxes around the objects in a frame.

DeepSort uses Kalman filter from Simple Online and Realtime Tracking algorithm and an identification model, ReID to interlink bounding boxes and object tracks.


ROLO is a novel Object Tracking method that uses recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to learn object-specific Spatio-temporal representations. This method works with YOLO, an object detection algorithm, and an LTSM for determining the trajectory of an object.

Part 5. The powerful backup: OpenCV

We have demonstrated how powerful OpenCV Tracking is and how it works. However, do you wonder what OpenCV is? How it supports the tracking goals being achieved? In this part, we will focus on OpenCV and help you better understand the the underlying mechanisms.

1. What Is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a powerful library that allows you to perform image processing, deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision tasks on live video feeds. Moreover, it can be used to detect objects, track their movements, and recognize faces.

It can help process the data that have videos and images and has been used in various applications, such as object recognition and detection, autonomous cars, robots, medical image analysis, automated surveillance, and anomaly detection.

2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking

There are 8 pre-built algorithms that OpenCV offers for Objects Tracking. All of them have their uniquility and here we will present their pros and cons for your better understadning.

Tracker Pros Cons
BOOSTING Tracker Track objects accurately. Relatively slow. Unable to stop when an object is lost.
MIL Tracker Strong resistance to noise. Gives accurate results. Low speed. Unable to stop tracking once the object is lost.
KCF Tracker High speed and accuracy. Stops tracking when the object is lost. Inability to continue tracking objects once lost.
TLD Tracker Resistance to overlapping and object scaling. Unstable in object detection and tracking. Constantly loses object.
MEDIANFLOW Tracker High accuracy and speed. Accurate in determining the object’s loss. Loses object quickly due to high speed.
GOTURN Tracker Shows resistance to obstructions and noise. If the speed of an object is high, it shifts to another object.
MOSSE Tracker Able to continue tracking after the object is lost. High speed. Loses object easily if very high speed.
CSRT Tracker Good resistance to overlapping. High accuracy. Low speed. Unstable when an object is lost.

3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Now, after theoretical explanation of OpenCV and OpenCV Tracking, let’s learn Object Tracking OpenCV Python with coding and our simple and step-by-step instructions:

Install The Dependencies

Install the pycharm app on your PC, and launch it. Create a new project and go to Terminal. Install the opencv-contrib-python package by pasting the following command into the Terminal.

Set Up the Trackers

Now, create a Jupyter-notebook and set up the trackers with this code:


  • cv2. version returns the OpenCV library version number.
  • Save the name of the eight trackers.
  • Check the list for the version you are working on and create a tracker object based on the number.

Capture The Video Input

For capturing the video input, write the following lines of code:


  • Use the VideoCapture class to capture a video via the webcam or get a saved one from your PC.
  • In VideoCapture - line 2, give the path to your video.
  • Comment on the second line to use the webcam for tracking and uncomment the third one.

Creating The Bounding Box And Initializing The Tracker

Define an initial random bounding box or select the choices for the object you want to track with the following code:

Start The Tracker And Check The Output

Finally, write the below code lines to start the tracker:


  • Read each video frame.
  • Start the timer and, through the tracker, determine the trajectory of the object.
  • Use the trajectory to draw the bounding box.
  • The program will start tracking. Afterward, press the space bar to stop tracking.

Video – Object Tracking with Opencv and Python


In this article, we’ve discussed Object Tracking in detail and how it compares with Object Detection. Furthermore, we explored the methods used for tracking objects and provided complete guidance on the OpenCV Tracking method and its built-in functionalities.

Hopefully, you find this guide helpful, and you can now track objects in real-time without any issues.

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  1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process
  2. Methods Of Object Tracking
  1. What Is OpenCV
  2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking
  3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Part 1. What Is Object Tracking?

Object Tracking determines the location of an object in a video and can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, security, traffic control, digital forensics, anomaly detection, gesture recognition, visual surveillance, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and robot vision.

Even though it may seem easy for an average person, object tracking is quite complex for computers because they have to analyze a set of frames and estimate the object’s trajectory based on numbers instead of images.

Because of how complicated it is, Object Tracking is considered one of the most difficult tasks in computer vision. Even though it’s a challenge, it’s not impossible to accomplish.

And there are two levels of Object Tracking that you should learn about:

1. SOT & MOT

  1. Single Object Tracking (SOT): SOT is a tracking algorithm that creates advanced appearance models and/or motion models to manage difficult issues like out-of-plane rotations, illumination variations, or scale changes.
  2. Multiple Object Tracking (MOT): MOT tracks every part of a video and is mainly concerned with mid-level tasks and serves as a foundation for high-level tasks.

2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection

After knowing what Object Tracking is, there is another concept you should also be aware of - Object Detection.

The Object Tracking and Object Detection are two important methods in computer vision. Object Tracking tracks the position of a given object in an image in real-time, while Object Detection identifies and localizes objects in an image or video. That is the difference.

Part 2. Types Of Object Tracking

Image Tracking

Image tracking allows users to interact with digital content more naturally and helps users move and interact with digital objects in the same manner as they will with real-world physical objects.

Image tracking can be used in various augmented reality (AR) applications, such as AR gaming, shopping, and navigation. Moreover, you can also use it for educational purposes, such as teaching anatomy or providing instructions for a difficult task.

Video Tracking

Video tracking is the process of tracking objects in a video sequence and can be used for various applications, such as detecting and counting objects in a scene, understanding their motions, and recognizing activities.

Part 3. What Are The Difficulties Of Object Tracking?

As what has been mentioned above, the use of object tracking is versatile. However, there are some challenges associated with Object Tracking, such as:

Background Clutter: The background can impact extracting an object’s features. If the background is more densely populated, detecting or tracking the object of interest can be more difficult.

Occlusion: This is a phenomenon where the object being tracked is affected by the background or foreground. This causes the tracking algorithm to get confused due to multiple objects coming close together, hence, losing track of the object.

Varying spatial scales: Varying spatial scales refer to the target object being of a different size or shape, which can confuse the algorithm, leading to errors.

Training and Tracking Speed: If the object is moving too fast or is too small, it can be difficult to track. Therefore, the tracking module has to be designed to track, identify, and localize objects in a matter of seconds.

Part 4. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

After the introduction of object tracking technically, let’s learn about its mechanism of it from two sides: periods of the working process and the way it tracks.

1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

Following are the stages of the Object Tracking process:

Target Initialization

Target initialization is the first step in Object Tracking and involves defining the targets or objects of interest and drawing a bounding box around them in the initial frame. After that, the tracker has to detect the position of the object in the frame while drawing the bounding box.

Appearance Modeling

Appearance modeling is important for understanding how an object will look under different circumstances. If the object being tracked changes appearance due to different lighting, angle, or speed, the tracking algorithm may lose its information and the object itself. Therefore, it has to be conducted to let the algorithm detect the changes and distortion.

Motion Estimation

Motion estimation entails the capacity of the model to anticipate an object’s future position with precision.

Target Positioning

Motion estimation is a process of approximating the most likely region where an object could be present. After the object’s location is approximated, a visual model can be used to determine the target’s location more accurately.

2. Methods Of Object Tracking

Here’re some methods of Object Tracking:

OpenCV-Based Object Tracking

OpenCV Object Tracking method is widely used because it offers several built-in functions designed specifically for this purpose, such as GOTURN, MIL, MediandFlow, and CSRT. The tracker type you select will depend on your specific application design. Each tracker has its pros and cons, so there is not a single type of tracker ideal for all applications.


Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network Tracker is a convolutional neural-based visual tracker and has won the VOT2015 challenge. Moreover, it is composed of domain-specific layers, branches, and multiple shared layers.

The MDNetT tracker is a deep neural network that is trained on numerous Object Tracking datasets. The tracker is designed to work in multiple domains, including video, text, and images.


DeepSort algorithm can track objects in real-time and uses YOLO v3 to compute the bounding boxes around the objects in a frame.

DeepSort uses Kalman filter from Simple Online and Realtime Tracking algorithm and an identification model, ReID to interlink bounding boxes and object tracks.


ROLO is a novel Object Tracking method that uses recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to learn object-specific Spatio-temporal representations. This method works with YOLO, an object detection algorithm, and an LTSM for determining the trajectory of an object.

Part 5. The powerful backup: OpenCV

We have demonstrated how powerful OpenCV Tracking is and how it works. However, do you wonder what OpenCV is? How it supports the tracking goals being achieved? In this part, we will focus on OpenCV and help you better understand the the underlying mechanisms.

1. What Is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a powerful library that allows you to perform image processing, deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision tasks on live video feeds. Moreover, it can be used to detect objects, track their movements, and recognize faces.

It can help process the data that have videos and images and has been used in various applications, such as object recognition and detection, autonomous cars, robots, medical image analysis, automated surveillance, and anomaly detection.

2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking

There are 8 pre-built algorithms that OpenCV offers for Objects Tracking. All of them have their uniquility and here we will present their pros and cons for your better understadning.

Tracker Pros Cons
BOOSTING Tracker Track objects accurately. Relatively slow. Unable to stop when an object is lost.
MIL Tracker Strong resistance to noise. Gives accurate results. Low speed. Unable to stop tracking once the object is lost.
KCF Tracker High speed and accuracy. Stops tracking when the object is lost. Inability to continue tracking objects once lost.
TLD Tracker Resistance to overlapping and object scaling. Unstable in object detection and tracking. Constantly loses object.
MEDIANFLOW Tracker High accuracy and speed. Accurate in determining the object’s loss. Loses object quickly due to high speed.
GOTURN Tracker Shows resistance to obstructions and noise. If the speed of an object is high, it shifts to another object.
MOSSE Tracker Able to continue tracking after the object is lost. High speed. Loses object easily if very high speed.
CSRT Tracker Good resistance to overlapping. High accuracy. Low speed. Unstable when an object is lost.

3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Now, after theoretical explanation of OpenCV and OpenCV Tracking, let’s learn Object Tracking OpenCV Python with coding and our simple and step-by-step instructions:

Install The Dependencies

Install the pycharm app on your PC, and launch it. Create a new project and go to Terminal. Install the opencv-contrib-python package by pasting the following command into the Terminal.

Set Up the Trackers

Now, create a Jupyter-notebook and set up the trackers with this code:


  • cv2. version returns the OpenCV library version number.
  • Save the name of the eight trackers.
  • Check the list for the version you are working on and create a tracker object based on the number.

Capture The Video Input

For capturing the video input, write the following lines of code:


  • Use the VideoCapture class to capture a video via the webcam or get a saved one from your PC.
  • In VideoCapture - line 2, give the path to your video.
  • Comment on the second line to use the webcam for tracking and uncomment the third one.

Creating The Bounding Box And Initializing The Tracker

Define an initial random bounding box or select the choices for the object you want to track with the following code:

Start The Tracker And Check The Output

Finally, write the below code lines to start the tracker:


  • Read each video frame.
  • Start the timer and, through the tracker, determine the trajectory of the object.
  • Use the trajectory to draw the bounding box.
  • The program will start tracking. Afterward, press the space bar to stop tracking.

Video – Object Tracking with Opencv and Python


In this article, we’ve discussed Object Tracking in detail and how it compares with Object Detection. Furthermore, we explored the methods used for tracking objects and provided complete guidance on the OpenCV Tracking method and its built-in functionalities.

Hopefully, you find this guide helpful, and you can now track objects in real-time without any issues.

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Top 8 Memoji Makers to Make a Memoji on PC, Android & iPhone

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You might have heard of emoji and might be wondering what memoji is! Well, memojis can be described as the next level emojis, wherein the emoji is designed and created from the user’s facial expressions.

What Is Memoji

The emoji avatars created from your facial expression are more fun to use and can deliver the expression you intended more accurately. Memoji happens to be the next trend after emojis, which is why people widely search for online memoji makers.

Memoji makers help their users to create customized emojis based on their facial expressions. Memojis are more fun to use on online social platforms, and hence we will be talking about the best memoji makers available to us. We will also discuss how to make a memoji easily using these memoji makers and the fun features, these memoji makers offer. Why not add some extra fun while interacting socially, right?

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In this article

01 Top 8 Memoji Makers to Make a Memoji

02 How to Use and send Memoji on Your Phone

Part 1: Top 8 Memoji Makers to Make a Memoji

Since using memoji is a way of adding extra fun and making any conversation more interesting, people search for good emoji makers in the online market. If you have a good memoji maker, making a memojis is just a matter of a few clicks on your phone. We have listed 8 of the best memoji makers apt for Android and iOS users below.

Top 8 Memoji Makers

1. Emoji-maker.com (PC/Online)

2. Labeley.com (PC/Online)

3. piZap

4. Avatoon (Android/iPhone)

5. Zmoji.me (Android/iPhone)

6. Bitmoji (Android/iPhone)

7. Mirror Emoji Maker (Android/iPhone)

8. MojiPop (Android/iPhone)

1. Emoji-maker.com (PC/Online)

moji-maker.comis one of the best memoji makers that can take out the boredom of using default emoji icons in your interactions. It will detect your face through the camera and then provide you with many template options matching your face. You can also edit it and customize it further

Emoji Maker Website


  • Take a picture or choose one from storage.
  • A lot of accessories to create the emoji face.
  • Save the created emoji and easy sharing on Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

2. Labeley.com (PC/Online)

Labeley.com is an online memoji maker that can create memojis very easily. The emojis can be customized according to the picture in your mind, and there is also a print option if you wish to keep physical copies of the memoji you created.

Labeley Memoji Website


  • A lot of shape options to customize your memoji.
  • Options to add text and easy uploading.
  • A wide range of accessories and background options to choose from.
  • Create an account and options to save your designs.

3. piZap

piZap is an interesting memoji maker in which you can create funny emojis resembling yourself. It allows you to customize all the features of the emoji face to give a similar look to your face and add more fun while you interact with people.

Pizap Memoji Maker


  • A variety of design features to create a memoji.
  • free to use after login, and saves the incomplete edits.
  • add filters, texts, and masks to the memoji.
  • Other editing options like creating collage etc.

4. Avatoon (Android/iPhone)

Avatoon is the best application you can use to spice up your social media interactions a bit. It has powerful editing tools that help you create great personal avatars. These avatars let you stand out among people who still use the default emoji icons and stickers.

Avatoon Memoji Maker


  • Facial recognition feature that helps to grasp your appearance from your photo.
  • A photo editor that can help you customize your memojis further.
  • An avatar snapshots feature you add expressions and poses to your avatar.

5. Zmoji.me (Android/iPhone)

Zmoji.me helps you to create fun memojis to share on social media. You can create a unique single or group memojis with a few clicks. This online memoji maker also helps you add creative texts to your memojis for more attraction.

Zmoji Memoji Maker


  • Manual creation of facial recognition options.
  • Numerous outfit and styles options.
  • A variety of stickers for every moment you wish to remember.
  • Quick sharing in conversations on any social media applications.

6. Bitmoji (Android/iPhone)

Bitmoji is the right application if you wish to more expressive while sending emojis. This online memoji maker helps you create attractive avatars that look like yourself and edit everything from your expressions to your clothes.

Bitmoji Memoji Maker


  • Create funny and expressive cartoon model avatars.
  • A huge library of stickers to choose from.
  • Use it on social media platforms like Snapchat, Messenger, etc. easily.

7. Mirror Emoji Maker (Android/iPhone)

Mirror Emoji maker is a free memoji maker that allows you to create memojis and use these memojis on any social media through a personalized emoji keyboard. It is a great application, and its face recognition captures all the details to make the memoji very similar to the user.

Mirror Emoji Maker


  • A decide wheel that helps you choose among the memojis.
  • An inbuilt keyboard exclusively for memojis.
  • Options to create animated gifs and stickers out of the personalized memojis.

8. MojiPop (Android/iPhone)

MojiPop is an online memoji maker that helps you create wonderful memojis that can add a bit of humor to your interactions. In just 2 clicks, you will be able to access a large number of animated stickers and caricatures of your face, suited for any situation.

Mojipop Memoji Maker


  • Easy and fast access to stickers.
  • Animated stickers personalized to your looks and appearance.
  • Stickers that are updated every day with new ones.
  • A favorites options to group your favorite stickers.

Part 2: How to Use and send Memoji on Your Phone

Memoji is the latest trend in online communication across different platforms. It has made chats and social interactions more interesting and funny. With memoji people tend to be more engaging and the memojis help to convey the expressions in a better way.

Send Memoji

Let’s see how to make a memoji of your own, using the memoji application:

Step 1: open the Memoji application on your device. Choose a picture or capture one using the camera.

Step 2: Select the template you like and edit it.

Select Memoji Template

Step 3: Create a face you want with the accessories provided in the app.

Step 4: Save the memoji you created and share it on any social media platform like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Save Memoji

Step 5: Review the memoji you made from the emoji collection. Tap on + to create more memojis.

Bonus tip: Create an Animation Video with Anireel

Anireel is an animated video editing software with rich, fun elements, and scenes to help animated video creators easily create, edit and finish an impressive video. Anireel features a great variety of drag and drop characters, actions, props, text, and audio assets. Users will be able to modify the size and color of the assets. The software also supports imported pictures, videos, and audio assets, covering almost all formats.

anireel animation software

Download Win Version


In this era, emojis are widely used while interacting on online social media as it conveys our intent perfectly and is fun. Memoji takes this fun to a higher level, which is why people are searching for good online memoji makers.

The use of memojis makes the conversations more interesting and fun and encourages others to get involved in the conversations. Good memoji makers help you customize your emojis however you wish and based on any occasion. We have listed the top memoji makers available on various devices for your convenience. Download any of these apps, create personalized emojis, and have fun on social platforms!

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

In this article

01 Top 8 Memoji Makers to Make a Memoji

02 How to Use and send Memoji on Your Phone

Part 1: Top 8 Memoji Makers to Make a Memoji

Since using memoji is a way of adding extra fun and making any conversation more interesting, people search for good emoji makers in the online market. If you have a good memoji maker, making a memojis is just a matter of a few clicks on your phone. We have listed 8 of the best memoji makers apt for Android and iOS users below.

Top 8 Memoji Makers

1. Emoji-maker.com (PC/Online)

2. Labeley.com (PC/Online)

3. piZap

4. Avatoon (Android/iPhone)

5. Zmoji.me (Android/iPhone)

6. Bitmoji (Android/iPhone)

7. Mirror Emoji Maker (Android/iPhone)

8. MojiPop (Android/iPhone)

1. Emoji-maker.com (PC/Online)

moji-maker.comis one of the best memoji makers that can take out the boredom of using default emoji icons in your interactions. It will detect your face through the camera and then provide you with many template options matching your face. You can also edit it and customize it further

Emoji Maker Website


  • Take a picture or choose one from storage.
  • A lot of accessories to create the emoji face.
  • Save the created emoji and easy sharing on Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

2. Labeley.com (PC/Online)

Labeley.com is an online memoji maker that can create memojis very easily. The emojis can be customized according to the picture in your mind, and there is also a print option if you wish to keep physical copies of the memoji you created.

Labeley Memoji Website


  • A lot of shape options to customize your memoji.
  • Options to add text and easy uploading.
  • A wide range of accessories and background options to choose from.
  • Create an account and options to save your designs.

3. piZap

piZap is an interesting memoji maker in which you can create funny emojis resembling yourself. It allows you to customize all the features of the emoji face to give a similar look to your face and add more fun while you interact with people.

Pizap Memoji Maker


  • A variety of design features to create a memoji.
  • free to use after login, and saves the incomplete edits.
  • add filters, texts, and masks to the memoji.
  • Other editing options like creating collage etc.

4. Avatoon (Android/iPhone)

Avatoon is the best application you can use to spice up your social media interactions a bit. It has powerful editing tools that help you create great personal avatars. These avatars let you stand out among people who still use the default emoji icons and stickers.

Avatoon Memoji Maker


  • Facial recognition feature that helps to grasp your appearance from your photo.
  • A photo editor that can help you customize your memojis further.
  • An avatar snapshots feature you add expressions and poses to your avatar.

5. Zmoji.me (Android/iPhone)

Zmoji.me helps you to create fun memojis to share on social media. You can create a unique single or group memojis with a few clicks. This online memoji maker also helps you add creative texts to your memojis for more attraction.

Zmoji Memoji Maker


  • Manual creation of facial recognition options.
  • Numerous outfit and styles options.
  • A variety of stickers for every moment you wish to remember.
  • Quick sharing in conversations on any social media applications.

6. Bitmoji (Android/iPhone)

Bitmoji is the right application if you wish to more expressive while sending emojis. This online memoji maker helps you create attractive avatars that look like yourself and edit everything from your expressions to your clothes.

Bitmoji Memoji Maker


  • Create funny and expressive cartoon model avatars.
  • A huge library of stickers to choose from.
  • Use it on social media platforms like Snapchat, Messenger, etc. easily.

7. Mirror Emoji Maker (Android/iPhone)

Mirror Emoji maker is a free memoji maker that allows you to create memojis and use these memojis on any social media through a personalized emoji keyboard. It is a great application, and its face recognition captures all the details to make the memoji very similar to the user.

Mirror Emoji Maker


  • A decide wheel that helps you choose among the memojis.
  • An inbuilt keyboard exclusively for memojis.
  • Options to create animated gifs and stickers out of the personalized memojis.

8. MojiPop (Android/iPhone)

MojiPop is an online memoji maker that helps you create wonderful memojis that can add a bit of humor to your interactions. In just 2 clicks, you will be able to access a large number of animated stickers and caricatures of your face, suited for any situation.

Mojipop Memoji Maker


  • Easy and fast access to stickers.
  • Animated stickers personalized to your looks and appearance.
  • Stickers that are updated every day with new ones.
  • A favorites options to group your favorite stickers.

Part 2: How to Use and send Memoji on Your Phone

Memoji is the latest trend in online communication across different platforms. It has made chats and social interactions more interesting and funny. With memoji people tend to be more engaging and the memojis help to convey the expressions in a better way.

Send Memoji

Let’s see how to make a memoji of your own, using the memoji application:

Step 1: open the Memoji application on your device. Choose a picture or capture one using the camera.

Step 2: Select the template you like and edit it.

Select Memoji Template

Step 3: Create a face you want with the accessories provided in the app.

Step 4: Save the memoji you created and share it on any social media platform like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Save Memoji

Step 5: Review the memoji you made from the emoji collection. Tap on + to create more memojis.

Bonus tip: Create an Animation Video with Anireel

Anireel is an animated video editing software with rich, fun elements, and scenes to help animated video creators easily create, edit and finish an impressive video. Anireel features a great variety of drag and drop characters, actions, props, text, and audio assets. Users will be able to modify the size and color of the assets. The software also supports imported pictures, videos, and audio assets, covering almost all formats.

anireel animation software

Download Win Version


In this era, emojis are widely used while interacting on online social media as it conveys our intent perfectly and is fun. Memoji takes this fun to a higher level, which is why people are searching for good online memoji makers.

The use of memojis makes the conversations more interesting and fun and encourages others to get involved in the conversations. Good memoji makers help you customize your emojis however you wish and based on any occasion. We have listed the top memoji makers available on various devices for your convenience. Download any of these apps, create personalized emojis, and have fun on social platforms!

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

In this article

01 Top 8 Memoji Makers to Make a Memoji

02 How to Use and send Memoji on Your Phone

Part 1: Top 8 Memoji Makers to Make a Memoji

Since using memoji is a way of adding extra fun and making any conversation more interesting, people search for good emoji makers in the online market. If you have a good memoji maker, making a memojis is just a matter of a few clicks on your phone. We have listed 8 of the best memoji makers apt for Android and iOS users below.

Top 8 Memoji Makers

1. Emoji-maker.com (PC/Online)

2. Labeley.com (PC/Online)

3. piZap

4. Avatoon (Android/iPhone)

5. Zmoji.me (Android/iPhone)

6. Bitmoji (Android/iPhone)

7. Mirror Emoji Maker (Android/iPhone)

8. MojiPop (Android/iPhone)

1. Emoji-maker.com (PC/Online)

moji-maker.comis one of the best memoji makers that can take out the boredom of using default emoji icons in your interactions. It will detect your face through the camera and then provide you with many template options matching your face. You can also edit it and customize it further

Emoji Maker Website


  • Take a picture or choose one from storage.
  • A lot of accessories to create the emoji face.
  • Save the created emoji and easy sharing on Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

2. Labeley.com (PC/Online)

Labeley.com is an online memoji maker that can create memojis very easily. The emojis can be customized according to the picture in your mind, and there is also a print option if you wish to keep physical copies of the memoji you created.

Labeley Memoji Website


  • A lot of shape options to customize your memoji.
  • Options to add text and easy uploading.
  • A wide range of accessories and background options to choose from.
  • Create an account and options to save your designs.

3. piZap

piZap is an interesting memoji maker in which you can create funny emojis resembling yourself. It allows you to customize all the features of the emoji face to give a similar look to your face and add more fun while you interact with people.

Pizap Memoji Maker


  • A variety of design features to create a memoji.
  • free to use after login, and saves the incomplete edits.
  • add filters, texts, and masks to the memoji.
  • Other editing options like creating collage etc.

4. Avatoon (Android/iPhone)

Avatoon is the best application you can use to spice up your social media interactions a bit. It has powerful editing tools that help you create great personal avatars. These avatars let you stand out among people who still use the default emoji icons and stickers.

Avatoon Memoji Maker


  • Facial recognition feature that helps to grasp your appearance from your photo.
  • A photo editor that can help you customize your memojis further.
  • An avatar snapshots feature you add expressions and poses to your avatar.

5. Zmoji.me (Android/iPhone)

Zmoji.me helps you to create fun memojis to share on social media. You can create a unique single or group memojis with a few clicks. This online memoji maker also helps you add creative texts to your memojis for more attraction.

Zmoji Memoji Maker


  • Manual creation of facial recognition options.
  • Numerous outfit and styles options.
  • A variety of stickers for every moment you wish to remember.
  • Quick sharing in conversations on any social media applications.

6. Bitmoji (Android/iPhone)

Bitmoji is the right application if you wish to more expressive while sending emojis. This online memoji maker helps you create attractive avatars that look like yourself and edit everything from your expressions to your clothes.

Bitmoji Memoji Maker


  • Create funny and expressive cartoon model avatars.
  • A huge library of stickers to choose from.
  • Use it on social media platforms like Snapchat, Messenger, etc. easily.

7. Mirror Emoji Maker (Android/iPhone)

Mirror Emoji maker is a free memoji maker that allows you to create memojis and use these memojis on any social media through a personalized emoji keyboard. It is a great application, and its face recognition captures all the details to make the memoji very similar to the user.

Mirror Emoji Maker


  • A decide wheel that helps you choose among the memojis.
  • An inbuilt keyboard exclusively for memojis.
  • Options to create animated gifs and stickers out of the personalized memojis.

8. MojiPop (Android/iPhone)

MojiPop is an online memoji maker that helps you create wonderful memojis that can add a bit of humor to your interactions. In just 2 clicks, you will be able to access a large number of animated stickers and caricatures of your face, suited for any situation.

Mojipop Memoji Maker


  • Easy and fast access to stickers.
  • Animated stickers personalized to your looks and appearance.
  • Stickers that are updated every day with new ones.
  • A favorites options to group your favorite stickers.

Part 2: How to Use and send Memoji on Your Phone

Memoji is the latest trend in online communication across different platforms. It has made chats and social interactions more interesting and funny. With memoji people tend to be more engaging and the memojis help to convey the expressions in a better way.

Send Memoji

Let’s see how to make a memoji of your own, using the memoji application:

Step 1: open the Memoji application on your device. Choose a picture or capture one using the camera.

Step 2: Select the template you like and edit it.

Select Memoji Template

Step 3: Create a face you want with the accessories provided in the app.

Step 4: Save the memoji you created and share it on any social media platform like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Save Memoji

Step 5: Review the memoji you made from the emoji collection. Tap on + to create more memojis.

Bonus tip: Create an Animation Video with Anireel

Anireel is an animated video editing software with rich, fun elements, and scenes to help animated video creators easily create, edit and finish an impressive video. Anireel features a great variety of drag and drop characters, actions, props, text, and audio assets. Users will be able to modify the size and color of the assets. The software also supports imported pictures, videos, and audio assets, covering almost all formats.

anireel animation software

Download Win Version


In this era, emojis are widely used while interacting on online social media as it conveys our intent perfectly and is fun. Memoji takes this fun to a higher level, which is why people are searching for good online memoji makers.

The use of memojis makes the conversations more interesting and fun and encourages others to get involved in the conversations. Good memoji makers help you customize your emojis however you wish and based on any occasion. We have listed the top memoji makers available on various devices for your convenience. Download any of these apps, create personalized emojis, and have fun on social platforms!

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

In this article

01 Top 8 Memoji Makers to Make a Memoji

02 How to Use and send Memoji on Your Phone

Part 1: Top 8 Memoji Makers to Make a Memoji

Since using memoji is a way of adding extra fun and making any conversation more interesting, people search for good emoji makers in the online market. If you have a good memoji maker, making a memojis is just a matter of a few clicks on your phone. We have listed 8 of the best memoji makers apt for Android and iOS users below.

Top 8 Memoji Makers

1. Emoji-maker.com (PC/Online)

2. Labeley.com (PC/Online)

3. piZap

4. Avatoon (Android/iPhone)

5. Zmoji.me (Android/iPhone)

6. Bitmoji (Android/iPhone)

7. Mirror Emoji Maker (Android/iPhone)

8. MojiPop (Android/iPhone)

1. Emoji-maker.com (PC/Online)

moji-maker.comis one of the best memoji makers that can take out the boredom of using default emoji icons in your interactions. It will detect your face through the camera and then provide you with many template options matching your face. You can also edit it and customize it further

Emoji Maker Website


  • Take a picture or choose one from storage.
  • A lot of accessories to create the emoji face.
  • Save the created emoji and easy sharing on Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

2. Labeley.com (PC/Online)

Labeley.com is an online memoji maker that can create memojis very easily. The emojis can be customized according to the picture in your mind, and there is also a print option if you wish to keep physical copies of the memoji you created.

Labeley Memoji Website


  • A lot of shape options to customize your memoji.
  • Options to add text and easy uploading.
  • A wide range of accessories and background options to choose from.
  • Create an account and options to save your designs.

3. piZap

piZap is an interesting memoji maker in which you can create funny emojis resembling yourself. It allows you to customize all the features of the emoji face to give a similar look to your face and add more fun while you interact with people.

Pizap Memoji Maker


  • A variety of design features to create a memoji.
  • free to use after login, and saves the incomplete edits.
  • add filters, texts, and masks to the memoji.
  • Other editing options like creating collage etc.

4. Avatoon (Android/iPhone)

Avatoon is the best application you can use to spice up your social media interactions a bit. It has powerful editing tools that help you create great personal avatars. These avatars let you stand out among people who still use the default emoji icons and stickers.

Avatoon Memoji Maker


  • Facial recognition feature that helps to grasp your appearance from your photo.
  • A photo editor that can help you customize your memojis further.
  • An avatar snapshots feature you add expressions and poses to your avatar.

5. Zmoji.me (Android/iPhone)

Zmoji.me helps you to create fun memojis to share on social media. You can create a unique single or group memojis with a few clicks. This online memoji maker also helps you add creative texts to your memojis for more attraction.

Zmoji Memoji Maker


  • Manual creation of facial recognition options.
  • Numerous outfit and styles options.
  • A variety of stickers for every moment you wish to remember.
  • Quick sharing in conversations on any social media applications.

6. Bitmoji (Android/iPhone)

Bitmoji is the right application if you wish to more expressive while sending emojis. This online memoji maker helps you create attractive avatars that look like yourself and edit everything from your expressions to your clothes.

Bitmoji Memoji Maker


  • Create funny and expressive cartoon model avatars.
  • A huge library of stickers to choose from.
  • Use it on social media platforms like Snapchat, Messenger, etc. easily.

7. Mirror Emoji Maker (Android/iPhone)

Mirror Emoji maker is a free memoji maker that allows you to create memojis and use these memojis on any social media through a personalized emoji keyboard. It is a great application, and its face recognition captures all the details to make the memoji very similar to the user.

Mirror Emoji Maker


  • A decide wheel that helps you choose among the memojis.
  • An inbuilt keyboard exclusively for memojis.
  • Options to create animated gifs and stickers out of the personalized memojis.

8. MojiPop (Android/iPhone)

MojiPop is an online memoji maker that helps you create wonderful memojis that can add a bit of humor to your interactions. In just 2 clicks, you will be able to access a large number of animated stickers and caricatures of your face, suited for any situation.

Mojipop Memoji Maker


  • Easy and fast access to stickers.
  • Animated stickers personalized to your looks and appearance.
  • Stickers that are updated every day with new ones.
  • A favorites options to group your favorite stickers.

Part 2: How to Use and send Memoji on Your Phone

Memoji is the latest trend in online communication across different platforms. It has made chats and social interactions more interesting and funny. With memoji people tend to be more engaging and the memojis help to convey the expressions in a better way.

Send Memoji

Let’s see how to make a memoji of your own, using the memoji application:

Step 1: open the Memoji application on your device. Choose a picture or capture one using the camera.

Step 2: Select the template you like and edit it.

Select Memoji Template

Step 3: Create a face you want with the accessories provided in the app.

Step 4: Save the memoji you created and share it on any social media platform like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Save Memoji

Step 5: Review the memoji you made from the emoji collection. Tap on + to create more memojis.

Bonus tip: Create an Animation Video with Anireel

Anireel is an animated video editing software with rich, fun elements, and scenes to help animated video creators easily create, edit and finish an impressive video. Anireel features a great variety of drag and drop characters, actions, props, text, and audio assets. Users will be able to modify the size and color of the assets. The software also supports imported pictures, videos, and audio assets, covering almost all formats.

anireel animation software

Download Win Version


In this era, emojis are widely used while interacting on online social media as it conveys our intent perfectly and is fun. Memoji takes this fun to a higher level, which is why people are searching for good online memoji makers.

The use of memojis makes the conversations more interesting and fun and encourages others to get involved in the conversations. Good memoji makers help you customize your emojis however you wish and based on any occasion. We have listed the top memoji makers available on various devices for your convenience. Download any of these apps, create personalized emojis, and have fun on social platforms!

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


How to Make Loop Video in PowerPoint

Loop videos are a great way to showcase your content. They’re easy to make, and they’re also easy to edit. You can have a loop video where the slides keep repeating in the same order, or you can change it up by putting different images on each slide.

You’re probably already familiar with the concept of looping video in PowerPoint. However, there are some instances where looping videos can be a real-time saver. To do this, you need to make sure that your visuals are engaging and unique. You can achieve this by using video loops in PowerPoint presentations.

You can use it if you want to demonstrate an idea or concept by showing several parts of the same thing at once. Or you can use PowerPoint if you have a very long video that you want to show in one go. You can also use it for suggesting different angles for your audience and making their eyes move from one point to another without making them bored.

Part 1: How to Make a Slideshow Loop in PowerPoint

A power-point loop video is the most efficient way to create a slideshow for your presentation. This easy-to-use software utility provides a simple and intuitive interface that lets you add slideshows to your presentations.

This is ideal for creating multi-streaming PowerPoint presentations that can be repeatedly viewed in the same or a different sequence. Create multimedia presentations with an animated slide show, including videos, and music with just a few clicks of the mouse.

The creation of the Slideshow loop in Microsoft PowerPoint is quite easy and simple. To make a looping slideshow, you’ll first need a PowerPoint. A PowerPoint is a set of instructions that allows you to display a series of images and text in the same sequence. This gives your audience the ability to explore the information on the slides in more depth and engage with the content on a more personal level.

If you want to create a looping slideshow in PowerPoint, you can use the following steps.

Step 1: Open Microsoft PowerPoint and select Slide show from Toolbar

The first step is to open Microsoft PowerPoint. To create a looping slideshow in PowerPoint, click on the Slide show feature on the top of the toolbar. Then different features will appear after clicking on it.

click slideshow feature

Step 2: Set up the Slide show manually

When you open the Slideshow, click on the Set Up Show from the toolbar. Some options will be shown in the drop-down (Manual, Auto, and Set Up Show). Select the option Set Up Show. A dialogue box will appear to select the following check boxes that are shown in the below picture:

slideshow setup window

Step 3: Select the slides and click on Transition

Select overall slides and click on the Transitions tab. You can see an option of Auto, interval. Uncheck the box of Auto, interval, and choose the time according to your requirements. Adding transitions can help to make your PowerPoint presentation more engaging and visually appealing. When you are adding transitions, make sure to think about how they can help to improve your overall presentation.

add transitions slideshow

PowerPoint has the technology to create an endless loop slideshow that keeps playing without your finger. Loop slideshows are best used with information that is short, repeated, and not too repetitious. For example, if you want to play something on a loop it is better to create a looping slideshow than an extended presentation that repeats itself endlessly.

The power of loop slides is in their ability to engage users. You can have a slideshow that plays automatically or you can have it play when the user enters a specific panel. Slideshow Loops on PowerPoint allow you to play one or more slides over and over again by pressing the Play button. You can also create a time-lapse, which pauses the slideshow at a specific point.

Benefits of making a slideshow in PowerPoint

There are many benefits of using a looping slideshow in PowerPoint. There are many benefits of using loop video in PowerPoint presentations. Loop slideshow gives your audience a sense of continuity and connection, which can help them follow the story and understand the information more easily. It also helps to keep people engaged and interested in your presentation. They can be used to promote a product or service, commemorate a special event, or entertain and inform your audience.

  • Slides can be played in a continuous loop, allowing the audience to stay engaged with the presentation from beginning to end.
  • The looping feature makes it easy to create a presentation that is tailored to the specific needs of your audience. You can choose to have the slides repeat automatically, or you can control when each slide appears.
  • It can help to save time. By using loop video, you can avoid having to constantly start and stop your presentation to show different parts of it. This can save you a lot of time and energy, which can be put into more important things.
  • They can be used to commemorate a special event.
  • They can be used to entertain and inform your audience.

Part 2: Alternative Way to Create Loop Slideshow Video

If you have been searching for the perfect way to create a loop slideshow video, Filmora video editor might be what you need. It is one of the most popular loop slideshow makers on the market and there is an app for all devices, including PCs and Macs to android phones and tablets. Filmora is a slideshow loop maker that allows you to produce video files quickly and easily with simple drag and drop.

Filmora provides you with seamless loop video for your website, youtube, and other channels, You can create content in various formats and image resolution to any social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others with the help of our unique features. Filmora is a professional video editor for Windows. It’s an ideal tool for everyone, from beginners to professionals, as well as a great help for students, researchers, and teachers.

In this article, we’ll show you how to make a looping slideshow in PowerPoint. First, you’ll need to download Filmora. This software is used to create professional-looking videos that can be made at any length.

Step 1: Download Filmora and Import images and videos

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

So first off, we need to create a new project. On the left-hand side, you’ll see your media library and on the right-hand side, there’s a green button that says “create new project”. You’ll notice there are three sections: video, audio, and images. These play a key role in creating your final video so let’s talk about each one individually.

import video to loop

Step 2: Add Title and background to your Slideshow video

This step is totally up to you in which you can add some titles the starting your slideshow. It is not very necessary but gives your slide show a perfect look. It also allows you to select any plain background of any color. You can use multiple transitions, music, and effects to tell your story in exactly the way you want!

add title slideshow filmora

Step 3: Make copies of the Slideshow and add transitions

Lastly, make copies of your media or pictures you want to add to your slideshow. Filmora allows you to set the duration of your slideshow. After copying the pictures paste them where the video ends. Then continue pasting according to your requirements. Add a transition “Dissolve” from the Transitions Tab. When you complete your editing export your video to your desktop or where you want to store it.

copy slideshow video filmora

Benefits of looping Slideshare video in Filmora

There are many benefits of using a loop slideshow video in Filmora. First and foremost, a looping slideshow is a great way to create a presentation or video that is both engaging and professional. Additionally, looping a video makes it easy to keep audiences engaged and on foot, which is especially important for long videos or presentations.

Plus, looping can help to save on file size and memory usage, making it a great option for videos that will be shared online. Finally, looping can add an element of excitement and anticipation to a video, which can help to keep viewers engaged and coming back for more. You could also add animations between the slides that move differently than they would normally do.

Loop Slideshow Video in Filmora is a great option for you. It’s easy to use, and it has a wide range of options that allow you to customize your video output. You can even add music and sound effects to your videos! If you’re looking to make a loop slideshow video, this is the best software for it.

The Bottom Line

Slideshows are very popular, but they can sometimes seem a little boring. If you want to add something new, looping your slideshow will make all the difference. Adding music is easy in PowerPoint. A slideshow loop can be an effective way to keep viewers’ attention, making it an effective tool for presentation. You can renovate your outdated slideshows video with Filmora.

With its loop function, Filmora enables you to incorporate interesting dynamic effects into your videos. So what does it take to set up a PowerPoint loop video? You don’t need a lot of special programs or plugins to make your videos get looped on your presentations. Follow the above simple steps and you’ll have your videos getting looped in no time.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

So first off, we need to create a new project. On the left-hand side, you’ll see your media library and on the right-hand side, there’s a green button that says “create new project”. You’ll notice there are three sections: video, audio, and images. These play a key role in creating your final video so let’s talk about each one individually.

import video to loop

Step 2: Add Title and background to your Slideshow video

This step is totally up to you in which you can add some titles the starting your slideshow. It is not very necessary but gives your slide show a perfect look. It also allows you to select any plain background of any color. You can use multiple transitions, music, and effects to tell your story in exactly the way you want!

add title slideshow filmora

Step 3: Make copies of the Slideshow and add transitions

Lastly, make copies of your media or pictures you want to add to your slideshow. Filmora allows you to set the duration of your slideshow. After copying the pictures paste them where the video ends. Then continue pasting according to your requirements. Add a transition “Dissolve” from the Transitions Tab. When you complete your editing export your video to your desktop or where you want to store it.

copy slideshow video filmora

Benefits of looping Slideshare video in Filmora

There are many benefits of using a loop slideshow video in Filmora. First and foremost, a looping slideshow is a great way to create a presentation or video that is both engaging and professional. Additionally, looping a video makes it easy to keep audiences engaged and on foot, which is especially important for long videos or presentations.

Plus, looping can help to save on file size and memory usage, making it a great option for videos that will be shared online. Finally, looping can add an element of excitement and anticipation to a video, which can help to keep viewers engaged and coming back for more. You could also add animations between the slides that move differently than they would normally do.

Loop Slideshow Video in Filmora is a great option for you. It’s easy to use, and it has a wide range of options that allow you to customize your video output. You can even add music and sound effects to your videos! If you’re looking to make a loop slideshow video, this is the best software for it.

The Bottom Line

Slideshows are very popular, but they can sometimes seem a little boring. If you want to add something new, looping your slideshow will make all the difference. Adding music is easy in PowerPoint. A slideshow loop can be an effective way to keep viewers’ attention, making it an effective tool for presentation. You can renovate your outdated slideshows video with Filmora.

With its loop function, Filmora enables you to incorporate interesting dynamic effects into your videos. So what does it take to set up a PowerPoint loop video? You don’t need a lot of special programs or plugins to make your videos get looped on your presentations. Follow the above simple steps and you’ll have your videos getting looped in no time.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

So first off, we need to create a new project. On the left-hand side, you’ll see your media library and on the right-hand side, there’s a green button that says “create new project”. You’ll notice there are three sections: video, audio, and images. These play a key role in creating your final video so let’s talk about each one individually.

import video to loop

Step 2: Add Title and background to your Slideshow video

This step is totally up to you in which you can add some titles the starting your slideshow. It is not very necessary but gives your slide show a perfect look. It also allows you to select any plain background of any color. You can use multiple transitions, music, and effects to tell your story in exactly the way you want!

add title slideshow filmora

Step 3: Make copies of the Slideshow and add transitions

Lastly, make copies of your media or pictures you want to add to your slideshow. Filmora allows you to set the duration of your slideshow. After copying the pictures paste them where the video ends. Then continue pasting according to your requirements. Add a transition “Dissolve” from the Transitions Tab. When you complete your editing export your video to your desktop or where you want to store it.

copy slideshow video filmora

Benefits of looping Slideshare video in Filmora

There are many benefits of using a loop slideshow video in Filmora. First and foremost, a looping slideshow is a great way to create a presentation or video that is both engaging and professional. Additionally, looping a video makes it easy to keep audiences engaged and on foot, which is especially important for long videos or presentations.

Plus, looping can help to save on file size and memory usage, making it a great option for videos that will be shared online. Finally, looping can add an element of excitement and anticipation to a video, which can help to keep viewers engaged and coming back for more. You could also add animations between the slides that move differently than they would normally do.

Loop Slideshow Video in Filmora is a great option for you. It’s easy to use, and it has a wide range of options that allow you to customize your video output. You can even add music and sound effects to your videos! If you’re looking to make a loop slideshow video, this is the best software for it.

The Bottom Line

Slideshows are very popular, but they can sometimes seem a little boring. If you want to add something new, looping your slideshow will make all the difference. Adding music is easy in PowerPoint. A slideshow loop can be an effective way to keep viewers’ attention, making it an effective tool for presentation. You can renovate your outdated slideshows video with Filmora.

With its loop function, Filmora enables you to incorporate interesting dynamic effects into your videos. So what does it take to set up a PowerPoint loop video? You don’t need a lot of special programs or plugins to make your videos get looped on your presentations. Follow the above simple steps and you’ll have your videos getting looped in no time.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

So first off, we need to create a new project. On the left-hand side, you’ll see your media library and on the right-hand side, there’s a green button that says “create new project”. You’ll notice there are three sections: video, audio, and images. These play a key role in creating your final video so let’s talk about each one individually.

import video to loop

Step 2: Add Title and background to your Slideshow video

This step is totally up to you in which you can add some titles the starting your slideshow. It is not very necessary but gives your slide show a perfect look. It also allows you to select any plain background of any color. You can use multiple transitions, music, and effects to tell your story in exactly the way you want!

add title slideshow filmora

Step 3: Make copies of the Slideshow and add transitions

Lastly, make copies of your media or pictures you want to add to your slideshow. Filmora allows you to set the duration of your slideshow. After copying the pictures paste them where the video ends. Then continue pasting according to your requirements. Add a transition “Dissolve” from the Transitions Tab. When you complete your editing export your video to your desktop or where you want to store it.

copy slideshow video filmora

Benefits of looping Slideshare video in Filmora

There are many benefits of using a loop slideshow video in Filmora. First and foremost, a looping slideshow is a great way to create a presentation or video that is both engaging and professional. Additionally, looping a video makes it easy to keep audiences engaged and on foot, which is especially important for long videos or presentations.

Plus, looping can help to save on file size and memory usage, making it a great option for videos that will be shared online. Finally, looping can add an element of excitement and anticipation to a video, which can help to keep viewers engaged and coming back for more. You could also add animations between the slides that move differently than they would normally do.

Loop Slideshow Video in Filmora is a great option for you. It’s easy to use, and it has a wide range of options that allow you to customize your video output. You can even add music and sound effects to your videos! If you’re looking to make a loop slideshow video, this is the best software for it.

The Bottom Line

Slideshows are very popular, but they can sometimes seem a little boring. If you want to add something new, looping your slideshow will make all the difference. Adding music is easy in PowerPoint. A slideshow loop can be an effective way to keep viewers’ attention, making it an effective tool for presentation. You can renovate your outdated slideshows video with Filmora.

With its loop function, Filmora enables you to incorporate interesting dynamic effects into your videos. So what does it take to set up a PowerPoint loop video? You don’t need a lot of special programs or plugins to make your videos get looped on your presentations. Follow the above simple steps and you’ll have your videos getting looped in no time.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated 2024 Approved How to Loop a Video in Canva Editor
  • Author: Morgan
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 01:06:02
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 01:06:02
  • Link: https://ai-video-editing.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-how-to-loop-a-video-in-canva-editor/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated 2024 Approved How to Loop a Video in Canva Editor